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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. Raymond is having a moment here. I really liked Boyfriends of Christmas Past. I haven’t seen Ginny and Georgia but now that I hear so many Degrassi folks in it, maybe I will. But I thought Raymond was excellent in Maid.
  2. The second episode was very good, only the Wrecking Ball part took me out.
  3. I am really digging this show, and this first new show to have me feeling some sort of attachment. The actors do a good job of having me feel different emotions for their various variations of their characters. Uncle Frank at the of Nurse Joe Universe was an example of that.
  4. Netflix just released a new documentary called Found about three young Chinese-American women adopted by American families. Through an online genetic service, they find that they are each others’ cousins. They plan a trip to China, with a tour guide service that takes them to their orphanages, perhaps meeting the nannies that cared for them and maybe even their birth families. Emotionally heartbreaking but uplifting too. Loved it so much!
  5. I really enjoyed it! The women established chemistry right away.
  6. Alex got a scholarship at the writing school, which should minimize her loans. Ignoring the fact this is based on a true story, even if Alex never became a successful writers whose book was recommended by Obama and turned into a Netflix limited series, she could have easily parlayed her creative writing degree towards teaching, the law, or getting her masters and PhD in creative writing (and combine it with social work, her thesis being using creative writing to help women coming from abused homes). Just because one is poor should not prevent them from pursuing a “useless” degree like a rich kid or middle class kid (hey, me!) as long as they are passionate about it. It is interesting how she never had a credit card. Now that she is going to college, she will very easily be able to get a credit card.
  7. I was under the impression that those in AA were supposed to apologize to those they hurt. It is interesting the father never reached out to Paula or Alex. Even Sean apologized (although one could argue whether he meant it or not). The actress who played the leader of the shelter is SO GOOD. When I Googled her, I am shocked that her resume consisted primarily of Hallmark movies. How has Hollywood been sleeping on her?
  8. Kate was very much a divisive character back in the day. I never felt that she got “defended” or “got away” with her actions the way other popular people did, like Ben, Sawyer and Locke. If her fans felt the need to defend her, I would argue it’s due to people more frequently criticizing her.
  9. I generally don’t think it’s right to apply these tropes to characters of colour, as these tropes are based on a long history of television, which people of colour were normally excluded from. As if Nate could ever have acted like Mediocre White Guy Sean and attract Alex. If Alex really wanted to examine why she never wanted to go out with Nate back in the day, it would not have been as cutesy as the show made it be.
  10. I thought the series was great, exploring aspects of life not normally covered in mainstream television. Qualley was so great but I pretty much loved everyone who populated the shelter. But even a minor character, like Luis the caretaker in that apartment with mold, made an impact. Andie was A LOT, but the moments where she was so good in the quieter moments like when she refused to talk to her daughter in the psych ward. Were the women in that writing groups (besides the AMAZING BJ Harrison as Denise and the other woman who played Brandi the store clerk) survivors of abuse? Just how they appeared in the final montage (so beautifully done) it seemed like it. I have a new crush on the actor who plays Nate.
  11. I am very disappointed that Ji-Yoon lost her position as Chair. And to a white woman. And the show made this seem like a good thing? And with Joan as Chair, why would Yaz hightail it to Yale? Why would Yaz expect Joan to have her back when she didn’t have Ji-Yoon’s. I watched this show knowing nothing about it but that it started Sandra Oh. I am sad that the show never really centred Oh as the actual lead. It was like an academic version of House, and I hated House. Man, I hate JuJu.
  12. I thought this season is wayyyy better than the second season. Doc in this season was the best Doc. I didn’t miss Hope at all, and I am glad it resulted in seeing more of the other women. Charmaine is such an awful character but there was much less of her. I even got used to Lizzie. Brie was okay. The scenery was stunning.
  13. Kaleb, MG and Jed are adorable together.
  14. I loved everything about this episode. Hot, shirtless guys. Fun bachelorette. A high strung Althea. Three heart to hearts between a child and parent. A strong case of the week. Kicking the butt of privileged young people.
  15. I didn't realize the show gets so much criticism for its fatphobia. I can under the scrutiny, but I thought the the writers portrayed that part of Monica's life in a very sympathetic light, and Courtney played that part of her character's life with such joy. As someone with my own weight issues when I was younger (I have since lost the weight and kept it up), I "get" Monica. I preferred Monica over a lot of female characters back in that day who ate all of the time and remained thin.
  16. As an Asian person, I hate how these articles about the show’s lack of diversity (which I acknowledge) never ever, like, never ever mention Lauren Tom as Julie, an Asian-American actress playing Ross’ girlfriend during the height of the show’s popularity. So many of the writers think Aisha Tyler was the first POC to be on the show. I think it is remarkable how the cast could agree to negotiate together. Not only were extremely popular but also very young. Young people may not know the history of Friends. I wonder if someone like Sprouse applied this knowledge when it comes to Riverdale. When actors get older, they are more established and kinda know their worth. Even with the success they had with Friends, I doubt Courtney had the same salary as the rest of the cast on Courgartown. Same for Matt on Man with a Plan. Or Lisa on The Comeback.
  17. Jordan is SO ANNOYING. I have literally no interest in seeing him control his powers. In the much shorter time frame, Tag is far more sympathetic when it comes to him dealing with his powers.
  18. I have found the love triangle stuff annoying (and they really treated Rose poorly), so I didn't love this episode. But I loved the Shake It Off number and the scene with Mitch. Zoey has been off all season. In many ways, the whole family has been off. I hope never to watch David join a rock band of 20-somethings again. Maggie's gambling problem? Ugh. The best ongoing arcs involved Mo. I liked her relationship. I *really* liked Mo and Max becoming business partners. And I enjoyed Mo's and Simon's burgeoning friendship. The stuff at work was okay, but it lacked purpose. It became a place for people hooking up. The best work-related storyline was the flashback. I want Zoey to be excited about work and try to innovate. Maybe try to develop an app that combines her musical superpowers. I want a third season. I enjoy the casts and the musical numbers still thrill me. I hope the love triangle is no more.
  19. The CW loves killing off the parental characters and Tzi Ma gets a good number of film offers that I am now scared he will get killed by Zhilan. I was so scared during that scene.
  20. Low key but lovely episode. The montage of Beth’s business going under is the first show that I watch that is dealing with how the pandemic is hurting small business. What I found interesting was seeing Annie part of the dancing, she seemed to really enjoy it. I wonder if Adult Annie helps Beth with the dance studio in the future.
  21. I literally hate Chloe. I skipped all scenes with her and by extension, Hutch. I find the original members more interesting. It helps that due to flashbacks and present day scenes, those characters have arcs, mysteries and multiple sides to their personalities. But it’s like the show put more of their casting budget for the older actors. The younger characters are all variations of whiney. Not all of them are as awful as Chloe (and, yes, I loathed the landlord scene). All the interesting younger characters are seemingly dead. But I am in for a second season. I enjoyed the flashbacks.
  22. I will continue to have issues with the show as Alina caused the death of three people. That is not going to sit well for me, especially as she did it for a guy.
  23. The scene with Nicky and Althea was so good. Love the family drama.
  24. The family stuff and the ongoing arc with swords are GREAT. The weekly cases? Less so. But I like that Nicky has her powers but she is not otherworldly and she is learning on the job. I did like how she got the Bro to confess with her wits than with her muscle.
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