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S03.E13: Against All Odds/S03.E14: Tell All

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Ceasars friend is cute and she seems to really care for him. But no, Ceasar wants the hot girl that he could never get back home. He is an asshat.

based on the tell all I think Teri's anti-Muslim sentiment was producer driven. Overall she seems to support the marriage and has said nice things about Omar. Of course she is worried and I am completely on board with that.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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4 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

Just to pick a place like Dubai (which sounds really glamourous) who knows what that is really like to LIVE there I don't and I'm sure Muslim teen doesn't either. 

I don't think Avery gives any thought to what it will be like to pay rent, get healthcare, go grocery shopping, she has never had to, Dubai, it will not be easy, language barriers are huge and money will be tight. 

I know it costs $100 (or more these days) to go to the top of the Burj and have tea, there is a shopping mall with tons of expensive stores, what will Avery do all day because it won't be playing tourist and she will not be able to work.

1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Ceasars friend is cute and she seems to really care for him. But no, Ceasar wants the hot girl that he could never get back home. He is an asshat.

He won't get the Ukrainian girl either, no matter how much money he sends her.

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

Maybe the cruelest question I'm ever going to ask in my life --

If you had to HAD TO marry one of them, which one would it be?

Gah...I can't answer

Caesar - he would send me money and I wouldn’t have to live in the same state. Or see him. And I would farm out the sending generic texts to him to an assistant for a cut of the profits. 

Other people are saying Tim and I get having another girlfriend to shop with and get beauty treatments with using his $$, but I wouldn’t put up with all the negativity and catty comments. 

Put way too much thought into this...

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5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I love you too, @MRS. HANSON but I just don't want to believe that Avery is that stupid or unaware about world news, she just can't be, right? 

Much credit to her mother for holding her tongue and not screaming at Avery about how dumb she is, I would not be so nice.

Omar will never have the need for Avery that Avery has for Omar, Mother Avery knows this.

Avery figured that getting married would grease the wheels and get her special treatment In terms of visa approval. It doesn’t appear to me that Omar has any real love for Avery. In fact so don’t even think he even likes her all that much . That comment she made about him being a  2019 Porsche with push start,  in terms of sex,  couldn’t have been something he would like. 

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4 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

No, I think Stacey is always the instigator. Darcey will lash back out at her occasionally, tho. But I have never seen Darcey instigate any meanness toward Stacey or even be in a position to do so, as Darcey is the one who seeks out Stacey's approval (of Jesse and Tom). So far, Stacey always has the upper hand. 

Stacey is the dominant twin. Darcy should have refused to go to Albania, but she tends to defer to Stacey. But Darcy won’t  take ownership of her behavior on that trip. She blames Stacey for”lording” her relationship with Florian over her. But it’s the way Darcy reacts to Staceys  behavior that causes the problem, she gets snippy, snotty and then drunk and sullen. I do think a lot of the advice Stacey gives Darcy is good , valid stuff. Just because Stacey got engaged in two weeks, doesn’t mean Darcy is entitled to the same.  I certainly wouldn’t want to be around those two on a regular basis. Too uncomfortable.  

As far as knowing your partners favorite color... I think it’s more important to know their LEAST favorite color. That way you will know you’re not giving them something they hate!

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Why did Caesar get(fake) tense, nervous when they talked about Maria skyping in?  I thought they were back together again, he sends money and she takes.

I'm fairly certain at some point in the proceedings early on it was indicated that the on-again off-again romance was very much off again.  lol...I think they are kaput now.  

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What is confusing to me is we never saw Cesar actually skyping or facetiming with Maria. Just texting and then videos she sent (to many people), which is why I was sure it was a man or a very ugly woman. But now it is not clear at all, if they have ever talked with her live on the other end.  I think not and I think of all the things, THAT was the red flag. But TLC got us thinking she was a front because of this reason. I am truly baffled by it, that he believed she existed without ever actually skyping live with her. So this is why it is the first time he is "seeing" her. 

At first I thought when he said "Maria is going to be here" that the show flew her to the US. But now he means she will just be live video chat and it will be the "first time" they are seeing each other. I mean WTF? this didn't make him suspicious before? Now I wonder if she is just an actress, that TLC hired, but the voice sounds identical to who he had on the phone in Mexico.

23 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Avery figured that getting married would grease the wheels and get her special treatment In terms of visa approval. It doesn’t appear to me that Omar has any real love for Avery. In fact so don’t even think he even likes her all that much . That comment she made about him being a  2019 Porsche with push start,  in terms of sex,  couldn’t have been something he would like. 

YES exactly! He doesn't like her at all now that he met her in person- face it, she is unlikeable as hell! She has a shitty bratty personality and brings NOTHING to the table.   They both thought that by marrying fast, he could come into the US. HA HA HA HA HA both stupid now he is stuck with her! 

Edited by calpurnia99
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1 hour ago, Cammi said:

I think Tim is freaking weird. Doesn't want sex with a beautiful woman, yet dates single moms... of young girls.... yeah that's not suspect or anything. This is exactly what my male co worker said, when I asked his opinion on the enigma known as Tim. Something ain't right in the milk. Claims not to be gay (not there is anything wrong with that), says he is attracted to Jeniffer (sure his is)- so either he is born again, likes dating single moms of little girls, or he is inching his way to cross dressing by way of coveting beautiful women who inspire him. But dude is strange, and not in a good way imo. Why seek out overly sexual women if he can't seal the deal? Not buying his bs story line, its 100 proof bull. If he is asexual, fine- but then stop online fishing for hot Latinas. If he has a micro- then just admit it ffs!Dude is weird. And I normally love non conformists. But Tim pings my radar of a hidden agenda, at Jeniffer's expense. 

And he claims to be so successful but needs to “save up” for a new ring for her. If he did end up married to her, they would probably have sex maybe once a month. 

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2 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

But I don't think her body was on the screen - I think just her voice on the other end.

yep exactly.  But, it was a woman's voice at least.  There was always the chance it was a completely fake person sending fake pics - an older woman or even a dude with a feminine voice.  But it turns out it was actually the woman in the pics.  It's still a scam though...

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7 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Teem strikes me as a SAM-Smart ass masochist. They’re exhausting.

id marry big Ang. Even  though  she is a Mastiff with a high prey drive that’s been overfed on poor quality dog food. I’d get a four wheeler out of the deal, and all the Schaffer and Funions I could handle. I’d keep trim schlepping over to the Circle K for her smokes, and would win every bar fight with the Vanilla Gorilla as my enforcer. 

Did I mention Tim Bedazzles guns for a living? So, there'd be crafts, too.

I have to solidly object such a fate for our Mu Shu. Angela strikes me as the most likely person to make her next teevee reality appearance on the Investigation Discovery channel.

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16 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Angela is suuuuccchhh trash.  Like, I cannot even start on how much trash she is. She looks raggedy as hell, her attitude is bullshit, and I can't believe she has the gull to have opinions on anyone else.  I did, however, laugh like hell at a ton of shit being stuffed in her gigantic bosoms. 

Every time I saw Angela I knew she reminded me of someone but I couldn't remember who. Then I remembered - Bridget Everett doing her cabaret act.


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29 minutes ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

There was always the chance it was a completely fake person sending fake pics - an older woman or even a dude with a feminine voice.  But it turns out it was actually the woman in the pics.  It's still a scam though...

Maybe the phone scammers used pics of D-list ukrainian celebrities and she was easy to find?

1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

So is Part 2 of the Tell Nothing actually 3 hours tonight? I don't think my idiot meter is prepared for that


Is it 3? I thought it was 1.🍻

4 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

WRT  Tom not scamming Darcey, you need to read the couples thread for them. 

Just bc she gives him money doesn't mean he is scamming. Doesn't the show pay the Americans only? And the foreign partner only gets paid thru the American? That's how the Real Housewives franchise works - only the women get paid. If husbands or boyfriends appear and want to get paid, they have to work that out w/ their wife/girlfriend. But IDK if that's how 90 Day works.

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Poor Darcy. Her sister is so jealous of her because Darcy is the one that landed 3 season's (so far)  on the show and she didn't. All she gets are a few guest spots. So she will punish her twin with her awful nasty comments to Darcy just to make herself feel better. Her jealousy is seething out of her pores. Of course Darcy is too stupid to see this and just ignore the bitch. 

This mkes so much sense and explains what had been baffling me since the beginning. Stacey was always the alpha twin and is seething w/ jealousy that she didn't get the tv show.

3 hours ago, Jel said:

Maybe the cruelest question I'm ever going to ask in my life --

If you had to HAD TO marry one of them, which one would it be?

Gah...I can't answer

Omar...bc he's kinda cute 😋

Tim would be my 2nd choice. Just for the shopping and babysitting.

2 hours ago, lh25 said:

I wonder if the small fish are less likely to catch on that they are being scammed, and less likely to do something about it once/if they realize they are?

I think the DUMB BUT ENTITLED DELUSIONAL PRICKS are the least likely to catch on. Well done, Maria! 🥂🥇💲💅

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I suspect you get a couple of hundred a month from a bunch of delusional fools you can live pretty well in the Ukraine.  I don't think for a minute she took herself to Dubai - some sugar daddy flew her in there all expenses paid.  She's a beautiful girl - she might as well make the money while she can.  I suspect the only thing that would make her quit her current line of business if she managed to hook a rich old sugar daddy who would move her to the United States but that takes more finesse than she might have, especially if she is for real and has now made an appearance on a television show.

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17 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Maybe the phone scammers used pics of D-list ukrainian celebrities and she was easy to find?

Is it 3? I thought it was 1.🍻

Just bc she gives him money doesn't mean he is scamming. Doesn't the show pay the Americans only? And the foreign partner only gets paid thru the American? That's how the Real Housewives franchise works - only the women get paid. If husbands or boyfriends appear and want to get paid, they have to work that out w/ their wife/girlfriend. But IDK if that's how 90 Day works.

This mkes so much sense and explains what had been baffling me since the beginning. Stacey was always the alpha twin and is seething w/ jealousy that she didn't get the tv show.

Omar...bc he's kinda cute 😋

Tim would be my 2nd choice. Just for the shopping and babysitting.

I think the DUMB BUT ENTITLED DELUSIONAL PRICKS are the least likely to catch on. Well done, Maria! 🥂🥇💲💅

If Ceasar is an actor, i'm the queen of England....I'd go for JEREMY ALL DAY LONG

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Avery loves the attention she’s getting from everyone , mom, granny, her brother, the attorney. Everything is high drama and hand wringing. No one has ever been in love and had obstacles to being together, only Avery. It’s just so unfair. 

Tom complaining about Darcy calling at 4/5 am and sending huge amounts of texts, with her denying it was  laughable. You know she primped   herself up in full glam, tossed back a bottle of wine and convinced herself that he would want to get woke up at 4 am to listen to her prattle on about so much nothing. 

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2 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Avery loves the attention she’s getting from everyone , mom, granny, her brother, the attorney. Everything is high drama and hand wringing. No one has ever been in love and had obstacles to being together, only Avery. It’s just so unfair. 

Tom complaining about Darcy calling at 4/5 am and sending huge amounts of texts, with her denying it was  laughable. You know she primped   herself up in full glam, tossed back a bottle of wine and convinced herself that he would want to get woke up at 4 am to listen to her prattle on about so much nothing. 

She declared “I’m busy too!”  Um, she doesn’t have a job and she shares custody.  How busy can she be?

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

Ppl can say what they want about Darcey, but she's a nice person. i've never observed her doing anything intentionally mean or petty. Prbly the ONLY person in this franchise who hasn't.

I know Jesse accused Darcey of catfishing him, but I thought the attractiveness gap between Tom’s photos and his actual face was much wider. Maybe it’s because when Tom wears a turtleneck, he resembles my second grade gym teacher, Mrs. Parini? Anyway, for some reason I get the feeling that Darcey was much kinder to Tom than he would have been to her if she showed up only semi-resembling the pictures she had sent.

4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Speaking of Tim. Both him and Jesse were wearing waistcoats/vests, I am really starting to associate that choice in wardrobe to douchebags. Am I wrong?


Can someone promise me that after tonight, I’ll never have to hear Akinyi’s whining or crying again? Honest to God, I’d rather give up my car for a year and rely on the Phoenix bus system than listen to that girl’s nails-on-chalkboard wailing.

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3 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:
7 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

I know Jesse accused Darcey of catfishing him, but I thought the attractiveness gap between Tom’s photos and his actual face was much wider. Maybe it’s because when Tom wears a turtleneck, he resembles my second grade gym teacher, Mrs. Parini? Anyway, for some reason I get the feeling that Darcey was much kinder to Tom than he would have been to her if she showed up only semi-resembling the pictures she had sent.

Tom and Darcey Skyped for years so even if his pics were enhanced she knew what he looked like.  Apparently Jesse and Darcey didn’t because Jesse didn’t recognize her at the airport.

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1 hour ago, itsadryheat said:

Curious on the back story of how Caesar got into his profession. My brain shuts down when I try to think about it.

Caesar said that his first love got him into the nail business. They were together 13 years. Her face was blurred but I think she was Asian. I wondered why he did not switch to trying to find a women from an Asian country?  Maybe Tarik could take Caesar on his next trip to see Hazel and set him up with an actual women! 

I wonder , 13 years with someone without marriage? kids or commitment? 

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15 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I know Jesse accused Darcey of catfishing him, but I thought the attractiveness gap between Tom’s photos and his actual face was much wider. Maybe it’s because when Tom wears a turtleneck, he resembles my second grade gym teacher, Mrs. Parini? Anyway, for some reason I get the feeling that Darcey was much kinder to Tom than he would have been to her if she showed up only semi-resembling the pictures she had sent.


Can someone promise me that after tonight, I’ll never have to hear Akinyi’s whining or crying again? Honest to God, I’d rather give up my car for a year and rely on the Phoenix bus system than listen to that girl’s nails-on-chalkboard wailing.

I agree about her voice, but add in his too.  His whiny voice makes my skin crawl.

6 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I wonder , 13 years with someone without marriage? kids or commitment? 

Ok, I need the industrial size gasoline soaked drawers, but the first thing I thought of was.....would you want to have a child with his ears?

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Maria looks, dresses, and acts like a soap opera villain.  I can not seem to decide if this is for real or an over the top persona she's doing for the cameras.  If so, she's a pretty good actress because her callousness seems pretty sincere.  She knows she has this poor american looser wrapped around her finger and is completely unapologetic about it.

I can't figure out Tom's game.  At first I was thinking he was just being nice to her in the final days of the trip for the cameras and just to get through it til she went home.  So I was not at all surprised when he broke up with their already not actually a relationship once she got home.  But then at the Tell All they're....still not a couple according to him but also not NOT a couple?
Darcey just wants this fairy tale happily ever after without any realization that that's a fantasy and what it takes to actually be in a happy healthy relationship.
I kind of want a spin off show where Tom's sister just tells it like it is.

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2 hours ago, RoxiP said:

I suspect you get a couple of hundred a month from a bunch of delusional fools you can live pretty well in the Ukraine.  I don't think for a minute she took herself to Dubai - some sugar daddy flew her in there all expenses paid.  She's a beautiful girl - she might as well make the money while she can.  I suspect the only thing that would make her quit her current line of business if she managed to hook a rich old sugar daddy who would move her to the United States but that takes more finesse than she might have, especially if she is for real and has now made an appearance on a television show.

When her friends asked her about Dubai and if she wen with anyone she said "I will tell you later." I see you Maria

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LOL.  Darcy's face when she realized that the only person who understood her bathroom ho bath was big Ange.  Priceless.  

Big Ange probably used just as much of whatever angel knockoff body fantasies fragrance she has.  

Ug, Darcy must have stank like an old school French hooker.  She aimed at least 8 angel spray pumps at her unwashed cooch.  

  • LOL 5
1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

Caesar said that his first love got him into the nail business. They were together 13 years. Her face was blurred but I think she was Asian. I wondered why he did not switch to trying to find a women from an Asian country?  Maybe Tarik could take Caesar on his next trip to see Hazel and set him up with an actual women! 

I wonder , 13 years with someone without marriage? kids or commitment? 

Is his weirdly half nailpolished finger a tribute to her?  JFC, man youre on TV amd you want to be an actor, surely you have 99 for some nail polish remover.

2 hours ago, RoxiP said:

I suspect you get a couple of hundred a month from a bunch of delusional fools you can live pretty well in the Ukraine.  I don't think for a minute she took herself to Dubai - some sugar daddy flew her in there all expenses paid.  She's a beautiful girl - she might as well make the money while she can.  I suspect the only thing that would make her quit her current line of business if she managed to hook a rich old sugar daddy who would move her to the United States but that takes more finesse than she might have, especially if she is for real and has now made an appearance on a television show.

She can put on the finesse for a big enough bank account I'm sure.  Not for Mr ramen and coupon eggs.

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Poor Darcy. Her sister is so jealous of her because Darcy is the one that landed 3 season's (so far)  on the show and she didn't. All she gets are a few guest spots. So she will punish her twin with her awful nasty comments to Darcy just to make herself feel better. Her jealousy is seething out of her pores. Of course Darcy is too stupid to see this and just ignore the bitch. 

Also, hasn't she been engaged since the dawn of time.  If marriage is the endgame neither has won....and only one needs to financially fund her man. 

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