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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I did not care for Sonny's scenes but at all. Mo is not a good actor.

He was SO BAD. It was embarrassing to watch.

Also, jerk cop was embarrassing. What an idiotic reason to delay Sonny getting to the hospital. FFS, Show.

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19 minutes ago, Linny said:

Nikolas supporting his wife, reading Carly for filth regarding her attempt to separate him from baby Spencer, and asserting that he and Ava will no longer be ruled by Sonny's demands: SEXY. It'll be game-over the moment Sonny regains his memories (or hell, as soon as Carly sees Sonny's warm body) and Avery will be right back under Carly's wing, but I LOVE Ava and Nikolas presenting a united front for Avery. Despite Carly whining to Jax, Ava didn't say or do anything inappropriate, and it was actually quite kind of her to reassure Carly that Avery wouldn't be kept from her sisters. It kills me to watch Jax comfort Carly and act like Ava's in the wrong when we all know that if the situation called for it, he'd snap Joss out of that house without a second thought (she'd so be in Australia permanently if she weren't 18). I can't wait for Ava to find out the deal with the half-heart necklace, inform Nina (where's that friendship been? I miss it), and hopefully knock Carly and Jax down from their unearned position atop the morality high-horse.

As much as I don't like it that Valentin now has full custody of Charlotte now that Lulu is indisposed, I understand that he is the biological father at least according to what the show portrays. Dante wasn't operating under any assumption that he as Charlotte's one-time stepfather would receive custody. When Valentin went to prison after the stupid chimera business Nina put up a fight but ultimately (temporary) custody of Charlotte went to Lulu as bio-mom. Carly thinking that it would be any different here is the height of hypocrisy. And I half-expected her to start wailing to Jax that Avery lost her father and was now losing her mother thanks to Ava. 


"Did you know that Ava used Mike's condition to blackmail Sonny into partial custody?"  Carly, do you know that Sonny used Ava's burned illness to black her into custody?  (I think he also used Kiki but I wasn't watching then.)

As @statsgirl said: Carly, do YOU know that Sonny used Kiki's condition of being in a coma to blackmail/manipulate Ava into letting him take Avery when Ava had FULL custody and he only had supervised visitation, and then you and Sonny never gave her back?

Edited by LexieLily
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Those few days of no Sonny on screen is now taking a high cost. Not only do we get Carly and her grief, we get Sonny and his amnesia. Still hilarious that Sonny got shaved a day ago. Magic! (Or MB's vanity that he won't look scruffy when the role calls for it.)

"Did you know that Ava used Mike's condition to blackmail Sonny into partial custody?"  Carly, do you know that Sonny used Ava's burned illness to black her into custody?  (I think he also used Kiki but I wasn't watching then.)

3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

It's seriously crazy how many custody arrangements she has nothing to do with Carly has tried to control. The only one was Michael. Spencer, Avery, Wiley, nothing to fucking do with her.

That's quite an impressive list of baby stealing. Even Michael was stolen from his father.

Joss and Trina in the kitchen praising Sonny over drying dishes -- do they expect me to believe that Carly doesn't have a dishwasher?

There was the parallel lie/trust stories running, Molly/Brando/TJ and Trina/Taggart, but I don't care about either of them.

Is every serviceman on US television a Marine?

Sofia Mattson needs to take a few acting classes. She keeps putting the emphasis on the wrong word in her speeches and it drives me crazy.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought Ava using Mike's disease was a cheap shot, tbh. Everyone knew at that point he was sick. Sonny was still in denial about things,

Best reason not to let Sonny make the decisions. As @FilmTVGeek80 said, Mike would never hurt Avery deliberately but he was in and out of reality. What if Avery decided to go off and see the horsies, sneaked into the stable and one got spooked and trampled her?

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Wow, condescend much, Nina? I don't understand her reluctance to let Sasha tell her story in Crimson. No one is forcing anyone here. And Maxie is right that it's probably a story Crimson readers would like. I'm pretty sure Sasha understands she'll get some negative press, unlike Ava, who apparently had no idea how the internet works. But getting out ahead of things is smart.

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

What if Avery decided to go off and see the horsies, sneaked into the stable and one got spooked and trampled her?

That could happen any time Avery is at Windermere.

Being Avery's surviving bio parent is the best reason for getting primary custody.

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Unsurprisingly, everything to do with Carly and children that are not hers enraged me today.  I couldn't - yet totally could - believe her when she said that the Spencer lie was totally okay because it was only two months (BECAUSE YOU GOT BUSTED, YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE TO COME CLEAN!) and because Spencer was a baby.  

I just...Carly is seriously worse than ever.  And I guess I prefer this to suburban soccer mom Carly, this is who Carly is IMO.  But oh man is it enraging to watch, possibly because I think the show wants us in her corner at all turns.  Not.

In conclusion, shut up, Carly.

ETA...I hope when the day comes, I presume, that Carly steps to Britt that Britt just shuts her snarling ass down.  She grew up with Faison and Dr. O, Carls, she ain't gonna be scared of you.

Edited by TeeVee329
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28 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Also, jerk cop was embarrassing. What an idiotic reason to delay Sonny getting to the hospital. FFS, Show.

The episode was all about poor victims Sonny and Carly being victimized by other people. Jerk cop, stupid Ava.

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15 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just...Carly is seriously worse than ever.  And I guess I prefer this to suburban soccer mom Carly, this is who Carly is IMO.  But oh man is it enraging to watch, possibly because I think the show wants us in her corner at all turns.  Not.

I don't mind Carly thinking her own motives are the best, but it's absurd to expect that viewers should agree with them all the time.

17 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

ETA...I hope when the day comes, I presume, that Carly steps to Britt that Britt just shuts her snarling ass down.  She grew up with Faison and Dr. O, Carls, she ain't gonna be scared of you.

Carly will win, of course. It's the law. Sigh. Even though Britt should be able to mop the floor with Carly with one hand behind her (Britt's) back. 

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Carly to Jax:  They (NAva) are such hypocrites.  They conveniently forget all the damage they've done and the kids will conveniently pay the price, especially Avery.

Hey, Witch, remember when you fucked Sonny in the back of a limo so he'd sign away his rights to Morgan because you were TERRIFIED at "all the damage" Sonny had done to Michael and didn't want that for Morgan?  Because, I do, you asshole.

Avery has stayed over on Spoon Island before--she's not going to live in the orphanage from "Annie."  

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32 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Those few days of no Sonny on screen is now taking a high cost. Not only do we get Carly and her grief, we get Sonny and his amnesia. Still hilarious that Sonny got shaved a day ago. Magic! (Or MB's vanity that he won't look scruffy when the role calls for it.)

I don't think it's his call, he keeps posting pictures of himself on Instagram looking like Santa with a trimmed beard.

Sofia Mattson needs to take a few acting classes. She keeps putting the emphasis on the wrong word in her speeches and it drives me crazy.

I think that is a combo of iffy acting/English being her second language. The more lines they give her the more her diction seems strained.

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Mattson is fluent in English; it's crappy acting. I wonder if that coach is still around or if he was canned, because she could use some professional help. Someone give her Daytime Emmy Winner™ Natalia Livingston's email!

She's fluent that doesn't mean it doesn't affect her speaking; she didn't start speaking it conversationally till 5 or 4 years before she started GH.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought Ava using Mike's disease was a cheap shot, tbh. Everyone knew at that point he was sick. Sonny was still in denial about things, and that's totally on him, but there was no way Mike was going to hurt Avery. That whole part of the story was really distasteful, I thought. There were much better ways to show Mike's deterioration, which was the point. (As well as giving everyone a reason to demonize Ava once again, of course. But she knew exactly what she was doing—she knew it would stick the knife into Sonny.)

To be fair - how would Ava (or anyone) know that? Mike wouldn't intentionally want to hurt Avery but if he had an episode....  I wouldn't risk it

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I just remembered that Carly is also keeping the secret about Nelle being Nina's daughter, right?  So that's ANOTHER family situation she's sticking her oar in, playing judge and jury on who gets to know and who doesn't, at the same time she's trying to defend herself for the Spencer lie!  Shut.  Up.  Carly.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Carly has two emotions: seething and teary. But I will say, I enjoy "true colors" Carly more than "PTA Mom of the Year" Carly. I mean, now she's stealing babies and mothers! 

At least LW can act. Why on earth do they think we want to see Mo mutter through yet another big story focused on him. He came off like Tiny Tim in that scene. "Please sir, can you tell me where I am?" Ugh!!!!! Just when you thought he couldn't be any more saintly as a murdering mobster, wait till you see amnesia Sonny ~even cops adore him! 

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2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just remembered that Carly is also keeping the secret about Nelle being Nina's daughter, right?  So that's ANOTHER family situation she's sticking her oar in.  Shut.  Up.  Carly.

I don't even know why Carly is sticking her nose in that one. Is it so Nina won't get ideas about wanting visitation or rights to Wiley?

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I'm definitely joining the Carly haters/Nikolas lovers today! I mean Carly calling someone else a hypocrite and ignoring her own blinding hypocrisy is par for the course, but it's still enraging. As if it being Avery's home means her mother's supposed to just let her stay there. Neither Carly or Sonny would have hesitated to snatch Avery under similar circumstances. While I know we were supposed to sympathize with Carly, I'm glad that Nikolas didn't back down, despite her pathetic justifications, and got the last word. His line about respecting Sonny's wishes, but not being ruled by them was AWESOME. I especially loved that Ava ignored her pointed comment to Avery, while glaring at Ava, that Avery needed her sister - like hello witch, that's exactly what Ava said earlier. She wasn't planning on keeping Avery from her sister. They got the hell out of there not letting her get the upperhand. And, I'm glad stupid Jax did not try and butt out and make any comments.

Also loved the Ava/Trina scene. She just laid it out for her, without discounting her anger, and got her to see it from Taggert's side of things.

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12 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just remembered that Carly is also keeping the secret about Nelle being Nina's daughter, right?  So that's ANOTHER family situation she's sticking her oar in, playing judge and jury on who gets to know and who doesn't, at the same time she's trying to defend herself for the Spencer lie!  Shut.  Up.  Carly.

Yup, and unlike with Ava she has zero justification for it.

11 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I don't even know why Carly is sticking her nose in that one. Is it so Nina won't get ideas about wanting visitation or rights to Wiley?

I think she's worried that Nina will think she killed Nelle. But come on, it's just that Carly doesn't want to share.

14 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Carly has two emotions: seething and teary. But I will say, I enjoy "true colors" Carly more than "PTA Mom of the Year" Carly. I mean, now she's stealing babies and mothers! 

At least LW can act. Why on earth do they think we want to see Mo mutter through yet another big story focused on him. He came off like Tiny Tim in that scene. "Please sir, can you tell me where I am?" Ugh!!!!! Just when you thought he couldn't be any more saintly as a murdering mobster, wait till you see amnesia Sonny ~even cops adore him! 

and hold his mouth open like he's dead and/or about to drool. Kudos to him for willing to look gross I guess.

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I'm trying to remember back to the days when I thought that Jax was a dashing hero. But with Nina and even more with Carly, he's just a guy who is there to prop the bad decisions of his women.

Carly had no qualms about taking Wylie not only from the only  home he's known but also from both his parents and giving him to Michael so saying that Avery is going to be hurt by going to the woman she already knows and loves as her mother is hugely hypocritical.

1 minute ago, LexieLily said:

I don't even know why Carly is sticking her nose in that one. Is it so Nina won't get ideas about wanting visitation or rights to Wiley?

It's partly so that Nina won't have any rights to Wylie because Carly wants it all. But I think it's also because Carly wants to forget that Nelle ever existed and Nina would be that.

Just now, ulkis said:

Oh, and Ava's hair and earrings were fabulous.

So was the colour of her dress.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Being Avery's surviving bio parent is the best reason for getting primary custody.

Definitely it's the best reason. But Mike's condition is an additional reason along with Sonny's denial of what was happening. Mike's condition was such that he shouldn't have the responsibility of being alone with a child.

I was a bit younger than Avery is when the lady who was looking after me had a TIA when we were out one day and lost awareness of where she was. That is the last time I was allowed to be alone with her because it was potentially dangerous. (I found myself in a large daycare instead very quickly. Not happy at all.)

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Just now, Ambrosefolly said:

I still onboard with the theory that Avery is really Morgan's daughter and Carly faked the DNA results so Ava wouldn't have influence over him. She is so deep in that lie she knows it will turn away her remaining family. 

I'll go for that. She was acting shady at the DNA testing with Silas.

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3 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I still onboard with the theory that Avery is really Morgan's daughter and Carly faked the DNA results so Ava wouldn't have influence over him. She is so deep in that lie she knows it will turn away her remaining family. 

that would make more sense than Sonny being a father again. 

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22 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Also loved the Ava/Trina scene. She just laid it out for her, without discounting her anger, and got her to see it from Taggert's side of things.

Ava has a bit of experience with this from her Denise DeMuccio days. (I know the circumstances were different.) I'm sad she didn't allude to that with Trina, but given how terrible the story was, I can't blame her.

13 minutes ago, statsgirl said:
51 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Oh, and Ava's hair and earrings were fabulous.

So was the colour of her dress.

Her lipstick was great.

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1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I still onboard with the theory that Avery is really Morgan's daughter and Carly faked the DNA results so Ava wouldn't have influence over him. She is so deep in that lie she knows it will turn away her remaining family. 

It would make it interesting when Morgan returns. Would Carly insist that Avery leave Ava's home and live with Morgan?

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Someone can go blind rolling their eyes each time this show acts like Avery is always surrounded by siblings at Casa Controlfreaks. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING this show says would convince me that Joss spends all this time with Avery and Donna. She is freaking 18yrs old. Shes got another 1-2yrs before she moves out with a boyfriend or Trina. Avery wouldn't know Kristina from the barista at Sonny's "coffee" shop. Dante has been gone for the last 2yrs and is way too old to play with her. He has so much going on in his life he probably doesn't even think much about her. Michael also doesn't live there and has his own kid to worry about, sorta wife situation to figure out, and is trying to find a body. Donna is at the most 2, and not able to do the big girl stuff Avery would want to do. Carly runs a business and is trying to run the mob business so she is also not with Avery 24/7. So Avery will be just fine going to Casa Possessive every other weekend.

She always gloated to Ava how she would be kicked out of Avery's live but quickly changed her tune to "Avery needs Sonny in her life" any time Ava got custody. She hated that Sonny let Avery stay with Ava to keep Mike out of jail, "go get OUR little girl." Even when Sonny comes back back, I hope they just do joint custody and not have him hold it against Ava that she only let Carly send Avery upstairs with the nanny twice a month. Were we supposed to see Ava as the bad guy? She HATES Carly but was still willing to let Avery come over.

Carly will never have a shortage of men to come around and feed her delusions and comfort her. Jax acted like he didn't recently try to take his adult daughter from the bio mothers dangerous home. Nik telling her they will consider Sonnys wishes but not be ruled by them was just *chef kiss*. I was reminded of Griffin admonishing her for daring to find any possible way to spend time with her daughter. He would have been in there apologizing to Carly and wiping her tears. Nik even read the custody papers to make sure everything was in order 😍

I hope Ava (and Jax) were able to talk some sense into Trina. Yes she is hurt but she would not have been able to keep this secret and it would have put a big target on her back.

I hope TJ apologizes to Brando. TJ doesn't have any other friends.

It was weird watching Sasha just sit there with ping pong eyes as Maxie and Nina talked about her life like she wasn't even there, lol. I don't get Nina's reasoning. People are already talking about her. Her career is at risk. This story would overwhelmingly help her in the public eye and save her career. The Ava article had so much negativity because the woman that ripped Ava's child from her body, intentionally slanted the article in a negative way. Her, Jax and Carly talked about it. How great it would be to take her down using her daughters murder. Did she forget? Why would she expect Sasha's story to go the same way?

I didn't catch what Sonny said when he touched the necklace but I will laugh if Nelle is his first memory.

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3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

As @statsgirl said: Carly, do YOU know that Sonny used Kiki's condition of being in a coma to blackmail/manipulate Ava into letting him take Avery when Ava had FULL custody and he only had supervised visitation, and then you and Sonny never gave her back?

Exactly. And she cheered him on after she found out. Kiki took a bullet meant for her son, but she didn't care as long as she got her way. I don't know why they show continues to keep this story thread open. The fight over a child that, thanks to child labor laws, will be "in her room", "at a sleepover", or "with the nanny" isn't all that interesting. Especially bringing it up so close to a potential custody showdown between Michael and Nina. Hopefully this is just a fake out and Carly will get over it. Maybe Jason or Jax can get her pregnant before Sonny remembers.

Ava had so much restraint and even compassion with Carly. When Carly was supposed to be showing drunk Ava compassion, she couldn't help but snarl like the shebeast she is. When it comes to Averys custody, the show has Carly look worse than Sonny.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I'm trying to remember back to the days when I thought that Jax was a dashing hero. But with Nina and even more with Carly, he's just a guy who is there to prop the bad decisions of his women.

Totally, great point.

Jax's stock also really plummeted for me when he was so dismissive, almost annoyed even, when he saw Alexis had fallen off the wagon.  Not a good look.

Edited by TeeVee329
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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

"Did you know that Ava used Mike's condition to blackmail Sonny into partial custody?"  Carly, do you know that Sonny used Ava's burned illness to black her into custody?  (I think he also used Kiki but I wasn't watching then.)

Having just watched, this was even worse than I thought.  She actually said Sonny "granted" Ava partial custody.  So, I guess Sonny is a judge now.  Do fuck off, Carly.

And Jax can go right with her, with his "but this is Avery's home" dumb act.  I realize, for some inexplicable reason*, he thinks the sun shines out that witch's ass, but Carly has zero--that's ZERO--rights to Avery.  Her squawking that Avery needs "to be around her sisters" (me: just like Scout isn't Jason's daughter, Josslyn isn't Avery's sister) isn't a legal right.

*I guess the reason is he has godawful taste in women

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6 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Carly to Jax:  Avery's lost her father, and now thanks to Ava, she's going to lose her home

Also Carly, don't bitch about the number of times that Avery has been to Windemere as a reason for her not going to live there now, when you and your idiot husband were the ones preventing her from visiting her mother there.  

A) This reminds me of Carly crying to Sonny "Jax is going to take my little girl out of my home/to Australia and I'm never going to see her again" when Jax had the audacity to say he wanted Joss to live with him because Carly being around Sonny endangered Joss, and Carly could visit as much as she liked.

B) Losing a father and a home, and the child only having visited the new home/mansion a few times in the past, certainly wasn't a concern for Carly when she told Michael to go to Brad and Lucas's home to claim his son.

6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

But Nikolas had the best comeback, so fuck you, Carly, you, your child hoarding and that giant chip riding on your shoulder.

I literally laughed when Nikolas said the custody paperwork is simple, Carly as the stepmother has no rights, and Carly's reaction was to look offended.

6 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Joss and Trina in the kitchen praising Sonny over drying dishes

Hey Joss, did anyone ever tell you about the time you almost didn't have a dad because Sonny paid someone to disable his airplane and he was presumed dead? 

4 hours ago, TVbitch said:

He came off like Tiny Tim 

A really damn old Tiny Tim.  Yikes, those scenes of Sonny sitting in the guy's truck really did not do him any favors.

2 hours ago, Thatoneshow said:

Someone can go blind rolling their eyes each time this show acts like Avery is always surrounded by siblings at Casa Controlfreaks. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING this show says would convince me that Joss spends all this time with Avery and Donna. She is freaking 18yrs old. 

Carly will never have a shortage of men to come around and feed her delusions and comfort her.

SO very true. 

I rather enjoyed everything Nikolas had to say to Carly. His first line about Carly not having any rights in reaction to Carly saying Ava is "only Avery's mother legally and biologically" was great and I clapped, even as I rolled my eyes at Carly's line.  Her "how dare you!" reaction when Nikolas brought up how she and Jax tried to raise his son as their own was just .... bwahahaha!  Actually she had the same reaction within the last year when Jax brought that up.  Carly's outrage at Karma coming to get her was hilarious!! 

Also, Molly owes Brando a big, sincere apology for assuming that he attacked TJ, for insisting that he keep their hook-up a secret, and for her behavior toward him since she started lying to TJ about the hook-up. Brando is not responsible for Molly's poor choices, yet she's been taking out all her inner turmoil and guilt on him for months.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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1 hour ago, Thatoneshow said:

I didn't catch what Sonny said when he touched the necklace but I will laugh if Nelle is his first memory.

If only. But it will be Jason.

59 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Jax's stock also really plummeted for me when he was so dismissive, almost annoyed even, when he saw Alexis had fallen off the wagon.  Not a good look.

That was very OOC. 

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Is it possible Carly has syphilis? I mean, that would explain her being completely insane and she could have given it to Jax which could explain why he has gone loco and all in in the "Carly is the best" department. And considering she us with Sonny who shags any brunette in a skirt and CLEARLY refuses to wear a condom, STDs aren't beyond the realm of possibility here.

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I love how Carly keeps going "biological parent! just her biological parent!" which is basically the exclamation point that for Carly that truly means nothing to her. 

I think Ava was really reasonable - that Avery will visit whenever she wants, Ava is not cutting anyone out of her life, or hanging people on meathooks to  make her claims - just that Sonny is gone (sadly not dead), and that her daughter, belongs to be with her mother. 

The only thing that this is going to result in however is Carly making a petition to adopt Avery or making it that if something happens again - Ava has no rights. but i will totally cheer on Ava/Nik for what happened today. 

Honestly. if i am supposed to like Joss. it's a fail. I really don't. 

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Okay, I am 1000% team Ava on everything especially because she seems clearly amenable to allowing Avery to spend some time with Donna which I think is a good thing.  But while I dont' think Joss and Donna are spending hours a day playing I was the baby sibling of 3 teenagers and a 10 year old.  And they all played with me.  We lived in a house together.  They didn't play with me more than they went out with their friends by any stretch of the imagination but they found it incredibly amusing to teach me tricks.  They may have only interacted with me 15 minutes a day but their are loads of stories and pictures of things that they did with me because I was a small person who lived in their house.  Why wouldn't they interact with me?  And then when I was three we moved and they didn't because 22-21-19 (the 13 year old totally moved too...) and I doubt them missed me much because they were finishing up college and starting careers and meeting people and getting married and all that good stuff.  But I missed them terribly.  Avery doesn't have to play on a day to day basis with Joss and Donna to feel like they are members of her family and to miss them.  

I mean she's just going to have to deal because Ava is totally right just saying all the complaining about how much could they interact anyway?  I mean it doesn't have to be that much for Avery to think it is the way things are supposed to be.   But Ava seems willing to honor that, so...  good on Ava.  I'd be way more petty than she's being right now.  She's earned it.

I have no, non, negative interest in Sonny's amnesia.

I have a little more interest in Carly as kidnapper of mothers who is clearly going to want to completley take over the business.  Not much... but more.   

I have all the interest in all things Laura and her brothers.  

I want to care about TJ and Molly but they exist so tangentially on this show?  I don't.  I did.  A long time ago when they were teenagers and they had that sweet love story even though it was barely thDere but at this point either they are characters on this show and they get stories more than once a month or they aren't characters on this show.   And I wish the show wanted to invest in them, but it doesn't so.... 

Of course they have invested more than in Kristina.   

Does she know Sonny is "dead"?  

Does she know Julian is dead?  

Does she know Sam and Jase broke up?

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Yeah, the only good thing about yesterday was Nikolas blasting SheBeast.

And unless they SORASed her, Donna is still an infant--not even one yet. Or is close to turning one, so I very much doubt she will feel Avery's absence.

EVERYTHING Shebeast wailed about could be applied to her own ass self.

And as others have stated, her trying to justify that she and Jax kept Baby Spencer to themselves for "only two months!" because they got CAUGHT. Otherwise they would have kept silent and raised him as Jax's kid.

Why should I be surprised that this show continues to portray cops, all kinds of cops as ineptitude keystone cops? Unless the guy that found Mooby is some kind of local hood/criminal, the way he acted, refusing to listen or see that Mooby was hurt (for argument's sake here); questioning the validity of Eddie, it's just, UGH. So was Eddie's attitude about the cop pulling them over, and him telling Mooby to act shifty. Why didn't he just pull over, and then tell the stupidass cop about Mooby as he was handing over his license?

And I thought Mooby was the biggest baddest "don" on the Eastern Seaboard, which would INCLUDE New Jersey! That he was infamous? How did that stupidass cop not recognize him? This SHOW.

But my GOD, was Maurice just GODAWFUL.

Oh do SHUT UP, Joss.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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On 1/11/2021 at 10:47 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I wish Ava would remember her eons-ago promise to wipe Carly off the face of the planet and get to it! 


Ava's been a character on this show for 6 years!  Wow. 

Sonny being gone would have been nice, but they spent the whole time talking about him.  

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And unless they SORASed her, Donna is still an infant--not even one yet.

She was born Sept 30/19, so she's just over a year old.  


11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And I thought Mooby was the biggest baddest "don" on the East Coast? That he was infamous?

THIS.  Even if Port Charles were a small town, which it's not supposed to be, the disapearance and likely death of the local "coffee importer" would have made news in PC and all the surrounding towns.  We're supposed to beleive that the annual talent show gets news coverage but the local mafia going missing doesn't?  

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1 minute ago, perkie1968 said:

She was born Sept 30/19, so she's just over a year old.  

Thanks. Still not old enough to "miss" Avery on a daily basis. Hell, look at Wiley. He's older and one would never know that he had two dads raising him for the first 18 months of his life!

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Carly had no qualms about taking Wylie not only from the only  home he's known but also from both his parents and giving him to Michael so saying that Avery is going to be hurt by going to the woman she already knows and loves as her mother is hugely hypocritical.

absolutely this! There was no hand wringing about taking Wiley from the only home he had known when it was Michael's biological claim to be staked. How lightning didnt strike Carly  on the spot I have no idea. 

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11 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

absolutely this! There was no hand wringing about taking Wiley from the only home he had known when it was Michael's biological claim to be staked. How lightning didnt strike Carly  on the spot I have no idea. 

When she heard about Liz's and Lucky's (her cousin!!) engagement was falling apart, she immediately went to Jason to encourage him to take custody of Jake - never mind Cam or Jake living with Liz and visitation with Lucky. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

THIS.  Even if Port Charles were a small town, which it's not supposed to be, the disapearance and likely death of the local "coffee importer" would have made news in PC and all the surrounding towns.  We're supposed to beleive that the annual talent show gets news coverage but the local mafia going missing doesn't?  

SERIOUSLY! It was Hack!Frank's! Idea to turn a local fund raiser/charity event for HIV/AIDS research into some pseudo Emmy Award/Red Carpet event that the entire country watched. And Mooby was ALWAYS interviewed and photographed, blah, blah, blah.

But now, we see "hey who are you?" from yokels. GMAFB.😒🙄

It's par for the course for this show for the past 25+ years, so I don't know why I still let it bother me!

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17 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

A really damn old Tiny Tim.  Yikes, those scenes of Sonny sitting in the guy's truck really did not do him any favors.

You didn't enjoy Sonny rocking the bandana look?  He looked like he was going to the Woodstock 50 year anniversary, being old enough to have  gone to the original Woodstock.

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16 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

We here in Toronto got the episode today.  I'm assuming those of you in the States will have gotten the impeachment hearings.  

Yup! All impeachment. Was it good? What happened today? 

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3 minutes ago, lala2 said:

 Was it good? What happened today? 

It wasn't horrible. My favourite part was Olivia going to bat for Alexis with Sam, and the pictures in Julian's photo album that Ava dropped off with his stuff. Olivia seems to be a better detective than Sam is.

Now that Sonny is at the hospital and still unable to say who he is, isn't the first thing they should be doing is looking into a national database in case someone has reported this amnesiac guy missing?  Sonny knows that some people put wine in Bolognese sauce; his nurse says "maybe you're a five star chef". Seriously? And then she tells him that he has a killer smile. It's not only the people in Port Charles who are praising Sonny, it's the new people wherever he is too.  Just end it now.

Laura worries that Cyrus is going to start a mob war but it's Jason going to blow up a warehouse that is moving Cyrus' stuff. Way to calm down the mob war there, guy.  But someone else got there first, as a favour to Sonny, Jason and Brick surmise. So now there's a third party in the mob war?  I still don't care, especially since Laura is being stupid and thinking that it's all on Cyrus rather than Jason.

Curtis re Sonny: "I always respected the man." Seriously? Now I know why I've never liked you.

Cyrus to Sam "You expect me to believe that Jason doesn't confide in the mother of his children?"  Me:  I know! It's ridiculous!

Sasha, your attempt to make Cyrus feel bad are pathetic.  He is way, way out of your league. Cyrus, could you knock  her off?  Please?

Brando has more chemistry with Amy in that one short scene than in all his scenes with Sasha.

I'm glad the show is showing more African-Americans, even if they are in small or recurring roles like Sonny's nurse today, but it strikes me as strange that there are no Indian or Asians in the hospital. We have a lot of Indian doctors here (including my wonderful gp)  and there is a ton of the hospital staff from the Philippines. Is it different in New York?

13 hours ago, Daisy said:

Honestly. if i am supposed to like Joss. it's a fail. I really don't.

Same here. I don't know if it's the lack of acting ability or that she's Carly Jr. most of the time. Trying to make her the star of the teen set when both the actors who play Cameron and Trina are so much better just makes it worse.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Olivia seems to be a better detective than Sam is.

Donna would be a better detective than Sam is.

3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I'm glad the show is showing more African-Americans, even if they are in small or recurring roles like Sonny's nurse today, but it strikes me as strange that there are no Indian or Asians in the hospital. We have a lot of Indian doctors here (including my wonderful gp)  and there is a ton of the hospital staff from the Philippines. Is it different in New York?

The lack of diversity is on GH.

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28 minutes ago, lala2 said:

What happened today? 

Alright, I'm paraphrasing some stuff but here we go:

Laura and Curtis:  She updates him on the Jason/Florence stuff and she's worried there will be a mob war for Sonny's territory.  He tells her that his marriage is on the rocks and she suggests marriage counselling.

Brick and Jason:  One of the Five Families is making a move on Sonny's territory and have their product in a warehouse.  Go to the warehouse, everyone there has been killed.  Someone did it to help keep the stuff out of Sonny's backyard.  

Sam/Cyrus:  He wants to know where Jason put Mommy.  She doesn't know anything and tells him to back off.

Sasha/Cyrus:  She overheard the Mommy convo and decides to poke the bear.  He's all, I might be a big drug dealer, but I love my mommy. Have some compassion.  She's all my compassion went down the drain when I had a heart attack with your bad drugs.   

Brando/Cyrus:  Where have you been?  Getting punched in the face by a girl's boyfriend.  I need you to find out from Jason where my mommy is.  Jason doesn't trust me.  If you don't find out I will release the Dev info to the Feds.

Olivia/Sam:  I'm worried about your mother.  My mother is a drunk.  Something is off about that night of the accident and I don't trust Tracy any further than I can throw her.  Heavy lipped sigh.

Alexis/bottle of vodka:  Ava dropped off some stuff from Julian, which includes a photo album and photos.  She chops Julian out of the photos while swigging her alcoholz.  

Olivia/Sam/Alexis;  Alexis has a new security system.  Olivia snoops around and finds the coffee on the counter,  Why didn't Tracy find it that day, which is the lie that Tracy told.  Sam tells Olivia that she's going to figure out if Tracy was really there that day while looking at the security system.

Sonny's in a hospital waiting for test results.  They never said which hospital or where but his nurse is none other than Phyllis Caulfied, Nina's former coma nurse.  Sonny doesn't remember anything.  it will eventually come back to you.  She points out the watch on his arm.  He reads the incription on the back; '"Mike, not enough time. Love A"  She assumes his name is Mike.  

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