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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Thanks for the heads up about Monday, @Bringonthedrama! Though I suspect the SHEBEAST won’t get what she deserves, based on her smug expression throughout all of today’s episode. Then the typical “You need to stop this” go to. No remorse. No guilt. Typical for how Laura Wright plays her. While I’ve always loathed and hated the character, Sarah played her with layers and nuance.

Ahhh, how nice. Hack!Writer! managed to slip in Slut. I know which characters on this show who fits this description, and Alexis isn’t her. 

Go Mac!!!! Tell me again why he can’t be reinstated as Commissioner? Because friendship or not, he was AWESOME ripping Alexis a new one. And how is it that she’s not in a holding cell???

I did love the snark red headed doctor gave back to Mooby when she asked him how would he know he’s a hard worker or that he’s alright or whatever it was Mooby said.

I’m just going to hand wave away and assume Tracy already told Luke about Lulu in offscreenville since Emme is no longer on the show. After all, the last scene with Laura and Tracy was how Tracy didn’t know where Luke was or how to contact him-two months ago.

SHUT UP, Monica.

Jax didn’t find his spine as far as I’m concerned. He saw his house of lies falling apart and just decided to admit his role in the lies and protecting the SHEBEAST’s ass.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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20 hours ago, driver18 said:

You know, I had a thought today while watching the show and thinking how much I wanted Carly to fail and fail spectacularly. I LOVED Carly so, soooo much when Sarah Brown played her. So very much. I really liked her when Tamara Braun played her. I hate Laura Wright's version of Carly. I truly, sincerely hate the character.

Thank you for coming to my TedCarly Talk.

1000000% same. After L&L, Sarah's Carly was my favorite GH character of all time. I may have to go back and rewatch some of that. It's been years. It's so depressing to see what LW has done to the character. Has her Carly always been this shrieking banshee?

On another note, what fun to watch Alexis play the same scene again and again for three days. Great job, soap!

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2 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

1000000% same. After L&L, Sarah's Carly was my favorite GH character of all time. I may have to go back and rewatch some of that. It's been years. It's so depressing to see what LW has done to the character. Has her Carly always been this shrieking banshee?

I think so. Her Carly never loses so that probably plays into it but LW leans into the smugness way too much where I think the first 2 Carly’s had a vulnerability underneath. SB’s Carly did terrible things but I still rooted for her in a way that I never have for this Carly. 

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I think this is the first epi I watched this year so far.

OK, tracy said she could get Diane to defend her because she's always getting Sonny off and MOnica's response to that is but you're guilty.  Is she under the impression that Sonny is always wrongfully accused?

I have no idea what happened between Dante, Alexis and Franco.  Sounded complicated whatever it was.  And, I love that the only reason that Jason won't say he'll kill Franco is because he wouldn't want to implicate himself and not because he wouldn't kill him. But, I guess that's legit.  And thus FRanco is probably right and there is a plan in place.


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Can I just express how relieved I am that this necklace story may finally be coming to an end? I am SO tired of Nina's missing daughter.

I'm also tired of Sonny's amnesia and Franco's tumour, so could we please wrap those up as well?

And when is the double wedding going to happen? And when is Maxie's baby due? Because I'm assuming the truth about Peter will come out at the wedding and Maxie will go into labour and those story lines can finally be finished off as well.

Why am I watching this again?

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26 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Can I just express how relieved I am that this necklace story may finally be coming to an end? I am SO tired of Nina's missing daughter.

It's not coming to an end at all. Now Nina will know that Nelle was her daughter, so expect some serious self-flagellating taking place, a lot of crying and snoting and a return to Valentin because we cannot have nice things under any circumstances.

27 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Why am I watching this again?

Habit and boredom? 

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I'm expecting Carly to skate on the necklace thing because the poor thing just lost her husband.

Is it going to occur to Nina to do a DNA test on Wylie?

I have to give the writers credit for the double punch in the Olivia/Alexis fight by wearing in Dante's programming and Franco together with sleeping with Ned.

Edited by statsgirl
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Sonny has an expensive watch and wedding ring. If Nina could find a jeweler who was able to track a silly necklace that thousands upon thousands of people would have purchased in the past 20 years, then Phyllis and her husband and the cops could make an inquiry about the watch and wedding ring that look way more expensive and unique.

Wasn't Olivia spitting insults about the evil Qs and their evil ways recentl? Now she is spouting curses and revenge about Alexis. But not until she leaves the chapel and then spills all her venom.

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I was thinking about how this Sonny "death"/amnesia story would have been played during the Guza/Tamara Braun years, It would have been different, if not necessarily better.  

For starters, Guza would have leaned more heavily into the "power vacuum" side of the story. We'd be seeing more gatherings of mobsters, rather than just desultory talk about the offscreen Five Families. There would be more negotiation and action scenes for Jason (and possibly Brick and other subordinates) opposite swarthy day players.  

Amnesiac Sonny would be having dream visions of Carly and talking about them to whatever characters he had to interact with.  

However, the biggest difference would be in Carly's response. Even I'm a little surprised at how easily this Carly knuckled under. I can just see the scenes of the Tamara Braun Carly insisting Sonny isn't dead, refusing any kind of memorial for him, because she could still "feel" him out there. Everyone around her would be worrying that she was in denial or even losing it. They'd be pussy-footing around her about needing to break the news to the younger kids, and she wouldn't hear of it. Her brave-little-thrush steadfastness in the face of all these people who had "given up" would set up her ultimate vindication when Sonny came limping back in. Then we'd get extra helpings in dialogue about how "strong" she had been, and once she got reacclimated to having him back, she'd be super-smug about how she never lost faith.

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5 hours ago, Linny said:

Also, that heartbeat pounding in the background as Nina carefully pieced the heart together was so fucking ridiculous and added no suspense to the moment; we've all known the truth for ages and knew this was coming, and how much drama can be found in a grown woman completing a two-piece puzzle, anyway?

LOL. I actually enjoy it when the show leans into this sort of thing. It's so hilariously melodramatic. It also makes me feel that someone on the staff/crew knows how stupid the show is and is letting viewers know they feel our pain.

I thought that mental-health lady was Bobbie at first, what with the jacked-up face. I'm so tired of Amnesia!Sonny, and he's never entertaining to watch when he's in denial about his BPD, even if he doesn't know he has it.

Heh, Monica was at another medical conference.

5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Carly looking so nervous and trying to distract Michael as he was innocently providing Nina with much-need info, made me laugh.

I loved all of the "I don't know about anything going on/nothing to see here/who, me?" looks she had going on. I think LW does a great job with Carly as she is today. The character has much less nuance than she did when SJB and even TB were playing her. We've talked about Carly's evolution before, and while the smug is too much, I do think this Carly is a natural evolution.

4 hours ago, Thatoneshow said:

I went back to watch the scene of Dante being stabbed and I still don't get Jason's conclusion that Dante "sacrificed" himself and Franco's surprise. He simply tried to stop Alexis and got caught on her down swing.

Sam was there. Why doesn't she tell everyone what happened? Franco had a seizure, he grabbed Sam to stop falling, Alexis thought he was hurting Sam, she grabbed the syringe and when trying to stab Franco, got Dante instead when he ran in to break things up. It's really not that difficult to explain. Alexis didn't mean to stab Dante, but she did mean to stab Franco.

Ugh, I'm so tired of Olivia sobbing, whether it's over Dante or her marriage. It's always dialed up to 11. I'm okay with Olivia being mad at Alexis, but calling her a slut and a murderous bitch is a bit much. (There's that 11 again.) How about having a bit of understanding for the fact that Alexis is an alcoholic? Or does she only get that when it doesn't affect her personally? Ugh.

Edited by dubbel zout
pronoun mixup
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WTF with Olivia going all gothic hellfire at the end. Run, Robert, run!

Sonny doesn't seem to give a shit about his life or his amnesia as long as he can wipe tables and organize shelves. Personally, I might want to know who the fuck I am.  

One last tidbit from Mo's memoir: Sonny is Greek/Cuban, hence Corinthos. But at some point Mo just took it upon himself to play him as an Italian. And, I guess because he's God's gift to acting and all, the directors were just like, whatever.  

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm okay with Olivia being mad at Alexis, but calling her a slut and a murderous bitch is a bit much.

I guess Olivia only likes murderous men. I like Olivia sometimes, but I'm over this. She is the wronged party here, I'm probably not supposed to be thinking "shut up, Liv, this isn't as a big a deal as you're making it." Infidelity is a big deal! I should be on her side! And yet...

Go shag Robert for revenge, decide whether or not you want to work on your marriage, and get a grip. Alexis' life is worse than yours and she's not actually the problem anyway

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Oh I enjoyed Carly's faces of panic yet FURY that Jax was shaking off her screechy shackles, not letting her control the situation, and gearing up to tell Nina the truth.

And her "You have to stop this" in the previews is such fuckin' classic Carly.  If she wants to go off on someone, they have to stand there and take it, but now that she's on the hot seat, it's all, "Shut it down right now."

I'm bummed that Cynthia Watros has been so neutered in this role, and that bystanders keep getting peeled off, because I don't think Carly is going to get the epic comeuppance she should.

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2 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Alexis' life is worse than yours and she's not actually the problem anyway

Is it though?  Don't get me wrong, I adore Alexis and like Olivia, but if were taking stock of things:

Alexis:  lost her law licence after sleeping with her therapist which she knew was a no no.  Therapist/lover dies in her bed (ok,that's a pretty bad one).  Ex husband who she's always pined over, despite what he did to her also dies.  Gets accused of driving drunk.  

Olivia:  Son going through PTSD withdrawal refuses to see her (if you know any Italian mamas, you know that one is huge!), Daughter in law gets blown up in an explosion and heads to la la land.  Both exs / baby daddies die.   finds out husband cheated on her.  Son returns but gets attacked and almost dies.  

I think Olivia wins the right to the pity/anger party.  

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Sonny has an expensive watch and wedding ring.

Expensive watch, wedding ring, signet ring, the expensive shirt. Although Sonny doesn't have his signature shoe polish hair dye, so you know, no one will recognize him if they saw a picture of him. 

This story is stupid on so many levels. 

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Sonny has an expensive watch and wedding ring. If Nina could find a jeweler who was able to track a silly necklace that thousands upon thousands of people would have purchased in the past 20 years, then Phyllis and her husband and the cops could make an inquiry about the watch and wedding ring that look way more expensive and unique.

Yeah, but the bridge is washed out and the phones lines aren't working and all the cops are at the local pickadilly festival, so, you know.  Oh, wait, you mean Sonny isn't in Mayberry? 

30 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, I'm so tired of Olivia sobbing, whether it's over Dante or her marriage. It's always dialed up to 11.

I'm just surprised she didn't come to the hospital armed with a tray of baked ziti ("it's Dante's favorite!")

19 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And her "You have to stop this" in the previews is such fuckin' classic Carly.  If she wants to go off on someone, they have to stand there and take it, but now that she's on the hot seat, it's all, "Shut it down right now."

The definition of slamming the barn door after the horse is halfway down the street.  Good call, Carly, doesn't look at all suspicious. 

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Olivia's hystrionics, the santimonious praying in the chapel, stepping outside the chapel to call Alexis a slut and vow revenge, is really not a good look. 

I'm glad we won't ever have to hear about the damn necklace again, but I'm afraid Jax and not Carly will receive the lions share of Nina's wrath.

And as much as I don't want more Wiley drama, I hope Nina takes Michael too court and gets custody of the kid.

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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

I'm glad we won't ever have to hear about the damn necklace again, but I'm afraid Jax and not Carly will receive the lions share of Nina's wrath.


He should. He was the one that convinced Carly to lie about what happened to Nelle but more importantly he is the one that romantically involved with her and he sort of promised Nina that he was the Anti-Valentin and would never lie/manipulate her about something so important like the truth about her child.


1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

And as much as I don't want more Wiley drama, I hope Nina takes Michael too court and gets custody of the kid.

So she is going sue the guy who has done nothing to her and was most helpful today leading her to conclude that Nelle might be her daughter. Just because Nina may have given birth to Nelle (still want dna confirmation on that), she doesn't have any rights to Wiley. Her rights are limited to non-existant and there is no way she can argue in court that Michael doesn't deserve to raise his son and she does.

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2 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

And as much as I don't want more Wiley drama, I hope Nina takes Michael too court and gets custody of the kid.

I'd rather Nina focus squarely on Carly.  Does she still have any of that Reeves cash?  She could buy the MetroCourt out from under her!

But again, Nina is too neutered a character to do anything interesting.

Edited by TeeVee329
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9 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

I guess Olivia only likes murderous men. I like Olivia sometimes, but I'm over this. She is the wronged party here, I'm probably not supposed to be thinking "shut up, Liv, this isn't as a big a deal as you're making it." Infidelity is a big deal! I should be on her side! And yet...

Go shag Robert for revenge, decide whether or not you want to work on your marriage, and get a grip. Alexis' life is worse than yours and she's not actually the problem anyway

That's the way I am too. Usually I am totally team Cheated On. but this time I'm like.. can you just... stop? Probably because while Ned and Alexis were wrong in what they did (and I don't excuse drinking) - does Ned go there at all if Olivia's not all up in Robert's butt? Didn't Robert have to persuade Olivia to call Ned to assure him that everything is okay (soaps - most shows actually - never really do emotional affairs well - but I believe Olivia was having one with Robert. Ned didn't understand why Olivia couldn't just let Dante get the rest and treatment he needed and she went all "your not a moootthheeeeerr, he neeeds meeeee" and Robert was stroking that fire. 

And I honestly feel that everyone literally has forgotten why the heck Alexis really started drinking again in the first place. Her boyfriend died. In her bed. Like she's mourning and the only way she knows how to dull the pain of not facing that fact - is drinking. and yeah everything has snowballed (stupidly) after that but the fact that everyone is focusing on the drinking and not why she started again drives me nuts. No one. not Valentine. not her dumb daughters, not her best friend Dianne, not even Ned has focused on the trigger, but rather just focusing on the after effects. It doesn't mean she can't be yelled at (go yell at her. yell at her HARD for the stupid things she done, the selfish things she's done) - but at least look at why she's doing it. it's not just because she's drunk. she's refusing to mourn. (Like hell. everyday we see Carly have a dumb flash back of someone who is not REALLY dead or mention it. we haven't even had Alexis think about or talk about someone who is ACTUALLY dead and meant the world to her in ages). 

So i'm going to give Alexis a teeny bit of leeway here (she's still scuz for sleeping with Ned) but Olivia (who apparently thought they were BFFS or something) should probably do the same thing. be all mad but maybe figure out why she did it before being all "thou are slut"

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If Michael had known about Carly and the necklace he would have kept her secret and lied along with her. So it's hilarious to me that Michael, inadvertently, was the one to sink Carly's ship with his completely innocent answers. "Avery told me everthing. She found the necklace at the cabin. Nelle was at the cabin. Nelle was from Florida". As Carly stands there, complete unable to stop the poop from hitting the fan. Loved it all! Also loved Valentin's facial expressions.

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On 1/21/2021 at 6:03 PM, dubbel zout said:

Oh, right, I forgot Britt would know Ava because of Nik.

LOL. It's getting there.

Meh. How long before she sneers at Alexis again for being a drunk and forbidding her to see the grandkids? If Sam really wants to help, I'd like to hear that she's gone to a few Al-Anon meetings, or at least talked to Kevin. 

That is a bad idea anyway.  She is punishing the kids, not Alexis.  The kids will worry about Alexis, want to know where she is and that she is OK.  The kids should be able to see her, though it should be supervised.  Using kids to control someone else is not as cool an idea as it seems.  Of course Sam can lean on the protecting my children concept, but she could still let them see Alexis with her there, because that is what is in the kids' interests.  

On 1/22/2021 at 3:28 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:


Unlike the stilted, stale, boring ass Willow and SLS conversation about...feelings. And so stupid that they don't realize that's supposed to be a divorce now since they boinked, and not an annulment.


I was wondering why they can get an annulment. Real courts are very strict about it and the grounds have to exist, or they will go with divorce.  They don't have any of the grounds, like jest or dare, being drunk, fraud.

11 hours ago, nilyank said:



So she is going sue the guy who has done nothing to her and was most helpful today leading her to conclude that Nelle might be her daughter. Just because Nina may have given birth to Nelle (still want dna confirmation on that), she doesn't have any rights to Wiley. Her rights are limited to non-existant and there is no way she can argue in court that Michael doesn't deserve to raise his son and she does.

Yes, a grandmother would never get custody when there are two parents - Willow adopted Wiley, so he has two parents, neither of whom are so terribly unsuitable that the heavy weight in their favor would not allow them to retain custody.  

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2 hours ago, Kim0820 said:

Willow adopted Wiley,

Has Willow's adoption actually gone through yet?  There was all the talk of doing it, but I don't remember them mentioning that it had actually happened.  I mean, maybe I missed it during the riveting should we or shouldn't we sign freakiin' annulment papers while we remember doing the nasty on disgusting paint drop cloths.  

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2 hours ago, Kim0820 said:

I was wondering why they can get an annulment. Real courts are very strict about it and the grounds have to exist, or they will go with divorce.  They don't have any of the grounds, like jest or dare, being drunk, fraud.

most Teevee courts are too. and they've consumated the marriage thus: no annulments 

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Almost forgot the Laugh of the Day for me--that being, Monica telling Tracy she needed to go to some place "with no extradition, as if she was going on the lam for murder.  Pretty sure falsely accusing someone of drunk driving isn't a felony.  But, sure, send the police in search of her quicker than they've ever gone after Sonny or Jason.  OK, show.

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Almost forgot the Laugh of the Day for me--that being, Monica telling Tracy she needed to go to some place "with no extradition, as if she was going on the lam for murder.  Pretty sure falsely accusing someone of drunk driving isn't a felony.  But, sure, send the police in search of her quicker than they've ever gone after Sonny or Jason.  OK, show.

Yeah. This show has turned DWI and lying about it from a misdemeanor to a felony with Special Circumstances when no one was killed or injured.🙄🙄🙄🙄

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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7 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yeah. This show has turned DWI and lying about it from a misdemeanor to a felony with Special Circumstances when no one was killed or injured.🙄🙄🙄🙄

That was truly the dumbest thing. Just have Tracy go "i'm going home" geeze. 
and the thing is they do so much crap with Carly, Sonny and Jason that they actually handwave or Dianne does some mumbo jumbo. 

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12 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This show has turned DWI and lying about it from a misdemeanor to a felony with Special Circumstances when no one was killed or injured.🙄🙄🙄🙄

I'm surprised when Monica opened the door it wasn't a full SWAT team with guns drawn standing there.  Tracy Angelica Quartermaine is no doubt now on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

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On 1/28/2021 at 3:00 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh My Lord. That stabbing of Dante with Alexis screaming like a banshee was indeed UCG Gold and EMBARRASSING. And to have the drug be Lidocaine?? That’s used to NUMB an area before you’re stuck with a needle. Well at least it was for me when undergoing chemo and they had to stick in the needle in my port. They couldn’t come up with a better drug? Oh wait. I forgot what FAKAKTA show I’m watching these days.

And we didn't get a reenactment of Tim Conway's Dentist sketch?  Stupid show!

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On 1/29/2021 at 9:58 PM, nilyank said:


So she is going sue the guy who has done nothing to her and was most helpful today leading her to conclude that Nelle might be her daughter. Just because Nina may have given birth to Nelle (still want dna confirmation on that), she doesn't have any rights to Wiley. Her rights are limited to non-existant and there is no way she can argue in court that Michael doesn't deserve to raise his son and she does.

Depending on the state, she could she for visitation rights; but it is in no way realistic for her to successfully sue for custody.

7 minutes ago, drtslim said:

Depending on the state, she could she for visitation rights; but it is in no way realistic for her to successfully sue for custody.

Isn't there, though? Michael chose to give Wiley the last name Corinthos thus putting him in the crosshairs of the mafia world. He had the choice to give his son the name Quartermaine, and instead he went with Corinthos. He continues to bring an innocent child to the home that is surrounded by armed hitmen. He associates with known felons (Jason). He is knowingly putting his child in harm's way. Since he found out about Wiley, there have been bombings, shootouts, etc. due to his father's criminal lifestyle and it hasn't changed made Michael keep Wiley away.

Nina has enough pull right there, not to mention the fact that any good attorney can spin Carly's actions--lying about knowing about Nelle was her daughter, manipulating her to keep Nelle from Wiley as proof that Michael is following in his mother's footsteps of keeping children from their parents and in unsafe environments As she did with Michael, as she did with, oh her good friend Ava's child, Avery. Uh huh.

Now, will the show actually go with all of this juicy stuff? Probably not. But it's definitely there. Carly has done so much ish and Michael has gone right along with it, and allowed his child to be a part of that dangerous world that Nina has all the ammunition she needs really.

Edited by driver18
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26 minutes ago, driver18 said:

Isn't there, though? Michael chose to give Wiley the last name Corinthos thus putting him in the crosshairs of the mafia world. He had the choice to give his son the name Quartermaine, and instead he went with Corinthos. He continues to bring an innocent child to the home that is surrounded by armed hitmen. He associates with known felons (Jason). He is knowingly putting his child in harm's way. Since he found out about Wiley, there have been bombings, shootouts, etc. due to his father's criminal lifestyle and it hasn't changed made Michael keep Wiley away.

Nina has enough pull right there, not to mention the fact that any good attorney can spin Carly's actions--lying about knowing about Nelle was her daughter, manipulating her to keep Nelle from Wiley as proof that Michael is following in his mother's footsteps of keeping children from their parents and in unsafe environments As she did with Michael, as she did with, oh her good friend Ava's child, Avery. Uh huh.

Now, will the show actually go with all of this juicy stuff? Probably not. But it's definitely there. Carly has done so much ish and Michael has gone right along with it, and allowed his child to be a part of that dangerous world that Nina has all the ammunition she needs really.

Well he hasn’t brought Wiley into Mooby’s home yet. Since winning custody, Wiley has been at the Quartermaine mansion, sleeping, eating, taking naps, eating, taking naps, according to Willow and SLS.

And don’t forget that Nina was supposed to be a character witness FOR Nelle, but turned on her when she got on the stand and said Nelle was her own worst enemy and didn’t deserve to have custody of her own child. You think that wouldn’t be used against her if she tries to say Wiley was “stolen”?

Nina has no standing as Wiley’s primary caretaker is his father, that a judge deemed was fit.

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33 minutes ago, driver18 said:

Isn't there, though? Michael chose to give Wiley the last name Corinthos thus putting him in the crosshairs of the mafia world. He had the choice to give his son the name Quartermaine, and instead he went with Corinthos. He continues to bring an innocent child to the home that is surrounded by armed hitmen. He associates with known felons (Jason). He is knowingly putting his child in harm's way. Since he found out about Wiley, there have been bombings, shootouts, etc. due to his father's criminal lifestyle and it hasn't changed made Michael keep Wiley away.

Nina has enough pull right there, not to mention the fact that any good attorney can spin Carly's actions--lying about knowing about Nelle was her daughter, manipulating her to keep Nelle from Wiley as proof that Michael is following in his mother's footsteps of keeping children from their parents and in unsafe environments As she did with Michael, as she did with, oh her good friend Ava's child, Avery. Uh huh.

Now, will the show actually go with all of this juicy stuff? Probably not. But it's definitely there. Carly has done so much ish and Michael has gone right along with it, and allowed his child to be a part of that dangerous world that Nina has all the ammunition she needs really.

There definitely isn't a precedent for that working on this show!

When Alexis stabbed Dante with the syringe my first thought was F**k! Now we gotta deal with Olivia. And the over acting commenced. It was really, really bad. Then the scene outside the chapel when she laid her arm on the wall for support and vowed revenge against the bitch/slut Alexis was so ridiculously over the top. Exactly what kind of revenge can get against a person who has lost her career, the love of her life ex-husband, her recent boyfriend, her sobriety, the respect of family, friends, community, and self- she's bottomed out. What can be done to her that she hasn't already done to herself? 

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, paisley said:

When Alexis stabbed Dante with the syringe my first thought was F**k! Now we gotta deal with Olivia. And the over acting commenced. It was really, really bad. Then the scene outside the chapel when she laid her arm on the wall for support and vowed revenge against the bitch/slut Alexis was so ridiculously over the top. Exactly what kind of revenge can get against a person who has lost her career, the love of her life ex-husband, her recent boyfriend, her sobriety, the respect of family, friends, community, and self- she's bottomed out. What can be done to her that she hasn't already done to herself? 

A bad case of food poisoning from Olivia's lasagna? 

I know a lot of people tend to go "This show goes pits women vs. women" i don't mind because it what gives great soap rivalries (which i miss. like Viki v Dorian Lord. Lindsey v. Nora, Kate vs. Sami etc but i think what this show lacks that there is never a level of respect or anything. and usually they tend to do men v men too. that never happens either because Corinthii must always win) hence it's boring. 

but what made me really think. Olivia needs to shut up. Alexis accidentally hurt Dante and she was drunk thus it wouldn't have happened if she were sober,it wasn't intentional. Sonny blew a hole through Dante deliberately because he is a murdering piece of poo and yet those two morons are friends with him. kick rocks. 

Edited by Daisy
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12 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well he hasn’t brought Wiley into Mooby’s home yet. Since winning custody, Wiley has been at the Quartermaine mansion, sleeping, eating, taking naps, eating, taking naps, according to Willow and SLS.

He did, actually bring Wiley to Casa del Douchebags. Christmas eve or day, whichever day Sonny went into the river with Julian and the rusted bridge and refused to fucking die already. It was the episode when Lucas was allowed to hold the kid he had been raising for almost 2 years and slobbered all over Michael's goodness to Carly.

I'm fine if we never see the inside of a court room again for anything. We know the outcome of every custody battle and every trial. I'm sure Michael will allow Nina to see Wiley whenever she wants, until she gets back with Valentin that is.

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

He did, actually bring Wiley to Casa del Douchebags. Christmas eve or day, whichever day Sonny went into the river with Julian and the rusted bridge and refused to fucking die already. It was the episode when Lucas was allowed to hold the kid he had been raising for almost 2 years and slobbered all over Michael's goodness to Carly.

I'm fine if we never see the inside of a court room again for anything. We know the outcome of every custody battle and every trial. I'm sure Michael will allow Nina to see Wiley whenever she wants, until she gets back with Valentin that is.

HAH! must have missed that since I fast forwarded those scenes!😆😆😆

2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

For custody, no, but she should definitely lobby for an actual visitation schedule, as without one the Corinthii band together and ban everyone because they don't want to share. 

True. It’ll be into see what Mooby and SheBeast threaten Nelle with or excuse they use for fighting her on this. Cuz you know they will.

Carly is definitely going to want to keep Nina away because having her in Wylie's life is a tie to Nelle and she wants to erase Nelle from memory.

It seems so unfair that Lucas considers Bobbie his mother and his bio parents and nothing while biology is everything with Wylie and Lucas is nothing but an occasional uncle.

28 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I've never wanted the death of a fictional child so much.

I agree about eliminating Wylie but I want Peter's spawn with Maxie dead more.

The Olivia vs Alexis thing is badly done because it's only half written.  Alexis should be doing more truth-telling, she's a pretty boring drunk right now. But how they're writing Olivia is the real problem. Ned isn't someone that Alexis just picked up, he her strongest former romantic interest now that Julian and Neil are both dead. Alexis doesn't even have any friends left any more since Jax is entirely occupied with his three blondes (Joss only nominally figures in there) and Diane was the one to encourage Alexis to sleep with Neil while led to this whole mess. Where is the acknowledgement that Olivia and Ned were bumpy before she left? That Brook Lynn bears the responsibility for deleting Olivia's message to Ned contributing to his doubting of Olivia which lead to sleeping with his old love and former fiance?

This could be more interesting than it is.

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Where is the acknowledgement that Olivia and Ned were bumpy before she left? Where is the acknowledgement that Olivia and Ned were bumpy before she left? That Brook Lynn bears the responsibility for deleting Olivia's message to Ned contributing to his doubting of Olivia which lead to sleeping with his old love and former fiance?

I'm sure the writers have completely forgotten all of this, and even if they haven't, think it's so much more interesting to have Olivia go scorched earth on Alexis regardless. Because woman vs. woman over a man is always riveting drama.

Speaking of woman vs. woman, at least with VIki vs. Dorian, their rivalry went much deeper than the various men in their lives. They had many layers to their relationship. Alexis and Olivia barely have one layer, since the show can't be bothered to write anything deeper than the current plot-point need. 

  • Love 10
Just now, dubbel zout said:

I'm sure the writers have completely forgotten all of this, and even if they haven't, think it's so much more interesting to have Olivia go scorched earth on Alexis regardless. Because woman vs. woman over a man is always riveting drama.

Speaking of woman vs. woman, at least with VIki vs. Dorian, their rivalry went much deeper than the various men in their lives. They had many layers to their relationship. Alexis and Olivia barely have one layer, since the show can't be bothered to write anything deeper than the current plot-point need. 

That is a problem with this show. It also doesn't help that people that should have a rivalry or should be hated, don't because it isn't convenient to whatever shitty storyline they have going on. 

  • Love 2

Admittedly I’m not much of an Olivia fan but  should I really be rooting for her to seek revenge against Alexis? I don’t know, Alexis is just so gone right now that it it just seems like punching down. Also, Olivia knows that she didn’t intentionally go after Dante, he got in the way. I was already cringing at Olivia being so much more angry at Alexis than Ned over his cheating. It does her character a disservice, smack down moments aside. 

2 minutes ago, ffwbe said:
Edited by ffwbe
  • Love 9

Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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