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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

How did your daughter react to that?   

I know how he can get help.  Get a job and pay someone to take care of them while you work.  What kind of a job does he have? 

she didn't really seem like she had a reaction....but I wasn't there when the guy's sister told her that. But, my daughter is very loving and sweet.  He has a construction job, but the thing is I don't want her to go through getting this big education and not being able to be free to do what she wants after she graduates.  And before they were even going together he was making statements like - "Oh we need to get you done with school, etc"....little comments like that - UGH! and she is so nice I am sure she is not seeing the red flags like I am!  But she goes to school in another city in the same state of NM and she lives with my niece, so my niece is hopefully inputting some advice.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Monie said:

this kinda sounds like the "situation my daughter is in...she is dating a guy currently who has 2 little girls. My daughter is getting her master's degree in animal biology and she is 25 years old and the guy just turned 27 and the mother of the little girls is a big old druggie and not really in the kids life. But anyway the boyfriends sister made comment to my daughter one day that "he really needs help with his daughters".....oh my gosh..this sent me into a a frenzy. Here my kid is getting an education to work with animals and be able to travel and it scares me to death she will graduate and settle down w/ this guy and raise his kids!  I sound like a jerk, but there is nothing I can do about it! ...ok I'm done ranting ;o)

Even if the father of the two little girls isn't consciously looking for a woman for the sole purpose of relieving him (and his family) of some of the childcare, the fact that his own sister told the girlfriend that he needed help with the kids was a big red flag.  He's got two kids to take care of and their mother isn't reliable in any meaningful way.  At least one of his family members is trying to steer him toward a woman who is a better deal than what he had before.  For them, it seems that the woman who is responsible enough to get a Masters Degree is an answer to their prayers, and they might also be thinking about the big paychecks that a Master's Degree will bring in. 

There are a lot of things that the prospective step mother should be thinking about.  How did her boyfriend get in the position of having not one, but two kids with a druggie?  Is he a former or current drug user himself?  Is he looking for someone to take care of all the finances because he's only able to work minimum wage jobs?  What kind of interactions can she expect with the kids mom?  There are a lot of people who don't mind wandering off and letting the other parent or family members take care of their kids, but they get all pissed off when a stranger enters the picture; especially if the stranger is going to make the absent parent look even worse than they already do in the eyes of the kids, their family, the law, and society in general. 

Why is the boyfriends family pushing a marriage?  Are they called upon to step in and help out in too often, and in what ways are they going beyond the norm to raise these kids?  Are they contributing a lot of money?  Talking an overwhelmed father off the ledge every couple of months?  Running interference when the mother makes an appearance?  Is the boyfriends family hoping to push the problem off on someone else? 

What about the kids themselves?  Do they have problems that the girlfriend will have to suddenly deal with when she has no previous childcare experience?  Are they hoping that somehow their mom and dad will get back together and will view the girlfriend as an obstacle to that end? 

How many children does the new girlfriend want to have?  If she only wanted one or two, is she willing to forego having a baby so she's not raising more children than she wanted?

The romantic notion of finding a soul mate and rescuing them is best left to Lifetime movies.  For people in the real world, it's better to go slow and really think things out.  It's better for everyone if dad and girlfriend live separately and slowly work out these issues.  If it turns out that a long term commitment isn't a good idea, it's easier on everyone if they haven't bought into the fantasy of "We're all one big happy family now, and nothing can ever hurt us again!"

Edited to add:  Sorry, I was typing this up and didn't see your response to the previous question.  So the guy has a construction job, which can pay very well, but not always.  And he seems anxious to get her out of school.  Because he wants her home with his kids, or because he wants her out there earning a paycheck?  Maybe his ardor will cool if he becomes aware of how much money each month your daughter will be paying for her student loans, and how long she'll be paying that money.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Zahdii said:

Even if the father of the two little girls isn't consciously looking for a woman for the sole purpose of relieving him (and his family) of some of the childcare, the fact that his own sister told the girlfriend that he needed help with the kids was a big red flag.  He's got two kids to take care of and their mother isn't reliable in any meaningful way.  At least one of his family members is trying to steer him toward a woman who is a better deal than what he had before.  For them, it seems that the woman who is responsible enough to get a Masters Degree is an answer to their prayers, and they might also be thinking about the big paychecks that a Master's Degree will bring in. 

There are a lot of things that the prospective step mother should be thinking about.  How did her boyfriend get in the position of having not one, but two kids with a druggie?  Is he a former or current drug user himself?  Is he looking for someone to take care of all the finances because he's only able to work minimum wage jobs?  What kind of interactions can she expect with the kids mom?  There are a lot of people who don't mind wandering off and letting the other parent or family members take care of their kids, but they get all pissed off when a stranger enters the picture; especially if the stranger is going to make the absent parent look even worse than they already do in the eyes of the kids, their family, the law, and society in general. 

Why is the boyfriends family pushing a marriage?  Are they called upon to step in and help out in too often, and in what ways are they going beyond the norm to raise these kids?  Are they contributing a lot of money?  Talking an overwhelmed father off the ledge every couple of months?  Running interference when the mother makes an appearance?  Is the boyfriends family hoping to push the problem off on someone else? 

What about the kids themselves?  Do they have problems that the girlfriend will have to suddenly deal with when she has no previous childcare experience?  Are they hoping that somehow their mom and dad will get back together and will view the girlfriend as an obstacle to that end? 

How many children does the new girlfriend want to have?  If she only wanted one or two, is she willing to forego having a baby so she's not raising more children than she wanted?

The romantic notion of finding a soul mate and rescuing them is best left to Lifetime movies.  For people in the real world, it's better to go slow and really think things out.  It's better for everyone if dad and girlfriend live separately and slowly work out these issues.  If it turns out that a long term commitment isn't a good idea, it's easier on everyone if they haven't bought into the fantasy of "We're all one big happy family now, and nothing can ever hurt us again!"

Hi Zahdii, 

Believe me I have thought of all of these issues you have mentioned....He is crazy about her! They have know each other since Middle School, but unfortunately because of friggin Face Book and started talking back and forth....when she came to town last year in Dec they met for dinner and he has been after her ever since. Don't get me wrong he is a nice guy and very polite I just don't like how he was planning their lives even before they started going together! And he just doesn't match up with her life style of Yoga, and spiritually.....she doesn't drink and he does! I just pray it wears it self out when she gets a taste of traveling for her degree w/ animals.  He is a very good dad though, I will give him that and his girls like my daughter. 

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Monie said:

Hi Zahdii, 

Believe me I have thought of all of these issues you have mentioned....He is crazy about her! They have know each other since Middle School, but unfortunately because of friggin Face Book and started talking back and forth....when she came to town last year in Dec they met for dinner and he has been after her ever since. Don't get me wrong he is a nice guy and very polite I just don't like how he was planning their lives even before they started going together! And he just doesn't match up with her life style of Yoga, and spiritually.....she doesn't drink and he does! I just pray it wears it self out when she gets a taste of traveling for her degree w/ animals.  He is a very good dad though, I will give him that and his girls like my daughter. 

Re bold.  That is a huge hook into a relationship.  Someone who has known you when you were young has a strong appeal. 

  • Love 2

Maybe I'm just a horribly judgmental person, but when I heard the fiancee mention she has two kids, age 3 and 4, I thought "yup, of course you do." She does seem like the type of idiot to get knocked up twice as (basically) a teenager, one right after the other. Note: some women get married young and do the same thing, but...they're not, like, as, like, dumb as this, like, woman.

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Maybe I'm just a horribly judgmental person, but when I heard the fiancee mention she has two kids, age 3 and 4, I thought "yup, of course you do." She does seem like the type of idiot to get knocked up twice as (basically) a teenager, one right after the other. Note: some women get married young and do the same thing, but...they're not, like, as, like, dumb as this, like, woman.

I had the same exact thought.  Another one was, she has been looking for an older rich husband since her first born.  Did they mention where they met?   I bet she hung out in places where rich men would be.  A roommate I had would do that.  Happy hour at a bar in the financial district that attracted professionals after work.  The pool at a fancy hotel is where she met her husband.  So it worked!  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

I rarely watch Dr. Phil so maybe I'm not talking about the latest show (10/26/17) but it was about the man who spent over $200,000 on a woman who was apparently a Nigerian scammer.  I felt very sorry for him and his mother because they seemed so sweet and naive. I thought he was a very nice looking older man but just like all those who have been catfished, when you are only looking for model beautiful young women rather than people in your own "category" so to speak, then be very suspicious when they suddenly want money. Just sayin'.

  • Love 5

I do love me some catfish episodes. But today's guy was...kind of nuts. I mean, you have to be nuts to fall for this shit, but when Dr. Phil brought out the lady from the pictures, he looked like he wanted to kill her. He even asked before she came out if she had $211,000 on her. Dude, don't you get that she had nothing to do with this? He still looked pissed off even after this was explained. By the time he was screaming death threats at the dude on the phone I was like o_O

  • Love 9

Dr Phil said on the view, that he spoke to someone who did this. They told him, if they can pass the awful sentence framing, they know the person to be catfished will believe everything else.. babe, darling, my love,  all red flags, the person never sees them..

Edited by NeverLate
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I rarely watch Dr. Phil so maybe I'm not talking about the latest show (10/26/17) but it was about the man who spent over $200,000 on a woman who was apparently a Nigerian scammer.  I felt very sorry for him and his mother because they seemed so sweet and naive. I thought he was a very nice looking older man but just like all those who have been catfished, when you are only looking for model beautiful young women rather than people in your own "category" so to speak, then be very suspicious when they suddenly want money. Just sayin'.

I don't know where you're located caseysgirl, but I'm watching the catfish episode right now (southern california) as well. UNBELIEVABLE! There must be lots of rich men in Nigeria. Maybe I'll try to cat fish one of them! Lol!

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Jpxfactor said:

Yes I just watched the cat fish one and just can't get my head around the number of people that fall for it. Omg it's life changing. 

Awhile ago, a women was on Dr Phil, a widow. I worked with her about 8 years ago Her husband died, and she was very lonely. She met a guy online,  it's almost like they groom them, saying all the right things, and they earn their trust, once they have done that, its about the money. Very sad, she lost a lot of money, her house..just terrible

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, wings707 said:

I had the same exact thought.  Another one was, she has been looking for an older rich husband since her first born.  Did they mention where they met?   I bet she hung out in places where rich men would be.  A roommate I had would do that.  Happy hour at a bar in the financial district that attracted professionals after work.  The pool at a fancy hotel is where she met her husband.  So it worked!  

I THINK they met at his garage sale after his last divorce. He probably posted some kind of ad about a post-divorce sale and bimbo thought she’d go see if the guy was an easy mark. Bingo!

  • Love 4

The older catfish guy kept saying he doesn't care about looks, but then goes for a beautiful 20 something year old girl? as if she'd be seeking him out. I mean come on. I may have no heart but I really don't feel bad for people like this. You never met the person, but are their fiance? COME ON.

7 hours ago, shksabelle said:

I THINK they met at his garage sale after his last divorce. He probably posted some kind of ad about a post-divorce sale and bimbo thought she’d go see if the guy was an easy mark. Bingo!

I honestly thought the older guy was much better looking than the fiance. It wasn't so out of the realm that she would be attracted to him, he's not a bad looking guy. That being said, I give this marriage a month.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

The older catfish guy kept saying he doesn't care about looks, but then goes for a beautiful 20 something year old girl? as if she'd be seeking him out. I mean come on. I may have no heart but I really don't feel bad for people like this. You never met the person, but are their fiance? COME ON.

Well, he was an idiot on multiple counts, but especially that count! The "lady" he'd been communicating with via text message and email claimed to be 40 or 42. However, if you looked at the pictures he had of her, you could clearly see the woman in the pictures was nowhere near 40 years old. We figure the woman in the pictures was about 27 at the time the pictures were taken. Even when she came out on the stage, she was probably no more than 34 to 36 years old.

16 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I do love me some catfish episodes. But today's guy was...kind of nuts. I mean, you have to be nuts to fall for this shit, but when Dr. Phil brought out the lady from the pictures, he looked like he wanted to kill her. He even asked before she came out if she had $211,000 on her. Dude, don't you get that she had nothing to do with this? He still looked pissed off even after this was explained. By the time he was screaming death threats at the dude on the phone I was like o_O

I felt really bad for the lady whose pictures were used. She was nice enough to come to the Dr Phil show and help prove to that guy that he'd been had and then he treats her like that? I think most people would have turned down Dr Phil's request to appear. I was glad Dr Phil made a point of saying two or three times that she was just as much a victim as the guy was, since her identity had been co-opted. (In my opinion, her identity wasn't really stolen since no one was purporting to be her; they were only purporting to look like her. That's not to say it doesn't still burn to find out that your pictures are being used to swindle people and claim to look like you.)

We thought that guy was a special kind of stupid because there were so many clues that this was a swindle, and he could have picked up on those any time he wanted to - he just chose to ignore them all. The pictures were the easiest clue since it was very clear that the woman in the picture was not the age that was being claimed. The passport was another. I've never had a passport and even I knew that passports are valid for 10 years. Also, if she went from Chicago to Johannesburg, then why couldn't see go from Johannesburg to Chicago? Why wasn't she availing herself of help from the US consulate in South Africa? Why would she have to deal with immigration in any country when she is not immigrating to that country? Why would she go to South Africa to look for antiques to sell in Chicago? Why would she take her daughter with her on such a trip? By the time she "arrived" in Amsterdam, what are the odds that you're going to have to deal with corrupt government officials in each of three countries? I don't know how infamous Turkey or South Africa are for corrupt government officials, but the Netherlands are certainly not known for that. To be honest, South Africa and Turkey don't really strike me particularly as dens of government corruption. So many little things along the way that indicate this is a scam and he managed to ignore every last one of them. The people I feel bad for in this situation? His mother, his friend, and anyone else who loaned him money.

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Regarding yesterday's catfish episode, the only one I felt sorry for was the man's mother.  She even used 401K!!  The man I have no sympathy for.  All the warnings were right in front of him-- the unexpired passport that was signed by someone named Frank, the obviously fake passport photo, the poor English in her texts, claiming that she was staying with a flight attendant or at the US Embassy.  He chose not to believe any of it.  If Dr. Phil hadn't brought out the woman in the photos that guy would still be sending money.  I love how he claimed he wasn't into physical appearance...yeah, right.  I'd love to know more about his background.  Divorced for 25 years and hasn't really dated anyone?! 

  • Love 5
On 10/25/2017 at 10:37 AM, wings707 said:

 From Dr Weil when asked if hoarding can be cured:


Of course he was furious with that woman! I was too! She treated her husband, his daughter and the baby horribly!  A therapist can only do so much.  They are not miracle workers.  They light the way but cannot make anyone do what is necessary to change.  It is up to each individual. There is much more going on with her aside from hoarding.  He isn't going to waste his resources on a woman who cannot be helped.  As for the husband drinking?  He can stop on his own, many do.   He is renting her a place for 90 days and paying all expenses.   That is a huge gift!  

I work in dog rescue; her abuse infuriated me!  I applaud him for getting the animals out of their quickly.   

She was also manipulative as fuck.  How many times did Phil ask her only to speak if she was going to say something new and she just kept saying the same things?  I have no patience for Hoarders and find it to be a ridiculous "mental" health issue.  More often than not the people who do it strike me as people who have just bullied everyone in their lives into keeping their mouths shut about the fact that they're disgusting.  However, I will admit that the fact that this woman was abusing animals put her into the "lost cause" pile for me.  The dogs were being abused.  Period.  And she wanted to fight and argue about how it was his fault.  No dog should be chained for 10 hours a day and left outside in that kind of heat.  She's a bitch and didn't deserve his help.  In fact, what she does deserve is a room in the fiery pits of hell where it's about as hot as it was for those dogs.

I think Dr. Phil thought, as I did, that the man's drinking was a direct reaction to his living situation.  Get the wife/daughter out of there, clean up his house and then he would probably dry out on his own.  He didn't seem so far gone that he needed treatment, just a small tweak of the situation and he'd end up cleaning it up on his own.

  • Love 2

The animal abuse was the most upsetting to me.  The daughters and baby living there is problematic, too.   If she wants to live in squalor so be it.   The father has to step up and take care of his girls.  

4 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I think Dr. Phil thought, as I did, that the man's drinking was a direct reaction to his living situation.  Get the wife/daughter out of there, clean up his house and then he would probably dry out on his own.  He didn't seem so far gone that he needed treatment, just a small tweak of the situation and he'd end up cleaning it up on his own.

It sounded like he is an alcoholic.  His wife moving out and a clean house will not help that.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I love watching the catfish shows even though I just can't believe people fall for that stuff. Not only are you getting engaged to a person you have never met, but many of these catfishers have other people involved who somehow act as intermediaries taking money for various things. Why don't these people consider that even if the person and lived down the street, they wouldn't want to give them $200,000 dollars.

I think I am done with all of his out of control kid/teen shows. He always blames the mother for everything and every show is a variation on this:

Phil:: Admit you have never tried to help your child (said to mother only of ccurse)

Mother: he/she has been to several doctors and psychiatrists and has been placed on medication.

Phil: But, But stop staying but and making excuses! Admit you never tried to help your child.

Mother: Ok, you are right.

Father: Sits quietly, is never attacked or questioned. 

  • Love 2

That old cat-fished man, I have no sympathy for.  Yeah, you're not "into looks", but you'll get engaged to a woman who looks like a 20-yr-old model who you've never met, and spend over $200,000 on "her" and "her" lame story?  So many red flags.  Mama should have been smarter as well.  Yes, he was a nice looking older guy, who should be dating nice looking older women if he wants to get married again.  Cat fishing has been around long enough that everyone should know about it, at this point.  Nigerian princes as well.

  • Love 6

I have to comment on yesterday's episode about the woman who is addicted to Youtube. I graduated high school with her, and she has not changed at all. Drama queen, liar, crazzzzyyyy! I will say, I'm surprised she is so shocked that she has haters, as she was the most bullied student at our school. Everyone hated her!!! So what does she do? She runs for class president! She has been delusional since she was a kid. She has gone on a local "extreme makeover" show, and at one point opened a naughty sex shop, right in the middle of a quiet town, neighboring ours. She would stand out in front of it, and wave to the passing traffic in skimpy lingerie. This Dr. Phil stuff is just the tip of the crazy iceberg. She is a local celebrity where we live, and NOT in a good way. 

  • Love 16

Check this out, it's about her store, Posh and Naughty. She had the store about 10 years ago.


I have to think that some of this must stem from the extreme bullying she went through in middle school and high school. She was knocked into lockers for fun, and went by the name "Patsy" back then, which probably didn't help matters. She became "Trisha" senior year when she ran for class president. She made a ton of signs that said, "Trisha for President!" and everyone was like, you mean, Patsy? We know who you are, you can change your name, but you are still the same person! She was really hated, and at times, I did feel bad for her, but then she would speak, and my pity would be gone.  Ultimately, I think this made her the professional manipulator and victim she is today. It's crazy how she hasn't changed at all.  She used to get into fights, and would cause drama and chaos everywhere she went. 

After graduation, she became obsessed with dating guys from the Navy (we grew up in a coastal Navy town), and eventually she got one to marry her. I think she has some other kids as well, I remember her having 3, I think. Sean is not her first husband, he's number 2 or 3. At one point, she was a single mom, and got 35k worth of plastic surgery via some local extreme makeover show. She has always wanted the spotlight, and by any means necessary, she will get it. The fake "fainting" preview, really just par for the course. 

Edited by EastCoast4Life
  • Love 12
On 10/26/2017 at 11:43 AM, wings707 said:

Oh she most certainly is!  She wants a father for her children and someone to take care of her!!   Absolutely.  She is a stay at home mom with no income.  That says it all.   They will crash and burn very quickly.  

Watched the 50 something and his blond friend last night.   Too bad he is so gullible.  She will have a baby before the first anniversary, which effectively will ensnare him for 21 years regardless of the status of the marriage.  Why are some men so clueless?

Feel sorry for the daughter.

Next is the hoarder episode!

Edited by parrotfeathers
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Watched the 50 something and his blond friend last night.   Too bad he is so gullible.  She will have a baby before the first anniversary, which effectively will ensnare him for 21 years regardless of the status of the marriage.  Why are some men so clueless?

Feel sorry for the daughter.

It was interesting to watch Dr Phil deal with them.  I particularly like that he was clearly irritated with both them and the hoarder group.  I would like to see more of that.  

There seems to be a pattern here that people come on to get free services from him and perhaps a viewer reaching out to them for some reason.  I had the feeling that the young woman with the child in the hoarder house was hoping Phil would get rid of her AND send a crew to clean out the house like they do on the series. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Saw the "3 against 1" hoarder show.  Wow no wonder he lives in the garage with all the yammering that must constantly go on in addition to an almost toddler there too.  I never heard anything about the father of the child?

I don't think paying for an apartment for 90 days is going to solve much.  Or that stepmom will even agree to move.

How stepmom can stand blondie is beyond me.  

Imagine what the "Dr. Phil house" would look like after 30 days of that bunch!

Edited by parrotfeathers
  • Love 1

That YouTube lady is CRAZY!  Ugh, she seems so full of herself.  Today's 2nd part should be interesting.  It looks like she gets mad, storms off the stage and then pretends to faint. 

I wasn't sure about her husband (ex-husband?).  At times he defended her.

I loved the footage of her jumping on the lady's car hood and accusing her of running her down.  Hilarious.

  • Love 7
On 10/27/2017 at 11:55 AM, Phoebe70 said:

Regarding yesterday's catfish episode, the only one I felt sorry for was the man's mother.  She even used 401K!!  The man I have no sympathy for.  All the warnings were right in front of him-- the unexpired passport that was signed by someone named Frank, the obviously fake passport photo, the poor English in her texts, claiming that she was staying with a flight attendant or at the US Embassy.  He chose not to believe any of it.  If Dr. Phil hadn't brought out the woman in the photos that guy would still be sending money.  I love how he claimed he wasn't into physical appearance...yeah, right.  I'd love to know more about his background.  Divorced for 25 years and hasn't really dated anyone?! 

The mother had spent either $30,000 or $50,000 (I can't remember which) and a "friend" had "loaned" him another $150,000 (I would have like to have heard more about that) so if the guy sent the scammer $211,000 he's only out $11,000 - $31,000 of his own money. Seriously, after watching this episode, I told my husband we should just open a Stupid Asylum for people who are just too stupid to live on their own. We have our 1st three residents right here.

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

The mother had spent either $30,000 or $50,000 (I can't remember which) and a "friend" had "loaned" him another $150,000 (I would have like to have heard more about that) so if the guy sent the scammer $211,000 he's only out $11,000 - $31,000 of his own money. Seriously, after watching this episode, I told my husband we should just open a Stupid Asylum for people who are just too stupid to live on their own. We have our 1st three residents right here.

I snorted.

I don't understand how people don't pick these scammers out right away.  I have a room for rent in my house and I put it on Craigslist.  The first person to respond wrote in the same type of broken English these people write in and kept asking me to go cash the check they sent me (which showed up on my doorstep the next morning FedEx) and send them the money.  Yeah...I told them to go fuck themselves.  It's not hard to figure out.  I don't care if they are saying all the right things.  

The fact that the mother was just as clueless as her son made me snicker.  Both of them....just....ok.  

And the YouTube lady...my eyes rolled so far in the back of my head.  Dr. Phil "What about a butterball turkey?" had me rolling.

  • Love 5
On 10/26/2017 at 5:59 PM, NeverLate said:

Dr Phil said on the view, that he spoke to someone who did this. They told him, if they can pass the awful sentence framing, they know the person to be catfished will believe everything else.. babe, darling, my love,  all red flags, the person never sees them..

The very first red flag pops up when they introduce themselves - "I am Neverlate by name."   Native English-speakers say, "My name is Neverlate."  Sorry, Phillip, you go this one wrong.  (Don't ask me how I know.)

You tube lady's husband seemed to be upset and embarrassed by her behavior yesterday but when the other woman came out today he sure defended Trish and had a lot to say. I would have though he'd agree with her.

Also, I peeked at her You tube site and seems she hasn't yet stopped since Dr. Phil suggested she quit right away...

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, silversage said:

You tube lady's husband seemed to be upset and embarrassed by her behavior yesterday but when the other woman came out today he sure defended Trish and had a lot to say. I would have though he'd agree with her.

Also, I peeked at her You tube site and seems she hasn't yet stopped since Dr. Phil suggested she quit right away...


40 minutes ago, silversage said:

You tube lady's husband seemed to be upset and embarrassed by her behavior yesterday but when the other woman came out today he sure defended Trish and had a lot to say. I would have though he'd agree with her.

Also, I peeked at her You tube site and seems she hasn't yet stopped since Dr. Phil suggested she quit right away...

She craves that instant gratification. 

  • Love 3

Phil- "What about a Butterball turkey?"  This and the video of her hurling herself on the hood of the woman's car was hilarious!  

Her husband actually believed she was hit and defended her at odd times.  I am not sure how he fits into her madness.  All in all it was a fabulous episode and we get another one today!  And she fake faints!  

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Phil- "What about a Butterball turkey?"  This and the video of her hurling herself on the hood of the woman's car was hilarious!  

Her husband actually believed she was hit and defended her at odd times.  I am not sure how he fits into her madness.  All in all it was a fabulous episode and we get another one today!  And she fake faints!  

Yea.....the car rolling was hilarious!!  She is a very frustrating person. She def needs help! 

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1 minute ago, Phoebe70 said:

The whole "poisoned pizza" story was ridiculous.  What normal person would eat a pizza that was mysteriously delivered to her?  No way would I eat something if I didn't know who sent it or what was in it.  I don't buy her story for a minute.

I would make sure the pizza delivery person was legitimate first, by phoning the place they supposedly work for. Then, if that place confirms a pizza was ordered for my address, I'd let them know I didn't order it and coordinate with them to prevent faux orders in the future. After that, I'd find out what was asked to be put on it, letting them know of any allergies. If everything checked out, my dinner plans are flexible! I'd pay for the pizza that one time and eat it, too. Though, I'd let the pizza place know that I'm not paying for future faux orders and that they need to verify the pizza order with me before actually proceeding to make it.

Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from. I figure if you go to the lengths I describe, you can be pretty safe in eating it. If one of the haters works for the pizza place and lies about what's on it and causes you to be hospitalized, then you've got standing to sue their employer. The police may have cause to arrest the person and the criminal justice system may get involved.

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3 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from. I figure if you go to the lengths I describe, you can be pretty safe in eating it. If one of the haters works for the pizza place and lies about what's on it and causes you to be hospitalized, then you've got standing to sue their employer. The police may have cause to arrest the person and the criminal justice system may get involved.

but was the Pizza really tampered with?? Maybe she ordered the Pizza herself.....and faked her anaphylactic symptoms. Who knows, she is very odd

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20 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

If one of the haters works for the pizza place and lies about what's on it and causes you to be hospitalized, then you've got standing to sue their employer. The police may have cause to arrest the person and the criminal justice system may get involved.

Or your survivors would have standing.  

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