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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. I was initially annoyed Alex did not invite Tyler in the first place, but when I saw the party where only 4 non-family members were present, I sort of forgave him. Only his closest friends came. Would kids their age still like a party at the arcade? I think a simple dinner at Olive Garden could have sufficed.
  2. While I get the point of the Skye and Clay storyline, it does not help that they are just too incompatible (even though I appreciate something like street art, I don't need Clay to do it), and the actors have very little chemistry. I also didn't think the actress is that great. The actress who plays Alex's mom played a character with mental issues on Dawson's Creek, and she was so great.
  3. There was the scene where Jessica did feel better for reporting the crime, regardless of the outcome. I think that is an important thing too. Sheri spent 5 months in juvie for hitting a stop sign and not reporting it. And Clay still treats her like crap, while is he now brothers with Justin. That is the injustice!
  4. Ryan mentioned he was taking a gap year and traveling around Europe, so he is graduating. Is Tony really just a junior, really? I think Courtney is also graduating. And where was Sheri this episode? She should have been at the dance. TBH, she is the only viable love interest for Clay, but he better start treating her better first.
  5. I agree so much about the lack of female friendships. The writers could have had Courtney tutor Sheri and Jessica, as both had just come back to school after a long hiatus. And they could have helped Courtney find a girlfriend. A female version of Clay and Jeff.
  6. Derek Luke was amazing. Award calibre.
  7. Re Why did Nina burn the pictures, she represents the victim who refuses to share her trauma publicly. It is very sad. That said, the Polaroid made up so much of the marketing but in the scheme of things, it made little impact on the show.
  8. I really liked the episode, even though there is no way Hannah would not have mentioned it in her tapes. One of the show's biggest strength is how the characters have meaningful scenes with other characters, big or small.
  9. Generally, the season was pretty good but wildly uneven. The final scene was a rather wish fulfillment but ultimately glad that they did not go there with a school shooting. The washroom scene was so disturbing. The goods: good acting, a lot of the parents (especially Alex's dad and Jessica's dad) behaved in ways I did not expect, strengthening of certain friendships. My acting MVP is Porter. The bad: A lot of the women not Jessica did very little, Clay was really annoying (he hangs out with all the jocks not rapists, the goths, and Sheri has the hots for him even though he treats her like crap), and I hate the emphasis on the trial.
  10. All of the scenes with Alex were fantastic.
  11. I finally got around to watch the show, and I Friggin love it. The extended coffeehouse scene with Marcus, Tyler, Courtney, Ryan, Zach and Alex was so well done. That scene would have been chopped into little pieces on network tv. Also, Alex listing everyone's misdeeds reminded me of my favourite ever line from Friends from Monica. In a box!
  12. The show was severely flawed, no doubt, but man, I wished they got a second season. I have to say I cried a bit by the end. Seeing the dad's empty chair. Seeing Mashous gone. I still have no idea what Spring Awakening is about. And the best song was the pop song at the end and during the montage.
  13. I LOVED Jiya and Lucy together. Cagney and Lacey forever!
  14. The show has certainly improved. All of the kids' issues are hitting with me. The pregnant teen is the one that hit me most. And the foster kid! I will never remember any names. The coach's arm muscles are always so distracting.
  15. It may not technically be TV related, but it was on BET. The Janelle Monae emotion picture was FABULOUS!
  16. I do not find him particularly bratty. He is living with a man who was not part of his life until his late teens. There have been plenty of teen shows where their characters would react a lot more negatively. I find him quite understanding. He is a diva, no doubt, but I have seen way worse characters.
  17. I am loving Champions. So much. So much. Everyone is just so darling. I have no problem with the very openly gay son.
  18. I quite liked this episode. It felt the most high school episode this season. I liked the group numbers the best,a probably because it showed off the ensemble. Also, Jughead on sidelines was such a relief. And the emotional beats of the episodes were surprisingly effective.
  19. OMG, I am so happy for Chim! I did not know Connie was only on this show for one season. I am assuming Buck will go back to his old ways. But his growth was actually well done. DAMN, Angela is smoking! I am here for that pairing.
  20. I am enjoying all the side characters (except for Chic and Alice has really gone downhill), and Josie has never been better. This was also Molly's best ep ever. But the core four are so bad. Veronica is the least intolerable, as she gets more ire from other characters. I am surprised people would have no issues with prisons just being developed in their towns. Especially when there is a viable school there (not that I really care about the Southside, but whatevs). But then I am Canadian, and these for-profit prisons kinda boggle my mind.
  21. I do like the kids, especially the one who is homeless. And love Rosie, although I think planting trees is an important endeavour. But cannot deal with Lou, the son, and I do not understand the wife. At the same time, I do not want this to be one of those shows that focus only on the kids and ignore the adults. I have never seen Spring Awakening, and I do not like any of the music so far. I do like the random pop music used.
  22. Ugh, I just watched Rise. So, the guy from How I Met your Mother becomes the head of the drama department over the more experienced Rosie Perez? Even though he had no experience? And then promptly disregards everything she was doing. HATE.
  23. Loved the episode. A feel good episode with some dark foreshadowing. The only regret is that missing scene of Kate, Randall and Kevin watching that Sandra Bullock movie together. I bet they would all love While You Were Sleeping.
  24. Maggie Q is at least co lead in Designated Survivor. There is also Chloe Bennett in Agents of SHIELD.
  25. Kate immediately regretted what she said, and realized how bad it sounded. I think her later conversation with Randall contextualized her comments--she was in grief over the passing of her dad, Randall was there to comfort her (Kevin apparently was not), and then Randall "left" her for Beth. To me, it makes sense. Kate really spiralled at that time, while Beth was seen as "perfect". It is also consistent with the fact that Kate and Randall don't share a whole lot of scenes. Kate does not seem to have that same close relationship with her nieces as Kevin does.
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