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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. The concept of people of colour having to work harder to gain the same benefits that caucasian people get extends to aspects of self promotion as well. It may not be particularly classy, but it is part of the game. Golding cannot just do a bunch of small (and little seen) indies after CRA for years and then get offered big studio roles, a la Robert Pattinson (who I like, btw). Golding cannot play it cool like someone like Gosling can. I like Gosling too. I do see improvements in how Asian men are viewed. Music with BTS, who don't fit the western aesthetic. TV, a relationship like Jennifer Love Hewitt and Kennett Choi (a handsome guy, but not Hollywood pinup material) on 911 would not have taken place a decade ago. Movies are always slow.
  2. Yay! There is a lot to like about the show. The cast is great. But the writers kinda ran out steam midway through the season. Ideally, this is a 13 epsidoe season type of show, but that's not gonna happen. Some things that may get this show have a stronger, more consistent second season 1. Keep the storylines within the school realm. I am not interested in weathercaster will. Have him lose the job due to budget cuts. 2. Is Miggy's kid too young for preschool? Well, age her up. Have the others counsel him as he navigates the preschool waters. 3. Angie either is too responsible one episode, or too irresponisble the next. They need find some semblance of consistency with her. I actually thinking bringing in the deadbeat dad for next season would be really good. 4. Will has become too much of a winner. He has a successful tv gig where woman after woman after woman is lusting for him (I actually think the actor is mega cute). But the character is less fun now.
  3. Did Lenny do that poorly? I haven't seen it, but it got a good number of Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Actor, Actress and Director. The big awards. While there are the occasional nominated movies that get recognized despite poor reviews, it's usually because they make a lot of money at the box office.
  4. That episode was so much fun. " Oh, are you hurting 'cause you're old?" LOL. So much fun!
  5. Susan's "This!" had me in stitches. I have grown quite fond of the show.
  6. Interesting discussion on movies in the 70s. The discussion brings out the fact that the two movies featured in this episode starred women. It had to have helped that Verdon was not only talented, but she was a woman too. There was talk of her working with MacLean, and actual scenes of her working with Liza. And there probably wasn't a ton of female producers either. And she can be ruthless too, cutting out dancers.
  7. I like a good love triangle too. Don't see a problem with the tweet. I am personally confused why someone would be surprised and disappointed that a CW show is behaving like a CW show.
  8. I really enjoyed the first episode. I have to say, that I not really familiar with the films and people involved. Verdon is especially a blank to me. But I am looking forward to seeing the rest.
  9. This was such a fun episode. I also LOVED the scenes involving Liz, Isobel, and Jenna. I am addicted!
  10. I just watched True Love Blooms. I didn't quite get the central conflict, so many condo developments in my city have community gardens. But I enjoy the 2 leads. Also, I am a sucker for the Are Tomatoes a Fruit or Vegetable debates. Vegetables!
  11. Zoe may or may not be the biological mother, but it does not mean that she and Kevin will never end up together. The child is young but not a toddler. If there is a biological mother in the photo, Zoe may be willing to be part of Kevin's life (assuming Kevin would still want that).
  12. Toby's mental state in the future is still in flux, but physically, he looks good. Even if Kate lost a lot of weight, how many hot 50 year old men would she be dating? Toby is physically quite appealing to a lot of women. Also, isn't that how his first wife left him--after she lost a lot of weight?
  13. More recent I forgot to mention is Moonlight. I find the 1st part fine, the 2nd part very meh, but the 3rd part great. Loved the characters in their adult versions. For that part, I would classify it as a romantic drama. I have no guilt loving Titanic and the English Patient. Seinfeld can suck it.
  14. The English Patient, Brokeback Mountain, Cold Mountain, Pride and Prejudice, Titanic, Atonement, the Before movies, Children of a Lesser God, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Leaving Las Vegas, End of the Affair. Underrated: When a Man Loves a Woman, A Walk to Remember, Great Expectations. This past decade: A Star is Born, Before Midnight, Call Me By Your Name.
  15. I quite liked it. Keira was excellent. That final scene where she stands up for herself was soooo good.
  16. I thought the first movie was hot garbage, but I quite liked the sequel. Lily James was fantastic. I also think besides Meryl Streep not annoying me, having Donna dead added an element of sadness to the movie. It had more gravity. Those sad buy happy songs are my favourite ABBA songs.
  17. I am so relieved Cheyenne did not become manager. She gets away with everything.
  18. Given how Schwimmer appeared all of this season, a real disservice to his character. That said, I do like Grace's new guy. I really do not like Jack's husband.
  19. Ooh, Woman With Gay Best Friend movies. Love them! I would also nominate Mean Girls and Crazy Rich Asians.
  20. I am so sick of everyone loving Connor and demanding only him to perform some surgery, I am cheering Ava on. If she actually did it. I suspect we will find out it is someone else. Found Choi annoying. I was no Natalie's side.
  21. This was the best episode in awhile. Loved seeing those three women again. I liked the boyfriend, but I gather the actor has a regular gig lined up next season.
  22. But if families are moving to a new state, the other circumstances will likely change too--a new school, new jobs, and not living near other family members (maybe not that last one, you can move to a new state closer to family--and, I guess, technically, they are closer now to Rebecca, Kate, et al, heh). As a West Coaster, I guess I don't see the problem. Is Philly and that suburb in NJ really that far away? Distance wise, moving from, say, Sacramento to San Diego has to be longer, right? Would having the move be within the same state really be that helpful for the kids?
  23. I don't see anything in the scene where Beth agreed with her boss' assessment of their clients. I think Beth knew the type of students she was teaching--her joking around with one of the participants just before the boss came to talk illustrated that. Beth was trying to establish rapport with her group. I think Beth came to the realization that she did not have to be in that exact city, in that exact building, teaching those exact students to have her dreams fulfilled.
  24. Besides that, Jack Jr. was leaving the hospital, Kevin was moving back to LA. So, I'm assuming at least a couple months have passed since Beth and Randall's reconciliation. Deja seems fine with the move, but Tess and Annie seemed more understandably upset. I'm speculating that Annie will give Randall and Beth more grief in the next few years. With Kevin moving back to LA, I do wonder how Nicky plays into all of this. He still lives in Pennsylvania. I know Tess is so much older than Kevin's son, but it doesn't appear they are that close. I wonder if Annie is close to either Jack Jr. or Kevin's son.
  25. I love Kevin's house. I have not read or watched Mandy's interview, but Alzheimer's would make sense. Dramatically, it would make sense why Tess was dreading coming. I would imagine Rebecca in that condition would not view Randall as her son (thats why she is staying at Kevin's), and Annie, Tess, and Deja as her grandkids. We have no clue what is going on with Kate, Annie, Deja and Miguel.
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