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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. Awww, I am very sad. Timeless was nothing brilliant, but it was fun and joyful. I wish all the actors, creators and crew much success.
  2. I cannot last a whole summer without knowing Brett's fate. It left a bitter taste when everyone just goes home for drinks without trying to find him. I will need to know he is alive and well. I figure everyone will work elsewhere, no layoffs. I really don't want anyone to leave. Well, Carol can leave. No one messes with Sandra!
  3. Anyone know what was in the maple syrup? Drugs? Good episode. I like FP was not totally innocent and I like the cousin reveal. That connection may be the cause of Bad Betty. The saddest scene was Jughead sleeping in the garage, losing the opportunity to sleep next to a shirtless Archie.
  4. This episode was all about Lina and Jane. I lurve their friendship.
  5. Sandra may actually be happy? Yes!!!! I need more of Sandra and Jerry!!!!
  6. Using a Covergirl mirror to make sure Polly is breathing may be the best TV product placement in history. Doubt it, but maybe Archie planted the gun? That's why he didn't want Veronica to check the bedroom. I didn't think Hermione was a Mean Girl in high school. I thought she was a nice girl who succumbed to the seduction of a rich dude. Man, I love this show. So much.
  7. Yes, and when ER was renewed that time, it was simultaneously announced that it would be its last season. I generally don't mind that. I can't remember a show where that final season is worse than the second last season. It may be bad, but not as bad as the prior season. As long as it known ahead of time that it's its last season.
  8. Can I say how much I love the Alanis Morissette joke?
  9. I am catching up with this show. I am loving it! About buying the house, I am surprised it only cost 4m. I figure houses in the middle of SF would cost more.
  10. Well, Jughead has to deal with it if he wants to still with Betty. Betty was friends with Kevin long before she dated Jughead, so he will have to deal with having him present in his life. Same for Veronica. Betty/Kevin >>> Bughead. Betty/Veronica >>>> Bughead.
  11. I like Chuck. As a character. Not every villain has to be some snarky jokester with a witty put down. I like how he brings out Betty's bad side. She was so checking him out. And the actor is very charismatic. I personally don't think his character has done anything that prevents him from being "redeemed", although I have no need for him to become Chuck Bass or Damon Salvatore.
  12. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Also, loved the short glimpse of Chuck's abs. And did Dillon grow like a foot?
  13. I am loving this show so much. I was disappointed that we did not see Veronica, Ethel and Kevin get soap treatments.
  14. I hated this episode in so many ways. I am tired how put upon they make Hudgens.
  15. I am shocked at how I utterly loved this. Natalie was magnetic.
  16. Jay's storyline was rage inducing. If they want to fix their marriage, the wife should get a new job as a secret CIA or FBI agent.
  17. All of those David E Kelley shows like Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Common and Boston Legal were set in Boston. And of course Cheers. My unpopular opinion is I like Morales on Chicago Med, Rebecca on This is Us, and Daisy on Madam Secretary.
  18. I experience the Flush too. I get so red. I don't drink either. I have heard that taking pepcid ac helps but I never tried it. Really enjoyed Eddie's storyline, but yes, Jessica's was lame.
  19. A child with cancer storyline occurred on Sisters. Georgie's younger son. He survived it but it was a season long arc. It was pretty good. With Randall and Beth perhaps adopting, maybe the child can have a disease or disability? If they want to explore the issues around the death of a child, there are flashbacks for Kevin and Sophie. We don't know their history. I do find it interesting that Sophie is married twice but there does not appear to be any kids.
  20. We have seen Jack twice show an interest in starting a business. It appears that those dreams are sidelined in some manner both times. Jack sees Rebecca get back to her dream, and there may be some resentment there. If Rebecca got a call from Ron Howard in the middle of the night, would Jack feel any better because she would probably earn a good amount of money? I also liked how Rebecca snuck in those comments about Jack deciding to adopt Randall and buying the house. And the quickness of Jack's sobriety 7 years ago. I was wondering if Rebecca's blind date is someone who Randall knows through work, a real big shot nowadays. I loved Kate's smile when she announced she wants to sing. She knows people in the industry. She can do jingles. I want her to succeed so much. Maybe she can find Ben, who is a hotshot.
  21. I look forward to seeing the kids' stories play out next season. I think Beth will return to work and Randall will stay at home. Even though the adoption will be open, Randall will have a better idea of how Rebecca felt. Loved the episode. Love the series. I will let the writers do what they want. I am not exactly needing to know everything right now.
  22. I believe Randall was wanting to move to Charleston, SC, right?
  23. Actors receive such goodwill for returning to their show, are there actors who refuse to return? I suppose there is Shannon Doherty, so.... Nina coming back for one episode seems like such a no-brainer.
  24. I can bitch about a show with the best of them, but when a series is done, I generally look back and focus on why I watched the show and enjoyed it. Its legacy is probably saving the CW from extinction, giving the teen vampire genre a bit of respectability after the Twilight series, and I liked the world building that you didn't see in teen shows of the past. It lost its way but I kept at it. I generally like everyone in the cast and crew and writers (well, I truly did detest Enzo), and I look forward to see how they continue to pursue their craft.
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