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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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9 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

I'm still upset over Daphne making it over Jalyn.  Look at those low ass kicks!  Everyone who was a judge at Show Group should be a shamed of themselves!  I watched last season a few days ago.  They said they took 16 for SG.  This year they took 18 and Jalyn still didn't make it with Daphne's mess! 🙄


I am genuinely upset for Jalyn but the real salt in the wound is Daphne making it. HOW?! Because she's a Kelli and Judy favorite?

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13 minutes ago, itme said:


People hate her because it's easy to dislike her.

As far as show group goes, it is fair. Victoria didn't go ramble to Kelli about any vet, or any one. She danced great. Jalyn is too quiet, timid, and bland, for show group. Victoria has energy, Jalyn doesn't. I don't care what anyone says Victoria is earning everything this time around. She's laying low, and GENUINELY fighting for her spot on the team. She has lost weight, learned to be a good teammate in the locker room, all the while improving her dancing. Y'all will see once the show comes out.

You must know her personally !! Cause if you don’t how do you know she has learned to be a good team mate 

Edited by Holly85
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IIRC Jalyn fell on her ass during show group auditions last year and still made it. I can’t wait to see what excuse they use for her not making it this year.

I rewatched the Chelsea affair episodes recently. Here is what baffles me, she had her little “fatties r still in the team” on camera meltdown and kitty told on her. So they call her back in but don’t cut her. They wait until show group auditions, talk about what a “mess” she is and cut her that night. We all know she was cut because, and only because, of the fatty tantrum caught on tape. Honestly that is reason enough, I don’t get why they bothered to go to the trouble of setting up a scenario where they could add dancing into it. I guess they thought they would get criticized for cutting her over the meltdown only, but I don’t know why. There isn’t a place in world that wouldn’t fire a person who had a raging fit in front of a television camera after their boss had given them a warning over something. 

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13 hours ago, go4luca said:

Her kicks are high, but she is arching her back and her head is moving forward.  On the June split, her front leg is a lot lower than the other girls'.

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7 minutes ago, Jennv said:

IIRC Jalyn fell on her ass during show group auditions last year and still made it. I can’t wait to see what excuse they use for her not making it this year.

I rewatched the Chelsea affair episodes recently. Here is what baffles me, she had her little “fatties r still in the team” on camera meltdown and kitty told on her. So they call her back in but don’t cut her. They wait until show group auditions, talk about what a “mess” she is and cut her that night. We all know she was cut because, and only because, of the fatty tantrum caught on tape. Honestly that is reason enough, I don’t get why they bothered to go to the trouble of setting up a scenario where they could add dancing into it. I guess they thought they would get criticized for cutting her over the meltdown only, but I don’t know why. There isn’t a place in world that wouldn’t fire a person who had a raging fit in front of a television camera after their boss had given them a warning over something. 

The truth about Chelsea is she charmed Kelli for a long time, and so Kelli turned a blind eye to how poor a dancer she was.  But, when she had her "meltdown," it really wasn't that big of a deal, but it showed Kelli how blinded she had been by Chelsea (who was very kiss-ass normally).  At that point, she saw her for what she was -- a weak dancer.  And they cut her.  In other words, It had more to do with dancing than the meltdown, it's just the meltdown effectively melted the rose colored glasses Kelli had been wearing when it came to Chelsea.

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Agreed about Courtney. I always thought she should have made the team that year. Hopefully, she auditions again when she finishes college. She would be a real asset for the team. 

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1 minute ago, Namaste said:

Agreed about Courtney. I always thought she should have made the team that year. Hopefully, she auditions again when she finishes college. She would be a real asset for the team. 

Courtney the ice girl?

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11 hours ago, Leia1021 said:

I'm with you KnyghtRider. I'm out for the year (or longer). I would not be able to stomach watching. These girls must REALLY want to be a DCC to put up with this toxicity for so little pay. If I were Jalyn, I wouldn't give them the pleasure of cutting me. I would leave and never look back.

Too bad the other 35 girls chosen for the team couldn't make a pact to wait until the first game and just not show up. They could then have VK front and center all by her lonesome and Kelli having a mini-heart attack.

Someone after my own heart.  In my fantasy, (and this is if the rumors are true), they would wait until 1 week before the first game, with 1 cut left and some of the strongest dancers (vets) go to Kelly and basically say, “We are not going to continue to deal with this toxic person.  If you keep her and cut _____ after all that has been done during training camp, then we’re out.”  Mutiny!

But your idea is even better!!!!!!

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Kashara was really brave to say what she said last year about Victoria, considering everything we have seen and heard. 

Victoria is very wrong to go tell her mother and Kelli all these things trying to get girls in trouble, but Kelli is even worse for listening to her then retaliating against Jalyn by keeping her off show group. It must be VERY clear to all the girls on the team that you better kiss VK’s ass unless you want to put your spot in jeopardy. Honestly, I almost wish someone like Cassie was still on the team so there could be a senior vet to take her down a peg or two who could do it without fear of getting cut.

At this point, all the girls on the team should just let Victoria make her mistakes and not try to correct them. She is the one who will look foolish (and we all know that she will probably be gaining weight the entire time she is a DCC). 

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11 hours ago, Squeek said:

Calendar covers


The angles here are just weird. Her head and neck are too far away from her body and her right hand is growing out of her elbow. And why so many armpit shots? Does someone have a fetish?

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1 minute ago, Law Mom said:

The angles here are just weird. Her head and neck are too far away from her body and her right hand is growing out of her elbow. And why so many armpit shots? Does someone have a fetish?

I agree.  Kelli apparently selects all the shots herself, and it's clear she just doesn't have an eye for it.

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1 hour ago, Jennv said:

IIRC Jalyn fell on her ass during show group auditions last year and still made it. I can’t wait to see what excuse they use for her not making it this year.

Are you maybe thinking of Tara?  She did fall during SG auditions last year.


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1 hour ago, Donna S said:

Her kicks are high, but she is arching her back and her head is moving forward.  On the June split, her front leg is a lot lower than the other girls'.

I didn’t even notice that until you & somebody earlier mentioned it. Compare her to the TCC next to her (Kelcey?), whose head barely moves. It’s great that we have people on her who know dance technique!

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Can I ask a question? Tara was cut for saying ‘really harsh’ things about Victoria to someone she trusted (gonna think maybe Savannah) right? Well what were the ‘really harsh’ things? Was she making fun of her of going over the line into what could be considered bullying with remarks on appearance or something? Because in that case...that’s not ok. I could see the rationale behind saying ‘listen this girl is saying some really mean things’ because two people being toxic is a lot. And I could see that girl being cut. Madeline Malloy was called into the office for changing her LOCKER, Gina for trying to help with dance...which are really minor. If it was valid criticism like ‘she shouldn’t be getting al these second chances’ that’s fine. But if it was actual mean girl things that’s not right.

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3 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Can I ask a question? Tara was cut for saying ‘really harsh’ things about Victoria to someone she trusted (gonna think maybe Savannah) right? Well what were the ‘really harsh’ things? Was she making fun of her of going over the line into what could be considered bullying with remarks on appearance or something? Because in that case...that’s not ok. I could see the rationale behind saying ‘listen this girl is saying some really mean things’ because two people being toxic is a lot. And I could see that girl being cut. Madeline Malloy was called into the office for changing her LOCKER, Gina for trying to help with dance...which are really minor. If it was valid criticism like ‘she shouldn’t be getting al these second chances’ that’s fine. But if it was actual mean girl things that’s not right.

What I heard didn't sound particularly harsh, I just heard she complained about the nepotism and the fact that Victoria was allowed to gain 13 pounds with not even a warning while other girls were placed on weight warning for gaining just a few pounds.

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9 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

*Side note.  Am I the only person that finds it odd that there was no publicity about Jinelle?  DCC and heterosexuality seem synonymous to me.  So, the cool Australian DCC is a lesbian.  That’s news enough.  Next, this lady gets engaged to another staff member?  That seems even stranger.  Then, the choreographer’s daughter alludes to some sense of requisite secrecy in a comment on the engagement post indicating that folks knew, but couldn’t say anything.  Why?  What does this say about the DCFC?  Wouldn’t our hero Weatherman Scott see a great story even if he was friendly with everyone?  

It was talked here and other places. What kind of publicity do you mean?  Like a news story about it?  Not surprised at all if that’s what you mean. How is it even news worthy?

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14 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

What I heard didn't sound particularly harsh, I just heard she complained about the nepotism and the fact that Victoria was allowed to gain 13 pounds with not even a warning while other girls were placed on weight warning for gaining just a few pounds.

No that’s not harsh at all!! That’s just exactly what everyone has been saying...and it is completely real and valid criticism. They are so harsh on weight (which to me is gross) but a 13lb weight gain in a couple weeks IS concerning and abnormal much as losing a lot of weight in a couple of weeks would be. To just ignore that when there’s a flip out when someone gains 2-5lbs and most of the time it’s not even noticeable, is ridiculous. 

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I hope Jalyn doesn’t get cut over this crap, not only because it’s unfair, but also because I am confident that VK will NEVER be able to keep the weight off and stay a Dcc. She might make it through one year, but she will gain it back and get cut at finals. Keeping weight off just gets harder with each passing year as you age. If she is having this much trouble at 18 or 19 she is going to weigh 200 lbs at 40

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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

They have considered putting together a group to go and talk to Kelli, but girls are understandably frightened of the ramifications.  There's talk of trying to get some of the vets to do it as many of them are super concerned about how all this is hurting the brand.

Are they thinking senior vets like the GLs or 2GLs? I couldn’t see many of them going against Kelli: they are either not that type of person or are in the position they are in because they are favorites and might not want to risk losing everything they have gained especially if they are planning on staying on longer and I’d say everyone except maybe Amy  may...and the younger vets are expendable as we are seeing with Jalyn who was at the top last year and because of trying to help is being punished/may be cut. Just curious what the plan would be and who they would think would be willing to do this...

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2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

The truth about Chelsea is she charmed Kelli for a long time, and so Kelli turned a blind eye to how poor a dancer she was.  But, when she had her "meltdown," it really wasn't that big of a deal, but it showed Kelli how blinded she had been by Chelsea (who was very kiss-ass normally).  At that point, she saw her for what she was -- a weak dancer.  And they cut her.  In other words, It had more to do with dancing than the meltdown, it's just the meltdown effectively melted the rose colored glasses Kelli had been wearing when it came to Chelsea.

IIRC Kelli thought Chelsea looked like Sam.

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2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

They have considered putting together a group to go and talk to Kelli, but girls are understandably frightened of the ramifications.  There's talk of trying to get some of the vets to do it as many of them are super concerned about how all this is hurting the brand.

If this is the case, it would have to be EVERYONE on the squad except for Victoria that shows up in order to not only be heard, but to show Kelli that EVERYONE felt this way and not just a small "segment" of the squad who felt put-upon or mistreated.  In addition, it probably should be done towards the end of camp before ALL the cuts are made but there aren't a lot left.  Otherwise, if only a small group goes to see her, Kelli might talk herself into believing that not everyone on the squad feels that way, that this group is responsible for all the issues currently going on, they're lying about what's actually happening, etc. and "shoots" the messengers by cutting them, even if they're senior vets in order to "root out" any perceived issues.

Kelli's getting scary protective of Victoria (and possibly paranoid about things) lately.  Could it be that she's been hearing things about possibly getting replaced as the Director of the DCC?

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3 hours ago, Jennv said:

Courtney the ice girl?

I’m not sure about being an ice girl (sorry!). She was a blonde, about 18, had so much to offer the team. She’s someone who would have grown in the organization.  

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22 minutes ago, Namaste said:

I’m not sure about being an ice girl (sorry!). She was a blonde, about 18, had so much to offer the team. She’s someone who would have grown in the organization.  

I think you are thinking of Courtney Johnson. 

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1 hour ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Are they thinking senior vets like the GLs or 2GLs? I couldn’t see many of them going against Kelli: they are either not that type of person or are in the position they are in because they are favorites and might not want to risk losing everything they have gained especially if they are planning on staying on longer and I’d say everyone except maybe Amy  may...and the younger vets are expendable as we are seeing with Jalyn who was at the top last year and because of trying to help is being punished/may be cut. Just curious what the plan would be and who they would think would be willing to do this...

I would agree with this.  In addition, it seems likely/possible that VK could get cut for weight after a year.  Then this would all be for not.

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1 hour ago, Jennv said:

I hope Jalyn doesn’t get cut over this crap, not only because it’s unfair, but also because I am confident that VK will NEVER be able to keep the weight off and stay a Dcc. She might make it through one year, but she will gain it back and get cut at finals. Keeping weight off just gets harder with each passing year as you age. If she is having this much trouble at 18 or 19 she is going to weigh 200 lbs at 40

When Victoria gains too much weight to fit into the uniform, Kelli will make her Point and declare a new DCC tradition that Point gets a special uniform, which includes a long, flowing top. The Point girl will also be featured in her special uniform on the cover of that year's calendar.

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1 hour ago, Mercurialsteph said:

No that’s not harsh at all!! That’s just exactly what everyone has been saying...and it is completely real and valid criticism. They are so harsh on weight (which to me is gross) but a 13lb weight gain in a couple weeks IS concerning and abnormal much as losing a lot of weight in a couple of weeks would be. To just ignore that when there’s a flip out when someone gains 2-5lbs and most of the time it’s not even noticeable, is ridiculous. 

I think there's toxic gossiping and inconvenient truths for Kelli.  Calling someone out for facts is just an inconvenient truth for Kelli, therefore toxic to what she's trying to do: install VK as the next star.  Unfortunately for Kelli, anyone watching the show could tell VK was overweight. Even the people here, who feel these girls are unhealthily skinny, felt she was oozing out of the shorts.  She's set a standard that is unfortunately biting her in the ass now.  And to add injury to insult, she's mad that everyone knows it.

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20 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

I would agree with this.  In addition, it seems likely/possible that VK could get cut for weight after a year.  Then this would all be for not.

Kelli doesn’t seem to actually see VK in reality - her unctrolled dance style, her weight issues, her immaturity, the toxicity that follows her around, etc.  Why would she suddenly see things clearly once VK’s a vet? 

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1 hour ago, KatieC said:

It was talked here and other places. What kind of publicity do you mean?  Like a news story about it?  Not surprised at all if that’s what you mean. How is it even news worthy?

Her leaving Australia to become a DCC was newsworthy.


Jinelle has been exalted as a “legend” within the DCC (KF’s word).  She has spoken about female empowerment, and yet, this lady didn’t feel comfortable coming out as bisexual?   This is a woman who wants to be an example to girls and women.   She had to know how important it would be for young LGBTQ people to see that the DCC was not beyond their dreams.  And yet, this wonderful, lovely individual waits until she left the Dallas Cowboys Football Club to come out.  That seems completely inconsistent to me.

In commenting on Jinelle’s engagement announcement, Cassie wrote, “You can finally wear that beauty.”  In response, Laura Vaughn asks, “why couldn’t she wear it before?” It’s a valid question.  If Jinelle couldn’t be herself to DCC norms or worse, pressure from the DCFC, then that’s newsworthy.  Hell, why wouldn’t the Dallas Gay Newspaper do an article?  The Dallas Voice is a legit weekly.

We keep churning the VK drama and are angry at VK for shitting on Jinelle.   That’s nothing compared to the shitting the DCFC may have done on her.


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So what happened this year in the judges room?  What were they all told?  What are the guest choreographers going to be told to say?  Colleen "the Etiquette Lady" - is VK going to be the best dressed in the room?  If she calls poultry a seafood, will she have to agree?  The alumni that come to give feedback - will they actually be allowed to do that?  And if VK is on the team for more than a year, how many bridges will this all burn?  How many will all of a sudden be too busy to appear on the show or help out?  And when Kitty talks about how this organization is world class and there are high expectations, how many vets will be in the background rolling their eyes?  

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1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

So what happened this year in the judges room?  What were they all told?  What are the guest choreographers going to be told to say?  Colleen "the Etiquette Lady" - is VK going to be the best dressed in the room?  If she calls poultry a seafood, will she have to agree?  The alumni that come to give feedback - will they actually be allowed to do that?  And if VK is on the team for more than a year, how many bridges will this all burn?  How many will all of a sudden be too busy to appear on the show or help out?  And when Kitty talks about how this organization is world class and there are high expectations, how many vets will be in the background rolling their eyes?  

Isn't this kind of what Judy did all season?  Sit there quietly and not say anything? Can anyone remember in the recent past where a girl has consistently fallen out of turns and danced in other people's spaces and Judy not call them out about control and body positioning? Last year is a fog for me, but did Judy once say anything negative to VK?  Her muffin top was bouncing off her knees toward the end of the season and no one felt empowered enough to mention it? I think the company line toward VK has been established and no one, especially the vets are going to say anything.  Now for those TCC who got bounced, please spill the tea.  

3 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Maybe Jinelle just wants to live her life. Without being someone’s news story. 

I hate to admit it, but I loved Cassie's reply.  It doesn't appear as this was a huge secret for the people around her.  Maybe we've finally reached a place where this stuff is just not that interesting for the general well adjusted population?

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2 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Maybe Jinelle just wants to live her life. Without being someone’s news story. 

And lets be honest here - outside of the DCC world - who knows who she is.  If we didn't watch the show or weren't fans of the org, we wouldn't know of her.

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10 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Maybe Jinelle just wants to live her life. Without being someone’s news story. 

People don’t get that choice. There is enough on the public record to piece together a story and force folks to comment.

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2 minutes ago, DCCFan197605 said:

People don’t get that choice. There is enough on the public record to piece together a story and force folks to comment.

Wow. Chasing her around the world to force her to comment on her sexuality? Nice. And classy. 

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1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

And lets be honest here - outside of the DCC world - who knows who she is.  If we didn't watch the show or weren't fans of the org, we wouldn't know of her.

It’s not about Jinelle specifically.  It’s about organizational prejudice and discrimination.  It’s about the model of wholesome sexuality that is that uniform that is in the bloody Smithsonian evolving or not.   No one cares about the VK nonsense, but a lesbian DCC who felt compelled by the corporate environment to stay closeted is very newsworthy.

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19 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

She’s attending community college?  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.  Education is education.

She was attending a community college  but I’m not sure if that holds true anymore.

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TCC Shaina just posted a beautiful message on her instagram regarding the three sorority sisters she lost.  My heart just goes out to her.  I hope she has support to get through such a difficult loss.  

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1 minute ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Wow. Chasing her around the world to force her to comment on her sexuality? Nice. And classy. 

The story should have been written before she left.  I am not recommending that anyone chase her anywhere.   Hers is a unique story and one I am certain would interest a broader audience.   She should write a book.

I find it amazing how much outrage there is that a guy can’t be a DCC, but so little concern that a person might not feel comfortable being an out LGBTQ as a DCC.   

I wanted to see if others found the lack of press on the matter surprising and I have gotten my answer.

This topic is inappropriate for this thread and so, I’ll stop posting about it.

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