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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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10 minutes ago, hatchetgirl said:

But why is the ex- friend so invested? To go to the extremes of contacting the coroner,  etc? What does it matter if this gal was crazy and imagining babies? The blond made weird fake profiles for honestly crazy lady who imagines being pregnant.  Hurtful, yes, life threatening, absolutely not.  It seems like we are watching to people with mental issues duke it out.  It was uncomfortable and strange. 

Because everyone was being hurt around her, her friends. I think she needs to let crazy girl go now though, as DP said..


I didnt think the blonde had mental issues, she just had a real need to expose the liar..she did that.

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I think the friend seemed just as imbalanced as the fake baby lady. Continually crying, setting up fake facebok pages etc. Why were she and her friends so hurt? Annoyed I could see, even mad but still hurt? She needs to move on with her life and quit the fake media stuff. Crazy fake baby woman will end up the n a mental hospital.

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I can see wanting to expose a liar, but to the level she went, it just seems like overkill. Of course, injustice drives be crazy - like Trump, but i don't made false profiles about him, etc. It just seems far too far.  Heck, when i was pregnant, there was a girl who faked a lot of stuff and stole  money. Completely sent me through the loop (granted, prego hormones and the like) BUT i certainly didn't create a false email and start celebrating how I'd one upped her. 

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21 hours ago, TresGatos said:

Then there was a couple who refused to believe their daughter had committed suicide and were convinced an 18-year-old girl in the neighborhood had managed to evade 6 security cameras, sneak into the house while the parents were there, and murder their daughter either by lethal injection or forcing liquid down her throat without anyone hearing anything. They were blaming the girl, the girl's ex-boyfriend, who they claimed had been stalking and harassing their daughter, and the girl's dad who they claimed, as past president of their homeowners association, had keys to every house in the subdivision (which he denied) and possibly the girl's mom, who worked at a ranch where there would have been the kind of horse tranquilizer their daughter OD'd on and who, suspiciously in their (deluded) minds, quit some 6 months after their daughter's death. They were putting it all over the interwebs that this girl, the girl's ex-boyfriend, and the girl's dad had conspired to murder their daughter. They were deluded and Dr. Phil handled them with kid gloves, really respectful of their grief, but their grief had really pushed them over the edge and they were really ruining innocent people's lives. The girl and her dad had filed for a restraining order and had been granted a temporary one while the mom of the dead girl claimed she would never stop posting defaming stuff on the web and if they didn't like it they didn't have to look, ignoring all the nutjobs they were attracting that were putting the lives of the people they were baselessly accusing at risk.  So I wonder if the girl and her dad got a permanent restraining order and whether the mom stopped posting crap about the other family on the web. Dr. Phil could have done a far better job going over the autopsy reports, the ME he had on speakerphone said the investigation was botched, the 1st finding was natural death and was later changed to suicide, and he had some random person on who had read the blog and didn't think the "facts" added up (they didn't) and the dead girl's 18-year-old cousin who said her cousin never would have committed suicide.   

I saw this the other morning on OWN.  It was a rerun from 2012, 2013.  I tried to look up message boards from Dr Phil to try to gage how others felt.  It seemed to me that the mom of the deceased girl was very delusional and unable/unwilling to admit her daughter died from an accidental drug overdose.  She had a medical marijuana permit (or whatever it is called), had a pipe in her room but that wasn't HER weed.  They have grainy footage of someone walking - so what.  The accused girl does live next door after all.  And if someone was truly stalking you they will go WAY beyond tapping on a window.  They will flatten your tires, spray paint your car, send shitty stuff to your work to harrass you, etc.....the list goes on.  Dr Phil kept asking. "Where is the proof?" and she had none.  Zero.

A grown woman seems intent on her "blog" bringing down an 18 year old girl who seems to be not guilty of the crime that does not seem to exist.  Forcing drugs down a throat?  Not likely.  Injecting stuff?  An autopsy would corroborate this.  If someone had been doing this to me when I was 18 my dad would have served that lady a huge slice of STFU on stage; that other dad was way nice about stuff.  Any update on this case?

I thought the blonde (Courtney) was very invested in the fake baby scam, to the point that Shill had to dismiss her. Making online support groups and crusading seemed OTT to me. That said, fake baby scammer needs to be stopped. That is certifiable, sending dead baby pictures out on social media. When I heard she was starting a non-profit, she had to be stopped. THey have had fake baby scammers on before and it seems to be motivated by money (help me recover from my loss or contribute to my foundation), revenge (I'll get back at my ex by killing his baby) or mental illness (who can forget the girl who thought she was having Jesus' baby?). I can't figure out which category this one falls into.  

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I am tired of Dr. Phil coddling these psychos.  When he was speaking to the fake-baby lady yesterday, he said something to her like, "What would make someone lie about being pregnant?  I'm not talking about you, of course."  Uh, yes, you ARE talking about her, that's why she's on the show.  Stop coddling her.  She knows she is lying.  She has gone to great lengths to find photos of babies, ultrasounds, hospital records.  I have no sympathy for her.  I've had several miscarriages, a tubal pregnancy and then a stillborn child, so perhaps that added to my anger with this lady making up all her pregnancies.  She needs to be charged with fraud or something.

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I thought it was really weird that the guy she was starting the foundation with didn't seem at all fazed by her shenanigans. And when Dr. Phil explained how she hadn't even actually filed the paperwork for the foundation, he didn't seem surprised or bothered. They're probably BOTH scam artists. The blonde lady was quite invested in this, though, to the point of obsession. 

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42 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I thought it was really weird that the guy she was starting the foundation with didn't seem at all fazed by her shenanigans. And when Dr. Phil explained how she hadn't even actually filed the paperwork for the foundation, he didn't seem surprised or bothered. They're probably BOTH scam artists. The blonde lady was quite invested in this, though, to the point of obsession. 

The guy was strange, if I heard all that, I'd run a friggin mile

  • Love 3
On 11/7/2017 at 3:56 PM, NeverLate said:

Because everyone was being hurt around her, her friends. I think she needs to let crazy girl go now though, as DP said..


I didnt think the blonde had mental issues, she just had a real need to expose the liar..she did that.

I agree.  

22 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I thought it was really weird that the guy she was starting the foundation with didn't seem at all fazed by her shenanigans. And when Dr. Phil explained how she hadn't even actually filed the paperwork for the foundation, he didn't seem surprised or bothered. They're probably BOTH scam artists. The blonde lady was quite invested in this, though, to the point of obsession. 

Appeared that way to me.  When they talked together backstage they were clearly close.  When he said "let's do this" he meant go clear this up so we can continue with our plan.  That is what I got from that, anyway.  

22 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

I am tired of Dr. Phil coddling these psychos.  When he was speaking to the fake-baby lady yesterday, he said something to her like, "What would make someone lie about being pregnant?  I'm not talking about you, of course."  Uh, yes, you ARE talking about her, that's why she's on the show.  Stop coddling her.  She knows she is lying.  She has gone to great lengths to find photos of babies, ultrasounds, hospital records.  I have no sympathy for her.  I've had several miscarriages, a tubal pregnancy and then a stillborn child, so perhaps that added to my anger with this lady making up all her pregnancies.  She needs to be charged with fraud or something.

He is using a technique to get her to open up.  It didn't work with her but we have seen many others respond favorably to this method. 

Edited by wings707
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I caught a little of the fake baby show - I wasn't that invested because I've seen Phil have this situation on before.  It's tiring to me to see some delusional person lie in the face of overwhelming evidence, then get on their high horse and storm off and never face their problem. 

The one thing that always bothers me was done for this episode, and will be done in the future:  those shots of the person sitting, walking, staring into space that are supposed to look spontaneous or as a private moment but are obviously set up by the producers.  To me, these shots almost never put the person in a good light  - they usually end up the opposite.  For instance, the baby faker was shown sitting in front of an empty crib, looking all forlorn, like the cameraman just happened to catch her in a sad moment.  I always wonder how they talk the person into these phony setups...  'Hey, I got an idea - you sit here in front of this bassinet looking sad/walk through the baby aisle of this store and stop in front of the little outfits'.  Would she be doing that if no camera was there?  Maybe, but it's so contrived and "melodramatic" in a show that's supposed to take average people and help them.

Edited by patty1h
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Tuned into the show today with "DJ" the son of the singer & hip hop LA woman because I heard him giving serious shade to Dr. Phil in the clips. Alas, my dream was not fulfilled when all the cheetahs in his audience laughed at Phil's lame attempts to throw it back. Oh, DJ is  mentally ill, but with an endless supply of their money and some psychotropics, he will soon be devolved of all his creativity and spirit and his family will be happy.  Not that I am decrying the medicating of the mentally ill and certainly he is not safe to be out on his own like that, but I always feel a little sorry ( as a former Psych nurse) when we medicate the "McMurtry" out of people. ( that's a "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest " reference.

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I watched a rerun of the show on OWN.  The show was about a 30 yr old woman who was living with a 16/17 yr old boy and had given birth to his child.  She was being prosecuted for statutory rape.  On the show she acted like she was the victim and wanted Dr. Phil to help her get some kind of on air job................................  She was facing 15 years in prison...................... I was curious and looked her up and found out that she was processed in and out of prison on the same day and that she had married an Air Force man and taken the boy's child 8 hours away.  She did destroy that boys life.

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13 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I watched a rerun of the show on OWN.  The show was about a 30 yr old woman who was living with a 16/17 yr old boy and had given birth to his child.  She was being prosecuted for statutory rape.  On the show she acted like she was the victim and wanted Dr. Phil to help her get some kind of on air job................................  She was facing 15 years in prison...................... I was curious and looked her up and found out that she was processed in and out of prison on the same day and that she had married an Air Force man and taken the boy's child 8 hours away.  She did destroy that boys life.

I remember that episode. I also went and looked her up online and found that same information. It sounds like the baby was adopted by the woman's husband and it sounded to me like the boy was back on track. I could be remembering incorrectly, though.

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Yesterday's show was the guy who claimed to write AND produce Beyoncé's album in one day.  He was annoying and it was obvious that the drugs affected his brain, however I found the sister to also be annoying with her dramatically walking off stage not once but TWICE.  That outfit that he "designed" was fugly.

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I caught an older episode the other day that featured a girl who stalked her ex boyfriend, calling and texting him several times a day. The ex boyfriend was no prize either. He had a drug conviction and would have sex with the girl here and there. But Phillip was so incredibly nasty to the girl at first and she seemed to be extremely fragile at the time. Her mother abandoned her at a very young age. The father sent her off to be raised by an aunt, and when she reconnected with the mother, the mother put her out on the street. 

I am getting tired of these repetitive stories of these "out of control" teen girls who, wow, turns out the WHOLE FAMILY is absolute garbage, whodathunkit. And the audience...when the mom said she slapped her daughter "to shut her up" and the audience CHEERED WILDLY?! What the actual FUCK. Put all these assholes back in the dumpster.

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55 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I am getting tired of these repetitive stories of these "out of control" teen girls who, wow, turns out the WHOLE FAMILY is absolute garbage, whodathunkit. And the audience...when the mom said she slapped her daughter "to shut her up" and the audience CHEERED WILDLY?! What the actual FUCK. Put all these assholes back in the dumpster.

14-year-old Michelle's attitude REPULSES me.  I grew up old school, in the 60's and 70's.  If I'd ever acted like that, my dad would have slapped me completely out of that chair.  What is wrong with parents nowadays??  Michelle obviously had zero discipline long before she became a teenager.  There's an entire generation of kids who are being raised by parents who don't discipline, and God help our nation when those kids become adults.  

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I remember that episode. I also went and looked her up online and found that same information. It sounds like the baby was adopted by the woman's husband and it sounded to me like the boy was back on track. I could be remembering incorrectly, though.

You might be interested in this link.  The comments get crazy.

On 11/7/2017 at 11:41 AM, poeticlicensed said:

Pregnancy scam lady was so bizarre. 

Oh man. I haven't laughed that hard at a Phillip episode in years. The best part was when she stormed off the stage with her arms flailing at her sides, like they were asleep. The way she was walking, you could tell she'd never worn heels a day in her life. Oh, Amie the Scammer. I heart you. I need an episode 3.

2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Oh man. I haven't laughed that hard at a Phillip episode in years. The best part was when she stormed off the stage with her arms flailing at her sides, like they were asleep. The way she was walking, you could tell she'd never worn heels a day in her life. Oh, Amie the Scammer. I heart you. I need an episode 3.

I was praying that she would trip.

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Is it bad that I liked the married to Rihanna billionaire?

When he kept cutting Phil off and said he wasn't listening to him because "You aren't saying anything!!!" I just about lost it. I know the guy has some serious mental issues, but it was cool to someone not at all fazed by Phil's one liners and pavlovian audience.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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8 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Is it bad that I liked the married to Rihanna billionaire?

When he kept cutting Phil off and said he wasn't listening to him because "You aren't saying anything!!!" I just about lost it. I know the guy has some serious mental issues, but it was cool to someone not at all fazed by Phil's one liners and pavlovian audience.

I agree ! I've never seen a guest so flat out rude to dr Phil and I loved it . Usually they kiss his ass and praise him 

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I don't hate many things, but I hate drunks.  The woman today was so in denial and making excuses and rambling at the mouth that it raised my blood pressure just watching her.  I was flipping between her and People's Court, so I missed some things, but I never heard why the husband stayed around so long.  I would have packed my and my sons bags and burned rubber far away from that mess. 

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16 hours ago, patty1h said:

I don't hate many things, but I hate drunks.  The woman today was so in denial and making excuses and rambling at the mouth that it raised my blood pressure just watching her.  I was flipping between her and People's Court, so I missed some things, but I never heard why the husband stayed around so long.  I would have packed my and my sons bags and burned rubber far away from that mess. 

I don't believe this woman wants to change.

This is her schtick, she gets boatloads of attention, in her mind she's amazingly adorable and she's on television to boot.

She will end up in a gutter, face down some rainy night and her cuteness will be but a memory.

On November 13, 2017 at 3:23 PM, patty1h said:

I don't hate many things, but I hate drunks.  The woman today was so in denial and making excuses and rambling at the mouth that it raised my blood pressure just watching her.  I was flipping between her and People's Court, so I missed some things, but I never heard why the husband stayed around so long.  I would have packed my and my sons bags and burned rubber far away from that mess. 

He an enabler and co-dependent.  He needs at least as much help as she does, maybe more.

On November 13, 2017 at 3:23 PM, patty1h said:

I don't hate many things, but I hate drunks.  The woman today was so in denial and making excuses and rambling at the mouth that it raised my blood pressure just watching her.  I was flipping between her and People's Court, so I missed some things, but I never heard why the husband stayed around so long.  I would have packed my and my sons bags and burned rubber far away from that mess. 

He an enabler and co-dependent.  He needs at least as much help as she does, maybe more.

9 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

I don't believe this woman wants to change.

This is her schtick, she gets boatloads of attention, in her mind she's amazingly adorable and she's on television to boot.

She will end up in a gutter, face down some rainy night and her cuteness will be but a memory.

She's already looking rough IMO.  Give her 5 more years of heavy drinking, she'll look like a used-up hag.

I'd say that Stephanie provides an accurate glimpse into what Brandi will look like in the future but I seriously don't think she will make it to an old age.

And one thing I need to add.  When Phil and Robin waltz out together at the end of the show I am amazed how little concern he has for his wife.  Notice the body language - she is practically running to keep up with him and looks up adoringly.  He has no concern for her because he is taking large strides and does not notice that she can barely keep pace.

I understand they only have a certain amount of time to walk out and perhaps they're rushed - but even given that, he pays her no mind while he's walking off the set. 

Something is way off with that pairing - I just can't put my finger on it.

7 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

I'd say that Stephanie provides an accurate glimpse into what Brandi will look like in the future but I seriously don't think she will make it to an old age.

And one thing I need to add.  When Phil and Robin waltz out together at the end of the show I am amazed how little concern he has for his wife.  Notice the body language - she is practically running to keep up with him and looks up adoringly.  He has no concern for her because he is taking large strides and does not notice that she can barely keep pace.

I understand they only have a certain amount of time to walk out and perhaps they're rushed - but even given that, he pays her no mind while he's walking off the set. 

Something is way off with that pairing - I just can't put my finger on it.

Maybe she should wear lower shoes so she can safely walk faster (especially if there's a time constraint).  As a shorty  myself, I'm pretty sure she's been vocal about the stride differential over the years.  

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I finally finished watching the second part of the 14 year old brat. One thing she was right about is that the Phillip studio audience is dramatic. Downright annoying is how I'd describe them. I know the guests are usually ridiculous, but the way they were carrying on with the excessive giggling and what not, they sounded like a high school assembly. I hope they enjoyed their shitty gift of Robin wrinkle cream. 

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I saw the preview for the woman who wants to leave her husband for the guy in Africa.   Because this guy is real and on film, I'm curious to see if he is conning for money or if he's that one in a million unicorn who's really in love.  If he is draining her dry, since he's not hiding behind a computer screen, he will have to have some real skills to explain why he needed his GF's financial help.

Edited by patty1h

I came away from this episode actually liking Kenyan Kevin. The family of the repressed, mousy housewife was attacking Kevin as if this woman was some confused old lady being catfished by some lothario. This selfish 44 year old twit fetishized African men so much that she was determined to  have sex with one, regardless of the country and abandon her own children. Yet her family was so worried about her contracting "disease" in Africa. Please.

Whomever the Nigerian John Redcorn was that she claimed was a doctor, was obviously putting some sexual healing on her that she wanted more of, and was looking for any African man to fulfill. 

Her dad looked young enough to be her brother. Her husband sounded pathetic and they both look like the prelude to a Dateline ID murder if they stay married to each other. I thought it very telling that her mother said he wasn't her favorite son in law.

Edited by charmed1
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I had a different take on today’s show with that woman with her Kenyan “boyfriend”. I agree with her mother-she has lost her mind. If she’s felt repressed in her marriage, then get a divorce, split custody of the children with her husband and live a good life on her own. Moving to Kenya, marrying this guy who’s young enough to be her son, start farming,etc is just ridiculous. I did notice how she smiled through the whole show like she was on some kind of drug or something. Only at the end when she started crying, saying that she’d miss Kevin, did she actually show any emotion. Not for her husband, not for her CHILDREN, just for missing Kevin. I don’t believe for one minute that she’ll give it 90 days of effort to put her family back together. Her husband and kids are in her rear view mirror and have no chance with this delusional woman. Sad for them and sadder for her. Or maybe they’re better off without her. 

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90 Day Fiancé crossover....just sayin’ 

I agree that she just needs to leave her marriage and figure out coparenting.   It was hard to watch all of them stereotyping Africa/Kenya/African male prowess/disease/jungles/rabid wild animals.  I get that she’s had some sort of sexual awakening, but she needs to figure it out here and get a haircut.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

That woman is obviously having a midlife crisis, and is fetishizing "beautiful African men" in a desperate attempt to cling to her youth. 

 I thought she should take the tax money and go to Kenya... get it out of her system.  She'd then appreciate what she has back home.  Only issue - she came across as kind of gullible and naive... so she could get herself into trouble.

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But isn't she taking it for granted that if she goes, changes her mind, and comes back that her husband will take her back with open arms after she's destroyed their family and abandoned him and her kids?  

I think she's not very bright; imagine the education her home-schooled children are getting.  They may be learning "reading, writing, and arithmetic," but not common sense.

And her saying "I love you" to her cyber-beau in front of her husband and family was just all kinds of inappropriate.

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