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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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7 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

As a party of one, I never believed in the relationship between Liz and Franco. He was mentally ill, in my opinion.

It felt really gross to me. I guess they had some fans but I think it was more Liz fans wanting her to have a good story. I’m with the others that were overjoyed to see him die. I do not like her with Finn though. I think they could have made her work with Drew but he’s Carly’s lapdog now. 

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I don't like this look on Liz with her trying to use her friendship with Terry to get her way/get around Britt at the hospital, this is at least the second, maybe third time she's done that, it's not cute.  So I'm glad Terry did the right thing siding with Britt, although demerits for signing up for Spinelli's stupid dating service.

3 hours ago, superdeluxe said:

There really hasn’t been a real reason as to why Franco was killed.

This is what I remember, that there was a change in higher-ups and they wanted Franco gone, and then also nixed Howarth playing Todd again for similar reasons:


Edited by TeeVee329
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6 hours ago, lala2 said:

Everything about Fiz feels rushed to me, and Finn is especially OTT, but maybe that's my Friz bias showing. I don't know. 

Fiz were kinda moving fast a year ago, but now it's been going ridiculously slow for like 7 months.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Alexis is awfully combative and defensive toward Papa Chase. That's not flirting, even though I think that's the intent here.

So defensive.  I suppose that can be chalked up to she was hesitant about taking on a journalistic career because she didn't have experience, but Papa Chase isn't wrong about  her using that paper as an op-ed.  Case in point: that bullshit series they did on Nina simply because Michael wanted it. 

Elizabeth trying to use Terry to go over Britt's head was not a good look.  Nor was her immediately going into attack mode.  It does prove the point, though, that she's far from ~healed.  I do like that Terry and Britt (who, btw, could play sisters) have come to a good place as co-Chief of Staffs.

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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

 Or maybe I was just trained in science. I thought that Gonzo taught history, not journalism.

Just wanted to gently point out that you left "Gonzo journalism" just sitting there. 😉

There is a rich history of advocacy print media that doesn't pretend to be objective, but rather to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," as the saying goes.

It would be good if the writers had a stronger grasp of what Alexis is doing with The Invader, though. I don't know if someone biffed a line yesterday, but I swear Alexis said something like "We don't do headlines, we do real news." Huh?

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16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I hate that Ned has to keep doing the apology tour for the ELQ vote. It's approaching Nina/NF level.  Ned, even if you had known how much Carly was invested, you still shouldn't have voted with Michael. And right now, think about your wife. Who cares if Carly doesn't like you? It's no longer about her. Buy into the hotel to help your wife.


Ned would never have voted with Valentine if it meant Carly lost the hotel!?!?!?!

The merger was bad business and Michael and Drew were putting Ned out to pasture, but sure, Saving Carly from her own idiocy should take precedence, whatever, show. 

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29 minutes ago, Daisy said:

All of Canada [who had a certain provider] had no internet for 24 hrs. so i dunno if the show even taped for me yesterday LOL

Luckily I have old fashioned internet on a cable and I was surprised my PVR worked.

I guess the most interesting thing was Victor trying to get Valentin to poison Laura but he backed out at the last minute when Laura started talking about Anna.

Also Liz checked herself out of Shadybrook. Jake had come to visit and started talking about her parents. This kind of set her off and when Finn found her at the hospital she said she told him she was all into their relationship and it ended in a creepy kiss. Not sure if the was supposed to be romantic and the closure to the Franco mourning or Liz totally going over the edge.

Chase and BL all moony eyed at each other ......

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5 minutes ago, Blackie said:

Luckily I have old fashioned internet on a cable and I was surprised my PVR worked.

I guess the most interesting thing was Victor trying to get Valentin to poison Laura but he backed out at the last minute when Laura started talking about Anna.

Also Liz checked herself out of Shadybrook. Jake had come to visit and started talking about her parents. This kind of set her off and when Finn found her at the hospital she said she told him she was all into their relationship and it ended in a creepy kiss. Not sure if the was supposed to be romantic and the closure to the Franco mourning or Liz totally going over the edge.

Chase and BL all moony eyed at each other ......

so basically nothing. LOL
(thanks, blackie!)

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Wow. All of Canada [who had a certain provider] had no internet for 24 hrs. so i dunno if the show even taped for me yesterday LOL

What happened?

You should name the provider. Rogers. They suck. My phone was down, but my internet was working because I have a different provider. But we were impacted at work and I had to pay cash for groceries because interact was down. So a swell all around day. Anyone who thinks that companies like that shouldn't be broken up, well yesterday sucked for pretty much the entire country.

Nothing interesting happened on the show. I've already forgotten like a lot of it.

Valentin tried to slip Laura something in her drink on his father's orders, but had a change of heart and slapped the drink out of her hand. Victor told him that he failed.

Victor/Anna had great scenes. The back and forth was great, funny, very polite in a very British sort of way. They're good at insulting each other while smiling and laughing.

BL/Chase scenes were whatever, but mainly because the show has killed something that may have been interesting.

Alexis/Gregory Chase scenes. I was annoyed with the scenes mostly. He explained journalism to her like she was 5 (so mansplained depending on which side of the fence you sit on) and she just turbo mouthed through things, which I found annoying, because Alexis is not a journalist, and her one journalist is still pretty trashy. I could have sworn that Gregory was a History professor, not a journalism one. He could've maybe brought up his ex-wife and her journalistic career and what he learned from her, or something.

There was some Cody, Olivia and Ned.

Elizabeth checked herself out. Had a fit at Britt because she wouldn't let her back to work if she doesn't see HR and clear this up with them, tried to get Terri to side with her, didn't work. She had scenes with Finn, but I felt like she was manipulating him and telling him the things he wanted to hear. But that could be just me.

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12 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I don't know if someone biffed a line yesterday, but I swear Alexis said something like "We don't do headlines, we do real news." Huh?

I think it was supposed to mean that the Invader wrote in-depth stories, not superficial click-bait stories.

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

You should name the provider. Rogers. They suck. My phone was down, but my internet was working because I have a different provider. But we were impacted at work and I had to pay cash for groceries because interact was down. So a swell all around day. Anyone who thinks that companies like that shouldn't be broken up, well yesterday sucked for pretty much the entire country.

LOL but i figured our American friends wouldn't have known who Rogers was. (from what I heard, some people who had Bell were also impacted, but it was mostly Rogers which really threw like everyone for a loop. it really makes you aware how many things are exactly connected via internet, like 911, Hospitals, Interac was all down). but yeah twas Rogers, and they always sucked, but yesterday was tres poopers. 

thanks for the breakdown again :)  

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8 minutes ago, Annifran said:

How can Cody afford to joint a dating service?  They don't come cheap.

He might have pressured Spinelli to sign him up, given that Cody is already "blackmailing" Spin. (Quotes used because the blackmailing is pathetically weak and Spin is an idiot to keep his involvement sekrit.)

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14 hours ago, ciarra said:

Why would "Cowboy Cody" of the plate-sized rodeo belt buckles be toting an English saddle around? 

It weighs less? Or the real owner of the horse rides English.

15 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

There is a rich history of advocacy print media that doesn't pretend to be objective, but rather to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," as the saying goes.

The Mr. Dooley (Findley Peter Dunne) line "“Th’ newspaper does ivrything f’r us. It runs th’ polis foorce an’ th’ banks, commands th’ milishy, conthrols th’ ligislachure, baptizes th’ young, marries th’ foolish, comforts th’ afflicted, afflicts th’ comfortable, buries th’ dead an’ roasts thim aftherward”   was actually meant as a criticism of the journalism of his day.

I once lost an argument about this with my professor when I took a course on New Journalism. (Of course I lost, he was the professor.) I still believe that if you start out deciding to take a position instead of presenting all the facts, you get the hatchet job that The Invader did on Nina.

I thought that Gregory was a history professor but maybe like the doctors at GH, he fits into whatever slot is needed at the moment and he's a journalism professor now.

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I think Journalism and it's biases and objectivity are pretty important to history, as a lot of history has had to be "rediscovered" due to skewed reporting and being "written by the winners" as they say.

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40 minutes ago, ouinason said:

I think Journalism and it's biases and objectivity are pretty important to history, as a lot of history has had to be "rediscovered" due to skewed reporting and being "written by the winners" as they say.

i was just about to say this. i was a huge (well kinda am still) history buff and it was one of my favourite subjects in school. When I took World Issues in Grade 13, i was flabbergasted about all the history I didn't know, because it was never really well known, or in a majority of books you get when you were younger because as you say - History is written by the Winners and they weren't gonna say "oh yah we totally exploited ALL these countries that didn't go to war with us, just these countries that fought for their freedoms an we still are commonwealth with most of them" 

so Papa Chase being all "you need to be objective" makes legit sense to me. 

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10 hours ago, sacrebleu said:


Ned would never have voted with Valentine if it meant Carly lost the hotel!?!?!?!

The merger was bad business and Michael and Drew were putting Ned out to pasture, but sure, Saving Carly from her own idiocy should take precedence, whatever, show. 

A scene where Olivia, or Ned, tells Monica about the failed merger, and Carly losing her interest in the hotel would be hilarious.  On hearing the news, I picture Monica cackling with glee while slapping her knee.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I once lost an argument about this with my professor when I took a course on New Journalism. (Of course I lost, he was the professor.) I still believe that if you start out deciding to take a position instead of presenting all the facts, you get the hatchet job that The Invader did on Nina.

Sad that you lost your argument for this reason. Way, way back when I was in middle school, I used a particular phrase in an assignment that I knew was correct because I read about it in the encyclopedia. Unfortunately, my teacher "corrected" it to the more frequently used but not correct term. It still bugs me decades later. :-) 

I agree that Alexis is not approaching journalism in an objective way. I don't think that it is necessary for a newspaper (or news source) to have a "point of view" other than "these are the facts as they are known at this time". Alexis' lack of experience in journalism is leading her to make these choices and to be so defensive about them. She really should be trying to learn instead of assuming she's already super competent. 

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On 7/7/2022 at 4:38 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

If Laura had been recalled as mayor, then Genie would no longer have storylines and probably be shoved back into the Vet Closet.

Forget the fact that instead of putting the SheBeast as the main matriarch or leading lady, you have Genie!Fucking!Spencer! Whose history is so much more vast, nuanced and rich, and connected to so many other characters.

But nooooo. Frank, for whatever reason, decided the MOB familia should rule, and this white trash, social climbing, CUJO deserves that particular role and stories that she has no connection with just to keep her ass front and center, wither snarly maw.

Even when Luke and Laura were the stars and getting the exciting stories, we still had hospital stories and soapy drama with other characters and other families. Until Mooby's ass showed up and started devouring the show.

Yeah. Still very, very bitter.

Laura could run the hospital board of directors or something.  God forbid a show about a hospital have big storylines about the hospital.  But that would require creativity and good writing.  Which is in short supply on this show.

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26 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

I don't think that it is necessary for a newspaper (or news source) to have a "point of view" other than "these are the facts as they are known at this time".

The op-ed page is where the newspaper should have a POV; I think that's an important part of journalism. It has to do with the public service aspect of a newspaper.

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I don’t understand why Victor would’ve waited all this time before doing Laura in. Maybe he was testing Valentin’s resolve? Or just wanted to render her unconscious? I enjoyed the Valentin/Laura convo in spite of it all though.

And “Your misogyny is clashing with you being such a dapper man.” was funny.

I really wish soaps would upgrade and give up the “conflict bringing us together trope. Yes Chase’s dad and Alexis, I’m looking at you!

(I have internet and streaming TV through TekSavvy which piggy backs on Rogers infrastructure so no entertainment for me yesterday outside of old movie DVDs.)

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8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I think it was supposed to mean that the Invader wrote in-depth stories, not superficial click-bait stories.

I think you're right, but it was a weird way to say it. I'm not sure why they didn't just SAY "clickbait" instead of "headlines."

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

It weighs less? Or the real owner of the horse rides English.

The Mr. Dooley (Findley Peter Dunne) line "“Th’ newspaper does ivrything f’r us. It runs th’ polis foorce an’ th’ banks, commands th’ milishy, conthrols th’ ligislachure, baptizes th’ young, marries th’ foolish, comforts th’ afflicted, afflicts th’ comfortable, buries th’ dead an’ roasts thim aftherward”   was actually meant as a criticism of the journalism of his day.

I once lost an argument about this with my professor when I took a course on New Journalism. (Of course I lost, he was the professor.) I still believe that if you start out deciding to take a position instead of presenting all the facts, you get the hatchet job that The Invader did on Nina.

I thought that Gregory was a history professor but maybe like the doctors at GH, he fits into whatever slot is needed at the moment and he's a journalism professor now.

I get it, but often journalists quote it with a bit of a twinkle, especially if their publication is more a muckraker, for-the-people type of publication -- as The Invader seems to be -- rather than a general-interest paper-of-record daily. They're Rachel Maddow rather than Walter Cronkite, if you will.

The problem on GH is we now longer see "The Port Charles Herald/Press," which has gone through different iterations. So Alexis handles practically all the press storylines that can happen in a town, from the Nina stuff to paparazzi inquiries and the Cam/Joss interviews. 

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15 hours ago, Desperado said:

I don’t understand why Victor would’ve waited all this time before doing Laura in. Maybe he was testing Valentin’s resolve? Or just wanted to render her unconscious? I enjoyed the Valentin/Laura convo in spite of it all though.

Valentin had just told Victor that Laura was going to get him deported for moral turpitude. That may be what prompted telling Valentin to get rid of her now.

15 hours ago, KittyQ said:

I agree that Alexis is not approaching journalism in an objective way. I don't think that it is necessary for a newspaper (or news source) to have a "point of view" other than "these are the facts as they are known at this time". Alexis' lack of experience in journalism is leading her to make these choices and to be so defensive about them. She really should be trying to learn instead of assuming she's already super competent. 

This has been a problem ever since Shawn acquired The Invader to fight for social justice, by which he meant 'stick it to rich people like Nikolas'. I guess Alexis is just following his direction.

It's made worse by Alexis being a lawyer, trained to take a side and prove the point. (As opposed to science where you try to disprove your theory.)

14 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

They're Rachel Maddow rather than Walter Cronkite, if you will.

To Cronkite's credit (in my opinion), when he realized that what he had been reporting was wrong, he was willing to fight to change the narrative.

(I grossly overpay for internet and TV so I didn't lose mine Friday. But Canada's telecommunications is a monopoly mess.)

ETA: re Walter Cronkite, the FCC Fairness Doctrine was in effect from 1949 to 1987.

Edited by statsgirl
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Did Victor actually poison Laura, though? I was only half-watching Friday and saw him put something in her iced tea. If so, I've gone from indifference to hate with him, and sad that neither Luke nor Sean Donnelley is around to make him go "bye-bye" forever. 

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On 7/7/2022 at 7:38 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

If Laura had been recalled as mayor, then Genie would no longer have storylines and probably be shoved back into the Vet Closet.

Forget the fact that instead of putting the SheBeast as the main matriarch or leading lady, you have Genie!Fucking!Spencer! Whose history is so much more vast, nuanced and rich, and connected to so many other characters.

But nooooo. Frank, for whatever reason, decided the MOB familia should rule, and this white trash, social climbing, CUJO deserves that particular role and stories that she has no connection with just to keep her ass front and center, wither snarly maw.

Even when Luke and Laura were the stars and getting the exciting stories, we still had hospital stories and soapy drama with other characters and other families. Until Mooby's ass showed up and started devouring the show.

Yeah. Still very, very bitter.


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8 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Did Victor actually poison Laura, though? I was only half-watching Friday and saw him put something in her iced tea.

Valentin mixed some sort of powder into her iced tea, then when Laura started talking about how he and Anna were each other's lobster (very broadly paraphrasing here), he got the willies? Sentimental? and spilled Laura's tea on her so she couldn't drink it.

I forget, do we know why Valentin is working with Victor? I know Val has no idea what Victor is really up to (and neither do the writers, apparently), but I forget how Victor lassoed Val into this mess.

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I'm going to put Spinelli being blackmailed for that dating app on the list of "This the writers thought were a BIG DEAL AND HORRIFYING but really aren't" like when Rebecca bitched about her disadvantaged childhood compared to Emily's and how she had to work part time and go to community college.

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37 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

I'm going to put Spinelli being blackmailed for that dating app on the list of "Things the writers thought were a BIG DEAL AND HORRIFYING that the audience would care about but really aren't don't "

Fixed that to reflect my point of view . . . 😉

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3 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

I'm going to put Spinelli being blackmailed for that dating app on the list of "This the writers thought were a BIG DEAL AND HORRIFYING but really aren't" like when Rebecca bitched about her disadvantaged childhood compared to Emily's and how she had to work part time and go to community college.

Wow, I'd almost forgotten about Rebecca. The only redeeming part about her was her meeting the Zander lookalike, Aaron, on a plane. A sort of bone for the Zander/Emily fans who got screwed for Nik/Emily. Otherwise, total fail, since Rebecca's existence did a hatchet job on Emily's mother, Paige.

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Why is Superspy!Anna such a complete and utter moron?  Taking a top secret call outside, in a public park, where anyone can overhear?  And she needs to work on her poker face.

Edited by ciarra
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2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Wow, I'd almost forgotten about Rebecca. The only redeeming part about her was her meeting the Zander lookalike, Aaron, on a plane. A sort of bone for the Zander/Emily fans who got screwed for Nik/Emily. Otherwise, total fail, since Rebecca's existence did a hatchet job on Emily's mother, Paige.

That's why I'm all for a recton in which Rebecca is actually a brainwashed Emily.  I'd also retcon original Georgie's death and am willing to accept any outlandish storyline including time travel and parallel dimensions to make that happen. Neither Georgie or Emily should have ever been killed off - if they didn't want the characters on the show send them off to school in Australia. 

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10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Valentin mixed some sort of powder into her iced tea, then when Laura started talking about how he and Anna were each other's lobster (very broadly paraphrasing here), he got the willies? Sentimental? and spilled Laura's tea on her so she couldn't drink it.

Thanks so much, DUBBLE ZOUT! Whatever Victor's Big Bad Master Plan is, I just wish he'd get on with it. As Helena would say, he's quite tedious at this point.

10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Victor is holding Charlotte prisoner in boarding school and threatening to hurt her if Valentin doesn't do what he wants. <insert evil moustache twirl>

And thanks for that STATSGIRL. I had missed it entirely. Now everything makes more sense.

Also, did anyone else notice that during her odd, outdoors call to the WSB that Anna mentioned a "Director Roberts?"  Does that mean Frisco is no longer the head of the WSB?  If so, no great loss. Other than to pop up and menace Britta back in the day when she and Maxie didn't get along, I really don't remember anything else about Frisco as WSB Director.

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Regarding Valentine poisoning Laura, it’s possible Victor just wanted to drug her and make her start acting weird or seemingly on drugs to get people to question her being mayor, especially so soon after the recall attempt

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18 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Also, did anyone else notice that during her odd, outdoors call to the WSB that Anna mentioned a "Director Roberts?"  Does that mean Frisco is no longer the head of the WSB?

I just spent several minutes racking my brain for a character named "Roberts." The only one I came up with is...Carly.

Just coincidence, I'm sure, but it's like even subconsciously, the writers need to put Carly in the middle of everything!

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43 minutes ago, DanaK said:

Regarding Valentine poisoning Laura, it’s possible Victor just wanted to drug her and make her start acting weird or seemingly on drugs to get people to question her being mayor, especially so soon after the recall attempt

That’s what I was thinking.  It would be way out of character for Valentin to murder her without a really serious reason.

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I’m back to thinking they’re giving Elizabeth DID - that awkward kiss with Finn out of nowhere.  Isn’t it a DID soap cliche to make one of the personalities a bit more sexually aggressive?

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The Jan 6 Committee will be having a public hearing on Tuesday at 1pm ET so there will likely not be a GH episode. There will be another hearing on Thursday, this time in prime time, so unless something breaks in the afternoon, there should be a GH episode as usual

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3 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I’m back to thinking they’re giving Elizabeth DID - that awkward kiss with Finn out of nowhere.  Isn’t it a DID soap cliche to make one of the personalities a bit more sexually aggressive?

I think so too.  I thought I saw a complete change in Liz's demeanor.    Becky is good, and so I don't think I was imagining it.   Now, whether or not I am going to like this story I don't know, but yep, I believe they are going there.  Or, she is just fed up with Finn's shit and is playing him.  Which would be fine actually.  

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I actually would love the chance to watch Liz slut it up, and I really think Becky would love the chance to do something different.  Not so sure about an outright multiple personality, I wish they could avoid that and just sneak along the edges of it.  LIke, you know what, Liz is sick of your shit and she's going to put on a short skirt and start some trouble.  I would like that. 

Edited by CeChase
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4 hours ago, DanaK said:

The Jan 6 Committee will be having a public hearing on Tuesday at 1pm ET so there will likely not be a GH episode. There will be another hearing on Thursday, this time in prime time, so unless something breaks in the afternoon, there should be a GH episode as usual

Note: The Thursday Jan 6 primetime hearing sounds like it's going to change its schedule so be aware

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Fake Michael is back

Sam looks great

Nina gleefully going "Someone told Michael he can't get his own way." was amazing. and so true. 

I do get tired of people bursting into people''s business meetings and going "YOU ARE CRAZY" shut up Olivia. Why is Olivia telling everyone Carly's busness. Shut up. 

And again i've been saying this. People keep going on and on about loyalty then in the same breath, Spencer should quit Esme [because of the truth], because y'all don't like her. you can't pick and choose whom you are loyal to based on whims.  (which is why the better storyline would have been Esme not sending the tape). 

Why does the Nanny taking care of the kids who aren't in her charge

Michael: I knew it was a mistake to include Ned. LOL WHAT?!
Also. how the ever living hell does Michael have the money to buy half a hotel?

Right I think it's been....a month? since Carly knows the truth about Willow. We'll round up. Nina is now missing out on knowing she'll be a gramma again. but let's boohoo that Carly's dumbass lost the hotel. 

I do not care about Spinelli. Stop making fetch happen.




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