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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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There was a scene at the Savoy I think, when Kristina told Alexis and Sam that after she found out about Molly, she took an appointment for that and received a clean bill of health, then she got the idea of being Molly's surrogate.

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33 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Good girl Molly, has done everything right her whole life only to be on the losing end of the baby lottery while trainwreck Kristina who refuses to bend to her mother's will is perfectly healthy and could have a baby tomorrow morning if she chose to.

My cousin and I.  Me, the trainwreck who never wanted kids; her desperately wanting kids and was unable to have one.  Hell no to surrogacy, though.  She adopted 4, all brothers and sisters. 

Why don't Molly and TJ adopt?

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I'm still stuck on the practicalities of this.


The cost of a surrogacy journey in New York is between $100,000 and $125,000. This includes the agency fee, surrogate psychological evaluation, surrogate legal consultation, escrow management fee, and surrogate compensation package. This does not include the cost of the IVF cycle at your fertility physician’s office or the cost of an egg donor cycle.

Where is this money going to come from? TJ especially has about $100,000 i=- $250,000 in student loans to pay off.

I'm sure that Molly is working long hours trying to establish her career. Medical residents work 60 - 80 hours a week in Canada where they have a union, probably more in the US, and TJ is just starting his second year of residency.  Who is going to take care of this infant or will it grow up in daycare?

Molly's about 25 and TJ not much older. They've got 10 years to establish themselves and have the time to give to a child before it becomes latish. It doesn't make sense to do this now.

6 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Why don't Molly and TJ adopt?

They want TJ's genes. <shrug>

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This is all so exhausting, just reading about it. I haven't been watching the show regularly in a really long time, but I keep up here and through YouTube reviews. I watched some of the latest episodes on Hulu last week. It just made me think I'm better off not watching, and just doing this. Lol 

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As noted above, the cost of surrogacy should make it a non-starter for TJ and Molly at present time.  What is their rush anyway?  They're both mid-20's and suddenly they're acting like if they don't have a kid in the next year all hope is lost.

On a personal note, I hate this storyline because every time I talk to my mother she complains about it ad nauseum.  Will no one think of me????

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44 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Where is this money going to come from? TJ especially has about $100,000 i=- $250,000 in student loans to pay off.

I'm sure that Molly is working long hours trying to establish her career. Medical residents work 60 - 80 hours a week in Canada where they have a union, probably more in the US, and TJ is just starting his second year of residency.  Who is going to take care of this infant or will it grow up in daycare?

"We just want a baby and we want it now."

Molly and TJ don't even have a Mac (and Flea) to look after him/her.  Maybe they could drop the baby at the Q daycare and no one would notice?

Someone upthread said surrogates can't charge for their services in NY state, but still, it's going to cost money. 




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1 hour ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

 Is it worth watching

I'm paraphrasing but this is the gist of today.....

Cody to BLQ:  worried about Sasha.  She was fine and maybe back on drugs.  I blame Gladys

Eddie/Olivia:  You're a fuddy duddy.  Nope I was a party animal with Lois back in the day then got pregnant and raised by child.

Curtis/Stella:  I can never walk again Auntie.  Crying and hugging.  Austin shows up: You're going to rehab.  More crying.

Dex/Trina:  Curtis won't see me.  I was in the service, so I udnerstand Curtis.  Give him time.  (Me:  Are we chem testing these two?  Will that be the stick in the wheels for Jex?)

Kristina meets Cousin Baby Ace.  Joss "working" behind the counter at Kelly's.  Kris mentions job at Charlie's.  Joss is all that's where the gross Sonny and NIna hang out.  Kris not amused with Joss.  Some back and forth with Spencer.  Kris seems to be pushing Spencer to hang out with Esme to piss off Joss.  

Molly/TJ/surogate advocate:  blah blah blah. this is how surogacy works.  Kristina storms in calling Joss a bitch, before slinking back out when she sees they're having a meeting.  Tolly insist quite angrily and forcefully that Kris will NOT BE THE SUROGATE. 

Ava to Austin:  Did you kill that Gordon guy.  Austin:  Nope.  Mason and the big bad.  Ava snooping through his files can't find file on Gordon. KNows he wasn't a really patient Austin asks if Ava told Sonny that she killed Nik

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When the surrogate meeting was over, TJ says to the lady... "I'll walk you out" but they are all sitting like three feet from the door, so he gets up and takes a step and opens the door. 🤣

...This is how hard I am struggling to find entertainment here, people!!! 

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Maybe the cost of surrogacy will send Molly running back to Kristina. I know it still costs money for the procedure, but it would still save money. 

I think that Carly's making money from Kelly's would actually work if this were an IRL situation....if you squint. She'd said that she had the money to cover the $5 million fine, and the house was paid for. So it's all the property tax, etc and general expenses that she needs money for.  

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20 minutes ago, rur said:

thought they'd better hope the baby doesn't get any of the Curtis' self-centered whining genes

The baby shouldnt get Curtis' genes since TJ isn't biologically related to him, since he's actually Shawn's son.  

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32 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

When the surrogate meeting was over, TJ says to the lady... "I'll walk you out" but they are all sitting like three feet from the door, so he gets up and takes a step and opens the door. 🤣

...This is how hard I am struggling to find entertainment here, people!!! 

I was amused (?) by Austin putting the thing on Curtis's arm to take his blood pressure, then taking it off just a beat later without actually taking it.

Not to mention his leaving to drop a file off at his office, so he could catch Ava snooping, of course, then went right back to Curtis's room. 

Time management. It's a thing, Austin.

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Joss and Molly fighting for the title of "biggest bitch" today--who wins?  Gonna call it a tie.  First up, Joss being a total snot to Kristina and the entire "eww, yuck, Charlie's, Sonny, Nina" whining made her sound 12.  Then her holier-than-thou/smug Carly nonsense about how "whoever is on Sonny's side is just wrong."  Then acting like a total asshole to Esme.  In conclusion, Joss sucks.

Then you have Molly, who is clearly harboring HUGE resentment towards Kristina and making ever the most nonsensical things her fault.  No surrogate consultant is going to deny your application because your sister interrupted your meeting.  Also, why are they not considering a donor egg?  That way the gestational surrogate isn't biologically tied to the baby, either.  It doesn't have to be Kristina, but Molly seems to have tied those two things together and is all pissed off about it.  In conclusion, Molly also sucks.

I'm not even going to get into Curtis's whining, because he exhausts me--especially because we all know he's going to walk again.

High points?  Ace sighting, Trina's cute dress, and Comet yawning in the background as Cody prattled on.  I feel ya, horsey.  I feel ya.

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I'm kinda digging the replacement writers. The dialogue seems more realistic and the storylines are moving at a brisker pace.

There's also a lot of social justice stuff going on, shades of the 90s. Kristina's idea to have a program for LBGTQ youth is actually pretty cool - urban centers like NYC and SF piloted those many years ago. Plus, Krissy really looks like the offspring of Alexis and Sonny - she has a lot of NLG's mannerisms and facial expressions as well.

Cyrus's idea to give all his $ away to help his fellow inmates is pretty nifty too.

This might be as good as it gets folks.

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12 hours ago, Fellaway said:

I was amused (?) by Austin putting the thing on Curtis's arm to take his blood pressure, then taking it off just a beat later without actually taking it.

Same! I guess that was just to give RoHo something to do with his hands.

12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

No surrogate consultant is going to deny your application because your sister interrupted your meeting. 

SERIOUSLY. Also, lock your front door, you nitwits.

12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'm not even going to get into Curtis's whining, because he exhausts me--especially because we all know he's going to walk again.

I had to laugh at his frustration. Maybe if he'd gone to PT the way he was supposed to, he might get a bit of hope. But no, he has to have his hissy fit. At least give it a bit of effort before giving up.

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10 hours ago, SassyCat said:

That adorable giant baby Ace is a natural! He never cries but did on cue when subjected to Joss and her toxic, nasty negative energy. Smart boy, that Little fella Ace is.

Speaking of Joss, we know Betty, the nanny is bad.  But, Joss is badmouthing her to Carly because Betty dared to question a stranger (to her) speaking to her charge when she hadn't been told of older half-sisters.  At least have her do something truly rude.  OK, I guess the fact that Trina told her that Dex was spying on them, but she seemed out of sorts before that.  Questioning someone talking to your kid who claims to be her sister when the parents didn't tell you about her is actually good nannying.

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36 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Speaking of Joss, we know Betty, the nanny is bad.  But, Joss is badmouthing her to Carly because Betty dared to question a stranger (to her) speaking to her charge when she hadn't been told of older half-sisters.  At least have her do something truly rude.  OK, I guess the fact that Trina told her that Dex was spying on them, but she seemed out of sorts before that.  Questioning someone talking to your kid who claims to be her sister when the parents didn't tell you about her is actually good nannying.

Yes, the snippiness at Betty was prior to Trina telling her that, but of couse we're supposed to applaud Joss with her keen spidey senses (just like her mom! /everyone in town) at knowing Betty is shady.

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I really wanted to watch Trina’s scenes but couldn’t stomach the Dex actor. He is so bad. I do appreciate how the show is trying to have characters mixit up with new people, but that was painful.


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 Ugh. I just watched yesterday's episode. WTF??? 

The scabby writers apparently didn't read the backstory on Kristina. What bullshit advice was that? Such sad days. Spencer handcuffed to Ebola (figuratively). Trina confiding in Tapioca at GH. Not even Tabyana could bring any life to Trina's interaction with the blandest actor on the canvas.

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The writing for Austin is terrible. RoHo is so much better than what he's getting. Just end this boring Mason business.

Meanwhile Laura and Kevin are search for Nik in Greece and find nothing. But the sets are pretty.

Nice scenes today for Finn/Liz shippers.

Is orange the new  in colour? Maxie's living room was full of it, so are her clothes, Trina wears it a lot (it looks good on her) now Willow is wearing it and she's knitting orange wool.

Do Michael and Joss need to be told that it was Sonny's decision not to look at where Mike may have come from? They sound like Nina had him tied up and locked away.

I much prefer Kristina talking about her youth project than the fertility story.

Kristina: "Michael may not be my dad's biological son but when it comes to holding a grudge, they are exactly the same." I disagree, Sonny will sometimes let go. Michael is like Carly who will take the grudge to the grave and beyond.

Willow wants to go back to nursing when the doctors let her. Michael wants her to spend the time focusing on their family first. #KeepingWillowStepford.

3 hours ago, Katy M said:

Speaking of Joss, we know Betty, the nanny is bad.  But, Joss is badmouthing her to Carly because Betty dared to question a stranger (to her) speaking to her charge when she hadn't been told of older half-sisters. 

Yes. Failure to immediately kneel at the shrine of Joss will not be forgiven. Even if it's by someone who has no idea who she is. How dare Sonny not tell Betty about h.

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The note for dinner was fourth-grade-level ridiculous, but I'll give Finn this: He used nice stationery.

The stalker cam was a weird choice for Anna and Valentin's reunion.

LOL at Kristina's comment to Michael about being in enemy territory, and double LOL when she compared Nina and Sonny to Michael and Willow.

2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Do Michael and Joss need to be told that it was Sonny's decision not to look at where Mike may have come from? They sound like Nina had him tied up and locked away.

They don't care. It's easier to cast Nina as the big bad.

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On 7/31/2023 at 5:48 PM, JMO said:

Having a tough time accepting the conversations between Anna and Sonny.  I know Robin was close with him, but Anna?  Is there some story line that I've completely forgotten where they were friends? 

What I haven't forgotten is that much of her past took place with and around the current DA in Port Charles.  She should be talking through this with Robert. 

And if they are planning some story arc where she legitimizes Sonny in some way, I'm out.

Anna is worried that the WSB or a related party is planning to eliminate her, so she talks to the local mafioso as opposed to a man she has known for over 40 years with similar experience, amd with whom she shares a daughter.

Makes perfect sense.

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10 minutes ago, Suicidy said:

Anna is worried that the WSB or a related party is planning to eliminate her, so she talks to the local mafioso as opposed to a man she has known for over 40 years with similar experience, amd with whom she shares a daughter.

Robert tells it like it is, and Anna doesn't want to hear it.  The Peter August debacle, for example.

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No way, no how will Michael let Willow go back to work. There will always be a reason that she needs to stay home with the children. And of course she’ll do it because it’s what he wants. That boy is despicable. I hope someone makes Willow see that he’s emotionally abusive and she doesn’t need that in her life.

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Thursday’s Show

I think DT is doing a good job with this storyline.  I’ll admit, there is no suspense regarding whether or not he will walk again.  And I’ll admit, the character has turned into a miserable, judgmental hypocrite, but the actor?  He actually made me feel for Curtis in this ep.  And I always like it when Vernee shows up and I always like seeing families except for the Carlys.

Loved Trina in that dress but her scenes with Dex were Excruciating!!

Nooo Kristina!!  Don’t send Spencer with Esme!!  What is happening to my Sprina?!!!

The one and I do mean the only one thing I like about Joss is she really seems to care about Trina.  And…ugh I hate to take her side but if I was Joss, I would forever be mean to Esme.  I would never forgive her.  Same with Trina I’d never forgive Esme!!

I’ve really liked the interaction between Eddie, Leo, and Olivia.  It’s been unexpected and I like that Ned’s alter ego still likes and gets along with Leo.

I don’t care too much about the surrogacy story but I’m glad they’re finally writing for Molly and TJ.  I just hope the actors get comfortable with each other cuz right now they’re interactions to me are really awkward and chemistry-free.


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Finn’s note was not cute and it was not endearing.  As dubbel zout said, it was ridiculous.  But BH looked great in that dress.  Finn was giving me stalker vibes.  Seriously you can’t work with Elizabeth because you can’t stop watching her?  Stop it.

I’m ready to find out who the big bad is behind Mason.  Is it too much to ask for it to turn out to be Austin?  And if the babysitter is gonna end up dead, I want Ava to pull the trigger.

I really can’t stand Anna’s storyline.  I’m just not interested.  It’s isolating.  And preposterous.  I’m gonna need her to go visit Robin while the writers come up with something else.

Did I see Willow repeatedly wipe her hand after Nina touched her as if she had the cooties?  Willow has got to die.  

Edited by Jenxee
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Michael sees Willow looking completely fine after Nina left and yet says "So, Nina was here--I hope she didn't upset you."  THE GASLIGHTING OF IT ALL!  Ugh, then as if that wasn't enough he gets all 'holding in a fart face' when she brings up going back to nursing.  Can't wait til he tells Mommy and she comes storming over to ~gently advice Willow why she shouldn't work, rather stay home and "enjoy her family."  The Carlys really want to make sure their latest recruit stays isolated, don't they?

The scenes with Kristina and Nina were great, but as was mentioned, holding grudges is more a Carly thing than a Sonny one.  But, sure show, set up that storyline for when the truth about the whistleblower comes out.

I'm so tired of this Austin/Mason storyline that doesn't go anywhere.  Can we get on with it already?  Not that I'm jonesing for Nikolas to return, but it's time.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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10 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'm so tired of this Austin/Mason storyline that doesn't go anywhere.  Can we get on with it already?  Not that I'm jonesing for Nikolas to return, but it's time.

I’m tired of it too they need to get to the finished line.

And I’d like it to also include not only Nikolas is not dead but that he’s alive and well and being held by someone.  And I want MC back in the role (ducks head).

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4 hours ago, Suicidy said:

Anna is worried that the WSB or a related party is planning to eliminate her, so she talks to the local mafioso as opposed to a man she has known for over 40 years with similar experience, amd with whom she shares a daughter.

Makes perfect sense.

I can kind of understand Anna's talking to Sonny simply because Sonny could be the target as well, so it makes sense if they strategize together but of course, she should be talking to Robert and Mac.

The nunuMolly and the nuKristina both have a whiny quality to their voices that irritates but it's definitely better then Joss' snotty tone.  I'm okay if both Kristina and Esme make it their collective mission to piss Joss off on a daily basis :)

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Austin has been circling the drain for what seems like years. They have no idea what to do with him, how to make him work, or what they want his personality to be, so it defaults to just being RH talking nonsense most of the time. I feel like they've thrown Ava at him to help him stay afloat, but if this continues he will just take her down with him. 

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I think Roger is good at playing creeps, and I would love it if this story ends with his being the big bad.  I wouldn't even mind it honestly, if it ends by Roger leaving and we get Nicholas back.  A trade.  Long term I want Nicholas.  Maybe it's time for Roger to take his swan song, and it could be a great one if the writers are up to it, which...

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16 hours ago, Jenxee said:

I’m ready to find out who the big bad is behind Mason.

I wonder if it's Pikeman. It would tie together a few stories, at least.

16 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Michael sees Willow looking completely fine after Nina left and yet says "So, Nina was here--I hope she didn't upset you."  THE GASLIGHTING OF IT ALL!  Ugh, then as if that wasn't enough he gets all 'holding in a fart face' when she brings up going back to nursing.

It's so gross, and I'm sure we're supposed to think that Michael is just the bestest, most supportive husband evah. I had to laugh when he whined about wanting to spend time together as a family. Uh, you can do that now, dipshit, while Willow is home recovering. Isn't that one of the reasons she's home in the first place? Good grief.

15 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I'm okay if both Kristina and Esme make it their collective mission to piss Joss off on a daily basis :)

Wouldn't that be fun? Both of them have a way of getting under her skin without having to do that much.

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I know I'm not writing the show, but here goes; what SHOULD happen with Michael, Willow and Nina once the SEC phone call is revealed is that Willow should love Nina by then, realize that Nina made the phone call prior to making Willow that (hostage situation) promise, and realize she does not want to lose her relationship with her bio mom.  And the actually problems should arise not between Willow and Nina, but between Michael and Willow.  It should rock their marriage.  Will I get this?  I doubt it because Frank is invested in making Nina the devil.  For some reason. 

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If Nina is the devil, Carly is an angel. If Nina has a justification, Carly is a bitch for her vindictiveness.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I wonder if it's Pikeman. It would tie together a few stories, at least.

They really need to have this Mason/mysterious Big Bad be relevant somehow but if the BB is Pikeman, why would they demand that Ava and now Betty snoop around Sonny's apartment looking for information on themselves?

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I wonder if it's Pikeman. It would tie together a few stories, at least.

Unless they change the storyline. Mason was having Ava spy on Sonny because of Pikeman. At the same time we had Ms. Wu asking Gladys to spy on Sonny and report back to her about Pikeman. Gladys has done none of that, she's busy gaslighting Sasha.

Aside from him wanting to collect information for his boss, the only thing I could see is him trying to double-cross his boss if they are Pikeman. But then he's talking in front of Austin who doesn't want anything to do the business and he could just easily rat him out.

I find that for someone who is this big crime boss and crime figure and apparently controls a large chunk of territory, Sonny has no clue who the big players are outside of Port Charles, who can threaten him and his territory at anytime. It's not like Pautauk is supposed to be that far from PC. 

This whole Pikeman thing is a dumpster fire of a storyline. 

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This whole soap opera is a dumpster fire! (borrowed from YaddaYadda).

I really want them to bring back Nikolas asap! Let him fight with Ebola.

I'm now watching clips on YouTube. My heart is broken over the gaslighting of Spencer and Trina. So, here I am, on the barge. ::waves::


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I really fear where this surrogacy storyline is going to go. Not only is it going to have two new actresses in the roles of established characters, I fear the soapy elements they are going to add to this story. The main fear is that this ends up causing some kind of love triangle between the sisters and TJ. 

I am enjoying KM as Kristina so far. I was a bit wary after seeing her on DOOL. I do think they are going over the top with her butting in/pushy personality in some situations like with the Sonny/Anna scenes and the scenes where Sam at the Metro Court. Do enjoy it when she was using it to give attitude to Joss. 

This is a pipe dream as i doubt if Kristina is to have a love interest it would be another woman. I am almost certain that they will be giving her a male love interest since she is bi. It will likely be Chase, Cody or I fear TJ. Outside shot Dex. However, I think these last few episodes gave two possible female love interests which could be very soapy. 

First is the new nanny Betty. It could be interesting for Sonny to try to stop something from happening with them without letting on that he knows the truth about her. There have been plenty of good soap storylines where a bad guy/girl changes due to falling in love. A bonus is that the actress playing Betty is a member of the LGBTQ community. 

The other is even less likely than Betty but I thought of it after Thursday’s episode and that is Esme. If they want to keep Avery as Esme and want to make her somewhat redeemable this could be a route without being at Spencer/Trina’s expense.

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On 8/5/2023 at 5:32 AM, CeChase said:

I think Roger is good at playing creeps, and I would love it if this story ends with his being the big bad.  I wouldn't even mind it honestly, if it ends by Roger leaving and we get Nicholas back.  A trade.  Long term I want Nicholas.  Maybe it's time for Roger to take his swan song, and it could be a great one if the writers are up to it, which...

It’s long been time for roger to go. And this third character of Austin that’s a flop definitely shows that they are just keeping him around because he’s a friend of Frank and not because the character is needed. Nikolas is a legacy character who has ties to everyone on canvas. If anyone should be on screen it should be him.

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On 8/4/2023 at 7:34 PM, TVbitch said:

Austin has been circling the drain for what seems like years. They have no idea what to do with him, how to make him work, or what they want his personality to be, so it defaults to just being RH talking nonsense most of the time. I feel like they've thrown Ava at him to help him stay afloat, but if this continues he will just take her down with him. 

He’s already taken her down. They’ve already dumbed her down and written her out of character.There’s no way Ava wouldn’t of already gotten rid of both Austin and mason months ago. And Ava sleeping with the man who just kidnapped her daughter? The same daughter Ava “killed” Nikolas over because he made a empty threat….come on🙄 all of a sudden Ava has turned into a damsel in distress who is being blackmailed by 2 men and needing Austin to help her figure a way out.

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