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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. Loved it. I like how Kevin's self-involved sense of humour was seen in him at a younger age. I also love that Jack and Rebecca expect their kids to be good people. A lot of parents would have allowed Kevin to behave the way he did.
  2. My favourite characters on Will & Grace, by a long shot, are Will and Grace. The second seasons of both This is Us and Riverdale are as good as their first seasons.
  3. I want Matt and Jay and Blake to stay put. I worry if they leave, the writers will have another McCord fill in their position.
  4. I absolutely loved this episode. All around wonderful. Also, anything involving the Saturn is gold.
  5. Larry David can go screw himself. I loved the episode.
  6. This was easily my most hated episode. Everyone was so mean. And Dina was just awful.
  7. Very impressed with the consistency. The Letter. The guns. The cello bow. Midge and Moose. With Moose at the very least badly wounded, it will get Kevin back in the fold. I always preferred Moose over Joaquin.
  8. Yes, that is Elizabeth Perkins. Besides Big, I thought she was fabulous in About Last Night. I hope we see more of her.
  9. Randall trying so hard with Deja is similar to Randall trying so hard with Racist Grandma. Except Deja is not Racist Grandma. Young Randall showing his one chicken pox broke my heart. The hair scene broke my heart. Loved the episode. I am hoping that Racist Grandma does end up having a relationship with the Randall.
  10. I watched the first 3 episodes on a flight too, maybe in the same plane?;) I don't have HBO either, so I borrowed the dvds at my public library.
  11. Although I never liked Leo in the original run, his scenes with Grace had me cracking up. I also think he looks great. That Last Word bit was great. I am finding Will and Grace good. I have become less enthused with Jack and Karen.
  12. Archie's relationship with Ms. Grundy was uncovered at Jughead's birthday party during that Truth or Dare game, and probably spread throughout the school the next day. Is Uncle Oscar part of the comics? A brother of Fred has already passed, which is sad. But if they ever do Adult Flashbacks, I would gather he would part of that. Does that mean there are cousins? The Grundy death has me so confused who the killer could be. Great episode, but looking forward to a more traditional episode.
  13. Loved the episode so much. Annie and William got me bad, but I also loved the scene where the three teens actually seemed to enjoy each other's company. My favourite characteristic of Kate is her excellent memory of everyone's resumes and career history. I like seeing that play out with Stallone.
  14. Really liked the episode. Kara Danvers is my favourite person line gave me all sorts of feels.
  15. In terms of Reese playing a villain, perhaps playing Rachel's sister on Friends?
  16. I thought last week was a pilot, but apparently this was a show last season? I was confused about the Brit and the daughter having kissed. Anyways, last week was not very good. But this episode was good. I laughed a lot when the daughter figured out the Brit was calling her mom.
  17. Home Again doubling its budget has to be good, right? More romcoms!!!
  18. I wished Stronger and Battle of the Sexes did better. We need movies in that middle range to make money. It can't just be overblown franchises and teeny tiny Oscar movies. Gosling has a bit more charisma, but Gyllenhaal has a bit more of a chameleon to him. Ideally, they should be in a movie together as a couple.
  19. With Stranger Things and Inhumans, it appears as if I am supposed to finding it amusing when aliens steal stuff from stores, whether it's Eggos or designer suits. I do not find it amusing.
  20. I loved the boys discussing ER. They were talking about the second season finale, right? That is when Doug and Carol kissed, right? I look forward to Nicole taking Eddie to Lillith Fair!!!
  21. Teen Kate is a great actress. Perhaps even incredibly beautiful. I am on Team Rebecca. Rebecca gets so much crap placed on her all of the time. With Kevin and Kate without child and Randall apparently having it easy with his two girls, I wonder if Rebecca wil ever get any appreciation from her children. I will need that flashback where Young Adult Kevin helps Young Adult Randall connect with Young Adult Beth.
  22. Loved this show much. I say give it ten years, and then resurrect it. Perhaps set the story twenty years from the finale. The ladies are still keeping the secret and other secrets. Chloe runs a music company and has a mentor relationship with Renata, which Madeleine kinda resents. The other kids are varying degrees of messed up. Some of the marriages withstand time, some don't. They use flashbacks, revealing what has happened over those past two decades. The flashbacks would allow to keep the original child actors on the show. Kinda like This is Us. The criminal law element was always secondary, so setting it right after the finale just won't work. But the idea of keeping secrets and how that can infiltrate you is something I would like to play out.
  23. I'm sorry, did I miss it but did they not mention Brett? That sucks! I am sad about Jerry!!! Has Jeff been working out? Anyways, wouldn't mind if Mateo hooks up with the constructed worker. Superstore is stressing me out with the sadness. ETA: I am rewatching the episode, and I missed Dina saying no one knows where Brett is. Oh no!!!
  24. I only watch for Hannah. I miss her interaction with the computer nerd. I don't like her new sidekick. He is not even all that hot. I skip all of the White House stuff.
  25. Anyone know if Randall is older than Kevin and Kate? Heh. I was wondering how adopting an older child would affect the two girls. I am looking forward to the storyline.
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