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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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This whole custody thing is so tiresome. Michael should agree to joint custody and then as Nelle does something wrong, take her back into court. This whole "I will only accept sole custody" is ridiculous. But then, Carly and Sonny have always wanted sole possession (Michael, Avery).

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Bobbie could lose her nursing license.

Yes. It's a silly mistake though. Nurses aren't doctors.

5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

The fact that Valentin changed his mind after barely a day as far as walking away from Charlotte pretty much proves he was just manipulating Laura to get to Lulu. I'm surprised Laura fell for it.

I don't know why Charlotte is so attached to Wyndamere, but does she not know that Wyndamere is her uncle and cousin's home? That, if she wanted, her mother would take her to visit?

I think it shows that he learned that walking away from Charlotte like that was the wrong thing to do because it was going to mess her up even more than he would by being in her life.

Charlotte had an untethered early life; when Lulu came into it the one constant was her father. Is Valentin a bad man?  Yes. But he loves Charlotte and Charlotte loves him. Lulu's insistence on detaching Charlotte from Valentin and constantly being against Valentin, as Charlotte is well aware, cost her in terms of Charlotte's affection. Why would Charlotte grow to love a woman who constantly is fighting her beloved father? She's not a package to be handed back to whoever provided the egg.  Lulu mishandled it badly. (Also I"m pretty sure Lulu didn't complain like that when Nikolas gave Spencer all those perks of wealth or when Sonny bought her and Dante the house.)

Charlotte isn't attached to Windermere per se, she's attached to her life there with Valentin and Nina. That is what she wants back.

51 minutes ago, driver18 said:

So, yes, both of their licenses could go bye-bye and the hospital could very easily be found liable for millions and millions of dollars.

I'm don't know the rules of HIPAA but under the rules of PHIPA which is the Canadian act, losing medical information is a big no-no and it is the immediate responsibility of the professional to report it. The hospital would be liable to be sued for that. Carly is stupid for forging Nelle's signature but it's typical Carly. Bobbie, who is a nurse and aware of the regulations, is far more liable for destroying the paper.

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17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I think it shows that he learned that walking away from Charlotte like that was the wrong thing to do because it was going to mess her up even more than he would by being in her life.

Charlotte had an untethered early life; when Lulu came into it the one constant was her father. Is Valentin a bad man?  Yes. But he loves Charlotte and Charlotte loves him. Lulu's insistence on detaching Charlotte from Valentin and constantly being against Valentin, as Charlotte is well aware, cost her in terms of Charlotte's affection. Why would Charlotte grow to love a woman who constantly is fighting her beloved father? She's not a package to be handed back to whoever provided the egg.  Lulu mishandled it badly. (Also I"m pretty sure Lulu didn't complain like that when Nikolas gave Spencer all those perks of wealth or when Sonny bought her and Dante the house.)

Charlotte isn't attached to Windermere per se, she's attached to her life there with Valentin and Nina. That is what she wants back.

I'm don't know the rules of HIPAA but under the rules of PHIPA which is the Canadian act, losing medical information is a big no-no and it is the immediate responsibility of the professional to report it. The hospital would be liable to be sued for that. Carly is stupid for forging Nelle's signature but it's typical Carly. Bobbie, who is a nurse and aware of the regulations, is far more liable for destroying the paper.

I agree completely with every word re: Valentine, Charlotte and Lulu.

I do know HIPAA, I work in the medical field and that's pretty similar and that's why I mentioned it. Bobbie and Monica doing a gleeful fist-bump after Bobbie shredded a legal, document was so utterly unethical and egregious, I almost gagged. That the writers believe that it made anyone who works anywhere in any kind of medical capacity or knows anyone who does and mentions this aspect of the story not see the Corinthii in the wrong is unbelievable.

And I'm not sure that they don't. Diane made it clear they were wrong. Nelle is bringing a lawsuit. Nelle pointed out it wasn't bogus. And, again, Nelle is walking away from a lot of money--and walked away from bringing a legitimate and likely provable charge of involuntary attempted manslaughter against Carly--all to be with Wiley.

She's proving her case that she wants to be with her son. The Corinthii? Not so much.

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6 minutes ago, driver18 said:

Bobbie and Monica doing a gleeful fist-bump after Bobbie shredded a legal, document was so utterly unethical and egregious, I almost gagged.

Seriously. That whole plot point was so badly handled. All Nelle wanted was someone to calmly explain the procedure and why it had to happen that second. But no, since it was Nelle, her concerns were dismissed as unreasonable and unloving toward Wiley.

That was a bad mistake by the writers. We were definitely supposed to think Nelle was being petty and controlling, and while there was certainly an element of that, she was asking questions any concerned parent would ask.

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5 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I don’t know what to say about this episode. Michael and Willow hitting the tree made me irrationally angry and I still don’t care about any of their angst. I don’t fell sorry for Michael or Monica and Bobbie for that matter. Nelle is right and it’s impossible to root for the “good side” in this when they’re are the ones being shady. It doesn’t help that Nelle is infinitely more entertaining than Michael/Willow/Sasha/Chase combined.

The Carly and Sasha scenes were almost the same as the Chase and Finn ones and of course they had to have Carly see through the lie. I also didn’t get the point of the Julian/Brook Lynn scene. The only guess I could come up with is that Dustin is somehow involved with Cyrus and tells him so that Cyrus now has something to force Julian’s hand. 

I've always been suspicious of Dustin since popped up out of nowhere at the docks to come to the rescue of --someone--who was it?  Anyway, he's too good to be true.  I've always figured he's in league with Cyrus.   

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So I binged yesterday and today. Well, what there was of original content anyway. And I’m left with one burning question that I haven’t seen addressed: did KeMo have major work done on her face? At first I thought it was just hair hair but the more I looked at her, the worse her face looked. Like she had lip and cheek fillers. And maybe Botox. I may not think much of her acting these days but I’ve always thought she was a beautiful woman. Now she just looks plastic!

On topic: is it wrong that I wanted that tree to hit back? Seriously, WTF?

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2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

So I binged yesterday and today. Well, what there was of original content anyway. And I’m left with one burning question that I haven’t seen addressed: did KeMo have major work done on her face? At first I thought it was just hair hair but the more I looked at her, the worse her face looked. Like she had lip and cheek fillers. And maybe Botox. I may not think much of her acting these days but I’ve always thought she was a beautiful woman. Now she just looks plastic!

On topic: is it wrong that I wanted that tree to hit back? Seriously, WTF?

It looks like KM overdid it on fillers or they haven’t settled yet. 

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2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

And I’m left with one burning question that I haven’t seen addressed: did KeMo have major work done on her face? At first I thought it was just hair hair but the more I looked at her, the worse her face looked.

I posed that question the other day.  Definitely looks like she went to a plastic surgeon and said "fill 'er up!"

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5 hours ago, driver18 said:

And I'm not sure that they don't. Diane made it clear they were wrong. Nelle is bringing a lawsuit. Nelle pointed out it wasn't bogus. And, again, Nelle is walking away from a lot of money--and walked away from bringing a legitimate and likely provable charge of involuntary attempted manslaughter against Carly--all to be with Wiley.


But Michael was right when he said that both Bobbie and Monica would be willing to lose everything rather than have Michael lose Wylie to Nelle. Yeah Nelle offered to give up the payout for sole custody of Wylie, but no one on Michael's side is concerned about the money. They rightly or wrongly believe that Wylie would be harmed if Nelle has any access to him. Until the court makes them do otherwise, they are going to do everything in their power to keep Nelle away from Wylie. That is their motivation for the whole custody suit.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that the tree hitting scene was effed up! OMG made me so mad! Also, just a terrible scene in general. They could've crossed paths at the boxing gym, ran into one another on the pier and then smashed some wooden crates, even convened somehow at the metro court to smash some glassware when the bar was closed. Or, speaking of glassware, meet at Sonny's where there is always an entire cabinet of glass ready to be thrown and smashed at any given moment. That will always survive any remodel of Mooby's abode.

Yes, Sasha, have Chase get you something stronger than water and then have an unbridled night of forbidden passion and make this snooze fest feel like a soap again. 

I always enjoy the Brando scenes because the actor is just good. He even manages to elevate KeMo above a whisper and gets Mo to memorize a few lines so that's impressive. Watching today's episode that featured both Brando and Michael scenes I realized Wactor would make a way better Michael than Duell. 

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56 minutes ago, nilyank said:

But Michael was right when he said that both Bobbie and Monica would be willing to lose everything rather than have Michael lose Wylie to Nelle.

The problem here is that if Nelle's lawyer proves that there were shenanigans around the consent form, Monica and Bobbie will not only lose their licenses, it is going to look very bad for Michael in terms of custody, both grandmothers involved in illegal tampering and he's living in the house of one of them.

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On 4/29/2020 at 11:28 PM, 30 Helens said:


Re. Corinthos remodel: I had no attachment to the old living room (although I always found it oddly small for such a Wealthy Important Coffee Mogul), so I don’t really mind the redo. But it does seem rather cold and sterile, with all the marble and the lighted shelf cubicles. Kind of reminds me of a waiting room at a dermatology practice


What really cracks me up are that some of the shelves are filled with books.  They’re probably hollowed-out hiding places for guns, because I cannot imagine either of these two boneheads actually reading a book.

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9 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I posed that question the other day.  Definitely looks like she went to a plastic surgeon and said "fill 'er up!"

(sigh) WHY must they destroy their looks? 

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15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

(Also I"m pretty sure Lulu didn't complain like that when Nikolas gave Spencer all those perks of wealth or when Sonny bought her and Dante the house.)

Sonny didn't buy them the house. They were looking at a house and someone else already had it under contract, he got them to relinquish it, which they didn't know about. Should they have guessed it? Yes, but this is GH, where Willow can't figure out Chase and Sasha set her up.

Edited by ulkis
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8 hours ago, nilyank said:

But Michael was right when he said that both Bobbie and Monica would be willing to lose everything rather than have Michael lose Wylie to Nelle. Yeah Nelle offered to give up the payout for sole custody of Wylie, but no one on Michael's side is concerned about the money. They rightly or wrongly believe that Wylie would be harmed if Nelle has any access to him. Until the court makes them do otherwise, they are going to do everything in their power to keep Nelle away from Wylie. That is their motivation for the whole custody suit.

Then he's fucking delusional, that SLS. Especially since we all know that neither Monica or Bobbie are full-time great gammas. It's all galactically stupid and just plot!plot! Under different writers, we would have had someone give a truth telling to Bobbie about her own history with Lucas. Hell, under different writers, we wouldn't have had Monica or Bobbie violate HIPPA just because they didn't like the mother of their great grand child. SLS can spew all the shit he wants, but it doesn't make it true. Unless we SAW Monica of the unmoving face and giant choppers and Bobbie of the same face, tell him so? ONSCREEN?

Yes, I'm feeling particularly mean and nasty.

Why? Because Nelle isn't any different than the SheBeast, who used the SLS as a weapon. The only harm I've seen Nelle do to Wiley, is hold him up so Chase wouldn't shoot her. Did she hold a knife to her son's throat and try to escape? No. And I say this as someone who doesn't care for Nelle--okay, maybe a little, but only when she's needling the SheBeast. Because there's no one else left on the show that will. You know, like ROBIN.

7 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:


Yes, Sasha, have Chase get you something stronger than water and then have an unbridled night of forbidden passion and make this snooze fest feel like a soap again. 

I always enjoy the Brando scenes because the actor is just good. He even manages to elevate KeMo above a whisper and gets Mo to memorize a few lines so that's impressive. Watching today's episode that featured both Brando and Michael scenes I realized Wactor would make a way better Michael than Duell. 

Are you telling me they both had sex for REAL now? UGH.

While I also enjoy the actor playing Brando, I don't want him anywhere near SheBeast or Sam. And I didn't see any elevation in Kelly's acting during her "threatening" him scenes.

7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The problem here is that if Nelle's lawyer proves that there were shenanigans around the consent form, Monica and Bobbie will not only lose their licenses, it is going to look very bad for Michael in terms of custody, both grandmothers involved in illegal tampering and he's living in the house of one of them.

I have no words. This show has devolved into one that I haven't recognized in a loooong time, but what Monica and Bobbie did? Monica should be fired as Chief of Staff, because this happened under her watch, the whole conflict of interest, blah, blah, fishcakes. As far as I'm concerned, the only good guys worth rooting for are Mac!Fucking!Scorpio! and Robert!Fucking!Scorpio!

Everyone else can just Die in a FUCKING FIRE, they're all trash.

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Judges on this show are often The Worst (the one who sentenced Michael being a notable exception) but I feel that a judge who learned that Nelle's signature was forged and the crime covered up by a nurse and the hospital's Chief of Staff for the sole purpose of taking away Nelle's legal right to have a say over her child's medical treatment*  should be harsh in terms of how much custody Michael gets.

* acknowledging that Nelle did even worse giving the baby to Brad

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Sonny didn't buy them the house. They were looking at a house and someone else already had it under contract, he got them to relinquish it, which they didn't know about. Should they have guessed it? Yes, but this is GH, where Willow can't figure out Chase and Sasha set her up.

Point taken.  I just wish that they would have Lulu stop complaining that Valentin spoils Charlotte because we've seen little of that beyond giving her accedd to his credit card for the snake plot. Charlotte doesn't go to a private school, she doesn't have snobby friends, he doesn't shower her with gifts. When there was the problem of Aiden's bullying, Valentin acted appropriately. Lulu herself spent time with Tracy as her stepmother and her son's grandmother is currently a Quartermain so she should know what conspicuous consumption looks like.

If they want to make spoiling a legitimate complaint, show not tell.

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Are you telling me they both had sex for REAL now? UGH.

Nobody's had sex.  Except for Brando and Molly but that was a one nighter/baby maker.  

The last thing we saw yesterday was Sasha boo hoo hooing to Chase, then she hands him the glass of water that he gave her and asks for something stronger.  The speculation is that they'll get rip roaring drunk and sleep together.  Which would seriously piss me off because no way in hell would Chase sleep with Sasha.  FU show if you go there.  

3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Speaking of trash, what quote unquote classic episode is on deck today?

Pretty sure it's the episode where Sonny conjures up the three version of Carly (maybe when he was halucinating in the pit that Sam kicked him in ???)

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MB was much better at acting 20 years ago, maybe because he actually tried back then.

And both Sonny and Carly were more interesting and attractive when the show didn't didn't make them the hero and heroine of this show.

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Sonny and Carly, the reason AJ was a cancer on your lives was because you made him one.

Those flashbacks with SJB—Mo was such a baby. He had the duh face even then. I love the epic '90s shoulders he's rockin' in that suit. Hee.

And speaking of SJB, no one did hysterical, angry crying like she did. Yikes.

And ew, flashback to limo sex after they put Michael in the Facility That Jax Found.

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I loved the flashbacks.  

But, I don't really think AJ killed their unborn child.  First of all, it was an accident that Carly fell down the stairs.  Second of all, IIRC, Carly was the one who started the argument on the stairs in the first place.


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18 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that the tree hitting scene was effed up! OMG made me so mad! Also, just a terrible scene in general. 

Especially since Earth Day was literally last week. Ugh.

I want Robert, Finn and Chase to have a "Three Men and a Little Lady" type situation with Violet as long as Chase and Willow are broken up, Hayden is out of the picture and Anna has her head up her ass regarding Peter. Seriously, either Robert or Finn being in love with Anna when her behavior is so. very. stupid. really bugs me. I genuinely like the grandfatherly, fatherly and uncle affection I see from the three men.

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21 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:

Yes, Sasha, have Chase get you something stronger than water and then have an unbridled night of forbidden passion and make this snooze fest feel like a soap again.

Better yet, Chase, get drunk and bitter and run into Nelle and have wall-slamming hate sex and realize you just can't quit her.  Put the people who can actually act together AND get some good soapy conflict going.

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I actually didn’t mind today’s flashback Friday episode, even though it was Sonny/Carly-centric.  I remember when Sonny used to be cute.  My mom had such a crush on him in the 90’s.  Scott in the intro was funny with his quarantine haircut (I did one too! Did not come out well...)

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Ugh! The first time in I don't know how long the show isn't interrupted for some type of briefing it's a damn rerun. A Sonny/Carly heavy rerun to boot!

Thanks for nothin' 6abc.

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2 hours ago, lb60 said:

Ugh! The first time in I don't know how long the show isn't interrupted for some type of briefing it's a damn rerun. A Sonny/Carly heavy rerun to boot!

Thanks for nothin' 6abc.

I watch on 6abc (Philadelphia?) and noticed that too.  I think they are perhaps no longer airing the daily Montgomery County briefing and streaming it online instead  We’ll see what happens next week.  

Finally got caught up On Demand.  What’s up with Brando’s gratuitous shirt change while talking to Sam?  That was kinda weird.  It looks like they are trying to test his chemistry with several females and it’s getting confusing.  

OMG the tree-beating!  Not cool!  Why not swing at the park bench? Just as destructive and immature but not harming a living thing.

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7 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

What’s up with Brando’s gratuitous shirt change while talking to Sam?  That was kinda weird.

I think that was a passive-aggressive taunt. Like, "You're sticking your nose into something that's none of your business, at my place of work, and if you won't leave, I'll make you uncomfortable enough that you have to." Or something like that. 

I think it was also to throw a little eye candy our way. Despite @jsbt's insistence (hee), Chad Deull is not beefcake material, at least for me. And Josh Swickard wasn't in a situation to go shirtless. Someone has to pick up the slack.

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18 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think it was also to throw a little eye candy our way. Despite @jsbt's insistence (hee), Chad Deull is not beefcake material, at least for me. 

Agreed. And nothing brought that home as much as him working out in the park the other day. He had some decent guns that caught my attention,  but once the camera pulled away and showed him from head to toe, he was just hangdog Mikey in baggy shorts. He definitely didn't look like someone that is supposed to be one of the young leads of the show.

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48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Sexy is as sexy does. They could work out 4 hours a day and I still wouldn't find Michael or Jason sexy.

Coming from the shallow male end of the pool, there isn't much eye candy available to us GH-watching dudes either these days. Watching Friday's classic episode, I remembered the trashy hotness that Sarah Brown brought to the role of Carly. Other than the Davis Coven (whose personalities are all a bit of a turn-off), there's not much for us guys to look at. 😞 Nina's face has so much botox and plastic you'd have to keep her away from flames. Sasha is Barbie 2.0 and Willow, while cute, looks like any vigorous lovemaking session would break her in half.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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2 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Coming from the shallow male end of the pool, there isn't much eye candy available to us GH-watching dudes either these days. Watching Friday's classic episode, I remembered the trashy hotness that Sarah Brown brought to the role of Carly. Other than the Davis Coven (whose personalities are all a bit of a turn-off), there's not much for us guys to look at. 😞 Nina's face has so much botox and plastic you'd have to keep her away from flames. Sasha is Barbie 2.0 and Willow, while cute, looks like any vigorous lovemaking session would break her in half.

How about Ava?  I mean, this is from the perspective of a hetero female, but I think MW is a hottie.

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1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:

How about Ava?  I mean, this is from the perspective of a hetero female, but I think MW is a hottie.

Wow, I forgot all about Ava! Muy caliente, for sure. She always reminds me of the "femme fatales" from old 50s, black-and-white film noire movies. The kind of old-school "broad" made for nights by a roaring fireplace and a nice snifter of Brandy.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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Yeah, I went through the current cast list and there are a number of actresses I think are varying degrees of beautiful (my personal faves--Rebecca Herbst and Chloe Lanier), but yeah, I don't think of them as "hot" so much. Kelly Monaco once upon a time fit both categories, but now, yeah, she's looking surgerified. Really, I think that Maura West may be the only actress on the show at this point that falls into the "hot" category.

Wow, that's sad.

Edited by driver18
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On 5/1/2020 at 10:55 PM, yowsah1 said:

Better yet, Chase, get drunk and bitter and run into Nelle and have wall-slamming hate sex and realize you just can't quit her.  Put the people who can actually act together AND get some good soapy conflict going.

This is a great idea.

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Glad to see so many people pissed of that they bludgeoned that tree. WTF?! The gave it a huge scar.  And PS. Swinging that stick did not make Mikey look the least bit manly. Then he starts talking Willow into beating it! I'm like, somebody call the cops!!

Friday's episode just reminded me that of the 3 Carly's (not counting that 4th one) LW has the least chemistry with Mo. 


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Nikolas and Ava's marriage has been such a six pack of nothing that I no longer care what happens between them, and using Spencer as an impetus for divorce is awfully weak sauce. There's been no scandal, no sex, no oomph at all for the past five months, and this letter from Spencer all the way in France is the icing on the meh cake. (Though I did love the detail of him referring to Ava as a "turncoat." That is 100% vocabulary Spencer would use.)

Franco emphasizing it was 10 years since his serial killer craze made me realize this is my 10 year anniversary of regular GH viewing, and I can't believe I've put up with this guy's whining for so long. No, Franco, helping to put away all the Ryan Chamberlains in the world won't erase all the truly heinous stuff you did. That stuff still MATTERS, despite where you are in your life now and what you've done since then.

Holy shit, Sam, pulling the "everyone is responsible for my actions except me" attitude against your own sister, the cult survivor. It's like every day she finds a new creative way to outdo herself at being the absolute worst of the worst, and really, she can stop now, I've had enough.

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Wow, look how much better KeMo gets when she's allowed to play in a sandbox that doesn't include SBu or her crying about her man.  It's like she was given a new lease on life and remembered how to act.   The Kristina/Sam fight was all kinds of soapy goodness.  I thought both Lexi and Kelly brought it, and I'm hoping there is more of it tomorrow.  

Also, am I the only one that thought today was ten times better then the past two weeks combined.  No MIchael nonsense.  No CarSon.  New stories with Ava/Nik, LIz/Franco (there's a crack in the marriage starting there and as a HUGE Liz fan and a HUGE Franco despiser, I'm here for it).  Excellent scenes between Julian/Neil.  Julian still has feelings for Alexis and has her back but he's bowing out to Neil.  And some excellent Davis Coven.  Some small Jason scene with Brando but it was well played so I'm good.  Who knew it took so little to get me interested.  

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So that Ava/Nikolas marriage is puttering into nothing. I was at least expecting some angry sex, but nope. Thanks for nothing, writers.

I enjoyed the Davis coven today. It was soapy. I hope it continues tomorrow. Can they allow Kelly to have scenes that are not with SBu and maybe not about Jasom sometimes?

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Oh, Neil. You torpedoed your career by lying to the board about your relationship with Alexis. Don't blame Julian here. I'm glad they had Julian tell him to basically shove it.

Good lord, has it really been a decade since we had James Franco as Franco? It's been a very long ten years.

28 minutes ago, Linny said:

Nikolas and Ava's marriage has been such a six pack of nothing that I no longer care what happens between them, and using Spencer as an impetus for divorce is awfully weak sauce.

It is, but I kind of enjoy the pickle it puts Nikolas in. He stays with Ava and there's no reconciliation with Spencer; he divorces Ava and loses 90 percent of his fortune. (Which, side note: When did it become a thing again? Did Valentin boost it that much?)

So I guess Lucky contributes nothing to the boys' expenses? Way to make him a complete and utter deadbeat dad, writers.

LOL at Elizabeth's snark toward Nik when he asked if she was busy: "Well, I am a nurse, and my work is important." Hee. 

I hate how everyone assumes Brando took advantage of Molly for a ONS. She's not some underaged virgin here. So what if it's out of character for her. Doesn't mean she was unaware of what was going on. GOD. At least Kristina gives her that.

I had to laugh when Sam yelled at Kristina that she blamed her for going to jail. That part of the fight was kind of soapy, even if Sam was being outrageously stupid.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'm sorry but Liz is being a baby. There is most definitely a difference btw doing art for yourself at your home and selling it on a wide scale. She can't claim to know anything about the art world and how it works. I'm sorry, but she can't. She's an artist, but she's not a prof'l one! IMO, she shouldn't have taken so much offense to Franco's statement. 

I also really don't understand her complaint about this show. Franco was a serial killer. Yes, he has changed, but ppl are never going to forget that about him. He will always be notorious, and his serial killer past will always be the reason his art is in high demand. He's just stating facts. I love Franco, but it's like Liz wants ppl to forget his past. As a Franco/Friz fan, I always agreed w/those who complained when Liz was always in Jason's face, singing Franco's praises and trying to get him to change his opinion. Jason feels how he feels. Get over it, Liz.  At the end of the day, you decided to marry a reformed serial killer, so you just have to accept that some ppl will never let him forget his past, esp. the art world. I think Ava's advertisement was great! It generates buzz and interest. Franco has done a lot of good since the tumor was removed, and ppl will always think of him as a serial killer. He's accepted that and will take the perks that go w/that when it comes to his art. I have no problem w/that, and neither should Liz. 

I will continue to say if Friz breaks up, I'd love to see Frava. I really like Franco/Ava scenes. 

They need to jump start the Ava/Nik stuff if that's where they're going. I have liked Ava w/ all three Nikolas actors, but this is taking too long. We need more sexual tension and just scenes btw them. I'm not sure what's going on w/them but it's taking too long. LOL! 

I can't believe Sam is blaming Kristina for killing Shiloh. Last I checked, Kristina left the cult WAY BEFORE Sam murdered Shiloh, but I wasn't paying that much attention. Sam didn't kill Shiloh for Kristina. 

And Molly should tell TJ the truth b/c she clearly cannot keep the secret, and it's eating her up. Just tell him and the let the chips fall where they may. 

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11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

So I guess Lucky contributes nothing to the boys' expenses? Way to make him a complete and utter deadbeat dad, writers.

I honestly don't think the writers remember Lucky half the time. 

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27 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Also, am I the only one that thought today was ten times better then the past two weeks combined. 

Co-sign on that.

The Davis coven was excellent soap and very realistic, flipping from from sisterly support to sister fights. It's also nice that Alexis' life parallels theirs, the 2 year separation like Sam and the sleeping with someone she shouldn't like Molly. Truth-telling #1.

The Franco/Liz fight was very good too. Franco is realistic about his past, that it's never going away and that he can monetize the stigma, while Liz wants to believe that it's all in the past and done with. The "You're not an artist" was a nice shot, something that could be said in a fight. I think that what bothered Liz so much, or at least what should, is that he right, she never became an artist as she dreamed of and I hope this leads to a storyline where she dives back into her painting. Truth-telling #2.

I have a hard time believing that Spencer would forgive his father letting him think that he was dead for all those years but insist that Ava must be gone because he can never forgive her for not supporting him against Valentin when Valentin didn't even kill Nikolas.  It's a weak plot device but at least something is happening in that relationship. Of course Nik goes to Liz, and Ava goes to Franco. (Franco was just right in that scene in terms of offering support.

The Neil/Julian scene was a relief from the mob-centric stuff and kind of fun. Also Truth-felling #3.

Brando and Jason was meh but I can't have everything.  But at least I got no Corinthii, no Peter and no Nina/Jax.

ETA:  the last clothing drive scene was with Joss/Oscar/Cam/Carly.  This was sooo much better.

Edited by statsgirl
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37 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I honestly don't think the writers remember Lucky half the time. 

It's just plot points. Jason will definitely paying for Jake but they don't say anything about him paying for Jake's expenses either.

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I expect that both Lucky and especially Jason (cuz he's rich) will contribute to their sons' college fund, and Nik should kick in some too since he's rich. I don't expect Lucky to pay for all of Aiden's though.

But the immediate need is for Cameron who should be going in the next couple of years so I'll give the show this one.

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