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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Earlier today, I saw an episode with the lying escort alcoholic mom and ex-military dad who's raising the kids. Although the mom said she was there to come clean and get help. It seemed to me like she would have been fine living her lifestyle had her friend not called the show. She seemed more upset that she couldn't bring up her ex-husband's dirty laundry. I was a little confused when at the end Dr Phil offered the dad "Dr on Demand" so he could do whatever at home, I was wondering what for. The dad wasn't on the show to get any help...I wonder if the dad had some issue that he refused to speak about while on camera?

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I think that the lying escort had found her life's vocation, prostitution.  It sounded like she was really into it.  Well.  Some people have the teaching vocation and others have the sex worker vocation.  I say let her go at it.

The husband and kids better stay away though.

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On 1/24/2017 at 0:22 AM, Oldcrone said:

This  "Pious Church Going Saint of a Pedophile" is disgusting. But the wife?????? Pointing out little girls to him saying "isn't she cute? "  Nudge nudge...wink wink...   I threw up in my mouth! KNOWING he is an admitted pedophile these pillars of the church  activley sought out foster kids?? Did I hear correctly that they have grandchildren and the parents are totally ok leaving their kids with Pops The Pedophile?? Oh, because he draws the line at insest... that makes him a saint. 

Mark your calanders....it is a rare day that I am at a loss for words. 

And of course his kids have no problem letting him have alone time with the grandchildren. His kids were raised by a pedophile. It was normalized to them from birth. Why would they think it's a problem?

I wonder if anyone who knows this family personally has called CPS? 

Even with all his problems, the one I'm most afraid of is his wife. She scares me, and I can't imagine what that poor girl went through. Being abused by Gary, then knowing Tabitha was OKAY with staying married to someone like that.

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I was sexually abused as a child, from the age of 4 to 16.  These programs are hard for me to watch, but I watch in a spirit of solidarity with others who have survived.  This show was on while I was at the gym.  For much of it, I had tears quietly rolling down my face, because my heart was broken for this poor young woman.  As soon as the show was over, I told my husband I'd wait for him outside.  I sat on a bench and just sobbed.

There is a special place in hell for child molesters.  And the justice system in this country should be able to send them there quicker via the most painful capital punishment process available.

I hope that Lauren makes the progression I've been able to make (thanks to years of therapy and support of good people).  I'd love to hear that she has gone from survivor to VICTOR.  Living well is the best revenge.  

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Thank you @AZChristian for sharing that.  My heart broke for this young woman.

 Someone dropped the ball earlier in her life.  She should have been in intensive therapy from the day she was rescued.  And probably on medication, now.  Going to college was a bad idea!  Get a degree online until you feel you can manage social situations.  THAT should have been addressed, too.  Poor girl.  How sad, very sad. 

Edited by wings707
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I'm glad Lauren has a girlfriend who seems to love her. She needs intensive therapy though. Sometimes significant others can't handle the intensity o a person who is so damaged. I do feel that Dr. Phil really cares about Lauren and I hope she gets better treatment than his usual offerings.

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I just read part of a series about her in the Dallas newspaper that was written shortly after she was rescued.  I couldn't read it all.  Dr. Phil's show hasn't scratched the surface of what that child endured.

She will definitely need a lot of therapy and support, but she does have people around her who love her and will help her.  I wish her all the best.

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AZChristian.....I can't even figure out what words there are to convey my empathy/sympathy for what you've been through. I lost both my mother  and father before I was 12. However, they left my world with me knowing they loved me. I hope you have other people in your life who make you feel the all encompassing love that you deserve.

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50 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

AZChristian.....I can't even figure out what words there are to convey my empathy/sympathy for what you've been through. I lost both my mother  and father before I was 12. However, they left my world with me knowing they loved me. I hope you have other people in your life who make you feel the all encompassing love that you deserve.

Thank you. I am blessed with a husband who has spent 52 years (so far) teaching me what real love is, and convincing me that I deserve it.

I am so sorry about the loss of your parents when you were so young.

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Dr Phil did a great job in providing therapy, an apartment and support for Lauren and Janae. This is why I frequently complain about him; he is capable of much more compassion and professionalism than he usually shows. There is also a sense that he only acts like a 'doctor' when a high profile case or famous person is on. I'M not suggesting he give apartments to everyone, I'm suggesting he treat everyone with compassion and professionalism.

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I avoided Lauren's shows on purpose, because I didn't think I could handle them. I'm glad that Dr. Phil was professional and showed compassion, like I agree he can but doesn't always do. I was just watching a similar trial of Ricardo Wimbush and his wife who locked their teenage son in a closet for 18 months. They were convicted of the second degree charges but not the first, and their sentencing is on Monday. That case really got to me, and I knew I couldn't handle Lauren.

I did watch the pedophile and his wife, and was glad Dr. Phil let him tell his story without interrupting. Pedophiles always justify it to themselves and convince themselves they really aren't hurting anyone. Dr. Phil didn't beat up on him, even when he was telling him that his belief that all men liked little girls was incorrect. He had already explained that the members of his family had been abused themselves, so his perception may have been correct, even if it isn't true for the average man.

The wife, on the other hand, showed herself to be just as delusional and sick. I'm sure he had been priming her since he met her to accept his pedophilia, and I don't believe she didn't know when they started taking in foster children. Pointing out little girls to him and saying, "Isn't she cute?" but expecting me to believe she would have never brought kids home to him for him to abuse is not going to happen. I hope they are kept away from their grandkids from now on, too. 

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9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

"Out of control teen" Danielle became a meme. Oh, and she posted a fight of herself. Dr. Phil sure did straighten her out. *rolls eyes*

I don't care if she's only 15. I still want to rip all of those hideous fake nails off her fingers. She's so gross!

Eventually, she's going to get herself killed or beaten into a coma when she mouths off to the wrong person.

33 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I don't care if she's only 15. I still want to rip all of those hideous fake nails off her fingers. She's so gross!

Eventually, she's going to get herself killed or beaten into a coma when she mouths off to the wrong person.

Yeah, her "fight" just honestly seemed like a catfight. Pulling hair hurts but she didn't looked bruised or bloodied. One day, she's going to mouth off to the wrong person and get seriously beaten up. I can totally see her sleeping with some crazy chick's "boyfriend" and said crazy chick going off on her. Hardcore as in beat her skull in hardcore.

She just reminds me of the awful people I knew in middle school. She's ending up either pregnant, in jail, or dead of a drug overdose.

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When that episode first aired, I didn't think her mom was going to send her to that camp, even though I thought she needed the structure and to be around people who wouldn't take her crap or find her cute. If she is posting fights about herself, I take it she has returned home. 

Dr. Phil suggested her behavior was a fear of losing her mom, which could be true, but her brattiness outweighed any sympathy I had for her. She is on the fast track to nowhere, and hopefully someone will enter her life that she respects and turn her around. If not, I don't want to know what she will be up to in five years, but it will probably result in jail time. 

today's show isn't over yet and I want to throw something at the tv! Josh, the controlling/not controlling (depends if she tells it or if he tells it) not fiance makes me want to smash his head in every time he says he has to "teach" her how to live, how to clean, how to be a wife. He complained because she has long hair and has to dry it! I have longer hair and I don't use a blow dryer very often but it has nothing to do with how much electricity it uses. She does provoke him, but she should run as far and as fast as she can. 

And he just now revealed that he was a not drinking alcoholic! Quelle surprise! No wonder he's a controlling SOB! She needs to take her kids and runaway. And that comes from just me. As an Al-Anon member, I cannot advise her unless she is unsafe, if she's unsafe, she needs to get to a safe place. But from much personal experience, he isn't going to get better. He may not be drinking, but he is not living sober. Now he's saying that they should separate! Finally something I agree with. For her sanity she needs out!

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I wanted to throw something at the tv too during this episode! Only it was after Dr. Phil accused the woman of "provoking" Josh after he was recorded slapping her in front of her daughter and then the "Did you kick me?" which sounded like he was trying to set up a mutual combat situation in case the police were called. This came right after Josh accused his fiancée of "making" him lose control of himself, something that Dr. Phil did not challenge and even seemed to support. Then the woman herself (don't remember her name). She is passively abusing her son by allowing Josh to treat him the way Josh treats him. Then to get pregnant again is so irresponsible. Seriously. The two of them deserve each other but the sad thing is the children deserve none of it!

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I was disgusted at Shill's suggestion that the woman was provoking that guy. Whatever she called him was very mild and he treated her like shit. It is crap like this that makes me detest Phil. I saw it another show a few weeks back where he let the ex husband of a woman on the show call her some kind of gender slur unchallenged. He not only doesn't help people, he is actively harming them, in my opinion.

Every time I see his wife Robin and her products, I just want to scream.  Why would anyone want her products? It baffles me. We all know that her freakish appearance and her tiny eyed, potato headed husband's appearance are the result of a not so skilled plastic surgeon. Even if we fell for the idea that she used those products to achieve her look, why would you want to look like either of them? Those asinine childish names for her products also make my butt hurt. That is all.

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6 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I was disgusted at Shill's suggestion that the woman was provoking that guy. Whatever she called him was very mild and he treated her like shit. It is crap like this that makes me detest Phil. I saw it another show a few weeks back where he let the ex husband of a woman on the show call her some kind of gender slur unchallenged. He not only doesn't help people, he is actively harming them, in my opinion.

THIS. Whenever Phil said the woman was provoking him, the guy was like "yes! You get it! see what I mean?" which was validating the abuse. Ridiculous. It seems like the good "doctor" doesn't take verbal abuse as seriously as physical abuse, where he says "there is NEVER a reason to lay hands on a woman."

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17 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I was disgusted at Shill's suggestion that the woman was provoking that guy. Whatever she called him was very mild and he treated her like shit. It is crap like this that makes me detest Phil. I saw it another show a few weeks back where he let the ex husband of a woman on the show call her some kind of gender slur unchallenged. He not only doesn't help people, he is actively harming them, in my opinion.

Every time I see his wife Robin and her products, I just want to scream.  Why would anyone want her products? It baffles me. We all know that her freakish appearance and her tiny eyed, potato headed husband's appearance are the result of a not so skilled plastic surgeon. Even if we fell for the idea that she used those products to achieve her look, why would you want to look like either of them? Those asinine childish names for her products also make my butt hurt. That is all.

I agree totally. I CANNOT stand Robin and the fact that she has been sitting there for EVERY FREAKING SHOW and now shilling her asinine, redundant product.  Anyone who believes that she got whatever "look" she has without a plastic surgeon is crazy.  And now about when she was flaunting that heart shaped diamond to that college girl basketball player turned prostitute? "It's REAL, honey."  Pathetic.  GET A REAL JOB LADY!!!!  She is going to cost her husband his show if they keep devoting more and more time to her and her pet projects.  Talk about egos.

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Also-that guy was one of those guys that doesn't want his partner to work, but then calls her lazy for not working at every opportunity. That man was mentally ill and had a terminal case of being a cheapskate. When you begrudge someone the electricity that it takes to dry one's hair, that is beyond the pale.

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3 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Also-that guy was one of those guys that doesn't want his partner to work, but then calls her lazy for not working at every opportunity. That man was mentally ill and had a terminal case of being a cheapskate. When you begrudge someone the electricity that it takes to dry one's hair, that is beyond the pale.

This too! When he was going on about the electricity, I just thought "what kind of 'breadwinner' ARE you?" He may call himself a breadwinner, but when you're bitching about pennies, you ain't that great a provider, no offense. Certainly not a great enough provider to justify a woman staying with such an asshole.

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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

As if on cue, we have Robin shilling her face weirdening stuff. Does anyone know what procedure it is that causes Robin to appear to have Madam the Puppet's cheeks? I have seen other people like Madonna and Courtney Cox with the same thing. 

I think that would be cheek implants.

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21 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

As if on cue, we have Robin shilling her face weirdening stuff. Does anyone know what procedure it is that causes Robin to appear to have Madam the Puppet's cheeks? I have seen other people like Madonna and Courtney Cox with the same thing. 

Add Kris Jenner to that list.

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On 2/1/2017 at 3:40 PM, GiveMeSpace said:

Every time I see his wife Robin and her products, I just want to scream.  Why would anyone want her products? It baffles me. We all know that her freakish appearance and her tiny eyed, potato headed husband's appearance are the result of a not so skilled plastic surgeon. Even if we fell for the idea that she used those products to achieve her look, why would you want to look like either of them? Those asinine childish names for her products also make my butt hurt. That is all.

The woman looked better before the products.  They both looked like brides of Frankenstein.  How many products are in her kit?  Too many!

The show with the kids and makeup and stuff.  The first parents with the 13 year old are just crazy.  The second mom who would not stop reinforcing the fact that her kid will get plastic surgery should be ashamed.  The dad married this shallow woman and now is aghast at how it is trickling down to the child.  I actually agreed with Phil on this show.  He was right on.

Edited by jumper sage
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Gosh, how much time is Phil going to devote to Eminem's daughter/Jesus' mother (name?).  Even more surprising, her segment is a cliffhanger, asking us to come back after Super Bowl weekend for more.  Is she going to be the new Todd from Survivor, the one case that Phil just won't give up on?

I watched her original segment and I got annoyed at Phil's endless questions, trying to get this loon to see things his way.  I could only shake my head - Phil was not gonna penetrate her haze of delusion.  I was curious when I saw this follow-up, to see some evidence of the wonders of modern therapy, but this chick is still bizarre as ever.   During her first appearance, some other commenters here wondered if she is for real.  I thought she was legitimately mental, but now I wonder.  She and her sisters conflict seems to be just sibling drama, and they're using a media forum to snipe at each other.

This followup showed Phil droning on and on again, trying to get her to admit that Eminem isn't her father, she was never pregnant, etc.  and again he didn't get the breakthrough he seemed to be striving for.  Not sure if I'll bother watching next week - the girls voice is just so monotone.

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I'm with you---I'm not even going to waste my time on the Jesus Mother/Eminem's daughter. She is as f**ked up as a football bat. Sorry, but I think dedicating 3 shows to her mental illness/delusions is beyond the pale. Wait....Robin can add her face(lift) products to her so her skin will glow and she will magically be HEALED!  

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Yeah, the Jesus mother who went to rehab and wasn't helped except that she was helped is a waste of time and money. Why does he have her on for 3 episodes? That only proves that his therapy at the premier place in the country hasn't helped that family at all. What was the point of this show? Or the one on Monday which I won't watch. This girl is mentally ill and needs to be at a long term facility. 

On a previous show, I couldn't believe that Robin said she had 14 products that needed to be used twice a day. Who in the real world has the time or energy for that nonsense? Plus the fact that her fantastic results are the result of plastic surgery. What a liar! As his Shill. I'm convinced that he's losing his mind.

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On 2/1/2017 at 3:09 PM, GiveMeSpace said:

Also-that guy was one of those guys that doesn't want his partner to work, but then calls her lazy for not working at every opportunity. That man was mentally ill and had a terminal case of being a cheapskate. When you begrudge someone the electricity that it takes to dry one's hair, that is beyond the pale.

That guy was a moron. My wife doesn't work (outside the home) and I don't want her to, either; at the same time, I know she works her ass off keeping the house clean, decorating for holidays, shopping for groceries/other necessities/other stuff, making dinner, and so on. The kicker, of course, is that I appreciate all her efforts and regularly tell (and show) her that I do. I'm of the opinion that if you don't like the way something's been cleaned, then you have to do it yourself. I was appalled when he expected to be able to call her and have her go to the store to get aluminum foil/wrap. Who does that? We've run out of stuff around here (both when my wife has been home and not), and I'm just as quick to go to the store to get it as she is. It's not any kind of a crisis and she certainly doesn't deserve to be berated for it.

I couldn't understand why, if he's so concerned about electricity usage, they haven't switched their light bulbs to LED. I did and I noticed our electric bill dropped by a couple of bucks. Not a lot of money, but a couple dollars a month adds up over time. Plus, in the summer I don't have regular incandescent bulbs increasing the temperature of the house, making the air conditioner work harder. And I'm sure a couple of bucks a month would offset the usage of a hair dryer...

And I dislike when Dr. Phil constantly asks the woman "Why do you stay with him?". Why doesn't he ask the man "Why do you stay with her?". I mean, honestly. I don't know that I've dated women that I felt were less intelligent than I am (but then I don't have this guy's ego, either), but I have dated women whose interests were so different from mine that I didn't enjoy their company. I've also dated women who did something that cost them my respect. In both cases, I broke up with them. After all, if you don't respect the person you're dating, engaged to, or married to, then how do you maintain a romantic interest? How would you avoid the relationship deteriorating to "two people who have sex"?

Life is 20% what happens to you and 80% how you react to it. When you realize that and also realize that you're the only person you can control, it gets easier to roll with the punches and life becomes a lot easier and less stressful. In fact, last year I signed up for this thing through my work's health insurance (to help me get a discount on my premiums) where I would receive six monthly phone calls to help me manage my stress. I had to make shit up because I just don't really stress out about anything anymore. LOL!

Edited by MrSmith
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Are there really a lot of people in this country who want to watch someone who is genuinely suffering from a serious mental illness be paraded in front of the cameras?  There's no educational or entertainment value in this.  Please let the poor girl go to a mental hospital, where they can help her.

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2 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

Are there really a lot of people in this country who want to watch someone who is genuinely suffering from a serious mental illness be paraded in front of the cameras?  There's no educational or entertainment value in this.  Please let the poor girl go to a mental hospital, where they can help her.

Yeah, those episodes have been pretty rough. She's super frustrating and sometimes you wish you could just slap the stupid right out of her - and then I remember that she's broken and not rational. I hope she gets things sorted out and can have a good life. Looks like her mother is helping to sabotage her, which is why we'll be watching today's episode. And if her mother is sabotaging her, then hopefully she can get straight and get away from her mother so that she can stay straight.

I don't see having her on camera as being entertainment so much. I actually do see some educational value in it. I mean, how many times do you encounter someone who's mind is genuinely broken? It's been interesting to see how such a person behaves. I've also found it interesting to see how her own family has dealt with her. Her sister clearly is/was of the opinion that merely providing empirical proof that controverts her beliefs would be enough to make the girl accept reality. I don't think either the mother or sister understood that the girl's mind is actually broken, as opposed to her having/engaging in Munchausen's syndrome type behavior (or just making outlandish claims that the girl knows to be false). So, I've been more interested in watching the family than watching the girl.

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Phillip gets so excited when a guest mentions an even tangential connection to him and he has to brag about his 40 some year marriage to the Madame Tussaud version of his wife. It's so embarrassing.

First, it was the guest who was obsessed with some country singer. The lady never mentioned anything about wanting Phillip in any way whatsoever, but he just had to let her know that "Robin would kick [her] butt" if she did.

Then it was last week's sugar baby who made an offhanded remark about picking up Phillip as a client. To which he excitedly pointed out his scary wife in the audience and she flashed her big old ring.

Then, he was all too excited about Jesus' mom's off camera remark/delusion about being his niece, of which she barely remembered saying. But he just had to play that up, again, pointing to his wife and mentioning how long they've been married.

Phillip, no one wants you. Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself and me and my DVR. Cut it out.

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I loved when Jesus' Mama asked Dr. Phil if he'd been married more than once?  He deflected that with "Robin and I have been married for 44 years."  Well, according to a Google search, they've been married 40 years.   If he were still married to #1, they'd have been married 46 years.  So who can't be trusted to tell the truth on that stage?

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51 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I loved when Jesus' Mama asked Dr. Phil if he'd been married more than once?  He deflected that with "Robin and I have been married for 44 years."  Well, according to a Google search, they've been married 40 years.   If he were still married to #1, they'd have been married 46 years.  So who can't be trusted to tell the truth on that stage?

HA!  He didn't lie though.  He could have mentioned he had a short marriage when he was young.  No shame in that.  Off to google now.  

ETA.  They married right out of high school and it lasted 3 years.  They had it annulled.  She said he had a roving eye.  Well at 18 boys generally do.  

Edited by wings707
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I totally forgot that Shill had been married before Robin! How do you get a marriage annulled after 3 years?! Boy he sure sidestepped that question, didn't he? I thought he was all about telling the truth and being totally honest. He did not tell that girl the truth, not that she deserved it but still, he was not honest. I waver between this girl is mentally ill and this girl has worked everyone in her life even Shill. Now she can't bathe herself, wash her own hair, etc? Huh? 

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On 2/4/2017 at 4:21 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

Baby Jesus... no big mystery here... she needs regular psychiatric visits and medication adjustments.  Not TV shows and Robin wrinkle creams.

No kidding.  That poor family.  The state of our mental health system is shameful.  What is going to happen to that girl when her mom dies?  I can't even imagine what it's been like for Mom and Sis to live with that level of delusion and hostility.  

Of course, if Mom would just buy a few of Robin's skin care items.......

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Watched yesterday's episode last night after work. I have come to the conclusion that girl's mother is both stupid and enjoys the drama. Why is she stupid? Oh, let me articulate the reasons...

1. She chooses to act on what her daughter tells her rather than paying attention to the doctors and following their advice and instructions.
2. She takes her daughter to a new psychiatrist and
    a. fails to give that doctor any background or treatment history*,
    b. lets the new psychiatrist prescribe different medications,
    c. fails to question the change in medication, and
    d. fails to question the change in diagnosis.
3. She fails to keep in touch with the doctors that have been working with her daughter for the last two months.
4. She fails to seek out advice from the doctors at Creative Care.
5. She seems to think that two months' treatment will cure her daughter of an incurable condition.

*We know that she failed to do this because if she had said anything to that doctor about the fact her daughter had just been at Creative Care, then the new psychiatrist would either have said "Oh, let me get in touch with them and consult with them" or "I don't consult with other doctors in this kind of situation". If the former, then the medication and diagnosis wouldn't have changed. If the latter, then the mother would have been able to take her daughter elsewhere for continuing treatment.

I think she enjoys the drama because of some of the reasons I've listed for her being stupid (1, 3, 4, and 5) and she failed to ask the staff at Creative Care for clarification regarding having phone contact with her daughter, and for playing semantics with Dr. Phil and the two people who were there from Creative Care. Also because of the degree to which she chooses to engage with her irrational daughter when her daughter is acting like a spoiled 3-year-old.

As for the daughter, it's pretty clear that she is delusional. However, I'm pretty sure she plays it up, too. That seemed to be pretty obvious when she was talking to Dr. Phil on stage and, for me, it became devastatingly clear in that back room.

Finally, I am so tired of them hawking/shilling Robin's face creams and whatnot in the last 12 to 15 minutes of the show. Makes me wonder if you were there in the studio audience, could you influence the people around you to chant "Dr. Shill" simply by chanting that yourself? Maybe it would take a group of 5 or 6 people to make that alternate chant loud enough to interfere with other people's chanting of "Dr. Phil". Certainly having a group doing it would make it more psychologically acceptable to people around you rather than being the sole crackpot chanting "Dr. Shill". Would make for a fun social experiment. At least, it would for me. This, however, would require me to go to California; I'd rather go to the dentist.

Edited by MrSmith
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