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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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I agree with majority of the people that VK needs to be cut because of weight and immaturity. Does anyone know the complete list of who make SG and the 4 groups. Has anyone been cut?

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3 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

Hmmm, a zero-tolerance policy.  On ... blabbing when you shouldn't?   On ... tattling on bad behavior?  On ... lying?  Seems like such a policy applies to everyone except VK apparently. 

Had VK not opened her mouth last year before/during auditions about the position on the team she was promised, NONE of this would be a discussion in the first place.  Then, with everything in her favor because TPTB were clearly on her side and willing to let anything and everything slide with respect to their oft-quoted standards on dance and appearance, she acted poorly and immature (at best); she was complacent with her figure, and when called out on it, she lashed out against a trusted insider (an insider who had earned that trust), going so far as to lie right to Kelli's face about it.  Nevertheless, she's back ... with a Barbie, AND a coveted SG spot, and apparently also with a public relations security detail.  Yet  anyone who dares to opine (seemingly even in private since there are plenty of mice willing to squeal for their own gain) that what's going on seems to smack of nepotism or is patently unfair ... THAT person becomes the "toxicity" that needs eliminated?  THIS is the double standard that pisses people off on this board.  THIS is the double standard that itself is what's working against the organization's best interest.

Obviously, TPTB can do whatever they want with this team.  But when your outward representations of the core values and standards of your organization so wildly conflict with what's going on behind the scenes, you weaken your foundation.  Sooner or later, that weakness will cause a major collapse.   

Victoria was rightly cut. The current troublemakers have not been. That's the double standard.

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2 hours ago, Law Mom said:

Kelli allegedly told the candidates "Don't say or do anything that makes Victoria look bad." And then allegedly several of the candidates reported this to smplsimon, a person well known for posting on this forum, in direct violation of this alleged directive. This is termination worthy behavior. All of them should be immediately cut.

1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

It's just an example. Another example would be employees and contractors with NDAs which are contractual, not ethical. Even standard employee handbooks probably cover this situation. If you as a friend got some info and posted it, you are under no obligation to keep it secret, but your friend is in the wrong. 

Cut from....? If they aren't TCC's or actual employees then cut from what? I'm confused as to why the persons who told them is wrong if they aren't held by any agreement to discuss things with their friend..

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3 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

Cut from....? If they aren't TCC's or actual employees then cut from what? I'm confused as to why the persons who told them is wrong if they aren't held by any agreement to discuss things with their friend..

If they were in the room when Kelli or whoever said this then they were granted access by means of employment or contract and that access needs to be restricted through termination. If Kelli said this at a cocktail party then of course this would not apply. Remember that whoever is leaking this information is making the organization look bad and that is a cancer that needs to be stopped. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is. Leaks need to be plugged.

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13 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Victoria was rightly cut. The current troublemakers have not been. That's the double standard.

Clearly I would be one of the "troublemakers" because I firmly believe the last thing this brand needs is more Stepford Wives telling us, per script, how blessed and grateful they are for the sisterhood that is this amazing organization.     

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25 minutes ago, Busy said:

Does anyone know the complete list of who make SG and the 4 groups.

I'm surprised there haven't been any IG pictures (well none that I saw anyway) with the girls in bunches holding up their fingers to indicate their group.  Didn't they do some group bonding thing for 4th of July last year?  Maybe they will again this year & some pics will be posted.

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28 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Yes I know.  My point is that she may have thought she belonged there anyway & was devastated she was cut.  Then, for all we know, Kelli may have had the "you turned down appearances" discussion.  Obviously these are all only hypotheticals that could be way inaccurate, but it's just an alternate to a theory that Jalyn was robbed.

Gotcha. Certainly, if she was repeatedly warned for something and ignored it or if she is being untruthful, then that’s a different story. I’m just going by the statement that was posted that no reason was provided for her cut. That seems to be how things are done in DCC world, so I have no reason to doubt that or to give Kelli the benefit of the doubt. Others are of course free to be skeptical however.

17 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Victoria was rightly cut. The current troublemakers have not been. That's the double standard.

She wasn’t cut for lying or behavioral issues though. It was a standard “you’re just not ready this year” sort of thing. So, if someone else was actually cut for spreading info about other girls when VK was not, it would be a double standard. 

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What kind of employer is this? Like national security lockdown.   Believe me, no one besides all of us and people in the cheer world give two shits about the DCC or vk or whoever.  No one I know even knows this show exists much less Kelli or judy.  I think because of this little reality show on a cable channel most people don’t watch, tptb think they are as popular as the real housewives.  Sorry guys, you aren’t that important. 

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5 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

I have no reason to doubt that or to give Kelli the benefit of the doubt.

Well, she has been known for loving a girl one year and not loving her so much the next, so I can see why you feel that way.

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13 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

If they were in the room when Kelli or whoever said this then they were granted access by means of employment or contract and that access needs to be restricted through termination. If Kelli said this at a cocktail party then of course this would not apply. Remember that whoever is leaking this information is making the organization look bad and that is a cancer that needs to be stopped. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is. Leaks need to be plugged.

I think this is a bit dramatic especially if they weren't obligated by contract (which I doubt they would be) not to utter anything spoken by Kelli, but lol okay.

9 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Jeezus, it cheerleaders, not the Pentagon. 😻

LMAO exactly.

3 minutes ago, Kayce said:

Just my two cents...if we didn't have the insider information, we wouldn't have much of a forum discussion here 🙂

Very true. 

3 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

Even with the "insider" information, things that aren't true get spread around and it becomes a game of telephone. Pretty much everything said on here becomes twisted eventually. 

This too.

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Honestly, they might want all the rumors and speculation going on because it creates hype for their reality show and makes people want to watch (theoretically anyway) . Reality shows are all about drama, after all. 

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4 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

It is also entirely possible that some info is being "leaked" on purpose to get the viewers to turn in.  They do have a show to sell.

Yup, this.

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6 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

It is also entirely possible that some info is being "leaked" on purpose to get the viewers to turn in.  They do have a show to sell.

Ooh interesting theory! I like it! Look I know it's "just cheerleading." But when people are asked to not do something and then they do it anyway it says something about that person, whether it's cheerleading or flipping burgers or the Pentagon. It's shitty.

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45 minutes ago, Busy said:

I agree with majority of the people that VK needs to be cut because of weight and immaturity. Does anyone know the complete list of who make SG and the 4 groups. Has anyone been cut?

This is what I have so far:

Group 1 - Amy Miranda Savannah Madeline M Cianna Daphne Victoria Kat Amanda and Kelcey

Group 2 - Maddie Lexie Rachel W Erin Alanna Ashlee Chandi Lisa Julia

Group 3 - Heather Alexis Bridget Briana Amber Kristen Shaina

Group 4 - Tess Gina Taylor Molly

Does anyone know of any changes?  What groups the missing girls are in?  

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I feel like I need Chandi and Kat to make the team. That is all. They both are so gorgeous, and the DCC seriously needs to up their roster of cheerleaders of color.

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Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W are the new vets on SG. 

Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria are the TCC’s on SG. 

They took 18 this year. 

Jalyn was cut. Everyone else made it back. 

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W are the new vets on SG. 

Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria are the TCC’s on SG. 

They took 18 this year. 

Jalyn was cut. Everyone else made it back. 

Rachel A surprises me. I've always thought she was a blender but she stood out in a recent DCC Academy video so maybe she's upped her game?

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W are the new vets on SG. 

Yay!!!  They all deserve it.

2 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria are the TCC’s on SG. 

Not surprised by Amanda or Kelcey.  Both very strong dancers.

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3 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W are the new vets on SG. 

Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria are the TCC’s on SG. 

They took 18 this year. 

Jalyn was cut. Everyone else made it back. 

WOW I am super duper proud of Ashlee and Rachel A. I remember they were on the bubble last year and now to showgroup is awesome!!! Ashlee won a Barbie too! Caroline and Rachel W were a given, they are both incredible dancers. Kelcey seems to be amazing too. 

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15 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W are the new vets on SG. 

Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria are the TCC’s on SG. 

They took 18 this year. 

Jalyn was cut. Everyone else made it back. 

YAY for Caroline and Ashlee!!

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2 minutes ago, UT2004gal said:

Miranda and Alexis didn’t make show group and they’re second leaders. So they won’t be in the front of the triangle formation. Seems weird to me...

Miranda is just....blah to me, and while Alexis is gorgeous, I don't think she's that strong of a dancer so it doesn't surprise me. Her not being as good of a dancer doesn't impact her leadership abilities (I would think), so it probably doesn't matter.

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1 minute ago, Pebbles116 said:

Miranda is just....blah to me, and while Alexis is gorgeous, I don't think she's that strong of a dancer so it doesn't surprise me. Her not being as good of a dancer doesn't impact her leadership abilities (I would think), so it probably doesn't matter.

Neither are star dancers. Danielle was a GL and 2nd but never in show group so she never moved that far forward in the formation either!

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2 hours ago, Jennv said:

As for Jalyn, my guess is she displeased tptb in some way during the season. Not enough to be cut entirely, but enough that Kelli feels the need to punish her by removing her from sg. 

That doesn’t make Kelli look better. She’s supposed to be a manager, not a petty sorority girl. Cut her or move on, no need to be passive aggressive.

1 hour ago, LadyMsJay said:

I think this is a bit dramatic especially if they weren't obligated by contract (which I doubt they would be) not to utter anything spoken by Kelli, but lol okay.

Just imagine how life would be if employers would go nuts over rumors and gossip spread. Oh boy, HR would be working full time on stoping Brenda from talking smack of Karen in the break room.

I’m glad my girl Rachel made it to SG. I was hoping she would be a 2GL too but there’s always next season! I can’t believe they only took 2 rookies into SG? It seemed like a really talented group tbh.

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1 minute ago, DCC-UK said:

Neither are star dancers. Danielle was a GL and 2nd but never in show group so she never moved that far forward in the formation either!

Same with Nicole B.  Everyone has to try out, whether they can do show group or not.  Nicole and Danielle both worked and couldn't do show group.

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1 minute ago, DCC-UK said:

Neither are star dancers. Danielle was a GL and 2nd but never in show group so she never moved that far forward in the formation either!

But if all 4 2GL stay on and all 4 1GL retire, then we’re looking at 2 GL being points of their groups and yet, being hidden during thunderstruck. Let’s see where Lexie is placed this year at least.

Honestly though, I don’t understand how someone is good enough to be point of a group, but not good enough to get a good position in the triangle?

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1 minute ago, dreamcatcher said:

But if all 4 2GL stay on and all 4 1GL retire, then we’re looking at 2 GL being points of their groups and yet, being hidden during thunderstruck. Let’s see where Lexie is placed this year at least.

Honestly though, I don’t understand how someone is good enough to be point of a group, but not good enough to get a good position in the triangle?

I think the idea is that all show group are at the front so they don't have to constantly change formation for special events. Then everyone else is just slotted around them. 

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3 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Honestly though, I don’t understand how someone is good enough to be point of a group, but not good enough to get a good position in the triangle?

Point of a group really isn’t a thing. 

1 minute ago, DCC-UK said:

I think the idea is that all show group are at the front so they don't have to constantly change formation for special events. Then everyone else is just slotted around them. 

This. SG is usu diamond and then outside edge of whole formation. 

Wtf is happening? Somebody catch me up please. PM if needed. What is this about toxic people needing cut and leaks or whatever? I’m lost and just want to know if we have another Chelsea situation or is this just typical rumors. Not calling anyone out or asking for receipts, just wtf is going on?

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5 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Point of a group really isn’t a thing. 

I guess on the sidelines you can’t really tell who’s in the front, but they do form a “triangle” for some performances. That’s what i meant.

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8 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Wtf is happening? Somebody catch me up please. PM if needed. What is this about toxic people needing cut and leaks or whatever? I’m lost and just want to know if we have another Chelsea situation or is this just typical rumors. Not calling anyone out or asking for receipts, just wtf is going on?

Oh no, nothing like that - just a discussion how if you work for the DCC, and you have insider info that you share outside of work, you should be fired for being toxic.   Some say get rid of the pot stirrers, and others say no - it's just cheerleading.

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23 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

If Kelli and the DCC organization (as the employer) don't want a toxic environment, then perhaps they should re-think giving orders that mandate everyone on the team (the employees) to edit their communication - social media posts, conversations with family/friends, sleep talking - for the purpose of protecting one sacred TCC.

I've managed a lot of people in my adult life, including hundreds of employees in all-female gym/spa establishments, and if I had ever verbalized a requirement that everyone alter their communication to protect one singled-out employee, then I could only blame myself for the toxicity that would result.

This. Honestly they’re just asking for leaks if they are trying to gag people to protect one TCC whose inclusion in the group is debatable. Assuming she ever gave that order.

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On 7/1/2019 at 4:32 PM, parrotfeathers said:

DCC is much of her identity so I don't understand why she would consider it as sacrificing her life.  She can give her notice any time and go somewhere else.

I know right!!!! Amen to that. 

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37 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

That doesn’t make Kelli look better. She’s supposed to be a manager, not a petty sorority girl. Cut her or move on, no need to be passive aggressive.

Just imagine how life would be if employers would go nuts over rumors and gossip spread. Oh boy, HR would be working full time on stoping Brenda from talking smack of Karen in the break room.

I’m glad my girl Rachel made it to SG. I was hoping she would be a 2GL too but there’s always next season! I can’t believe they only took 2 rookies into SG? It seemed like a really talented group tbh.

The only language Kelli knows is 'passive aggressive'. It's childish and immature and 100% why I think she is a bad leader. 

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10 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

But I like leaks....

No kidding!!  I deeply appreciate all the insider info we get.  

2 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

The only language Kelli knows is 'passive aggressive'. It's childish and immature and 100% why I think she is a bad leader. 

Especially if she is making decisions based on her feeling like "she's sacrificed her life for the DCC."

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1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

No kidding!!  I deeply appreciate all the insider info we get.  

Especially if she is making decisions based on her feeling like "she's sacrificed her life for the DCC."


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I am gutted by the news that Jalyn, my number one girl, the one who has it all, did not make SG.

Having been on SG last year, and being cut this year, must feel like an enormous blow. A blow that a sweet, nice, intelligent, hardworking Jalyn does not deserve.

I wonder why this was done to her, because it sure was not because of her bad dancing!

I am sad and hurt, but I will not channel my emotions and vent my frustration towards Victoria because Victoria has nothing to do with this. She just wants to be on the team.

Not having an obvious brilliant dancer on SG feels like injustice but we have to remind ourselves that there is no justice in an organisation that is only there to make a profit for its owners.


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1 hour ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W are the new vets on SG. 

Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria are the TCC’s on SG. 

They took 18 this year. 

Jalyn was cut. Everyone else made it back. 

I'm counting 17... am I missing someone??

Maddie, Heather, Gina, Amy, Tess, Lexie, Amber, Bridget, Daphne, Hannah (10)

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W, Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria (7)

Edited by Tootie
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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Well, she has been known for loving a girl one year and not loving her so much the next, so I can see why you feel that way.

Hannah from Season 8 (I think) is a prime example. She was the Golden one her rookie year then Kelli dropped her like a hot rock when she gained weight. Same for Little Heather later on but for reasons never made clear unless she pissed Charlotte off a la Ann Luxe.

Edited by ATLGirl
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1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

Rachel A surprises me. I've always thought she was a blender but she stood out in a recent DCC Academy video so maybe she's upped her game?

Exactly me too! 

Theres so many blenders.

Edited by RockYou
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20 minutes ago, serenemiss said:

This. Honestly they’re just asking for leaks if they are trying to gag people to protect one TCC whose inclusion in the group is debatable. Assuming she ever gave that order.

So, if someone ask their friend (a TCC) how camp is going, the TCC can say, “Great, I’m sore and it’s hard”.

 The next question is “how is that TCC VK, whom was a mess last year, doing?” and the TCC says “we are not allowed to discuss her or post anything about her?” She tells someone and etc etc.  

I do not believe this is a toxic.  

When the long post about VK came up on SG night, I was like, seriously.  Def trying to do damage control, or someone was.  

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6 minutes ago, RockYou said:

Exactly me too! 

Theres so many blenders.

Don't get me wrong, I've always liked her but most in her rookie year are blenders: Alexis, Christina, Lexie, Miranda, Molly, Savannah. All good but not great to me!

Doesn't help that they were sandwiched in between two really strong rookie classes (2016 + 2018)

Just now, SanDiegoGal said:

Maybe the 18th spot is actually a second dance space for Victoria since she struggles with staying in her own space when she only has one?

Why is there no 'Burnnnn' button?! 

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And haven't they called girls for TC later on the list as a way of telling them something or whatever? Like last year someone said that Kashara was the last vet called. And I think I remember someone saying Melissa was the very last one called her final year. I tried to word all that right. Lol oh and of course Heather not being made a group leader when she and everyone expected it last year, and we don't know what she did wrong.

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