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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. I hate when the mean people gang up on the nice naive person. Hate. I will give it one more episode, but I cannot stand for another similar episode.
  2. Loved the episode. I think the revenge story was so much fun, and the mystery is getting interesting. But I really loved the scenes between the Pussycats and Archie. I am a big of seeing students coming together to do something they love. Are Chuck and Dalton comic characters? Dalton is a cutie.
  3. Even if the show was renewed for one season only and ratings really tanked that second season, they would almost assuredly have gotten that second renewal. Parenthood never had the same ratings success and renewal was always up in the air. I think pretty much every season finale they had were written as their series finale just in case.
  4. Interesting commentary. With Randall and Beth, I find it extremely interesting to see how they are approaching William's. Beth is perhaps more objective, but she has to consider how this will affect the girls and it can't help but think about the loss of her own dad. She may have felt that her surviving parent was not there enough for her when the dad died. Probably because her mom had to work and make the money. Maybe that is why she called marriage on Randall. With regard to Kate, I think if the post episode show is any indication, the actress has a pretty good read of Kate's issues and emotional journey. Toby may or may not be end game, but I don't think the writers will have Kate do it with Horse Guy. Having her have an affair and seek Toby's forgiveness will be too similar to the Kevin and Sophie storyline.
  5. With flashbacks, we will likely see Kevin actually at his darkest. I like that Sophie never understand her dislike of Miguel. I am interested to see more of it. I bet it is more than just him being married to his mom.
  6. I love Alison. So much. So so much. Alison and Kenny are my otp.
  7. I loved the episode. The sustained tension was very impressive. After being less than impressed with Sophie last week due to her 10 year old self treating Kate badly, she redeemed herself by asking how Kate was doing, with a smile. And I guess Rebecca didn't keep in touch with Sophie's parents? She asked about Randall, but not Beth. I wonder if they ever met? I am demanding flashbacks Randall and Beth's courtship. I wanna meet her father.
  8. In Canada, we just got the Cooking Channel. I hate the competition shows infiltrating the Food Network. I am enjoying Unique Sweets, Unique Eats, and Hailey's America. I am a sucker for food travelogue shows. I like Tiffani's show too, but I hate it when the hosts has a fake dinner party. I get embarrassed for everyone involved. Basically, I have been watching a lot of food shows lately. When I am in the gym, I will actively change the channel from the news to the food channels. I wonder if it is just me or is this is a trend.
  9. Yes, mumbly Enzo is dead! Yes! I want Bonnie happy but I want to be happy too. Bonnie happy with Enzo does not make me happy. Now, Bonnie and Matt can come together to kill the Salvatore brothers. Yes!!
  10. This episode was so funny. Loved the ladies lunch. Oh, poor Sandra. I also liked the continued adoration of The Vampire Diaries. I watch that show but no one likes that show anymore. I think it's appropriate for Sandra to be its only true blue fan.
  11. I am liking the show a lot. Plot didn't move forward but I felt they did a good job of giving the characters more dimension. And Archie in his underwear? Yes! That chemistry class scene showed a, uhm, chemistry amongst the cast. Good timing there with the quick rapid dialogue. Seeing Jughead, Betty, Veronica and Archie together made me feel good.
  12. The actress who plays Betty reminds me of that blond actress in that CW cheerleader show. She was on a couple of Disney tv shows.
  13. I think what the show did a pretty good job was to showcase the different relationships. Betty and Veronica is the most obvious example, but I also bought the friendship (or lack thereof) of Archie and Jughead, the friendship of Betty and Kevin, the rivalry of Cheryl and Veronica/Betty. The romantic relationship are less defined, but for the show to last, it's always the friendships that matter. And Luke Perry's ex wife has to be either Shannon or Jennie or Rebecca. Maybe Tiffani?
  14. I liked it. I am in the for the season. Is Kevin in the comics? I thought Reggie would be the closet gay but I am fine with Moose.
  15. When did Randall and Beth get married? Around the same time as Kevin and Sophie? Talk about competitive brothers.
  16. The writers wanted to establish the close bond between Kate and Kevin early on in the series. By isolating them from the rest of the family, I think it works. It also helped with this episode between Toby and Kevin. Had Kate always been on the East Coast, how often would Kevin have seen Toby? It's not like Toby and Randall could've hung out as easily in this episode.
  17. But at least Miguel didn't abandon Jack at his birthday party.
  18. Regarding the Madonna dressup, I could easily have seen Kate and Rebecca/Jack having a discussion of what her party would entail. Young Kate may have asked for cone bras, but Rebecca and Jack would've nixed it. The voguing scene was so cute. No offence to the actress, but you could tell that she was not familiar with Voguing. Kids tend to be very exact about their passions. But soooo cute regardless.
  19. Also, Sophie and Kevin were childhood sweethearts. Sophie and Kate were friends and may have kept in touch. Or Jack and Rebecca may have been friends with Sophie's parents (who may still live in that neighbourhood).
  20. I liked how Young Kevin was reenacting scenes from The Princess Bride. Already a budding actor. It makes sense that Kevin loved seeing everyone follow him around at his party, while both Randall and Kate are left out. I guess he figures they get enough attention from the parents.
  21. But I as a viewer, all I know about Sophie was that she was a Mean Girl to Kate. Now, Kevin treated Kate terribly too but we have seen Kevin treat her well in other episodes. I am willing to give Sophie a chance, but for me, it will be how she treats Kate in future episodes, not how she interacts with Kevin. As for Randall and his lack of popularity, I think his scene with Sanjay was telling. He was passed but he could have hid it better. Kevin seems to be on all the time, Kate has that same capacity in certain situations like at work. Randall, I haven't seen it.
  22. I guess I should have known that Rebecca and Jack weren't gonna have another kid, since we have already seen them when the kids are older and no 4th kid in sight. But I did think that Rebecca would suggest adopting a 4th kid, to avoid any potential twins.
  23. Ah, thanks for the clarification. I guess I was just looking for Yvette. I suppose it was pretty common back then where the parents of the other kids wouldn't be there.
  24. Where was Yvette? Are her sons and Randall no longer friends? I am all about Young Kate. I know I shouldn't judge Sophie at age 10 but unless the show shows Sophie and Young Kate continual besties during the teen years, I ain't gonna like her. This episode grabbed me so hard. I also found the general ease between Rebecca and Jack so endearing. I liked how they talked through things.
  25. How amazing was Kristen Bell in these episodes? Truly wonderful. Holy mother forking shortballs! Hilarious with a real humanity. I will miss this show. Easily the biggest surprise this season.
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