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Future Co-Hosts Talk and Speculation: Musical Chairs

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My ideal panel: Meredith, Joy, Sunny, Jedediah/Nicolle/Kirsten, Candace, Sara Haines........Who do you want on the panel next season?


Joy has a three-year contract worth way more than she ever made before, so that's a done deal.


Meredith's syndication deal was with NBC. She is co-hosting the NBC Olympics in August. We aren't going to see her working at ABC this decade. 


As for the others, I think we will see the same approach next year as this one.  A core group of hosts that rotate in and out.  And it appears that Joy has the only clout to get/earn a FT gig.  From what I recall, she had been asked to join the rotating circus, but balked, only agreeing to this season as the sole FT host (since Whoopi's contract gave her Fridays off -- 80% attendance.)  Presumably Joy insisted on that for Seasons 20/21/22. And I suspect she has her contract specifically guarantee her the moderator role if/when Whoopi departs.


I think Sunni, Jed, Sara, and Paula are a lock for 80% of the time.  And I think that's a good mix.  Sara and Paula have moderator potential.


The other 20% are always going to be random/part-time/guest co-hosts.  


I don't think Whoopi will be renewed.


CCB likely took the gig as part of her Fuller House promotional campaign.  She and her family still live in CA and I could see her choosing not to return after she works most of this summer.  Michele and Stacy are going to stay around and play the Mario Cantone role, hawking products/promotions to bring the additional revenue that keeps the show profitable.  Raven will probably get the Sherri treatment -- a lesser role as semi-regular co-host, though I think she still has a shot at one of the 80% gigs.


Jed and Raven's biggest issues are that they are trying too hard, and failing to impress in the process.  I think Jed will calm down once she gets the gig, though she will carry her Fox News Torch throughout the election season.

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Joy mentioned on friday that she was doing another Woody Allen movie soon, and talked abt her work with him in the past. I was surprised too, not her acting, but with Woody Allen, cuz I think I remember her being critical of him with the step-daughter. She makes jokes abt everything I guess.

Edited by Tosia
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Joy mentioned on friday that she was doing another Woody Allen movie soon, and talked abt her work with him in the past. I was surprised too, not her acting, but with Woody Allen, cuz I think I remember her being critical of him with the step-daughter. She makes jokes abt everything I guess.

IIRC, it was The Whoopster that harped on about Woody.

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Joy has a three-year contract worth way more than she ever made before, so that's a done deal.


Meredith's syndication deal was with NBC. She is co-hosting the NBC Olympics in August. We aren't going to see her working at ABC this decade. 


As for the others, I think we will see the same approach next year as this one.  A core group of hosts that rotate in and out.  And it appears that Joy has the only clout to get/earn a FT gig.  From what I recall, she had been asked to join the rotating circus, but balked, only agreeing to this season as the sole FT host (since Whoopi's contract gave her Fridays off -- 80% attendance.)  Presumably Joy insisted on that for Seasons 20/21/22. And I suspect she has her contract specifically guarantee her the moderator role if/when Whoopi departs.


I think Sunni, Jed, Sara, and Paula are a lock for 80% of the time.  And I think that's a good mix.  Sara and Paula have moderator potential.


The other 20% are always going to be random/part-time/guest co-hosts.  


I don't think Whoopi will be renewed.


CCB likely took the gig as part of her Fuller House promotional campaign.  She and her family still live in CA and I could see her choosing not to return after she works most of this summer.  Michele and Stacy are going to stay around and play the Mario Cantone role, hawking products/promotions to bring the additional revenue that keeps the show profitable.  Raven will probably get the Sherri treatment -- a lesser role as semi-regular co-host, though I think she still has a shot at one of the 80% gigs.


Jed and Raven's biggest issues are that they are trying too hard, and failing to impress in the process.  I think Jed will calm down once she gets the gig, though she will carry her Fox News Torch throughout the election season.

I don't disagree with any of this except I think Jed will go to Fox and this show will renew Whoopi because it hates me.  

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I hope no one's karma is that bad! Whoopi might be taking her vacation time lately. Use it or lose it. I doubt she will let one minute of payment from ABC go by the wayside if she decides to not renew. 

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Interesting, thanks Cosmocrush.  And again, my memory may be faulty but I remember Soon-yi jokes from Joy.  She didn't have the same strong feelings like others who would never watch another Woody Allen film.  But I think she did make him the butt of her jokes.

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It's hard to predict who the co-hosts will be next season since the producers seem to be both crazy and stupid, but I bet it depends on Whoopi's ego.  If she accepts a pay decrease, she will be back.  Raven and Michelle have probably known they were gone for awhile.  I have no idea about Candace since she isn't even on that much anyways.

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I think we only have Jed because of DWTS, her main gig is Fox so I doubt she'll be a co-host - but then look at Nicolle and MSNBC.


I suspect we are stuck with CCB, but I'm crossing my fingers not.  I am also praying that Whoopi walks away in a tiff about Joy's contract and $$.


I think that Paula and Sara are a lock.


On the bubble, Michelle and Raven - I think we'll continue to see Sherri and Stacy.

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I've noticed the past two days that Sunny is kissing up to Whoopi yesterday and today with Joy.


I think she's angling for a permanent job. 


Not sure how I feel about that. Sometimes I like what she has to say, other times she panders to whomever she's talking to.

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The View either needs to embrace the musical chairs and have 2 or 3 permanent everyday hosts and the rests are on a weekly basis. I don't think that would be that hard salary wise since 3 of them (Sunny, Paula, Sara) are already ABC employees.


Have Joy, Candace and Sherri be the 3 permanents.


Then have Sara Haines, Paula Faris, Michelle Collins, Sunny Hostin, maybe Jedediah?, and maybe Padma? be rotating the other 2 or 3 seats every week.


I don't know how this would work for salaries but i'm sure they could figure it out. While I do not really agree with Paula, Candace and Jedediah on many things, Whoopi is far too polarizing and brings out the worst in all co hosts and makes the debate far too personal. Those other 3 can at least have intellectual debates and then laugh it off after. Raven just needs to go ugh, she doesn't even represent the groups that she is there for: LGBT, millennial, and african american community. She just changes her opinion to fight with everyone and never knows the right word always has to ask lol.


Even though Sherri is a little goofy, we need her to be the comic relief if Joy becomes permanent moderator.

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Jed is pushing me to stop  watching.

yeah I get that. I guess the view needs to realize the best republican option they can get id Nicolle Wallace and they burned that bridge. Nicolle was intectual and moderate in her views and didnt take arguments personal. Elisabeth was not very informed or educated and too polarizing. Candace is more of the religious right which can turn people off and not super open to the other side. Jedediah is just annoying.

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Keep Joy. Get rid of everyone else. This show desperately needs a fresh start. They obviously aren't picking the right people because they come on for a few months, and then they're gone. There's no continuity. 


The worst? Candace is a religious zealot, whose naivete is horrifying in someone her age. Michelle is annoying as hell and Raven is so out of place it's not funny. It's like the producers sat down and said, "Okay...now we have to appeal to as many demographics as we can so we need: a Christian, a millennial, a Jewish comedian and a right-wing Republican." How about the RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB?!!!


It's such a mess!

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I remember seeing stories about Anne Curry being in talks with the View (when Barbara, Jenny and Sherri left). I wonder if she would be interested? With Whoopi gone, they would have a very nice salary available and she would bring back some professionalism to the moderator chair. Maybe they could just go with 4 hosts again so they wouldn't run into salary issues. 


Anne, Joy, Sunny and Candace (eek i know but you know they are going to keep a republican)

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... Anne, Joy, Sunny and Candace (eek i know but you know they are going to keep a republican)


Kathleen Parker is a Republican who's smart, well-educated, articulate, & sensible.  She won a Pulitzer Prize for political commentary & currently writes a syndicated column for the Washington Post -- she also appears on Meet The Press & Chris Matthews' MSNBC show.  I have no idea what she thinks about religion, which is a big plus in my view -- & she's not impressed by Sarah Palin, another point in her favor.  There are conservative women in America who aren't blithering idiots, so how come The View can't seem to find any?

Edited by 3pwood
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Kathleen Parker is a Republican who's smart, well-educated, articulate, & sensible.  She won a Pulitzer Prize for political commentary & currently writes a syndicated column for the Washington Post -- she also appears on Meet The Press & Chris Matthews' MSNBC show.  I have no idea what she thinks about religion, which is a big plus in my view -- & she's not impressed by Sarah Palin, another point in her favor.  There are conservative women in America who aren't blithering idiots, so how come The View can't seem to find any?

because when they get one (Nicolle Wallace) they dont like how they agree with the liberal co host. and you cant tell me people like kathleen wouldnt have a problem with pop culture

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I'd rather they spent more time finding intelligent, well-spoken women rather than just worrying about the demographics. For example, Whoopi checks several demographic boxes, but she can barely articulate a sentence. What good is having diversity if the women can barely voice their opinions in an understandable way?

Edited by marny
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I don't think Ann Curry is a good fit for this show. I think part of the problem why she wasn't a good cohost on Today was because her personality is not fun, quirky etc (not that it should be a requirement, but following Katie Couric and Meredith, she was different..... more serious). I can't imagine her giggling and talking about sex like they do on this show.

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I remember seeing stories about Anne Curry being in talks with the View (when Barbara, Jenny and Sherri left). I wonder if she would be interested? With Whoopi gone, they would have a very nice salary available and she would bring back some professionalism to the moderator chair. Maybe they could just go with 4 hosts again so they wouldn't run into salary issues. 


Anne, Joy, Sunny and Candace (eek i know but you know they are going to keep a republican)

Anne Curry would be great. I would enjoy her immensely with Joy and Sunny. If you going to have a Republican (and I'm quite fine with that)  I say don't make her an extreme religious fundamentalist. 

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I think Kathleen Parker would rather be dead than caught on this mess.


You're probably right.  Anyone smart enough to be worth watching may be too smart to put herself through this experience.  

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Anne, Joy, Sunny and Candace (eek i know but you know they are going to keep a republican)

True, but I'm not sure Candace qualifies as a Republican although IF she's ever bothered to vote I have no doubt she would vote for someone like Cruz.  But she seems barely aware of politics and it looks to me like thinking about politics hurts her head. Candace pretty much has three topics of interest to her: her faith, her family, and Full[er] House.  That's it; the woman has zero formal education, she married at 20, and has basically played the same part her entire career.   I can't think of anything she's said on this show that I found interesting or entertaining or informative, etc. etc.  


I'd rather they spent more time finding intelligent, well-spoken women rather than just worrying about the demographics. For example, Whoopi checks several demographic boxes, but she can barely articulate a sentence. What good is having diversity if the women can barely voice their opinions in an understandable way?

Great point marny!  I'd add Raven into that category as well.   Maybe that's why Paula doesn't bug me; can't deny the woman is articulate.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I know I've been harping on my #1 choice for a long time, but I've always adored Bonnie Hunt & think she would be an excellent addition to the group.  She could moderate or participate, but I'm not sure where she stands politically.  She's very family-oriented, so I'm not sure if she could be "jacked" out of Chicago.  Just sayin'.

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I'm just so sick and tired of these "revolving co-host wanna be's".  It is one thing to have the co-host rotate between those in the opening and the 99 contributors that they never use.


Another thing is to have Sunny, the return of the Jedi and airhead Sara Haines on more than Michelle, CCB and Raven (not that M, CCB and R are anyone to brag about).


Sunny (who drove me insane when she covered the Casey Anthony case) as made her self right at home, so expect her next season.


They couldn't get last season right with Nicole and Rosie Perez (who was terrible) ,This season was bust also, but how many tries to  they need? Seem like they are trying out all the backup quarterbacks!

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I know I've been harping on my #1 choice for a long time, but I've always adored Bonnie Hunt & think she would be an excellent addition to the group.  She could moderate or participate, but I'm not sure where she stands politically.  She's very family-oriented, so I'm not sure if she could be "jacked" out of Chicago.  Just sayin'.

I liked her too.   I wonder what she's up to these days and why she's not on TV somewhere!  



Another thing is to have Sunny, the return of the Jedi and airhead Sara Haines on more than Michelle, CCB and Raven (not that M, CCB and R are anyone to brag about).

That's a good point Vinyasa.   It seems ridiculous  to hire co-hosts AND contributors and then switch direction mid-season and use neither.   And yet, that makes perfect sense for this shitshow.  


I wonder how long they waited until they decided the "contributor" thing was a bust?   I hope those women got paid up front. 

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Yes Cosmo, I wondered too, so according to her Wiki & IMDb, since 2006 (has it been THAT long) she's been doing "voice work" on stuff like Cars, Cars2 & Toy Story.  I don't know how much that kind of work pays, so ....

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I wonder is Mary Katherine Ham is a possibility? She is a very likable conservative women contributor for CNN (also helped moderate the ABC Republican Debate, and has been featured on shows like Real Time with Bill Maher). and i thought did super well when she was a guest with Sherri, Barbara and Jenny. She is funny, educated on politics and pop culture and is not someone who lectures you like Jed or talks about God all show like Candace. Her fallen husband was a democrat who worked in the Obama Whitehouse so she can obviously handle a good political debate. Idk I am just spitballing here. 

Edited by Bmarsh
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rainbow brite 80s GIF

Wrong person, try again mug.

Ana Kasparian was mentioned in the regular episode post. I watch TYT sometimes and I think she mentioned that she had gotten promoted to Executive Producer recently.  I for sure would like to see her cohost or at least guest cohost on The View.

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In an ideal world, McCain would be out next, Sara would come back once she goes (leaving Keke to take over that other show), and either Ana or Yvette would take the other seat or alternate the week between one another.

But since that likely won't happen... I'll be honest that the show might be better with only four people the way it is at the moment, although I always preferred five in the past. Maybe with only four people, everyone would get airtime to speak despite McCain's constant interruptions and caterwauling. This first week back, you could tell Whoopi was choosing not to say anything just to make things move along smoother for the other three to get their points out before / between McCain's fits.

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On 4/9/2016 at 12:02 PM, Medicine Crow said:

I know I've been harping on my #1 choice for a long time, but I've always adored Bonnie Hunt & think she would be an excellent addition to the group.

Me too!  One of the only times I've watched The Talk since it's first season was last year when I was forwarding through the on-screen cable guide to check the late night talk show guests, and I had it on CBS, and happened to notice when I got to that show's listing that Bonnie Hunt was co-hosting that day, so I had to watch.

She's such a great story-teller and can turn a fairly mundane occurrence into something  hilarious and memorable.  One of my favorites was when she told about her and her sisters carrying their Barbie Dream House that they had gotten for Christmas over to a friend's, accidentally dropping it, and discovering there was an entire other half to it, that had popped open, that they didn't know about and how excited they were.

(When I was looking something up I discovered that there are a whole lot of clips from her daytime talk show on YouTube.  Clips of her other talk show appearances are few and far between, unfortunately.)   

16 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

This first week back, you could tell Whoopi was choosing not to say anything just to make things move along smoother for the other three to get their points out before / between McCain's fits.

  Yes, you could tell Whoopie was purposefully not engaging with her. 


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Sara will never come back.  That would be a step back in her career.  She may have peaked with that godawful show she's on.

The new host will be someone young, in the Sara/Paula/Abby vein.  Hopefully someone with a background in journalism or public service.  No brainless celebs like Candace or Raven, TYVM.

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45 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Sara will never come back.  That would be a step back in her career.  She may have peaked with that godawful show she's on.

The new host will be someone young, in the Sara/Paula/Abby vein.  Hopefully someone with a background in journalism or public service.  No brainless celebs like Candace or Raven, TYVM.

With it being an election year they would be wise to pick someone who will be able to talk about politics. But this is the View and they will probably hire some You Tube star.

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As long as they don't bring Candace Owens and Tomi Lahren to take Abby's  place.  Those two are worst than Megan.  Ana Kasparian would be awesome and she would be a progressive voice that the country needs to hear and see.  The media tends to frame progressives from the right's perspective.  

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I have two ideas about who Meh-gun wants for the next host:

1.  Not a Republican so MeMeMegun can claim being the only Repub/Lone Wolf {sic} on the panel.

2.  An Abby clone--someone who kowtows to Megaphone and is not that bright or vocal, i.e., Sippy Cupp seems to be this type IMHO.

Nutmeg is a horrible "friend" so whoever it is better kiss that butt, or be prepared to have their butt booted off the show like others, or pressured by Mehgun's whining to PTB to leave .

Really horrendous picture of the workings behind-the-scenes on tv and the greed of networks.

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2 hours ago, Tosia said:

I have two ideas about who Meh-gun wants for the next host:

1.  Not a Republican so MeMeMegun can claim being the only Repub/Lone Wolf {sic} on the panel.

That's what I think, too. lol It would suit her Always-The-Victim narrative.

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We have a policy in HR that if you know someone who would be a good fit for the company, and they pass all the interviews and get the job, you'd get a financial bonus of usually around  $500. I wonder if Disney has such a policy.  She could be cleaning up, hiring all the 'friends'

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