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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I think Pip helped fake the medical records, or else she played along with whomever did. At any rate, I have less of a problem with this than Monica and Bobbie's complete disregard for Nelle wanting more information about an elective procedure on her toddler son.

What annoyed me most about Monica and Bobbie's actions was that the show was trying to make Nelle into some sort of monster for not immediately agreeing to the heart surgery for Wiley, when it wasn't urgent, Wiley would need additional surgery when he got a bit older, and all Nelle wanted was for someone to walk her through things. But no one could spare a half hour to do that, simply because she was Nelle Benson, Evil Incarnate.

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Didn't Epiphany also help steal Ryan's kidney, and treat multiple gunshot victims for the mob for which she took supplies from the hospital. 

I hate hate hate Carly and would love for her to ultimately lose Jason in a way that destroys her. ...But, I will say LW is a decent actress to make me hate the character so much. At least she has something behind the eyes and you know what she's thinking.  In contrast, I feel nothing about Sonny, except for being glad when he is off my screen. MB is so one-note and smarmy, that I find him entirely grating and boring, and he interjects zero energy or emotion into any scene he's in.


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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Finn didn't really kill Peter, though—Peter fell down the stairs. Any decent lawyer could frame it as self-defense and win. I know, Finn has to have some angst because he's a doctor and first, do no harm and all of that, but come on. It's Peter August/Heinrich Faison, the evulest evul who ever evuled in Port Charles. (Until Cyrus came along.) I wish Finn leaned a tiny bit more in that direction than "OMG I'm a murderer!"

He is a murderer though. He should be 'OMG! I'm a murderer.' He DID kill him. Peter didn't fall down the stairs. Finn literally grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him down the stairs. I rewatched it a few times to verify they were really going with that. And, yuppers. In Finn's flashback, I watched it a few times again to see if there was maybe a different take and they were going back on that, but nope, Finn done killed him. 

I'm sure he's not upset that the evil Peter is gone but a doctor -- do no harm -- killing another human -- still is going to feel that guilt and it SHOULD weigh heavily on him. He killed a man. He threw him down the stairs in his anger and took his life.

Edited by driver18
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1 hour ago, ciarra said:


Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 12-01-14 GENERAL HOSPITAL Preempted Today.png

Edited 1 hour ago by ciarra · Reason: editing


Thanks for this, I was so confused!

As for yesterday’s show, I think the whole meeting with Monica was so gross.  Especially Laura, with her judging eyebrows and head nods in regards to Britt.  What an asshole.  I can’t believe I just said that about a legacy character, but unfortunately these iconic characters have been so ruined.  Monica and Bobbie should have lost their licenses for what they did in forging the medical records (I don’t remember what Pip’s role was.), they shouldn’t be celebrated and even rewarded.  Just gross.

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5 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Monica and Bobbie should have lost their licenses for what they did in forging the medical records (I don’t remember what Pip’s role was.)

Epiphany didn't have any role in Bobbie destroying the forged consent form to allow the surgery. She was demoted to administrative somewhere after Cyrus took over. And it was Cyrus who fired Monica and Bobbie, and demoted Epiphany.

Britt did cut Elizabeth's hours after Franco's murder; removed her from helping Finn with Chase, because Chase didn't want her to know that Chase had been poisoned and what he gave Chase was an antidote. But Britt did eventually apologize and put her back full time.

I don't really like Britt; But she hasn't been the devious scheming wench like when she first showed up. And when she suspected Cyrus was pushing his fake drug through the hospital, she put a stop to it. Or tried to.

You have Elizabeth, still giving Britt shit, yet she bows down to the SheBeast, who has done much worse to her.

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9 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Epiphany didn't have any role in Bobbie destroying the forged consent form to allow the surgery. She was demoted to administrative somewhere after Cyrus took over. And it was Cyrus who fired Monica and Bobbie, and demoted Epiphany.

Britt did cut Elizabeth's hours after Franco's murder; removed her from helping Finn with Chase, because Chase didn't want her to know that Chase had been poisoned and what he gave Chase was an antidote. But Britt did eventually apologize and put her back full time.

Well Cyrus was right to fire them.  Britt was also right to cut Elizabeth’s hours after Franco’s death; she was grieving and that could lead to mistakes on the job.  When your job is keeping people alive, mistakes should probably be avoided.

It would be different if they had been fired on false pretenses, but they actually did commit a crime and they are lucky all that happened was getting fired.

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Britt cut Elizabeth's hours on Cyrus' orders when he first gave her the CoS job as she did moving Epiphany to administration. The reason the show gave was that Cyrus didn't want anyone loyal to Sonny to know stuff and pass it on. <eyeroll>

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21 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Britt cut Elizabeth's hours on Cyrus' orders when he first gave her the CoS job as she did moving Epiphany to administration. The reason the show gave was that Cyrus didn't want anyone loyal to Sonny to know stuff and pass it on. <eyeroll>

Oh, right. She told her to then go home and take some time after the murder. Sorry, my bad!

But I don't think Elizabeth did, and then the whole on the run happened, Britt apologized and reinstated Elizabeth back to full time.

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

Well Cyrus was right to fire them.  Britt was also right to cut Elizabeth’s hours after Franco’s death; she was grieving and that could lead to mistakes on the job.  When your job is keeping people alive, mistakes should probably be avoided.

It would be different if they had been fired on false pretenses, but they actually did commit a crime and they are lucky all that happened was getting fired.

Uhm, no. No, no. Someone else does not decide how another person grieves and just takes away their literal livelihood in the process. IF Elizabeth started making mistakes, IF her grief was causing her to make mistakes then her position/hours/time off needed to be evaluated. But just arbitrarily deciding that Elizabeth needing to grieve in a way that Britt decided would work best wasn't her call.

As for Monica/Bobbie.... hell to the yeah! I will forever be pissed about that. They broke HIPAA. Nelle was treated horrendously as a parent. Nelle was also LITERALLY almost killed by Carly, and Elizabeth was literally the only medical personnel there who treated her like a human being. (I love Elizabeth so much.) And it was also the only time I haven't liked Chase. Carly locked Nelle on the roof in the middle of Winter and Chase just poo-poo'ed it away like Carly didn't commit attempted manslaughter. (I checked the definition -- Attempt to commit murder is the incomplete, unsuccessful act of killing, where the act is intended to kill a person. ... Attempt to commit manslaughter is similar, but does not include an intent to kill.) -- That's what Carly did!

Ooh, they did my girl, Nelle wrong!!!

Edited by driver18
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2 hours ago, driver18 said:

I'm sure he's not upset that the evil Peter is gone but a doctor -- do no harm -- killing another human -- still is going to feel that guilt and it SHOULD weigh heavily on him. He killed a man. He threw him down the stairs in his anger and took his life.

Yay Finn - Peter's dirt nap was long overdue.  Good triumphs over evil so rarely on GH nowadays Finn has become one of my favorite characters. Even if he doesn't appreciate Chase's mad pitching mound skills. I never could figure out how to throw a slider.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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19 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I keep reading here that Maxie's pregnancy was laughably long -- but is it, in show time?

Maxie announced her pregnancy to Peter (and the whole town) at the Nurse's Ball which aired Aug 18/21.  Assuming she was 4 weeks pregnant at the time, that puts her conception at July 18/21, which puts her due date at April 25/21, give or take.   But she delivered around June 5th.  

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2 hours ago, driver18 said:

Someone else does not decide how another person grieves and just takes away their literal livelihood in the process. IF Elizabeth started making mistakes, IF her grief was causing her to make mistakes then her position/hours/time off needed to be evaluated. But just arbitrarily deciding that Elizabeth needing to grieve in a way that Britt decided would work best wasn't her call.

It’s not Britt’s call as to how Elizabeth chooses to grieve, but as CoS it is her call to do whatever she sees as best for the hospital. On a financial level it sucks that Liz got her hours cut (I also love Liz) but it was within Britt’s rights to move employees around as she deemed fit. I’m kind of side eyeing the Epiphany thing but I missed all of that when I was in the middle of a move. 

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7 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

It’s not Britt’s call as to how Elizabeth chooses to grieve, but as CoS it is her call to do whatever she sees as best for the hospital. On a financial level it sucks that Liz got her hours cut (I also love Liz) but it was within Britt’s rights to move employees around as she deemed fit. I’m kind of side eyeing the Epiphany thing but I missed all of that when I was in the middle of a move. 

Yeah. Remember how Elizabeth messed up after Jake died? Her recast actress made some kind of huge medical mistake, I think?

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3 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

It’s not Britt’s call as to how Elizabeth chooses to grieve, but as CoS it is her call to do whatever she sees as best for the hospital. On a financial level it sucks that Liz got her hours cut (I also love Liz) but it was within Britt’s rights to move employees around as she deemed fit. I’m kind of side eyeing the Epiphany thing but I missed all of that when I was in the middle of a move. 

Except.... again, if Elizabeth had done nothing wrong, had made no mistakes (AS SHE HAD NOT), then Britt was punishing her without cause which gave Elizabeth grounds to sue Britt and GH for loss of livelihood.  She wasn't "moving [an] employee around as she deemed fit." She cut her hours, costing her wages based on Britt's personal belief that Elizabeth needed to grieve in a certain type of a way. For some people, throwing themselves into work--especially if it's a job that love--helps them grieve.

So, yeah, we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. (And I'm not saying this just to come down on Britt. I love her too.)

Edited by driver18
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1 minute ago, Sake614 said:

Well Mo won for best actor, so clearly Sonny will continue to eat the show for at least another year. 🙄

The shoe polish hair is back. What struck me about his speech is he sounded like it was really tough to give a quick speech - like getting words out in sentences is exhausting.  So it's not just "Sonny." It makes me wonder if something is genuinely medically wrong with MB.

Of course he says Frank told him he's "the star of the show" when he objected to the Alzheimer's story after screen testing with Max Gail, because that experience made him emotional.  

LOL that the clip submitted for Steve Burton was Jason yelling at Carly.

So,  GH wins an Emmy for the Women's Vote special episode, with LW's character lecturing the crowd of women. And FV gives the acceptance speech.

I find it interesting that KT gets to be a presenter, and SBu is featured (from a Red Carpet interview maybe?) with a quick quote. 

So GF, FH and NLG all lost. 

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8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

and all Nelle wanted was for someone to walk her through things. But no one could spare a half hour to do that, simply because she was Nelle Benson, Evil Incarnate.

People always say this and it's not true. Monica offered to walk her through it, and even offered to get her a second opinion, and Nelle wasn't interested.

I still am baffled to why people are so up in arms about what Monica and Bobbie did on a show where people do way worse things and not only get away with it, but are sometimes are cheered on by some fans - looking at you Valentin, Obrecht, Britt, Nelle, etc. Monica and Bobbie did pay for what they did, but IMO, they shouldn't face punishment when people literally get away with murder on this show. I cheered along with the rest of the the characters at Monica's entrance. She's earned this position and she's a character with a much longer history than a sociopathic horrible character like Nelle.

Also, they weren't really fired for cause. Yes, Cyrus used Nelle's lawsuit as an excuse but if he didn't have that, he would have come up with something else because he was determined to get rid of them. It's why they're back now because no one on the board really cared about Nelle's lawsuit.

7 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

As for yesterday’s show, I think the whole meeting with Monica was so gross.  Especially Laura, with her judging eyebrows and head nods in regards to Britt.  What an asshole.   I can’t believe I just said that about a legacy character, but unfortunately these iconic characters have been so ruined.  Monica and Bobbie should have lost their licenses for what they did in forging the medical records (I don’t remember what Pip’s role was.), they shouldn’t be celebrated and even rewarded.  Just gross.

Laura's an assole for disliking the woman who, speaking of highly unethical behavior, stole her daughter's embryo and passed off Laura's grandson as her own?

I guess Britt shouldn't be CoS at all considering her breach of ethics as a doctor was MUCH worse than what Monica and Bobbie did.

6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

You have Elizabeth, still giving Britt shit, yet she bows down to the SheBeast, who has done much worse to her.

While it annoyed me that Liz apologized to Carlym she only apologized because she felt she had done something wrong. Plus, their kids are "friends" so I assume she wants to keep some semblance of peace between them. She doesn't have that same situation with Britt. Plus, she wasn't really giving Britt shit yesterday and even defended her somewhat to Terri.

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9 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

People always say this and it's not true. Monica offered to walk her through it, and even offered to get her a second opinion, and Nelle wasn't interested.

No, Monica brushed her off as if Nelle was bothering her. And the second opinion that Monica offered her, she (a) offered as if Nelle was (b) wasting her time, and (c) Nelle didn't want a second opinion from someone from Monica because of the bias that was already being shown against her. Nelle wanted to do her own research.

If we hadn't had something to compare to, I would maybe agree with you, however... Michael had come in with Wiley all worried (just like Nelle) and had expressed concerns to Monica about doing a surgery on his toddler son (just like Nelle) and Monica gently assuaged his concerns (unlike done for Nelle). She took time and care and didn't make him feel like he didn't care about his son because he had these concerns (unlike Nelle).

Then when Nelle showed up and expressed her concerns -- which were doubled because when she was much younger she had been operated on and still had lingering side effects to this day -- Michael brushed off her concerns as if they didn't really matter. Monica brushed off her concerns as if they didn't really matter. When Nelle pushed, that was when Monica offered the second opinion and did so as I stated above.  All while this was happening, Willow and Sasha were hovering, shooting Nelle dirty looks because HOW DARE SHE question the welfare of Wiley as if she had any right?!?!?

Nelle also asked if delaying the surgery a day or two while she did research on her own would harm Wiley, and if he absolutely needed the surgery then. She was told no on both accounts. She also checked in on Wiley and was told by his doctor that he was doing fine.

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19 minutes ago, driver18 said:

No, Monica brushed her off as if Nelle was bothering her. And the second opinion that Monica offered her, she (a) offered as if Nelle was (b) wasting her time, and (c) Nelle didn't want a second opinion from someone from Monica because of the bias that was already being shown against her. Nelle wanted to do her own research.

If we hadn't had something to compare to, I would maybe agree with you, however... Michael had come in with Wiley all worried (just like Nelle) and had expressed concerns to Monica about doing a surgery on his toddler son (just like Nelle) and Monica gently assuaged his concerns (unlike done for Nelle). She took time and care and didn't make him feel like he didn't care about his son because he had these concerns (unlike Nelle).

Then when Nelle showed up and expressed her concerns -- which were doubled because when she was much younger she had been operated on and still had lingering side effects to this day -- Michael brushed off her concerns as if they didn't really matter. Monica brushed off her concerns as if they didn't really matter. When Nelle pushed, that was when Monica offered the second opinion and did so as I stated above.  All while this was happening, Willow and Sasha were hovering, shooting Nelle dirty looks because HOW DARE SHE question the welfare of Wiley as if she had any right?!?!?

Nelle claimed to want to do her own research, and yet, never lifted a finger to do it. She was just busy wasting time whining about her own past surgery and applying what happened to her to Wylie, as usual mostly thinking of herself.

The only person who needed to treat Nelle with any kind of kid clothes was Monica in her professional capacity as doctor, but just because she didn't like Nelle didn't mean the second opinion she offered was biased. Trying to compare Monica's attitude with Michael, the grandson she loved, and Nelle, the woman who tried to murder said grandson, doesn't work at all IMO. Again, Nelle could have done her research, but didn't bother to. And, so what, Willow and Sasha were giving her dirty looks. What does that matter? Given what she'd done to Willow and what she'd done to the people they loved, Nelle is lucky all they did was give her dirty looks. 

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1 hour ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

People always say this and it's not true. Monica offered to walk her through it, and even offered to get her a second opinion, and Nelle wasn't interested.

I still am baffled to why people are so up in arms about what Monica and Bobbie did on a show where people do way worse things and not only get away with it,

I remember it differently. Nelle wanted more information before she signed the consent because as the show repeatedly said, it was  an elective surgery. Nelle was concerned because her own surgery had given her continuing pain and she didn't want Wylie to have to have that. Monica refused to talk her through it. She offered to give Nelle the names of some friends of hers but Nelle said that she didn't trust them because she didn't trust Monica and felt that her friends might lie to support Monica at which point Monica threw a bunch of research articles at Nelle which Nelle couldn't possibly understand and walked out

Carly locked Nelle on the roof and then forged her name on the consent form.  There is no excuse for that. Not only could Nelle have died, the show was clear that the operation was elective at this point.

When Nelle demanded to see the forms, Bobbie destroyed them because she knew that Nelle's signature was forged and Monica covered for her. Both of those were major HIPAA violations and would have cost both Bobbie and Monica their licenses. And then Monica and Bobbie high fived each other for covering up Carly's crime and cheating Nelle out of her parental rights.

Monica and Bobbie were fired because Nelle was suing the hospital over their actions. If Nelle had not died, she should have won.

As someone in a profession that has a very strict code of ethics, I find it inexcusable in Monica because she's supposed to be a good person, unlike Carly, Valentin etc. Bobbie I'm not surprised at, she's become a mob apologist and thought nothing of helping Carly keep an old, sick woman kidnapped, another action that would have cost her her license.

24 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Nelle claimed to want to do her own research, and yet, never lifted a finger to do it. She was just busy wasting time whining about her own past surgery and applying what happened to her to Wylie, as usual mostly thinking of herself.

Nelle didn't have time to do any research. Michael brought Wylie in and everyone demanded that the surgery be done immediately. Carly locked Nelle on the roof shortly after she arrived that. There was no time to look for another cardiologist to explain things to her.

Edited by statsgirl
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4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I remember it differently. Nelle wanted more information before she signed the consent because as the show repeatedly said, it was  an elective surgery. Nelle was concerned because her own surgery had given her continuing pain and she didn't want Wylie to have to have that. Monica refused to talk her through it. She offered to give Nelle the names of some friends of hers but Nelle said that she didn't trust them because she didn't trust Monica and felt that her friends might lie to support Monica at which point Monica threw a bunch of research articles at Nelle which Nelle couldn't possibly understand and walked out

Carly locked Nelle on the roof and then forged her name on the consent form.  There is no excuse for that. Not only could Nelle have died, the show was clear that the operation was elective at this point.

When Nelle demanded to see the forms, Bobbie destroyed them because she knew that Nelle's signature was forged and Monica covered for her. Both of those were major HIPAA violations and would have cost both Bobbie and Monica their licenses.

Monica and Bobbie were fired because Nelle was suing the hospital over their actions. If Nelle had not died, she should have won.

As someone in a profession that has a very strict code of ethics, I find it inexcusable in Monica because she's supposed to be a good person, unlike Carly, Valentin etc. Bobbie I'm not surprised at, she's become a mob apologist and thought nothing of helping Carly keep an old, sick woman kidnapped.

Nelle didn't have time to do any research. Michael brought Wylie in and everyone demanded that the surgery be done immediately. Carly locked Nelle on the roof shortly after she arrived that. There was no time to look for another cardiologist to explain things to her.

As much as I hate Carly, I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy that Nelle could have died on the roof considering she already murdered one man, tried to burn Michael alive, and later slashed a woman's throat. 

Again, technically that's why they were fired, but not the real reason and there's no way to know if she would have won the lawsuit given she didn't have much proof. Monica's become a better person but she didn't start off that way, so I don't really see what she did as that much against her morals. If you care about someone having professional ethics, then it shouldn't really matter if that person is supposed to be good or not IMO. Is it okay that Britt has her license and is CoS even though her ethical violation was much worse (I know she went to prison, but still) just because Britt was not as great a person?

If Nelle had time to whine about her surgery and how she assumed the same thing would happen to Wylie, then she had time to do some preliminary research, but she didn't even before Carly locked her up on the roof. I think they spent an entire episode trying to convince her before Carly locked her up there, so it wasn't she got to the hospital, and then bam, she was on the roof.

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31 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

As much as I hate Carly, I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy that Nelle could have died on the roof considering she already murdered one man, tried to burn Michael alive, and later slashed a woman's throat. 

Again, technically that's why they were fired, but not the real reason and there's no way to know if she would have won the lawsuit given she didn't have much proof. Monica's become a better person but she didn't start off that way, so I don't really see what she did as that much against her morals. If you care about someone having professional ethics, then it shouldn't really matter if that person is supposed to be good or not IMO. Is it okay that Britt has her license and is CoS even though her ethical violation was much worse (I know she went to prison, but still) just because Britt was not as great a person?

If Nelle had time to whine about her surgery and how she assumed the same thing would happen to Wylie, then she had time to do some preliminary research, but she didn't even before Carly locked her up on the roof. I think they spent an entire episode trying to convince her before Carly locked her up there, so it wasn't she got to the hospital, and then bam, she was on the roof.

It doesn't matter what Nelle did in the past on that day. It matters that Carly locked her on the roof in February and that everyone but Elizabeth ignored the fact that Carly almost committed manslaughter... including Chase, a police detective.

And as @statsgirl said, Nelle didn't have time to do research. She came to the hospital, found out what was going on, and then was bullied by Michael, Monica, Carly, etc. until Carly locked her on the roof nearly killing her.

I get that you're not a Nelle fan, but the writers screwed up in that whole scenario. Nelle was in the right from beginning A to Z. I'm probably her biggest fan on this board and easily admit my bias, but I dang well know in that just about every other situation with Nelle, I'm reaching, reaching and reaching some more to defend her. But in the hospital that day? Nope, she was in the right.

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11 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Well Mo won for best actor, so clearly Sonny will continue to eat the show for at least another year. 🙄

are you kidding me???? this is kinda unbelievable actually.  wow. 

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56 minutes ago, CeChase said:

are you kidding me???? this is kinda unbelievable actually.  wow. 

And he said he told Frank he didn’t want to do the Alzheimer’s story because ‘it’s too hard for me.’ Then Frank replied ‘you’re the star of the show. You’re doing the story.’ 🙄


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14 hours ago, driver18 said:

She cut her hours, costing her wages

Britt should have had Elizabeth take bereavement leave, but we all know how terrible the benefits at GH are.

7 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

And he said he told Frank he didn’t want to do the Alzheimer’s story because ‘it’s too hard for me.’ Then Frank replied ‘you’re the star of the show. You’re doing the story.’ 🙄

This is when FV decides to bring down the hammer? Alrighty then. I don't think MB was particularly strong during this story. Sonny was such a whiner about how hard it was for him (it's always about Sonny). Max Gail and LW did most of the heavy lifting, IMO. I'm glad MG was recognized.

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20 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

And he said he told Frank he didn’t want to do the Alzheimer’s story because ‘it’s too hard for me.’ Then Frank replied ‘you’re the star of the show. You’re doing the story.’ 🙄


The ego to actually repeat that in a speech.  Heavy is the head that wears the crown, huh, Mo? :eyeroll:

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9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Britt should have had Elizabeth take bereavement leave, but we all know how terrible the benefits at GH are

Just as lousy as the ones from the PCPD-remember how Larry Lucky got hooked on drugs because his insurance ran out or some other bullshit, due to his back injury thanks to Manny? Cuz they had to show pooorz he and Elizabeth were.🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

This is when FV decides to bring down the hammer? Alrighty then. I don't think MB was particularly strong during this story. Sonny was such a whiner about how hard it was for him (it's always about Sonny). Max Gail and LW did most of the heavy lifting, IMO. I'm glad MG was recognized.

Maybe FV wanted to do that story with Max Gail for his own reasons (family?) and flattered MB into doing it. I agree that Sonny looked awful.

I wasn't watching when Britt went to jail but I thought that it was for helping that snot Spencer. Was there a medical ethics violation? That makes a difference in who I'm rooting for for the CoS position .

Neil and Alexis' ONS was handled realistically even though I was rooting for those two crazy kids. Every year the Canadian Medical Association Journal publishes the name of the doctors who were penalized for infractions and sexual infractions and failure to chart properly top the list.

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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The ego to actually repeat that in a speech.  Heavy is the head that wears the crown, huh, Mo? :eyeroll:

Yeah I was flabbergasted listening to him. I think it was Max Gail’s audition and Mo said he walked off the set crying hysterically, then told Frank he couldn’t do the story, that it was too hard for him. He went on to say that Alzheimer’s was the real ‘star‘ and while I turned it off at that point, I presume he talked about what a horrible disease it is. But IMO he looked bored to be there.

honestly I didn’t think any of the lead actor nominees were particularly strong, but I would have happily accepted anyone but him. I would even have been okay with SBu!


Edited by Sake614
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13 hours ago, driver18 said:

It doesn't matter what Nelle did in the past on that day. It matters that Carly locked her on the roof in February and that everyone but Elizabeth ignored the fact that Carly almost committed manslaughter... including Chase, a police detective.

And as @statsgirl said, Nelle didn't have time to do research. She came to the hospital, found out what was going on, and then was bullied by Michael, Monica, Carly, etc. until Carly locked her on the roof nearly killing her.

I get that you're not a Nelle fan, but the writers screwed up in that whole scenario. Nelle was in the right from beginning A to Z. I'm probably her biggest fan on this board and easily admit my bias, but I dang well know in that just about every other situation with Nelle, I'm reaching, reaching and reaching some more to defend her. But in the hospital that day? Nope, she was in the right.

Nelle didn't even try re: research. I recall that Monica returned with papers in hand; Nelle had already decided she didn't want anything (doctors' names, resources or otherwise) because she's Michael's grandmother and therefore was tainted/couldn't be trusted. She was hostile from the moment she got to the hospital.

3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The ego to actually repeat that in a speech.  Heavy is the head that wears the crown, huh, Mo? :eyeroll:

Oddly enough, he seemed to think he was complimenting FV that after he (MB) stopped crying over the screen test with Max Gail, FV pushed him to do such an important story.

4 hours ago, CeChase said:

are you kidding me???? this is kinda unbelievable actually.  wow. 

I want to believe the Emmy was more for the show addressing what happens to a person and their family when someone has the disease, rather than that people actually think MB did such a great job. Because, gag!

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15 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Laura's an assole for disliking the woman who, speaking of highly unethical behavior, stole her daughter's embryo and passed off Laura's grandson as her own?

No, she has every right to dislike Britt for that. She’s an asshole because of her smug looks and literally looking down her nose at Britt, all the while practically cheering unethical behavior by most of her close friends and family. She’s a hypocrite, but in fairness so all most people. I just thought it was a gross display. 

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27 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I want to believe the Emmy was more for the show addressing what happens to a person and their family when someone has the disease, rather than that people actually think MB did such a great job. Because, gag!

Honestly, I wasn't crazy about the storyline.  I felt it went on too long, focused on Sonny's man-pain, and, unpopular opinion, I thought Max Gail hammed it up too much a lot of the time. 

And then the show put a cherry on top of it with that stupid Joss-focused episode with her imagining her future with Mike in it. 

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23 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

She’s an asshole because of her smug looks and literally looking down her nose at Britt, all the while practically cheering unethical behavior by most of her close friends and family. She’s a hypocrite, but in fairness so all most people. I just thought it was a gross display. 

Huh? She's not cheering Monica and Bobbie on for getting rid of any document' she was happy that Cyrus is no longer associated with the hospital and that two women she's known for decades to be competent medical professionals, are returning. Britt was an OB-GYN - Laura's daughter's OB-GYN at the hospital, and used that position to gain access to the Lulu and Dante embryo, get pregnant to hold on to Patrick, and start raising their child as her own. When Nikolas confronted her,  her excuse was 'well I didn't know at that time the embryo was their last/only chance to have a baby."

Between that and the time she helped 9-year-old Spencer with his run-away/manipulate my father plan,  I think Laura is absolutely entitled to look down her nose at Britt since Britt's actions impacted the lives of two of her kids, and grandkids.  Laura may be required to be polite to Britt, but she's not obligated to respect her. 

12 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Honestly, I wasn't crazy about the storyline.  I felt it went on too long, focused on Sonny's man-pain, and, unpopular opinion, I thought Max Gail hammed it up too much a lot of the time. 

And then the show put a cherry on top of it with that stupid Joss-focused episode with her imagining her future with Mike in it. 

I agree; I mean I want to believe the Emmy was "gold star because you all tried to do a story about a serious and important health issue affecting families."

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4 hours ago, Sake614 said:

And he said he told Frank he didn’t want to do the Alzheimer’s story because ‘it’s too hard for me.’ Then Frank replied ‘you’re the star of the show. You’re doing the story.’ 🙄


I loathe the idea that a soap opera should have a "star."  It should be an ensemble.  

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53 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Nelle didn't even try re: research. I recall that Monica returned with papers in hand; Nelle had already decided she didn't want anything (doctors' names, resources or otherwise) because she's Michael's grandmother and therefore was tainted/couldn't be trusted. She was hostile from the moment she got to the hospital.

They wanted it done right there and then. If I was Nelle and not evil, I wouldn't trust anyone in Michael's circle.

14 hours ago, driver18 said:

It doesn't matter what Nelle did in the past on that day. It matters that Carly locked her on the roof in February and that everyone but Elizabeth ignored the fact that Carly almost committed manslaughter... including Chase, a police detective.

And as @statsgirl said, Nelle didn't have time to do research. She came to the hospital, found out what was going on, and then was bullied by Michael, Monica, Carly, etc. until Carly locked her on the roof nearly killing her.

I get that you're not a Nelle fan, but the writers screwed up in that whole scenario. Nelle was in the right from beginning A to Z. I'm probably her biggest fan on this board and easily admit my bias, but I dang well know in that just about every other situation with Nelle, I'm reaching, reaching and reaching some more to defend her. But in the hospital that day? Nope, she was in the right.

I am not a Nelle fan and I was on her side. If what every Wiley had wasn't life threatening at that moment, the staff would have wanted the best possible outcome, so things like a major surgery, especially on child, would be planned out and scheduled later.Maybe Nelle was being too stubborn with her own distrust of Michael and his family, but she did have some valid points. 

Carly, again, locked someone on a freezing roof top to get what she wanted and got away with it, again. 

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42 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

She's not cheering Monica and Bobbie on for getting rid of any document' she was happy that Cyrus is no longer associated with the hospital and that two women she's known for decades to be competent medical professionals, are returning. Britt was an OB-GYN - Laura's daughter's OB-GYN at the hospital, and used that position to gain access to the Lulu and Dante embryo, get pregnant to hold on to Patrick, and start raising their child as her own. When Nikolas confronted her,  her excuse was 'well I didn't know at that time the embryo was their last/only chance to have a baby."

I’ll take your word for that because I don’t remember how Britt got the embryo. I thought it was Obrecht who gave it to her in order to help her trap Patrick, but was unaware that it was Lulu’s.

Laura can side-eye, not like/hate Britt all she wants. As someone mentioned up thread, all the characters are hypocrites. Instead of maintaining her righteous HATE for Mooby and Jason after Lucky’s “death”, she has become one of his biggest apologists, calling him a wonderful person and waxing poetic about how he keeps Port Charles safe, as if he’s the King of the City. It’s gross. Because she is ignoring the many lives he’s destroyed and outright murders they’ve both committed. But hey, he’s a good guy, right? 

That said, I’m still pissed that Carlivati had Robin forgive that mumblingMarblemushmouthstutterbarking asshole after she got free.

And yes, I’m a hypocrite too when it comes to my favorite characters. But I HATE how Frank and his coterie of minions keep assassinating and massacring my faves. Too many times I think Genie was directed to be scared of Cyrus like some mewling damsel. And I hated it.

And if Monica wants to restore the hospital to its former glory, then she should try to run it like Steve and Alan did. 

Yeah, I said it. Like Steve and Alan.

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Huh? She's not cheering Monica and Bobbie on for getting rid of any document' she was happy that Cyrus is no longer associated with the hospital and that two women she's known for decades to be competent medical professionals, are returning. Britt was an OB-GYN - Laura's daughter's OB-GYN at the hospital, and used that position to gain access to the Lulu and Dante embryo, get pregnant to hold on to Patrick, and start raising their child as her own. When Nikolas confronted her,  her excuse was 'well I didn't know at that time the embryo was their last/only chance to have a baby."

I totally get that and I think Laura has every right to dislike and distrust Britt. Maybe it was just the way Genie decided to play it that rubbed me the wrong way. She was so mean girl about it with her facial expressions and whatever her eyebrows were doing.

Like I said I hate thinking this way about these legendary characters but I’m so over the hypocrisy. Cyrus is scum, but he’s no worse than Sonny, whom everyone defends and respects. I would respect these characters so much more if they would at least acknowledge their hypocrisy, like if someone said “I know what Monica and Bobbie did was wrong but you know what I’ve known them forever and I still love them.” Something like that. But just the blatant disregard and judging has really gotten extreme. 

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

(A) Nelle didn't even try re: research. I recall that Monica returned with papers in hand;

(B) Nelle had already decided she didn't want anything (doctors' names, resources or otherwise) because she's Michael's grandmother and therefore was tainted/couldn't be trusted.

(C) She was hostile from the moment she got to the hospital.

(A) Again, Nelle did NOT have time to do research. Yes, Monica handed her some papers. Medical research that Nelle wouldn't be able to understand in (a) her distraught state over her child, (b) with everyone around her harping on her to DO IT! DO IT NOW! even though she -- and the audience -- we're told repeatedly was ELECTIVE surgery, and (c) without a medical professional taking the time to go over the research with her.

Sure if Nelle took the papers home and spent time looking them over, doing internet research, found her own doctor to call, she could have done it, but... as I and others gave pointed out there was no time to do that. Because Carly locked her out on the roof and left her there over night in the middle of February, nearly killing her.

(B) Nelle only decided that AFTER Monica brushed away her questions and concerns as if they didn't matter. Monica can (and should) despise Nelle all she wants, but Nelle is Wiley's mother and should have been given the same full, comforting information that his other parent received. If Monica couldn't do that then she should have recused herself from Wiley's case.

It was when Monica showed such unprofessionalism that Nelle believed ----- understandably so -- that she would get a biased account from anyone Monica sent her to. 

(C) Nelle was not hostile from the moment she arrived. Nelle was frantic, worried about Wiley. She was asking questions about the need for surgery on her toddler son... JUST LIKE MICHAEL. And instead of getting understanding for her concern as Michael did and a full explanation, she was told to not be difficult, to just sign the consent form. In fact, I think she was basically just told she had to sign the consent form for this major surgery as soon as arrived with no explanation given to start with.

Nelle was simply not in the wrong at any point from the moment she entered GH upon hearing about Wiley being sick to the moment she decided to NOT go the police and press charges against Carly for attempted manslaughter because she wanted to remain at GH to be there when Wiley came out of surgery. She wasn't wrong to sue GH, Monica and Bobbie, and frankly she should have won if she hadn't "died."

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17 hours ago, driver18 said:

It doesn't matter what Nelle did in the past on that day. It matters that Carly locked her on the roof in February and that everyone but Elizabeth ignored the fact that Carly almost committed manslaughter... including Chase, a police detective.

And as @statsgirl said, Nelle didn't have time to do research. She came to the hospital, found out what was going on, and then was bullied by Michael, Monica, Carly, etc. until Carly locked her on the roof nearly killing her.

I get that you're not a Nelle fan, but the writers screwed up in that whole scenario. Nelle was in the right from beginning A to Z. I'm probably her biggest fan on this board and easily admit my bias, but I dang well know in that just about every other situation with Nelle, I'm reaching, reaching and reaching some more to defend her. But in the hospital that day? Nope, she was in the right.


16 minutes ago, driver18 said:

(A) Again, Nelle did NOT have time to do research. Yes, Monica handed her some papers. Medical research that Nelle wouldn't be able to understand in (a) her distraught state over her child, (b) with everyone around her harping on her to DO IT! DO IT NOW! even though she -- and the audience -- we're told repeatedly was ELECTIVE surgery, and (c) without a medical professional taking the time to go over the research with her.

Sure if Nelle took the papers home and spent time looking them over, doing internet research, found her own doctor to call, she could have done it, but... as I and others gave pointed out there was no time to do that. Because Carly locked her out on the roof and left her there over night in the middle of February, nearly killing her.

(B) Nelle only decided that AFTER Monica brushed away her questions and concerns as if they didn't matter. Monica can (and should) despise Nelle all she wants, but Nelle is Wiley's mother and should have been given the same full, comforting information that his other parent received. If Monica couldn't do that then she should have recused herself from Wiley's case.

It was when Monica showed such unprofessionalism that Nelle believed ----- understandably so -- that she would get a biased account from anyone Monica sent her to. 

(C) Nelle was not hostile from the moment she arrived. Nelle was frantic, worried about Wiley. She was asking questions about the need for surgery on her toddler son... JUST LIKE MICHAEL. And instead of getting understanding for her concern as Michael did and a full explanation, she was told to not be difficult, to just sign the consent form. In fact, I think she was basically just told she had to sign the consent form for this major surgery as soon as arrived with no explanation given to start with.

Nelle was simply not in the wrong at any point from the moment she entered GH upon hearing about Wiley being sick to the moment she decided to NOT go the police and press charges against Carly for attempted manslaughter because she wanted to remain at GH to be there when Wiley came out of surgery. She wasn't wrong to sue GH, Monica and Bobbie, and frankly she should have won if she hadn't "died."

It might not matter to you what Nelle did in the past, but it matters to me and others. If you want to be treated with respect and have people give a crap about your feelings try not being a sociopath who hurts other people to get what you want. Also, I don't really remember Liz caring all that much about what Carly did. Sure, she got Nelle off the roof, though I think it was just a coincidence she found her and kind of cared about what happened in her capacity as a nurse, but she didn't rail against Carly over it or want her jailed. Again, Carly sucks and I would have cheered if Nelle and Carly killed each other, but I have no sympathy for an almost serial killer being locked on a roof. Also, I don't remember 100%, but I believe Carly did try to reason with Nelle on the roof and Nelle seemed like she was going to change her mind, until she remembered it was her mission in life to destroy Carly and she refused to do something that Carly wanted. I think even if Nelle had all the time in the world and the kindest, most patient doctor on the planet explained things to her, she would have still said no to the surgery. Not because she cared about what was best for Wiley, but because she was hellbent on doing anything she could to destroy Carly. 

You may think Nelle was in the right, but that doesn't make it a fact. Nelle had time to start to do research before Carly locked her on the roof, but she didn't try. 

In the real world, of course Monica shouldn't have been her great-grandson's doctor, but it's not reality so I don't care that she was unable to put aside her rightful animosity toward her to take her by the hand and explain things to Nelle. Of course she didn't get the same understanding for her supposed concern over Wiley as Michael given everything Nelle did. Expecting anyone in that room at the time to be nice to Nelle is unrealistic. No one believed she actually gave a crap about Nelle and she never really did.

I also don't believe it's realistic of Nelle to have assumed that anyone Monica had sent her to would hate her as well. Monica had her own personal reasons for hating Nelle which would not have applied to any other doctor.

Nelle didn't bother to press charges against Carly - not because she was some great, loving mother hovering over her kid - but I believe everyone pointed out she had no evidence against Carly and I think even Nelle's delusional behind knew she would get nowhere with it and she also realized it would cause the others more pain to go after Monica and Bobbie.

3 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

No, she has every right to dislike Britt for that. She’s an asshole because of her smug looks and literally looking down her nose at Britt, all the while practically cheering unethical behavior by most of her close friends and family. She’s a hypocrite, but in fairness so all most people. I just thought it was a gross display. 

I don't really remember Laura even being that overt in her dislike of Britt in the episode, but hypocrite or not, she has every right in the world to look down her nose at Britt for how she's hurt members of her family.

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1 hour ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

It might not matter to you what Nelle did in the past, but it matters to me and others. If you want to be treated with respect and have people give a crap about your feelings try not being a sociopath who hurts other people to get what you want.

But, it's still not OK to endanger her life by locking her out on a cold roof all night.  

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I was searching up clips with the Nelle/ Micheal clips, and to me (and I really have no horse in the Nelle race here) - I think Nelle had every right to be hesitant. She articulated her issues - all of them legitimate. Micheal was freaking out because he was the one who found the baby breathing shallowly, and this being a thing (AJ, Micheal, and him) have experience in this and they all chose the surgery. 

That surgery didn't need to be done that day (from what i gathered from  the clips) so irregardless of Nelle having more time to do the research- a lot of people make it sound like Nelle was choosing to deny her child essential surgery to save his life.  I can't find more clips but everything just sounded that it was the same condition, Wiley was breathing shallowly, but the surgery was elective, and he didn't even need it to get through the night or anything like that. I think it would have been 1000 percent different if it was a 100percent essential thing and Nelle acted the same way then others would have had legs to stand on. 


1 hour ago, Katy M said:

But, it's still not OK to endanger her life by locking her out on a cold roof all night.  

exactly this too. Like i'm sorry. Yeah. Nelle did horrendous things (again i don't know who she killed/why she killed but i think at this point everyone over the age of 25 killed someone on this show so... - and yeah slashing Brook Lyn's throat - horrendous, and gaslighting Carly, horrendous),  but like Carly's in a position to judge based on the crap she's done over the years. the Only difference (to me)  between Carly and Nelle is that Carly always had people blowing smoke upher butt about how brave/special/and right she was to do these things (irregardless if there was a Robin etc, calling her on her poo) - where as Nelle had no one (like outside of Brad (who cares) etc etc). 

i'm also watching yesterday or the day before's show with Nina and Micheal discussing how "Wiley needs a psychologist to deal with Nelle and like what? This is what i don't understand at all, and how Nina isn't just saying this is crap. many many kids are raised by 2nd parents while they are toddlers if their mom died and what not. Just don't delete Nelle from his life. 

Nelle did crap things for sure but like. dude. look at freaking Gramma Carly. geezeee

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On 6/25/2021 at 1:31 AM, ffwbe said:

Maxie’s pregnancy was confirmed by the dr last August and she gave birth at the end of May. Even without the break, it was pushing it considering she would have been a few weeks along at the minimum. 

She technically would have been due early May or late April. So, just a few weeks "late" -- not so crazy for a soap.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

i'm also watching yesterday or the day before's show with Nina and Micheal discussing how "Wiley needs a psychologist to deal with Nelle and like what? This is what i don't understand at all, and how Nina isn't just saying this is crap. many many kids are raised by 2nd parents while they are toddlers if their mom died and what not. Just don't delete Nelle from his life.

Wylie is 2. By now he's forgotten that Nelle ever existed.

Michael talked about it like they are putting Wylie into therapy because his birth mother is so terrible, when really the problem was taking him away from Lucas.

In reality, for a 2 year old, the actual interactions between child and therapist is minimal because the child had so little autonomy. Most of the therapy is with the parents and the extended family. In this case, the majority of the time would be spent with Michael and Willow. The psychologist may see Nina separately to help her stop talking to Wylie about Nelle in a way that might upset Wylie. Carly, Nina and possibly Joss would be invited in to a larger family session because they would also be seeing Wylie. Carly and Joss would probably be told to stop poisoning Wylie against Nelle to prevent screwing Wylie up.

I'd also hope that the psychologist would have something to say about the effect on Wylie tearing him away from his primary caregiver Lucas so suddenly.

8 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Nelle didn't even try re: research. I recall that Monica returned with papers in hand; Nelle had already decided she didn't want anything (doctors' names, resources or otherwise) because she's Michael's grandmother and therefore was tainted/couldn't be trusted. She was hostile from the moment she got to the hospital.

As everyone there was hostile to Nelle. There wasn't a single person who offered to help her understand or addressed her concerns.

Monica threw a bunch of medical journal articles at Nelle, articles which the public don't have access to because they would not be able to understand them. Nelle was a difficult person but that doesn't give Monica the right to repeatedly violate her medical oath when interacting with her.

Edited by statsgirl
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lol poor Josh.
during that whole "Chase can't move his legs" he kept moving his legs haha

12 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Michael talked about it like they are putting Wylie into therapy because his birth mother is so terrible, when really the problem was taking him away from Lucas.

In reality, for a 2 year old, the actual interactions between child and therapist is minimal because the child had so little autonomy. Most of the therapy is with the parents and the extended family. In this case, the majority of the time would be spent with Michael and Willow. The psychologist may see Nina separately to help her stop talking to Wylie about Nelle in a way that might upset Wylie. Carly, Nina and possibly Joss would be invited in to a larger family session because they would also be seeing Wylie. Carly and Joss would probably be told to stop poisoning Wylie against Nelle to prevent screwing Wylie up.

I'd also hope that the psychologist would have something to say about the effect on Wylie tearing him away from his primary caregiver Lucas so suddenly.

As everyone there was hostile to Nelle. There wasn't a single person who offered to help her understand or addressed her concerns.

Monica threw a bunch of medical journal articles at Nelle, articles which the public don't have access to because they would not be able to understand them. Nelle was a difficult person but that doesn't give Monica the right to repeatedly violate her medical oath when interacting with her.

Nelle wasn't given time to do any research on this elective procedure, everyone insisted that she sign the papers RIGHT NOW or she's a negligent parent. She deserved to have a medical professional explain the procedure to her before she agreed to have her son cut open.

that's what's cracking me up. 
Wiley is totally adjusted by being ripped away from his two daddies but the mention of Nelle will cause him to split in two emotionally of which he'll never recover? like come on

I'm not going to dismiss it - finding out one day that your mom gave you away and treated your like she was dead, killed someone and slashed someone's throat. - is gonna be gut wrenching.  But is it anymore guttwrenching than growing up in a mob home, being shot in the head, and having your father choose his side piece over you, being told you entire life how horrible your birth father was only to realize that his only true crime was that he was the "wrong Quartermaine" and an alcoholic. That your mother threatened his birth father's sobriety because she was sleeping with other people at the time and wanted to be with his gramma's husband? That the reason said birth father had to give away his rights was because his father hung him on a meathook? and the list goes on and on and on. That even with "all the protection/keeping him away from the business," Micheal at age eight or whatever tried to order a hit on someone? That he grew up thinking that bodyguards and running off to some island to be safe was normal?  Oh that his mom knew for almost a year that Micheal was AJ's and let him live in the same town as his son and was prepared to let that lie go on for his entire life? That for one hot minute Micheal was pissed that Carly and Sonny deleted AJ from his life and hated them for doing it, but is a-okay to do the same thing in regards to Nelle?

Like. come on show. 

And yeah - that's how it showed in the clips. Monica and everyone were acting like they had zero time for Nelle at all and she was horrible for even thinking about questioning having a surgery.  No one at any point talked to Nelle in a reasonable, calm and collected (and not irritated tone) about everything that was happening and why this was the right choice. As much as I hate Gray's Anatomy, they at least do that with people. Explain why they have to do the things they do. Just snapping "he needs it." isn't good enough. 

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