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S09.E30: Bear


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I wish someone would stand up to Grandma Donna.  I have a legit psycho Mother in Law.  We cut off contact 7 hrs ago because she assaulted me in front of my daughter.  She still finds ways to send us messages threatening us.  I can’t stand psycho grandmas and I want to jump through the screen and tell Grandma Donna off.  That’s my trigger right there. Because I live it.  

  • Love 11

I agree with all of you. Chelsea handled Donna 100% perfectly. Donna needs to focus on her own damn son and stop blaming CHELSEA for Aubree's relationship with him, when he is a violent dead beat drug addict who has assaulted people under their roof. The Linds are enablers to the 10th power and its much easier to blame Chelsea than their "misunderstood son", you know the one who breaks people's arms. 

  • Love 19

I just about broke down into tears watching Isaac trying to hold back his. This whole Bear situation is just so shitty. I can't handle it. 

Donna really has some nerve. Telling Chelsea to quit punishing Adumb? GTFO of here with that. The loser doesn't even care about seeing his kid! 

Brianna and John's anticlimactic breakup was about as boring as their entire relationship. So I guess he felt the need to step it up with the manipulative texts from the hospital. I laughed so hard when Brittany commented about men being so dramatic. ALWAYS. 

Shawn knew his ass was moving back in full time. He brought the fucking flat screen with him!

I never watched their other show, but when the dude is sober he actually seems pretty cool. I just know how unreliable an addict is. I'm not optimistic. 

Jade is such a hit or miss, appearance wise. I thought she looked fucking STUNNING at her birthday dinner. But, wow, lime green and chokers are not her friends. 

I love how ambivalent Victoria was about the possibility of things not working out with her Costa Rican baby daddy. "A man doesn't define my life." Okay, but you have KIDS with these men. Yikes. 

Not gonna lie, I'd get pulled over just to get off the phone with Leah. 

  • LOL 5
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Yeah Cole's dramatics are annoying. "Well guess who will be answering the door?!" Referring to when Donna would pick up Aubrey. Boy please, you know you're not gonna do or say anything. Chelsea has even said that. Lol.

Oh Jade don't let him move in! Make him be responsible for himself and pay his bills and rent, ugh. Kloie doesn't need her parents living together if they're going to be screaming at each other all the time. Hopefully things get better with them though. 

I'm sure Leah was a little upset that Jeremy really didn't care about ending everything between them. He just wants you for hookups Leah. Her saying that "what if Jeremy says we should get back together"...uh no not gonna happen. But at least she realized that's what they needed to do. She would just be back to complaining more that he's never around, and always working. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I just about broke down into tears watching Isaac trying to hold back his. This whole Bear situation is just so shitty. I can't handle it. 

Jade is such a hit or miss, appearance wise. I thought she looked fucking STUNNING at her birthday dinner. But, wow, lime green and chokers are not her friends. 

Not gonna lie, I'd get pulled over just to get off the phone with Leah. 

Thanks for the warning regarding Isaac. I cannot deal with animals being put to sleep, kids being sad about it etc.. I fast forwarded through a lot of that. Was the dog in pain? It wasn't really clear. I will say this in regarding putting animals to sleep - if you have advance warning and you can afford it, have a mobile vet come to your house where the pet is more comfortable and less stressed. It makes such a difference.

Jade looked really put together at the dinner but then she looked like a Ross Dress for Less clearance rack, Vegas show girl at the bar.  I do like it when people take chances with their look even when it misses. Makes life more fun.

Leah's "tell me how you feeeel" made Jeremy try to crash his car, lol!

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Soobs said:

Thanks for the warning regarding Isaac. I cannot deal with animals being put to sleep, kids being sad about it etc.. I fast forwarded through a lot of that. Was the dog in pain? It wasn't really clear. I will say this in regarding putting animals to sleep - if you have advance warning and you can afford it, have a mobile vet come to your house where the pet is more comfortable and less stressed. It makes such a difference.

Jade looked really put together at the dinner but then she looked like a Ross Dress for Less clearance rack, Vegas show girl at the bar.  I do like it when people take chances with their look even when it misses. Makes life more fun.

Leah's "tell me how you feeeel" made Jeremy try to crash his car, lol!

He was panting a lot. Our lab had cancer.  In the end she panted nonstop. It was January. She wasn’t hot. 😞  I read and the vet told us they pant when they are in pain. She still ate and drank. But went downhill fast the month we found out. The panting was constant. It was heartbreaking. I had accepted and was ready. My husband was looking up miracles.  She was 14.  It had already spread all over.  She lay in our floor and we laid beside her and talked to her.  Said everything we wanted to say for that last month.  Finally we knew the time was right. I’m forever grateful we had that month to tell her everything we wanted and cuddle and love on her. 

Kail kept Bear kenneled because Chris didn’t like Bear and because she thought he was going potty in the house on purpose. 

  • Love 8

I've said a lot of bad things about Kail over the years.  She's selfish, manipulative and puts her drama with her baby daddies ahead of her children's needs.  But I do need to give her credit for tonight's episode.  Kail's children have always seemed like really good kids, and I think tonight's episode shows why.  She took the time to calmly explain to the children what would happen to Bear in an age appropriate way, and gave them the choice to come with her when he would be put down, and ended the conversation by hugging her son.  

Leah, Jeremy didn't show up for a free trip to Hawaii and cancelled your date without rescheduling.  You didn't need to have an awkward conversation to break up.  But if you insist on having one so we can all pretend you ended the relationship, instead of him not caring about you, please hang up after he says, "I agree with you" when you tell him you shouldn't be dating.  I know you kept hoping he'd argue with you, but this only makes you look even more pathetic.

It's hard to imagine this is the season finale since it doesn't seem like anything happened this season, except for Leah's brain dead sister getting pregnant from a one night stand.

Edited by kitkat343
  • Love 9
7 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

He didn’t look like he was in any pain to me.  In fact, he looked pretty energetic.  Anyone else think so?  

5 hours ago, Mkay said:

He was panting a lot. Our lab had cancer.  In the end she panted nonstop. It was January. She wasn’t hot. 😞  I read and the vet told us they pant when they are in pain.

This.  I lost my boxer mix a few years ago at age 12 to a hemangiosarcoma on her heart.  Since then, I've had two friends lose their pups (lab mix & a way too young golden) to the same thing.. The tumors grow on the blood organs, spleen, heart, liver, and the dogs don't show symptoms until the tumor has become very large and has metastasized.  My Lola was panting and breathing rapidly even while resting.  One xray later I was forced to make the tough decision.  In the end, it was what was best for her.  To bring her home only to have the tumor rupture and her collapse would've been selfish and way more traumatic.

I hate Kail and a lof of the decisions she makes.  However, I can't fault her for her decision on Bear.  She was heeding the advice of the veterinarians.  Hopefully, from that experience, she'll learn to be more in tune with how dogs show distress & pain.

Grandma Donna is a piece of work.  Chelsea handled that well.  Yes, Cole was goofy but I'm sure he does it to show Chelsea that he's supporting her. Whatever works for her.  Me, I like the stong silent type with a biting wit. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Chelsea acted maturely during the call.  Cole on the other hand needs to stop- what was that weird outburst??  He’s a weirdo and Chelsea’s trained monkey.  How can she respect him?

The best I can figure out with the over the top indignation was that he knew he'd have to do it at some point, and better to do it while Chelsea is distracted on the phone rather than have to do it later when Chelsea recounts the conversation word for word and he has to show his outrage when her attention is 100% focused on him.

I think Cole is probably a generally pretty nice guy, but he is just so...I'm not even sure how to describe him. I mean, like, Chelsea is the alpha in that relationship. Chelsea. If I were Cole's family I would just cringe watching him cater to her every need.

  • LOL 4
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2 hours ago, snarts said:

I hate Kail and a lof of the decisions she makes.  However, I can't fault her for her decision on Bear.  She was heeding the advice of the veterinarians.  Hopefully, from that experience, she'll learn to be more in tune with how dogs show distress & pain.

I agree. I also like how she sat down with Issac and Lincoln to explain things. Issac is such a sweet and sensitive soul, Kailyn doesn’t always deal well with that personality type (on her best days) but she did the right thing as a parent and a dog mom regarding Bear and how the boys would feel.

I also like that she allowed Issac and Lincoln to see her cry. My Mom was told by her father to never ever let me see her cry- “go cry in the shower so the girls don’t see, they need you to be strong.” I know he meant well (he Loved us fiercely), but it’s okay to show that you’re sad sometimes, especially when losing a beloved pet. 

  • Love 12

Leah I don't know how to put this any other way for you... YOU ARE A PIECE OF ASS TO JEREMY. He didn't have real feelings for you. You were just someone who would sleep with him! Regardless of how I feel about Kail personally. I think she's a good mom and I think her kids are the best behaved of the bunch. I wish that society had a million little Isaac's... Chelsea handled the situation very maturely. I would have told Adumb's mother to suck it! Cole is a nice guy. I just wish he'd man up. Brianna just seems like a miserable person but her kids are beautiful! Stella is gorgeous! Jade please don't get back together with Sean you are so much better without him. I don't want to watch another episode of you guys screaming at each other! 

  • Love 6

I think the deal with Cole is boredom.

Aubree’s situation is the only dramatic excitement in his life.

Cole also gets off because it is them that are in the position of power.

Well, in the very powerful position of....Opening the door!  🤣

I can see thru Grandma Donna just like Chelsea.

She wants to be able to have Aubree and her son over during the holidays and their monthly visits.

It is convenient for her!

This again.....is not Adam having a relationship with Aubree.  It is Donna having a relationship with her son and granddaughter.

Adam needs to show some effort at the....Visitation Center........first!

Grandpa Aubree was right on!  

How old is Aubree?


Well, Chels, you only got 8 more years of this!  🤣

Where did the time go?

Really, not much longer because at 12-14.....kids have a say in their custody arrangements. Aubree won’t spend the night if it becomes toxic with the pushy grandparents and she comes in contact with her dad while he is high.....or, badmouthing her mom’s family.

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Mkay said:

He was panting a lot. Our lab had cancer.  In the end she panted nonstop. It was January. She wasn’t hot. 😞  I read and the vet told us they pant when they are in pain. She still ate and drank. But went downhill fast the month we found out. The panting was constant. It was heartbreaking. I had accepted and was ready. My husband was looking up miracles.  She was 14.  It had already spread all over.  She lay in our floor and we laid beside her and talked to her.  Said everything we wanted to say for that last month.  Finally we knew the time was right. I’m forever grateful we had that month to tell her everything we wanted and cuddle and love on her. 

Kail kept Bear kenneled because Chris didn’t like Bear and because she thought he was going potty in the house on purpose. 

This same thing sort of happened with ours, with the non stop panting. Same type dog, same age. My most sincere sympathies and well wishes. We had 18 hours with ours, and I had the last little bit, with her in the vet's office, all alone, to tell her those things. I'm so so sorry. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Soobs said:

Thanks for the warning regarding Isaac. I cannot deal with animals being put to sleep, kids being sad about it etc.. I fast forwarded through a lot of that. Was the dog in pain? It wasn't really clear. I will say this in regarding putting animals to sleep - if you have advance warning and you can afford it, have a mobile vet come to your house where the pet is more comfortable and less stressed. It makes such a difference.

When her doc originally called last week (while Kail was at the VMAs with Leah), she seemed to convey that there were several options they could look at in regards to Bear's health. But, from my perspective, Kail just jumped right on the "Bear needs to be put down" option. I've heard that Chris really didn't like that dog, so I can't get the notion out of my mind that that influenced her quick decision. 

But I can't really attest to whether the dog was in pain, and how much. He seemed to be moving around just fine in this episode. But he was panting a lot; and Kail told Isaac that was a symptom of whatever was wrong with him. So I don't know. I realize it's a hard call - to determine are you really saving them or just prolonging their suffering. But Kail just seemed very hasty with this decision. 

That being said, I do think she handled the whole telling the kids and involving them aspect very well. When Kail isn't playing custody games with their fathers, she's actually a pretty decent mom. Isaac has to be my favourite kid out of the bunch. 

12 hours ago, Soobs said:

Leah's "tell me how you feeeel" made Jeremy try to crash his car, lol!

Seriously!!! She could only play "cool girl" for so long. It was inevitable that her demanding ways would come back out. She basically told him they needed to call things off because it was confusing Addie. And when he was like, "I'm cool with that", it wasn't good enough. Same with Brianna and John. It's like they were trying to force their men to fight for them and both men called their bluffs. I laughed so hard. 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

This same thing sort of happened with ours, with the non stop panting. Same type dog, same age. My most sincere sympathies and well wishes. We had 18 hours with ours, and I had the last little bit, with her in the vet's office, all alone, to tell her those things. I'm so so sorry. 

It will be 4 yrs in January.  We are ok. We talk about her often and have another wild little black lab (this time.  Chocolate was well, Chocolate Lab). We tease that Chocolate would be annoyed with Luna.  Chocolate was calm and sweet. Luna is wild and goofy. Hahaha She helped heal our heart.  I’m so sorry about your dog.  Gosh, they are so much like our kids.  It hurts. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

When her doc originally called last week (while Kail was at the VMAs with Leah), she seemed to convey that there were several options they could look at in regards to Bear's health. But, from my perspective, Kail just jumped right on the "Bear needs to be put down" option. I've heard that Chris really didn't like that dog, so I can't get the notion out of my mind that that influenced her quick decision. 

But I can't really attest to whether the dog was in pain, and how much. He seemed to be moving around just fine in this episode. But he was panting a lot; and Kail told Isaac that was a symptom of whatever was wrong with him. So I don't know. I realize it's a hard call - to determine are you really saving them or just prolonging their suffering. But Kail just seemed very hasty with this decision. 

That being said, I do think she handled the whole telling the kids and involving them aspect very well. When Kail isn't playing custody games with their fathers, she's actually a pretty decent mom. Isaac has to be my favourite kid out of the bunch. 

Seriously!!! She could only play "cool girl" for so long. It was inevitable that her demanding ways would come back out. She basically told him they needed to call things off because it was confusing Addie. And when he was like, "I'm cool with that", it wasn't good enough. Same with Brianna and John. It's like they were trying to force their men to fight for them and both men called their bluffs. I laughed so hard. 

Constant panting is a sign of pain. 😞 Our Chocolate panted constantly. There were signs she missed because she was so engrossed in Chris.  Since Chris didn’t like Bear she kept him kenneled.  Our dog still ate, still walked, did everything normal.  We got the diagnosis the day after Christmas. We had exactly one month left with her.  The last days it hurt her to lay down.  She stopped eating the last day.  We knew that was it.  😢 Our daughter was also 10. I gave her the option of going to school or coming with us.  (I had a friend die when I was 10 and my mom didn’t allow me to go to that funeral and say goodbye. It still bothers me) She wanted to go.  In the end I couldn’t stay with Chocolate.  My husband did.  She was hugged and loved until the end. 

I’m glad Kail gave her kids the option of going but she seemed to only give them minutes to prepare and say goodbye.  She did the same thing when Javi came home from overseas. “Oh yea by the way Javi won’t live here anymore.  Isaac you won’t have a bedroom in his new house.” Just Bam!  



  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Constant panting is a sign of pain. 😞 Our Chocolate panted constantly. There were signs she missed because she was so engrossed in Chris.  Since Chris didn’t like Bear she kept him kenneled.  Our dog still ate, still walked, did everything normal.  We got the diagnosis the day after Christmas. We had exactly one month left with her.  The last days it hurt her to lay down.  She stopped eating the last day.  We knew that was it.  😢 Our daughter was also 10. I gave her the option of going to school or coming with us.  (I had a friend die when I was 10 and my mom didn’t allow me to go to that funeral and say goodbye. It still bothers me) She wanted to go.  In the end I couldn’t stay with Chocolate.  My husband did.  She was hugged and loved until the end. 

I’m glad Kail gave her kids the option of going but she seemed to only give them minutes to prepare and say goodbye.  She did the same thing when Javi came home from overseas. “Oh yea by the way Javi won’t live here anymore.  Isaac you won’t have a bedroom in his new house.” Just Bam!  



I love your dog so much.  Beautiful! 

I am a doggy Mom. My oldest turned 9. Has been with my since 6 weeks and never left my side.  Even lived with me in China....which I had to fight for really hard. 

I think Kail made the right decision.  I would rather have the choice to put her down humanely at the vet.  Rather than, wake up in my house and find her not alive. I would not even want her alive sick and suffering.  This is human behavior.  Humans that are terminally ill hold on for us.  They suffer greatly during end of life to please their living survivors.  And, also scare to die. 

But, this is not the deal for our canine babies.  We need to stop their suffering and let them go humanely. 

 The chat with the boys was very mature and respectable. 

  • Love 6

Last fall we lost our Golden retriever due to a hemangiosarcoma. Same thing—panting constantly and started to urinate in the house. The vet said they’d see what they could do, but it turned out to be metastatic. We made the decision to put her down after work, but she died before we could get to the vet’s. Thankfully, the kind vet laid down with her at the end. It still breaks my heart that we didn’t act sooner and weren’t there.

So regarding Kail, as much as I dislike her personality, in this case she did the right thing, imo. 

Chelsea was calmer than I would’ve been with grandma Donna. Donna just wants to somehow “fix” Adam by engineering daddy/daughter time and family togetherness. It doesn’t work, anyway. Adam needs to fix himself and make the effort on his own to have a relationship with his daughter.

  • Love 4

Finally caught up on this shit-show. 

Donna doesn't have a leg to stand on in her battle with Chelsea. Given Adam's history, the visitation center is an acceptable compromise until he proves he can be trusted with Aubree. If Adam isn't willing to do that, there's nothing else to discuss. 

Lol, at Victoria heading to divorce court while pregnant with another man's baby. Classy stuff. 

Jade, Jade, Jade. Please don't fall for "finally feeling like a family." Let Sean be employed and sober for several years before you go that route. He's on his best behavior because he has nowhere else to go. 

Briana, whatever, who cares. 

Watching Isaac get so upset over Bear was heartbreaking. 

  • Love 6

Having had to put our last dog down a few years ago at the age of 15, I found it difficult to watch last night's episode without some tears. I have been a huge critic of Kail for her poor decisions, cheating and critiques of her boys fathers in front of them and the way she goes through friendships and treats people in general...but I will commend her for her heartfelt and well thought way she explained to her boys what was going with Bear and what was going to happen. She did not talk down to them and gave them a choice if they wanted to go with her to the vet with no judgements or condescension. It broke my heart to see Issac's reaction and it was a testament to Kail...no matter what she is or says or does she has managed to raise (so far) three sweet and bonded boys. Issac seems particularly sensitive and kind. They are all coming along quite nicely despite all the upheaval in their lives with different dads and Kail's issues. So I will give her an A+ for a great job as a mom in this situation and for having three good kids who display kindness, empathy and love.

Chelsea handled Grandma Donna just fine. If she were to blow her stack and yell at her or attack her, that would have been fodder for Grandma Donna to go back to court and use it against Chelsea. Adams' parents are sad, pathetic enablers that now have a grown adult son living with them with no job, a substance abuse problem and no future. They need counseling in order to get his life back on track...but they seem to be fine with blaming all of this on everyone else.

Leah...Jeremy is a jerk and really not a nice guy at all. How many engagements has he had since his divorce from Leah? Two? Three? He needs to be kicked to the curb and just maintain a good working coparenting relationship with him and move on.

Brianna...WTF? One. minute you want this guy to give up a good job with good benefits to move down and live with you and the next minute you're dumping him via text? John...be glad you got out of this when you did! Brianna will never leave her mother and sister...they are all locked in for life.

Jade...another enabler. She has finally drawn the line with her parents but is now enabling Shawn...again. This guy has no ambition, gumption or life plan. She will always be paying his bills and allow him to freeload off of her because he is the father of her child...which should be the reason she should MAKE him go out, get a job or go back to school for a skill and do the right thing by his daughter by contributing to support her financially as well as emotionally. This relationship is codependent...Jade is just recreating a codependent relationship with Shawn that she has had with her parents all her life. She needs to stop this destructive cycle.

  • Love 3

Kail is such a cold hearted bitch for allowing this to be filmed.  The first thing Isaac did when she told him about Bear was look at the camera. Poor boy wanted to cry but wouldn't because of the cameras.  She should have at least told him before filming that scene.  

Every time i see clips of the show ( I haven't been a regular watcher in years but i watch some clips) I loathe her even more. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Mkay said:

It will be 4 yrs in January.  We are ok. We talk about her often and have another wild little black lab (this time.  Chocolate was well, Chocolate Lab). We tease that Chocolate would be annoyed with Luna.  Chocolate was calm and sweet. Luna is wild and goofy. Hahaha She helped heal our heart.  I’m so sorry about your dog.  Gosh, they are so much like our kids.  It hurts. 

I tell my kids I liked the dog better. She didnt sulk 🙂

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2 hours ago, Rescue Mama said:

Kail is such a cold hearted bitch for allowing this to be filmed.  The first thing Isaac did when she told him about Bear was look at the camera. Poor boy wanted to cry but wouldn't because of the cameras.  She should have at least told him before filming that scene.  

Every time i see clips of the show ( I haven't been a regular watcher in years but i watch some clips) I loathe her even more. 

I noticed his look to the camera, too, and I felt so bad for him having it filmed. He really does seem like a sweet boy.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Adiba said:

Last fall we lost our Golden retriever due to a hemangiosarcoma. Same thing—panting constantly and started to urinate in the house. The vet said they’d see what they could do, but it turned out to be metastatic. We made the decision to put her down after work, but she died before we could get to the vet’s. Thankfully, the kind vet laid down with her at the end. It still breaks my heart that we didn’t act sooner and weren’t there.

I just want to let you know that I work as a veterinary receptionist and when this happens, we really do lay down with your babies. ❤️

Kail does a lot wrong but she did this right.

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, Rescue Mama said:

Kail is such a cold hearted bitch for allowing this to be filmed.  The first thing Isaac did when she told him about Bear was look at the camera. Poor boy wanted to cry but wouldn't because of the cameras.  She should have at least told him before filming that scene.  

Every time i see clips of the show ( I haven't been a regular watcher in years but i watch some clips) I loathe her even more. 

Kail handled “the talk” really well... except for f-ing putting the poor kids on tv!  I hate her for doing that to her kids.  

  • Love 8

I might have to skip this episode. I have a hard time watching any show at any time when it deals with a pet passing but especially hard right now. My cat died unexpectedly about a month ago during was was suppose to be a simple surgery to remove some growths (that were likely cancer). She had some minor kidney issues but bloodwork looked pretty good but in the end she just couldn’t handle the anesthesia. Sucks so bad expecting them to come home and then they don’t. 

  • Love 2

Sweet sweet Isaac. That boy. 

Mkay your doggie has the sweetest face. 

My 14 1/2 year old best buddy ( and my late husband’s ) had to be euthanized a year ago This December, so damn hard.  He had radiation and chemo was in remission but it was a terminal cancer.  He let me know when it was time.   The reading I did, and I did a lot said that no one regrets doing it too soon but would if you waited too long.  He was hiding ,denning alternating with good normal days. That being said ,she asked right away is it something where he would need to be put down and seemed like she wanted to just go to the award show ,leaving him at Vets.  It was really crappy to film that discussion. She was doing damage control. Didn’t work. 
 I loved my guy so much I would have given him a kidney if he needed it.   

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Kail handled “the talk” really well... except for f-ing putting the poor kids on tv!  I hate her for doing that to her kids.  

You have a point, there.  When watching, it looks like Kail is having a quiet, private chat with her sons-- but really there's at least a producer, camera person and sound person there-- not to mention the TV viewing audience.

Isaac is of the age where he realizes that many people will see this, not only strangers but those he knows and some who he may not want to see it.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Sweet sweet Isaac. That boy. 

Mkay your doggie has the sweetest face. 

My 14 1/2 year old best buddy ( and my late husband’s ) had to be euthanized a year ago This December, so damn hard.  He had radiation and chemo was in remission but it was a terminal cancer.  He let me know when it was time.   The reading I did, and I did a lot said that no one regrets doing it too soon but would if you waited too long.  He was hiding ,denning alternating with good normal days. That being said ,she asked right away is it something where he would need to be put down and seemed like she wanted to just go to the award show ,leaving him at Vets.  It was really crappy to film that discussion. She was doing damage control. Didn’t work. 
 I loved my guy so much I would have given him a kidney if he needed it.   

Thank you. I’m so sorry for your loss.  💜

You are absolutely right about Kail.  

  • Love 4

Poor Bear. I saw the name of the episode and assumed it was about him. He seemed to be a great dog. I had a Rottie/Mastiff mix (140-lbs and lived to 14!) that he reminded me of. Rottie’s are awesome dogs - in the right hands. 

It’s hard to make the decision to put a dog down. I made a bad mistake with my 17-yr old Chow/Lab (yes - you read that right - she was 17). I realized later keeping her alive so long was for me, not her. She was with me all my adult “formative” years. Got her when I was 25. We called her the Black Widow. She outlived two brothers (Akita/Border Collie heartbreakingly died of bloat at six, and Gator below). Also two cats and potentially my best friend’s 96-yr old Grandmother. We used to give her intravenous fluids at home about twice a week for the last couple of years or so of her life. She was in diapers the last nine months. Mr. DC stayed with the mobile vet when we finally put her down (I was hiding in the master bathroom). 

I gave her shit about the Penny thing (Frenchies have big vet bills - and she’s young - is she still around?). But knowing Bear was pretty old at this point and not knowing what was wrong with him (I assume cancer), I can’t say she didn’t do the right thing.

My poor Gator (Akita/Lab) died at eight of hemangiosarcoma of the heart. That really sucked. I spent a lot of money to try and keep him around for at most a year, but he died on the operating table while cutting a hole in his pericardium sac two weeks after diagnosed. Probably a good thing though I’d do the same again. Funny thing is he acted completely normal until the day he started peeing blood. Four years ago and he’s still the screensaver on my phone. 

Edited by Jennifersdc
One word
  • Love 1
On 11/27/2019 at 2:03 PM, Mkay said:

It will be 4 yrs in January.  We are ok. We talk about her often and have another wild little black lab (this time.  Chocolate was well, Chocolate Lab). We tease that Chocolate would be annoyed with Luna.  Chocolate was calm and sweet. Luna is wild and goofy. Hahaha She helped heal our heart.  I’m so sorry about your dog.  Gosh, they are so much like our kids.  It hurts. 

We now have our Mimi (name was Macadamia - she was from the “nut” litter at Great Pyr rescue, shortened to Mia) and we call her Mimi cause she’s all about her and what we can do for her. She healed our heart too. We have no kids by choice.

Funny what distinct personalities dogs have. We joke that our former rescues were (1) thrown out into the street - Lily, (2) in jail - Trouble (he destroyed a screen door of his former owners and the wife took him to the shelter - her husband apparently came screaming to the ASPCA later to get his dog back - they wouldn’t do it and asked me to adopt him) (3) tied to a tree - Gator. All were about four or so months when we got them and only wanted to please us (including my soulmate Utah - the Rottie/mastiff). Well, maybe except Trouble. If he had posable thumbs - he’d have been contemplating world domination.

Mimi was picked up from a farm in Louisiana with the rest of her litter at 8-wks and her life has been all butterflies and milk bones. Lily would have hated her. The boys would have loved her.

Maybe the dog stories are getting off topic - but reading all the comments has been very therapeutic for me.

  • Love 6
46 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

We now have our Mimi (name was Macadamia - she was from the “nut” litter at Great Pyr rescue, shortened to Mia) and we call her Mimi cause she’s all about her and what we can do for her. She healed our heart too. We have no kids by choice.

Funny what distinct personalities dogs have. We joke that our former rescues were (1) thrown out into the street - Lily, (2) in jail - Trouble (he destroyed a screen door of his former owners and the wife took him to the shelter - her husband apparently came screaming to the ASPCA later to get his dog back - they wouldn’t do it and asked me to adopt him) (3) tied to a tree - Gator. All were about four or so months when we got them and only wanted to please us (including my soulmate Utah - the Rottie/mastiff). Well, maybe except Trouble. If he had posable thumbs - he’d have been contemplating world domination.

Mimi was picked up from a farm in Louisiana with the rest of her litter at 8-wks and her life has been all butterflies and milk bones. Lily would have hated her. The boys would have loved her.

Maybe the dog stories are getting off topic - but reading all the comments has been very therapeutic for me.

I’d love to hear more doggy stories in off topic. We could share stories and pics.  ❤️

  • Love 3

Lol at Cole stating so “boldly” that he would be answering the door the next day Donna calls, and then he does so but doesn’t say one word, doesn’t even step out to her 🤣 I know he is a nice guy but how is his lack of manliness attractive to Chelsea..!

agree with everyone re Kail handling that situation well, except for maybe the cameras filming it. Equally though, when this is her job and livelihood to provide for her children, it must be a tough balance between hiding parts of your life and still showing your life & your story 🤷🏼‍♀️ Her boys are so sweet and well behaved. 

I may be the only softie on this forum but i wish people would give Jade & Leah a break re their men. Both girls wanting to make it work with their baby daddies is every teen mom we’ve seen if you ask me, so it must be a natural instinct. Obv I don’t condone unhealthy relationships, but these girls have good intentions.

I found it heartbreaking to hear how Jeremy spoke to Leah, he is so emotionally unavailable. He Wouldn’t give her the courtesy of a proper conversation to end things. Of course she was hoping he would put up a bit of a fight for her, all she wants is for her feelings to be reciprocated, isn’t that all girls?! Why is she being criticised so heavily for thinking that he might have feelings for her again when he started hanging out with her & hooking up with her, but he doesn’t get criticised for using her and yes I do think leading her on? He asked her out to dinner etc. showing interest then removing that interest again, playing stupid games, yet she is the one being blamed for “falling for it”. I just hate double standards for men & women! 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, BARISTA said:

Lol at Cole stating so “boldly” that he would be answering the door the next day Donna calls, and then he does so but doesn’t say one word, doesn’t even step out to her 🤣 I know he is a nice guy but how is his lack of manliness attractive to Chelsea..!

agree with everyone re Kail handling that situation well, except for maybe the cameras filming it. Equally though, when this is her job and livelihood to provide for her children, it must be a tough balance between hiding parts of your life and still showing your life & your story 🤷🏼‍♀️ Her boys are so sweet and well behaved. 

I may be the only softie on this forum but i wish people would give Jade & Leah a break re their men. Both girls wanting to make it work with their baby daddies is every teen mom we’ve seen if you ask me, so it must be a natural instinct. Obv I don’t condone unhealthy relationships, but these girls have good intentions.

I found it heartbreaking to hear how Jeremy spoke to Leah, he is so emotionally unavailable. He Wouldn’t give her the courtesy of a proper conversation to end things. Of course she was hoping he would put up a bit of a fight for her, all she wants is for her feelings to be reciprocated, isn’t that all girls?! Why is she being criticised so heavily for thinking that he might have feelings for her again when he started hanging out with her & hooking up with her, but he doesn’t get criticised for using her and yes I do think leading her on? He asked her out to dinner etc. showing interest then removing that interest again, playing stupid games, yet she is the one being blamed for “falling for it”. I just hate double standards for men & women! 

Jeremy is just such a dud. He wants her when he wants her but when she shows interest back, he pulls away. I think Leah needs to cut her losses with him. They were already married. He still works the same hours as he did when they were married. I know I wouldn't want to put up with it. Yes, he's one of the only people in the teen mom franchise that has a job, so kudos to him.. but hes home like 2 days out of the month and that's not easy for anyone to deal with. I think they're just both bored so they want each other, but if they found anyone else.. they wouldn't be interested in rekindling the romance.

  • Love 4
On 12/4/2019 at 5:34 AM, BARISTA said:

Lol at Cole stating so “boldly” that he would be answering the door the next day Donna calls, and then he does so but doesn’t say one word, doesn’t even step out to her 🤣 I know he is a nice guy but how is his lack of manliness attractive to Chelsea..!

agree with everyone re Kail handling that situation well, except for maybe the cameras filming it. Equally though, when this is her job and livelihood to provide for her children, it must be a tough balance between hiding parts of your life and still showing your life & your story 🤷🏼‍♀️ Her boys are so sweet and well behaved. 

I may be the only softie on this forum but i wish people would give Jade & Leah a break re their men. Both girls wanting to make it work with their baby daddies is every teen mom we’ve seen if you ask me, so it must be a natural instinct. Obv I don’t condone unhealthy relationships, but these girls have good intentions.

I found it heartbreaking to hear how Jeremy spoke to Leah, he is so emotionally unavailable. He Wouldn’t give her the courtesy of a proper conversation to end things. Of course she was hoping he would put up a bit of a fight for her, all she wants is for her feelings to be reciprocated, isn’t that all girls?! Why is she being criticised so heavily for thinking that he might have feelings for her again when he started hanging out with her & hooking up with her, but he doesn’t get criticised for using her and yes I do think leading her on? He asked her out to dinner etc. showing interest then removing that interest again, playing stupid games, yet she is the one being blamed for “falling for it”. I just hate double standards for men & women! 

I agree with you.  I like Leah much more than Chelsea, which is an unpopular opinion on this forum.  Leah has overcome a lot more, with having a disabled child and coming back from opioid addiction.  All these girls want to have a man around, and I think Jeremy is the one who got away for Leah, and he was certainly leading her on this season.

  • Love 7
On 12/4/2019 at 5:34 AM, BARISTA said:

Why is she being criticised so heavily for thinking that he might have feelings for her again when he started hanging out with her & hooking up with her, but he doesn’t get criticised for using her and yes I do think leading her on? He asked her out to dinner etc. showing interest then removing that interest again, playing stupid games, yet she is the one being blamed for “falling for it”. I just hate double standards for men & women! 

I didn't want to crop down your entire post but I'm having some weird issues with quote so a cut and paste worked better. I completely agree there are double standards for men and women, in general, and probably partial in this case, too.

But, as far as this forum goes, we have seen the same song and dance from Leah since day one. Wants Robbie when she has Corey, when Corey shuts her out and so does Robbie, she wants Corey. Gets with Germy wants Corey, Breaks up with Germy at a Tell Nothing because she expects Corey to take her back. Corey moves on to Miranda and Leah settles for Germy, he begins cheating on her non-stop, and I think proof was only provided once, by the tattoo model who actually hadn't slept with him, but I believe the rest of them were true, too. Leah cheats with Corey right after he marries Miranda, but I think the timeline fell where she wasn't with anyone else, only Corey was.

Both Corey and Germy took heat for their actions, Leah took heat for her cheating with married Corey, Corey received support here for trying to get his kids away from Leah when she was using, he even suggested not doing it through Court, continuing to pay the same child support but giving him more time and was thoroughly trashed, along with Germy, for not trying to help Leah.

The show eventually made her go to rehab and her mom sabotaged it by telling her Corey wasn't going to give the kids back when all he said was she was not taking the girlses to see Leah if she wasn't going to tell him where it was. When Corey was trying to keep everything out of court just get the girls more time, Delta Dawn shut it down by telling Leah, "That don't make no sense."

The moment it looks like she is moving forward in her life, she returns to past behaviors that always end poorly for her. She will admit that she knows Germy doesn't want any more than a booty call and claim that's all she wants, too, then gets upset that he isn't giving her any more than that. She creates this fantasy in her head and reads everything in a way that supports that fantasy. She's made great moves in her life, like deciding she didn't want to be with the physical trainer and breaking up peacefully without drama, and decided the last man she was seeing was not a healthy relationship for her and breaks it off. Then, hooks up with Germy and thinks they are getting remarried. 

It's just arrrrggh. Not this again Leah!!

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