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S09.E19: Hey Girl Hey


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Jade joins the cast of Teen Mom 2 but trust issues threaten an important anniversary with Sean.

When Briana allows Devoin to take Nova for the weekend, he disappoints her in a big way.

Leah and Jeremy get flirty in New York.

Kailyn takes the boys on a family vacation without any help.

Chelsea’s anxiety interrupts a fun weekend away.

Airs Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 8PM

  • Useful 1
  • Love 1

I feel like Chelsea's anxiety stems from a mixture of the stresses of having two babies in quick succession, the insecurity created from the home burglary, and a general inability to take care of herself. She's always relied heavily on Randy and now Cole and never had to be self-sufficient. Now she's battling something no one but her can solve, and I'm sure that's disorienting for her. Therapy would be an excellent option for her, I hope she takes it.

I was glad to see that despite Jeremy and Leah's carefree, childless weekend in NYC, Leah is aware that they have to be responsible and not jerk Addie around. Nothing between them will ever be casual when their daughter is stuck in the middle.

Kail kept emphasizing that this vacation she was flying solo without help, and then we see her turning to production for assistance multiple times. And even with their aid, she still seemed totally overwhelmed, which kind of diminishes her "I'm a badass single mom" narrative.

I felt terrible watching Nova in the backseat as Briana drove a drunk Devoin home. It's hard to understand as a kid what's happening with an intoxicated parent; all you know is they're not themselves and that's scary. Briana needs to find a way of communicating to Nova because ignoring the issue will just be even more confusing to her.

Jade seems to have a lot of good things going for her, but her relationship with Sean ain't one of them. Even sober, his temper flares out of control easily, and Jade screaming back is accelerant to the blaze. She needs to make her baby her priority and avoid the toxicity that arises when she's with Sean.

  • Love 19

Lmfao, the look on Cole's face when Chelsea was having her drama queen attack was priceless. I can't believe the way she snaps at everyone and how they just sit there and take it. Maybe if she had somebody in her life who didn't put up with her shit, she might actually mature a little and get the hang of adulting. 

Leah definitely got new teeth, along with facial fillers but unlike Kail, her work looks good. I also like the darker, sandy hair color on her. 

I can't manage to dredge up the slightest fuck to give about Jade. I didn't even pay attention during her segments.

Nova looked adorable for the father/daughter dance. I thought Briana showed remarkable restraint upon finding out Devoin was drunk while he was supposed to be minding Nova at the pool. That would've been the one time I didn't blame the DeJesus women for popping off and beating down his door. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

I don't think it helped their vacation any when the kids got to hear Kail bitch about what a 'nightmare' her vacation alone with them was.  She should have known that when you have a baby, a 6 or 7 year old, and a 10 year old that they aren't going to be at the same level in terms of water skills.  So why pick a vaca that revolves around water if there's nobody to hang with the baby while you play with the older two in the deeper water.  I agree with the poster above, there are tons of other things to do with the kids than go to Mexico.  Rent a cabin in Yellowstone and walk the trails and watch the wildlife and geysers, or a thousand other more realistic ideas for a single parent trip.  And maybe, since you have a pool, get Lincoln into some swimming lessons.  Stat. 

  • Love 16

Leah looked heavy to me!  She's gained several pounds!

Jade will keep the show hopping!  I'm guessing she's there replacing Janelle.  Janelle and her mother will surely miss those big paychecks!

Anxiety is terrible!  I hope Chelsea gets better!

I've always been  worried when Devon takes his daughter to his apartment!  Doesn't another male live there with him!  Bad situation for a young girl!

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Linny said:

I feel like Chelsea's anxiety stems from a mixture of the stresses of having two babies in quick succession, the insecurity created from the home burglary, and a general inability to take care of herself. She's always relied heavily on Randy and now Cole and never had to be self-sufficient. Now she's battling something no one but her can solve, and I'm sure that's disorienting for her. Therapy would be an excellent option for her, I hope she takes it.

Perfect explanation, which I agree.  Anxiety is horrible, so far all of my attacks have been at home by myself.  I can't imagine dealing with something like that in public, with young children.  It's a very scary experience.

Of course Kail got a free vacay and we all knew it would be a disaster.  I have to give her credit for trying to be responsible with the kids' pool safety.  I've been to resorts like that and seen parents totally oblivious to where their children were and what they were doing.  At least Kail cared enough to keep an eye on them.  At a resort like that I wonder if they have a supervised kids' program that she could have taken advantage of.  Isaac is just a doll and such a good kid.  Does Lux talk?  I don't think I've seen him say anything yet. 

I FF'd Brianna's segment because I think they showed most of that Devoin drunk car ride before.  I am going to enjoy Jade's segments.  She's new enough to still be struggling financially and the stress shows.  Eventually the TM $$ will be freely flowing and she will no doubt get lazy and unmotivated like the others. 

Leah's looking good, I like the new hair color.  I'm looking forward to more of her girlses antics. 

Jenelle Who???

Edited by suzeecat
edited to say "Jenelle Who?"
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, eskimo said:

Tweaking!?!  WTF! Is that now also a reference for being drunk?  Please tell me it is.

No, it means he was on something, not just drinking.

He was probably on oxy’s or something.  I mean, they do live on Florida, the pain management capital of the world 

and he can take that response he wrote about the look on his daughters face and shove it because this will not be the last time he does this.

Edited by Inga
Devoin sucks
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Kail chose the all inclusive Mexico trip because it was free!!!

Oh, is that why she went there when she could’ve just taken her kids to Disney or something? That must’ve been the cheapest all inclusive resort in Mexico, that food they got at lunch looked horrible! They literally brought out 2 frozen pizzas!

  • LOL 4
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Lmfao, the look on Cole's face when Chelsea was having her drama queen attack was priceless. I can't believe the way she snaps at everyone and how they just sit there and take it. Maybe if she had somebody in her life who didn't put up with her shit, she might actually mature a little and get the hang of adulting. 

He is probably sick of it.  I could not believe how she talks to her mom!  The woman is helping you, you can be a little nicer.  Aubrey is watching all of this, it is probably why she is asking to talk to a therapist!

How about when she did the dramatic hair toss in the car - oh my god!

10 hours ago, eskimo said:

I don't think it helped their vacation any when the kids got to hear Kail bitch about what a 'nightmare' her vacation alone with them was.  She should have known that when you have a baby, a 6 or 7 year old, and a 10 year old that they aren't going to be at the same level in terms of water skills.  So why pick a vaca that revolves around water if there's nobody to hang with the baby while you play with the older two in the deeper water.  I agree with the poster above, there are tons of other things to do with the kids than go to Mexico.  Rent a cabin in Yellowstone and walk the trails and watch the wildlife and geysers, or a thousand other more realistic ideas for a single parent trip.  And maybe, since you have a pool, get Lincoln into some swimming lessons.  Stat. 

She should have gotten a swim vest for Lux and Lincoln so they could all go in the big pool and bob around.  I have 2 boys and they are not close in age.  I know my older son doesn't want to hang out in the baby pool, so I put a swim vest on the little one and we were all able to do all of the same stuff.

I don't think it is the end of the world to drink, and get kind of tipsy around your kids - I mean, I have done it many times and my kids don't care.  We took an uber home from a party once and they were like - ok. 

BUT around a pool... nooooo!  You cannot play around with water.  And I always keep my faculties, Devon looked way too wasted. 

  • Love 13
13 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Has Kail ever taken care of her kids?  She had no clue what to do about a poopy child or how to manage 3 kids, 2 who are old enough to be easy.

I snorted audibly when she was all aflutter about Lux shitting his diaper. Jesus, woman. You have THREE kids! None of them have had a diaper blowout before? Pffft. No one held a gun to your head and made you go to Mexico. I agree with @Quilty, take them to someplace closer to home with a beach or a water park. But not our Kail. She has to go to Puerto Rico or Mexico or someplace. Probably doesn't think her kids should have to slum it at a campground. And seriously? "I have no help"?? Girl. Take a damn seat. So she takes a friend every time she goes on vacation as a nanny? No wonder her friends are always dropping her.

And that bathing suit! MY EYES.

Chelsea's babies are adorable. Lux? I persist in my belief that he looks like a 40 year old Dominican man.

I don't give a single solitary fuck about Leah. Girl is thirsty. Got it.

Jade is super trashy. All that shouting and screaming in the stairwell and across the house. Then bringing it out onto the porch so that the neighbors can enjoy it. Thoughtful.

  • LOL 3
  • Love 13

The only thing I can say in Kail's defense is if her friends are getting free vacations in exchange for helping out with the kids, that's not a totally unfair trade. They probably couldn't afford to go these places otherwise. 

So I guess Jade is the new Jenelle? Trashy, foul-mouthed, druggie boyfriend, strained relationship with her mother. Well done, MTV.

  • Love 6

I've decided I don't like Chelsea at all.  I never liked her all that much, but..."Aubree this is all for you! We're going to have so much fun....oh my god my anxiety this is terrible I AM NOT OK."

it's probably not really her fault..she's been "famous" since she was what, 17?  so it is literally all about her all of the time, but still.

I wonder about that, how the Teen Moms will be sitting with their friends, and it's all about "oh so what's going on with Ryan?"  (LOL  chose that example because that particular convo bugs me more than anything) and we do not know Thing One about the friends. when the cameras are off, do they get a turn to talk, too?

Producer Patrick worked his ass off being Kail's "manny."  Maybe she should just marry him.

Leah's sister is younger than she is?  oh my!

Devoin claimed he only had two drinks & they hit him hard.  I was confused because Nova was talking about a water park.  Then Briana found them at Nova's friend's place, but they were talking about a public pool.  Who the hell was he partying with?

Jade gives me anxiety...they are just always screaming. (now I sound like Chelsea! LOL)

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

The only thing I can say in Kail's defense is if her friends are getting free vacations in exchange for helping out with the kids, that's not a totally unfair trade. They probably couldn't afford to go these places otherwise. 

So I guess Jade is the new Jenelle? Trashy, foul-mouthed, druggie boyfriend, strained relationship with her mother. Well done, MTV.

I’m sorry but I would not go on free trip to Europe if it meant going with my friend’s young kids/babies. No thank you.

  • Love 15
13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Leah definitely got new teeth, along with facial fillers but unlike Kail, her work looks good. I also like the darker, sandy hair color on her. 

Leah's new teeth definitely look good especially compared to other reality stars who opted for super sized teeth such as Ronnie, Shep, Kyle, Lisa V etc. Her sister on the other hand looked like a hot mess.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, druzy said:

Leah's new teeth definitely look good especially compared to other reality stars who opted for super sized teeth such as Ronnie, Shep, Kyle, Lisa V etc. Her sister on the other hand looked like a hot mess.

I am still laughing about Ron Ron’s teeth.  I think his are the worst offenders I’ve seen to date.

  • LOL 4
13 hours ago, eskimo said:

I don't think it helped their vacation any when the kids got to hear Kail bitch about what a 'nightmare' her vacation alone with them was.  She should have known that when you have a baby, a 6 or 7 year old, and a 10 year old that they aren't going to be at the same level in terms of water skills.  So why pick a vaca that revolves around water if there's nobody to hang with the baby while you play with the older two in the deeper water.  I agree with the poster above, there are tons of other things to do with the kids than go to Mexico.  Rent a cabin in Yellowstone and walk the trails and watch the wildlife and geysers, or a thousand other more realistic ideas for a single parent trip.  And maybe, since you have a pool, get Lincoln into some swimming lessons.  Stat. 

Yellowstone? She could go someplace closer to home that the kids would really have fun at and would be helluva lot cheaper...Hershey Park or Sesame Place are near her and are family friendly. The Delaware shore has a lot of condos and Air BNB's and plenty for the kiddies as does Ocean City, Maryland which is close by. She is just copying all the other reality show people who vacation in Hawaii and Mexico or other Caribbean resorts. 

She clearly cannot handle the three kids alone when traveling...and may I say that a beach cover up caftan or flowy beachy dress would look a helluva lot better than that two piece disaster she had on...OMG! Between that and the tattoos all over her body it's a lot to take in.

  • Love 11

All these years and all the drama and problems with Adam and I never once saw Chelsea have panic attacks...is this manufactured for MTV drama since she and Cole are pretty boring? 

I really abhor the way Chelsea treats her parents, especially her mother. She's always snapping at her or berating her in front of Aubree and/or Cole. She does it to Randy also but not as much as her mother. As a grandmother myself, I would have asked Chelsea the same thing about giving the baby a bottle...duh! Instead Chelsea takes out her frustration about her perfect baby crying in the car on her mother who merely asked a question. If my daughter did that to me I would have told her at the next pitstop out of range from the kids that she is never to speak to me like that again or she can find someone else to babysit her kids. That's just bratty, spoiled brat entitlement behavior.

17 hours ago, druzy said:

Nova's a good dancer. She's really coming out of her shell.

Did Leah get new teeth?

I loved how Nova was socializing and having fun with her friends...it's so nice to see her happy, healthy and being social. Too bad her loser Daddy had to spoil it with his careless and reckless drunken behavior. 

  • Love 12

I'll give Kail a pass on this one because I dont know any of my friends that could handle their kids by themselves on a vacation. It's much different than being at home.  Honestly it was a super dumb decision to go 'alone'. Yea she wasn't totally alone but MTV has a job to do and it isn't babysitting. 

She needs to get Lincoln in swim lessons since she keeps taking them on these tropical vacations. 

Unlike Jenelle, Jade is actually trying to better herself. She has always had a job, while on Young and Pregnant and now Teen Mom, plus now going to beauty school. She was drawn a shitty card with her parents and she appears to have white knight syndrome for both her mom and her boyfriend but I think she's actually getting better at that. And no matter how cheap that and old Mercedes was... good lord.. she probably could have gotten a way better and newer car for how much that one cost. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, kicksave said:

Yellowstone? She could go someplace closer to home

It was just an example, and I don't think it was an outrageous one.  My kids loved Yellowstone, you can experience things there that can only be found in a couple places on the planet.  It's a dynamic place and sparked an interest in volcanoes, and eventually science in general, for my 10 year old.  Someplace closer to home would be good, too, but I didn't suggest Iceland or anything. 

  • Love 10
40 minutes ago, eskimo said:

It was just an example, and I don't think it was an outrageous one.  My kids loved Yellowstone, you can experience things there that can only be found in a couple places on the planet.  It's a dynamic place and sparked an interest in volcanoes, and eventually science in general, for my 10 year old.  Someplace closer to home would be good, too, but I didn't suggest Iceland or anything. 

I wasn’t criticizing your mention of Yellowstone...personally, that’s on my bucket list...also the Grand Tetons. I was questioning it in terms of it being not closer to where she lives. I think Isaac would enjoy it the most and Lincoln to a lesser degree but Lux, not so much. Good trip for older kids not for a toddler like Lux. I mentioned, in another thread,  several vacation spots that are toddler and little kid friendly closer to her home...but she seems hellbent on pretending to be a Kardashian and going to resorts that require passports and lots of air travel.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Inga said:

Oh, is that why she went there when she could’ve just taken her kids to Disney or something? That must’ve been the cheapest all inclusive resort in Mexico, that food they got at lunch looked horrible! They literally brought out 2 frozen pizzas!

Yes and she commented on how terrible it was which surprised me since I think the whole she bang was free!  Biting the hand that feeds you!

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The only thing I can say in Kail's defense is if her friends are getting free vacations in exchange for helping out with the kids, that's not a totally unfair trade. They probably couldn't afford to go these places otherwise. 

4 hours ago, kicksave said:

Yellowstone? She could go someplace closer to home that the kids would really have fun at and would be helluva lot cheaper...Hershey Park or Sesame Place are near her and are family friendly. The Delaware shore has a lot of condos and Air BNB's and plenty for the kiddies as does Ocean City, Maryland which is close by. She is just copying all the other reality show people who vacation in Hawaii and Mexico or other Caribbean resorts. 

I can't believe that I'm defending Kail but....all inclusive resorts are so much easier than Disney or an airbnb/hotel.  All of your meals are paid for, you don't have to drive anywhere or constantly lug strollers & other crap around.  Many have waterparks and other kid friendly activities.  So I don't blame her for the location (and kudos if it was free) but she did get stressed far too easily.  That said, I like the rapport she has with her boys and appreciate that she does take them places.  It's unlikely that Kail went on many vacations as a child and I think it's good that she wants to do that for her kids and is open to taking them outside of the US (even if it is a tourist beach town).  

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, eskimo said:

I don't think it helped their vacation any when the kids got to hear Kail bitch about what a 'nightmare' her vacation alone with them was.  She should have known that when you have a baby, a 6 or 7 year old, and a 10 year old that they aren't going to be at the same level in terms of water skills.  So why pick a vaca that revolves around water if there's nobody to hang with the baby while you play with the older two in the deeper water.  I agree with the poster above, there are tons of other things to do with the kids than go to Mexico.  Rent a cabin in Yellowstone and walk the trails and watch the wildlife and geysers, or a thousand other more realistic ideas for a single parent trip.  And maybe, since you have a pool, get Lincoln into some swimming lessons.  Stat. 

So I take it Lincoln and Lux aren’t great at swimming. So why in the ever loving world did she have them on a boat in hawaii with no life jackets on! I don’t care if the boat is still or not. The law said they MUST have them on under 12.  This episode showed me the younger two can’t swim. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

I'll give Kail a pass on this one because I dont know any of my friends that could handle their kids by themselves on a vacation. It's much different than being at home.  Honestly it was a super dumb decision to go 'alone'. Yea she wasn't totally alone but MTV has a job to do and it isn't babysitting. 

She needs to get Lincoln in swim lessons since she keeps taking them on these tropical vacations. 

Unlike Jenelle, Jade is actually trying to better herself. She has always had a job, while on Young and Pregnant and now Teen Mom, plus now going to beauty school. She was drawn a shitty card with her parents and she appears to have white knight syndrome for both her mom and her boyfriend but I think she's actually getting better at that. And no matter how cheap that and old Mercedes was... good lord.. she probably could have gotten a way better and newer car for how much that one cost. 

Lincoln can’t swim? Good grief...they had a pool at the house they lived in...she couldn’t get them at home lessons in their own pool or go to the local Y and get them lessons? My two year old grandson has been having swim lessons since he was nine months old at a local indoor pool at a university nearby. Inexpensive and so important for a small child. I realize she’s a busy CEO of a major company (LOL!), but she really could give up a few hours a week to get her kids swim lessons. 

  • Love 16

I think that was Karl's storyline this week. Hard being a single mom, even if you are a celebrity. There was also the whole Karl calling off building her new dream home cuz she don't have a man to share it with.

Chelsea's anxiety is obviously going to be her storyline this season. So apparently Adam hasn't been arrested lately.

Brianna is the opposite end of the appearance spectrum, with Catelyn at the other extreme. Lately Cate always looks like she's made up to go out to a night club, while Brianna always looks like she literally just rolled out of bed. Why?

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, kicksave said:

Lincoln can’t swim? Good grief...they had a pool at the house they lived in...she couldn’t get them at home lessons in their own pool or go to the local Y and get them lessons? My two year old grandson has been having swim lessons since he was nine months old at a local indoor pool at a university nearby. Inexpensive and so important for a small child. I realize she’s a busy CEO of a major company (LOL!), but she really could give up a few hours a week to get her kids swim lessons. 

To be fair, who has time to get their kids swimming lessons, when you're chasing baby daddy's dick. I haven't watched this yet but I'll go out on a limb and say Karl still sucks. 

11 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

There was also the whole Karl calling off building her new dream home cuz she don't have a man to share it with.

That neighborhood dodged a huge bullet.

  • LOL 9
  • Love 7

Jade needs to drop Sean now. He might be a good partner and dad in a decade, after ten years of her yelling at him.

A little surprised Chelsea went meds before therapy. Willing as hard as you can to make anxiety go away, is exactly the wrong move on how to deal with it. A therapist could teach her some strategies.

Leah and Jeremy have chemistry together and that's about it. Not enough to build on but some fun times, I'm sure.

Kail acts like this is the first time she's ever taken care of kids. Yeah, kids run all over the place and poop when it's inconvenient. I did like the boys sassy conversation at dinner. They are funny, outspoken kids who still manage to be respectful. Someone did something right or maybe Kail just got lucky.

  • Love 7

I have to say as much as Kail annoys me I think she's a pretty good mother. I wish there were a million little Isaac's out in the world! I love that kid!

Leah is so thirsty. Girl buy yourself a good toy.

I thought Devoin was clearly high on something other than alcohol. He screwed up royally. I hope he watched that and was disgusted at himself. 

I feel for Jade's friends. I've been around that couple that is a disaster together but just can't stay away from each other. Jade if you've got any brain you'll walk away and move on with yourself. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 7

Boy.  Chelsea certainly isn’t very nice to her mom, especially when she’s helping her by basically being a free babysitter (while traveling, no less).  I know she’s definitely a daddy’s girl, but I hate that overly patient, ultra-condescending, dismissive way she speaks to her mom, not to mention the way she asks her to babysit like she’s offering some grand prize that she should feel lucky to receive.  As for the anxiety, join the club, Chelsea.  If it’s still such an issue, therapy would absolutely be appropriate.  I do feel like this is being used as an exaggerated storyline as opposed to being an actual issue.  Regardless, I wish Chelsea would stop discussing it around Aubree.

I have zero fucks to give about Jade or her baby daddy.  I only care about that poor baby in the playpen, listening to her parents act like nutcases.

Leah and Jeremy, either get together (i.e. become fuck buddies) or don’t, but please, please don’t encourage your tiny daughter to involve herself in it.  It’s not as cute as you think it is.

Kail is as nauseating as ever.  I’ve never had one pleasant thing to say about her and this time is no exception.  I’ll leave it at that.

Poor little Nova just broke my heart this week.  She has that same hardened, closed-off expression each time her father disappoints her yet again.  She seems to direct that anger at her mother, probably because she doesn’t understand why her father is such a fuck-up and it’s her mommy who keeps “ruining” their fun by removing her from his presence.  Ask me how I know.  *sigh*  Just one more example of why this entire franchise needs to be taken off the air.  The kids are getting too old for this.  They deserve privacy despite their parents’ thirst for money, notoriety, and “fame.”  It’s just wrong at this point.

  • Love 21

Chelsea is losing the good will I usually afford her. She has always been shitty to Mary IMO. I do really understand being stuck in a car with a raging panic attack but shit, all she had to say was we need to get off the road for a few minutes. Roll your ass into the store, get a drink, take a pill and splash some water on your face. Ride it out. Let the med kick in instead of ripping into your mother. Great...now Aubree thinks she needs a counselor. Considering the Adam bs probably not a bad idea but Chelsea should have been directed by Randy long ago to get in there herself.

Edited by FairyDusted
Word salad
  • Love 10

Chelsea is so horrible to her mother wow. She comes across as such an entitled dramatic selfish girl. I can hardly watch all of the inappropriate conversations she has in front of her daughter. Cole is a saint to put up with her it equally weak, she needs someone who will call her out on her behavior. 

I have no interest in Jade, can’t beat Jenelle drama. Too late to be bringing new girls into these shows.

leah and Jeremy act like teenagers 

i thought kail actually looked pretty good in that swimsuit? As a mother of 3 young children. The body shaming her makes me sick. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, BARISTA said:

Chelsea is so horrible to her mother wow. She comes across as such an entitled dramatic selfish girl. I can hardly watch all of the inappropriate conversations she has in front of her daughter. Cole is a saint to put up with her it equally weak, she needs someone who will call her out on her behavior. 

I have no interest in Jade, can’t beat Jenelle drama. Too late to be bringing new girls into these shows.

leah and Jeremy act like teenagers 

i thought kail actually looked pretty good in that swimsuit? As a mother of 3 young children. The body shaming her makes me sick. 

I agree with all!  I do have to say, re the body shaming, I think, as least for me, it is just straight - Kail annoys me, therefore, I hate Kail's face, hate her swimsuit, hate her body, etc.  I am not exactly killin it body wise, but for some reason I am happy she's chunky.  I think my hatred is taking over my normal kind self.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I agree with all!  I do have to say, re the body shaming, I think, as least for me, it is just straight - Kail annoys me, therefore, I hate Kail's face, hate her swimsuit, hate her body, etc.  I am not exactly killin it body wise, but for some reason I am happy she's chunky.  I think my hatred is taking over my normal kind self.

I’m with ya.  I think she is ugly inside and out, and I have no problem expressing that opinion.  

She also has modified her body, therefore some of this was by choice not circumstance, and for that she is an open target.  

I have no doubt she has no issue talking smack about people, turnabout is fair play.  FFS, she sweat pants shamed Jo in his own house ON A SUNDAY.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, BARISTA said:

Chelsea is so horrible to her mother wow. She comes across as such an entitled dramatic selfish girl. I can hardly watch all of the inappropriate conversations she has in front of her daughter. Cole is a saint to put up with her it equally weak, she needs someone who will call her out on her behavior. 

I have no interest in Jade, can’t beat Jenelle drama. Too late to be bringing new girls into these shows.

leah and Jeremy act like teenagers 

i thought kail actually looked pretty good in that swimsuit? As a mother of 3 young children. The body shaming her makes me sick. 

Agree with everything and in regards to Kail, I actually admire that she has no fucks to give when it comes to wearing a swimsuit in public. I think her butt enhancement looks horrible, but otherwise she's perfectly fine.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Agree with everything and in regards to Kail, I actually admire that she has no fucks to give when it comes to wearing a swimsuit in public. I think her butt enhancement looks horrible, but otherwise she's perfectly fine.

I admire Kail's confidence and body positivity for sure. I wish I had more of it. But....

18 hours ago, geauxaway said:

 I have no doubt she has no issue talking smack about people, turnabout is fair play.  FFS, she sweat pants shamed Jo in his own house ON A SUNDAY.

I will never forget that^^^^^^.

  • Love 6

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