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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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10 minutes ago, paisley said:

the wretched Nurses Ball

Awwwwhhhh.  The OG Nurses Ball was when I really started getting into GH on my own and not just watching because my Grandma was.  It was right around the time we were getting out of school to summer break.  I remember one year my friends and I took my parents TV (not a flat screen lol) out onto our back patio to watch it outside so we could tan while it was on.  We did this for days at a time.  And never got caught!  

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On 4/2/2020 at 3:58 PM, dubbel zout said:

And her reaction that she won't be with the kids was basically a shrug. It's more important she's with her hit man ex-husband. Nice.

I find it interesting that she's not concerned about being with her kids, and she hasn't tried to speak to or confront her cousin Nikolas about coming back from the "dead." It's like after that one scene where she made a bitchface and brought up Drew in response to Carly's grand announcement that a family member with whom she had a relationship is alive, she hasn't thought of him once since then.  It's almost as glaring as Kristina being entirely left out of the storylines involving her own grandfather's declining health, her brother finding out his son is alive and "claiming" him, and the recent drama involving her former therapist and her mother. I find it weird that Josslyn, not Mike's actual granddaughter Kristina, has a scene in his hospital room and that everyone in Michael's family, even his ex-stepfather, has at least been on screen briefly and mentioned Michael and Wiley - except Kristina. Yet she was around for all of Michael's relationship stuff and fall out with Nelle whereas Brook was not. 

I understand not seeing the underage actors who play Jake and Aiden for months at a time, but even Jake made an appearance at Christmas whereas I can't recall that Kristina did. Even that little brat Charlotte has been on more. I'm not saying that I want to see Kristina a lot - I don't - but her being missing from family situations going on reminds me of Bobbie being entirely absent while JJ's Lucky was on the show as an adult including the "Jake died because Luke was driving drunk/Josslyn gets Jake's kidney" storyline. 

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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:
On 4/1/2020 at 11:43 PM, ciarra said:

So, is it Mike's Alzheimer disease, or is the real Brando really dead?

I was wondering this too. But I think Mike started shouting “you’re dead!” before Brando was introduced, so if the intent was to have Mike reveal a deception, it made no sense.

Originally Gladys told everyone Brando was dead, so Mike being confused wasn't odd, especially with his (Mike's) diagnosis.

I don't remember if that's the first time Mike saw Brando, but he doesn't recognize Sonny every day. They're trying to show Mike's growing decline, but using Brando for that is dumb.

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Like a lot of the actors/actresses on GH, Lexi doesn't really work on this show. They don't write for her and don't include her in storylines where she should be included. She pops very rarely. Kristina is clearly not a priority.

Lucas, Felix, Epiphany, Mac, Felicia, Brad, Valerie  . . . are all similarly situated. They are "on" the show, but not really. Brad got the most play out of all these characters, and even he was not featured a lot. I don't expect to see Kristina at all. Even her cult plot was handed over to Sam. 

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It was never her cult plot. It was always a vehicle for Sam (and Jason). Kristina was the McGuffin.

I don't care much myself. Not every legacy character can be a major character.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Not every legacy character can be a major character.

Nor should be, but I do think they should be included when appropriate. That doesn't happen often enough, because Sonny/Carly/Jason/Sam have to be shoved into every story.

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On 4/2/2020 at 6:41 PM, lala2 said:

I'm at a loss as to what Molly is supposed to be doing.  Is she just supposed to move on w/her life and wait patiently for TJ to call. 

T.J.:  "Hey, Molly, I'm back from being kidnapped!  Why is all my stuff in boxes out in the hall?"

MOLLY  "Since you bugged out for weeks and didn't tell me where you went, I got a new roommate.  Meet Brando."

T.J.:  "...."


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1 hour ago, yowsah1 said:

T.J.:  "Hey, Molly, I'm back from being kidnapped!  Why is all my stuff in boxes out in the hall?"

MOLLY  "Since you bugged out for weeks and didn't tell me where you went, I got a new roommate.  Meet Brando."

T.J.:  "...."


I can’t believe show is going there with Molly & Brando. Carly & Brando haven’t even had sex yet. 

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Don't you kind of feel bad for T.J., sitting around for weeks in the same pair of underwear? 

Can Molly really explain away why he wouldn't (eventually) return for his clothes? 

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Aaaand another minority character is (further) marginalized so Molly can hook up with the hunky new white dude. 

I don’t know about anyone else, but I saw zero chemistry there. I’d actually rather see Brando and Carly. Not that I want to see Sonny foam at the mouth and call her a whore, but he is long overdue for an occasion to throw barware. 


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Hopefully Brando gets grossed out by Molly’s lip injections.  There was one shot of her in profile and she looked like a cartoon duck!  So Brando’s like um no thanks I’d rather take my chances with the mob boss’s wife.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Aaaand another minority character is (further) marginalized so Molly can hook up with the hunky new white dude. 

I don’t know about anyone else, but I saw zero chemistry there. I’d actually rather see Brando and Carly. Not that I want to see Sonny foam at the mouth and call her a whore, but he is long overdue for an occasion to throw barware. 


I don’t know. I kinda liked Molly playing the field. Just because your boyfriend is all tied up shouldn’t prevent you from dating. Of course, Molly doesn’t know this but still......

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16 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Aaaand another minority character is (further) marginalized so Molly can hook up with the hunky new white dude.

Yep.  Shouldn't be surprised.  Should've seen that coming.  So, they're going to have Molly act totally out of character and have her jump into bed with the hunky new white dude.  All so that they can finally rip apart TJ and Molly.

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Last Friday, Y&R had Nikki and Victor’s first wedding from 30 (?) years ago. It was fascinating and kind of horrifying to see the hairstyles, clothes and makeup on the women. The men looked so handsome in tuxedoes. Even ugly men look handsome in tuxedoes. And then GH treated us to a show from ........ a year ago. The Gail Baldwin Scavenger Hunt at General Hospital. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Great job, GH!!!!

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Well we got the VA Governor’s press conference on Monday and Friday. The ABC app only had Thursday and Friday’s. I didn’t watch Friday’s because I had too many issues trying to watch a couple months ago.

I have no words to describe my disgust at Bobbie and Monica’s actions on Monday. When it comes to Nelle, Chase forgets about how to be a cop. Last time I checked, the person pressing charges doesn’t get “questioned” or have to undergo questioning. That would be the person who’s being charged. But this is the FAKAKTA GH, so of course Nelle had to also be grilled. Unlike when Lulu accused Brooke, Chase was more than happy to just arrest Brooke but not Lulu, the other person involved in the fight.

I may not care for Nelle, but it was clear she could have died-blue lips and she looked like she needed to be checked out. And it’s clear everyone would rather Nelle be dead—if their reactions are any indication, and that they are perfectly okay if SheBeast had killed her or forged Nelle’s signature.

Robert and Mac are the only rootable characters left on this show.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Robert and Mac are the only rootable characters left on this show.

Shhh @GHScorpiosRule... Don't put it out there. You are tempting fate. Look at what they are doing to TJ and Molly. Look at what they ended up doing to Anna. 

21 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Aaaand another minority character is (further) marginalized so Molly can hook up with the hunky new white dude. 

I don’t know about anyone else, but I saw zero chemistry there. I’d actually rather see Brando and Carly. Not that I want to see Sonny foam at the mouth and call her a whore, but he is long overdue for an occasion to throw barware. 

This is a show that had access to Tequan Richmond for six years but ended up doing precious little with him,  instead focusing on his mother.  I suspect it is because FV and RC couldn't make any money off of him since the character was introduced during the Phelps years. That is the thing with FV: he takes the affection we have for long standing characters and trots them out when he absolutely needs them and not a second before. Molly and TJ for the last several years could barely be classified as recurring and more like guest stars, only giving the occasional update on their lives, but in the last few weeks TJ has proposed to Molly, Molly has received more screen time than she has in years (I would wager all the years combined since 2016) and she is flirting with Brando, setting up a possible triangle, even though GH has given us very little reason to care about TJ and Molly's relationship. Bottom line it is bad storytelling, so it is bad soap. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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On 4/4/2020 at 5:59 PM, statsgirl said:

List of days on the show


No wonder it seems boring  -- it isn't till #9 that I'm interested in someone.

I wouldn't mind seeing more number 6. Personally, I'd love Chase and Curtis to be friends so I can see them at the same time.


I hate Sam. I think I hate her more than Carly and KNOW I hate her more than Sonny. That's no easy task. Does she only think with her vagina? She is willing to risk being taken away from her two children, one of whom has already lost her father, no longer be around her sisters, not be there for her brother who lost his son and whose marriage is crumbling, and why? So she can bang a Borg. Can the bullet miss Cyrus and hit Sam?

But kudos to Burton for managing to squeeze out tears today. I'm not sure I've seen that since he thought Robin was dead.

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Cameron:  Trina is hurting and I can't help her.

Joss:  And if I weren't locked up here I could have been there when she found out. (Way to make Trina's pain all about you Joss.)

Ava definitely takes the point in that exchange with Jax. Nina is an idiot for introducing Jax to Charlotte at this point.

Why are we being subjected to Sam? She's a whiny baby and I have no sympathy for her. I'd have more sympathy for her trauma of losing Jason if she hadn't spent a few happy years with Drew.

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Geez Sam is pathetic. They should have sent those kids off to boarding school because even for a soap mother, they are writing Sam as a particularly terrible one. Although, Jason staying away from them wouldn’t make them less of a target for Cyrus. He should have stuck with it not being worth risking Sam going back to prison. 

This is such a weird forced separation storyline. If it was anyone else, we would have gotten longing or sneaking away for romantic interludes but all we’ve seen with Jason and Sam is them having conversations that they could easily be having over the phone. It’s so strange when you compare it to Jason and Liz in 2007 or even Alexis and Neil now who were never even an official couple. 

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WTF is wrong with Sam? Did someone knock her over the head repeatedly and she's now so concussed that she's 1000% stupider than she ever was?

I don't understand what they are doing with the character. She is unreasonable and they make it sound like Sam was completely miserable during the 5 years break I got from Jason. She was with Patrick, almost married him. She was with Drew, married him, had a child with him. 

This whole idea that she doesn't exist as her own person without Jason is so gross and insulting.

Good effin' grief, give the woman an actual storyline where she doesn't have to chase after Jason, where Jason doesn't come to her rescue, where doesn't cry over Jason, where she is willing going back to jail over Jason, where she doesn't give a fig about her children. 

This whole parole storyline has circled the drain about 100 times already, can we please be done with it?

Soaps shouldn't be allowed to write women to be this sad and pathetic for a man in 2020. 

Did Kelly do something that this is the only sort of story they are giving her? I'm not counting the Shiloh bullshit because that was all about Jason saving her.

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Wow, is Sam dumb. I can't believe the show wants me to root for this Dummkopf to get back with Jason when she refuses to accept reality. And once again, someone—her hit man husband!—has to explain to Sam that there are children involved, and she needs to put them first. And all Sam can do is whine that she and Jason can't be apart. And I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to find this romantic. Nope!

Then Sam trashes the safe house. Nice.

The Pentonville warden is hot. Thank you for that, Show.

LOL at everyone schooling Nik on marriage.

Oh, Trina, honey. You can't libel or slander the dead. Though this is Port Charles, so what do I know?

Jordan got hit by the stupid stick a thousand times, too. Ugh, this fakakta show.

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58 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Soaps shouldn't be allowed to write women to be this sad and pathetic for a man in 2020. 

ITA.  Sad and pathetic for a man or just sad and pathetic?

Name a positive role model for women on this show.

Laura: Mob apologist and Sonny cheerleader

Jordan: Dirty cop

Sam: Nothing without her precious Jason

Carly: Do I need to say anything?

Willow: All Wiley all the time

Monica and Bobbie: medical co-conspirators




(sorry I nodded off there).



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31 minutes ago, ciarra said:

ITA.  Sad and pathetic for a man or just sad and pathetic?

I was talking specifically about Sam who is a sad sack for a man. 

Women don't matter to the writers. They are there to be pregnant, bitches, jealous girlfriend/wife, crazy girlfriend/wife/delusional person who thinks the man loves her but he really loves someone else, stupid wife/girlfriend, completely dependent on the love of a man because their self-worth takes a hit if said man doesn't love them back, obsessive wife/girlfriend, crazy, crazy, crazy, fight with another woman over a man any sane person should social distance from . . .

The writers don't remember who they are writing for. Women might fare a bit better if they did.

With Sam, it has gotten so very bad. She's been told repeatedly that she could go back to jail to finish her sentence if she is caught with her felon boyfriend. Nothing seems to penetrate her thick skull. 

She is worst than a child throwing a tantrum and who doesn't understand that she's in time out. This story isn't going anywhere. 

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5 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I was talking specifically about Sam who is a sad sack for a man. 

She's always been especially pathetic when it comes to Jason. When she was with Larry, Patrick, and Drew, she had more independence. It's gross. I'm sure we're supposed to go all gooey because Sam and Jason are each other's lobsters, but I find it disgusting.

9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

She's been told repeatedly that she could go back to jail to finish her sentence if she is caught with her felon boyfriend.

And this is standard procedure for parolees! Yet we're supposed to be outraged that this two nimrods can't be together.

I forgot to mention earlier that I was really annoyed that Mo was angry and exasperated when Sonny was telling Carly that Renault was going to be let out of Pentonville and what steps he was taking. It was completely unnecessary. She's been here before. She doesn't need to be condescended to. I really wish someone would call Mo on that tone. He uses it way too often, and mostly when it's inappropriate.

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What in the world was that childish tantrum I saw today?!?! 

Most of GH was interrupted for me b/c the VA governor was giving COVID-19 updates, but I did catch the end when Sam was throwing a fit like a child and I read the live thread over on another message board. So, it seems Sam was having a conniption b/c she can't be w/Jason?!?! I mean  . . . . breaking dishes . . .  screaming. What!?!?! LOL! 

Ummm . . . . is she having a mental breakdown or something? I hope that is the story b/c I don't see how I'm supposed to sympathize w/a felon being upset w/the conditions of her parole! She was having fits while in jail, acting like it was so hard and she was so scared and she missed her kids so much. Well, she gets a Christmas miracle and is released, but is told she can't hang around Jason for two years, and I'm supposed to feel bad for her!??! Last I checked, she's NOT IN JAIL. She should be happy and grateful.  I know she loves the man, but come on. He is not the be all, end all of her world . . . or at least he shouldn't be. It's not even like they've broken up or he's missing. This man is in town. I'm sure she can call him on a burner phone or something. She is just too much. 

They have written Sam to be ridiculously pathetic. It's like she cannot live unless Jason is in her presence. I haven't really paid attn to her since Drew dumped her, and I remember how before SB left, she was always on the couch, waiting for him to come home . . . so I guess they've taken her back to that. She was definitely more independent when w/Patrick. I don't recall her being this loopy over him. Doesn't she have a job?  Doesn't she have kids? Doesn't she have friends? Are we supposed to believe that she can't exist w/o Jason?!! Why can't she devote some of her time to those things and just FT Jason or something!?! 

Oh, and I see she had no harsh words for Jason like she did her poor mother! Sam is a pathetic! 

Edited by lala2
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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

WTF is wrong with Sam? Did someone knock her over the head repeatedly and she's now so concussed that she's 1000% stupider than she ever was?

Maybe she's having a recurrence of GivingBirthThruHerJeansItis, because she is acting like she's lost her damned mind.  "Nothing is more important than us being together."  That's what she said, hence, her kids take a back seat to Borg sex.  That's just too pathetic for words.  And her tantrum at the end?  Is she 11?


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So nice of Sonny to make sure TJ is safe before giving the kill order on Cyrus. I thought he and Jordan were working together at this point. Since they seem to be keeping Nelle, maybe it's going to be a who shoots Cyrus storyline. 

I have no words for Sam. And even her room trashing lacked energy.  But why, if they are at the safe house, did they not throw down one last time before he leaves?! So much angst about being together, but when they are together, all they do is talk. 

I was thinking it might be interesting if Brando became a shoulder to cry on for both Carly and Sam, and they got in some weird triangle over him.  

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

So nice of Sonny to make sure TJ is safe before giving the kill order on Cyrus.

Exactly.  Since they don't know where TJ is stashed, why kill the guy who can tell them where TJ is?  Unless Johnnie's guys are still around, observing. 🤣

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10 hours ago, TVbitch said:

maybe it's going to be a who shoots Cyrus storyline. 

That's what I was thinking yesterday as well.  My money is on Nikolas.  


11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

er kids take a back seat to Borg sex. 

The thing is, have they had sex since they've been back together?  



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11 hours ago, TVbitch said:

But why, if they are at the safe house, did they not throw down one last time before he leaves?!

Because Jason had to go kill Cyrus. His work always takes precedence over Sam, as do Carly and Sonny. 

1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:
11 hours ago, TVbitch said:

maybe it's going to be a who shoots Cyrus storyline. 

That's what I was thinking yesterday as well.  My money is on Nikolas.  

Ugh, another boring whodunit. No one is going to cry that Cyrus is dead, so what's the point? And if it is Nik, Laura's vow to Cyrus that she'll punish his killer is completely worthless (not that I think it was worth much in the first place). There's no way she'd let her kid go to prison.

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Sam and her ridiculous temper tantrum seemed to be a strange addition to this episode. We have Jordan, who's making a deal with the devil in order to save her son, then deciding she might have to eleminate him completely. We have Trina, still devastated over losing her father, than finding out terrible things about him, then finding out the mastermind behind his death is getting out of jail. Then, to a lesser degree we have Carly/Jax debating what to do with their daughter in regards to the violence escalating. Then we have Nik and Kevin worried about Laura's involvement. All make perfect sense in the context of this episode. Then in the middle of that, Sam finds out that she can't have what she wants, because it would be violating parole, which she already knows and would be putting her kids in danger and she loses her shit all over the cabin. Seemed very inapropriate and WTF.

Girl, you're out of jail early, for a crime you sort of did commit, while Jordan's son is kidnapped and Trina's grieving her father. Shut the eff up and go be a proper parent. UGH

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16 hours ago, lala2 said:

Oh, and I see she had no harsh words for Jason like she did her poor mother! Sam is a pathetic! 

But Alexis didn't fight for her relationship so that Neil could continue to practice psychiatry. Cop out.

Jason is giving in so that he can fulfil a nobler purpose  -- murdering Cyrus on Sonny's orders.

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Not that Sam will admit it but her and Alexis weren’t in the same position. Alexis was in Jason’s position, having to sacrifice to make sure Neil didn’t suffer the consequences, and Jason ultimately made the same choice that Alexis did. 

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I'm just waiting for the day when Taggert waltzes back in to let everyone know he's alive. And that Trina won't be angry with him for too long after he explained why he faked his death.

I want Mac to become Commish again if we can't get Robert to accept the position. Because honestly, the way his conversation with Laura went last week, he looked and sounded like his old Commish self than a DA.

And IF the current pandemic makes its way to this FAKAKTA show by reference, they can throw in a line that Robin is working her ass off on a vaccine--cuz Kimberly tweeted that! I can't embed via desktop, but it said:

Love or Hate Robin Scorpio, y'all know she's working her butt off right now trying to develop a vaccine for Cornavirus.

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With Cyrus out and the violence escalating I can't believe Jax was all, "Well Carly, if you think Sonny can keep Joss safe, that's good enough for me!" WTF? When has Sonny ever kept anyone safe?! Is Nina really that spectacular in bed? 

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Especially because Jax was ready to take Joss to Australia earlier. Ugh. Jax's continued skepticism about Sonny's abilities to keep his family safe has always been one of his main strengths; way to totally ruin that, Show.

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32 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

With Cyrus out and the violence escalating I can't believe Jax was all, "Well Carly, if you think Sonny can keep Joss safe, that's good enough for me!" WTF? When has Sonny ever kept anyone safe?! Is Nina really that spectacular in bed? 

I think the theme for yesterday was bad parenting. Carly didn’t want Joss to leave because she would miss her even though nothing was really stopping her from joining them (and was there any mention of Donna and whether she was a target?). Jax “trusted” Carly’s judgement when it’s more than likely that he doesn’t want to leave town because of Nina. Everything with Sam has already been brought up but also, Jason was supposed to be seen as noble when his profession is continually putting his family in danger. Heck, I’ll even throw in Jordan having goodbye sex with Curtis when her son was kidnapped and she doesn’t know if he’s dead or alive. 

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Okay, all these annoying flashbacks... is that their way of trying to drag out the episodes they have already filmed, trying to inform any new viewers they might be getting during the lockdown of all that has been going on, or do they think their current viewers are too stupid to remember what's going on?

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So Molly slept with Brando, a man she barely knows, off-screen, mere hours after she was screamed at by her boyfriend's mother because she was worried that she hadn't heard from T.J. in days/weeks. Because that makes complete sense for who we know Molly, the romantic, to be.

This show is bound and determined to ruin everyone's character, aren't they?

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I don't find Brando all that attractive, so I'm thinking he was a rebound bang for Molly.

But today I did feel a bit of sympathy for him when Sonny came strutting in to tell him he was in danger. If they'd let the guy go back to Chicago and live his life, he'd probably have been in no danger at all, especially since Dev has essentially disappeared. Way to keep your family safe, Sonny.

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Shawn is seriously still in jail for a crime he didn’t commit? I can’t with this show.

I don’t mind the Molly/Brando hook-up since we barely know adult Molly and her relationship with TJ hasn’t had any drama for 7 years but what happened to actual romance/ love stories on this show? I feel like all we’ve seen lately is random hookups or couples starting off their relationships with sex. (i.e. Michael/Sasha and Jax/Nina). I think the only exception to that in the last couple years is Chase and Willow. It makes it difficult to root for any of reason these pairings and part of the reason that a lot of these relationships seem so boring. 

Edited by ffwbe
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