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Naked And Afraid - General Discussion

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That guy was awful. He's the worst kind of stubborn asshole. Who lets themselves stand in the blazing sun for hours on end, hacking away at a log, expending all their energy just to prove a point? 

My husband (cleverly) pointed out that the best way to get that big log was to light a fire under it. Let it burn down a bit and become more manageable. 

That guy should have listened to the woman at every turn. But he was too prideful. What a waste. 

  • Love 5

Re them being in. Parks and such. Yes live in Orlando and both couples that have been in the are have been in Wekiwa Springs National Park. they are surrounded by ivilization. It the park itself is big and being on foot, you do end up in the middle of nowhere. And thee are definitely a lot of wild animals and gators there.

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On 5/13/2018 at 11:02 PM, OldButHappy said:

Wow- that woman OWNED that challenge tonight in Brazil!  

Not only did she eat well, and appear to enjoy her time in nature, she also looked so chic on the trek out: hand-woven wide-brimmed hat, mosquito netting wrap dress, corded sandals...she was rocking that look!  

What a beautiful place.

I was sorry to see the man go - I think that the two of them would have figured out how to be effective survival partners had he stayed.

She was pretty amazing. Also, her background...she had a PhD despite having a crazy mother who made her eat roadkill and then had to fend for herself as a child in the woods of Missouri!  No wonder she totally owned this.

  • Love 4

I know this sounds crazy but I think what would drive me nuts the most about doing the challenge would be the boredom ( especially if my partner leaves ).  I know there's so much to do and you are kept busy finding food / building shelter but 24 hours a day for 21 days being alone or with just trying to find food would make me go crazy . That and the thunderstorms while being naked must feel like forever 

  • Love 2

I did. It was actually pretty good.  2 hour one off, they spent 14 days in the Bahamas in shark infested waters.

Worse than the sharks were sand flies/gnats/mosquitoes. They got eaten ALIVE at night.  I've never seen anything like that.

They were given masks and spears to fish with, and this teeny tub like rowboat, but the second they got in the water the sharks showed up.  It was surreal.

I enjoyed the episode.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Lion18 said:

anyone see the naked and afraid of sharks?

Yep.  Was funny - I flipped over to DSC around 10:06, so I missed the first hour....then they replayed it at 11p, so I ended up watching the hours out of order.  I liked it.  Looked like a terrible place to camp with all the biting insects..., but it was gorgeous.  They had a likable group of All-Stars (Steven Lee Hall, Ky Furneaux, Ryan Holt, Chris Fischer and Eva Rupert.  Ryan is the only one I'm not sure I'd seen before - have missed a LOT of the regular episodes) and all the drama was related to the survival experience, not interpersonal stuff, which was nice.

  • Love 4
On 7/30/2018 at 10:25 AM, Lesia said:

I did. It was actually pretty good.  2 hour one off, they spent 14 days in the Bahamas in shark infested waters.

Worse than the sharks were sand flies/gnats/mosquitoes. They got eaten ALIVE at night.  I've never seen anything like that.

They were given masks and spears to fish with, and this teeny tub like rowboat, but the second they got in the water the sharks showed up.  It was surreal.

I enjoyed the episode.

I really liked it too. I wonder if they gave the survivalists a choice between doing XL and the sharks.  Also dont know if this ep or another, but her menstrual cycle started. Now how would she be able to raft to extraction with all those sharks?  The Pied Piper of Oceantown haha

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I don't know if it's because I've become so used to presumed producer interference on reality shows (including this one -- "oh, look, I killed an animal for dinner at the perfect time!") that it clouds my expectations, but I was really surprised by how close the sharks got to them and how much interaction with the sharks happened.  I wish we'd have seen a bit more of the island they were on, though, because I kept wondering if there weren't plants/fruit trees they could eat from (or at least why they didn't try to kill birds or other small animals).  Overall, it was much more entertaining than I expected, mostly because of getting to see the close-up goings on with the different sharks they encountered.

  • Love 1

Chad was such a whiny baby. Primitive survival teacher/expert goes seven days without being able to make a fire, then has a tantrum when she didn’t properly butcher a rabbit with a freaking axe, then burns good food? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say his headache wouldn’t have bothered him nearly as much if he felt like he was the stronger contestant. Lots of hate for Angela over in the highly misogynistic twitter-verse, but nothing but respect from me. She survived 12 days alone, and they only raised her PSR by 0.2? That’s a bunch of BS. 

Edited by rlc
  • Love 7
On 8/24/2018 at 9:33 AM, calpurnia99 said:

I can't believe they brought the food thief back. They also knew Angela would have it hard to get along with anyone and they knew this guy was a jerk, so they paired them for drama. It was nice that after awhile they did start to get along. 

They brought him back because many folk, including some here, wondered “ I wonder why no one has taken food from the camera people?”  

That said, I liked Angela.

Edited by Neurochick
On 4/24/2017 at 12:51 AM, niklj said:

Wow I felt so bad for Melissa having to deal with Jeff. He ranks right up there with some of the more unsufferable survivalists. While I might have been annoyed by constant chatter, there's a better way to talk to your partner about that than saying "Hey you're annoying me okay good I'm over it and you're over it."

Good job, Melissa.


On 4/24/2017 at 10:47 AM, Liberty said:

Another ex-military male with a crap attitude and poor social skills.  These military people just do not do well on this show, their bravado must be founded on Government Issued resources that are not available to them on N & A.  The good side of these veterans is they are proud of their service.


On 5/1/2017 at 3:03 AM, Chewy101 said:

He was such an intolerable jerk, I was relieved when he burst into tears and left, because I was worried he was going to snap and hurt her. I agree, that military often does not do well, here. We have men and women crack quickly and dramatically. They do not seem to thrive having to improvise and take initiative. Although, I can't believe this guy could ever be told what to do either, considering how cruel he was to her when she attempted to collaborate chores. He chilled me to the bone, talking to her that way. I hope his parents slapped the tar out of him when he got home. Military heroes stop being heroes when they become abusive bullies incapable of working with others. The way she held her tongue and attempted to keep the peace made her a class act to me.

The free spirits better handle the spontaneity of this situation. Some inner strength gets them through the marathon. The optimists probably have an edge on the realists, here. It takes a degree of delusion to even come on the show, so it only makes sense that more delusion can keep them going.


Jeff's attitude was about being a petulant baby, not the lack of humanitarian reasons for behaving like a decent human being in a tough situation. There is no justification for that, no matter who you are. I love the military, but no military can excuse his behaviour. He volunteered to be there, and then took it out on her. He should have known he doesn't play well with others, and that possibly being paired up with someone 24/7 would not be a good idea. I bet that psycho was a lousy marine.


On 5/1/2017 at 8:16 AM, Toaster Strudel said:

When Jeff told Melissa that she's the type of girl he'd normally run away from, I wanted to shout at him that this isn't a dating show!  This isn't marriage!  Suck it up buttercup it's only 21 days.


On 5/1/2017 at 1:40 PM, Diane M said:

Good thing the cameramen were there or Jeff may have hit Melissa.  He seemed like the type who would be abusive towards women.  These people are being filmed and the results will be shown on TV for their friends and family to see.  I guess in the moment they don't think about how they're going to come across to viewers.

I just saw this episode and was shocked at his gaslighting and treatment of that poor woman, whose only crime was being a little too bubbly. I would of rather taken my chances with the jungle animals then being alone with that guy. She had an amazing attitude and spirit. I honestly thought something about that guy was a little evil.

Started watching the new season... the first episode the people were dropped into Alaska and were trudging through knee high snow.  38 degrees!  Doesn't seem like a great environment for success.  I was cold for them and wasn't in the mood to watch people freezing butt naked in the snow so I will have to watch that one later.

I haven't seen this show in a while so I went back and watched online.  Saw a Season 8 episode where they were in Ecuador and it rained constantly.  They never were able to get a fire going because the wood was too wet.  They killed a snake but couldn't eat it because they had no fire to cook it.  Really, show?  Dump people in an area where it rains every day?  I was waiting for them to find the "miraculous" random assortment of dry wood (stocked by production) that stayed dry under a rock overhang and I wouldn't have minded the producer divine interference.

The team had some minor squabbles but on the whole I thought they worked together well.  She commented early on to his face about the awkwardness of having his erection digging into her back but they seemed to get over it.  She was freezing at night and she was wondering how his chest could be so warm.  He was very hairy and must be one of those people that just radiate body heat.  So at least they had that going for them.

He got a finger infection, she had issues with her feet and they ate nothing but a few bananas and sugarcane.  They tapped out on Day 18 and the producer was like "there's only 2 and a half days left stick it out".  To their credit, they refused.  Why bother?  He was right, there'd be like a 3 mile hike to extraction and they were both physically drained.  And for what?  So their PSR scores don't suffer?  Who cares?  Do they get any extra money for completing the challenge as opposed to tapping out?

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, blackwing said:

Started watching the new season... the first episode the people were dropped into Alaska and were trudging through knee high snow.  38 degrees!  Doesn't seem like a great environment for success.  I was cold for them and wasn't in the mood to watch people freezing butt naked in the snow so I will have to watch that one later.

I rather liked the cold episode -- for once I didn't feel itchy in sympathy with folks dropped in bug-infested surroundings, lol. It's clear, logistically, why they couldn't really do it on the regular, but I appreciated them doing something different.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Alaska: Why didn’t they use the large pelts to make footwear and to protect their nether regions?

For real ... or try to fashion some snow shoes from found materials (they used to do that all the time on the old version of 'Dual Survival' and it always made walking easier ... it also occurs to me that the one guy on that show never wore shoes & always wore shorts, and even he put on wool socks the few times they were in really deep snow situations).

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, TrixieBelden said:

The great thing about the Alaska episode is that Laura and Steven are just so damned competent.  It's a joy to watch.  Laura has always been my favorite survivalist. 

In other news, did you see that Laura was on Price is Right?  No reference to Naked and Afraid, though!

I also liked that both of them were competent and got along well.

  • Love 3
On 3/10/2019 at 11:00 PM, TrixieBelden said:

The great thing about the Alaska episode is that Laura and Steven are just so damned competent.  It's a joy to watch.  Laura has always been my favorite survivalist. 

In other news, did you see that Laura was on Price is Right?  No reference to Naked and Afraid, though!

I had heard about Laura through the forums here.  I haven’t seen either Laura or Steven’s other Naked and Afraid episodes but they worked very well together!  They are rock stars!

I’d watch another episode of them in another locale instead of 2 new, barely competent individuals trying to conquer an unforgiving environment.   I watched about an hour of Sunday’s 2 hour show and while the women seemed ok that one guy who preferred to be alone needed to go...he was on the wrong show - maybe he was a reject from the History Channel show Alone?

  • Love 3
On 3/10/2019 at 11:00 PM, TrixieBelden said:

The great thing about the Alaska episode is that Laura and Steven are just so damned competent.  It's a joy to watch.  Laura has always been my favorite survivalist. 

In other news, did you see that Laura was on Price is Right?  No reference to Naked and Afraid, though!

On 3/11/2019 at 12:51 AM, LittleIggy said:

I also liked that both of them were competent and got along well.

She Wes awesome! I loved the two of them together.

  • Love 2
On 3/12/2019 at 10:49 AM, Cobb Salad said:

I had heard about Laura through the forums here.  I haven’t seen either Laura or Steven’s other Naked and Afraid episodes but they worked very well together!  They are rock stars!

I’d watch another episode of them in another locale instead of 2 new, barely competent individuals trying to conquer an unforgiving environment.   I watched about an hour of Sunday’s 2 hour show and while the women seemed ok that one guy who preferred to be alone needed to go...he was on the wrong show - maybe he was a reject from the History Channel show Alone?

But if he was on Alone, he’d spend the whole time whining for someone to talk to! Or at least to bitch and moan to. 

  • Love 3
On 5/14/2018 at 4:44 PM, JennyMominFL said:

Re them being in. Parks and such. Yes live in Orlando and both couples that have been in the are have been in Wekiwa Springs National Park. they are surrounded by ivilization. It the park itself is big and being on foot, you do end up in the middle of nowhere. And thee are definitely a lot of wild animals and gators there.

They're allowed to murder animals in a national park?  That doesn't sound right at all.  I don't like it.

  • Love 1
On 3/14/2019 at 8:44 PM, slasherboy said:

They're allowed to murder animals in a national park?  That doesn't sound right at all.  I don't like it.

I think they are protected by law.  At least that was my understanding when I was visiting the Grand Tetons National Park watching the buffalo.

Anyway I watched the 2nd hour of last week’s episode after the two teams merged - boy that guy Seth is a piece of work.  He has only himself to blame for his problems.  

Watching tonight’s episode that one with the long hair (sorry forget her name) seems like a lot of a do nothing.  Interesting idea to have a team of 3 for a change, even if it didn’t really go to plan regarding tapping out.  

Makani was on a survival type show on MTV about a year ago- they were given "$1,000,000" and had to pay exorbitant prices for items like a tent, or a pot or shovel, and winning teams got rewards.  Can't remember the name. Anyone?  I think she made it the whole time, about 3 weeks, I think, and got to split what was left of the money with 3 others.

  • Love 3
On 3/14/2019 at 8:44 PM, slasherboy said:

They're allowed to murder animals in a national park?  That doesn't sound right at all.  I don't like it.

20 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

I think they are protected by law.  At least that was my understanding when I was visiting the Grand Tetons National Park watching the buffalo.

You two are both correct and I am wrong. The local news report I saw said Wekiva Springs bit I found an Orlando Sentinal article that said they were just outside of the park on private property

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 1
On 3/18/2019 at 7:58 AM, Lesia said:

Makani was on a survival type show on MTV about a year ago- they were given "$1,000,000" and had to pay exorbitant prices for items like a tent, or a pot or shovel, and winning teams got rewards.  Can't remember the name. Anyone?  I think she made it the whole time, about 3 weeks, I think, and got to split what was left of the money with 3 others.

Stranded with a Million Dollars

  • Love 1
On 3/13/2019 at 8:13 PM, dreadfulLeigh said:

But if he was on Alone, he’d spend the whole time whining for someone to talk to! Or at least to bitch and moan to. 

That was a great ep. I thought so anyway.  I knew of Steven but couldnt recall Laura.  I just watched the new ep with Gary and Matt. I really enjoyed that one too.  Glad they made nice hah

  • Love 3
On 3/31/2019 at 9:02 PM, PaperTree said:

"Left-handed bow"?  Couldn't you just turn it over?

Short answer, no. A left-handed bow is held in the right hand, the arrow rests on a "shelf" above the right thumb. Just flipping it over would put the rest under the little finger. I don't see how the young one could even get a shot off in the wrong hand, everything would just be so awkward and off. Much easier to just throw a rock. 😉

  • Useful 1
On 4/22/2019 at 11:14 AM, Lady Iris said:

Does anybody know of or has there been any stats released as to the number of men vs women who tap out?

No idea.  But my nerd brain thinks more men have tapped.  The hard part is to differentiate between getting tapped for medical reasons vs. just wimping out  🙂

Dan and Holly were great superfans!  

  • Love 2


If I’m following you, you bring up an interesting question about what one can bring for a challenge.  I’m not sure if I’d bring a pet but starting out with a meaty live animal would make at least the first few days of the challenge much easier!  If it’s that or something else like a fire starter, knife or netting would the animal still be a good choice?

I watched parts of last night’s 10 pm episode - I missed the last 15-20 minutes since I fell asleep.  That guy seemed too gung-ho for my tastes and I found it a bit funny that he had to tap so early vs the “weekend camper” who had to go it alone for most of the challenge.  I was a bit afraid for her when she was alone at first hearing those noises nearby.  I’m also tired of these people who come on the show to demonstrate to their little ones how tough they are.    

  • Love 2

@Cobb Salad

I love your idea of bringing a huge chicken or pig. Makes perfect sense.

I made my comment because my dachshund is an incredible hunter for his small size and after last night's "hunt" all I could think of was renting him out to the survivalists so they could eat. Argh.............he could bring down a wart hog with no problem. (hopefully I exaggerate) 

  • Love 2

I enjoyed last night's episode with the couple (sorry I don’t remember their names) - she didn’t want to be there in the first place but he talked her into it.  I’m glad things worked out the way it did and there was not too much drama or carelessness on either of their parts, i.e. one almost cutting their finger off or something.  Going into it they each knew what they were getting regarding a partner for the 21 day challenge, something we don’t see too often on this show.  I loved the ending!

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