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  2. Airdate: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Synopsis:
  3. I thought the right person won and his cake looked gorgeous. I also agree with Nancy that the red roses clashed with the yellow and orange flowers on the cake and it did look like it could be on a Christmas cake. Obviously it wasn’t a big factor overall.
  4. She's hanging out with whatshername - Elena - yeah that's the name.
  5. Good summary Crazy, and I completely agree with the above. I recorded this earlier and just watched it. I hated the plaintiff. She abused the dog (how can you not notice that the dog lost about half of his weight while you had him?) and clearly has no capability or willingness to take care of dogs, let alone breed them. One thing I noticed when the plaintiff showed the video of the dog being aggressive, she and the dogs were in a small yard with a little scooter and other indications that little kids play there, not a good idea. This woman couldn't keep a pet rock alive and healthy, let alone a living animal. She is a horrible person and I hope somebody forwards this case to her local animal welfare organizations. What a total piece of garbage!
  6. Mike Birbiglia was on @Midnight just once -- on July 28, 2016 alongside Gillian Jacobs and Tami Sagher. Mike was eliminated before FTW.
  7. Of all things to tip Thony off it's a half a foot print on play doh? Really? It finally took them 3 seasons to actually do what she knows other than using it to clean.
  8. Zzzz... oh, I must have fallen asleep! This was definitely an underwhelming "finally" that ended with a lame sad musical montage. Was Schemer performing in San Fran? I thought they were, but what was Billie and the girl Sandoval dated once doing there? I am angry at Katie for being a bitch to Jo. Ditto for her asshole friend who was dressed like a giant banana and called Jo a crackwhore when she approached. Nice latex shirt, Brach. LaLa broke the 4th wall about Ariana's attitude, but there was a good amount of projection in her rant. Did Ariana tell the producer her biggest beef with Sandoval was that he gave her VD? I could have sworn I saw someone (Billie?) throwing a chair at Schemer's performance in the season preview.
  9. Ludo doesn't seem like he likes Americans very much! I was rooting for Brooke since she's local to me. She bakes desserts (or at least used to) for Top Chef winner Kelsey Barnard Clark's restaurant KBC. I've had some of her desserts and they were delicious! This show didn't do her justice. I'm surprised that the cake with potato chips made it through. That didn't look appetizing at all. Some of the desserts presented by the bakers looked really bad. I expect perfection at this level. Maybe that's why Ludo looked like he smelled a turd the entire show! I probably won't watch now that Brooke was eliminated. Some of the bakers were a little too arrogant, so between them and Ludo, I was left aggravated with the show. Hopefully some of them step it up with their desserts. Some of them need to work on their presentation skills!
  10. What did Sandy say about Fraser last year? That he was a cancer? Maybe production did not show that behavior last year, but is showing it this year. Could Sandy have been right? I thought the food looked fine. I don't go in for fancy plating. Not even at a fine restaurant. I am more impressed if the food tastes good.
  11. Maybe because he didn't let him bleed out and treated him with bomb shelter's tea bags
  12. Hopefully they’ll explore it more next season. It would be fun for the ghosts to pester him to leave the grounds to deliver messages to other ghosts…
  13. I haven't finished it but I'm already sick of Jeremy, Keely's boobs and her sucking up, and nose rings.
  14. So was tonight really Forrester’s last episode, or will he be in the next one? If tonight was it, it’s beyond strange, because there was no sign at all that he was being written off the show and no goodbyes for him and he didn’t even have a large role. So what is going on? If I didn’t know the actor was leaving I would have no idea Forrester is leaving. That being said, I liked getting insight into Smitty’s backstory, her mom was unsympathetic and rather nasty IMO, I didn’t like her at all, and I knew the informant would turn out to be her bio dad. Did Smitty’s dad know he wasn’t actually her bio dad and the informant was? The case was pretty good with a solid investigation.
  15. Mamie calls an emergency CW meeting but didn't invite Billy or Jill. She apologize to Lily for their last convo. Nate with Audra trying to act like he knows Tucker better that her. Tucker at coffee house runs into Devon and Abby. She's rude normal Abby to him. He tells them about music class email list and wants to attend the performance. They refuse that because Tucker will make it about him. Ashley friend talking to her on phone, alters battle and she switches Southern Belle. Who meets him at club. Tucker asks Abby if Ashley doing any better and she asks better than what. She has no idea what going on with her mom. Abby looks like an idiot saying she talks to her mom all the time and she's fine. He tells her she should check in more. Abby, Devon and Nate show up at CW. Lily questions why Billy not here, Mamie says family meeting only. Abby points out Billy is her family too. Mamie saying Billy and Jill causing distrust with family. She brings up Lily not voting with Nate. She tries to get Nate to turn on Lily, instead he calls out Mamie on bringing the distrust. She wants Jill and Billy out of their family business. Devon reminds her Jill brought a Chancellor. Devon also points out they had no problems until she showed up and she's the problem. Tucker sees Alan and Ashley and interrupts them. Audra shows up too and they leave. Audra doesn't get why nobody is doing anything to help Ashley if she's this bad. She goes on about how it looks like Ashley wants to be more than friends with doctor. Mamie calls them entitled, wannabe adults. Appalled by cowardsess and only she knows what family means. They need to send her packing. She says how she loved and supported then her entire life. Huh? Jill was More there for Lily than Mamie. She attacks Nate saying he's only in room because of him, she's betrayed, she's not going she has stake in company and storms out.
  16. I hadn't even thought of that, but no sink & no toilet -- and we have no idea how she's getting food. Uh, so how is she still living? The writing here is just so senseless & sloppy! And yeah, the notion of Claire being a nanny is idiotic. She's an heiress now, the granddaughter of a billionaire. If she's looking for something to do, she's in a position now to make considerable charitable contributions. Ugh, this makes no sense. I'm reminded that Susan Walters is a good actress. And she can handle drama & some good zingers too. I'm waiting for her to impatiently roll her eyes & say to mean Ashley -- Oh, honey, who are ya today? Wait a minute, didn't they bring Amanda back? What happened? She disappeared! And Sharon's purpose on the show now is what? Handing out coffee & muffins & making therapist recs? And that's it? Oy.
  17. I was genuinely surprised Jess took the job. I couldn't help but feel that her decision was made when Parker didn't tell her about Lily, yet I was still surprised when she said yes. I thought they were going for a "Lily went overboard and drowned" angle. My heart broke for Jimmy a bit, when Jess said yes. I think they are my two favourite characters, separately, and I do like them together when their relationship is mature and relatively drama-free. Not that Jimmy was really behaving that way in this episode, though. I feel like they will move the job to DC and have Jess do both the training and NCIS part time...or have her just do 6-week blocks or something of training, a few times a year.
  18. I was just assuming it was his name in Japanese. I should know better by now.
  19. Renewed for Season 3 https://deadline.com/2024/05/lopez-vs-lopez-renewed-nbc-season-3-1235908252/
  20. I'm glad this show is getting such a good response. I kind of like the clock keeps ticking and it's all filmed at one time. On many other competition shows, the editors play with the editing and time clock too much. For example, the host on other shows will yell out "2 minutes" but a contestant will be starting their sauce or just starting whatever item that we know on this green earth takes longer than "2 minutes". And, they've still got to plate. They're down to six chefs now, I think. I'd like for them to invite Chris Oh to move to a closer cooking station. He's got to walk all the way from the back and the judges comment about him being slow and tired. It's funny yet I still feel sorry for Chris. I'm really liking Marcel and his commentary. He's so mature, and appreciative, and talks about his little boy. I'm rooting for him. I'd like his mom to get the implant to hear. Everyone's got a plan for that money though. Carlos and Mika want a honeymoon for their fiance and spouse, respectively. Esther made the comment that she wanted to go to Hawaii, too. Michael being funny throws in Esther with the Hawaiian trip. LOL I doubt Mika wants Esther on her honeymoon.
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