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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. Also, Olivia had a whole monologue about how her mother celebrated Christmas. I suppose her father could be Jewish, but I doubt it.
  2. I don't know how much of William's conversation that Rebecca heard before bolting out the room, but there were some things he said that would make me pause. For instance, him suggesting that he could get a cot for Randall to sleep over. My parents didn't allow me to go on sleepovers with long-time friends. As for Jack's physique, he reminds me of Tony Danza. Not everyone was hairy like Tom Selleck.
  3. Further to Young William's reaction, it seems that he came to similar conclusions. It could certainly be due to age and his illness, but he is so more reserved now. If he behaved similarly way back when... Rebecca and Jack mentioned birth PARENTS could take Randall from them. Do they not know about the mother having died?
  4. Kate was the real MVP. Despite her own issues with her mother, she wanted Randall to forgive her. And I bet that Olivia is not Kevin's first girlfriend she had to deal with. I am living for her hatred of Olivia. Young William's exuberance over seeing Randall is reminiscent of Randall's joy over Thanksgiving. The pushup scene was soooo well done.
  5. I like the pop culture references too. But a practical level, it would make it easier for the trio toremember each others' aliases. Easier to remember Agent Mulder than Agent whatever other name. Must say, I am shocked how much I like this show.
  6. I take it that Kate's OA buddies are there to provide Kate with a semblance of a life outside her family. We know more about them than we do, say, Kevin's acting buddies (Olivia excluded) or Randall's co-workers.
  7. A few years back, I drove from DC to Philadelphia. The first and last time so far. I vaguely recall noticing signs on the highway with numbers, like 100, 100.1, 100.2, etc. I live on the west coastlike where signage wish every mile. So, the 3.4 miles sign kinda jogged that memory. Am I mistaken about this?
  8. It's not just This is Us. Pretty much every show, movie, song that tries to get the audience to cry is accused of being manipulative.
  9. My unpopular opinion: I don't fault shows for trying to make me weepy. Other shows try to make me laugh, or cringe, etc. Not sure why sentiment is so shunned.
  10. Is Jack an only child? I think so. I would like to see Rebecca's sister. Although it would be funny to cast Britney, Christina or Jessica, maybe someone the same size as Kate? Shows the genetic component of obesity, but it provides context to Rebecca's feelings and actions.
  11. I didn't get the name either and closed captioning wasn't working. What *is* the name of the Play?
  12. Rebecca gets grief for her high pitched behaviour when she's around her parents, but Randall gets sympathy for showing major disrespect to her mother in front of his two girls. Randall really has a thing for drama. I get that people don't like Miguel but to make fun of his name? What's wrong with his name?
  13. This is the second time they mention Randall's incompetent assistant. Would something like gastric surgery be covered under insurance? And would someone need help after having such surgery? Gee, I wonder if Kate will move. I need Kate to friggin love Miguel. I don't love that Rebecca has such troubled relationships with all of her kids. Even though I don't think it's a big deal she didn't remember the name of Kevin's play.
  14. I loved loved loved the scene where the 3 of them shared certain things about themselves. I am not suggesting this show is an artistic masterpiece, but when I can watch the characters just hang and talk I will forgive a lot.
  15. The house and car should look a few years older than 1995. Most people don't always buy the latest gadgets. I am just waiting for Young Kate to be a big fan of Jessica Simpson, which will piss off Rebecca. I thought the poster was of Buffy the show?
  16. I am only here for Matt. Got all excited with Tyler's letter but I fear the secret is already out.
  17. I worked in a photo lab of a big box grocery store, back in the 35mm days. A customer complained to me that all of her photos turned out blurry. She was screaming her head out, insisting that it was our fault. Yes, I was literally shaking the machine while her photos were being developed.
  18. Can someone help me out? I thought the trade deadline passed. So how can Mike be traded?
  19. I wonder if the terms and conditions have more to do with certain behaviors, ie doing a certain number of training sessions per week, eating stuff only made by a personal chef, etc. Not so much based on weight number.
  20. I think a key scene in the episode with respect to how Rebecca treats Kevin and Randall is Rebecca in the stands. She is wearing beige, to appear as neutral as possible. When her mind is specifically on "sides", she knows where she should be. It also should be pointed out that Rebecca was aware that scouts were going to be present and that is why she encouraged/forced Jack to attend. She is looking out for Kevin too, although Kevin wouldn't know anything about any of this.
  21. Last night on This Is Us, Kevin said, "So, it will be just you and me" and then Randall said, "You and I." So, Randall is right? I thought Kevin would be right. I'm confused.
  22. Maybe Kate can become Randall's new assistant, to replace the one who says "like" too much. I bet Kates know what Randall's job entails.
  23. In many ways, Randall and Kevin benefited from their competitive natures. I found interesting that small scene where Young Kate was setting up the water station and she thanked someone. Even in that role, she was in support of her brothers. And happy to do so. A poster wondered where Kevin ends up becoming interested in acting. I can foresee Kevin stops playing football due to injury, so Kate encourages him to join the School Play with her (we know she has musical talent). Kevin ends up staging her up, accidentally. Tragedy ensues.
  24. But Randall would not be present for those conversations. In the previous episode, Kevin mentioned he had two siblings to that woman who lost her husband.
  25. In Kevin's defence, how many times would he need to introduce Randall as his brother? They went to different schools. As kids, it's normally the parents who introduces the family. If Randall actually went to LA and attended a taping of The Manny, I would expect Kevin to have introduced Randall as his brother. Grammar: I thought Kevin was right in saying "Just you and me." Am I wrong?
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