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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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16 hours ago, lala2 said:


@mostlylurking - I think we’re in the minority but I loved Fanna too. I thought they were great together honestly! They got bogged down with Peter stuff but I liked them. I hate that Fanna and Friz were busted up for Fiz!! IMO, Friz and Fanna were much hotter than Fix and both pairings had infinitely more chemistry than Fiz but what are you gonna do?! 

I liked Finn and Anna a lot too, and were great together, but @lala2 you've got it wrong. Fanna and Friz were not busted up for Finn and Elizabeth. As much as I enjoyed Finn and Anna, the pairing was not popular, and there was a non-stop hunkering for Anna and Valentine, and that's why they broke them up and put the two together. Had they featured and written Finn/Anna to the degree they do Anna/Valentine, they would have achieved greater popularity. Clearly, the writers didn't care for them as they do Anna/Valentine, though. 

Secondly, the higher-ups decided that Franco, the rapist/kidnapper/psycho-murderer--the tumor made him do it or not--just had to go. There were too many complaints that were simply not going away from too many viewers. Enough time had passed and the complaints were still coming. So, Franco had to die. Period.

Because both of those decisions were made, the writers had both Finn and Elizabeth available on the canvas, and that's why they paired them. Which I'm happy about as I've wanted the two paired since Easton FIRST came back as Finn. I'm just... sigh... not happy about how they've written them for the most part.

Were Franco/Elizabeth, and Finn/Anna better written couples than Finn and Elizabeth? Absolutely. I don't think either have better chemistry, though. I think that Michael Easton and Rebecca Herbst have fantastic chemistry. The issue is that these writers barely write for Finn/Elizabeth, and when they bother to, it's mostly complete crap. Other than that first go-round when they were working together to save Chase, they haven't had good consistent writing.

Franco/Elizabeth had good writing overall. Finn/Anna had decent writing. The writing for Finn/Elizabeth has been mostly execrable. It's hard for their chemistry to shine when there is no consistency and the story is complete crap.

Edited by driver18
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@driver18 - Do we know for a fact folks were complaining about Franco? I mean so much so that after eight years, TPTB decided they just had to get rid of the character?!? No character is universally loved. I know some never accepted him but I’m having trouble believing he had Peter-levels of hate with the audience. I never heard or read anything like that. We never, IMO, got the real reason why they suddenly decided to get rid of the character. The only rumor I heard/read was about the character being connected to James Franco, and JF had some “me too” allegations against him at the time so showrunners decided to let the character go. Who knows? I’m just not sure I believe Franco was so widely unpopular that they had no choice but to get rid of the character. He had been on the show for eight-nine years at that point, and Friz was a hugely popular - online at least - pairing. Frina was popular too! 

I know Twitter isn’t an exact science but there was a virtual meltdown when the character was killed. GH trended for the first time because of his death! And the comments were not celebratory. People were upset and angry for the most part. To this day, ppl across various message boards still mention Franco and wish he was still around.

I’m not sure why they randomly killed off Franco, but I don’t believe it’s because he was that unpopular. But that’s just my opinion. I maintain we’ll never know the real reason unless someone speaks up. It’s just been rumors and speculation unless I missed an interview or something! 

But back to Fiz - I’m a sucker for chemistry. If a couple has it, I’m there even if I don’t like the character! It’s how I could like Tarly and Cranco. I hate Carly but LW had off-the-charts chemistry with RoHo! I always hated Jason, but the first iteration of JaSam was awesome in the chemistry department. 

For me, ME and ReHe just don’t have the amazing chemistry I saw with Friz and Fanna. Even before the storyline went sideways, they didn’t do much for me. My sister thought they were cute but she no longer cares about them since their story was dragged out. She also didn’t care for the time when Finn was practically a stalker! Fiz do nothing for me. They are basically FF/mute material. I really liked the energy Roger brought to Franco. That played off well with Rebecca’s more low key energy. Fiz are too similar in personalities for me but my opinion doesn’t matter. I’m happy for you Fiz fans though because it seems the writers are moving forward with your couple. The one couple I care about on this show - Sprina - has likely been stalled so I’m happy one fanbase is getting something they want from this crap show! 

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15 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I can’t stand the pairing but if she isn’t confident enough to just be honest with him, then they don’t belong together. 

Seriously. It's not even that big a secret. Tracy didn't do anything wildly unethical, she just used her clout to get Chase back on the force. I think BL deliberately not writing a letter of recommendation is a worst thing to have done, tbh. If Chase can forgive her for that, this nonsense should be a no-brainer. But for some reason BL is always being written as having a dumb sekrit. Ugh. So boring.

I wonder if RoHo wanted a lighter schedule? We don't see Austin nearly as much as we saw Franco. I like RoHo a lot, but I don't think he's been successful as either Franco or Austin. A lot of that is the writing, of course, but RoHo isn't putting in much effort either.

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It was per Vicki Dummer (head of ABC entertainment)

1 hour ago, lala2 said:

@driver18 - Do we know for a fact folks were complaining about Franco? I mean so much so that after eight years, TPTB decided they just had to get rid of the character?!?

It was ONE power that be, but an extremely powerful one, who relied on the fact that there were continual complaints about Franco to build her case. The point is that Finn and Elizabeth are NOT the reason that Friz/Fanna were broken up. They are not to blame, and the craptastic writing for them is on the blame of the writers. ME and RHerbst have great chemistry, but no pairing can thrive with the drivel, horrific pacing, and extremely limited airtime they've had handed to them.

Edited by driver18
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2 hours ago, lala2 said:

I’m not sure why they randomly killed off Franco, but I don’t believe it’s because he was that unpopular. But that’s just my opinion. I maintain we’ll never know the real reason unless someone speaks up. It’s just been rumors and speculation unless I missed an interview or something! 

I'm just grateful they did. I stopped watching regularly when they made RoHo Franco and came back when they killed him off. During Elizabeth's flashbacks I could see they did have some real chemistry but not enough to get me past his repulsive James Franco origin. 

Finn and Anna were breaking up as I came back, but what little I saw, I liked. I have always felt that the Fiz slow walk has possibly been due to the show wanting Hayden as part of a triangle and little interest in writing for them without it.

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@driver18 - So, according to that Reddit post - which is complete hearsay by the way - ONE executive’s relative hated the character so the character had to go! Ok! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If that’s true, that’s sad and not a good reason to ditch a character if you ask me but it is what it is. Nothing in that post convinces me that Franco was hugely unpopular though. All the posts on that thread seem outraged about the character being killed. Anyway…. we can agree to disagree. 

Chemistry is subjective. Fiz have none, IMO. But it seems TPTB are proceeding with the pairing anyway so that’s great for you Fiz fans. Enjoy them while they last. 

@tessaray - It was easier for me to accept RoHo as Franco because I found JF as Franco very entertaining. He didn’t repulse me, and I love RoHo. The brain tumor angle was fine for me. I just never had issues with RoHo as Franco! I wish he was still around. He and Friz were a great to me. They haven’t done much with Austin but I’m hoping that changes. Roger and Maura have wonderful chemistry! 

Edited by lala2
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I loathed James Franco's character on the show (talk about an ego trip) and it was a big reason why I stopped watching. When I came back Friz was starting and I enjoyed it and the Franco/Scotty and Franco/kids relationships. My daughter started watching the show at that time and still mourns that they killed Framco off. A polarizing character still.

4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Seriously. It's not even that big a secret. Tracy didn't do anything wildly unethical, she just used her clout to get Chase back on the force. I think BL deliberately not writing a letter of recommendation is a worst thing to have done,

It's so stupid. Brook Lynn stealing corporate data from Deception is way worse than asking Tracy to get Chase back on the force.

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5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Brook Lynn stealing corporate data from Deception

"But if it's done with good intentions, it's not a crime."

                                                                                       --Drew and Carly

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I don't know, so many good points!  I think there is some truth to most of it.  Usually things happen for more than one reason.  One thing for sure though is that the Vanna fans are off the hook.  They worship that couple.  They think they are the hottest shit ever.  I don't see it.  I actually liked him with Nina and her with Finn better.   But most people don't feel that way, and I'm sure that played its role too.  A lot of contributing factors.  

As for why Franco was killed off, I believe Roho himself spoke about that in a Covid-era Zoom.  So I don't think it's hearsay.  I do think that was a factor.  Again, always more than one thing going on though.  IMO. 

Edited by CeChase
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Interesting. I guess I wasn’t paying much attn or his interview/comments didn’t make a huge splash because I honestly don’t remember anyone official saying anything about why Franco was randomly killed off! I really don’t remember that. I also don’t remember any posts talking about his comments during this Zoom call. I just don’t remember anything official being said by anyone. All I remember was speculation about James Franco and some higher up not liking characters with a SA history or something. I would love to hear what Roger said for myself. Maybe I can find it somewhere. 

OT: Not to get lawyerly but someone reporting what someone else supposedly said is technically hearsay. If that Reddit post had provided video of the Zoom call with the higher up making her comments then it wouldn’t be hearsay because they would be coming directly from the source. For all we know that redditor always hated Franco, had an agenda and made up some stuff. I’m not saying that happened but it was just a random comment supposedly summarizing a Zoom call. There’s no reason for anyone to accept that person’s word as fact. Lawyer hat off. lol
I’m sure there were various reasons behind their decision. That said, since GH can’t write for crap, I maintain it was a bad decision. Austin could have been interesting but it’s clear they had no idea what to do with him. They are just now trying to fix that. For all his “faults,” Franco had a clear place and role on the show. You can’t deny that. They could have broken up Friz and gone with Niz and Frava. I didn’t mind the tumor returning story but it shouldn’t have been inoperable. Franco could have gone a little crazy again (not murderer crazy of course) and Liz could have helped him. A better story with Liz and her parents could have played out during Friz. I know some will flip at this but I thought Friz could have had a kid - a little girl. I can think of a ton of stories for Friz. Anyway, despite my hardcore love for Roger Howarth (his portrayal of Todd Manning literally got me into soaps), Austin has been mostly a fail due to writing. I’m like @statsgirl’s daughter. I still mourn the loss of Franco. And that’s the fault of the writing. I could have forgotten about Franco by now if they had done a stellar job establishing Austin but they haven’t. 

But as I always say: it is what it is. 

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

A polarizing character still.

I'll never understand why they thought bringing Franco, the character, back was such a good idea knowing how much everyone hated James Franco's iteration. Like there was nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing good about that and the character came with a ton of unenviable baggage.

They could have created a brand new spanking character for Roger and actually written for him instead of whatever we got.

Writers are creatively bankrupt.

I've also been seeing that Nathan Varni has been back with GH for a while now, which is nothing good.

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51 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'll never understand why they thought bringing Franco, the character, back was such a good idea knowing how much everyone hated James Franco's iteration.

I 100% think you have a chance to get Roger Howarth, you take it, because he's got such a storied daytime history.  However, when you then decide to cast him as James Franco's Vanity Project, you have truly dropped the ball.

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You’d be surprise just how little fan opinion matters to soap writers. I think it was Shelly or Megan who said they don’t care what fans want. And while it sounds harsh (and I despised whoever said it) it actually makes sense. Can you imaging trying to write to please every fan base? What if that fan base decides they want their faves to go in a different direction? It isn’t as easy as people think to just pivot stories. Can it be done? Sure. Should it be done if something clearly isn’t resonating? Absolutely. But scripts are written and shows taped well in advance of airing. There simply isn’t any budget to redo an entire story because some fans are upset with it.

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5 hours ago, Sake614 said:

You’d be surprise just how little fan opinion matters to soap writers. I think it was Shelly or Megan who said they don’t care what fans want. And while it sounds harsh (and I despised whoever said it) it actually makes sense. Can you imaging trying to write to please every fan base? What if that fan base decides they want their faves to go in a different direction? It isn’t as easy as people think to just pivot stories. Can it be done? Sure. Should it be done if something clearly isn’t resonating? Absolutely. But scripts are written and shows taped well in advance of airing. There simply isn’t any budget to redo an entire story because some fans are upset with it.

I do think it’s impossible to please even a majority of people. Even now, while many of us feel Carly always wins, her fans feel the opposite because Sonny hasn’t killed Nina. 

I hated very iteration of Franco and especially hated that they put him with Liz, who I love. But I also find Finn and Liz to be a big yawn. And saddling the beginning of their romance with a storyline where she killed his wife when she was a child was such a bizarre choice. 

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On 7/7/2023 at 2:43 AM, ffwbe said:

I don’t want to sound mean but I really hope that they hire a different Molly. This one isn’t strong enough to be the center of a storyline and I am distracted by her not hitting her marks and her screen partners guiding her 

I enjoy nuMolly.  She has a more mature (less whiny) approach than original Molly.  NLG is doing a wonderful job with both of her new brood.

On 7/7/2023 at 10:14 PM, ffwbe said:

Violet is way too old for them to constantly carry her around. It’s getting weird 

I also enjoy seeing her growing older.  What a delightful dinner scene with the Hamiltons.

I also very much enjoyed Friday's episode which has been a foreign feeling as late (Carly/Willow stuff).

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Imagine being furious because a man on a soap you watch, didn't murder his mistress to please his wife.  Now, try telling me there's no over-identification going on there.  Sure. 

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I have read earlier when the subject of Violet being carried has been brought up that the actress is quite small. ME is tall so to have them in a scene when both are speaking necessitates ME holding her. 
Her hair is amazingly long! 

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18 hours ago, Sake614 said:

You’d be surprise just how little fan opinion matters to soap writers. I think it was Shelly or Megan who said they don’t care what fans want. And while it sounds harsh (and I despised whoever said it) it actually makes sense. Can you imaging trying to write to please every fan base? What if that fan base decides they want their faves to go in a different direction? It isn’t as easy as people think to just pivot stories. Can it be done? Sure. Should it be done if something clearly isn’t resonating? Absolutely. But scripts are written and shows taped well in advance of airing. There simply isn’t any budget to redo an entire story because some fans are upset with it.

IMO they tried but when the internet era came on, they found it was impossible. They may have gotten letters in few enough numbers to see a trend, though it seems like whoever would take the time to write might not be representative and it could lower their ratings to heed them.  The internet just gave them too much feedback, but again, those who comment on line aren't necessarily representative of the entire audience.  So it then appears they started ignoring them.   

I could see where they now see separate fan bases and like to pit them against each other, as bad publicity seems to be the best publicity.  If there were no arguments online, there would be fewer posts.  

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14 hours ago, racked said:

Even now, while many of us feel Carly always wins, her fans feel the opposite because Sonny hasn’t killed Nina. 

It really is mind boggling to read the comments on Twitter about how Carly has grown and matured so much, and learned from her mistakes. And that NINA has never paid for her crimes. I often wonder if I’m watching a completely different show.

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Finn and Elizabeth share a low-key, quiet maturity that I actually enjoy. Not every couple has to be swooping crane shots-dramatic. But instead of letting us appreciate their supportive, positive energy, the show is determined to bore us with awkward politeness. Elizabeth is no shrinking violet (and don’t we all wish Violet would shrink, BTW), so this tentative behavior does not serve her character well.

I don’t think the problem is a lack of chemistry between them, it’s the shows unwillingness to just let them be.

As for the new Davis girls, I like Kristina a lot. The actress brings a kind of natural, relaxed energy that the character never had before and I like it. But as for Molly… or the Stepford daughter, as I think of her. Her expressions are stiff, her speech is monotone, she presents (to me, anyway) as a barely animated plastic doll. I was not a Haley fan, but this is so much worse. Try again, Show.

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I figured Trina wouldn’t care that Joss cheated on Cameron. They minimized Trina/Cam’s friendship once they recast Trina. SM’s Trina was portrayed as equally close to both of them and called Joss out the times she was being crappy to Cam but TA’s Trina has mostly been shown as Joss’ friend who was mainly around Cameron because they dated. She didn’t even tell Joss to stop stringing him along. Spencer was much closer to Cam so his reaction and protectiveness also tracked. 

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Looking around to see who got shot, wow, there's a lot of Nina hate out there.  Posters wanting Nina to be the one who was shot (when she wasn't even present?).  Others wanting Sonny to be shot, wake up and think he was still with Carly.  Things are certainly different outside the Primetimer universe.

Edited by ciarra
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"My grandmother oversees all the classes."  So we're pretending that Bobbie is still alive? A real switch from when Lila and Alan were dead but the actors still alive.

This show has an unfortunate habit of building up the action and then cutting to a scene where it's so dead, all the momentum stops. Today it was the shooting and then cutting to Joss talking about her men to Trina.

Curtis got shot in the back. Why is he lying on his back on the gurney?

Way to contaminate the shooting location, Dante, Chase and SWAT team. Also, what intelligence op shooter would leave his gun?

Glasgow come score 1/1/1. Show, don't tease me that Curtis is going to die.

Liz to Finn: "If Curtis survives, it's because of your quick action."  Oh come on, that's such fake dialogue from a nurse.

Also Portia is such a helpless flower. The women doctors that I know, when their husbands got sick or injured, they were the primary gatekeeper.

Molly is upset that Kristina can carry and child and she can't. Why can't Kristina donate an egg and Molly carry it? Endometriosis doesn't mean that you can't carry a baby even if your eggs aren't viable.

Shut up TJ. Kristina doesn't have "Jan Brady middle child syndrome" except in the sense that her family dismisses her as a screw-up and failure.

21 hours ago, Sake614 said:

 I think it was Shelly or Megan who said they don’t care what fans want. And while it sounds harsh (and I despised whoever said it) it actually makes sense. Can you imaging trying to write to please every fan base?

I don't think that you have to please every fan base but feedback is important in any job (unless you're a writer who never wants to publish or a painter who doesn't want to sell any paintings). Sometimes the opinions are fairly well spread around but sometimes when a lot of people hate or are bored by what you're doing, such as the Michael/Willow relationship, it's not a bad thing to listen.

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

 But as for Molly… or the Stepford daughter, as I think of her. Her expressions are stiff, her speech is monotone, she presents (to me, anyway) as a barely animated plastic doll.

You've nailed my impressions of her.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Shut up TJ. Kristina doesn't have "Jan Brady middle child syndrome" except in the sense that her family dismisses her as a screw-up and failure.

That dynamic would never have applied to her considering that Sam was so much older and wasn’t raised by Alexis. Aren’t the middle children stereotypically the forgotten or ignored ones? If anything, Kristina got too much of the attention because of the paternity/Sonny drama of her early years and her penchant for screwing things up in her teen years and 20s. Molly was the ignored kid because she never did anything wrong. 

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

"My grandmother oversees all the classes."  So we're pretending that Bobbie is still alive? A real switch from when Lila and Alan were dead but the actors still alive.

That totally threw me for a second.  

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Spencer oozing resentment about being in a parenting class doesn't really scream him wanting to be there.

17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Molly is upset that Kristina can carry and child and she can't. Why can't Kristina donate an egg and Molly carry it? Endometriosis doesn't mean that you can't carry a baby even if your eggs aren't viable.

Molly can't carry a baby, I don't think. They've made her completely infertile.

Molly sure has a boatload of resentment toward Kristina. Being pregnant isn't a cakewalk—is she aware that the US has the highest rate of maternal mortality in the industrialized world? That said, Kristina definitely needs to slow her roll. It's not up to her to decide when and how Molly and TJ create their family.

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I also don’t think Spencer is intimidated by Dex but they’ve been consistent on Joss living in her own reality when it comes to how others see Dex and their relationship. Spencer can be a snob who looks down on others and likely places an unequal amount of blame on Dex for stealing Joss from Cameron and the end of that relationship but none of that implies he’s intimidated by Dex. He has a pretty low opinion of him for several reasons. 

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6 minutes ago, ciarra said:

 Other wanting Sonny to be shot, wake up and think he was still with Carly. 

Sonny and Carly have both moved on. I can think of few things I want to see less than an amnesiac (again) Sonny back with Carly.

1 minute ago, ffwbe said:

Molly was the ignored kid because she never did anything wrong. 

That's what Molly said to TJ, that Kristina is an attention hog and needs to make everything about herself and now she wants to make Molly's infertility about herself too. But the attention Kristina got was first custody battles and then over what a screw-up she was. It did her no favours, she would have been better off being ignored.

(I was in the supermarket checkout line this morning and there was a magazine with Prince Louis on the cover making faces on a formal occasion and the article was about what a cut-up he is. And I thought, they are recreating the William/Harry dynamic with George and Louis. Poor kid.)

6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Molly can't carry a baby, I don't think. They've made her completely infertile.

I missed that. I knew that her eggs weren't viable and that currently she couldn't carry a baby but I thought that with treatment she would be able to. But that's not as dramatic i guess.

I am so not looking forward to more of the surrogacy story.

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If Lexi Ainsworth left because she didn’t like how this story was going to be told, after today I understand. Kristina has never been an attention hog. 
I hate the new Molly. Put her in. Scene with Dex. He’ll seem really animated compared to Molly.

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Granted I’ve been watching bbc crime shows but my first reaction with Dante and chase was contaminated crime scene!  Where’s the gloves at least?? Just start throwing things around. I half expected them to pick up the gun using a handkerchief. This is the best ovoid has to offer. 

Just now, jacourt said:

Granted I’ve been watching bbc crime shows but my first reaction with Dante and chase was contaminated crime scene!  Where’s the gloves at least?? Just start throwing things around. I half expected them to pick up the gun using a handkerchief. This is the best pcpd has to offer??


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Really, Show? You have Finn mansplain Elizabeth's feelings after helping with a shooting? Part of the problem is having Elizabeth be amazed she's having these feelings. Both of them should be annoyed at dealing with yet another gunshot victim (even if it is Curtis).

Poor TA with her laryngitis.

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57 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Also, what intelligence op shooter would leave his gun?

This.  My first thought was a stupid one, and then for a brief minute I wondered if smart writer was writing and the gun would have been planted with someone (like Dex) fingerprints on it.  But no, I'm sure it's a really dumb shooter.  

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

“My grandmother oversees all the classes."  So we're pretending that Bobbie is still alive? A real switch from when Lila and Alan were dead but the actors still alive.

I assume they are keeping Bobbie alive until they can properly deal with having her die. Usually that takes a few months after a cast member dies. They may also want to wait until the writers strike is over if they don’t have their regular writers there

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So many thoughts.

Kristina is the WRONG person to be the surrogate if she's going to provide the egg.  She's never experiences pregnancy, as Sam pointed out, but for her to be the biological mother would be disastrous for all concerned.

I was never a fan of the actress playing Kristina when she was on Days, and I don't like her know.  Something about her gets on my nerves.

Shut up, Joss.

Shut up, Portia.

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15 minutes ago, norahs99 said:

Kristina is the WRONG person to be the surrogate if she's going to provide the egg.  She's never experiences pregnancy, as Sam pointed out, but for her to be the biological mother would be disastrous for all concerned.

I know the ethics of surrogacy can get complicated, but I'm pretty sure no reputable doctor is supposed to inseminate a surrogate who a) has never had a full-term successful pregnancy, and b) is not finished having their own biological children.

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Was there a big sale on extras?! There were more people in that parenting class than I have seen at most funerals and weddings! Then we had a two random ladies at the pool during the shooting. And EMTs. And cops outside the hotel room.

We also had Gabe (Sonny's hot new security guy), two ER docs, and the parenting class instructor with small speaking roles. Is this how they are spending the money they are saving by depriving us of Leisl and Scotty?

PS. I laughed when Dante found a huge assault weapon under the sofa after the other cops said they had searched the room. 🙄 

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5 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

PS. I laughed when Dante found a huge assault weapon under the sofa after the other cops said they had searched the room. 🙄 

Same, but I also think the SWAT team was looking for suspicious people, so they wouldn't be thoroughly searching rooms for weapons.

We got another mention of the possibly tainted evidence against Esmé, so I'm pretty sure Trina will urge Spencer to give it to the police sooner rather than later. Her patience for Spencer and Esmé working together for the sake of the giant cute baby is starting to run thin.

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6 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Curtis is going to survive and I'm going to be very disappointed, aren't I?

Sadly, yes. And not only will he survive, he’ll make a miraculous recovery and a form a new bond with Trina. She already referred to him as ‘my dad’ today. 🙄

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So Joss invites Trina for a girls picnic and then tells her boyfriend to come by.  The exact kind of friend I can't stand. 

I liked Elizabeth's blouse.  That's about my only other takeaway from this episode.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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Spencer throwing attitude to Esme being late when she was at work and he has nothing to do spoiled rich kid doesn't make him look better than her.  Esme doesn't need to co-parent with him or ask his opinion, Ace isn't his. 

Kristina using her eggs is a horrible idea like Lulu/Maxie.  However Kristina and Molly are sisters and 1st cousins so it would make sense in DNA way.  But not in others the baby would be Sonny's grandchild. 

Anna was the one on the roof most of time, Sonny just went up. How would a shooter set up a plan and shoot in that frame? I think Anna was the target. 


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18 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

Curtis is going to survive and I'm going to be very disappointed, aren't I?

Well, they said "spine" twice, so I suspect he's going to have some sort of paralysis.

eta: I missed the last two minutes of the show, where they were all, in fact, yammering about paralysis.  I based my comment on what I'd seen at the beginning of the show (anvils were dropping).

Edited by ciarra
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8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

So we're pretending that Bobbie is still alive? 

Well, if the alternative is to either never mention her again or have a throwaway line about her having died, I’m glad they’re keeping the character alive until they can figure out how to give her a proper farewell. Bobbie deserves that much. (I know they already did the photo montage, but I suspect that was for Jackie, not Bobbie.)

7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Poor TA with her laryngitis.

I know! When I wasn’t wishing they’d just written around her altogether, I was wanting them to just script some nonverbal reactions. Poor girl clearly needed a sick day. 

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Sonny and Carly have both moved on. I can think of few things I want to see less than an amnesiac (again) Sonny back with Carly.

I’m pretty sure we’re headed for a Sonny/ Carly reunion at some point. I just hope it takes them a long, long time to get there.

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

(I was in the supermarket checkout line this morning and there was a magazine with Prince Louis on the cover making faces on a formal occasion and the article was about what a cut-up he is. And I thought, they are recreating the William/Harry dynamic with George and Louis. Poor kid.)

I really thought you were going to say that reminded you of how people reacted to pre-teen Spencer. “Aw, look how cute he is with his precocious little attitude! He’s not a brat at all!” Hmm, now I’m wondering what Louis’s opinion is vis a vis townies.

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