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S16.E02: HoH Comp #2

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And I thought Frankie was loud -- Jacosta makes Frankie look likes he's whispering by comparison.


That stilted conversation between Caleb and Paola was so painful.  Definitely not a Mensa meeting.


Is Caleb a cross between the Unibomber and the Arrow (from the CW) ?  He looks the part wearing the hood regularly.


I like Christine -- hope she makes Team America, because her and Joey would be a fun combo pulling off missions (and the missions are big money -- $5K per mission).


I like the idea that the Battle of the Block has the the 2 teams of nominees battling it out (and the HoH can't participate).  It will mess with selections because you need to nominate people who will the BotB, but who you still want to see go home.


ETA: Cody is the official MILFhunter of the house -- and Brittany is firmly in his sights.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Ok, so I missed the premiere last night due to me being on a plane at the time, so I'll have to go back and watch the first 8's introductions and what not. But I'm glad to have tuned in to this episode, because I find that...currently I don't hate Frankie? As long as he stays like this and not over the top, not braggy and not flaunty, then I think he might be ok.


The biggest twist was when Joey, not Frankie, won the first America's Vote. Of course that doesn't mean that Frankie won't win the second or third place on the team, but my hope isn't lost on this show anymore. They truly surprised me for the first time in a while. Good for you, America. Good for you.


For the 8 that were introduced tonight, I really love Christine. I don't like Victoria at all and I laughed out loud when, after she fell first, Frankie dropped their alliance like a hot potato (pun definitely intended). Zach's a jerk and so is Caleb. I actually think Hayden's ok and I like Derrick a lot. I thought I might like Jocasta but I'm not entirely sure yet on her. She seems ok and all, but her first few lines in the intro video were a bit too much. And Brittany is pretty ok, but not much of an opinion on her.


And for the other 8 that I missed their intros, I definitely don't like 'Pao Pao' (ok really? That's her nickname? I guess mileages vary on that one). I don't like Amber either; she seems a bit stuck up from the little screen time I've seen of her. Nicole seems cute, but a bit dumb (maybe that's just her ploy). She's not as dumb as Donny, though. He's...something else entirely. Cody's really cute and I think I might like him, and I also like Devin. Like I said, Frankie's actually ok and we both share immediate dislike on Zach so that's a plus. And I like Joey a lot so that works out for me.


That Caleb/Paola convo was awkward as hell. 


I hope it's two more girls that make the alliance because I think three girls as Team America could be quite interesting. Although I wouldn't mind if Derrick took up a spot. He seems like he'll be a good liar, due to his undercover work, so that'll help. I want Christine as that third member, and then I'd be happy.

Basically, the HOHs want their nominees to lose because if they don't, then the HOH who nominated them won't be HOH anymore, their nominees are safe from eviction and the HOH can, I guess, be put up as a replacement nominee (if they're still doing POV, which I guess they are). That makes for two angry nominees and if they gain enough allies, their HOH is basically screwed. So nominees will be fighting like hell, the HOHs will be hoping for their nominees to lose. At least, that's how I understand it, so the twist only last for, like, three days a week and then, besides the HOH being able to be nominated, it goes back to two nominees.

I bet the twist will last to week five, at the most. It can't last too long anyway because they're going to run out of people to nominate and too many people are going to get pissed for being nominated and it'll be one big clusterfuck.


But then again, clusterfuck is Big Brother's middle name, so they might try to keep it going for longer. Hopefully longer than the Saboteur twist.

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Yeah, the explanation seems shitty. So an HoH wants his nominees to lose? Because then he's safe? And then the other (winning?) HoH can possibly go up on the block? But how? Automatically a third, new nominee??


Loved the seemingly chilly reception to Caleb's occupational reveal. (Not that I'm against hunting. For meat, of non-endangered species, and on your own. A real hunter shouldn't need a "guide".)


The editing of pretty soccer boy's spectrum of emotions (i.e. testosterone levels) during MILF's intro was hilarious. And damn, I do have to agree with him - there's no way three kids came out of that smokin' bod.


Not just because of the recent reveals about Caleb's lovely tweets, but I think he simply looks like a fucking psychopath, dead eyes in the hoodie. The faster he's off my screen the better. Paola immediately sizing him up as an enemy gave her another notch in my book.


Fairuza Balk... is that who Joey reminds me of? And Yes! to her winning the first spot on TAFY!

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jessied, you should really catch up on the first episode because the original 8 are amazing people, much better then the second 8. Donny is the sweetest guy ever. 


Zach annoys the heck out of me, and it annoyed me even more that he's Jewish because he's embarrassing me as a member of the tribe. I'd almost say he has Asperger's or a personality disorder because he seems clueless about normal social graces. He hates people? 


Lots and lots of parents this season. Derrick, Devin, Brittany, and Jocasta are all parents. I don't know how one can survive being away from one's kids for 3 months.

  • Love 4

I need to see this twist play out this week.  I'm not sure how it's going to work.   I wonder now if Frankie will nominate Zach or not.  I think he would had before it was explained.


Pleasantly surprised by Joey being Team America.


And I hope Derrick and Brittany work together as the grown up alliance.   They both seem level headed so far.

Edited by vb68

If I were one of the HOHs, I'd make an alliance with the other one and pick four people between you who you'd want up and then make a deal not to nominate each other after POV no matter which one is still HOH. You might have some nominees pissed at you, but if you can trust the other person, at least you might not go home.


I found the new group of 8 more annoying than the first 8. I'm already over Jocasta, Caleb, Zach and Victoria. But Christine seems awesome, and I like Derrick and Brittany.


But hands down, best surprise of the night? Joey getting the Team America spot! You go, America.

  • Love 3

Yes Big Mother! I'm glad I didn't have to say it first about zach and his "I'm Jewish". All I could think was great, another poor representation of my people! First Victoria (I wonder what her real name is) and also zach! Oyy. At least Victoria seems nice, just a tad annoying.

I'm interested to see the strategy behind the first nominations and how the strategies change throughout. I have hope for an interesting season...as I do every year...

A couple of things I caught that I thought were interesting:


Zach saying he doesn't need friends. Plus he's unemployed and spends his time with his little brother. Definitely something not right with him, but is it some type of a personality disorder or is he really just a jerk? 


Jacosta saying something about being with a LOT of men and woman before her conversion. I don't think they need to worry about her being too shocked by their actions. 


Pic of Christine's husband - I need a closer look at that. 

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Ugh, tonight's intros and first impressions raised some warning signs:


Victoria refers to herself in the 3rd person. She also has declared herself the hottest woman in the house which she clearly is not. But Victoria gets what she wants and that includes skewering the truth to fit her ego apparently.


Jocasta goes all holy roller on us and shrieks about how much "glory" having a preacher in the house will bring him. Claims she "has Jesus" so this whole thing is a done deal *hears the rubber ducky song kick up* And all of this is before considering the annoying bow-tie thing. And I have this thing about praying: If you're just doing it for show please do pray out loud. If He has the powers you claim He does then He'll hear your prayers just find without them being out loud.


Zach claims he doesn't need friends because all he cares about is himself, and he gets a "rush" out of lying to people.


Caleb wears a hoodie with the hood up indoors, and was that a onesie he had on in the living room??


Derrick trots out my least favorite and most tired "Reality" cliche: the "I'm not doing this for me I'm doing it to make a better life for my wife and kids." As if going on a reality show is a sound retirement planning option or something.

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WickedWitch, I believe Victoria is her real name - Rafaeli sounds sefardi (she's from Holon) and Victoria is a common name among the Syrian Sefardim.


Btw everyone - I hope there's a competition where Donny has to shave his beard - I dont understand why he needs that big bushy beard, he is gorgeous without it!!!! Lookie here: http://starcasm.net/archives/277163

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So, if I understand it (and I may not) - each of the two HOHs nominate 2 from the other team.  Then they have Battle of the Block.  The nominees from the losing team stay on the block, but everyone else, including the HOH from the losing team, are possible replacement nominees if the veto is used?  Is that right?  


Otherwise, it makes no sense - surely the HOHs aren't putting people from their own team on the block.  It must be cross-team nominations, with the HOH of the team that wins BotB having immunity.  Otherwise, no one is going to ever want to be HOH, and everybody will throw every single competition (except maybe Have/ Have-nots).  


Overall, I like the first 8 better than the second 8, although Christine has potential, and I'm willing to give Derrick a chance.  Paola, Zach, Caleb, and Hayden can go anytime, preferable sooner than later.  

Biggest shock of the night was Joey becoming part of Team America. I'm pleasantly surprised, but it's also a shame since I actually like her more than I expected, and this is sure to mess up her game.


I also really like Christine, I sort of like Donny, and even Cody is a bit more likable than I thought he would be, although his looks certainly help. I think this crew has potential, even though some of them are already on my hate list.

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I was starting a quote list but it got too long. So impressions:

Glad of Joey being selected. I would like to see Donny and tentatively Derrick on there. Would be great for them to unite in a real alliance as a result of whatever shenanigans this crap will be.

Despite not really liking Paola, it was interesting to see her watching the room and sizing up Caleb.

In the 'ehh' corner: Hayden I can take or leave. Victoria is not at all interesting. Just another one who sells a cover of "I'm so unique!" but just one of a billion vapid shells underneath. Plus that red lipstick really ages her. Hot mom (face way older than 29 to me) didn't do it for me. Arizona barista is dislikable to me just because that type irritates me (irrationally), but she seems nice enough that she's meh to me. I think she will be picked off early.

Jocasta. Take your bow ties and go home now. Is that going to be her thing? Will we have to deal with the ostentatious prayer and "God is watching!" for a long time? God, I hope not. Seriously. God? I hope not. Please and thank you.

Zach is probably a big ole functioning ball of personality and spectrum issues. That, or he's really good at acting like it. I hate it but I can relate. I wonder if he can turn on the charm/manipulation well when needed.

If there is anyone else, I can't think of them now.

HOH thing. My brain is still trying to wrap around it and ways to trick it. I guess a good setup would be to have HOH1 make a deal with HOH2's nominees to throw it. They would stay on the block but HOH1 would be back in the mix for a POV blindside. Does that make sense or is my mind addled?

Finally caught up on all the houseguests....


Like:  Christine, Amber, Donny (who is cute without that damned beard!), Joey, Devin, Brittany, Derrick


Meh: Nicole (the voice annoys the bluedilly fuck outta me and I keep getting a Jordan Lloyd vibe....lawd knows we don't need another one of that!), Victoria (I'd kill for her brows but sweetie, you ain't all that), Cody, Frankie (tone down the flamboyance please, we get that you're gay!), Zach (dude, you might want to knock that chip off your shoulder and chill) and Hayden.


Please be evicted soon: Caleb (read lots of unflattering things about this asshole), Jocasta (she needs to go....I'd hate to be a houseguest and feel like I'd have to condense myself with this Jesus freak around), Poo-Poo (honey, outside of your banging boobs, like Victoria you ain't all that!)

Can not stand Brittany.


You have not one, not two, but THREE little ones.  Your life is NOT about you at this stage.  That horse left the barn a few years ago.  Then, you come on like a pageant contestant being introduced and announce you've had three children!  Pathetic self image.  More pathetic need for superficial affirmation.  This makes you the ugliest of the house, dear.


I see no way that Donny avoids a nom.  The HOHs have no choice but to nom the weakest comp players.  The rest should be females from what I recall about relative physicality in the house.  It's too early for a thinking/knowledge comp.


Gonna be interesting to see what the first cause of division will be.

Definitely prefer group A to tonight's group B. Frankie was thankfully a bit more likable this time.

I think Zach is trying to be a Dr. Will or freaking Boogie type personality. And he's really, really not. And I hated both those guys, but he's trying way too hard to show off how much he doesn't care. Hope he goes first.

Caleb is creepy as hell. So of course he wins HOH.

The entire purpose of this twist to me is to get out all of the "horrible at challenges" people as quickly as possible, with no regard to social play or other strategies. I think they want all the buff, athletic people who try to win everything to stay as long as possible. I don't like it. Although I will reserve judgement until I see what the first comp is like. But if it's a weightlifting competition, I'm calling shenanigans!

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Ananyel, good point- Julie didn't specify that the HOH noms have to be cross-team.  I guess I was just thinking that they would have to be.  This season seems to have a "team" theme, including Team America (ugh), and so I assumed that there would be some incentive for the houseguests to keep their teams strong.  Plus, if the HOHs nominate people on their own team, the strategizing and competition-throwing becomes a huge mess.  A bigger mess than usual, that is!  Although, knowing this show, trying to apply logic is a big mistake on my part.  


I'm confused about it all. But I'm curious to see how it plays out.  Although, I'm hedging my bets and going with cautiously optimistic.  

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After last night's intros of the first 8, I was worried I wouldn't have anyone to root against, since I didn't find any of them too terribly objectionable. And even liked a few of them.

All those concerns were put to rest after tonight. Zach is an unmitigated tool and he's Jewish in the bargain. He does NOT represent the Tribe. Not no way, not no how. Caleb is a hillbilly racist. Jocasta is a religious fraud. Victoria isn't all that, even though she thinks she is--although I do admire her confidence. No opinion on Brittany, although she left 3 little kids for (presumably) the summer. With who? She's freshly-divorced. No opinion so far on the barista--Christine? And the pedi-cab driver. Derrick looks a little squirrelly, but he's worked undercover before, so who knows?

Things definitely got more interesting after tonight's intros, that's for sure.


So far, I like a lot of them, and am just meh on few. I'm only actively disliking Caleb, Zach, and Victoria. It's still way early, but I like having people to actually root for (Donny, Joey, Devyn, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Hayden). I'm sure that will all change once the feeds start. Sigh.

Devyn, don't align with Caleb. I want to like you. Hopefully Caleb put a big old target on his back, and Zach will get himself voted out soon enough.

Edited by CrazyDog
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I'm getting really tired of BB casting people under the apparent belief that Obnoxious = Interesting.  Donny and maybe, possibly Joey and the cop are the only ones who don't seem to have acute cases of LOOK AT ME LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE! Syndrome.   We are two nights into this and I already don't want to hear anyone talk about anyone else's great body, or their own.  Yes, there are lots of muscles and nice female figures in the house!  But are there any truly unique personalities to go with them?  Brains?  Or just a bunch of people with enormous egos who would live in a house full of mirrors and TV cameras for no prize at all if it meant that they could be sure lots of people would see them in bikinis or with their shirts off?  Basically, a person has to say out loud ONCE that they are hot, pretty, good looking, whatever their brag of choice, and I am done with them.  If you are really so aesthetically pleasing, people will notice, you don't have to keep telling them.  Anyone who says they "can get anyone they want", I instantly put a hex on them hoping that no one in the house will show even the faintest interest.  These blown up heads need a serious reality check, and not the kind that comes from "reality tv". 


I did enjoy the HOH Challenge.  Turning the rats on a spit was clever, and they did a great job of using the same setup but changing the theme.  The beehive room is cute, and a perfect accompaniment to the treehouse décor of the house this year.  I did laugh, albeit mirthlessly, when Not the Rock said the theme of the house was green veggies.  Um...close?  Sort of?  While Paola's conversations with the men so far have been painfully dumb, she might not even be the dimmest bulb...obviously there will be no deep thinking going on in there this entire summer, by anyone.  When it comes time for the trivia challenge, the East Coast will be able to smell the smoke from all those teeny brains spinning out.


And to at least attempt to end this on a positive note, I am positive that I will end up hating everyone within the next month if not sooner.  Just kidding...my positive conclusion is to say that I really love the bubble tile used in the bathroom this year.  It's adorable.

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First impressions (based on just the opening VTs and the pre-interviews we've already seen before tonight):


Israeli Girl: I'm not taking her "manipulate the boys" crap too seriously.  I think she may be smarter than that clip implies.


MetroTucky:  Meh.  Double meh,  I smell trouble. And yes, I've seen the racist "info" on him, as well as the defenses from his family.


HotMom:  I smell someone who will go far.  IF (and this is a big one) the existing "all girl alliance" doesn't target her.


Wacky Naked Barista Girl:  Superfan.  Okay. But she seems SO oddly similar to the TractorGirl from yesterday.  Down to the type of glasses.  She's clearly older though, so maybe she's got more going on. Oh, and that naked thing.  Err.  Okay.


SurvivorTonyPart2:  Okay, he's NOT bald.  He doesn't SEEM weasely.  But I sense a similar idea here.  


Golf Bum:  Wow.  A by the numbers fucktard.  We're gonna hate him, but we may need him.


Bowtie Minister: That damn bowtie is gonna bug me as much, or more, than Frankie's hair.


Beach Bum:  Hard to tell if his "I'm secretly smart" thing is more than bragging.  We shall see.  No real sense here.


More later after the rest of the show.

Edited by Kromm
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Israeli Girl: I'm not taking her "manipulate the boys" crap too seriously.  I think she may be smarter than that clip implies.

Okay, foot in my mouth for saying this before.  She's a fool.


You know it's interesting that both of these initial HoHs seemed to be designed for strong athletic men to win. There's definitely a reason for that in the producer heads.

Ok, definitely liking the first group way wore than the second group.


Almost everyone in the second group just seemed "off" to me....  Both Caleb and Zach will very quickly be pushing my "HATE" buttons for the summer I think.


And I agree that it's good Frankie didn't make it onto America's Team (yet.)  It gives me hope there may be some genuine twists for the season.


Well, this new group brought me some eye candy in the form of Caleb. That dude has gorgeous eyes. The question is, am I going to be too distracted by the sleeveless hoodie, shorts, and cowboy boot get-up to even notice? And dude seems a bit cocky to me as well. 


The new group is making me like people I normally don't care for - hipsters and cops. But Christine just seemed adorable, yet fiesty. And Derrick seems like a real genuine guy. I liked seeing him bond with Brittany over being parents, and recognizing that not everyone wants to hear about your kid all the time. 


Victoria and Jacosta are annoying. Hayden seems nice enough. Zach is obviously trying way too hard to get the "evil mastermind" edit. We get it, you hate people. Take a seat. 


I just really am not looking forward to this Team America and secret alliance of three BS. I really hate forced alliances. Let this shit happen organically. I want to watch and analyze what this group of people does, not control it.


Oh, one more superficial comment - I'm totally seeing Travolta in Cody, but Devin does NOT look like The Rock to me. At all.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 1
All I could think was great, another poor representation of my people! First Victoria (I wonder what her real name is) and also zach! Oyy.


Be grateful you don't have Jacosta representing your team.  I noticed she had the lecturing finger waving while she was praying. I guess God needed some schooling.


These new rules give me wild dream, like maybe Caleb and Pow-pow being nominated next week and going down together in a brain challenge.

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 This group is kinda unlikable as a whole, to me. The only ones I can abide at this point is the chick with blue hair and the guy from here- NC, Donny. The girl from FLA, Victoria? Can't say I admire her confidence in her looks b/c it's grossly misplaced. That Caleb guy is simply put -a real douche, reminds me of that asshole from last season. Everyone seems to be filling the BB personality niche nicely though from the clueless holy roller to the twink who thinks he's adorable, don't know who his sister is, and don't care.

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Having met the entire cast now, I'm revising my opinion of Cody somewhat.

If he continues to lay low/not make major waves, he could go far, especially given the attitudes of some of the new group.


My prediction?

Wacky preacher-lady will be one of (if not the very first) people out the door.


Edited by ShadowDenizen

There aren't actually teams, right?

Except in an us vs. them way; when they came into the house doesn't mean anything, does it?

I guess I have to wait until next week to see how two HOHs are picked

I agree -- I don't think there are teams, but the first 8 in the house might feel closer just because they've had more time to bond (and, in theory, formed an alliance).  I'm really curious how the mechanics of making the nominations is going to go. Are there going to be two of the big circles with the key slots (is there a technical BB name for it)? I'm assuming there will still only be one key for each houseguest, so do the two HOH's have to make their selections at the same time? What if they both want to nominate the same person -- how does that get worked out?


Two of the most obnoxious - Victoria and Zach are both from my home state of FL. Not good. At least Zach is a Gator and not a 'Nole.

You can imagine how I felt when Victoria's info flashed on the screen and I realized she's from my town (Weston). ///Please don't judge...where's not all like that.///


Also, Frankie mentioned going to Pinecrest, so there's three from So. Florida.  (Zach was from Palm Beach, right?)

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