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Porsha Stewart: Least Likely to Become a History Professor

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I like Porsha but her family is just not interesting. Her men might be rich but they are nothing to look at and charismatically challenged.

There is a reason that dopey Dennis and slimy Simon were never featured on RHOA.

Also, does anyone believe this is love? It’s just two people using each other. I would not be surprised if the wedding is called off if there is not a second season.

Edited by qtpye
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Yea her family is not entertaining to watch. I especially don’t care about her sisters yoga and meditation journey. Like good for her sure but it’s not fun to watch.

Dennis’ mom is horrible. I think she might be more horrible then Kandi's mom. They both are just not someone I wanna see on tv tho.

Simon and Porsha don’t scream passionate let’s get engaged in a month love. It almost seems like business. It’s a weird vibe.

Porsha is coming across really full of herself so far.

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On 12/6/2021 at 11:38 PM, Marley said:

Porsha is coming across really full of herself so far.

So much this. Porsha reinvented herself every couple of seasons for RHOA. I think now that she has her own show we may be seeing the real Porsha.

I watched only part of one episode and already I'm tired of the massive, barely restrained boobage on these woman. Stay classy, ladies.

Edited by Passing Strange
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I can’t stand Dennis’ mom Gina. She is such trash.

Dennis is actually the only one entertaining me on this show.

I don’t know why they label what side of the family Porsha’s family members are from. Who cares lol.

Just let Dennis have his damn robe back lol.

No thanks to Storm.

Edited by Marley
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This whole spinoff do set even have its own title. So yet again it and the awful WWHL gets recorded on my DVR.

Well, I am the stupid one who thought a Porsha spinoff have included her continued activism and fight for rights - that’s a show that would have been amazing versus “who is going to get possession of Dennis’s Verasche’s robe.” Which I assume has Vs everywhere.

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4 minutes ago, Marley said:

I’m pretty sure it said 61. She looks older then that to me. Just her ugliness from inside coming out.


26 minutes ago, jalady said:

I’m sorry; am I seeing things or did they show Dennis’ mother’s age as 51?  Because I think that’s biologically impossible 😂

Hell, Dennis looks to be about 49 on a good day.

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On 12/13/2021 at 12:50 AM, jalady said:

Okay, that makes more sense because he’s supposed to be 43.  But I rewound the scene and could have sworn it said 51.  Too much wine I guess . . .

Wine is the only way I can watch this.

On 12/13/2021 at 2:26 AM, Talented Tenth said:

Why aren't there episode threads for this show?

Well, Bravo is labeling this show as The Real Housewives of Atlanta (thus my DVR records it). Then , off course they tack on the dreck that is WWHL. Bravo loves messing with DVR.

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It's amazing how Porsha keeps losing the goodwill she built up during the years, at least to me. She's not a foul human like Nene or Kenya, but this series is not a good look for her at all.

I like Londie, Aunt Liz, Dennis and surprisingly Simon. I like his temperament and intelligence. However, he's a serial cheater (although he claims he's decided to stop) and I find this 2 week engagement scenario utter bs. 

Basically I'm just looking forward to the talking heads of my favorite four.

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Lol Aunt Liz at the table saying she doesn’t know who anyone is made me laugh. She was right tho some of those ppl don’t need to be there. I guess it’s a reality show tho.

Dennis’ mom is trash.

Storm is trash. Porsha is prob always sticking up for her because Storm is prob up Porsha’s ass.

Dennis does kind of crack me up. He’s kind of the only entertaining part of the show really.

Porsha is not coming off well. Not horrible or anything but just too into herself.

Simon seems chill and calm but him and Porsha’s relationship is a joke. Engaged after a couple weeks? Stupidity. I doubt they will get married. If they do he will cheat on her probably and be on to the next love of his life while still finalizing his divorce from Porsha. I mean he basically told Porsha in one of the episodes talking about multiple wives in his culture.

Prob a free trip to Mexico but what sane woman would want to come as Dennis’ date and walk into all that shit lol.

The spiritual stuff is stupid and boring. Lena and Lauren are annoying about it lol.

I don’t mind Londie.

Dom is annoying. He definitely does not need to be there.

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Omg. What the Hawt-Ghetto-Mess did I just watch!?!

Episode 4 of "Porsha's Family Matters" was much too much & next episode looks to be worse. I agree with the Aunt who said they are opening all these wounds without proper healing, so they all they will be left with is open wounds.

Storm is quite the cruel, ratchet bitch. She's single-handedly ruining the show & the trip. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Porsha continues to take her side. Her mother repeatedly begging for the slightest affection & howling like a wounded animal was disturbing. Storm smirking & belatedly giving her the briefest pat was painful to watch. Meanwhile... I don't know any of these people.

I don't know if Porsha is realizing how badly she is coming across here.

This was the saddest spiritual retreat I've ever seen. The family is completely checked out for the exercises. Not one person has completed a thought without being interrupted and fighting.

What a disaster!


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3 hours ago, NowVoyager said:
3 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Storm is quite the cruel, ratchet bitch. She's single-handedly ruining the show & the trip. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Porsha continues to take her side.


She's a mini Porsha, and I'm developing a strong dislike for both of them.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Storm is quite the cruel, ratchet bitch. She's single-handedly ruining the show & the trip. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Porsha continues to take her side. Her mother repeatedly begging for the slightest affection & howling like a wounded animal was disturbing. Storm smirking & belatedly giving her the briefest pat was painful to watch.

If that display was real, I feel badly for laughing 😐

1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:


I think Storm and her mom want their own show. 


This is probably true.  Stormbelt definitely seems to.  

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Porsha really shouldn’t have done this show, I liked her in the last season of Rhoa especially with her activism where we’re seeing a better side to her, this show wow makes her and her family look bad. But hey anything for a paycheque I guess. 
Also was anyone laughing when some woman an aunt maybe? Started talking about her feet! WTF was that about? 

Edited by FizzyPuff
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2 hours ago, FizzyPuff said:

Porsha really shouldn’t have done this show, I liked her in the last season of Rhoa especially with her activism were we’re seeing a better side to her, this show wow makes her and her family look bad. But hey anything for a paycheque I guess. 
Also was anyone laughing when some woman an aunt maybe? Started talking about her feet! WTF was that about? 

In an earlier episode, when Porsha had her house party, I remember them focusing on her feet. I think her toenails were painted white, but she was wearing athletic slides. I didn't notice anything peculiar about her feet except for the overly casual footwear. I'll have to watch that scene again to see if I notice anything else. Maybe there was a hint of some huge Southern feet, but I was distracted by the slides.

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Storm is something else. Aptly named. Giving people drama during her turn with the stick, interrupting Dennis during his, and acting as though he was the one causing the issue. Have to side with mean Gina and say that girl needs to shut up and respect her elders.

Her family needs to stop coddling her. They've created this monster.

And who the heck are these people?

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Ooooh!.... Storm is A Mess, chile!:


Not sure how he's a pedophile if she was 18+, but ok. She also said Dennis hit her. I dunno, from what I saw on the Tea-quila episode, Porsha swung on Dennis first and then other family members jumped in, there was a full on brawl and Porsha started crying.

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I don’t think Porsha is over Dennis and vice versa but I think he’s one of those guys that just can’t/won’t be faithful. If the goal is to be successful co-parents they have a ways to go. 
The cousins and assistants aren’t exactly helping with their gossip but I guess that is for entertainment value.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Ooooh!.... Storm is A Mess, chile!:


Not sure how he's a pedophile if she was 18+, but ok. She also said Dennis hit her. I dunno, from what I saw on the Tea-quila episode, Porsha swung on Dennis first and then other family members jumped in, there was a full on brawl and Porsha started crying.

Yep, she was an adult and I'm sure dressing like a grown hussy, so I don't know where pedophilia fits in. 

This is the first time I understood Lauren through the fog of the meditation talk. Good job.

On the surface, Dennis' explanation sounds plausible. However, I can't make any judgement past that. Side chick actively looking to work at one of his businesses, is shady behavior.

I don't know what caused Dennis to lunge, but at least he decided to vacate the meal when things got too heated. All the while he's trying to make his mother shut up and defend her against Storm. Then you have Porsha throwing them (and the slut) out like trash and barking at Denis for no good reason. 

I enjoy seeing Simon watch everything like a fly on the wall. Probably wondering when to schedule those movers.


Edited by Iguessnot
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Dennis is the only entertaining part of the show really. He’s definitely sketchy with the whole having his side chick work for him thing tho. He prob will never be able to be faithful and him and Porsha shouldn’t be together but he’s at least entertaining to watch on tv. He at least seems to be trying at the retreat.

Porsha seems to be surrounded by yes men and buying into her own hype. It doesn’t even seem like her and Simon are together. There’s no chemistry or anything there it’s odd.

Mama Gina is just trash always. She needs to just shut up. I don’t understand wtf she is wearing in her talking head lol.

Stormi is trash. Another one of Porshas yes men who kisses her ass. That’s why Porsha is so defensive of her.

I like Londie. I think lol.

Dom is embarrassing. Trying show off and get further up Porshas ass at dinner.

Porshas kicking ppl out what a joke. Just more example of Porsha buying into her own hype and bossing ppl around. Storm just stirs shit up and creates drama but she is in Porshas ass so Porsha will never call her out.

The ending yikes. 


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Did anyone else peep at the table just before everything went sideways when Porsha's aunt said to Gina that she should get to know "the Hosea Williams family" and not the people that Porsha has brought to this event? She has been shading "the family" both overtly and covertly since they were in the ATL. My guess is that Storm, her mama and a couple of the other "aunties" may be relatives by marriage and actually related to the stepmom and not directly to Porsha by blood.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Did anyone else peep at the table just before everything went sideways when Porsha's aunt said to Gina that she should get to know "the Hosea Williams family" and not the people that Porsha has brought to this event? She has been shading "the family" both overtly and covertly since they were in the ATL. My guess is that Storm, her mama and a couple of the other "aunties" may be relatives by marriage and actually related to the stepmom and not directly to Porsha by blood.

The stepmom, Lauren's mom seems very quiet. Storm's mom is the sister of Porsha's mom.

It just so happens that I watched the Blindside on December 26 and instantly recognized Aunt Liz. Seems she has several credits. Her name is  Elisabeth Omilami

Aunt Liz.jpg

Edited by Iguessnot
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2 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

The stepmom, Lauren's mom seems very quiet. Storm's mom is the sister of Porsha's mom.

It just so happens that I watched the Blindside side on December 26 and instantly recognized Aunt Liz. Seems she has several credits. Her name is  Elisabeth Omilami

Aunt Liz.jpg

So if Liz is a Williams that would make her Porsha's dad's sister - and a full aunt to both Lauren and Porsha but unrelated to Storm and 'em. Stormy and her screaming mom are relatives on Porsha's mom's side and not related to Lauren. Is Londie a Williams? or Esther? 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

So if Liz is a Williams that would make her Porsha's dad's sister - and a full aunt to both Lauren and Porsha but unrelated to Storm and 'em. Stormy and her screaming mom are relatives on Porsha's mom's side and not related to Lauren. Is Londie a Williams? or Esther? 

I know there was a scene where she said we were raised different. But I can't remember if Londie was part of that discussion, thus making her a Wlliams.


ETA: Londie is a Williams. She is the one who explained that she, Aunt Liz, Lauren and Porsha comprise the father's side of the family. She's the one who actually said they were raised differently from Porsha's mother side of the family who she didn't want to call country bumpkins.

Edited by Iguessnot
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1 minute ago, Axie said:

I was so impressed by Porsha’s growth and maturity last season.  I guess that was a bit premature.  That fight was on her, not Dennis.

I agree. 

This is such an unbelievably messy messed up family. I don’t think Porsha’s meditating and been prayed over is going to fix her issues, especially with anger and choices for life partners.

Last season she gained my respect for the first time. Now not only have she lost it, it is totally underwater and no amount of activism is going to change my opinion unless she grows up and digs down deep and deals with her underlying issues.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

I agree. 

This is such an unbelievably messy messed up family. I don’t think Porsha’s meditating and been prayed over is going to fix her issues, especially with anger and choices for life partners.

Last season she gained my respect for the first time. Now not only have she lost it, it is totally underwater and no amount of activism is going to change my opinion unless she grows up and digs down deep and deals with her underlying issues.

I totally agree.  For a while there, I was impressed with Porsha's growth.  That lasted about 5 months and then she went right back to being insufferable and obnoxious.

I AM impressed with Lauren.  She seems to be growing up.  If only she can instill the grownup thinking in Porsha.  Otherwise, bye girl. NOT entertaining in the least.

  • Love 5

Just started watching the latest episode and damn what did I just watch.

I put the blame on Porsha. I do not like her really at all anymore. Gina is trash but Storm just starts shit non stop.

Simon is nothing special but he should sprinting away from Porsha lol.

Dom is such trash too. He really thinks he’s something. He’s someone who would run at someone trying to fight when there’s 2 huge security guards in between protecting him lol.

Porsha telling them to not say anything about the night before while she’s getting paid for this show is bs. Just shows what a bossy bully Porsha prob is with her family. Surrounded by yes men. Porsha is so up her own ass and buying into her own hype. 

The one older lady with the grey hair I can’t remember her name was speaking the truth.

Porshas mom not going was a good decision on her part. Although she seems to enable Porsha for sure.

I think this show was a mistake for Porsha to do because the last of RHOA I was starting to like her but this show I think showed the real Porsha and I’m not a fan of her or her annoying hanger ons.



Edited by Marley
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