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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. I don’t think Vanya needs a redemption arc, she hasn’t even done the most damage. I mean, how many people has Five killed? Or Ben with those bank robbers? The show is fun and easy to binge. The second season was more fun but like the first season, I did other things while watching. The show has this frustrating way of separating the characters from each other due to angst and whatever, and then they band together. It gets old. I already envision this happening next season—the World is theoretically saved, there is another group trained superheros, so let me go and find my daughter, find more drugs, etc. And then they will come back the second half of the third season.
  2. Just finished the first season. Looking forward to the second. Vanya and Allison were my favourite characters. The guys (maybe not Ben, who was barely onscreen), I could do without. Klaus and Five, in particular, are the type of characters that I generally have no use for, and are the reason I tend to avoid those ironic, ultra violent type of movies. I like Vanya as a character because she was so depressed and morose. You just don't see it that often, and have it played over episodes for such a prolonged time. I don't mind the lack of humour in that character. I am over snarky characters. The death I'm saddest about is Patch. Interestingly, that death is the one glossed over most (a reason I could never forigve Cha Cha or Hazel). Maybe due to the time travel aspect of it, but I found his relationship with the war vet not at all interesting.
  3. Clay’s mental illness should explain his behaviour, not excuse it. Clay gets away with EVERYTHING.
  4. I thought 13th was good if exhausting. A lot of people were interviewed. This talking head format can tire me out. I also wonder why they basically stopped with the presidents GWB onward. As a Canadian, I was a bit uninterested in the governmental and institutional angle of racism and criminalization. I find what is happening so very uniquely American. We get the tv show Cops. Our news focuses on crime too. But our forms of racism take very different forms. Why? This documentary doesn’t really try to answer that. Racism and displacement exist everywhere but how it is formulated in the US is sooooo different. When one of the interviewees stated that 95% of elected prosecutor attorneys are white, I was less interested in that statistic but more about the fact that prosecutor attorneys are elected.
  5. It is interesting (and sad) how the show started its season in the midst of significant social events involving young people. I believe season two began during the shooting in a high school in Florida.
  6. I mean, I will list some of the things Clay did this season: 1. He locked Jessica inside that structure during the camping episode 2. He smashed the cameras in the school 3. He graffitied the walls of the school 4. He crashed a car and left his friend without any assistance 5. He took a cop’s gun and wields it in the school 6. He misses all of his college applications and messes up his interviews 7. He is an ass to Justin all season long 8. He goes into a cop station and says he has a gun 9. He violently beats up some dude at the party 10. He blows up the principal’s car 11. He interferes with a sting operation 12. He escapes a hospital ward 13. Tests positive for drugs and blames it on the addict brother. I am almost positive I am missing 10 or 20 more assy things Clay did this season. By the end, not only is he still alive, he makes the big graduation speech and goes to a well regarded college. I was tired of the dreariness of the storyline and the performance, and just how everyone, absolutely everyone, was trying to protect Clay, like that cop and Ani writing his college essay. I was tired of it all.
  7. I literally cannot stand Clay this season. Everything to do with him was unwatchable. I didn’t mind everyone else. Charlie was my favourite character this season. The first half was a hot mess, the prom was the best episode. It contains the only two tolerable Clay scenes: Ani saying that Clay put his love interests on a pedestal that no woman could uphold (the biggest insight about him despite all of the Therapy sessions) and him dancing with his mother. The cast is very talented and hope to see them in future roles. This season was generally quite poor but as a whole, I will have very fond memories of the show. There were almost always moments sprinkled throughout the show that showed how it went beyond the genre’s conventions.
  8. I enjoyed the movie too, the Ellie/Paul friendship is one of the best male/female friendships since, I don’t know when. I was not a big fan of the church scene, even though I did laugh at Paul’s mom. I have never heard of Saving Face, I will try to check that out. I wish all the best for the three main actors.
  9. This show really works for me, as I have at least some level of affection for everyone in the show. Jenna saying she will need a rape kit really touched me. I would like more episodes with all of the characters together, but I realize that is quite a time-consuming and expensive ask.
  10. Max is my favourite character on the show and his numbers are consistently my favourite. I work in a firm with very defined departments so when someone moves to another department, it is a big deal. They should have had a final interview with Max as to his experiences in Floor Four. And they should have made sure his files remained. Not sure who to blame: Zooey or Lauren Graham.
  11. I am so sad. I too wished this was on The CW. They renew everything. This was the best show of the new decade for me.
  12. Congrats Leighton! Fun episode. The adults together in one room is always so good. And Smoke Monster!
  13. I wonder if Tess becoming social worker has less to do with Déjà and more to do with Hailey. I would like to see Annie and Tess interact more with Aunt Kate anyways.
  14. Wait, A Million Little Things was good at some point? This show is not actively annoying but not particularly memorable either. I’ll keep watching but I watched this show for Scott, so bummed his character dies. No one else stands out.
  15. Randall’s “disdain” for Kevin’s acting career is not much different from Jack’s disregard for Rebecca’s renewed singing career. I don’t think Kate will automatically side with Kevin. How will she respond to what Kevin said to Randall while she is considering adoption? Obviously, we see her with Kevin at their birthday party but she could be there more for Madison. In terms of the adoption, maybe they will go the surrogate route? Or maybe Toby’s brother dies and they are the guardians? Toby’s adoption declaration mirrors Jack’s decision to adopt Randall.
  16. Madison’s doctor seems to be a Dr. K in training. His wife may be dead. I feel Madison will die in childbirth. Which makes me sad. I like Madison. I just wished Kevin treated her better. Cassady’s reaction to Kevin’s name was so strange. She was about to throw up. I don’t want to participate in what was the worst game, but by saying that he wished Randall was never adopted, that means Kevin would never know Annie or Tess.
  17. When Madison said she did not have her period for years, I was so sad for her. I look forward to Kate being there for Madison.
  18. Maybe the reason Jack and his wife didn’t name their baby Rebecca is the others already named their kid Rebecca? Annie or Tess would have had a child sooner and had dibs. I am sad that with Kevin and Randall not talking that Tess, Annie and Déjà won’t interact with Kevin’s twins. Black don’t pack! Mandy Moore needs to win Emmys.
  19. Did I miss it or did Zoey not mention her feelings for Simon? She tells Max that she will be 100% truthful but explains her not declaring her love for him based on some bleh fear of losing their friendship, but doesn’t mention that she happens to have feeling for another guy? I gather the brother and the wife are okay? I want to go back to that storyline, not some stupid Leif and Lorelei romance.
  20. I don’t see how the writers are writing Randall in the right. They have the family refusing to speak to him and his therapist is arguing against it. Unless we will see Rebecca actually do the study and miraculously improve.
  21. I think the imbalance of this episode could be attributed to Randall’s actual proposition. Alzheimer’s is generally viewed as an illness with no cure. I could be totally wrong about that but I think that is what the general population believes. Had Rebecca been diagnosed with cancer and Randall was pushing chemo on her in his Randall way, at least we as an audience could understand where Randall was coming from. An experimental treatment is not going to get the same benefit of the doubt.
  22. I think Miguel is patient with Rebecca’s kids because his own kids treat Rebecca terribly too. At least the Big 3 are present in their parent’s life. There are still two seasons left, I suspect we will get more Miguel backstory next season.
  23. I find it weird to set your mom up on a date, with your professor, one year after your dad’s death. Just saying. Yet, Kevin is the one who had the biggest issue with Miguel. Dave Annabel and Mandy worked together as a romantic pairing on some medical show, with Octavia Spencer. Name escapes me. There was one shot where Kid Kate looked so much like Teen Kate. The guilt Randall holds clearly explains why Teen Randall behaves the way he did.
  24. I have no interest in Zoey breaking an engagement. I am far more interested in her brother and wife. Will there really be no follow through of that plot next week? Give Me a Reason was my favourite performance this series.
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