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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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8 minutes ago, jsbt said:

ASJ was not Latino, but his Jagger was certainly coded 'ethnic' onscreen and he did not present as Sam's Club Keith Urban. So Wagger the recast shall stay for me.


You and I have very different tastes.  He's way hotter than Keith Urban.  And I also think Tanisha is the most beautiful woman on the show, and I don't think she's a terrible actress.  She's not great, but she fits in fine there IMHO.  I mean, MO has been phoning it in, not even phoning it, he's using like a can with a string or something?  Since they took Cynthia away from him. I think among that company, Tanisha is just fine.  Not that you asked!  lol

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6 minutes ago, CeChase said:

You and I have very different tastes.  He's way hotter than Keith Urban.  And I also think Tanisha is the most beautiful woman on the show, and I don't think she's a terrible actress.  She's not great, but she fits in fine there IMHO.

You are entitled to that. I think she is the worst actor this show has seen in my 30 years second only to Dead Oscar, and I would count her among the approximately 80 people this show can fire tomorrow. YMMV! I'm just glad it's Mulcahey's official first day finally.

Edited by jsbt
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Of course we aren't rid of Heather. I don't care if her health issues are legit. Where are Portia's flexible medical ethics now?

LOL at Joss's petulance and refusing to help Dex pack. And of course they end up having sex. That's why she doesn't want Dex to leave.

Gregory, you can easily ask for ADA accommodations. I wish the show would have mentioned that. (Or did it? The "special report" broke in for about 10 minutes, and we missed a bit of that scene between Alexis and Gregory.) Gregory can still decide he doesn't want to continue working at the Invader, but at least he's not run out of the paper because of Nina's jerkiness. And wow, are they making her a jerk.

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I have bided my time with forming an opinion on the new regime but after today's episode my only thought is "Who writes this crap?" The scenes themselves may be better paced by the storylines are utter garbage:

  • Alexis, you are the paper's editor. It is your responsibility to read what your reporters are writing and okay or nix it. So stop putting the blame for the article on Nina, who by the way as publisher has every right to tell you the direction to run the paper.
  • Alexis at the Invader was interesting. Alexis working with Diane, an awful character, to let criminal off the hook, is fast forward material.
  • Reporting on Sonny and his lawyer does not come under "gossip column".
  • Why isn't Marshall using voice-to-text? In 2024 there is no reason for him to type out his articles much less to need Finn to.
  • A retired doctor has every right to privacy. His former workplace should not give out his address to any voice on the phone without a signed consent form from both Braddock and Marshall.
  • Marshall's medical condition was in line with what we knew about schizophrenia 40 years ago. In 1982 medical schools were still teaching the double bind theory of schizophrenia i.e that it was caused by a cold mother.
  • Marshall, if you have a problem about the cost of your treatment, blame it on the US medical system. In Canada you wouldn't have had to pay for the ECT and much less for the drugs.
  • Way to push white privilege show: Heather gets to have her crazy diagnosed on a physical condition; Marshall's condition is caused by racist doctoring. The way this is being written is a disservice to minority communities.
  • Joss remains a huge bitch. What are you 5, that you refuse to pass Dex the box so he can pack?
  • Nina is worse than even MS Nina days to justify everyone hating her, something I am not the least bit interested in.

Add this to yesterday's episode in which all of Jason's sins are absolved and Carly is showing her true love for him plus Jagger, the first interesting new character in years, is most likely going to turn out to be the villain to whitewash Jason, I don't see anything coming up that is worth my time.

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Shallow time:  Sean Kanan has aged waaaaay better than Steve Burton.  If we absolutely must have Jason, then can we get a recast, please?  Yes, I know, SK played AJ.  So what?  It's a soap.

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So Heather has Cobalt poisoning due to an old hip replacement and it’s probably what her caused to go homicidal. Good scenes between her and Laura

Edited by DanaK
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1 minute ago, lilabennet said:

Shallow time:  Sean Kanan has aged waaaaay better than Steve Burton.  If we absolutely must have Jason, then can we get a recast, please?  Yes, I know, SK played AJ.  So what?  It's a soap.

That's going to be difficult as he's currently on another soap right now. And after the way he was fired? I very much doubt he will ever return.

1 minute ago, DanaK said:

So Heather has Cobalt poisoning due to an old hip replacement and it’s possibly what caused to go homicidal.Good scenes between her and Laura

Give me a fucking break. Why can't we be rid of this iteration of Heather? She's just absolutely horrible.

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16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I have bided my time with forming an opinion on the new regime

This would be Day 1.

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I liked that the new regime started with a picture of ye olde hospital.

So they are writing Nina to be the evil witch of Port Charles now? I want her to get back together with Sonny.

Could not be happier that Alexis will be a lawyer again.

I'm ready for Heather to be written off for awhile.

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Looks like co-chief-of-staff Portia is going to have to assign herself some remedial HIPAA modules. 

Re: the Marshall story pointing at racial bias in medicine---good topic to cover, but just a clunky way to get there.  A doctor who treated a patient thirty years ago is going to need to look at the chart to remember anything.  So why not just ask for the records?  A good investigator (like Sam, who crossed privacy lines to help Finn) could find out if it was a pattern.  

I haven't had an interest in any iteration of Heather, so I'm disappointed that she will be sticking around, and especially so if it is a set up to fight Laura and Kevin for Ace.  

Why did Danny go to the boathouse in the first place?  Is it a hangout for him? I've nothing else to say about the Jason story.

I wondered why Gregory didn't use voice-to-text as well, but I think they were just making it easier for Alexis to leave her position with the Invader.  Don't mind her as a lawyer, but would prefer she was not so much in Diane's orbit, and especially would prefer she not be beholden to Diane.

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16 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Cobalt Poisoning: Son of Franco's Tumor, The Sequel

That's exactly what I was thinking. Stop reforming people, Show. Let the terrible villains be terrible villains, and get rid of them accordingly.

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16 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

I'm ready for Heather to be written off for awhile.

I'm ready to see the back of her for good. Unless they can cajole Robin Mattson back into the role.

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I'm ready to see the end of Heather by any means necessary, but Alley Mills is talented and came on strong before descending into nonstop hambone yowling about Ayyyyceeeee and St. Esme day after day. So if they want to try to modulate the character a bit (who indeed was not always a serial killing mass murderer, but was absolutely always bugshit - just ask Diana Taylor) to do more with her I am potentially, grudgingly open to it. Even if a Poison Hip is hysterical to me.

Speaking of bugshit, I have always said Cynthia Watros has never taken Nina too seriously (much like Annie Dutton before her) and that's what makes the character much more watchable to me since the recast, even when she is too often relentlessly humiliated day after day. Leaning into Nina as the clueless, histrionic socialite - which is what she has always been - works for me as a vehicle to allow her to do what she should've done two actors ago: Go psycho again and leave the show. But at least I can have a good time watching it, unlike AM's recent work.

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51 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Why is Diane involved in a medical consultation about Heather? She’s not a doctor, and she isn’t Heather’s lawyer. 

She's not involved. She left GH when everyone was talking to Robert about Heather.

30 minutes ago, jsbt said:

So if they want to try to modulate the character a bit (who indeed was not always a serial killing mass murderer, but was absolutely always bugshit - just ask Diana Taylor) to do more with her I am potentially, grudgingly open to it. Even if a Poison Hip is hysterical to me.

Heather still needs to be offscreen for at least six months before any modulation happens. And I still find it annoying that the show doesn't have the guts to get rid of characters who are long past their freshness date. There are so many on this show that need to be cut loose.

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The only possible good thing that could come from the Francoing of Heather is if she becomes sane enough to finally brush her hair. ...But really, she needs a complete Ty-over.

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Even if we are going the handwave the SERIAL MURDERS because of cobalt poisoning, that doesn't wipe away the baby dangling or any of Heather's other many crimes. No court in the world would give her access to Ace over a mayor and prominent psychologist.

I'm wondering if they are setting up Genie's vacation by having her take Ace somewhere safe from Heather.

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Today was only Patrick’s first credited today so there’s going to a cleanup period but the 2 new stories seemed to be whitewashing Heather and Alexis being a lawyer again. Heather’s story makes absolutely no sense to me. Whitewashing villains never works and she’s been crazy her entire adult life, not just recently.

However, I’m all for Alexis being a lawyer because her working at the Invader was always a flop for me. They never could decide what is was anyway. The company line was that she turned into a serious newspaper but everytime we saw or heard about articles from it, it seemed like the same click bait newspaper Peter worked on.

I also thought she should have differed to Nina about the direction in previous scenes but Nina was off her rocker today about not saying anything potentially negative about Sonny going forward. WTH, Nina, get some fucking self respect. That man has already left you and ignores you anytime he sees you. He doesn’t give a shit one way or another what you say about him. You aren’t part of his life anymore. She’s about to make my ffw list unfortunately because I can’t stomach her scenes when she talks about Sonny anymore.

Edited by ffwbe
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If Alexis leaves and Nina doesn't feel ready to edit a daily (as she said today), maybe they'll get a dreamy dude to be her editor/love interest. Say what you will about Jax, but at least he swept her off her feet and got her out of her previous relationship duldrums.

Ultimately, I'd like to see her reconcile with Sonny (if only because she's the only scene partner with whome Mo doesn't talk at half speed), but not if she's going to be groveling and begging the whole time.

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So on Patrick's first air show we spent 60%+ in the hosptial, Alexis is on her way back to being a lawyer, the psychologist is finally involved in the story about a mental health diagnosis, they are correcting the character assassination of Heather (even if it is ridiculous...she was never a sociopath or a serial killer), Cyntia Watros got to play right in her kookoo bananapants wheelhouse and nobody said the names Carly or Jason. I may be a full on Pollyanna here but I am feeling goooood.

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So they're going to wipe Heather killing Britt and Brando away as cobalt? 

So Joss thinks Jason is good and loyal person, does she not know he is and has been a mobster? 

Why can't Gregory just use voice transcription software for his typing that's on every computer?

Shouldn't Heather's next person to make decisions be Elizabeth? She's her daughter in law.  Laura is her closest family member? If we're going biological should it not be Drew and Jason? 

Diane wants people to think she's not just a mob lawyer? Lol but that is what she is. 



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Heather's mother was Lesley's housekeeper and the two were very close. I guess Liz makes more sense through Franco. Obviously it should probably be someone appointed by the state. But I buy that in saner times Lesley took responsibilty after Alice's death and it passed to Laura.

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11 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Diane wants people to think she's not just a mob lawyer? Lol but that is what she is. 

Seriously, I can't with her.  Has gloated for years about her designer wardrobe that is funded by the mob and acts offended when it's publicly acknowledged that she's Sonny's mouthpiece.  So while I think getting Aleixis back into attorney mode is great, her working WITH Diane?  Blech.

Joss is a total brat, now and forever.  I had to laugh when she acted like it had been months since she and Dex boned.  It was literally a couple days ago.  And LOL forever at her defending Jason as "a good person" who somehow is misguided in working for Sonny.  Child, you're an idiot.

Does the Dr. Misdiagnosis being dead mean just noting why Marshall was misdiagnosed mean the end of this storyline?  Because I'll take that as a victory, if only because of how awful it's been handled. 

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Joss is a total brat, now and forever.  I had to laugh when she acted like it had been months since she and Dex boned.  It was literally a couple days ago.  And LOL forever at her defending Jason as "a good person" who somehow is misguided in working for Sonny.  Child, you're an idiot

Joss is easily the dumbest person in town and that’s really saying something. I saw in the previews that she was aghast that Dex was committing crimes for Sonny and would murder someone on his orders. Like, what did you think he was doing? I refuse to believe this girl is bound for med school. 

Gregory didn’t need to quit over not being able to type. All he needs is a text to speech program and to have an assistant or other writer help edit anything that was transcribed incorrectly. But I have a feeling it was a catalyst for Alexis to jump ship and for Gregory to rapidly deteriorate. 

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Wow, so one of the very first things the new writers did was basically excuse Heather's murderous tendencies as a result of cobalt poisoning from a freaking hip replacement that she had 20 years ago?! That is just... I don't even know how to react to that. If this is really the best that these writers can come up with, then we're in trouble. 

Also is it me or are the writers getting ready to phase Nina out of the show altogether? They had her acting like a total bitch to Gregory and Alexis for no reason today and coupled with the fact that her marriage to Sonny is essentially over and her only surviving daughter wants nothing to do with her and she pretty much has no friends or supporters, I really don't know where else Nina can go from here other than going completely insane over Sonny and getting shipped off to a mental hospital in NYC indefinitely.

Also the fact that Patrick Mulcahey was responsible for the creation of Annie Dutton on Guiding Light and Cynthia Watros has played Annie indicates to me that he might be keen on turning Nina into General Hospital's version of Annie Dutton. 

I know a lot of Nina/Sona fans on Twitter are nervous about what's going to happen to Nina under the new writing regime and honestly, they should be. I really don't see Nina sticking around for much longer, especially if the writers have absolutely no intention of having her reconcile with either Sonny or Willow in the long run, and I don't see either happening anytime soon if ever. The new writers seem really keen on returning back to the status quo as much as possible, and that seems to include having Sonny fully enmeshed in Carly and Jason's orbit and Alexis returning to her legal roots. 

If Nina even has any kind of future in this new regime, what's probably going to end up happening is that she's going to be on a recurring basis as an antagonist for the Benson/Corinthos clan who tries desperately to win back Willow and/or Sonny to no avail, which suits her just fine at this point in her character arc. 

Honestly, Nina is at her best when she's a tragic villain/vixen and the last five-six years of Chris/Dan trying to make her a sympathetic heroine who is worthy of Sonny's love has never worked for me. Just have her be an outsider who is hated by the entire town and has absolutely no friends or allies on her side. And I understand that she has a tragic backstory that's supposed to make people feel sorry for her but at this point nobody really cares, not even the characters on the show. 

I predict that at least within the next six months there's going to be a headline that will announce Cynthia Watros's departure from the show and Nina will be wheeled off to a mental hospital indefinitely once she has a breakdown to end all breakdowns that will destroy her psychologically and mentally forever. Time will tell if I'm right. 

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I wish the show would end this garbage story about joss and dex.  She doesn't love him. She just loves having sex with him. 


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I laughed when Dex got out of bed and Joss couldn't believe it  . "You're still leaving?!" Guess you're just not that specal in bed, Joss.

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11 hours ago, MissPhoenixGirl said:

Just have [Nina] be an outsider who is hated by the entire town and has absolutely no friends or allies on her side.

That basically makes her a female AJ or Julian, and look what happened to them. I don't mind Nina being an outsider, but she has to have some friends/allies—and I don't mean Valentin—in order to be viable.

1 hour ago, graight said:

I laughed when Dex got out of bed and Joss couldn't believe it. "You're still leaving?!" Guess you're just not that specal in bed, Joss.

What day is it supposed to be? Doesn't Joss have class?

Edited by dubbel zout
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34 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Doesn't Joss have class?

Surely you don’t expect the great and powerful Josslyn Jacks to attend classes????? She’s probably pulling straight As in everything and is the darling of all her professors. Why, I heard that one of them even invited her to fill in for him. Because she’s just that good. She’ll graduate in June, three years ahead of schedule and become chief of staff at GH by September. 

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5 hours ago, ljr said:

I wish the show would end this garbage story about joss and dex. 

Barbie and Ken of Port Charles?  Airheads.

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I haven’t been posting a lot because GH hasn’t been very interesting to me lately. This Jason return has been lackluster for me. It’s also been very OOC, which sucks because I thought these new writers knew the history of the show. I just don’t see any world where Sonny and Sam believe Jason intentionally shot Dante. Nope. That’s not at all believable to me. It’s bad writing IMO. So only Carly and her brats trust Jason?!?!? Ok! 🙄 It’s clear they want to push Jarly but others shouldn’t be written OOC to do so. 

I’m also in the minority here in not liking Jagger so I don’t really care what he’s been up to with Jason. I’m over the “FBI comes  in to take down Sonny” plots. They all end the same way. I don’t see that changing unless Mo announces his retirement or something. 

The Danny stuff is super contrived and forced. Suddenly, Danny is a bad kid who vapes and loves danger - all in time for his dad to come back. Ok. 🙄 Honestly, I don’t care about Danny. Jason’s been a crap sad for so long……I don’t care about him improving his relationships with his sons! Jason is who he is. That said, I think it’s awful that Jake hasn’t been given a POV about his dad being back and accused of shooting Dante. I know Liz is not an important character to these writers but you would think they would let her son have a POV about his dad but the story is solely focused on Danny. Even Rocco’s POV is stifled for Danny. I see who the fave kid is right now. 

I also worry for Nina’s future. I loved SoNa but was fine with them ending because I thought we would be getting Valentina. I also thought Drew was gonna do something to get Nina hurt, which could open the door for Willow and Nina (and possibly Sonny) to reconcile. All of that is out the door. Drew has moved on, and Nina is in begging mode. Even though I like Nina, there is really no reason for her to still be in town. She’s completely isolated with no allies or friends. I wouldn’t be surprised if CW was soon fired. What purpose does she have? 

I truly thought CM was leaving but it looks like he’s gonna hook up with Jordan. No thanks. Where’s Zeke? I loathe CM’s version of Drew. I really wanted him gone. They ruined him. I don’t want to see him with anyone.

I’m not hopeful about the new regime. I will still  check it out but there really isn’t any one story or character capturing my interest right now. I feel very “meh” about the show. 

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22 hours ago, DanaK said:

So Heather has Cobalt poisoning due to an old hip replacement and it’s probably what her caused to go homicidal. Good scenes between her and Laura

And here I thought they were finally going to delve into the long awaited story where Laura, as mayor, discovers all the lead, cadmium, and (apparently) cobalt in the PC drinking water, thus explaining the high levels of stupidity and cancer in that town. (Personally, I'm still pissed that we were cheated out of the confrontation between Heather and Liesl after Britt's death)

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20 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Today was only Patrick’s first credited today so there’s going to a cleanup period but the 2 new stories seemed to be whitewashing Heather and Alexis being a lawyer again. Heather’s story makes absolutely no sense to me. Whitewashing villains never works and she’s been crazy her entire adult life, not just recently.

However, I’m all for Alexis being a lawyer because her working at the Invader was always a flop for me. They never could decide what is was anyway. The company line was that she turned into a serious newspaper but everytime we saw or heard about articles from it, it seemed like the same click bait newspaper Peter worked on.

I also thought she should have differed to Nina about the direction in previous scenes but Nina was off her rocker today about not saying anything potentially negative about Sonny going forward. WTH, Nina, get some fucking self respect. That man has already left you and ignores you anytime he sees you. He doesn’t give a shit one way or another what you say about him. You aren’t part of his life anymore. She’s about to make my ffw list unfortunately because I can’t stomach her scenes when she talks about Sonny anymore.

My question is why  is Patrick continuing to write Nina this way? From a preview she's getting worse in regards to Sonny.  I don't like it.  


Oh I see what you are all saying.  You basically hate Nina/don't care about her character, and think Patrick wants to Annie Dutton here. Problem; I love Nina and I love watching Cynthia, I don't know this Annie and I don't care, and going down this path only gives all of the Carlys "We told you NinNUTS was NUTS!".  And so that won't be for me.  But that's okay.  I'm just one viewer and I have other things I should be doing anyway.  I hope everyone else enjoys that ride. 

Edited by CeChase
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6 minutes ago, CeChase said:

Oh I see what you are all saying.  You basically hate Nina/don't care about her character, and think Patrick wants to Annie Dutton here. Problem; I love Nina and I love watching Cynthia, I don't know this Annie and I don't care, and going down this path only gives all of the Carlys "We told you NinNUTS was NUTS!".  And so that won't be for me.  But that's okay.  I'm just one viewer and I have other things I should be doing anyway.  I hope everyone else enjoys that ride. 

I was really hoping the writing for Nina would improve with the new team, but it looks like they’re making her worse and eventually even more hated if that’s even possible. I’m not looking forward to that. 

I didn’t watch the soap that had Annie Dutton so I’m not sure how bad it’s going to get. 

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I will sit at your table CeChase! I really like Nina and love CW. I also actually liked SoNa. Mo seemed more engaged and looked happy to be working with her. 
I don’t appreciate what the writers are doing to her either. Nina shouldn’t have to beg anyone. I didn’t like MSt version of Nina and don’t want CW’s version to be anywhere the same. 

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33 minutes ago, CeChase said:

Oh I see what you are all saying.  You basically hate Nina/don't care about her character, and think Patrick wants to Annie Dutton here. Problem; I love Nina and I love watching Cynthia, I don't know this Annie and I don't care, and going down this path only gives all of the Carlys "We told you NinNUTS was NUTS!".  And so that won't be for me.  But that's okay.  I'm just one viewer and I have other things I should be doing anyway.  I hope everyone else enjoys that ride. 

Personally I don’t hate Nina but I saw the writing on the wall once Sonny found out about her turning Carly into the SEC and acted like this was the worst wrong to ever wrong and her bff Ava has been glued to his side ever since (which tbh is making me dislike her more than anything else). While I think CW can kill a SL like this, it doesn’t make for an enjoyable watch for someone who likes the character so I get it. Especially since characters facing off against Sonny and Carly are usually destroyed and rarely cycle back up. 

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Sonny and Nina - If anything should convince Nina that the love affair with Sonny was pure fantasy, it would be how Sonny reacted to the SEC whistleblowing. If he blows up his new(!) marriage over Nina telling the SEC that Carly and Drew engaged in insider trading, then he was never really that into it to begin with. It isn't as if she betrayed him, or killed his puppy, or cheated on him with his best friend, which would all be reasons to end a relationship. She should take it as a lesson learned and move on to a more reasonable person - although where she'd find one in Port Charles is a mystery.

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Who's been refilling Marshall's medications all these years? The original doctor made the original diagnosis and gave him the original prescription but then what? Can you drop off a prescrition at the local drug store in 1990 with 147 refills? You never need to see another doctor at any time for a checkup and an update on your meds? Don't people have yearly or bi-yearly physicals where all of those things get discussed? If Marshall hasn't seen a doctor in 37 years, then isn't it his fault for not following up ?  None of this makes any sense.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That basically makes her a female AJ or Julian, and look what happened to them. I don't mind Nina being an outsider, but she has to have some friends/allies—and I don't mean Valentin—in order to be viable.

What day is it supposed to be? Doesn't Joss have class?

Well if that makes her a female AJ or Julian, then so be it. Maybe Nina is just one of those characters that's never meant to have any real happiness in the long run and has to constantly suffer through multiple tragedies one after another. And if Nina is going to go full on crazy villain who's either heading to the grave, prison or even a mental institution, then Nina fans are going to have to accept that. 

1 hour ago, CeChase said:

My question is why  is Patrick continuing to write Nina this way? From a preview she's getting worse in regards to Sonny.  I don't like it.  


Oh I see what you are all saying.  You basically hate Nina/don't care about her character, and think Patrick wants to Annie Dutton here. Problem; I love Nina and I love watching Cynthia, I don't know this Annie and I don't care, and going down this path only gives all of the Carlys "We told you NinNUTS was NUTS!".  And so that won't be for me.  But that's okay.  I'm just one viewer and I have other things I should be doing anyway.  I hope everyone else enjoys that ride. 

Maybe because he thinks that Nina is basically a GH version of Annie Dutton and that's how he intends to write her. And apparently he seems to really like Alley Mills and wants to continue writing for her, no matter whether it makes any sense for Heather to remain on the canvas long term. 

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21 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Sonny and Nina - If anything should convince Nina that the love affair with Sonny was pure fantasy, it would be how Sonny reacted to the SEC whistleblowing. 

Being with fashion-based socialite Nina and dabbling in Nixon Falls was always Sonny's cosplay fantasy of the life he passed up with Brenda Barrett in that house in the woods or whatever. Everything since their divorce has been Sonny settling, making excuses for himself or whiling away the years. But Nina was an especially direct Brenda substitute.

12 minutes ago, MissPhoenixGirl said:

Maybe because he thinks that Nina is basically a GH version of Annie Dutton and that's how he intends to write her. 

Because she has been from Day 1, when Michelle Stafford was hired.

Like most of the current cast (including Ava at times tbh) Nina was never meant to be a ten year veteran. She reached her endpoint maybe 8 or 9 years ago, and then went well beyond it. Because FV did not want to admit defeat after hiring not one but two of another network's stars, and because he doesn't like changing his canvas or ceding to fan pressure. The saving grace of it is that Cynthia has always infused the character with some camp hysteria and never taken any of this too seriously. She knows Nina is nuts and often a bit pathetic and chews it up. Nina may be someone who should've been gone years ago, but CW is always fun to watch.

Edited by jsbt
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5 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Surely you don’t expect the great and powerful Josslyn Jacks to attend classes????? She’s probably pulling straight As in everything and is the darling of all her professors. Why, I heard that one of them even invited her to fill in for him. Because she’s just that good. She’ll graduate in June, three years ahead of schedule and become chief of staff at GH by September. 

Don't give these hacks any ideas! 🤢

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Wait. Can someone explain to me then who was responsible for last 2 weeks’  writing? I mean Jagger’s truth bombs about Mooby; Anna showing a brain; the search warrant scenes? That wasn’t Mulcahey?! Abs yesterday’s CRAP was?! So AAAAAACE is Heather’s only blood? Did Stephen Lars die in prison and I missed it? 

I don’t know how Genie managed to voice the bullshit dialogue about Heather not being a serial killer and not really that  bad when talking to Robert. Who, by the way, was how I was feeling as he left the hospital. 

And how old is Nina? 13? With her petulant “whatever” she spouted to Alexis? She really is delusional at this point.

Oh just SHUT UP, Diane. You have been a smug, smarmy mouthpiece for Mooby and have been very proud of that. Never have I ever seen you fighting for justice, unless it was “justice” for your mob clients, Jason, Mooby, and Cujo. And correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t Alexis and Diane partners in their own firm before Alexis was disbarred? So Diane’s “offer” just made me go 😒😒😒😒. Then again, whoever wrote that didn’t bother to research or Caroline and Nancy didn’t let them know that hey! Diane and Alexis used to have their own practice!

I’m sitting on the edge of the pier again, ready to jump and swing back to the Barge.

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26 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Wait. Can someone explain to me then who was responsible for last 2 weeks’  writing? I mean Jagger’s truth bombs about Mooby; Anna showing a brain; the search warrant scenes? That wasn’t Mulcahey?

No, it almost certainly was. It's common knowledge (and was reported two months ago) that PM's material would begin airing uncredited during the Jason return. Everything outside of that story was a mix of him and Korte and D&C, until now.

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2 minutes ago, jsbt said:

No, it almost certainly was. It's common knowledge (and was reported two months ago) that PM's material would begin airing uncredited during the Jason return. Everything outside of that story was a mix of him and Korte and D&C, until now.

Thanks. That’s what I was hoping because it was different and better. So I’ll continue to see if it improves after yesterday’s, because I only watched 10 minutes worth of the episode.

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I can't fault anyone's choices, but that's why I don't FF; you never know what might turn out to be good. It's easier to simply go to my psychological Quiet Place like Mop Head Laura from the 2000s whenever Diane, Willow, Curtis, Sasha or approximately 35 other characters on the show appear.

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