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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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10 hours ago, Suicidy said:
21 hours ago, Katy M said:

Historically speaking, the docks are where all the shady stuff goes down.

It’s so absurd.  “I hve to coordinate some villain stuff, so I better go hang around the docks where anyone could be listening to me”.  Such lazy writing.

It's also visual shorthand—when we see characters on the dock, they're probably up to no good. I think it's dumber when people at GH talk openly in the halls about personal stuff. 

  • Love 6

Today's Show

we open with Carly. She's looking at the divorce papers and having flashbacks of Sonny. Ava comes in. Carly goes sit, Ava goes no, i'd rather stand unless the news is bad. Carly goes "Imma gonna make your day."

Ava goes "that's bait."  Carly tells her that she's getting divorced. Ava goes oh i didnt expect that news. Carly is like really?. they dance around this until Carly goes. i'm sure Nina kept you in the loop." Ava goes "it came up." Carly goes because Nina can't stop talking about it, or because you coached her? Both women smirk. 

Ava is like "leave it to you to make your divorce, my fault." carly goes "no, it's sonny and Nina's fault, they are consenting adults. but i can't help but wonder if you had a hand in it." Ava is like you called me here to tell me this and then interrogate me? Carly goes "I didn't call you for that?" Ava goes. "then what?" "Avery" goes Carly. 

Carly infodumps Ava about the divorce. Carly says we need to make Avery not suffer. Ava goes Avery loves you she's gonna suffer. Carly goes. suffer less then. Carly goes she can lobby for Sonny to keep Ava in Avery's life. Ava goes "lobby for a mother to have a presence in her daughter's life." Carly goes yeah.  Ava goes what do you want in return. "A presence in Averys life." (you shew. you have Donna and Joss. Ava go sue for custody and cut Carly out). Ava goes you can be a useful ally, but.. why should I bargain for your your diminishing hold on Sonny when my good friend Nina has  much much more? Carly smirks. (hello. Ava. OR SUE FOR CUSTODY). 

Ava calls Carly out. "You waged war on me. You attacked me in public. You conspired to keep my child away from me using the same tactics to keep nina away from her grandchild." Carly bites out "MY grandchild." Ava goes. "NO. And now You seek my assistances to make sure you aren't shut out by Sonny and his new lady."  Carly goes Nina is one traffic jam away from a melt down and a straightjacket. I've outlasted every one of Sonny's affairs so do you really want to be team flavour of the month over me? (then you moron why are you divorcing him? that just sounds like you are going to back to him. God I hate Carly). 

Sonny wakes up from his hangover. Nina goes "we have to stop meeting like this." Why are you even bothering with this Nina? Anyway Nina gives him some advil and water. and blehg bleh Sonny drinks too much sometimes, blehg blegh. Nina is going to go. Sonny catches her hand and both look down with them holding hands. whatever.  

Nina needs to go to a Meeting. Sonny is trying to convince her to ditch. Sonny wants to thank her for bringing he home. and makes her breakfast. Nina says sure, but I need a side of hot sauce. and a huge helping of honesty.

Sonny apologizes for the bad eggs. Nina blows smoke up his ass. Nina likes the penthouse. Sonny goes lots of memories. They talk about Stone. Sonny says this used to be a refuge, but now it's home. He shows Nina the divorce papers. Nina looks sad.

Nina says she's sorry. Sonny goes it hit him hard. Nina plays Sonny the phone msg he left for her. Sonny goes I shouldn't have drunk called me. Nina goes that's not what bothers me. Your DRINKING bothers me. 

Sonny snaps at her "Oh im an alocholic now? Nina goes no. but you are drinking too much! Sonny acts like an ass (surprised?) and basically goes "so you're a doctor now?" Nina goes no but i was a patient and I've had my relapses an I can't help but remember. She recites medical stuff with meds, and then goes  DO NOT MIX WITH BOOZE.  Sonny goes i'm handling it!. Nina snaps back like you handled it last night when you were wasted? or when you stopped taking your meds? 

Hatman and Curtis are boxing at the Gym. Hatman is winded. Curtis gets him water. Jasonlite shows up. Handclaps and bro hugs. Jasonlite downplays his contribution. Curtis officially introduces Jasonlite and Hatman. Hatman says goes it was cool that you could go adventuring because only a few can go up against Sonny and live to talk about it. Curtis and Jasonlite share a look. 

Jasonlite goes. "oh don't worry. Sonny wasn't in his right mind. i know what it looked like but we go way back. we're good." (this is so pathetic). Hatman agrees with me as he gives Jasonlite a look and goes "ahuh, I'll take your word on that." Jasonlite isn't done pumping Sonny' tires as he goes how Generous to a fault Sonny is and such a great guy. (yeah we'll just ignore he's a murdering criminal you dumbass).  Hatman goes. "i'll pass  getting to know Sonny. my experience, people who are "that generous." generally have that much more to make up for." Curtis gives Hatman a look. 

They basically handwave it. they blather about Hatman's gig. and stuff. and Hatman leaves.  Curtis infodumps Jasonlite. basically Curtis isn't digging for things anymore, he's gonna live with Portia. but what if the past bites him in the butt. Jasonlite goes "give me the word and we can put my plan into motion." (i legit forgot what plan this was). 

Oh right. the job thing. they both blow smoke up each others butt how smart they were. Curtis wants to know if everything is actually clear. peter is gone. but is everything is clear? 

Robert and Mac are having a brother moment hehe. Robert wants to know when did Mac became such a grandpa. Mac snaps when he became a grandpa, and FYI so are you Robert!. Portia and Stella laugh at them (they are that the nurses station). LMAO Felicia and Anna show up at the hospital and Stella legit goes. IT'S TIME TO GET LOUD IN HERE! THE PEOPLE OF THE HOUR ARE HERE! Applause and all, and Stella is shaking Felicia and Anna's hands and everyone is happy. Robert smiles at Anna and Anna sadly nods at him and Robert loses his smile. 

Mac and Felicia kiss. Stella breaks up the party. Mac says I just wanna make sure felicia is fine. and felicia goes she is. Robert says happily the same thing can't be said for Peter. Anna flinches. Felicia wheels Mac away. Robert tells Anna that he nominated her for the Keys to the City. Anna goes "are you serious?" Robert goes yah. Anna snaps. "un-nominate me!"

Anna is pissed off. "you have no right to make spectacle  of my life." she snaps. Robert reminds her the hell Peter put the town in and they deserve to knowit's over and who better than hearing it from the hero? Anna is like what are you envisioning here? A blow by blow account?  I don't know what anyone wants me to say. Robert goes "How about the truth?" Anna goes "the truth? truth is i never did right by Peter. Ever. And I just sat there and watched him die. That's not something to be proud of. Ever. (FH looks heartbroken and her voice sounds like she's been crying for hours) 

Anna says the sad truth was Peter was my responsibility, and  I failed him and everyone he hurt. Anna wants Robert to say it. "Say what?" Says Robert. "I dd everyone a service, don't think about peter, it's over, move on, blah blah." Anna snaps. Robert says you got one thing wrong. Peter being gone. Anna looks shocked. 

Mac and Felicia share a moment (promise me not to do dangerous stuff. etc etc). Mac goes where's Maxie? Felicia says getting Baileylou. Mac goes "Why not stay with Maxie? Felicia goes it was something maxie would do on her own  

Mac wants to know what's taking Maxie so long. Felicia goes "It will take as long as it needs, it's been a year." Mac goes. "OMG! you don't think BLQ is making this hard for maxie, I'mma gonna send some squad cars." Felicia takes the phone and dumps in in the water.  "That's a BOLD MOVE." barks Mac. Felicia trills she can take bold moves when necesssary. Mac preens. "Just ask Peter August." Felicia loses her smile. 

Stella and Portia have a friendly moment. Stella goes it's nice having two doctors in the family. Portia goes "family?!"(big smiles). Stella goes. yah. Hopefully though you can have time for Curtis and his huge ego.  

Portia is like. yeup we're living together. Stella is like big step. Portia is like yah. Stella goes I'm happy. Portia goes. really? Stella goes mhm. Curtis is a homebody at heart. he needs someone to take care of him. Portia goes nuh nah wrong girl fort that. Stella basically rolls her eyes and goes "i didn't say mother him. I said take care of him. look for things etc." Portia goes. "look for what?" Stella darkly says. "Trouble."

Portia comes back (dr emergency). and goes "What do you mean?" Stella basically goes. Curtis is a softie at heart. He'll ignore signs that he shouldn't get close to Hatman. Portia goes. you make it sound that Hatman will hurt Curtis... will he? Stella gives a look

CLQ are preparing to hand Baileylou to Maxie. Ned is there for support. BLQ is trying to be brave and being all "Dad you should go what if you fall apart." Ned goes then Ill far apart, Im staying here for you.Door knocks, Maxie is there. (and honestly. whatever happens now is undercut that we've seen BLQ lose Baileylou. so this is kinda whatever).

Maxie says is it a bad time? BLQ says great time and they hug. Cue infodump. Maxie goes she can sleep for a week. They are happy Peter is gone. Ned wants to know if he can do anything for maxie. Maxie goes. "nope it's time for me to do something for you, take Baileylou home." CLQ share a look. 

CLQ go to get Baileylou. Maxie talks to Ned about how she dreamed about Peter dying but was terrified of thinking about getting Baileylou but Baileylou wouldn't want to come home, and if Maxie had the strength to leave her. Ned assures her that Baileylou is Maxie's. Maxie goes is she though? BLQ is the only mother she knows.  Baileylou babbles and both Ned and Maxie look at CLQ+Baby. (and okay again this is totally ruined this moment because we SAW the heartbreak already from BLQ, we saw the decision of FELICIA deciding to give the baby back and because the baby is a baby and not...a toddler we don't really get the whole Baileylou angle. they really shouldn't have done the BLQ/Felicia bit). 

Chase goes i LOVE Baileylou's sleepyeyes. Chase and Ned make an excuse to leave. Maxie and BLQ see right through it. Maxie is sad that she didn't know that Baileylou likes Springsteen lullabies. BLQ goes. "I'll teach you everything." a cute moment of "#1 she loves to be held." Maxie goes 'What? really? MINDBLOW!" they laugh and BLQ hands her over. "That's your Mamma." goes BLQ. 

BLQ gives Maxie a book of notes she kept.BLQ calls her Bailey. BLQ apologizes, and she'll get it eventually by calling her Louise. Maxie goes I'm not taking her name away. BLQ goes but you named her after Lulu, your friend. maxie goes. you are my friend. Baileylou is officially now Baileylou (yay!)

Chase is like. I THINK they are smiling? Are they crying? We should go back in there. Ned is like give them another moment. Chase goes. aren't you worried about BLQ? Ned is like yeah. this is going to be tough. But well just going to be there for her. ANYWAY what about you? Charade is over. What are you going to do? Flashback to kiss..



Portia and Stella are still boring me. Stella's concerned about what ifs. Portia says but it sounds like you know more. Stella goes. Hatman WON'T hurt Curtis intentionally, but the past could hurt Curtis. Stella claps Portia with some truth. (basically the man was gone 40 years and now says there is trouble. what more do you really need to know LOL).

Hatman shows up. Jasonlite starts "the plan." Hatman looks suspicious.

Anna says I SAW HIM GONE. HE'S DEAD. Robert goes. "oh yeah dead. for sure. gone - nope. He's sitting on your chest, Anna." Anna goes. don't you think I bare responsibility for his terror? Robert goes. "no. you tried to save him, and you nearly died for it. Promise me next time you'll give your heart to a man who deserves your love. but not val." haha Anna laughs. 

Felicia goes  I did everything I did to protect my family and friends. and so if that makes me cold so be it! Mac goes not cold. and they kiss. 

Maxie goes do you wanna say goodbye? Chase goes. "see you later is better." Maxie thanks them. Maxie says there's one more thing. I'm mommy. but your mamma. Mamma BLQ. BLQ goes I can live with that. BLQ kisses Baileylou goodbye. Maxie leaves. BLQ breaks down (i am in tears). Ned hugs her. 

Ava stands up. "Carly when Sonny was gone, we worked together for Avery. I'm not changing that now. I love my daughter, she loves you. Ill make sure you are a part of her life." Carly is like. YESSSSSS. when ava goes. 

Nina explains how booze and his drugs dont mix. Sonny is so stupid. Nina walk away. Anyway Sonny goes i would have called sober. Nina goes stop changing the subject. Sonny goes what subject? Nina goes I don't remember. sonnny hugs her and then kisses her. NINA. WALK. AWAY FROM.. you know what I don't care, get burned by this dumbass.

Show's over. 

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, Daisy said:

 Stella goes mhm. Curtis is a homebody at heart. he needs someone to take care of him. Portia goes nuh nah wrong girl fort that. Stella basically rolls her eyes and goes "i didn't say mother him. I said take care of him. look for things etc." Portia goes. "look for what?" Stella darkly says. "Trouble.". . .
Stella basically goes. Curtis is a softie at heart. He'll ignore signs that he shouldn't get close to Hatman. Portia goes. you make it sound that Hatman will hurt Curtis... will he? Stella gives a look . . .

Stella goes. Hatman WON'T hurt Curtis intentionally, but the past could hurt Curtis. 

Uh, wasn't it just a couple weeks ago that Stella was sort of unrelentingly insisting that Curtis get to know Hatman . . . give him another chance, blah, blah, blah? And now she's concerned that Curtis could get hurt by getting to know him?  Sheesh! Do the writers even remember what they write? 

  • LOL 1
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The episode was good. Although I'm not sure why Aunt Stella was the one leading the charge with the applauses at the hospital. Where in the hell was Monica? Her family suffered because of Peter. Finn? His brother almost died because of Peter. 

I felt something tightening in my throat when BLQ handed over Bailey to Maxie. It was sad, but I'm glad Maxie did the things that she did, like keeping Bailey's name, and making BLQ a very important part of her life. 

Yes, show. We get it, Douchehat was involved in some shady business with the mob.

  • Love 9

I'm not crying, you're crying.  Man, there was a whole bunch of onions being peeled and dusty rooms being swept today, right around the time that Maxie took the baby and Ned took a crying Brook Lynn into his arms.  Also BLQ/AS looked fantastic today.  If that's in her wardrobe, why has she been wearing those 1990 Working Girl blazers for so long.  

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Also BLQ/AS looked fantastic today.  If that's in her wardrobe, why has she been wearing those 1990 Working Girl blazers for so long.  

I'm kind of hoping that they are starting to transition her wardrobe because her storyline is headed into a different direction. Like yesterday, she was wearing a flirty skirt for her first kiss with Chase. Today, she's wearing pants and a leather jacket. 

  • Love 5

Hat is growing on me.  Loved his “sure, Jan” face when Drew was making excuses for Sonny.  If he keeps shading Sonny he can stay.  

I didn’t like that Maxie even entertained the idea of leaving BaileyLou (officially!!!) with Brooklyn.  Like she may never have done it, but she shouldn’t have even said it out loud.  Yes it’s going to be a rough transition for little BaileyLou but Maxie that’s your kid for goodness sakes.  It’s your job to make it ok for her, not just say oh well Brooklyn is your mom now!  ANYWAY….even with all that…..I sobbed.  So bittersweet.

Ava looked very Dynasty today.  Loved it.  She can pull it off.

Although Finola is doing an amazing job as always, I am so over Anna’s pain over Peter.  She didn’t fail him.  She tried so hard to be there for him, to help him.   But some people can’t be helped.  Now I do agree with her that she failed the people around him by enabling him.  I understand her guilt over that but over Peter.  Nope.  

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 8

Oh thank gods, Bailey will remain Bailey and not Louise! The scenes with Maxie/BL and Maxie/Ned were sweet. What are you people doing waking a baby from her nap?  Have you no sense?

Props to the show for making everyone around Baileylou act like unselfish adults. The book Brook Lynn wrote for Maxie about Bailey's habits was particularly sweet.

I hate to say anything good about Sonny scenes but now that the secret is out, his interactions with Nina are a whole lot more healthier than his with Carly have been for years.

Between Anna telling Finn how alone she is now, and the scenes with Robert today,  I wonder if the are ending Anna/Valentin.

1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Jasonlite goes. "oh don't worry. Sonny wasn't in his right mind. i know what it looked like but we go way back. we're good." (this is so pathetic). Hatman agrees with me as he gives Jasonlite a look and goes "ahuh, I'll take your word on that." Jasonlite isn't done pumping Sonny' tires as he goes how Generous to a fault Sonny is and such a great guy. (yeah we'll just ignore he's a murdering criminal you dumbass).  Hatman goes. "i'll pass  getting to know Sonny. my experience, people who are "that generous." generally have that much more to make up for."

Normally I have no time for Hatman but props for this line.

Jassonlite, on the other hand, is a total disappointment.

  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Also BLQ/AS looked fantastic today.  If that's in her wardrobe, why has she been wearing those 1990 Working Girl blazers for so long.  

She's been better dressed for the past couple of episodes. I noticed her blazer was a much lighter material a couple of days back. Sadly, I think the actress has lost some weight so wardrobe is doing a bit better in the fashion dept. She shouldn't have needed to lose weight for them to ditch the blazers but  . . . . .  

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Between Anna telling Finn how alone she is now, and the scenes with Robert today,  I wonder if the are ending Anna/Valentin.

yeah this is sort of like the sam/dante thing.like one day we're all cool next day it's all "WELL IT'S COMPLICATED NOW, CUE A TRIANGLE." and you're like but... when did that happen?

i wonder if they "ended things" because she didn't like how Val was going after BLQ pre-reveal. 

30 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Props to the show for making everyone around Baileylou act like unselfish adults. The book Brook Lynn wrote for Maxie about Bailey's habits was particularly sweet.

I think these scenes were supposed to be in direct contrast with Ava/mama Carly scenes. You know, mama Carly who had no problem cutting Ava out of Avery's life.

  • Useful 2
  • Love 4
On 2/23/2022 at 4:57 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I wanted Anna to do to LWB/FS what Giles did to Ben-is-Glory at the end of Buffy Season 5, but maybe you couldn't get away with that in daytime.

Do we suspect there might be some sort of connection between Ben and Glory?


I was actually thinking the exact same thing, oddly enough I watched a reaction to The Gift right before GH came on and asked my cat "Where's Giles when we need him most?"

I'm hoping Anna closing Peter's eyes was a sign he's most sincerely dead.

  • LOL 1
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The hospital staff (especially without Liz, Finn, Britt or Monica) giving Felicia and Anna a round of applause was bizarre. It just happened yesterday. Did Mac already blab to the entire hospital that Peter is dead? Isn't that classified WSB information? Anna should have rounded up Victor, told him they had Peter in custody and that he was talking, and tried to rattle some info out of him. 

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Suicidy said:

I had that same thought, about Anna euthanizing Peter.  FH did a terrific job of telegraphing that she had not called for an ambulance.  How that woman never landed a prime time network or cable series is beyond me.

She did get PT work she was in the last couple seasons of Blossom as her stepmom(although by then the show should've ended) she also had a TV show called Jack's Place on ABC but it was cancelled after one season.

  • Love 1

It is weird they bothered with the beat of Brook handing the baby over to Felicia if there wasn't going to be a delay in her now handing the baby over to Maxie, but these were nice scenes.  As I've said before, I'm really glad they skipped any kind of beat where Brook schemed or lied or tried to make Maxie look crazy to hang on to Bailey and I'm really glad this interaction cemented the bond and friendship between Brook and Maxie (sucks to you be, Coma!Lulu!).

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Finola also played the mother on Charmed.

Yes she did I forgot to mention that as well which is ironic since it took the Power of Three to take out Peter..

1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

It is weird they bothered with the beat of Brook handing the baby over to Felicia if there wasn't going to be a delay in her now handing the baby over to Maxie, but these were nice scenes.  As I've said before, I'm really glad they skipped any kind of beat where Brook schemed or lied or tried to make Maxie look crazy to hang on to Bailey and I'm really glad this interaction cemented the bond and friendship bewteen Brook and Maxie (sucks to you be, Coma!Lulu!).

As much as I don't like Lulu now would be a great time for her to wake up from that coma so much has changed since she went under.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I think these scenes were supposed to be in direct contrast with Ava/mama Carly scenes. You know, mama Carly who had no problem cutting Ava out of Avery's life.

I can only hope that  you're right. But given how much the show loves Carly, I suspect that we're supposed to think what a big heart she has that she loves Avery so much even though she's not blood kin. And she still refuses to acknowledge that Nina is Wylie's grandmother.

1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

It is weird they bothered with the beat of Brook handing the baby over to Felicia if there wasn't going to be a delay in her now handing the baby over to Maxie,

It showed how much Brook Lynn loves Bailey which makes it all the more noble and heart-breaking to watch her hand Bailey over to Maxie without hesitation.

  • Love 3

I think the big blazers on AS were to cover her real life baby weight. Which, who cares about weight gain, but it was a little comic since her pregnancy on the show was fake.

I'm all for Lulu waking up asap. No more Spencers in vegetative states! Plus it would save Dante from Sam.

Hatman will always be Chief Taylor from the Closer to me. But I love the Sonny shade. Hope it keeps up. Dude has practice from all the shade he through at Brenda Lee Johnson.

Finola hasn't had the career she deserved its true. Not enough folks took advantage of her gift for camp. She's great in her tiny role in Soapdish and her part in Staying Alive is the most fun thing in that terrible movie. But Anna needs some fun with Val now. FH is the easiest crier on daytime. Her eyes have been constantly wet for months.

What does Nina see in Sonny? I missed the Nixon Falls stuff but I just don't get it. Carly has history from when Mo used to have charisma so I can deal with her loving him. Nina only knows this tic riddled mess he's become. Why am I supposed to root for any actress to be saddled with this pause-y, yelly, downer? 

And, yeah, it was a bad look for a bunch of healthcare professionals to applaud the death of a person, even if he was a supervillian wannabe

Edited by Grinaldi
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

She did get PT work she was in the last couple seasons of Blossom as her stepmom(although by then the show should've ended) she also had a TV show called Jack's Place on ABC but it was cancelled after one season.

FH is worthy of a prime role in some gritty streaming or cable series.  Her talents are sadly underutilized.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

The hospital staff (especially without Liz, Finn, Britt or Monica) giving Felicia and Anna a round of applause was bizarre. It just happened yesterday. Did Mac already blab to the entire hospital that Peter is dead? Isn't that classified WSB information? Anna should have rounded up Victor, told him they had Peter in custody and that he was talking, and tried to rattle some info out of him. 

Speaking of Monica, I saw Leslie Charleston had her birthday on the 22nd (Tuesday).  So happy 77th to her.

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So let me get this straight: Carly, who had NO LEGAL RIGHTS to Avery, worked harder than the devil to keep Ava out of Avery's life, but now Ava, who is AVERY'S LEGAL AND BIO MOTHER, is supposed to help Carly stay in her kid's life?  Got it, show.  Though it is telling that Ava acknowledges her daughter loves the shrew and doesn't want Avery upset.  Much more than can be said for PC's President of the I Hoard Children Club.

I loved the Maxie/BLQ scenes.  Amanda Sutton and Kirsten Storm killed it.  And, yes, thank god the kid will remain Bailey. 

  • Love 14

Bye-bye Bailey now you'll never be seen again. Shipped off with Spinelli/Max/Felicia to raise and never seen again.  She was better off with BL and a custody fight would be fun considering how horrible a parent Maxie is. I hope Bailey wants BL back and act like she did with Felicia. 

The clapping and cheering over Anna and Felicia walking in was cheesy. It's also bad considering he was Anna nephew. Austin got that yesterday with Britt hearing the news about her brother.

I don't buy he's dead dead. This Peter death too easy.  Victor will bring him back. Faison returned time and time again from being dead. 

Why is Ava bargaining for anything with Carly. Carly has no rights. 

The Sonny penthouse I wish they had the original set. This show needs Brenda back. Knock Carly off her high horse of how she always wins over Sonny's affairs. Can't buy this love for Nina or Carly even if Brenda was around. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

What does Nina see in Sonny? I missed the Nixon Falls stuff but I just don't get it. Carly has history from when Mo used to have charisma so I can deal with her loving him. Nina only knows this tic riddled mess he's become.

Honestly, with me it's the other way around. Whether Mo had charisma or not, when Carly got involved with Sonny and for a long time after, he was shouting at her to go to her room, throwing glassware (sometimes in her direction), calling her names like bitch, slut, whore. To say nothing of shooting her in the head.

Nina's up-close experience, both with "Mike" in Nixon Falls and after Sonny learned the truth, hasn't been anything nearly that toxic. Those scenes when he confronted Nina about hiding his identity from him and was mad? If that had been 1990s/2000s Sonny, he'd have laid hands on her, Not hitting, but he would have grabbed her in a threatening way and pinned her against a wall. And he definitely would have said a lot of disgusting shit. 

They've dialed his misogyny down since the story where Kristina was estranged from him because she saw him manhandling whatshername. Sarah Brown's second character, the mob princess. 

Edited by NotMySekrit2Tell
  • Love 3

Sonny trying to swoon his new wife Nina. Please I’m about to throw up.

Sonny, what are you doing? Making breakfast for Nina in your new home, showing her your divorce papers, and being affectionate with Nina. For all this hemming and hawing about only loving Carly and wanting to save his marriage, he seems awfully ready to move on with Nina. Is the ink even dry on those papers? With Nina wanting to have a sincere relationship with Sonny and Sonny being avoidant, I wonder how their relationship dynamic will change when Nina starts rejecting Sonny.


I understand Anna feeling bad because Peter was family but at this point it just feels like wasted remorse. I just don't want to see Anna be depressed for months because she did the right thing and saved us all from Peter, especially now that she and Valentin just started their relationship. And if Peter hadn't made an enemy out of every person in town who are now celebrating his death, Anna's emotional attachment to Peter would have made her give Peter another chance to make amends while he serves time in prison. Anna, once you realize death couldn't have happened to a more deserving person, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to sleep like a baby when you go to sleep at night.

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It's really funny to me that some think Esme was genuinely sincere in wanting to make up with Trina and Joss so much so that now Joss apparently deserves to have a sex tape publicized without her consent because she gave as good as she got with Esme. If Esme was really trying to turn a new leaf with Trina and Joss then she would have pulled out that phone she was carrying around in her bag and explained how she was going to use the sex tape to blame Trina and try to destroy the girls' relationship.

Let's not forget who started this feud and animosity between all of them, Esme. Probably because of her jealousy of their friendship with each other as well as with Spencer.  And the person putting Trina in danger is Spencer because his attention to Trina is what Esme is reacting to and plotting against. Even though Joss was a bit too aggressive during her conversations with Trina and Esme, I took it as her defending her friend against Nelle 2.0 and advising her friend that she deserves better treatment from Spencer. It's just that Joss is a way more confrontational type of person whereas Trina is not. Because of their different personalities, let them fight and argue about how they want to handle the Esme situation. Which I hope is where this story is going rather than dumbing down Joss to ever believe Trina would video tape her having sex.

And Spencer is too whipped by Esme to fully back Trina once the truth comes out because of his relationship with her. Even if we're lucky and Esme framing Trina is the last straw for Spencer and he breaks up with her, I just don't see Spencer completely cutting Esme off. He will eventually give in because they have built this narrative that Spencer is the only person Esme has and she will definitely be playing up that sob story once she gets caught. So Trina will end up looking like a fool because she's kind-hearted and will 'understand' Spencer's struggle.

That's why I'm kind of anti-Spencer when it comes to Trina. Yes, the romance is sweet and seems like a slow burn that could really blow up and become popular. But I'm sorry, I agree with Josslyn on that front. If you remove the romance googles, Spencer does treat Trina like a side chick (the girl he wants to be with who's not his girlfriend) and she has been way too forgiving on how he's treated her thus far. And her insistence that her are Spencer are just friends and have no connection is her being in denial about her feeling for Spencer cause we saw that romantic connection even before we were introduced to Esme as his girlfriend. Spencer so believes his convictions when he says them (following Trina's advice of rejecting his family to become his own man) but then totally flips and takes up for the completely opposing convictions (backing Victor for using family protection and pushing him to reclaim his title as the Cassadine heir). I'm glad they're still building up that couple because Trina currently deserves better.

Edited by KimChi Rogue
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Artsda said:

Why is Ava bargaining for anything with Carly. Carly has no rights. 

Unlike Carly, Ava puts what's best for her daughter first, and Carly has been a huge part of Avery's life. Unfortunately. But I think Ava is doing the right thing. HOWEVER, Ava needs to nail down physical custody. There's no reason Avery can't split her time between houses. She was doing that earlier.

9 hours ago, KimChi Rogue said:

For all this hemming and hawing about only loving Carly and wanting to save his marriage, he seems awfully ready to move on with Nina.

"Nothing can defeat the penis!" /BtVS (Xander, to be exact)

  • LOL 5
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Today's Show

we start with Sam going Danteeee! She's all "you're a patient?" Dante is like no, follow up from the head conk. Sam wants a kiss. They kiss. Whatever. 

Liz is flashing back to her Franco haunting.  She was talking  to Finn about something big. But Sam interrupts them and awkwardly updates them about Peter. The Lollipop Guild  has sincerely pronounced him dead y'all because an autopsy was done. Liz is conflicted. She thought there would be more closure. Finn goes yeah. it would have been nice for Peter to rot in jail knowing that no one cared about him. Sam and Liz had a sweet moment saying that beause they are connected by Jason's sons -- they'll always have each other's back. 

Finn goes back to comforting Liz and basically talks about how it takes time to get over a spouse's death. (I really wasn't paying attention to this because i'm bored. but basically. peter is dead. you can find peace with the happy Franco memories). Liz goes yah. Anyway i didn't tell you everything what's going on between me and Franco. Liz infodumps Finn. Liz goes it feels like it feels like that this is deliberate. Finn goes "what about your boys." Liz goes i asked them and I know when my boys are lying but i an ask them again. Finn gets a page and needs to split but assures Liz it will be okay. Liz looks sad. 

Harmony and Alexis are talking the phone. There is a shady deal going on the background. Harmony is going to tell Willow  the truth today.  Shawn shows up and he's still a judging hypocrite in regards to Harmony. He graciously goes if ALEXIS believes her. then he'll trust Alexis. Shut up Shawn. Anyway he wants to talk about the company. Invader things are increasing. Shawn wants to use the non-profit to buy them. Shawn might have to move to San Fran. BYEEEE SHAWN!!!

Alexis is like yah SF great city, have fun.. Alexis is also sad that he's leaving. they talk about about their failed relationship. Shawn goes "There are a million reasons for me to go, but is there a one better reason for me to stay?" *eyebrow wiggle*

Alexis goes "TJ and molly!" Shawn laughs and goes that's not what i was talking about. They talk about how they connected last year and Shawn says it was fate. Alexis admits a part of her shut down when Neil died. They are almost going to have a kiss and Sam shuts it down so Shawn leaves. Sam goes she hopes she didn't interrupt anything. Alexis has guh, you cockblocker! face. 

Sam has closure. (for her and the city!).now they talk about Shawn and Neil. Sam says Niel wants you to be happy. Sam goes Shawn is Alexis's most stable relationship. And FYI can't shawn be your BFF instead of Harmony?

Monica!! She's all I'm sorry you can't go to Paris. Millowtonin are whinging that she can't have a passport because she doesn't exist. Whatever. Monica is all this is so egrious that the government can't find the documents! She wants to help. Harmony shows up. Monica is like yay! you can help about the birth certificate. Harmony and Willow leave to tal in the living toom. Michael triggers Face #2 "Confused" Monica goes "do you thin Harmony can clear this up?" Michael  tigger Face #1 "Constipated-Thinking" He says "I don't know. Harmony's been evasive." 

Harmony chickens out and lies to Willow. (who didn't say that coming). They share a moment about how Willow was raised. Willow goes. anyway this was just a mistake (the paperwork) and they'll move forward together. Harmony looks conflicted

Michael and Monica are like  so what's the word? Willow goes. Birth certificate is coming yay!!. Dante shows up to tell them about peter. Michael triggers Face #4 "I have no brain". Monica is floored by the news. (my thing is why is there a tour about everyone knows that peter is dead. geeze. this is what the INVADER is for). 

Carly is looking at the divorce papers that she wanted and is looking at all sad face. Jasonlite shows up. (whatever). Carly gets an infodump. It broke Carly's heart when she heard about the babyswitch. Now we're blowing smoke up Jason's ass. JASON WAS NOT A HERO, SHOW. THE END. and it's not even worth a recap, you can just imagine that claptrap. But anyway Carly needs Jason. (Also. I hate Jasonlite)

Carly goes when she ran into Sonny an Nina her first reaction was running to Jason to make it better. But you'll do. you're just like Jason, have the same touch. Jasonlite is all yeah i thought i messed things up. flashback to the almost kiss. Gag me with a skipole. 

Jasonlite says Carly made the right call. Carly goes yah I was gonna spend the rest of my life with Sonny, and you with sam. (REALLY? No). Carly shows Jasonlite the divorce papers. She infodumps him about why she chose herself (because how can she be a good role model to the girls if she was in a marriage that she wasn't respected ahuh). then she goes OMG DOES SONNY KNOW THE PERSON WHO MURDERED JASON IS DEAD?!

Carly goes I don't wanna see Sonny but i should tell him that Jason's death was avenged!  Jasonlite is like i can come with you. or you know take it off your plate. 

Recap of yesterday with Sonny and Nina. They kiss. whatever. Sonny wants to take her upstairs for Sexytimes. Nina says no! It's a big mistake! Nina doesn't want to cross a line. LOL Sonny goes the line's been crossed! Nina says she doesn't want to be a distraction from Sonny's drugs/drinking. She said it would be wrong to sleep together until he's stable. Sonny goes I wasn't drinking on the boat. Nina says you were days before. you're not stable yet. Sonny goes what If i don't want to explain it away. what if what is between us isn't because of my drinking. 

Sonny explains he's drawn to Nina like a moth to a flame. it was a mistake for many reasons what happened on the boat. He reminds Nina they fell in love in NF, and they don't disappear. there's no baggage and deception so we can explore them. Nina goes we had baggage because of me. She was drowning in guilt even though the love they had was pure. It woud be wrong to explore anything now if you're so vulnerable. She leaves and Sonny kinda pout. Knock at the door. It's a Goon letting sonny know someone is there. Tis Dante. "Bad time?" 

Dante infodumps Sonny about Peter and Anna. (geeze). Sonny wants to check up on Anna. Dante is like I know I'm not Jason (thank God). but we can talk about this. Sonny is like no, and is trying to get him out of the apartment. Dante sees that and is basically "is it business why you're trying to get rid of me, or is there something else?" (Nina  is stuck around the corner lol)

Sonny goes true. and infodumps Dante about his day - minus the nina bit. ILY's are deployed. Dante leaves. See. the Good Son. Nina thanks Sonny for not saying she was around. and then asks why didn't you tell Dante? Sonny is quiet. Nina goes "right becuse i'm a mistake. 

Nina is like Peter is dead! what does this mean. Sonny uses this to hit on nina LOL (for every ending, there's a new beginning). Nina sees that for the line that it is, an goes. look. get you drinking under control or stop drinking. Then you can figure out what you wanna do next. Sonny goes true. you deserve that much. Nina goes. YOU deserve that much. and she leaves. 

Harmony goes to the bar and the shady guy from before is there going "seat is taken." Harmony goes By me. she wants ShadyGuy to get a birth certificate. 



Liz calls Betsy. She wants Betsy to come to town.

Sam goes she can admit Harmony went above and beyond. But there's so much history between our family and her. Alexis shuts her down. (good. becuse YOU got second chances Sam). Alexis goes "please accept the possibility that Harmony has changed)

Harmony pays off the guy. Shawn is glaring at Harmony.

Monica, Dante, and Millowtonin toast to peter's death in Jason's name. (again. JASON KILLED PEOPLE TOO. YOU CALL SONNY FATHER, MICHAEL. so quite frankly.. this just always annoys me when people go "we need to fix the lives of the people "REALLY bad guy" ruined whlle you know. they love peope who do this all the time.)


Carly and Jasonlite go to the penthouse and Carly has oh HELLLL NOOO  face when she sees Nina in Sonny's penthouse.  

Show ends. 

so boring. esp for a friday episode. THIS should have been yesterday and yesterday's BLQ moment ends for Friday. but of course this is ALL about Jason/Sonny so there we are. 

  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, Daisy said:

ina goes we had baggage because of me. She was drowning in guilt even though the love they had was pure.

God. I need Nina to stop saying this drivel about her love for Sonny being so pure. She sounds like an idiot. Somehow her love for her beloved J, James,  or hey remember Wylie somehow don't rate on the pure love spectrum as the love that emerge originally from a relationship with a man which she out of spite kept quiet about who he really was and spent the next 6 months in an empty bar talking about nothing.

I won't add the sloppy seconds that she is allowing herself to become when Sonny is either in the midst of bipolar medical imbalance or constant drunkness or having a tantrum because Carly doesn't want him the way he is currently acting or feeling regarding Nina.

Edited by nilyank
  • Love 2

For a couple about to divorce, Carly is sure all up in Sonny's business. Just let Jason's brother tell Sonny that Peter is dead.

The good part for me is Shawn leaving, if he actually is leaving. (Nice nod to the OLTL Lord's.) No offence to the actor but they don't know what to do with him and he just seems to be there as a large paperweight. Then again, Drew is an even greater disappointment.

Of course Sam would think that murdering mobster Shawn is a better friend for Alexis than Harmony.

12 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Today's episode was a slog. If there were enjoyable parts, I just can't remember then. And we are about to complete Drew's destruction by sticking him with Carly. And finishing with Michael toasting Jason was just 💩

Totally. As @tessaray said above, they've been doing good sweeps work and it all came to a screeching halt.

I know that they write and shoot the episodes a long time ahead but Willow and Michael whining that they have to delay their weekend in Paris as I'm watching footage of fleeing Ukrainian families with their children and pets makes me even more disgusted with Millowtonin.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I know that they write and shoot the episodes a long time ahead but Willow and Michael whining that they have to delay their weekend in Paris as I'm watching footage of fleeing Ukrainian families with their children and pets makes me even more disgusted with Millowtonin.

Without going into the whole Ukraine thing and how absolutely vile and despicable all of this is, Willow and Michael have rich people problems. If not finding your birth certificate is your worst problem in days, then I think you're golden. Check your fucking privilege!

  • Love 6

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