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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. In terms of shows I like, I am surprised about Superstore 's success. It gets virtually no buzz, the network basically ignores it, and I don't know anyone but me who watches it. In terms of shows I don't, I never got the popularity of Seventh Heaven. It's exactly the type of show I would normally like and I liked almost all those other WB shows, but so many got cancelled or public interest fizzled. This one was on and on and on and on.
  2. Even if the Asian characters on The Good Place were black females, that would help the fact that there are not enough leading characters played by black actresses, as those aren't close to leading. There is also Pitch. Interestingly, Maggie Q was one of the few prominent Asian women with leading roles on TV, and she is currently in a role that while likely significant, it is clearly in support of Kiefer 's character. Secrets and Lies increased their diversity big time!
  3. I don't think being a starting pitcher is better than being a relief pitcher. They're both important aspects of a baseball team. Anyone with starting potential would be better off in the minor Leagues throwing pitches than a relief pitcher in the majors sitting and maybe throwing a couple innings.
  4. I love Sandra. Her confused between Dina and Amy had me howling.
  5. This is US features three black female characters, the wife and two daughters. No Asian people.
  6. Besides Ali's character being a consistent presence in the lead character's than probably most of the teammates, Ali was probably there for her after the dad's death. I am all in for this.
  7. I never liked either 24 or West Wing, but I am here for Maggie Q. It's okay.
  8. I think the premise shows a tremendous amount of promise. It is interesting that none of Milo or Mandy's family were present at the hospital. There is a mother there, who made those baby clothes. I wonder if the adopted brother's wife is a childhood sweetheart.
  9. I am over Cookie mourning over her relationship with Luscious. But she was great in the dinner scene. I demand that Rhonda'so death not be glossed over. I am all about Andre getting revenge.
  10. I totally didn't catch the ending until it hit me in the face. Dumbasses unite! Loved this. I am not sure how Milo and Mandy will play into it, but I have got to figure that they will be prominent. They are arguably he two biggest names on the show. I suspect that the bio dad will be seen in the flashbacks.
  11. Joy has been a real star this past week. Also, I love camaraderie between Chris and Joy.
  12. Didn't Michelle talk about how she and Barack met? Isn't that what First Spouses do? Don't get the problem.
  13. The new showrunners have featured prominent gay characters in prominent storylines in all of their shows.
  14. The showrunners often structured their episodes around one or two characters. Their supposed leads may not be seen at all. They could do an entire episode involving Gunnar and Scarlett on the road. That allows Connie to still be on the show but not every episode. TBH, an episode of Juliette in rehab could be brilliant.
  15. I have a ton of faith in the new showrunners. I am looking forward to it. It may not work, but I am sure it won't be more of the same.
  16. It doesn't mean these words are being misspelled. They just want to know how a certain word is spelt. Isn't that a good thing?
  17. Oh man, the polite fight. I have suffered through this. As an employed adult, I'm expected to pay the bill. I am more than happy to, but I give up on the fight way too early, according to my folks.
  18. You see that with things like Twilight, Justin Bieber, One Direction, etc. Whether one thinks they're good or bad, anything more popular among females tend to be seen as even worse than whatever trash is more popular among males.
  19. Except for Supernatural and Crazy Ex Girlfriend, I am going to watch every show on the network's fall lineup.
  20. I am less concerned about the writing of a specific character or plotline because that's subjective. Yes, Santana was annoyingly forgiven for being so awful bit so was Sue. And I hate Brittany. HATE. But I can appreciate the show for showing prominent lgtbq character in prominent storylines. Kurt/Blaine and Santana / Brittany were arguable two of the three biggest couples on that show. The show did a worse job with characters of colour.
  21. I kinda love Allison and hope she remains a recurring character. If she and Emery get together, I think Jessica and her can get into some funny conflicts. They're so similar.
  22. My Jane the Virgin UO: I have no problem with Jane being a total judgmental bitch to Petra. I hate it when the "good" character is criticized for being so mean to the mean character.
  23. This was such an awful episode. Maddie may be the worst character on TV.
  24. I have no problem with the storyline. Besides Mulan and Red being lesbians, I saw little chemistry like I did between Mulan and Aurora. I don't want Mulan to settle for the next lesbian. Also, I personally appreciated that the show had more than two gay people.
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