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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Well that depends on whether Anna has regained her intelligence now that Peter is dead.  And Laura rides a fine line between, Victor is evil because he's evil versus Victor is evil because he's a big meanie to me.  

I've always had a soft spot for Laura, so I'm thrilled that as the resident expert on all things Cassadine, she's playing the BOSS role with Anna, Dante, Sam and Drew - "Don't make a move without consulting me - gotta run and meet the hubby now." Yassss!!!!!

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16 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Esme looked like she peed her pants a little when Ryan spoke.  Good facial action on Avery Poll's part.  I'll give her kudos for today as well as Sydney Mikayla.  Also, everyone who guessed that Ryan was faking, gets a cookie!!

I also loved how Ava stood her ground with Victor and I enjoyed the looks she and Nik were giving each other as Victor way laying on the 'we are family' chorus so thickly.  

I'm thinking that with the accusation that Trina was the one who sent the video, the thing that will save her is that she was wtih Spencer at the cemetary at the time that it was uploaded, which will be her alibi, which will cause Esme's head to explode even more.  

I noticed those looks between Nik and Ava when he came into the room. Loved it. felt very organic and natural. Almost like a private joke.  Looks like the actors have some great chemistry on and off screen. It seemed like victor caught that look and was in on the joke by the twinkle in his eyes. Charles Shaugnessy is lighting up my screen every time he is on and every scene with the other actors too. Plus he has an amazing head of hair! Looking hot at 67 years old! I hope he stays.

2 minutes ago, seasons said:



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I enjoy Esme, because the actress is quite good, but she has been mishandled. At this point we should have a better idea of her backstory, what's driving her, and her endgame. She's also, I hate to say it, an inept schemer. This revenge porn plot should have been smarter, she should have been able to do a better job setting up Trina or Cam to look guilty. Instead, everyone's on to her immediately. Bo-ring.

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Didn't know where else to post this, but this thread seems fitting enough.

This show is terrible now, and yesterday was the biggest example of why. For about a year we had one umbrella storyline of everyone vs Peter August. There were very few stories that didn't somehow connect back to him. That wouldn't have been so much of a problem if the story was actually good, but it wasn't. And now it looks like the same is happening with Victor Cassadine.

I can't judge the quality of this storyline yet because it's just started, but it makes me long for the days on this show where not everyone was eating off the same plotline. Where we had a bit of variety. If one corner of the show was boring you, there were other corners to retread to.

Take the Guza era of the late 00s/early 10s for example: In one corner you had the mob world, in another corner you had hospital stories/Scubs, in one corner there was the random Cassadine plotline or a Luke/Spencer Family caper.  And every so often there'd be a SWEEPS style event that brought everyone/multiple stories under the same umbrella.

Even the Ron Carlivati era, you had Mob/Jerome stories in one corner, international supervillains in another corner, the obligatory teen scene, and so on and so forth.

Everything is too tight knit now, and not for the better when the writing is ass.

Edited by teenj12
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The cast is too big and rather than make cuts and actually write different character driven SLs, they come up with these half assed umbrella stories to throw 12 characters into it playing investigator. I actually think this started back with Shiloh. Then we got the same thing with Peter and Cyrus. The issue for me when they do that is that, the story is really about the villain since there are so many other characters on the other side and the other characters involved end up fighting for a sliver of POV. If you only watch the show for any of those specific characters, it’s not inherently interesting because it’s obvious they could easily slot a different character in for those same scenes most of the time. 

Edited by ffwbe
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29 minutes ago, Daisy said:

i just want to let you guys know - i'm probably not able to recap today. i am feeling tres not well at all. I'm really sorry :(

Take care of yourself, Daisy.  And never apologize. 🙂

Your recaps are a delightful part of my afternoon though, so I hope you feel better soon!

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

i just want to let you guys know - i'm probably not able to recap today. i am feeling tres not well at all. I'm really sorry :(

Quit your whining, sit in front of this dreck and re-cap it. We demand it!

No one in normal time should have to recap anything, let alone when they're feeling très (I don't mean to be annoying with the accent I'm just French) unbien.

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I'm only 20 minutes into today, but I had to stop and  quote this:

Esme:  My loyalty is to you.  I promise to prove it to you......Daddy.  You like it when I call you that.

Ryan:  I do, but be careful what you wish for.

Me:  Ewwwwww. What in the bluediddly is going on here?  

2 hours ago, Daisy said:

i just want to let you guys know - i'm probably not able to recap today. i am feeling tres not well at all. I'm really sorry :(

Daisy, I can do a brief recap since I do the recaps for the Daytime Confidential website anyway, though it won't be anywhere as detailed as yours.  


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They confirmed at the end that Ryan and Esme are father and daughter but their scenes have off a weirdly sexual vibe and knowing Ryan’s own history doesn’t help. He also basically told her to seduce Nik so this got creepy really quickly. 

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On the quality of the show right now: My yardstick for badness is "Is watching it feeling like a chore? Do I feel like taking a long break?" Because I have a few times. I'm actually interested in several ongoing stories right now, much more than I was in the Jean/Shelly years, or when RC was -- for some reason -- revisiting unfinished business from Port Charles. (That was also the era of pickle relish and The Chew.) 

But I agree that the pacing and cast bloat are problems. They start things and then don't follow up on them for so long that it's hard to tell whether the stories are on the back burner (of a stove that has like 28 burners) or they're dropped/forgotten. They've teased Esme and Ryan for what seems a dog's age, and it's only just now seeming to lead somewhere. Or Liz getting that message from her father, and the boys are asking why they never have any contact with him, and she throws the paper away and there's creepy music playing on the soundtrack, and...oh, well, on to other things with Liz. Forget about that thing we tried to interest you in with her father; someone is putting her wedding ring in her locker and cutting up her dress. (I'm guessing those stories aren't related, but who knows.) 

Then, sometimes when there is a lot of consistent attention to a story, it's the same dialogue day after day (Curtis's father, Carly venting about her marital problems).

Edited by Asp Burger
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14 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

They confirmed at the end that Ryan and Esme are father and daughter but their scenes have off a weirdly sexual vibe and knowing Ryan’s own history doesn’t help. He also basically told her to seduce Nik so this got creepy really quickly. 

Ewww.   This sounds awful.  And I love the actress playing Esme, so I am hoping they will keep her, but i don't want some gross daddy story.

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15 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Esme:  My loyalty is to you.  I promise to prove it to you......Daddy.  You like it when I call you that.

Ryan:  I do, but be careful what you wish for.

Me:  Ewwwwww. What in the bluediddly is going on here? 

That came off as absolutely creepy and gross. It has some Hugh Hefner vibes going on there.

So the psych apple fell right beside the psycho tree and now the psycho tree suggested that his psycho apple seduce Father Clueless.

This is some Nelle 2.0 thing going on minus the whole mentoring. Ryan still obsessed with Ava and clearly wants her back, calls her his family, which I really have no words for, expects his daughter to seduce Nikolas away from her. I guess it doesn't get more messed up than that, but I'm sure someone in the writing room is going "hold my beer" as I'm typing these words.

Victor is disappointingly stupid. The setup was clumsy at best and Maxie fighting over the box with Britt was a Maxie thing to do, so completely juvenile. But acting wise CS really does commit to his scenes and his face when he saw the tarot card looked like he was going to have a heart attack was kind of brilliant.

I still say that my idea of buying a set of cards, kidnapping Drew, tying him to a chair and telling him that he's been activated 78 times works better than what the writers have come up with.

Sasha and Brando felt wholly out of place in this episode, but then they feel out of place in most episodes. Gladys is back and I can't say that I missed her. In fact I had forgotten all about her.

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Every time there is a driving scene on a soap, I think car accident. That's it.




So even her relationship with Spence is fake. I think we suspected that too.


Great scenes though between Esme and Daddy. Lol.

Edited by seasons
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34 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

They confirmed at the end that Ryan and Esme are father and daughter but their scenes have off a weirdly sexual vibe

I don't believe for one minute that they are biological  father/daughter.  Yes she used the word daddy, but it wasn't in a fatherly way, and he used the word daugher as he's petting her hair.  Creepy doesn't begin to describe it.  I got a cult like vibe from them, like she's his discipile which would explain the words father/daughter but not the bio or adopted tie.  

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Until @Daisy is feeling better (which I hope is very soon):

Avery Pohl deserves all the kudos today. She is soon good at making Esme match Ryan in evil. (This is what Peter should have been.) I am happy that all this was Ryan's doing. Even the instruction to seduce Nik could be fun.

Sam's gets points for thinking of putting a fake card among Peter's effects, and then loses vor not thinking to phone Britt right away to say "Hang on to that box!"

A day beautifully free of Carly, Sonny and any of their offspring except Dante.

I loved Gladys' blouse. She's shopping very upscale these days.

Sasha and Brando were okay although I think that Sofia's sister is a better actress.


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For anyone waiting for a recap, this is a very abridged version of today:

Britt to Maxie:  I don't want Peter's belongings, I want to throw them over the balcony.

Dante/Sam/Drew:  We have to get a hold of Britt before she disposes of Peter's things.  Apparently we have a GPS tracker on her, since we found her at the hotel without even trying.  

Victor (runs into all of them on the balcony)  Britt: i have Peter's belongings.  Pretend fight with Maxie, box falls, contents on the floor, including the tarot card.  Victor salivates.  Here, let me help you pick up these items.  Victor palms the card and thinks he has the upper hand.


Sasha/Brando:  We're in Niagara Falls and getting married and so happy, happy, happy.

Gladys/Lucy:  Im worried about Brasha.  They haven't grieved.  Phone call to Brasha.  Were in NF.  Call gets disconected.  Holy crap they're getting married without his mama.  I'm going to go and stop them.  


Ava/Nik/Victor:  All the family should be invited to the vow renewal.  Okay, whatever you want.  Ok, Victor's gone, why are you being nice to him.  Keep him close to keep an eye on him.

Esme/Ryan:  exerpt taken from my column for the DC website since it was all too good and soapy to paraphrase

Ryan is taken to his room where Esme sneaks in and reprimands him about speaking to her where someone could have heard him.  She says he could have blown the whole plan just to scold her.  Ryan says Esme has failed and disapointed him.  

Ryan tears a strip off of Esme, saying she had one job to break up NAva and that she's totatlly lost track of the prize.  Esme defends herself and says Ava's love for Nikolas is greater than her fear of a stalker.  Ryan accuses her of playing an adolescent game with Spencer's friends.  Esme counters that she's doing everything to make her relationship with Spencer look real so that no one gets suspicious.  

Esme promises Ryan  that her loyalty is to him and begs him to let her prove it to him.  Esme calls him Daddy since he likes it when she calls him that.   Ryan complains about her distratctions with the friends and feels he can't count on her anymore.

Esme counters that she can tell Kevin anytime that Ryan has been able to talk for months, but he grabs her arm, stopping her from leaving.  Esme warns him to let her go, which he does, but he reminds her that he calls the shots.  Esme says she'll do anything for him, and Ryan tells her to start again with AVa.  

Esme asks what his plan B is.  Ryan says they can use Spencer's incarceration to their advantage.  Esme says NAva don't like her so Ryan tells her to make herself more likable and essentially tells her to come onto Nikolas.  

Ryan promises if she follows the plan she'll have Spencer, his money and the family that she wants.  Esme doesn't want Ava as part of the package but Ryan does.  Ryan stands up, brushes the hair from her face and calls her his beautiful gifted daughter.  

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8 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

I don't believe for one minute that they are biological  father/daughter.  Yes she used the word daddy, but it wasn't in a fatherly way, and he used the word daugher as he's petting her hair.  Creepy doesn't begin to describe it.  I got a cult like vibe from them, like she's his discipile which would explain the words father/daughter but not the bio or adopted tie.  

Yes! 100%. 

There was a moment when it felt like Esme was talking to the cult leader. Even the whole Ava is part of my family didn't feel like typical unhinged Ryan speak.

And Esme's resentment of Ava could have to do with Ryan in typical cult leader has his favorite who happens to be Ava, not Esme. 

Maybe that's the reason Harmony sniffed Esme out by being around her for a couple of minutes.

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6 minutes ago, jacourt said:

I thought Kevin put a stop to esme seeing Ryan?

He told her to steal a key card. She did, and sneaked in to see him.

30 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I still say that my idea of buying a set of cards, kidnapping Drew, tying him to a chair and telling him that he's been activated 78 times works better than what the writers have come up with.

That's brilliant. You'd think that Victor would pick up on it after failing before.

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8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

And Esme's resentment of Ava could have to do with Ryan in typical cult leader

Yes, there was enough venom in her voice when he put Ava and family in the same sentence.   


23 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Even the instruction to seduce Nik could be fun.

It would have to be a fake seduction because I don't see Nikolas falling for Esme when he's already said he's suspicious of her.   Also, don't get on Ava's bad side and Nik sniffing after Esme would have Ava cutting off his family jewels in a nano second.  

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thanks everyone. hopefully it's just a blip. :)

Ryan and Esme were deliciously creepy and intriguing at the same time. It's very much that scene in Infinity War when Wanda decides to stop being all teary eyed and goes down to the battle and kick ass. Okoye goes "Why was she up there all this time?" Why the hell were the writers wasting all this time with Joss and Trina when it's clear that Esme was capable doing much awesome-er stuff. (and quite frankly - since it was confirmed today basically this was all about just getting close to spencer, to split Ava/Nik up - all the writers had to do was simply have them naturally break up, but still be a "good friend" and the bug in Spencer's ear. such a waste of time because today was amazing. Avery Pohl is awesomeness. 

As the others said - i don't sense biological connections (thank goodness), but this is very much - sort of like that arch in CSI the "Brides of Haskel" where the serial killer had all these people lusting after him (and even murdering each other) to get in with the serial killer, and they did all the bad things he wanted. that's how i see this - not even a cult but someone who wants to be Ryan's "bride." (and because i REALLY like Avery Pohl. I'm still gonna hope that they rehab the everloving hell out of her and pair her with Cam). 

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37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


I loved Gladys' blouse. She's shopping very upscale these days.

She did look really good. Great blouse.  

Esme and Ryan were so fucking creepy but I have to say Ryan had a point that Esme has really gotten in the weeds getting involved with all this petty teen bullshit.  I would much rather be seeing whatever weirdness these two are plotting over the lukewarm teen scene.

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47 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I loved Gladys' blouse. She's shopping very upscale these days.


Also her hair, so shiny and silky looking.

Agreed on the creepy Esme story,but they have almost left it too long to get into the meat of it. Once it gets going a bit more it should be good,hopefully it doesn't stall out again.

"Daddy"as she was kneeling in front of him , def squicky!!!

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Jon Lindstrom played the reveal well because he's Jon freakin' Lindstrom, but I continue to think it's bullshit that Ryan's now got an on-screen child while Lucy has to care about Sasha and Brando and Gladys.

Now, in fact, would be a PERFECT time for Christina Coe/Collins/Baldwin!

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I'm not thrilled with Victor Cassadine's tailor. The dress shirts are too insubstantial looking, although I realize they're going for interesting. (I also think it would be funny to give CS a black streak in his silver hair .... but maybe save that for Halloween.)

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Victor is disappointingly stupid. The setup was clumsy at best and Maxie fighting over the box with Britt was a Maxie thing to do, so completely juvenile. But acting wise CS really does commit to his scenes and his face when he saw the tarot card looked like he was going to have a heart attack was kind of brilliant.

Yes, it was quite a clumsy and juvenile setup. Why were Dante and Sam even still there? To protect Maxie, Britt and the baby from old Victor?

And now we’re back with Esme and Ryan. The pacing of this show will be the death of me. It’s not like they were waiting for the Ryan actor to come back from time off. JL was always right there!

I did enjoy the scenes between Lucy and a much less annoying Gladys though.

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5 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Why were Dante and Sam even still there? To protect Maxie, Britt and the baby from old Victor?

I think they were there because they simply didn't have the time to leave and I think that Drew texted them before he got into the elevator.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I have to agree with a number of other posters that Ryan and Esme do not come across as biological family but give off vibes that are creepy cultish like. Sort of Manson and acolyte

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Here’s my thought. There was a story, true one, about a father who sorta moved into his daughters dorm at Sara Lawrence College and ended up starting a cult. These girls would do anything for him. He along with maybe his daughter were arrested. My feeling is maybe Ryan isn’t her bio father but has seduced her in a way to get her under his control to do his evil doings. They way she called him daddy and her almost coming on to him. I don’t think they are related in that sense. Just my two cents,

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5 hours ago, Daisy said:

i just want to let you guys know - i'm probably not able to recap today. i am feeling tres not well at all. I'm really sorry :(

Hey Daisy Mae (my new nickname for you) feel better soon, please! You're a huge part of our little family here and you make it a FUN place to be. ((((HUGS))))

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5 hours ago, Daisy said:

i just want to let you guys know - i'm probably not able to recap today. i am feeling tres not well at all. I'm really sorry :(

Nooooooooooo!  Woman, you're the reason I scroll down everyday!

Hope you feel better.

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2 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I hope you feel better soon, @Daisy! I'm sorry that I don't think I've ever told you how much I enjoy your recaps - they are hilarious!

thanks so much :)

honestly to everyone wishing me get betters and all. thanks very much. hopefully i feel up to it tomorrow.  i'm glad that it really makes people laugh and all. (funnily enough i'm not even trying to be funny, it's just the thoughts that come to my head LOL)

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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

So the psych apple fell right beside the psycho tree and now the psycho tree suggested that his psycho apple seduce Father Clueless.

This made me laugh so hard.

Daisy I hope you feel better.  Your recaps make me laugh and laugh.  

And now I'm glad that I can hate Esme (the character not the actress) without feeling any residual guilt.  

Echoing others, why Sasha and Brando are still on the show confuzzles me. They are superfluous to the rest of the cast/events.

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1 hour ago, ljr said:

Why isnt bailey walking?

Sometimes soap kids go away to summer camp at 12 and come back three weeks later a senior in college and sometimes they're six months for three years. Just like how their parents are 28 when their kids go away to camp and are 35-years-old 15 years later when they become grandparents.  Time is weird in soapland.

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5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

It would have to be a fake seduction because I don't see Nikolas falling for Esme when he's already said he's suspicious of her.   Also, don't get on Ava's bad side and Nik sniffing after Esme would have Ava cutting off his family jewels in a nano second.  

But it would be fun, right? Esme trying to seduce Nik and Nik and Ava playing along. This whole grouping (Ryan/Esme/Spencer/Nik/Ava). They're all so twisty and back-stabbing Well Ryan is front stabbing but the others have shades of grey.

It just seems to fit so well. Unlike Liz's mysterious stalker. Whether it's Liz with DID or Jake acting out, or Liz's mysterious parents, I'm not looking forward to it because it doesn't seem to fit right with Liz and life.

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Ryan before he was discovered to be an evil serial killer was a pediatrician. He also had kidnapped Georgie when she was a baby. I am wondering if Ryan didn't just steal one of his patients from her parents and decided to raise her in his own twisted way.

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9 hours ago, nilyank said:

Ryan before he was discovered to be an evil serial killer was a pediatrician. He also had kidnapped Georgie when she was a baby. I am wondering if Ryan didn't just steal one of his patients from her parents and decided to raise her in his own twisted way.

I had a similar idea - that while he was doing wetwork or whatever for the DVX during his lost years, he killed Esme's actual bio parents, but spared her and squirrled her away to raise and train in his image.

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Esme said she is adopted.   Is Ryan the adoptive father then?  Or the bio father. Then who are the respective mothers. 

so she is not really into Spence. 

Edited by Kim0820
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12 minutes ago, Kim0820 said:

so she is not really into Spence. 

She seems to be more into his bank account than she is into him. Which begs the question about that "trust fund" she's been saying she can't access.

She's definitely a Nelle 2.0 and I hope Spencer doesn't end up knocking her up.

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It's twisted and I don't know if the timing could work but I really want Esme to be Ava's long lost. I'd give the show double gross-out points if Ryan really is the daddy. 

Normally I don't like darker stories but Avery is such a good young actress and I think she could play the heck out of an Esme redemption story. 

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