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S28.E09: Boy Band & Girl Group Night

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ally was scored too high when she had noticeable mistakes in her second dance and a mediocre first dance.

So much this!  It's like the TPTB/judges are gas-lighting us, lol. I don't think she's a bad dancer, but she's definitely not as good as the judges make it seem with their hyperbole and scoring.  Does she have an ABC/Disney contract?  It just seems like the fix is in which makes me actively dislike her even though it's not her fault.  I'm not a Hannah fan either, but I thought her tango was so much better than either of Ally's dances.

Small consolation to having Jenna back?  Seeing her eliminated for a second time!  Whitney and Emma better watch their backs!

Edited by leocadia
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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ally is on such a high pedestal, I feel bad for Ally since she's taking the brunt of the hate when it's not even her fault. It's all on the judges for ridiculously overscoring her and never giving her an ounce of criticism, at least not since week 3. 

I feel like this is going to come back to bite her in the ass soon.  Everyone else is taking criticism and learning and getting better and Ally is just getting bland praise with no idea of where she needs to improve.  If Spicer’s exit means her scores go back down to what they should be it’s going to be a shock for her and she doesn’t have the audience votes to keep her out of the bottom two week after week.

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18 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

Off camera, you know the judges were doing happy dances.

They sure were!! 😉😂

I wonder if Carrie Ann will discuss this on The Talk tomorrow.

Edited by catlover79
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I have no idea how this season's scoring tweaks work.   I'm assuming the last two couples left have the lowest scores and then the judges decide who to save?   If so, that would mean that possibly the lowest scoring 'star' doesn't actually leave.   Probably a dumb question.   However the hell it works, I'm just thrilled that Spicey is gone.

I had company tonight so only tuned in for the last few minutes; the elimination.   When I saw SS standing there at the mercy of the judges, I knew our long national nightmare was over.

I hope TPTB have learned their lesson regarding casting.   But, it's  DWTS, so probably not.

Edited by Ladyrain
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29 minutes ago, nickp1991 said:

demi lovato miley cyrus and kristen stewart for season 29 of Dancing With The Stars

Demi would be fine. The other two HELL NO. I'm sick of the Promotion for Charlie's Angels kissing her overrated no talent having ass constantly 

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WOOOOOOOHOOOO! So happy that Sean is finally gone! I know maybe they had to stretch for time but there was absolutely no suspense in who they were going to save so I wish Carrie-Ann and Bruno didn't go on and on - then again less time for Sean to talk, so I guess it was ok.

I'm also happy to come on here and see others less than impressed with the tongue baths given to Ally. Most of my concentration has been on wanting to see Sean gone, but now I'd like either Lauren or Ally to leave. It's not fair to Lauren, but ever since I've found out Bobby Bones has been recruiting people to vote for her, I've liked her a little less (not that I was ever a huge fans of hers.) I dislike him that much. I'm also not a huge fan of her personality. Her back talking the judges tonight grated on my nerves.

I also hate to say it but I'm not a fan of Ally's either. There's this simpering quality to her voice that I can't stand. I don't know if her sweetness is fake or mostly real, but she always has this desperate "Sally Field You Like Me Oscar speech"  way about her and it puts me off. It really doesn't help that the judges' overpraise her. I think it's been's since week 2 or 3 but I really started to notice it around Disney Week. But then she was in the bottom 2 and I realized they were trying to compensate for her not pulling in the audience vote. I still don't like the lack of criticism for her though. Carrie-Ann sits there and tells James to watch his elbows because at this point in the competition everything counts and yet she actually twice tells Ally she was flawless which was such bullshit. I don't see her winning this because of her twice being in the bottom two but the judges still need to stop with overpraising her. 

While I do have a problem with the judges nitpicking everybody except Ally, I actually agreed with their first scores for Hannah. If James's jive was only going to earn all 9s then Hannah's dance didn't deserve the same scores IMO. I thought the lifts did look more than a little iffy and she, to me, looked lost at times like Lauren last week.

I thought Joey was actually a really fun judge. I loved that he ignored the audience's boos and that he gave James a 10. I thought he sounded knowledgeable in the things he said. I thought he and Bruno together were a hoot as well.

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34 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

Did anyone else notice that they changed the order in the 2nd half compared to the 1st half? They switched Hannah and Sean, and pushed Ally to the end instead of Kel. 

George Pennachio tweeted that the order for the second round would change, so it was planned.

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I thought during Tom's interview segment with Sean that it sounded like a concession speech, so I had hope that he would be eliminated and I was so glad he was.

Hannah's costume during that first dance, yep, it looked like it was going to fall off, I guess the had a lot of good tape holding it in place. 

And I think the remaining dancers deserve to be there. I guess I'm pulling for James, but I haven't voted in about 20 seasons, so I don't really have a dog in the hunt.

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13 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

I have to admit something and I hate to, but I think Sean actually improved a bit with Jenna as his teacher. There, I admitted it. (i dislike Jenna, a lot )

LOL'ed at this as I'm not a Jenna fan either but actually kinda liked her with Sean. She seemed pretty honest with him when she said "you're doing better, even though there's a lot wrong," or something to that effect. And actually thought she looked beautiful in that pale pink sequenced dress in the 2nd routine. 

My biggest bone with Ally is that I'm sorry but she's not even in the same league as Normani as far as I'm concern and I feel like Normani had to work HARD for her 10's and the judges were super critical of her the entire season. I find Ally's dancing, and even the choreography, pretty mediocre. That's not a critique on Sasha, as I think he's choreographing for his partner. Moreover, Ally's constant, profuse, nagging for people to like her makes her highly unlikable, even if it is genuinely her personality. 

Kel, James, Hannah for top 3. Kel or James for the win, even though I'm rooting for Kel. 

Oh, I also liked Joey as a judge. When they announced the theme, I hoped they would have asked Mel B. to be a judge and was thoroughly confused when they said it was Baby Spice. I was like... why ask Baby when she was never a contestant lol. Scary and Maks is one of my fave OG couples. 

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If there was any question as to who the worst dancer left on the show was at this point, the opening number made it abundantly clear. Stompy McStomperson could barely do a step clap in time to the music. Having all three of the male celebs standing next to each other doing the same moves provided a pretty stark contrast between Kel and James looking totally comfortable doing these simple steps and Spicy struggling to do the simplest thing.

As an aside, this is one of the reasons I'm still bitter that gymnastics got rid of compulsory routines at the elite level. You can really see how good someone's technique is when you get to watch everyone do the same routine.

If Spicy had been given the choreography that any of the other celebs did, he would have crashed and burned immediately. Instead he got to hide his complete lack of dance ability by just standing still and doing wacky poses while his partner danced around him for 90% of every routine he did this season. I mean, imagine him doing any of the routines that James did this season.

It just annoys the shit out of me when terrible dancers last this long on the show and other people who are way better dancers are eliminated. I don't need to see someone with no rhythm compete week after week. I'd much rather see someone like Kate or even Sailor have the opportunity to learn a new dance style and improve.

James' jive isn't the best I've ever seen but it was decent. There are moments when he shows how light and quick his footwork is. He has so much potential to be even better than he already is. It makes me wish he had a little more time to work on these routines (unlike celebs like Master P where it's obvious that no amount of time is going to polish their dancing).

Spicy's Argentine tango was what he does every week. Walk walk walk. Pose. Stand still while female dances around him. Seriously, there was a full 10 seconds in a row where his feet didn't move at all.

I liked Hannah's salsa. I thought there was a lot of content and most of it was done cleanly (especially considering the tempo). Heh, for all of the "Hannah took dance classes" talk, when she did that series of lifts in the middle, her feet gave her away as a non dancer.

Ally's samba was clean but it was so basic and a lot of it was done at half time. Her footwork was sloppy too. I don't get why the judges keep giving her high scores.

Lauren's quickstep was pretty good. Her footwork was mostly light and clean.

At the beginning of the season, I suspected that Kel wouldn't do well at dances like the paso doble so I was pleasantly surprised by how well he did. The thing that bothered me was how his shoulders looked hunched (and that turtleneck only made it look worse). I wanted to grab his shoulders and push them down and back. On a shallow note, I hate when the singers murder songs like Free Your Mind.

James' Bye Bye Bye jazz routine was fun to watch. I loved that as soon as the routine was over, he dropped his boy band persona and looked so excited and happy. Based on his performance, I think Emma could have given him even more challenging choreography.

Hannah's tango was good. Her footwork was strong, her carriage was strong, and she was aggressive about attacking the routine without getting sloppy.

I liked Jenna's pink rhinestone dress in the foxtrot.

Lauren's rumba was okay. It felt like there wasn't enough rumba and she had no hip action (note to celebs: moving your ass isn't the same thing as actual hip action). Her performance wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either.

Slow graceful dances aren't Kel's strength but he did a decent job with the Viennese waltz. Again he needs to work on his posture/carriage but he looked like he was comfortable with this dance.

Ally's jazz was energetic but again I wish the pros would get some help choreographing jazz and contemporary routines. It's okay if this isn't your forte. You don't have to be an expert on every dance style. Just do the right thing and get someone who CAN come up with a good routine. This wasn't the worst example of a pro needing choregraphy help but the ballroom-ish sections looked really out of place and were totally unnecessary.

THANK GOODNESS the right person was finally eliminated. Now we can get down to the business of dancing for spots in the finale. The three best dancers are James, Hannah, and Kel so I hope Lauren and Ally are eliminated next (both of whom are inconsistent week to week).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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8 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Our national nightmare is over, Dance Nation.  NOW WE HAVE A COMPETITION. 

I am so Happy that I can watch again!  I only saw the end, but I'll have to watch show on demand since I love boy/girl bands music and we have actual dancers now!  Producers will think twice about "political" stars.

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7 hours ago, ShellsandCheese said:

I really need LA and Ally to go next, lol. The final three should be James, Kel, and Hannah. I’m not impressed with LA or Ally and I can’t stand Ally for other reasons too. 

I really need Hannah to go next. Shes already won her own reality show and I dont really shes that great or that likeable 

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Thank god Spicer is gone!

I'm ready for Lauren or Ally to go though. The judges have overscored them all season and the dance-off last week showed they were weaker than their opponent (yet both have consistently scored higher than who they danced against). I think they must have overscored Ally this week to try and force Sean into the bottom 2. That's the only thing I can think of for giving her two perfect scores. That samba absolutely did not deserve above 9s. I'm okay with the jazz score as I did think it was well done, and the judges usually overscore jazz and contemporary dances.

I thought Hannah was underscored on both dances. The first one while a bit sloppy on the lifts, was moving at double the speed of everyone else tonight and did require a lot of skill to pull off. She should have had some 9s. I thought her tango deserved the perfect score. I'm glad Kel managed to get a perfect score.

I'm just pissed off with Ally. So is she now the highest scorer this season? That really seems like a joke when James is on the show. I don't even think Ally is the best woman dancer. Lauren has started to plateau for me. She probably would have done better on the show with a different pro. I hope the top 3 are James, Hannah, and Kel. Hopefully the judges start improving their scoring, but idk if they will. Their bias is so obvious. I feel like they would save Ally in the bottom 2 up against anyone at this point.

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The thing I like about the remaining dancers, now that we have gotten rid of Sean, is that none of them have a huge voting block.  It will be more about the general audience thoughts on who they like, who they enjoy watching, etc.  As for Ally, I think it won't matter if they keep her scores high, as the scores are all relatively high, and I don't think she has the votes they want her to have.  

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9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Thank God he's gone.  Now the 'real' competition can begin.  I really don't have a favorite because my only hope has been to see Sean gone.

Yeah, I don't watch the Bachelor shows, never heard of Ally before this show, had a vague idea of who Kel was, and never watched Dawson's Creek (actually, probably the JVB role I'm most familiar with is the serial killer he played on Criminal Minds). So I don't really have any attachment to anyone in particular winning, other than what I've seen them do on the show. [10 minutes later: and I totally forgot Lauren was still there; never heard of her before, either.] On a pro level, Sasha's my favorite so I wouldn't mind seeing him win, but I don't think Ally should.

8 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I have no idea how this season's scoring tweaks work.   I'm assuming the last two couples left have the lowest scores and then the judges decide who to save?   If so, that would mean that possibly the lowest scoring 'star' doesn't actually leave.   Probably a dumb question.   However the hell it works, I'm just thrilled that Spicey is gone.

I thought Erin said something about audience votes counting for half? So a low judge score can fairly easily be offset by votes to keep them out of the bottom two (which is clearly the only way Sean stayed around for so long). And then yes, the judges pick from the bottom two, who can easily not even be the ones with the lowest actual dance scores.

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6 hours ago, PTVjones said:

My biggest bone with Ally is that I'm sorry but she's not even in the same league as Normani as far as I'm concern and I feel like Normani had to work HARD for her 10's and the judges were super critical of her the entire season. I find Ally's dancing, and even the choreography, pretty mediocre. That's not a critique on Sasha, as I think he's choreographing for his partner. Moreover, Ally's constant, profuse, nagging for people to like her makes her highly unlikable, even if it is genuinely her personality. 

As someone who followed 5th harmony and knows Ally from that, this is her genuine personality, I do think she has toned it down from the beginning where her confidence was all over the place and she was really coming off insecure and desperate, however I agree with ur statement about Normani and even Tinashe last season, these two women who along with Ally come from the pop music world literally had a hard time fully winning the judges over even tho their dancing technique was on a totally different level that Ally, Ally has improved and believed she deserved her scores last night but she is nowhere close to her ex bandmate technique wise but again Normani is a trained dancer and Ally isnt so I say for a untrained dancer she is doing pretty well. I think Len has weakness for bubbly female contestants but he doesnt seem to care for Hannah but he adores Ally and I feel like both of them have a similar personality, o well.

I just really want Sasha to win but will he win with Ally I dont know, I do believe they will be in the finals but I dont know if she has enough of the dwts fanbase pulling for her to beat out the likes of James or even Hannah.

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1 hour ago, MikaelaArsenault said:

I'd like to see Kel make it into the finals.

I love Kel and he has come a long way, I always felt it was a real dancer inside him but with that said, im not completely sold on his partnership with Whitney and this is not on him at all because I can feel he is trying hard to connect with her outside of the show by taking her different places that matter to him like his business and church but I just dont feel she fully connected to her partner this season and it sucks because Kel has mad potential, he is really good but I think he could be even better with a partner who was truly invested in him as person not just a dance partner.

I like whitney I do but she is so inconsistent when it comes to her partnerships. Unlike Lindsay who truly seems to connect to all her partners no matter who they are or how bad they dance, thats just the kinda person she is.

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1 hour ago, bealled said:

I'm okay with the jazz score as I did think it was well done, and the judges usually overscore jazz and contemporary dances.

They usually do, which is why I'm shocked that James' jazz got a real mix of scores (two 9s, an 8, and a 10). Though, this year, they at least haven't scored the jazz and contemporary dances with all 10s or 9s. There have been some 8s in there as well, which is weirdly low for these types of dances.

1 hour ago, bealled said:

I'm just pissed off with Ally. So is she now the highest scorer this season? That really seems like a joke when James is on the show. I don't even think Ally is the best woman dancer. Lauren has started to plateau for me. She probably would have done better on the show with a different pro. I hope the top 3 are James, Hannah, and Kel. Hopefully the judges start improving their scoring, but idk if they will. Their bias is so obvious. I feel like they would save Ally in the bottom 2 up against anyone at this point.

For me, Ally's great, but Hannah is just slightly better. Ally's better than Lauren, at least, but Ally also hasn't received any criticism since week 3, so there's no way of her improving if she doesn't know what to improve on. I love when celebs can improve week by week. That's what I personally look for. That's why I appreciated the change this year to include more critiques from the judges....but then they completely ignore that with Ally. Which is weird, because I remember in the first two or three weeks, Ally was critiqued and Hannah was praised but whatever happened between weeks 2-4, the two suddenly swapped places. 

Again, if Ally was told to fix her footwork (which she does need to do) or docked a point for a trip like in her jazz dance, then I honestly wouldn't be that critical of her. She's a solid dancer. I think Lauren should go before Ally, and I wouldn't be mad if Ally took third place over Kel or Hannah. But when the judges refuses to critique her and ignore all of the mistakes that she's made, that's what makes me upset. Ally is deserving of most of her scores; they're just overshadowed with the judges severely underscoring James and Hannah. 

I don't think Ally can win, not when she doesn't have a strong fanbase. It'll be between James and Hannah for the win. I just need the judges to stop overscoring and overpraising her next week. It's not doing Ally any favours; the judges are ruining Ally, unfortunately, and the audience's perception. The judges are the issue this season. They need to score her fairly and they're not. 

For example, her jazz routine was great....for all 9s, not all 10s. Not only did she make a critical mistake at the end that would have cost someone like James (remember that one week when he not so noticeably slipped and he was docked a point from all the judges for it?), but I felt like her motions with her feet and even her arms were too small at times. 

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I wonder if Lindsay would have come back at all if Sean hadn't left. Obviously losing a relative is devastating but I wonder if she just wanted to GTFO of that sinking ship on some level as well. (Perhaps they addressed this during Sean's practice segments, if so forgive me, I fast-forwarded through them)

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17 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I wonder if Lindsay would have come back at all if Sean hadn't left. Obviously losing a relative is devastating but I wonder if she just wanted to GTFO of that sinking ship on some level as well. (Perhaps they addressed this during Sean's practice segments, if so forgive me, I fast-forwarded through them)

I don't think they mentioned Lindsay other than Sean saying he missed her/wishing her well or whatever.

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12 hours ago, madhacker said:

Bu-bye Spicey  (really wish I had the SNL plane clip)

12 hours ago, ams1001 said:


"Buh-Bye" is a classic, but this one is pretty damn appropriate for the night!

59 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

I love Kel...I can feel he is trying hard to connect with her [Witney] outside of the show by taking her different places that matter to him like his business and church...

I had to laugh at their little exchange about church:

Kel:  We gonna turn up!

Witney:  Turn up!  ... Wait.  We turn up for church?

Kel:  Turn up for Jesus!!

I'm not at all churchy, but he was so excited, I felt the spirit for a second 🙂

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9 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

"Buh-Bye" is a classic, but this one is pretty damn appropriate for the night!

Someone had to do it... 😉

Also, the NPR Politics Podcast plays that chorus whenever someone drops out of the presidential race. I've heard it a few times lately.

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ams1001, thank you for the voting info.  ✌️

I really don't have a dog in this hunt so I'll be happy with whoever wins, although James really is the best dancer.    I thoroughly enjoyed his Bye Bye Bye number, but like Len said, there was little to no partner contact.  

I thought Erin looked very pretty in her pinkish sparkle dress.   I like her on the show, although that may not be a popular opinion.   I find her friendly, supportive and quick on her feet verbally.   Polar opposite of Brooke.

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12 hours ago, vdw84 said:

I feel like more than anything I want Sasha to finally win, I think he has done an incredible job with Ally this season. If their is one celeb who has had a tremendous transformation this season its Ally. She wasnt much of a dancer coming in and lacked confidence and bam Sasha has totally transformed her.

Ally is a ringer.  She had professional dance experience with Fifth Harmony.  Even if it wasn't ballroom, she and Hannah had the most dance training.  She doesn't have the fan base to get a win.  She already fell to the bottom twice.

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4 hours ago, MikaelaArsenault said:

I'd like to see Kel make it into the finals.

I like him too. He's humble and really improved, and it would be awesome if he took it all. I'm fine with any of the remaining folks making the finals. Some are better than others, but they are all good.

Thank goodness that annoying little attention whore is gone. The finals should be awesome!

I guess I'm in the minority that I thought Joey Fatone was an annoying, self-righteous twit.

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10 minutes ago, tealeaves said:

Ally is a ringer.  She had professional dance experience with Fifth Harmony.  Even if it wasn't ballroom, she and Hannah had the most dance training.  She doesn't have the fan base to get a win.  She already fell to the bottom twice.

O honey, Ally is not a ringer. Normani was, she was the best dancer in the group and was actually trained from a child in dance classes. 5harmoney was a mess with their dancing even the dancing push normani back because she is one hell of a dancer. When Ally came on the show she was a mess, it was Sasha who has really pushed her to be great. Ally is not a ringer and neither is Hannah, its no definite ringers this season, that is why the competition is tight because noone is running away on dance alone.

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2 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

O honey, Ally is not a ringer. Normani was, she was the best dancer in the group and was actually trained from a child in dance classes. 5harmoney was a mess with their dancing even the dancing push normani back because she is one hell of a dancer. When Ally came on the show she was a mess, it was Sasha who has really pushed her to be great. Ally is not a ringer and neither is Hannah, its no definite ringers this season, that is why the competition is tight because noone is running away on dance alone.

Ally and Hannah have more professional dance training than any of the remaining contestants.

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1 hour ago, Lovecat said:

"Buh-Bye" is a classic, but this one is pretty damn appropriate for the night!

I had to laugh at their little exchange about church:

Kel:  We gonna turn up!

Witney:  Turn up!  ... Wait.  We turn up for church?

Kel:  Turn up for Jesus!!

I'm not at all churchy, but he was so excited, I felt the spirit for a second 🙂

Black churches as I can speak on this since im black, we can get pretty turn up, I hate to say black churches because really we all suppose to worship together but it is what it is and the truth of the matter is we worship totally different than others.

Just now, tealeaves said:

Ally and Hannah have more professional dance training than any of the remaining contestants.

What professinal training Ally has. James mother owned a damn dance studio, u can tell he is trained big time with his extensions and everything. Ally isnt trained. She wasnt in the pussycat dolls group who were all trained dancers, it was 5th harmony, normani was the only one trained.

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1 minute ago, vdw84 said:

Black churches as I can speak on this since im black, we can get pretty turn up, I hate to say black churches because really we all suppose to worship together but it is what it is and the truth of the matter is we worship totally different than others.

Oh, I get it!  I was just amused at how confused Witney was.  I'm willing to bet Mormons do not "turn up" for temple.

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My response to most instances of someone being called out as a ringer the last few seasons is, then why aren't they better?

I'll never dismiss a contestant for being a ringer if they are one, but I will if I think others are superior dancers.

Edited by lavenderblue
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13 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Considering how grumpy he is, he probably hates her for the same reason she annoys the hell out of me; that damn never-ending pageant grin.

She may be annoying, but as a judge, he's supposed to be grading her dancing, not her personality. In whose universe is she one point better than Spicer? The stupid judges are the ones to blame for Spicey being on so long. They can shove their "shock" up their asses.

5 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

What professinal training Ally has. James mother owned a damn dance studio, u can tell he is trained big time with his extensions and everything. Ally isnt trained. She wasnt in the pussycat dolls group who were all trained dancers, it was 5th harmony, normani was the only one trained.

I like James, but Dude is an obvious ringer.

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2 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

What professinal training Ally has. James mother owned a damn dance studio, u can tell he is trained big time with his extensions and everything. Ally isnt trained. She wasnt in the pussycat dolls group who were all trained dancers, it was 5th harmony, normani was the only one trained.

Was Ally lying?  She said it on GMA that she had choreograph dance training, experience with Fifth Harmony, even though it wasn't ballroom.

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3 minutes ago, tealeaves said:

Was Ally lying?  She said it on GMA that she had choreograph dance training, experience with Fifth Harmony, even though it wasn't ballroom.

choreograph dance training that she wasnt good at, it was hiphop and she struggled with it. All the girls had the choreograph training on GMA but when it comes down to real training, real ringer type sh*t Ally doesnt fit the bill. The only experience Ally truly has from being in the group is stage performance u can tell that but her dance training, nope.

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12 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

Oh, I get it!  I was just amused at how confused Witney was.  I'm willing to bet Mormons do not "turn up" for temple.

Now I have been to all white Pentecostal church and honey, when they turn up they turn up, they right up there with black churches. I have actually had the chance to go to a Mormon service and yep no turnup at all, LOL.

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So Spicer is finally gone.  His dancing looked like Peter Boyle's "Putting on the Ritz" in Young Frankenstein except that Boyle was ten times better. 😀  I wonder if a lot of right wing blog sites will be claiming that the vote was rigged. Oh well, Make America Glad Again!  Last night may have saved DWTS from two consecutive final results debacles and insured its renewal.  The semi-finals should shape up well with contestants ranging from good to very good.  I have feeling that James is not going to get the Mirror Ball Trophy though.  One thing that has struck me more this season is that maybe it's time to get a new judges panel. Len gets grumpier every season and more unfair and nit picky in some of his critiques and scores. Bruno's act has gotten old and Carrie Ann gets pretty loopy at times.  Maybe she stays to insure continuity but some new blood wouldn't hurt.  I'd like to see how Tom, the consummate professional, would interact with new faces.  I'm sure that he would be as good as ever, maybe even better because his ever sharp wit would be aimed in different directions.

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38 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

What professinal training Ally has. James mother owned a damn dance studio, u can tell he is trained big time with his extensions and everything. Ally isnt trained. She wasnt in the pussycat dolls group who were all trained dancers, it was 5th harmony, normani was the only one trained.

To be fair, even though his mother's a dancer, it doesn't mean he is. He has more on an in on the dance world, yes, and he has an advantage, but that doesn't make him a ringer if he hasn't taken dance lessons. I believe he's even said that the first instance of actual dancing he did was for "Don't Trust the B". 

I know Hannah said that she's taken a few years of dance classes (not sure how many), and Ally had some (professional?) dance classes for her girl group, but I'd say they have a dance advantage, rather than them being outright ringers. But that can, obviously, be argued, especially for Hannah. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

To be fair, even though his mother's a dancer, it doesn't mean he is. He has more on an in on the dance world, yes, and he has an advantage, but that doesn't make him a ringer if he hasn't taken dance lessons. I believe he's even said that the first instance of actual dancing he did was for "Don't Trust the B". 

I know Hannah said that she's taken a few years of dance classes (not sure how many), and Ally had some (professional?) dance classes for her girl group, but I'd say they have a dance advantage, rather than them being outright ringers. But that can, obviously, be argued, especially for Hannah. 

The bottom line its no definite ringers this season. A few dance classes and training here and there do not make u a ringer. Noone has just a great standout technique than maybe James even tho his scores tell a different story but again noone is ringerish this season.

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James' Bye Bye Bye jazz routine was fun to watch.

The choreography in that number was off the charts. My goodness, the things James can do with his body . . . all I can say is that his wife must be one happy woman. No wonder they have so many children.

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I was flipping channels so only saw a few dances, then flipped away so I didn't have to listen to CAI and Bruno. They are so exhausting with their Look-At-Me OTT comments and flinging themselves around. I did tune back at the end to see who would be going home while Spicer stayed another week. I have to say, I was stunned, gobsmacked! I had figured him to win the whole thing. You mean now we have to actually watch and discuss the dances for real? Say it ain't so! Heh.

I'm for Hannah leaving next. As someone who does watch that franchise, her expiration date is WAY past. And if she had a problem with her outfit, why not say something before the show, when she's being fitted, instead of tugging at her boobs and talking all about it during her interview. "Check out how my boobs are almost falling out, America ... look at ME!" Ugh. Can't stand her.

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2 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

I like James, but Dude is an obvious ringer.

He's an obvious ringer? How so? Because he's good? Because his mom owned a dance studio? Not seeing the obvious here.

Honestly, the closest I think anyone is to being a ringer this season is Hannah. I don't include Ally. Just because someone is in a boy band/girl band and has done choreography doesn't mean they're a ringer - at least not IMO. The kind of dancing those groups do is not the same as ballroom. Do those contestants (and other contestants like Kate who did some dancing in college) have a leg up on those who never danced professionally whatsoever - sure - still doesn't make them a ringer.

I think (what I know about Hannah is just from here) is she did have years of dance training but I'm not sure for how long, how long ago it was, and what type of dancing. To me, I don't feel like she comes across as an obvious ringer because she's not miles away from the other contestants in terms of ability.

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12 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

I have to admit something and I hate to, but I think Sean actually improved a bit with Jenna as his teacher. There, I admitted it. (i dislike Jenna, a lot )

I'm indifferent to Jenna.  I like Lindsay more.  However, I do think Sean's best dance was his last one. 

11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

If there was any question as to who the worst dancer left on the show was at this point, the opening number made it abundantly clear. Stompy McStomperson could barely do a step clap in time to the music. Having all three of the male celebs standing next to each other doing the same moves provided a pretty stark contrast between Kel and James looking totally comfortable doing these simple steps and Spicy struggling to do the simplest thing.

It just annoys the shit out of me when terrible dancers last this long on the show and other people who are way better dancers are eliminated. I don't need to see someone with no rhythm compete week after week. I'd much rather see someone like Kate or even Sailor have the opportunity to learn a new dance style and improve.

Spicy's Argentine tango was what he does every week. Walk walk walk. Pose. Stand still while female dances around him. Seriously, there was a full 10 seconds in a row where his feet didn't move at all.

I liked Hannah's salsa. I thought there was a lot of content and most of it was done cleanly (especially considering the tempo). Heh, for all of the "Hannah took dance classes" talk, when she did that series of lifts in the middle, her feet gave her away as a non dancer.

James' Bye Bye Bye jazz routine was fun to watch. I loved that as soon as the routine was over, he dropped his boy band persona and looked so excited and happy. Based on his performance, I think Emma could have given him even more challenging choreography.

Hannah's tango was good. Her footwork was strong, her carriage was strong, and she was aggressive about attacking the routine without getting sloppy.

THANK GOODNESS the right person was finally eliminated. Now we can get down to the business of dancing for spots in the finale. The three best dancers are James, Hannah, and Kel so I hope Lauren and Ally are eliminated next (both of whom are inconsistent week to week).

LOL on the opening number!!  I thought the same thing.  Kel and James looked really good and Sean was just embarrassing.  Agree that he just mostly stands and poses while Lindsay or Jenna dance around him.

Hannah's salsa was good except for the lifts but she should have received higher scores for her tango.  Plus she had the right attitude and wasn't just smiling all the way through.

James' jazz was entertaining and I also thought he should have scored higher. 

Yes, Sean should have left before Sailor, Karamo, and Kate.  It is frustrating when I just want to see decent dancing.  I'm happy because I thought Sean would be in the finals.  This is actually better than last year since Joe was in the semi-finals and you know who won. 

Everyone that is left is good.  I agree with your final three and think James should win.  I think Lauren is the weakest one left.  She's also partnered with Gleb.  I would root for her more if she was partnered with Artem.

2 hours ago, vdw84 said:

Black churches as I can speak on this since im black, we can get pretty turn up, I hate to say black churches because really we all suppose to worship together but it is what it is and the truth of the matter is we worship totally different than others.

What professinal training Ally has. James mother owned a damn dance studio, u can tell he is trained big time with his extensions and everything. Ally isnt trained. She wasnt in the pussycat dolls group who were all trained dancers, it was 5th harmony, normani was the only one trained.

I live in Utah and I'm Mormon.  I can understand why Witney was confused about turning up for church.

2 hours ago, vdw84 said:

choreograph dance training that she wasnt good at, it was hiphop and she struggled with it. All the girls had the choreograph training on GMA but when it comes down to real training, real ringer type sh*t Ally doesnt fit the bill. The only experience Ally truly has from being in the group is stage performance u can tell that but her dance training, nope.

I agree with what you wrote.  Ally is not a ringer like Normani.  Girl group/boy band choreography is like musical theater choreography.  You just follow and you don't really need to have good technique.  You just need to be synchronized.  Plus the steps are simple. 

I think Hannah has dance training as a child so her lines are better especially with ballroom.  But I thought she would be like Alexis Ren and would suffer with Latin dances.  At first, she was like that and appeared too smiley but she's improved and her technique is better too.  I think James has some training too but only as a kid.  I don't think there's any ringers like a Jordan, Corbin, Nicole, etc. this season.

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The new voting system works. Yay! So happy for the analytics team behind it...

Apologies to TPTB for getting nervous that they weren't explaining salient changes enough. Increasing the total votes that a smaller viewing base could cast was a significant positive change that should be appreciated as much as letting the judges choose from the bottom two. Further apologies for not considering that analytics may have had continued involvement this season. Now that Sean's out at the quarter-finals, I'd call the new system moderately successful. TPTB must be satisfied. They got the controversy and attention they wanted, and will probably get the finalists they expected.

Assuming the producers have been working with the numbers folks, the scoring this season supports that they were comfortable with Sean's presence and controversy so long as he beat presumed low- and mid-tier contestants. Despite viewer concerns, he's probably been near the bottom 2 all season. Reconsidering last week, maybe TPTB thought they had the right set-up for Sean to land in the bottom 2, and maybe the cast & crew sensed that expectation. But then maybe something unexpected happened. (Was last week the first time President Trump tweeted during the show??) In hindsight, last week may have been a genuine surprise not just for the cast and judges, but also for the producers, crew, and analytics team.

For anyone unhappy with the upscoring of Ally and the downscoring of other teams, consider this: It served a double purpose to mathematically protect Ally at the top and to isolate Sean at the bottom. Math details in the spoiler, if you're interested:


Looking at the scoring percentages this week, they gave Ally 1.4% over Kel, 1.9% over James, 2.2% over Hannah, 2.4% over Lauren, 7.2% over Sean. That kind of padding suggests that Ally's well behind in votes, and may have narrowly passed Lauren or Hannah.

This may sound counter-intuitive, but higher scores for Lauren, Hannah, and James would have made it easier for Sean to pass Ally or Kel. It's the opposite of increasing total votes to decrease separations in voting percentage; Decreasing total points to increase separations in scoring percentage. Had the judges given everyone but Sean perfect scores, for example, Ally's advantage over him would have shrunk from 7.2% to 6.7%.

Considering that Sean overcame a 6.4% deficit to overtake Ally last week, they probably wanted to give Ally as much padding as possible. One way to achieve that would be to low score teams with high voting support. My guess is that Lauren finished ahead of Sean in overall scores and votes, but behind everyone else.

Given that the finale appears to be one night, I wouldn't mind a double elimination next week. Three couples works better for a 2 hour finale, imho. That said, they may want a four team finale to ensure that either Kel or Ally or both qualify.

Edited by RomanKat
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The producers could be pushing for a male pro to win this season since it has been a longtime since a female has taken it home. It seems like the ladies r being favored this season. Sasha nor Alan has won the show and I can see them being the final two duking it out for the title. 

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