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S04.E11: Can I Get a Witness

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Candiace’s contract discussion with her mom is laughable. They are both trying to dictate what the other person will do while pointing out that they aren’t supposed to do that.  I’m trying to remember when it was that I realized that I can’t control anyone else’s behavior, I can only control my reactions.  

13 minutes ago, Grumpbump said:

Wow.  In Ashlee's new TH, she looks just like her mom.  

She looks like she’s put some weight on in that clip.


Must have been filmed later in her pregnancy.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

Gizelle just put a whole lot of pressure on her daughter to never be any trouble to her.

Ashley’s father blocked her on Facebook?  Prick.

What a prick is that, but why in the world is Ashley’s mom doing connected to Ashley’s dad on Facebook when the man won’t even acknowledge their daughter - I give her mom the side eye on that

  • Love 18

As annoying as Ashley can be, it's kind of amazing that she's gotten as far as she has given her parents.  She's only ever spoken to her father once and her mother expects Ashley to support her.  True, she had to marry someone like Michael to make it happen, but, if I had had the hurdles to climb that she has had, I may had never gotten out of bed.

  • Love 20
1 minute ago, breezy424 said:

Chris - Put your damn seatbelt on.  This bugs the heck out of me with so many of these reality show people.

Monique looks so great with that curly bob.  So much better than the extensions that we've seen her wear.

Juan wants a girl to redeem himself..  Roll me eyes.

I think Candy used the tissue square just once this episode.

How's Robyn going to insure it's a girl anyway?

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1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

What a prick is that, but why in the world is Ashley’s mom doing connected to Ashley’s dad on Facebook when the man won’t even acknowledge their daughter - I give her mom the side eye on that

Ashley’s mom is a giant loser. She probably wants a grand baby so she can have another family member to borrow money from.

40 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

As annoying as Ashley can be, it's kind of amazing that she's gotten as far as she has given her parents.  She's only ever spoken to her father once and her mother expects Ashley to support her.  True, she had to marry someone like Michael to make it happen, but, if I had had the hurdles to climb that she has had, I may had never gotten out of bed.

You have got to admire Ashley’s hustle even though she is a messy bitch.

I think that’s what the difference is between Ashley and Candiass. Candiass wants her mama to fork over money with no strings attached and she knows at this will never happen with Dorothy. However, even with all of life’s advantages, she still has nothing going on rather than a half ass wig business. Michael is no prize but Ashley had to hustle and yes, coming from poverty, marrying money is a legitimate come up.

Edited by qtpye
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I always find 3-D sonograms creepy looking. I never wanted children but I don’t know anyone who would invite so many people to get a sonogram that it’s common enough that there is that much seating. Show the picture to after you have it? Sure. I invite a whole extra couch worth of people to sit and watch it happen? Nope!

Did Robyn bring in a picture of Marie Fredriksson from the 80s to her hairstylist and say “this is what I want”?

Edited by biakbiak
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Giselle to Angel: I don’t have a favorite.

Also, Giselle to Angel: You’re the most important! 

I hate therapy on shows and I don’t know if Ashley is a good actress or if she will change her behavior but I actually thought Ashley was opening up and trying to work on herself in that session. Such a contrast to Candiace and her mother who both want to “win” therapy which is especially concerning given that her mom is a therapist!

etb: thinking about Giselle’s future therapy sessions with Angel when writing about Candiace and her mother made me type the wrong thing!

Edited by biakbiak
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5 hours ago, bosawks said:

Is this the “therapy episode” of the season?

It's the "we better redeem these bitches before the 16 people who watch this show get sick of them" episode.

3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

As annoying as Ashley can be, it's kind of amazing that she's gotten as far as she has given her parents.  She's only ever spoken to her father once and her mother expects Ashley to support her.  True, she had to marry someone like Michael to make it happen, but, if I had had the hurdles to climb that she has had, I may had never gotten out of bed.

I'on know. I think I'll save my amazement for a hustler not on the Sugar Baby Express.

2 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Holy Soul Glow!  WTF is that wig?!

I just...

2 hours ago, Boofish said:

Ashley and that Grandma doctors appointment and errands wig upset my spirit.  Whew chile I cannot with that Whitney Houston last week of life Randy Watson hybrid. Whoever did that look hate her and she need to come to terms with that. 

...can NOT with y'all two! *DEAD. But first sent my Mama a screenshot of what she bet not let the mortician put on my dead head.*

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Gizelle, keep your adorable daughter's off this messy show. 

First Candiass and her mama issues, now Ashley and her daddy issues. So not interested. 

Robyn- is she really serious about Juan wanting another baby (girl only, please) or is she just saying that because babies are the major storyline of this season and she wants in on the action? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Gizelle, keep your adorable daughter's off this messy show. 

Why in the world is Gizelle exposing what a neglectful mother she is? Is she that much of a narcissist to think a few fake televised scenes take care of it?

Again Chris Samuels corrects his wife's behavior on national TV. Then appears to not be able to tolerate his rambunctious son's behavior. I'm beginning to suspect Chris is a bit of a tyrant.

Why did production drag two cast members to the sonogram? The family would have been enough.

Since Michael supposedly cut off Ashley's mama, they have cooked up the obnoxious "find daddy" storyline. Ugh.

I can't even with Robyn's "Juan wants to have a baby girl." As if it's a compliment to their relationship.

So production is allowing Karen to assume the benevolent big sister role, after trashing her and Ray's personal life for several seasons. Crumbs from the table.

  • Love 10

Ashley's TH wig...WTF girl. We know Michael pays you well enough to stand by his man grabbing ass self...do better with that wig. Also, Ashley's scenes this episode seem totally contrived in an attempt to shift the discussion away from Michael's sexual assault charges and focus on her 'my daddy left me' story. I saw it as manipulative attention to shift favour, the same way she's used her miscarriage and wanting a baby to rationalize why it's somehow different when others come or her and her marriage. I'm sure there is genuine sadness about her father not being in her life and also as seeing Michael as a paternal figure but I don't feel like we saw an authentic experience this episode with her.

It's clear to me that Candiace went to therapy, not for the realization that there are things she needs to fix in order to repair her relationship with her mother, she just thinks it's all her mother's problems to sort out so that things can be well.  She told her mother that she can only set goals that within her control, then Candiace proceeded to list goals that involved correcting her mother's behaviour and not her own. And when her mother called her out for having the same behaviour as her, instead of acknowledging it, she called her mother the shade monster. Candiace is a brat who thinks that her problems are a result of everyone else and they need to fix it so that she can be happy. 

Monique's children always make me smile. Milani is so damn precious!

Gizelle's daughters are beautiful but I don't know how much I would feature my children on a reality show if they were at that age. It's just such a precarious age to be exposed in front of the cameras but I trust Gizelle knows her children better than I do. Hope she's made strides with Angel in giving her the attention and affection she needs from her mom. 

  • Love 11

This past weekend was shitty for me; not only was it fucking attitude hot, but being fucking attitude hot and having to care for a parent with MS is on a whole ‘nother level.

Watching this eppy had me crying; maybe it was due to my sometimes being overwhelmed and helpless over my situation but whatever the case….

Monique, Candiace and Karen at the 3D sonogram – See Gizzard, now that’s how real women handle their differences!  Monique and Candiace acknowledged their part in the hoe down argument and apologized to each other.  I’m sensitive towards fractured friendships, always hoping that two people can reconcile and move forward.

Ashley and her ‘father’ – Damn!  Now, she may not be my favorite this season but dang dude, why can’t you acknowledge her?  I too give her mother the side-eye in that she seems to keep in touch with him via Facebook….you’da thunk that she could have tried to have him contact Ashley or something.  Watch, the bastard will get old and need someone and his current kids will likely not be there for him, but Ashley would have if you had given her the chance.  When she gave her younger self a mental hug I lost it.

Jesus Christ nude on a Water Ski!  Beaky Buzzard, when in the bluedilly hell are you going to stop making err'thang about Juan?!  I guess having a girl will cement your situationship, huh?  You really are a moron, what if the baby turns out to be a boy?  

Gizzard and her girls – They are so beautiful and you can see they get their asses from their mama!  Being the youngest child, I never realized how tough it must have been on my sister….my older brother was the golden boy and I was Sweetbabygirl.  She used to snap her fingers and pantomime like she was invisible, like Burt did in the classic series Soap.

Christ I’m rambling, back to the show….

I know she was trying to give a compliment (how she never has to worry about Angel, she gets straight A’s, go-getter, etc.), but IMO Gizzard was making things worse.  Listen to your daughter and try harder to be there for her.  Otherwise, I see her poppin’ off when she gets older. 

15 minutes ago, Boofish said:

This black man chose his wife over his mother.

Yes Lawd!  Monique was on WWHL last night and mentioned that she and Shirley have been getting along much better.  Please, the old bat knew she was in danger of being cut off for good, she'd better act like she knows!

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OK,k I'm not a mom but  I'm watching this and am asking WHY Monique do you have to have everyone at the sonogram. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Who does this?? I'm sure she will be a million people in the delivery room too. Gotta agree with Karen on this one (but what is up with her wearing her bath mat in her talking head?)

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I thought it was interesting that Candiace wants 6-7 bedrooms, including a suite for her mother when she visits, and Chris was like " ... Or my parents." I've been wondering where Chris's parents fit into all this.

And Candiace has a father too. What about when HE visits? Or Chris's two kids that they apparently see regularly? If she's getting a six-bedroom house, those two kids should have their own rooms - it would be pretty fucked up not to have space for them in a house that size. Candiace and Dorothy really are unhealthily enmeshed.

Edited by Empress1
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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I don't think Gizelle is neglectful. I actually thought that was ... I'm not sure how to phrase this, but a way of illustrating what a family friend told me when I was about 21-22: you can have it all but you can't have it all at the same time. Gizelle is a single (and if I recall correctly, her ex-husband lives in another state so I doubt she's handing off the kids every weekend) mom of three who has a business. She's busy. She said herself that she felt like she thought her kids were seeing her as a strong woman building a business for them, but she didn't know her kids felt like she was falling down on the mom job. If you're a working parent, odds are great that you're going to miss some soccer games.

Her kids do seem bonded to her and comfortable enough with her to tell her how they feel - it was probably hard for the twin who feels neglected (I don't know which twin is which - I know Grace is the oldest and the other two are Angel and Adore, but I can't tell the twins apart) to tell Gizelle that but she did, and I think Gizelle heard her. I don't think Gizelle is neglectful in, like, a CPS sense; I just think she's busy juggling and sometimes balls get dropped. I thought it was a rare moment of vulnerability for her.

Re: Gizelle being introverted, she may be. She seems to like her alone time. I am an introvert, and when I tell people that they are always shocked. I recharge by being alone. Extroverts recharge by being around people. I think there's a misconception that introverts are shy and socially awkward, when introversion, shyness, and social awkwardness  are three different things - you CAN have some combination of them, but it's not a guarantee. I highly recommend the book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain - it helped me understand MYSELF better, because it breaks down all the different kinds of introversion (and there are different kinds!)

I totally agree. And I love how her children feel completely comfortable sharing their feelings and opinions with her and have the courage to let Gizelle know when they're hurt or disappointed. I also don't think they would appear on the show if they were uncomfortable. I wonder how often Jamal comes to visit them since he now lives in Georgia.

Robyn is a fool. The only way she can ensure a girl is if she has IVF and can she even afford that? They have two kids to get through college and they may not want to go to Univ. of Maryland for the free tuition and there's no guarantee Juan will even still be working there. She's a dingbat and Gizelle's massive home project will probably be finished before her little row house.

Candace is a hopeless case. Good luck buying a 6-7 bedroom house in this area, sister. As loathed as you are, you may not be on this show next season.

Why on earth would Monique have those two women at her sonogram? 

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OMG, I forgot....Karen eating that oyster!  She's showing that just 'cause we get older, we can still get it.  I was blushing though.


Interesting read....so much for them making up, Monique did say on WWHL that they were no longer talking and to watch the reunion.

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50 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I thought it was interesting that Candiace wants 6-7 bedrooms, including a suite for her mother when she visits, and Chris was like " ... Or my parents." I've been wondering where Chris's parents fit into all this.

Hey, Candiass, how about getting a J-O-B before your wishes of a 7 bed home? She will always take mama's handouts because she's too lazy to make it on her own. 

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3 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

OMG, I forgot....Karen eating that oyster!  She's showing that just 'cause we get older, we can still get it.  I was blushing though.


Interesting read....so much for them making up, Monique did say on WWHL that they were no longer talking and to watch the reunion.

Huh. They must have fallen out more recently. When Monique's youngest was born (I think he's about six or seven months old now), Candiace was on IG holding him as a newborn and saying cute things about the whole family. 

A few of my friends' kids call me Auntie Empress1. If I fell out with their parents, it would hurt to lose those friendships and I would be REALLY sad to lose the relationships with their kids. Monique's kids seem genuinely fond of Candiace so I hope they're able to preserve those relationships.

Edited by Empress1
fixed name
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22 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I thought it was interesting that Candiace wants 6-7 bedrooms, including a suite for her mother when she visits, and Chris was like " ... Or my parents." I've been wondering where Chris's parents fit into all this.

And Candiace has a father too. What about when HE visits? Or Chris's two kids that they apparently see regularly? If she's getting a six-bedroom house, those two kids should have their own rooms - it would be pretty fucked up not to have space for them in a house that size. Candiace and Dorothy really are unhealthily enmeshed.

You can tell that Candiass fully expects her mother to help pay for the house, otherwise there is no way Dorothy would have a designated bedroom either.

I know Candiass has blamed colorism (which is a big problem in the AA community) for the extent of her backlash when compared to Ashley, but truthfully I think 50 percent of the reason why she married Chris was  so she could have light skinned children with good hair. Being white seems to be the only thing she respects about him.

22 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

OMG, I forgot....Karen eating that oyster!  She's showing that just 'cause we get older, we can still get it.  I was blushing though.


Interesting read....so much for them making up, Monique did say on WWHL that they were no longer talking and to watch the reunion.

Candiass is stupid if she messes up her friendship with Monique.

On 7/22/2019 at 9:22 AM, RHJunkie said:

Ashley's TH wig...WTF girl. We know Michael pays you well enough to stand by his man grabbing ass self...do better with that wig. Also, Ashley's scenes this episode seem totally contrived in an attempt to shift the discussion away from Michael's sexual assault charges and focus on her 'my daddy left me' story. I saw it as manipulative attention to shift favour, the same way she's used her miscarriage and wanting a baby to rationalize why it's somehow different when others come or her and her marriage. I'm sure there is genuine sadness about her father not being in her life and also as seeing Michael as a paternal figure but I don't feel like we saw an authentic experience this episode with her.

It's clear to me that Candiace went to therapy, not for the realization that there are things she needs to fix in order to repair her relationship with her mother, she just thinks it's all her mother's problems to sort out so that things can be well.  She told her mother that she can only set goals that within her control, then Candiace proceeded to list goals that involved correcting her mother's behaviour and not her own. And when her mother called her out for having the same behaviour as her, instead of acknowledging it, she called her mother the shade monster. Candiace is a brat who thinks that her problems are a result of everyone else and they need to fix it so that she can be happy. 

Monique's children always make me smile. Milani is so damn precious!

Gizelle's daughters are beautiful but I don't know how much I would feature my children on a reality show if they were at that age. It's just such a precarious age to be exposed in front of the cameras but I trust Gizelle knows her children better than I do. Hope she's made strides with Angel in giving her the attention and affection she needs from her mom. 

I have no doubt that Ashley is bringing up Asshole Daddy to deflect from her Pervy husband though her feelings are probably real.

She is a bitch and she knows how to play the game much more skillfully than Candiass. Ashley’s whole livelihood has depended on good game. In comparison, Candiass just throws a tantrum till mama gives her what she wants.

Edited by qtpye
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3 hours ago, Boofish said:

I admire Chris. One woman's tyrant is another woman's provider and protector which is how I see him. I think he is a giant and opposing figure so he comes across as "scary" to certain people. His concern for his wife in the street PREGNANT on camera threatening to fight (whether she meant it or

I get not wanting your partner to be messy but this is not the first time Chris has decided her behavior was inappropriate and condescended to her and make her feel small for no apparent reason.

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15 hours ago, Boofish said:

Ashley and that Grandma doctors appointment and errands wig upset my spirit.  Whew chile I cannot with that Whitney Houston last week of life Randy Watson hybrid. Whoever did that look hate her and she need to come to terms with that. 

eddie murphy comedy GIF

LMAO!  Couldn't quite put my finger on it, but Randy Watson is exactly right.  The cut and the color of that wig were both working against her.  

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14 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

I noticed that Monique mentioned once again that she was done having kids and once again Chris said quietly, "We'll see about that." 

I'd reply, 'Well, when you are ready to have a child pass through the hole of Johnson, then we'll talk....otherwise, I'm putting a 'Closed for babies' sign on my lady part!"

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6 hours ago, Boofish said:

I admire Chris. One woman's tyrant is another woman's provider and protector which is how I see him. I think he is a giant and opposing figure so he comes across as "scary" to certain people. His concern for his wife in the street PREGNANT on camera threatening to fight (whether she meant it or not) was warranted. Instead of being thirsty and bitch-assed like a lot of these husbands are for camera time and fame his concern his is wife and kids. This is a vanity project for Monique - she don't need the money and I don't blame him one bit for being upset. As for his kid, most parents don't like to repeat themselves and that was so sliced and edited. He asked him to stop and Monique had gel on her belly by the time he had enough she was dressed and getting off the table and there were pictures of the baby. This means he may have been trying to redirect the behavior for a good 30 minutes with no luck. He could always be Juan and just don't give a shit.

This black man chose his wife over his mother - chhhilllle I cannot put into words what that means 😂 Chris is rocking for Monique. That right there put all doubts to rest

Amen to this post.  I don't like Monique, but so far, she got lucky with Chris.

Why was Ashley wearing that wig?  I didn't know who that was at first...at least I hope it was a wig.

Edited by Neurochick
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21 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

What a prick is that, but why in the world is Ashley’s mom doing connected to Ashley’s dad on Facebook when the man won’t even acknowledge their daughter - I give her mom the side eye on that

I didn't take it as Ashley's mom was friends with her father on FB.  But if Ashley's father blocked her on FB she wouldn't be able to see his profile from her own account.  Her mother likely wasn't blocked, so by using her mom's account she could search for her father and view whatever it is that he has unlocked that way.  Now if he pays any attention to the show, I'm sure her mother and Michael will be blocked pretty quickly, so Ashley's chances to troll his profile are cut off.  

19 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I always find 3-D sonograms creepy looking. I never wanted children but I don’t know anyone who would invite so many people to get a sonogram that it’s common enough that there is that much seating. Show the picture to after you have it? Sure. I invite a whole extra couch worth of people to sit and watch it happen? Nope!

Maybe they are anticipating Duggar-like families?  I have a sibling who is quite a bit younger than I am and I remember being brought to one of our mother's drs appointments waaaay back in the day to hear their heartbeat.  (I don't think ultrasounds were as regular of a thing to "see" the baby back in those days) But we stayed out in the waiting room and then a nurse came and got us just for the last couple minutes of the appointment and it was just the siblings, not the entire neighborhood.

11 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Why in the world is Gizelle exposing what a neglectful mother she is? Is she that much of a narcissist to think a few fake televised scenes take care of it?

Again Chris Samuels corrects his wife's behavior on national TV. Then appears to not be able to tolerate his rambunctious son's behavior. I'm beginning to suspect Chris is a bit of a tyrant.

I don't really think this shows Gizelle as neglectful.  I have siblings and I also know from talking with other people over the years that family dynamics are weird.  It's not that strange for one kid to feel like another kid is a favorite and it's also not that strange for parents to have a kid that they don't have to actively parent as much as another one, so they maybe get lost in the shuffle a bit.  If you have a kid that does their homework, does well in school and tends to listen but then has a sibling that has problems with a subject in school, maybe doesn't always turn in their homework and/or has a behavior issue that has to be worked on, where does your focus tend to go? You spend most of the time correcting the kid that requires the active guidance and it's easy to overlook the fact that the kid who doesn't need you to hold their hand through their homework might feel like they aren't getting any attention at all.  

6 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I thought it was interesting that Candiace wants 6-7 bedrooms, including a suite for her mother when she visits, and Chris was like " ... Or my parents." I've been wondering where Chris's parents fit into all this.

And Candiace has a father too. What about when HE visits? Or Chris's two kids that they apparently see regularly? If she's getting a six-bedroom house, those two kids should have their own rooms - it would be pretty fucked up not to have space for them in a house that size. Candiace and Dorothy really are unhealthily enmeshed.

It's always going to be all about Candiace.  Chris's family won't matter.  Notice that nowhere in there were rooms for the kids he already has.  Or "our kids" which is how you'd hope someone would phrase things when they've married someone with children.  

Candiace certainly has some grand dreams for someone who basically doesn't have a job (other than the show, which we all have to pretend isn't a job), and is living in a house her mommy pays a portion of at the moment.  Oh, no, we're looking for a MANOR to move into . . .  

  • Love 10
21 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I thought it was interesting that Candiace wants 6-7 bedrooms, including a suite for her mother when she visits, and Chris was like " ... Or my parents." I've been wondering where Chris's parents fit into all this.

And Candiace has a father too. What about when HE visits? Or Chris's two kids that they apparently see regularly? If she's getting a six-bedroom house, those two kids should have their own rooms - it would be pretty fucked up not to have space for them in a house that size. Candiace and Dorothy really are unhealthily enmeshed.

I liked that Karen checked her a little on that. Karen mentioned she was the same way when she first got married and then realized she didn't need all those bedrooms.

I know Ashley is a messy bitch but I also have similar issues with my father so I did feel for her during her therapy session.

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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I liked that Karen checked her a little on that. Karen mentioned she was the same way when she first got married and then realized she didn't need all those bedrooms.

I know Ashley is a messy bitch but I also have similar issues with my father so I did feel for her during her therapy session.

Candiass is under a lot of delusions to think they can afford a house like that In Potomac. Even though her mama is probably making bank, she is probably upper middle class at best. Chris has got multiple child support payments, and her income is a third rate reality show most people don’t watch.

She is desperate for some status because as a child of two black professionals she really does not measure up.

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