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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. Oops, I meant Kevin played by Andre, who was my fave supporting actor that year. When he was talking aboutwhat happened to him after high school, I was all, "Damn, I would watch that movie! Let's do a movie on Adult Kevin!" Lol, maybe I didn't care for Kevin that much...
  2. I liked Part 1, LOVED Part 3, snoozed through Part 2. It is fascinating that I could not care one bit about Kid and Teen versions of Andre, while Adult Andre is my favourite character in the movie.
  3. After hearing of the loss of John Avildsen, the director the Rocky and Karate Kid movies, it reminded me of another movie of his: For Keeps, starring Molly Ringwald and my crush, Randall Batinkoff. He was so dreamy.
  4. I loved those end credits in the final film. I am surprised more franchises don't do this thing, ie. Harry Potter.
  5. I disliked the movie too. Currently, my least liked of the nominated films. I also couldn't get over the central plot point, the dead brother appointing Affleck as the guardian of the son. There was a very good chance of Affleck saying no to this appointment, so there should have been an alternate. But apparently there was none. Pretty crappy parenting, if you ask me. And I still can't believe the two girls didn't realize they were being played during the funeral. Didn't at least one of them try to console him, by kissing or just being affectionate?
  6. I thought Neville was the best thing about Me Before You. I'm surprised that the actress who played Luna has not done more.
  7. I am always jealous of characters who eat and drink whatever they want and never gain weight.
  8. Would a movie like Hello, My name is Doris perhaps be considered a romantic comedy? I did like it, and Sally is so great. Loved La La Land too. With all these actors locked up for all of these superhero trilogies, franchises, etc, I was wondering if studios would be interested in locking up two actors doing a certain number of movies together, ie Emma and Ryan, Jennifer and Bradley, etc. I think Gal and Chris in a romantic comedy would do well. And bring back the middle aged romcom. Oprah and Samuel L Jackson. Nicole and Colin.
  9. Muriel's Wedding: Tania: Why don't you come have a drink with us? Rhonda: You want to have a drink with me? Tania: Well, yeah. We wouldn't want you to spend the entire holiday alone. It's not like in high school where you should feel you're not good enough to talk to us. Rhonda: I don't. Tania: If I feel you've changed, I'll tell you. I'm honest. Unlike some people, I tell it like it is. Rhonda: The truth? I tell the truth too. Nicole's having an affair with Chook. Muriel saw them fucking in the laundry room on your wedding day. Stick your drink up your ass, Tania. I'd rather swallow razor blades than have a drink with you. Oh, by the way... I'm not alone. I'm with Muriel.
  10. Examples of truly monstrous parents: Monique in Precious. The dad in Room. Angela Lansbury in the Manchurian Candidate. Examples of funny bad parents: Amy Poehler in Mean Girls. Christina Applegate in Bad Moms. Sissy Spacek in THE Help. Examples of irritating parents: Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea. Kevin Spacey in American Beauty. Meryl Streep in August: Osange County.
  11. With Wonder Woman, it showed that a female led superhero movie can make money. With LA La Land, it showed that the romantic comedy and musical can make money. Even if Bridget Jones didn't do so great in the US, it did great everywhere else. With Hidden Figures, it showed that a female driven historical pic can make money. With Rogue One and The Hunger Games, it showed a female led action flick can make money. What genres are missing?
  12. Although not American, wasn't Hugh Jackman a big contender for playing Bond? I think it was more about Hugh not wanting the role, rather than vice versa. If he accepted, would there really that much backlash? And Renee got the iconic Bridget Jones role. But I think there is certainly an argument to be made that Black Americans have fewer opportunities to work in more international productions. I am thinking something like the Book of Negros, a Canadian miniseries that casted Cuba.
  13. I loved this movie so much. I didn't realize there was so much debate over the final play. I always figured that Kit won fair and square. Yes, I just loved the Madonna and Rosie friendship. Is there any current equivalent? But also props to Geena for playing the square with real winning charisma.
  14. I would love the actresses who played Susan and Carol from Friends play the Aunts who raise Jughead.
  15. I am only watching this show for Nikita and Craig Manning. Oh man, they hugged!!! I liked Jason and the other fbi guy. I have no interest in anything else on this show.
  16. I really had no problems with season 1, but maybe less Rittenhouse would be fine. I would perhaps like to see flashbacks with the sister and the wife, to remind me why I should care about them. More gay characters! They have a good base, but someone like Marc from Ugly Betty, who purchases all of the clothes for the trio's adventures.
  17. Oh, I am such a person, but that final scene where Harlee had Stahl in her hands was so darn hot.
  18. I loved the episode just by virtue of the lack of Henry. And I totally must have blanked out when Nadine did it with the dog guy. I hate that guy. I want her back with Ira from Mad About You! And where is that cafe that Blake went to? I saw no independent coffeehouses when I visited the White house, just boring chains.
  19. Parenthood was supposed to move to Monday midway through their second season, but something to do with Law and order or those Chicago shows had them stay on Tuesday for that second season. But Tuesday was never really a permanent thing for Parenthood. Parenthood was never a ratings hit, it was always on the bubble for renewal. And while I liked or loved it too, it had its fair share of critics too. Losing The Voice as a leadin may hurt the show, but I don't think the competition is any fiercer. Scandal is not the ratings hit it was once. Bull is a bigger show than Mom (or whatever CBS show will air in that timeslot) and Bones is a bigger hit than whatever Fox has on Thursdays. Brooklyn 99?
  20. I am not happy with the move. I loved it as my Tuesday show. Riverdale is my Thursday show.The relatively few breaks worked me too. The SB episode will very likely feature Jack and Kate watching the Steelers Seahawks SB match. I will already be ready to cry, just by virtue of being a Seahawks fan.
  21. I hope I can still see my sister when I visit her next month.
  22. I am one of those viewers who didn't see the first season and watched the second. I quite like it, even though I don't watch any of the other Chicago shows and I normally avoid procedurals. I liked the finale. I am a suckered when a cast gets down and boogies.
  23. I have no problem having them be in the same period for multiple episodes. It will allow for a richer experience. And they don't have to keep find guest stars. The nature of these shows is that the level acting from the guest cast can vary wildly from episode to episode.
  24. See, I generally don't like time travel shows but I thought this was fun with the three leads working really well together. I didn't need anything beyond that.
  25. No, Fred!!! I am calling it. The shooter is Betty's brother.
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