Sew Sumi October 16, 2019 Share October 16, 2019 I don't think the stroke was ever confirmed, more like the paramedics making an assumption based on medical history Deann gave them. The cause of death on her certificate is drowning. 3 Link to comment
Absolom October 16, 2019 Share October 16, 2019 She's the one who posted it. That's all I have. The immediate cause would have been drowning. When I read the paramedic explanation it was speculation on a thread. As I said it was what she said. 2 Link to comment
doodlebug October 16, 2019 Share October 16, 2019 On 10/16/2019 at 11:18 PM, Absolom said: She's the one who posted it. That's all I have. The immediate cause would have been drowning. When I read the paramedic explanation it was speculation on a thread. As I said it was what she said. Expand And, since we know Mary had already had a series of strokes less than a year ago, it is not implausible that she had another one and fell into the pool. 11 Link to comment
Sew Sumi October 16, 2019 Share October 16, 2019 Oh, I agree. But it's Deanna's assumption, nothing official. Hell, I was probably among the first to suspect a stroke causing the fall on these boards. 1 Link to comment
sATL October 16, 2019 Share October 16, 2019 (edited) RE: my earlier post - here are the details, written by a viewer but the facts are there on GrandPa Duggar passing and when that episode aired ... Edited October 16, 2019 by sATL 1 1 Link to comment
Absolom October 16, 2019 Share October 16, 2019 They list the immediate cause of death on the death certificate in Arkansas. My step-dad died of "pneumonia." Yet the real reason he died was metastatic prostate cancer. That's what lead to the pneumonia when he had a growth in his throat. Yeah, he died in Arkansas also. Not expansive on his death certificate either. I wasn't there. I don't know for a fact, but I'd trust Deanna over the internet or based on my experience a skimpy AR death certificate. Move 'em through folks. All in all it doesn't really matter. The person is gone. 7 Link to comment
lulu69 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/16/2019 at 11:24 PM, sATL said: RE: my earlier post - here are the details, written by a viewer but the facts are there on GrandPa Duggar passing and when that episode aired ... Expand Typical JB, too cheap to pay for flowers for his own father's funeral - just tape some posies on the casket smh. I love how at his funeral Jimmy was remembered as being a 'Jesus loving' man but years later his own son will take every opportunity to bash him in public for not being religious enough. Yeah JB, your father was abusive because he wasn't religious enough for you. Douchbag. 21 Link to comment
tabloidlover October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 I lost serious IQ points watching this shitshow tonight. Most romantic date as judged by their PARENTS?! What in the blue dilly fuck is that creepiness? None of the dates looked romantic at all but I’ve only been married 28 years, so what do I know? Everything is romantic when you’ve been banging for a hot second.... because it’s NEW! Ben and Jessa are the most seasoned of the group and they’ve got a hot minute at best. So dumb Lauren is a hot mess express and needs serious mental health help. She’s so extra with everything she does. Their biggest struggle was “in sickness and health” because Josiah had to nurse her back to health? I swear, her miscarriage story grows every time she tells it. This is why it’s hard to feel sympathy, she’s giving herself plenty. I do believe Joy and Austin along with John and Abbie are having the best sex of all of them. 6 17 Link to comment
Bayarea4 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 I thought I detected a flash of annoyance on Jana's face when she was asked about getting married. She must be so tired of that. But of course it only lasted for a microsecond before she switched back to her default "keep sweet" mode. Abbie's eyebrows should have their own show. 4 11 Link to comment
MsJamieDornan October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/16/2019 at 7:21 PM, sheshark said: Jim Boob and Meechelle could not contain their glee in being front and center and leading the whole pack in this disgusting episode. I e-mailed TLC about having the unindicted co-conspirators in the starring roles. I am really sick about it, they are no better than felons, pimps and child abusers. Expand Everyone here should express their hate to TLC. I would if I could just figure out how to do it. 9 Link to comment
Popular Post GeeGolly October 17, 2019 Popular Post Share October 17, 2019 (edited) Wow, the miscarriage "tried to pull Josiah and Lauren apart"? I've heard of chronic illness putting a strain on marriages. I've heard of losing a child putting a strain on marriages. I've heard of ongoing infertility putting a strain on marriages. Something's wrong with your marriage in the first place, if a miscarriage in your first year of marriage tries to pull you apart. Or you're just a lying drama queen. Edited October 17, 2019 by GeeGolly 39 Link to comment
Popular Post Scarlett45 October 17, 2019 Author Popular Post Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 10:45 AM, GeeGolly said: Wow, the miscarriage "tried to pull Josiah and Lauren apart"? I've heard of chronic illness putting a strain of marriages. I've heard of losing a child putting a strain on marriages. I've heard of ongoing infertility putting a strain on marriages. Something's wrong with your marriage in the first place, if a miscarriage in your first year of marriage tries to pull you apart. Or you're just a lying drama queen. Expand Yeah- Lauren really annoyed me with that one. I’ve been trying to be sympathetic to her feelings around her spontaneous abortion. (I personally prefer the medical term, “miscarriage” to me seems to put blame on the woman/her uterus for not carrying something, nope). I understand being happy to get that pregnancy test and being sad afterwards. That’s perfectly human. But lady you were NOT sick. You’re not sick! What’s this “In sickness and in health” bullshit- one first trimester spontaneous abortion does not make you sick!!!! Infertility doesn’t make you sick either. And she/Josiah are not infertile!!! She says she cries every day about it? Being an awful person I thought she must not have anything else to think about then because good grief. 42 Link to comment
Churchhoney October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 (edited) They're all self-absorbed, self-dramatizing wildly arrogant idiots. Problem is, as people tune in to watch them for years and years and follow them on social media and so on, it makes them more and more arrogant, self-absorbed and self-dramatizing and moves them further and further from having any realistic view of life or of themselves or of changing for the better in any way. Because they -- understandably -- come to believe more and more that they are special and important and very widely admired -- just the way they are. Just look at that happening to Jeremy and Lauren, right before our eyes. I'd bet quite a bit that, while they were certainly annoying jerks before they became TeeVee and social media "stars," they now give themselves even more latitude to flaunt their self-dramatizing, braggart ways -- and feel even more self-satisfied with their own behavior.....Because now they have the seal of approval provided by having over a million people deliberately watching every little thing they do. They must be super-special, highly attractive, leaders of the human race if that's true, right? And that's the effect even if hundreds of thousands of those who watch them are so-called hate watchers. Because the "hate watchers" and "hate followers" build their numbers and keep them on the air and buy them "influence" and, in Jer's case, for example, jobs and credentials and fawning fans. Those results and those numbers and their persistence on TeeVee are the only things they see. And why wouldn't they? If a million-plus people find you interesting and admirable enough to waste hours watching you on TeeVee, you must be hella admirable and interesting. Pretty much anyone would think that. And the dumber and more ignorant and younger you were when it started happening the more you'd absolutely believe it. So, bad as they would be without the TeeVee show, it seems clear to me that with the TeeVee show they're even stupider and worse behaved and way more arrogant than they would be otherwise. They get watched and paid and photographed as celebrities for just acting like their stupid selves on television and Instagram. And because they get watched and paid, they're certainly not going to conclude that anything they do is stupid. ..... Look at JB and M. They've been consistently rewarded for just being themselves -- ever since their near-criminal misbehavior in the Josh incident.... and the rewards just keep on coming. Why would they not be arrogant and absolutely adamant that they're tip-top among righteous role models? Fame is to blame for a fairly hefty proportion of all the things we complain about in the Duggars, in my opinion. And, of course, it also bears a fairly hefty proportion of the blame for the fact that none of them question the idiotic -- and mean and discriminatory -- premises they live by. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose -- and because of their fame they have a ton of stuff to lose by risking any fundamental change. So their parents' idiocy carries on into another generation. Edited October 17, 2019 by Churchhoney 21 Link to comment
LongDenimFrumper October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 (edited) Jim Boob and Meeeechele have definitely wormed their way back onto the TEE VEE. I hate that they are getting so much air time again. Lauren... I don't even know where to start. It was super uncomfortable in the beginning of the episode where Lauren was sitting on Josiah's lap just starring directly at his face. I think she was trying to do the fundie wife adoration stare but it came off so CREEPY/ unnatural/ forced/staged. She is one weird little girl. More proof that this cult produces some of the strangest people. I used to think that Lauren was the unlucky one who got married off to Josiah because they were in a rush to marry him off to anyone due to the "Josiah is GAY" rumors going round.... now I just feel incredibly sad for Josiah because I can't imagine living with that girl everyday. I can barely stand to watch her on the show. Jessa looked like a cone head. I wish she and Jill would cut a good 12 inches off of their hair. Ick. I'd really love to know how Jeremy and Jinger are affording to buy a home in L.A. Some of the couples seem to be hard up for cash and some of them seem ok but none of them work a real job. I don't get it. Jeremy must have some funds from somewhere.... couldn't be from his soccer days because that was quite some time ago. I've noticed Joe and Kendra seem to have a pretty cushy life compared to the others too. Nicer home, vehicles, things, etc. I'm sure there is some kind of family hierarchy. Edited October 17, 2019 by LongDenimFrumper 10 Link to comment
RebeccatheWriter October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 I would not have been happy with any of the romantic dates, especially knowing that Jim Bob and Michelle would be watching footage of it. Clearly Anna and Josh were part of the whole thing, as there were too many forced "four couples" mentioned and all their kids were there for babysitting (yeah right - Jana probably watched all of them). Flip a penny at every intersection? Ummmm I'm thinking no. Just go where you want to go. What if you ended up at a cemetery, sanitation center, etc.? I'm not into make it yourself dates either like the chocolate thing. I would rather just have my chocolate and not know how it was made. A cooking class would be fun, but that doesn't really cut it. Was it just me or was Josiah a bit snippy with Lauren when they switched horses. He said something like the horse wasn't behaving badly for him so it must have been her. Those two are miserable. Abbie seems like the most natural and easy going of the girls. She doesn't freak out and get all tense in front of the camera. But the pilot thing is getting a bit old. I'm a writer. I don't go around writing crap for everyone to remind them. Financial discussions are a necessary evil in life, but not very good date night conversation. Jana's getting a little salty in her old age. I usually hate the Austin and Joy talking heads, but he was actually comfortable and personable this time. Who slipped him a drink beforehand? 14 Link to comment
Natalie68 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/16/2019 at 2:05 AM, Chicklet said: Yawn. I was however, rewarded by getting to see Spurgeon and Meredith bite each other. The only excitement in the whole hour of my life that was totally wasted. I never want to see any Duggars kiss someone. For the love of god stop the madness. Expand Maybe this is icky to think about but after watching this show I am left with the burning question. Is that how they always kiss each other? Lips firmly closed with zero passion? Have they not seen real movie kisses? Have they not seen other couples kiss? I mean they most likely aren't watching RHOC with Tamra shoving her tongue down Brawnwyn's throat but man, a kiss like that isn't getting any fires burning. 3 Link to comment
FizzyPuff October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/16/2019 at 11:24 PM, sATL said: RE: my earlier post - here are the details, written by a viewer but the facts are there on GrandPa Duggar passing and when that episode aired ... Expand Couldn’t stop laughing at this 😂 “The Duggars arrive at the church for the viewing. Jim Bob explains to the children that they will see Grandpa’s body, but his spirit is not in his body anymore. He says that they will not see Grandpa’s body again after today, but they will see him in heaven if they believe in God. Pretty much the only reason I don’t believe in God is because I don’t want there to be any chance in hell that I will get into heaven and see the Duggars’ big fat stupid sweaty faces for all eternity” 18 Link to comment
Natalie68 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/16/2019 at 4:37 PM, flyingdi said: Off topic, I know, but this Plath family they advertised look like they are one tragedy away from having to go live in their grandmother's attic. Expand All I know is it makes me wonder what scandal is going to come flying out of their closet. This seems to be the fundy MO. Go on tv, think your secrets will remain, then they come flying out and we find out you are a creeper. 4 Link to comment
sATL October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 3:56 PM, Natalie68 said: All I know is it makes me wonder what scandal is going to come flying out of their closet. This seems to be the fundy MO. Go on tv, think your secrets will remain, then they come flying out and we find out you are a creeper. Expand let me flip over to the Bates thread...trying to remember what secret(s) popped out concerning them... Link to comment
Natalie68 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 4:18 PM, sATL said: let me flip over to the Bates thread...trying to remember what secret(s) popped out concerning them... Expand The only thing I can think of are the questionable pics in the certain room in their house. Can't remember the deets but someone Klan adjacent. There is also their close connection to Gothard etc. 3 Link to comment
PikaScrewChu October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 12:23 PM, Churchhoney said: They're all self-absorbed, self-dramatizing wildly arrogant idiots. Problem is, as people tune in to watch them for years and years and follow them on social media and so on, it makes them more and more arrogant, self-absorbed and self-dramatizing and moves them further and further from having any realistic view of life or of themselves or of changing for the better in any way. Because they -- understandably -- come to believe more and more that they are special and important and very widely admired -- just the way they are. Just look at that happening to Jeremy and Lauren, right before our eyes. I'd bet quite a bit that, while they were certainly annoying jerks before they became TeeVee and social media "stars," they now give themselves even more latitude to flaunt their self-dramatizing, braggart ways -- and feel even more self-satisfied with their own behavior.....Because now they have the seal of approval provided by having over a million people deliberately watching every little thing they do. They must be super-special, highly attractive, leaders of the human race if that's true, right? And that's the effect even if hundreds of thousands of those who watch them are so-called hate watchers. Because the "hate watchers" and "hate followers" build their numbers and keep them on the air and buy them "influence" and, in Jer's case, for example, jobs and credentials and fawning fans. Those results and those numbers and their persistence on TeeVee are the only things they see. And why wouldn't they? If a million-plus people find you interesting and admirable enough to waste hours watching you on TeeVee, you must be hella admirable and interesting. Pretty much anyone would think that. And the dumber and more ignorant and younger you were when it started happening the more you'd absolutely believe it. So, bad as they would be without the TeeVee show, it seems clear to me that with the TeeVee show they're even stupider and worse behaved and way more arrogant than they would be otherwise. They get watched and paid and photographed as celebrities for just acting like their stupid selves on television and Instagram. And because they get watched and paid, they're certainly not going to conclude that anything they do is stupid. ..... Look at JB and M. They've been consistently rewarded for just being themselves -- ever since their near-criminal misbehavior in the Josh incident.... and the rewards just keep on coming. Why would they not be arrogant and absolutely adamant that they're tip-top among righteous role models? Fame is to blame for a fairly hefty proportion of all the things we complain about in the Duggars, in my opinion. And, of course, it also bears a fairly hefty proportion of the blame for the fact that none of them question the idiotic -- and mean and discriminatory -- premises they live by. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose -- and because of their fame they have a ton of stuff to lose by risking any fundamental change. So their parents' idiocy carries on into another generation. Expand Sometimes I even question posting here. If (and that is a big if) I watch the show or clips of the show I make sure it is through a medium where TLC cannot count the clicks or views. I don't follow or engage on IG with any of them. Do I just go for the whole shebang and pretend the Duggars don't exist? I think about it every once in a while. I've been taking longer and longer breaks from reading about them and/or participating here and on Reddit. Decisions, decisions. 5 Link to comment
PradaKitty October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 Lauren needs to stop this (what my father would have called “happy high school horse shit”) whining about “losing” her “precious Asa”. I feel so much sympathy for Joy and Austin having to hear this. THEY suffered a loss. Lauren had a heavy period! 17 Link to comment
lascuba October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 So this wasn't the episode where they talk about Jinger wearing pants and what Michelle thought about it? (An episode that would have made sense back when Jill started wearing pants.) 1 2 3 Link to comment
Barb23 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 3:50 PM, Natalie68 said: Maybe this is icky to think about but after watching this show I am left with the burning question. Is that how they always kiss each other? Lips firmly closed with zero passion? Have they not seen real movie kisses? Have they not seen other couples kiss? I mean they most likely aren't watching RHOC with Tamra shoving her tongue down Brawnwyn's throat but man, a kiss like that isn't getting any fires burning. Expand Don't forget JD & Abbie told us they don't believe in a quick peck type of kiss but in a longer kiss. (Paraphrasing) Then they had to show us what they meant. Ugh!! (I know a lot of people like JD & Abbie but I just can't with all the lovey dovey talk between them, especially JD. I know he's ecstatic he finally found the woman of his dreams at his age but I'm over their cutesy wutesy talk. Keep it to yourselves.) 17 Link to comment
RebeccatheWriter October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 3:56 PM, Natalie68 said: All I know is it makes me wonder what scandal is going to come flying out of their closet. This seems to be the fundy MO. Go on tv, think your secrets will remain, then they come flying out and we find out you are a creeper. Expand I think this is especially true of TLC fundy families. I don't know who does TLC's vetting process, but they need to step it up a little more. It may have been a blessing for the Bates that their TLC show was cancelled. On 10/17/2019 at 4:22 PM, Natalie68 said: The only thing I can think of are the questionable pics in the certain room in their house. Can't remember the deets but someone Klan adjacent. There is also their close connection to Gothard etc. Expand The pictures were of people they considered patriots, including several confederate generals. The most notable was Nathan Bedford Forrest who played a major role in the massacre of black soldiers at Fort Pillow, and his 1867–1869 leadership of the white-supremacist and terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan. Additionally, there are the animal issues with them of the nearly starving horses that were cut out of an episode of 19KAC after backlash. Then there is Gothard, who not only attended Erin Bates Paine's wedding, but was honored with a birthday cake. Gil Bates has had a share of controversies for serving on the board of directors. 4 13 Link to comment
Natalie68 October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 6:21 PM, RebeccatheWriter said: I think this is especially true of TLC fundy families. I don't know who does TLC's vetting process, but they need to step it up a little more. It may have been a blessing for the Bates that their TLC show was cancelled. The pictures were of people they considered patriots, including several confederate generals. The most notable was Nathan Bedford Forrest who played a major role in the massacre of black soldiers at Fort Pillow, and his 1867–1869 leadership of the white-supremacist and terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan. Additionally, there are the animal issues with them of the nearly starving horses that were cut out of an episode of 19KAC after backlash. Then there is Gothard, who not only attended Erin Bates Paine's wedding, but was honored with a birthday cake. Gil Bates has had a share of controversies for serving on the board of directors. Expand Thank you for filling in what I could not remember! 1 Link to comment
floridamom October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 Lauren needs to step back in the 3rd row now..sorry, but Joy Anna and Tyler's mother have suffered losses as well. I understand that a clump of 5 week old cells coming together is very much 'life' to many people but those cells did not have awareness or any possibility of survival. JoyAnna's baby can't compare to that and certainly, Michelle's niece had a live birth and that child lived for one month.. Lauren, grow up and maybe learn something from Anna Duggar who also had a very early miscarriage after Mackye. You have never heard her utter a word about such suffering after she announced it. Move on, Lauren and enjoy this child you will be giving birth to and quit bringing this child 'bad vibes'. Josiah must hate going home after whatever it is that he's doing all day. 15 Link to comment
floridamom October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 I also find that pitting one child against the other in competition like these parents do is awful. I thought they were each other's best friend? Did those siblings fall off the best friend list upon marriage when their new spouses suddenly became their best friends EVER???? None of these couples had relaxed personal time together. Lolli and Pops are always watching. Those topics of conversation they 'gave them' are not relaxation time, vow challenges? What the heck is wrong with them and their writers/producers? I also bet the farm the Jana being asked the 'marriage question' yet again will NOT BE ANSWERED by her. She will take a deep breath, roll her eyes and use words like "the Lord", "God" and contentment. She will respond but never answer. This grown ass woman will be 30 yrs old in January. Sad. Her lovely twin, John David is just creepy. He may be very happy with his choice in Abbie but why does he always look like he needs a shower and has to floss and brush his teeth? I agree that he may be more in love with his plane than with Abbie. That damn thing is glued to his hip. Jessa's pile of hair under that hairnet looked ridiculous. Yes, she was a cone head. Couldn't believe that mop extends down past her elbows. When they were arriving at the TTH, her hair was hanging loosely around her and I was shocked at the length and how it covered the whole top half of her body. It really is more of a hindrance than a beautiful/attractive thing on her. Can't imagine her trying to clean her house or use her stove. It certainly would catch on fire near a burner. Maybe that's why she doesn't do any cleaning or cooking???? 6 13 Link to comment
Churchhoney October 17, 2019 Share October 17, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 4:38 PM, PikaScrewChu said: Sometimes I even question posting here. If (and that is a big if) I watch the show or clips of the show I make sure it is through a medium where TLC cannot count the clicks or views. I don't follow or engage on IG with any of them. Do I just go for the whole shebang and pretend the Duggars don't exist? I think about it every once in a while. I've been taking longer and longer breaks from reading about them and/or participating here and on Reddit. Decisions, decisions. Expand Me, too. Link to comment
cereality October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 Great to see JD happy and interesting that all his siblings said that he’s become the most romantic. But did JD realize that what he was saying sounded kinda dirty?? About how all his “romance” was bottled up inside, but now that he’s let it out, he just keeps making more romance and there’s no way to turn it off/bottle it up again?? We get it . . . but OMG you’re 29 years old, you really don’t need to be saying this out loud. And the promo made me ragey on behalf of Jana. I HATE people who ask women why they aren’t married/when they’ll get married – whether they’re 29 or 39 or 59. It automatically turns the question into “so you’re not married, what’s wrong with you” – whether they say it or not, that’s what people think of single women over age 25. And I know Jed is trying to be nice/supportive with – oh there’s lots of guys after Jana, it’s just a matter of her choosing the right one – but it just adds to the story bc if in 6 mos there isn’t an engagement, it’ll be like – wait what happened to those lines of guys?? I’m sure she’ll respond as she’s supposed to – I’m praying on it, in God’s time, if it’s God’s will etc. But I sure wish she’d respond like a normal 29 yr old – loving my life, job, friends, we’ll see what happens, but I’m not just looking to marry any guy just to check the box . . . . 16 Link to comment
sATL October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/17/2019 at 7:15 PM, floridamom said: I also find that pitting one child against the other in competition like these parents do is awful. I thought they were each other's best friend? Did those siblings fall off the best friend list upon marriage when their new spouses suddenly became their best friends EVER???? None of these couples had relaxed personal time together. Lolli and Pops are always watching. Those topics of conversation they 'gave them' are not relaxation time, vow challenges? What the heck is wrong with them and their writers/producers? I also bet the farm the Jana being asked the 'marriage question' yet again will NOT BE ANSWERED by her. She will take a deep breath, roll her eyes and use words like "the Lord", "God" and contentment. She will respond but never answer. This grown ass woman will be 30 yrs old in January. Sad. Her lovely twin, John David is just creepy. He may be very happy with his choice in Abbie but why does he always look like he needs a shower and has to floss and brush his teeth? I agree that he may be more in love with his plane than with Abbie. That damn thing is glued to his hip. Jessa's pile of hair under that hairnet looked ridiculous. Yes, she was a cone head. Couldn't believe that mop extends down past her elbows. When they were arriving at the TTH, her hair was hanging loosely around her and I was shocked at the length and how it covered the whole top half of her body. It really is more of a hindrance than a beautiful/attractive thing on her. Can't imagine her trying to clean her house or use her stove. It certainly would catch on fire near a burner. Maybe that's why she doesn't do any cleaning or cooking???? Expand I know this is awful to say... but JB is probably making more $$ with her not being married. The more speculation and question asking the more $$ rolls in. Next season of Counting On renewed by TLC , hoping to be the 1st to hear the answer. When the day comes for Jana's wedding.. it will be the wedding of the century,outdoing all of other previous sisters, and that will be that . Kid-adult cash cow no more. Until Josie gets married. I do find it a little odd in their world of marriage as soon as the ink drys on the HS school/GED certificate that no prospects have come her JB's way. None.. Not even a nibble. Not even a has-been. Not to wish a broken courtship or especially engagement on anyone, but in the last 12 years (30-18) no potentials, when its everyone's "side-hustle" to find a spouse? No sibling trying to play matchmaker? No friend of the current son-in-laws (Derrick in in law school, Jeremy with Stanford & soccer acquaintances, Austin's crew of farmhands) has dropped any hints ? In their world all it takes is saying "she's cute" and that just about closes the deal - after dealing with JB. Edited October 18, 2019 by sATL 7 Link to comment
sATL October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/17/2019 at 5:09 AM, Bayarea4 said: Abbie's eyebrows should have their own show. Expand are they her's or microblades ? Edited October 18, 2019 by sATL 1 1 Link to comment
MargeGunderson October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 On 10/17/2019 at 5:09 AM, Bayarea4 said: Abbie's eyebrows should have their own show. Expand I would rather watch that show than this one. 11 2 Link to comment
VioletNevermind October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) Ben: “Chocolate is the essence of romance.” Oh, Ben. Don’t ever change, sweetie. He has blossomed as a man and husband against all possible odds. I think he has just the right temperament to deal with his bossy-ass wife. I see you, Jessa. Release that man’s balls! I love that John-David is finally (finally) getting the recognition, happiness, and freedom he deserves. I always knew he had it in him, it was just lurking in there, waiting for him to be unleashed by his monstrous parents. He also has the perfect wife for his personality. They’re both so mild-mannered and peaceful; they complement each other perfectly. I’m genuinely happy for them both. The preview scene of Jinger wearing pants this season! YASS, boo! Keep on straining at the leash; I’m here for every minute of it. Joseph and Kendra. They’re cute together. They seem happy. That’s all I got. Ooookay, I’ve been positive enough. On to the bad stuff. First, as someone who lost a child in utero, I absolutely get that it’s sad and it takes an emotional toll. At the risk of sounding callous (and I am absolutely not), Lauren is using it as a badge of honor. She clearly gets a lot of attention from it and seems to thrive on it. They actually showed the little box with their daughter’s remains. Poor Josiah. He looks like he’s up to his eyeballs in her overwrought bullshit. I feel for him. Josiah, did you see what just whooshed by? That was your youth. Hope it was worth it! Finally, the televised goddamn funeral was yet another example of this family’s appallingly poor taste. They just couldn’t allow that poor woman to be laid to rest in private with a shred of dignity. My mother would climb out of that coffin and kick my ass up and down that cemetery if I televised her funeral. I don’t know why I expected anything more, to be honest. Also, why the hell did I have to see so much “Mother” and “Father” Duggar tonight? TLC, you’re just gross. Yes, we notice it and no, we’re never going to be okay with it. Next week’s preview: “Jana has a bunch of guys after her.” Jesus Christ, poor Jana. She’s discussed like a slab of beef in a butcher shop. If I were her, I’d tell them all to kiss my ass and take @Suzy Rhapsody up on her standing offer of a one-way plane ticket to the destination of her choice. (Blink three times at the camera, Jana, and my next call will be to Southwest Airlines.) Edited October 18, 2019 by Suzy Rhapsody 21 Link to comment
sATL October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/17/2019 at 1:58 PM, LongDenimFrumper said: know how Jeremy and Jinger are affording to buy a home in L.A. Some of the couples seem to be hard up for cash and some of them seem ok but none of them work a real job. I don't get it. Jeremy must have some funds from somewhere.... couldn't be from his soccer days because that was quite some time ago. I've noticed Joe and Kendra seem to have a pretty cushy life compared to the others too. Nicer home, vehicles, things, etc. I'm sure there is some kind of family hierarchy. Expand Even though discussing finances might not have been "date night conversation" and none of my business - I sure as hell was interested in the answers. And to be honest, I too am going to work a question or two into a date conversation with a potential - To paraphrase Kayne/Jamie Fox... "I ain't saying I'm a gold digger BUT...." JD said "Abbie grew up on a (Abbie fills in budget), she worked a normal 8-5 job. As most of us Duggars do, we are self employed . So we are going to go out, tap ourselves out, investing in something to get a return on that. Abbie said that JD has already made alot of wise investments so she trusts his judgement. Now just what does that mean? Exactly in good old fashioned dollars and cents. Break down the numbers for me in plain words and math. It takes money to invest - so where did the initial capital come from? Even though Abbie worked - she could have a 401k. At their age - would it make sense to withdraw funds from a stock/mutual fund/401k, just to pay the monthly household bills? Why is is non-Duggar like to work a 8-5 - have they tried it ? I supposed JD gets $$ from flying VIPs around, but the upkeep on a plane, has gotta cost dearly . Si is peddling used cars right ? People don't buy cars everyday not to mention there are too many ways now to buy a car (new or used) w/o going some odd corner lot. What does Bin do ? Jeremy - yeah, some ministers get paid - but I just don't see him as a megachurch pastor. And why does he need to go to LA to take courses/training ? Edited October 18, 2019 by sATL 9 Link to comment
MaryAnneSpier October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 Correct me if I'm wrong, but did TLC air an episode for Michelle's miscarriage/stillbirth, Jubilee, complete with the crying underage Duggar children? It may be Mandela effect, so I apologize if I'm wrong. But if I'm right, it only seems to sadly make too much sense that JB would have no qualms about filming and airing the funeral of his mother too. Why not? It's a tragedy, so why not see this as an opportunity for God to bless you through the hardships Satan throws your way? (That last part is sarcasm for anyone who may actually have thought I agree with anything this disgusting family does.) 6 Link to comment
Sew Sumi October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 Yes, they televised the ultrasound when they discovered that Jubilee's had died, tears of the kids, and the funeral for the fetus. Remember the ammo box? 9 Link to comment
MaryAnneSpier October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 Oh yeah, the ammo box. I never watched more than one episode of the series, but I read about the episode back when IMDb had chat threads and couldn't believe it. I couldn't fathom what type of money-hungry family would film and air such a private event, but of course I would remind myself this is the Duggars... they are unbelievable in so many ways. 8 Link to comment
Churchhoney October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 On 10/18/2019 at 4:48 AM, MaryAnneSpier said: Oh yeah, the ammo box. I never watched more than one episode of the series, but I read about the episode back when IMDb had chat threads and couldn't believe it. I couldn't fathom what type of money-hungry family would film and air such a private event, but of course I would remind myself this is the Duggars... they are unbelievable in so many ways. Expand I believe they tell themselves that anything they air of their godly lives -- no matter how ill-advised some may think airing it is -- can serve as a valuable lesson for all the heathens [Read: Everybody who isn't them] who have ears to hear. And thus...God wants it so. "It's our ministry!" That's the rationalization they've cooked up for "It gets us money and makes us famous!!!!!," I think. So, onward it'll go. Funerals, mini-golf humps, cringeworthy kissing contests, etc. etc. 12 Link to comment
Minivanessa October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/18/2019 at 11:46 AM, Churchhoney said: I believe they tell themselves that anything they air of their godly lives -- no matter how ill-advised some may think airing it is -- can serve as a valuable lesson for all the heathens [Read: Everybody who isn't them] who have ears to hear. And thus...God wants it so. "It's our ministry!" Expand Yep. And, as to funerals. Many (most?) funerals in the US aren't private invitation-only events. Notices appear in the local newspapers and now on social media. Sometimes funerals are covered by the news media, sometimes there are videos of the service, even a few are broadcast live. The Duggars are the stars of a cable TV show, famous within fundie circles and known to the public in general. People magazine does exclusive stories when one of them reproduces. Or marries. Or sneezes. Or something. I'm not upset by footage of a Duggar funeral being included in their TV show. It's how they roll. They *are* interesting to a million regular viewers, or they wouldn't still be on TV. Nor do I feel outraged that the footage shows their kids shedding genuine tears over the death of their grandmother. That's at least real - which is more than you can say about most of the crap on their faux reality TV show. The whole thing is about exploiting and cashing in on their lives by being on TV. Life includes death and it sometimes surprises me how our contemporary culture can't deal with that. Not that I watch them. I loathe the Duggars and their spawn and their spawn's mates and spawnettes. I can't endure more than a minute or two if I try to watch them. If this forum weren't so interesting and you folks so smart and informative, I wouldn't be here. Yes, the big event and cheap ammo box for Jubliee was icky to the max. I assume Grandma Mary's funeral was fairly ordinary as those things go, and I hope she got a good send-off. Edited October 18, 2019 by Jeeves clarity maybe 1 15 Link to comment
Suzn October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/18/2019 at 12:57 PM, Jeeves said: ...Not that I watch them. I loathe the Duggars and their spawn and their spawn's mates and spawnettes. I can't endure more than a minute or two if I try to watch them. If this forum weren't so interesting and you folks so smart and informative, I wouldn't be here.... Expand That's exactly where I am with the Duggars. I'm here to keep an eye on them and for the great discussions. I can only watch them briefly if the sound is muted. Edited October 18, 2019 by Suzn 2 11 Link to comment
Churchhoney October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/18/2019 at 1:59 PM, Suzn said: That's exactly where I am with the Duggars. I'm here to keep an eye on them and for the great discussions. I can only watch them briefly if the sound is muted. Expand Yep. It's the sound that really does you in. No doubt about that! Edited October 18, 2019 by Churchhoney 3 4 Link to comment
Whyyouneedaname October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 JB & M trying to name the grands in birth order....he does a terrible job but her answer, "I'm terrible at dates but faces I can remember" huh 🤔 wow, like someone else said by the end of this year with the pregnant women giving birth they'll have to wear name tags at Thanksgiving. 9 4 Link to comment
Popular Post Churchhoney October 18, 2019 Popular Post Share October 18, 2019 (edited) On 10/18/2019 at 3:15 PM, Whyyouneedaname said: JB & M trying to name the grands in birth order....he does a terrible job but her answer, "I'm terrible at dates but faces I can remember" huh 🤔 wow, like someone else said by the end of this year with the pregnant women giving birth they'll have to wear name tags at Thanksgiving. Expand I suggest the Counting On producers create a show that tests her on that. Put 20 kids in a lineup and ask Meeechelle to pick out her actual grandchildren. Doubt she could succeed. JB and M could play that game as part of a special "date night." Edited October 18, 2019 by Churchhoney 18 10 Link to comment
ozziemom October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 On 10/18/2019 at 3:36 PM, Churchhoney said: I suggest the Counting On producers create a show that tests her on that. Put 20 kids in a lineup and ask Meeechelle to pick out her actual grandchildren. Doubt she could succeed. JB and M could play that game as part of a special "date night." Expand The game could have other parts too, like match the child to it’s parent, match up siblings, name one thing that child enjoys. It would be an epic fail for Meeechelle. 3 10 Link to comment
BitterApple October 18, 2019 Share October 18, 2019 (edited) I'm catching up on my shows, and can't believe I sat through an hour of this snoozefest. Gag me with a spoon that Boob and Michelle have wormed their way back on tv. Are the TH's heads filmed in extremely flattering lighting or has Michelle been hitting up the Botox? She's looking extremely "refreshed." Si and Lauren totally hate each other. Nothing in the world can convince me they're in love and have a happy marriage. They were snippy and short during the horseback ride while the other couples appeared to have a genuinely good time. I know everyone loves JD and Abbie, but IMO, there's something creepy and stalkerish with the way he treats her. It's like he alternates between infantilizing her and being uncomfortably sexual. Tyler's idea of a perfect date is steak? You're my kinda guy, son. I know kids fighting isn't funny, but I was laughing my ass off when Spurge kept repeating "She's a bad girl!" after Meredith bit him. The way he was saying it was so cute. Joe/Kendra, Jessa/Bin, and Joy/Austin are the most normal and non-cringey. Edited October 18, 2019 by BitterApple 4 12 Link to comment
Scarlett45 October 18, 2019 Author Share October 18, 2019 On 10/18/2019 at 2:14 AM, sATL said: JD said "Abbie grew up on a (Abbie fills in budget), she worked a normal 8-5 job. As most of us Duggars do, we are self employed . So we are going to go out, tap ourselves out, investing in something to get a return on that. Abbie said that JD has already made alot of wise investments so she trusts his judgement. Now just what does that mean? Exactly in good old fashioned dollars and cents. Break down the numbers for me in plain words and math. It takes money to invest - so where did the initial capital come from? Even though Abbie worked - she could have a 401k. At their age - would it make sense to withdraw funds from a stock/mutual fund/401k, just to pay the monthly household bills? Why is is non-Duggar like to work a 8-5 - have they tried it ? Expand I understood what JD was saying here. Abby (and other people that work regular salary jobs) are likely to consistently put x percentage towards living, saving and fun each month because there is a constant stream of steady income. JD (and other self employed people) have to think of money a different way (sometimes) because there may not be a check next month! But you still have to eat and buy soap. X amount of your income has to grow back into growing the business, be set aside for when there’s no money coming in etc. An 8-5 person knows what their check is, knows what their bills are, and can automate a lot of spending because it’s consistent. Also how you view time and money is variable when you’re self employed compared to an employee- my direct deposit won’t change when I schedule my vacation time, a self employed person may miss out on a great growth opportunity if they unplug at x time. 2 9 Link to comment
Mojitogirl October 19, 2019 Share October 19, 2019 On 10/18/2019 at 3:45 PM, BitterApple said: know everyone loves JD and Abbie, but IMO, there's something creepy and stalkerish with the way he treats her. It's like he alternates between infantilizing her and being uncomfortably sexual Expand Yes! I find him kind of gross and she’s coming off pretty dumb and meek. It’s like they were modest but then they get married and chuck all modesty out the door with the leering at their wives, practically licking their chops, and the euphemistic discussion of how much more “romantic” ahem, horny and sexual, he is. 1 10 Link to comment
FizzyPuff October 19, 2019 Share October 19, 2019 For those of you who had the sense not to watch this snooze fest here’s a recap if you want to read it, Be warned at least 4 screen shots of JB & M 🤢 3 5 6 Link to comment
Churchhoney October 19, 2019 Share October 19, 2019 (edited) On 10/19/2019 at 2:43 AM, Mojitogirl said: Yes! I find him kind of gross and she’s coming off pretty dumb and meek. It’s like they were modest but then they get married and chuck all modesty out the door with the leering at their wives, practically licking their chops, and the euphemistic discussion of how much more “romantic” ahem, horny and sexual, he is. Expand I expect that comes partly from how stunted they are and from the fact that they have very few influences who are normal, mature, civilized people. JD, I imagine, has spent a nearly incredible amount of time with hardly anyone to observe closely except Meeechelle and Jim Bob. He's hardly ever had interaction with any teachers or professors or coworkers or even neighbors or older relatives, for that matter, let alone spent time without his parents among a range of friends and acquaintances outside his immediate family and their sick cult of immature misogynists. And we know JB and M are steeped in the ethos and behaviors you just described. And as a pilot, it's their "friends" only that he ferries around. .... And then sits alone in the cockpit for hours waiting for them to finish their business, probably, with just a few side visits to the airport bathroom and vending machines. Jim Bob -- who, after all, was long on the speakers' circuit as a marriage-and-parenting role model, preens himself as a millionaire business man and was elected to the state legislature -- in fact talks and behaves like a dumb and horny middle schooler, with his hey hey heying and mini-golf humping. And he's apparently a man of some influence in their isolated set and has certainly convinced JD that he is such...... Hell, he got a long-running TeeVee show based -- I'm sure many of the Duggarlings believe -- on his being such a great role model. And he drags all the kids to Washington and they march into the offices of members of Congress, with JB behaving just like his usual self I'm sure, and they get listened to -- because they have a big TeeVee audience. So I guess it's depressing but no surprise that JD would act like this. Edited October 19, 2019 by Churchhoney 8 Link to comment
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