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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. Sandra does not have an Emmy but Hagel does? There are legitimate Asian women deserving of an Emmy: Lucy Liu for Ally MacBeal, Yunjim Kim for Lost.
  2. All three lead actor Emmys went to a man of colour: Glover, Ahmed and Brown. That has to be a first, no?
  3. As a This is Us defender, I love it and don't think it being sentimental is a bad thing. That's why I love it. I haven't seen Westworld or Handmaid's Tale, so won't comment. But I cannot fathom the idea that This is Us is so beneath the ultra slow Stranger Things (how many episodes did Ryder just cry and cry and cry before doing anything?) or the always lame House of Cards. I loved Big Little Lies. Very happy for its success.
  4. So sad. Does it seem that more of these tragedies are occurring or is it just media?
  5. The fact that The Accountant was successful enough to warrant a sequel has to be due to Ben's box office appeal. It is not a comic book movie, it is not a type of movie that could have starred anyone and still make money. I like Ben as a director too. I would prefer a lighter movie, like a romcom. Maybe a musical. Show some range.
  6. Not sure if she meant the film starting with her waking up, at the same time as Pratt or with Pratt already awake. I liked the movie. I didn't have a problem with the premise. It is a What If, it is something I would not really know what I would have done. If they woke up at the same time, where would be the tension? It would really be a romcom in space. If we didn't see Pratt alone those first 30 minutes or so, I would likely have seen that character as more menacing. But in either case, it would be a lot more black and white. I liked that the future wasn't so awful and dark. It seemed kinda pleasant. Sure, a big problem occurred, but I could see something like that happening right now. It only gets boring when they start saving the ship and the galaxy, blah blah. And the ending was very abrupt.
  7. I am happy for Halle. I think it demonstrates her box office pull.
  8. Picture Perfect was Jay at his most charming. He never had that same level of charisma. I do like Dakota Johnson. I could see her and, say, Dev Patel star in a really charming cross cultural romcom.
  9. memememe76

    Lion (2016)

    I am a sobbing mess. Not knowing the story beforehand, when I read what had occurred to Guddu, I welped. And then when we find out what Saroos "real" name is, ugh. The real life photos seemed to show Mantosh seeming to have some moments of levity. In the film, he was always so tortured. The middle stretch is a bit creeky, but I loved it nonetheless.
  10. In terms of Degrassi, there is also Nina Dobrev. Shanae Grimes and Jake Epstein seem to get regular work. The show's funding has them hire actors only from Ontario. I wonder what the quality of the casting would be if they had all of Canada.
  11. What a lovely story. Loved the movie. Titanic got such a backlash over nothing, imo. I am so over blockbusters these days all about bros with sarcastic one liners.
  12. I love the friendship amongst Jake Gyllenhaal, Chris Owen, William Lee Scott and Chad Lindbergh in October Sky. For women, I love the women in Steel Magnolias. For mixed group of friends, shoutouts to Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill. Between two guys, I love Arnold and Tom Arnold in True Lies. Between two girls, I love Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey in Beaches and Alicia Silverstone and Stacey Dash in Clueless. Between one guy and one girl, My Best Friend's Wedding has been mentioned, so I will add Geena Davis and Tom Hanks in A League of their Own. A relationship founded on mutual respect, but didn't go there even though it so obviously could have.
  13. What other recent network family dramas have been overlooked? I am assuming shows like Parenthood and Brothers and Sisters. Except for the first season B&S, fans were extremely critical of those shows. Especially Parenthood. Not sure where the sudden acclaim is coming from. Even if This is Us just wants viewers to sob, which I disagree, I don't see the problem. Some shows just want viewers to laugh. Or be scared. Or be adrenalized. Or turned on. I don't see why the crying scenario is cause for such derision. Well, I do know. Crying is seen as weak, feminine. Gawd forbid viewers act like women. I don't cry after every episode, but when I do, I don't feel ashamed for being so poorly manipulated.
  14. I am so over these edgy cable shows with their edgy actors and edgy storylines winning Emmys. Go This is Us!!!
  15. Admittedly, the only show that comes to mind is Madame Secretary. And I very recently watched Arrival.
  16. I always thought Joy Luck Club as a tv series would work so well. The multigenerational cost, the flashbacks, the longer storytelling, the family and friendship dynamic, would be really compelling in long form. I think the CW should have remade Dynasty with an all Asian cast. With China replacing Russia as the Big Bad in a lot of shows, I guess that helps with Asian casting.
  17. Great analyses! A one shot Another day in the Sun? TWO chicken breasts? How did I miss that? I also first watched it while on the plane. It was a ten hour flight, so I rewatched it 5 times! It is really the best movie to watch while flying.
  18. I only started watching Hawaiian 5 O because of Kim and me being a huge Lost fan. It seemed apparent fro, the start that Kim's character was going to be supporting. I gave up after 4 or so episodes and never looked back. While it is terrible he was treated so poorly, it does mean he can be on a show I will actually watch.
  19. I think a teen sex comedy could still work. More diversity is needed. Gay characters. Women with more agency. Were there people of colour in American Pie except for one of the MILF guys, Jon Cho? I wonder if any of those movies where a main character dies from a major illness would no longer work because there is a cure. Maybe Julia Roberts' character in Steel Magnolias? Debra Winger in Terms of Endearment?
  20. I am flying to Vegas with a layover in San Fran. On the plane, I watched a movie called Table 19 starring Anna Kendrick, about a group pf strangers who attend a wedding but are saddled with a faraway reception table for the losers. Starts off pretty terribly, but grows in momentum where i ended up having quite the bit of affection for the characters. Also, the wedding band with the 80s covers was aces.
  21. I liked this movie. I liked that everyone was nice. And nyc was so beautifully shot. Also, loved the score.
  22. I view Spader, who I don't much like, as a name that will attract media and general viewership interest. Even if the character is not figured prominently on the show. Not that I know, I have never watched the show. Kinda like Luke Perry on Riverdale. He is not a hoooge character on the show because the CW hates old people, but he is still featured prominently in promotional materials. This is Us is the much bigger NBC hit, and i feel that Mandy and Vilo are equivalent in terms of stature. And NBC doesn't favor one over the other when promoting the show. At least, imo.
  23. I liked the episode and the last song may be my favourite of the season. I figure Budweiser okayed the use of the name on the show? So, if they were okay with that, would it be totally impossible for them to have a real life out country singer as part of its branding team?
  24. For romantic comedies involving an interracial couple, there is my guilty pleasure, Maid in Manhatten. And while maybe not a romcom per se, there was Bad Moms.
  25. I think it has everything to do with it. Young boys like crap too, but that crap doesn't get anywhere near the same level of hate or concern trolling.
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