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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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3 minutes ago, SimplePleasures said:

I should have phrased it better.  Before AT & T Stadium or the Star, it was probably a lot easier to overhear stuff.  For example, Tangerine Salon, Belks, etc.  Young girls are bubbly and they talk.


Picked by Staff, finalized by K & J. 

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5 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

No specifics, but here’s what I posted earlier about that night:

the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up. 

Thank you for addressing my question. I appreciate it.

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Ok, I think we got this now:P

Group 1 - Amy Miranda Savannah Madeline M Cianna Daphne Victoria Kat Kelcey Amanda

Group 2 - Maddie Lexie Rachel W Rachel A Erin Alanna Ashlee Chandi Lisa Julia

Group 3 - Heather Alexis Briana Bridget Caroline Amber Christina Shaina Kristen Taylor P

Group 4 - Tess Gina Taylor Molly Brennan Hannah Jalyn Meredith Lily Madeline S

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5 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Was this confirmed? About Tara I mean. Her cut felt out of the blue to me considering that they told her she’s improved and it was quite obvious that she needed help... i’m not saying that employers are required to care about their employees (let’s be real), but if you want to call yourself “world class”, you kinda have to... 

I have a friend in Dallas and very much confirmed it.

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My issue wasn't that girls talk about work. That's normal. Everyone talks about work. My issue was that people were specifically told not to talk about one thing and they did anyway. But whatever, it's clear that people have different values. C'est la vie.

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1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

My issue wasn't that girls talk about work. That's normal. Everyone talks about work. My issue was that people were specifically told not to talk about one thing and they did anyway. But whatever, it's clear that people have different values. C'est la vie.

I’d hazard a guess that TPTB only made stipulations about what may and may not be posted on social media. It seems like the girls in TC are probably all doing the right thing if that’s what they were instructed to do. 

Some of that may be as simple as not posting “spoilers” for the actual TV show 🙄 rather than protecting anyone (as if they care what we think - it’s their team and it’s a privately owned entity - it literally does not need to be fair even though the lack of apparent fairness makes some of it difficult to watch). 

Word of mouth/rumours/gossip are probably fair game. Which brings us all full circle back to relying on possible insiders and figuring out what to believe...

Come out insiders! Spill!!

Edited by Pinknblue
Clarified a point
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5 hours ago, ShellyB said:
5 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

That was me, but yeah G3 and G4 were incomplete:)

Here’s who is missing from your list

G3 - Christina, Taylor P

G4 - Brennan, Taylor, Hannah & Jalyn

Gotta admit, after not seeing Brennan's name I was worried she was cut.


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8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Ok, I think we got this now:P

Group 1 - Amy Miranda Savannah Madeline M Cianna Daphne Victoria Kat Kelcey Amanda

Group 2 - Maddie Lexie Rachel W Rachel A Erin Alanna Ashlee Chandi Lisa Julia

Group 3 - Heather Alexis Briana Bridget Caroline Amber Christina Shaina Kristen Taylor P

Group 4 - Tess Gina Taylor Molly Brennan Hannah Jalyn Meredith Lily Madeline S

Some interesting things to note:

All three TCC who made Showgroup are in Group 1.  If they make 4-5 more cuts, I think they would need to be moved to the other groups  

There are six girls in Group 1 who made SG but only three in Group 4.

Miranda and Alexis are both group leaders but didn’t make SG so they will be front and center of their quarterchanges and plaza performances but buried in the middle/back of the full Pyramid. 

No girls of color in Group 4 (Red hair doesn’t qualify as diversity, no matter how many times they try to pull that one over on us!)

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You may be a great dancer but personality should count.......I was watching season 11 and on panel interviews Brenda was chewing up Cat.  I wonder what kind of question VK was asked last year and this.  they showed VK in every situation last year except panel interview

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48 minutes ago, Stee said:

Some interesting things to note:

All three TCC who made Showgroup are in Group 1.  If they make 4-5 more cuts, I think they would need to be moved to the other groups  

There are six girls in Group 1 who made SG but only three in Group 4.

Miranda and Alexis are both group leaders but didn’t make SG so they will be front and center of their quarterchanges and plaza performances but buried in the middle/back of the full Pyramid. 

No girls of color in Group 4 (Red hair doesn’t qualify as diversity, no matter how many times they try to pull that one over on us!)

They're very important in the bouquet though! I've given up on the fact that Kelli will ever figure out what diversity actually means, rather than just hair colour!

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33 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

They're very important in the bouquet though! I've given up on the fact that Kelli will ever figure out what diversity actually means, rather than just hair colour!

When Mattel released its first African American Barbie, it was controversial because it was just the regular Barbie with darker skin -- that's the kind of diversity Kelli wants: brown girls with white bodies.

Edited by SmpIsimon
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10 minutes ago, dotdot 37 said:

You may be a great dancer but personality should count.......I was watching season 11 and on panel interviews Brenda was chewing up Cat.  I wonder what kind of question VK was asked last year and this.  they showed VK in every situation last year except panel interview

I wonder how this year’s interview went for VK. Feet to the fire? Or did they just ignore all her manipulations from last year? They had to have made a least a weak attempt to address it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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10 minutes ago, Pinknblue said:

I wonder how this year’s interview went for VK. Feet to the fire? Or did they just ignore all her manipulations from last year? They had to have made a least a weak attempt to address it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I was told that interviewers were instructed to take it easy on Victoria after "all she had been through."

Edited by SmpIsimon
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3 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

I was told that interviewers were told to take it easy on Victoria after "all she had been through."

This would not surprise me in the least. Once again, VK getting every possible hurdle cleared for her so she'll make the team. 

What I'm curious about now is how this will all be edited for us viewers. I imagine VK will get the "overcoming adversity" edit, but the blatant favoritism that was on full display last year will not be shown as heavily. They want us to forget all that and only see the amazing growth and redemption journey VK has been on over the last year.

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18 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

They're very important in the bouquet though! I've given up on the fact that Kelli will ever figure out what diversity actually means, rather than just hair colour!

A bouquet of flowers: red roses, white roses, pink roses, blush roses. Every kind of rose you can find!  Big ones small ones, roses with all sorts of petals!

Tulips?  Couldn’t find enough good ones this year. 

Peonies?  Just didn’t match the caliber of the roses. 

Lilies? Just not the right style for our bouquet.

Anyway, I kid I kid!  I still love my DCC, weird flaws, racial oversights, strange sorority sister traditions and all.  It’s “world class” entertainment that only very small group of the world know about - I guess that’s called exclusive?  Cuz it’s definitely not inclusive!!

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1 hour ago, Stee said:

Some interesting things to note:

All three TCC who made Showgroup are in Group 1.  If they make 4-5 more cuts, I think they would need to be moved to the other groups  

There are six girls in Group 1 who made SG but only three in Group 4.

Miranda and Alexis are both group leaders but didn’t make SG so they will be front and center of their quarterchanges and plaza performances but buried in the middle/back of the full Pyramid. 

No girls of color in Group 4 (Red hair doesn’t qualify as diversity, no matter how many times they try to pull that one over on us!)

Yeah they will shift groups to make it all even as possible 

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9 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Ok, I think we got this now:P

Group 1 - Amy Miranda Savannah Madeline M Cianna Daphne Victoria Kat Kelcey Amanda

Group 2 - Maddie Lexie Rachel W Rachel A Erin Alanna Ashlee Chandi Lisa Julia

Group 3 - Heather Alexis Briana Bridget Caroline Amber Christina Shaina Kristen Taylor P

Group 4 - Tess Gina Taylor Molly Brennan Hannah Jalyn Meredith Lily Madeline S

Caroline is in G1

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41 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

When Mattel released its first African American Barbie, it was controversial because it was just the regular Barbie with darker skin -- that's the kind of diversity Kelli wants: brown girls with white bodies.

And hair.

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12 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

And hair.

Exactly.  Just look at Jacie's hair while she was a DCC and her hair after she was freed of the DCC restrictions on appearance.

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4 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Exactly.  Just look at Jacie's hair while she was a DCC and her hair after she was freed of the DCC restrictions on appearance.

The brown skin white girl body thing is spot on. I always thought they made an exception for Keyra , who was more bottom heavy because of her dancing and they needed to check the diversity box, but they dumped her fast when Malena showed up and they thought they had a replacement whose body type was preferable. 

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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

I was told that interviewers were instructed to take it easy on Victoria after "all she had been through."

You mean she wasn’t “Minchewed” at her panel interview? 

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If they ever get sued for racial discrimination, they'd be in BIG trouble.  We have tons of footage of Kelli cutting diverse girls because they "don't look good in our uniform" -- well, the uniform was designed for an "ideal" white body.  Thus, by continuing to use that standard, they are discriminating against women of color.  Only a few can ever satisfy that standard.

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My frustration with the whole VK situation is nepotism, there is nothing worse than seeing people given things when they've not earned them. And by earned I don't mean the Director is best friends with her mother. I've never been given anything in my life and thats why its so frustrating to watch this whole debacle. Although, people admire, like and respect me because I am humble and kind. It felt like a punch in the stomach when I saw she made SG. Did she improve, possibly does that matter to me, no. She behaved like a petulant, entitled brat last year & IMO she's the toxic one. I continue to be disappointed with TPTB for running this "World Class Team" into the ground. It makes me sad for the sacrificial ladies, sigh... 

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4 minutes ago, TB12 said:

She behaved like a petulant, entitled brat last year & IMO she's the toxic one. 

From what I've heard about her behavior so far this year, not much has changed . . . 

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14 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

From what I've heard about her behavior so far this year, not much has changed . . . 

This is infuriating & sadly not surprising AT ALL...

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13 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

From what I've heard about her behavior so far this year, not much has changed . . . 

Why am I not surprised?  I am not sure if I will be watching DCC:MTT this year.  I am so disgusted and disappointed with K/J.  If VK were ANYBODY else, her keester would have been cut a long time ago.

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36 minutes ago, rl27rl said:

Why am I not surprised?  I am not sure if I will be watching DCC:MTT this year.  I am so disgusted and disappointed with K/J.  If VK were ANYBODY else, her keester would have been cut a long time ago.

Agree 100%

2 hours ago, dotdot 37 said:

You may be a great dancer but personality should count.......I was watching season 11 and on panel interviews Brenda was chewing up Cat.  I wonder what kind of question VK was asked last year and this.  they showed VK in every situation last year except panel interview

She probably said "I have no words".  😄

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I really do believe I see (or hear) only a smidgen of what "really" happens in DCC land.  I'm surely not going to let VK's making show group or the team prevent me from watching one of my favorite "reality TV shows."

I'm certain with Victoria's close friendship to Kelli, et al, there are girls who cannot help but be envious or think she is getting special treatment.   It's just the nature of girls.  Best advice I can give them is "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Hopefully, MTT won't ever be as entertaining as My 600 Pound Life or My Big FF Life.  On the other hand, maybe Dr. Now could make a special appearance to counsel the girls on weight watch-- "you need to lose 10 pounds this munt."   P.S.  we all love Dr. Now.

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As a person who has had three strokes, three incurable diseases, and still works and goes to school, “all that Victoria has been through” makes me want to vomit! 

I don’t normally speak on my private life because it’s, well, private, but I was in a wheelchair for two years and I went through almost THREE YEARS of grueling therapy that included desensitization of my leg and it had me in tears every day for six months. 

I’ve been through stroke rehab three times and I just can’t get on board with the whole “poor Victoria” story line, and while I think she is a brat, the narrative is not her fault. I just think there’s a hell of a lot worse in life than being called out for weight and not being a DCC.

Kelli and Charlotte, et. al are obviously enablers because they’re the ones babying her and making the “storyline” of poor Vic has been through so much...this poor sheltered girl is gonna get slapped hard someday by real life because these people insist on protecting her. While she exhibited super bratty behavior,  her mother and her mom’s besties are making sure her dose of reality is bitter and terrible. 

1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

I really do believe I see (or hear) only a smidgen of what "really" happens in DCC land.  I'm surely not going to let VK's making show group or the team prevent me from watching one of my favorite "reality TV shows."

I'm certain with Victoria's close friendship to Kelli, et al, there are girls who cannot help but be envious or think she is getting special treatment.   It's just the nature of girls.  Best advice I can give them is "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Hopefully, MTT won't ever be as entertaining as My 600 Pound Life or My Big FF Life.  On the other hand, maybe Dr. Now could make a special appearance to counsel the girls on weight watch-- "you need to lose 10 pounds this munt."   P.S.  we all love Dr. Now.

10 pounds this week. Can you lose it by Friday, hon-ayy??

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5 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

When Mattel released its first African American Barbie, it was controversial because it was just the regular Barbie with darker skin -- that's the kind of diversity Kelli wants: brown girls with white bodies.

and white faces. and white hair.

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Two quick things.

I have seen Victoria dance.  I have seen Jalyn dance.  There is no way you can convince me Victoria out-danced Jalyn in SG auditions.  No. Way.

The possibility that Victoria is acting as an entitled brat in TC (and I totally believe that is happening) makes me sad for the other TCCs.  They get to bathe in toxicity -- compliments of VK -- Monday through Friday evenings.  And see that if their DCC dream comes true, they get a whole year of it.

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8 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Latest TCC grid.


So of these TCCs left I am really pulling for Amanda, Chandi, Julia, Kat, Kelcey, Kristin, and Lily. I'm undecided on the rest. And I will abstain for offering any further opinion on one in particular.

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On 6/29/2019 at 6:55 PM, Kees080 said:

And last but definitely not least...Caroline.  BTW - Caroline is the centerfold in the swimsuit issue 😉 

I've posted one pic of each returning vet.  It's time for me to move on to another thing this evening. This has been tons of fun. I hope everyone enjoys getting a look at some of the pictures.  


I still love this one as well.  

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14 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

Thank you for addressing my question. I appreciate it.

I’m reading Shelleys comment and digging deeper into the comment,  I take it as there were stronger dancers than the ones who made it, but it came down to the vote. Another popularity contest or many just voted for the girl who had a  rough last year. 

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I don’t really have much reference on who I want cut because I don’t pay attention to rookies until the show starts, so based on appearance and/or who’s the darkest wizard in the magical world my next four cuts would be - 


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27 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

I don’t really have much reference on who I want cut because I don’t pay attention to rookies until the show starts, so based on appearance and/or who’s the darkest wizard in the magical world my next four cuts would be - 


Madeline s is one I think could be cut my other 3 choices would be shania Taylor p maybe Kat 

Edited by Holly85
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Victoria’s treatment represents a continuity problem for the MTT series.   I have watched each season, and can muster no example of such behavior as Victoria’s be nothing other than disqualifying for any further consideration for future squads.  Since there are no other examples that have been shown on the show, the viewer is left with one of two impressions.  

Impression #1-DCC Leadership has gone soft, understands that this generation of young ladies is inherently flaky and untrustworthy, and that going forward,  will be more forgiving of maturity problems for all candidates.  

Impression #2-Auntie Kelli reserves the right to use her staff legacy-nepotistic treatment card on Victoria as Sam seems unlikely to audition.   

I believe it is a strategic error to not address these impressions in the show.  If a viewer believes #1, Victoria’s example will become the precedent against which Kelli’s future decisions will be judged.  I’ve said it before that K&J are far less decisive lately likely due to experience and falling testosterone. So, taking it easy on Victoria is less surprising than it would have been a decade ago.  Still, there will be impacts to future seasons.

More likely, viewers will believe #2.  From the footage of Judy saying nothing throughout about VK last season and the terrible pain displayed by Kelli during Victoria’s cut, it’s clear there is a special relationship; however, to pretend that it doesn’t exist discounts KF’s reputation.  Because there has been no explicit behind the scenes footage of the DCC leadership discussing this conflict between standards and nepotism, we are left with myriad conspiracy theories (aka, buried bodies, steakhouse GM management at the Star).   

Not that at anyone cares.  Perhaps, KF and MTT’s days are numbered, and the VK saga will be an interesting plot at the end of a special, yet niche series.  But if that’s not the case, TPTB should consider the implications of this situation.

Full disclosure: I am a VK fan, and I am disappointed that the Kalinas have put the DCC organization in this position.

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3 minutes ago, DCCFan197605 said:

Full disclosure: I am a VK fan, and I am disappointed that the Kalinas have put the DCC organization in this position.

Kelli put herself in this position. Kelli and Kelli alone---plus maybe Charlotte---are to blame for the pitfalls of Vikkie. If Kelli had not given Tina this much power, this would be a non-issue.  

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6 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Meredith was already cut 

When? I know we talked about her lackluster SG audition, but a confirmed cut hadn't happened that I knew of...is this, like official? 

Just now, DCC-UK said:

Can someone remind me how many spots there are open for rookies? 

There should be 9, but since Queen Victoria has to have her spot, there are only 8. 

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