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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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4 hours ago, S.Batts said:

Am I the only one giddy to see the jury house tonight?   I'm hoping we see very little of the four remaining in the house and most of the show is the jury house.  

I’m excited about seeing the jury house tonight too. Do they usually give clues about their votes or not at this point? 

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3 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

I know I know and I despise Paul so I was thrilled with that but I have lived to pay the price because I watch MTV Challenge and Josh is so outrageously intolerable.  Idk how much of that stems from his ego because he thinks he “won”;  he doesn’t get it that the idea was that Paul should lose, and he could have been a sponge or a turtle or a piece of cardboard, anything sitting next to Paul was going to win 

I saw him on the Challenge. He wasn’t that good on that show. 

2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I was going to post that I thought the VETO was fixed for Jackson to win. No way did I think that Jackson won the comp fair and square after watching it last night.  It just did not pass the smell test.  All the theatrics, praying, tears regarding Jackson’s veto performance was just too over the top.  I just got the feeling of who were they trying to convince:  me or themselves?  

Maybe it’s just my conspiracy theory mind, but I figured that production chose that comp because it’s pretty easy to fudge the results.   How do we know what the final times really were?  The houseguests don’t know their times?  Couldn’t Nichole have really come in first?   It’s obvious that production wanted to control the outcome or they would have chosen a comp they all played together.  

After reading the article above, I’m now convinced Nichole did win.  There is no way Jackson won the VETO.   It was rigged. 

I’m hoping that this jury overlooks gameplay like the few others before and votes for whoever isn’t Jackson.  Or better yet Nichole wins it all.  

I really want to see someone else’s confetti falling on Jackson’s shoulders. 

I was wondering how he could have won. Even not knowing about the possible assist from production, it certainly looked like Nicole won. 

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Reminds me of a time when I had a bit of a crush on Richard Dreyfuss.  I never told anyone, I'm sure my friends would have thought it weird.  But he was such a lovable dork in some of his movies.  

*Sharpens shank, stares at Tinkerbell just in case*

He's had my heart since The Goodbye Girl and Always....I've professed my love head held high, not giving a bluedilly fuck who knows it.

Edited by Vixenstud
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After their hilarious offer to Holly to let her compete for Veto if she agreed to vote out Jackson, I want to see a cop show with Nicole and Cliff being the shittiest interrogators imaginable. 

"We think it's unfair that you've been arrested, so how about you confess and then we can get commendations for your conviction."

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30 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

It’s all about me and who I like.

To me that's BB in a nutshell. Gameplay is always secondary. In the end, people vote (mostly) for who they like. As viewers, our favourites are the people we like. Gameplay is the main criteria only when we're faced with a final 3 of people we don't care for. 

What fascinates me is how every houseguest, no matter how heinous or charismatic, has viewers who love them, and viewers who hate them. My own extremely unscientific theory is that we like houseguests who remind us of us, or our values, or of people in our lives we care about, and we dislike houseguests who remind us of people in our lives who made us miserable or who we found super annoying. 

So you get someone like Nicole who is wildly, surprisingly popular with the viewers. Few of us think she's played an exceptional game, but lots of us would love for her to win anyway. She's kind and sweet and we just like her. (Except the ones who can't stand her because she reminds them of someone super annoying).

Unfortunately, in a Jackson/Nicole F2, I don't know if the jury would agree with us, because I think most of them identify more with Jackson as a "cool kid" and dismiss Nicole as a harmless "bottom feeder". Obviously, they can use Jackson's superior gameplay as the reason, but maybe their subconscious will be saying, "lt's all about me and who I like." 

This also applies to the Survivor F3, but not to TAR. 

So this is my theory which I may or may not stand behind. But I enjoyed posting about it. You're welcome. 

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2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Unfortunately, in a Jackson/Nicole F2, I don't know if the jury would agree with us, because I think most of them identify more with Jackson as a "cool kid" and dismiss Nicole as a harmless "bottom feeder". Obviously, they can use Jackson's superior gameplay as the reason, but maybe their subconscious will be saying, "lt's all about me and who I like." 

There effectively cannot be a Jackson/Nicole F2.

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20 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I think the real conspiracy theory is why did production not use the days comp at F4 veto like they usually do. This was the most physical F4 veto I can recall in years. Definitely suspicious. 

I do think there's a reason they didn't do that. Definitely very, very suspicious.

But, I've also hoped Big Brother would stop getting so predictable. This season, with the late DE, no jury Battle Back and no Fast Forward week has been a little more off of than the usual, so hopefully it makes it more unpredictable for future players so they can Expect the Unexpected a little more and not make decisions based on what competitions/"twists" they think are coming next, or rely on or expect to win competitions to make up for bad strategy.

Edited by mooses
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7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Same here. I'd love for Nicole to beat them all. However, I would be just fine if they altered part 2 of HOH and make it so mentally challenging that Holly has no chance in beating Nicole. I would be fine if Holly won part 1 and then Nicole beat Jackson in part 2 and then Nicole beat Holly in part 3. That would be the dream. 

I would also be fine with Nicole fluking out and winning part 1 and Holly winning part 2. Any scenario where Jackson ISN'T in part 3 is a win for me. It'll hurt his fragile ego even further.

This is the post I was thinking of. 

6 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Wait, I thought there could. Someone (Lady Calypso?) posted about it earlier today. Did I dream it? 

If Jackson wins the Final HOH, he takes Holly.

If Holly wins the Final HOH, she takes Jackson.

If Nicole wins the Final HOH, she takes Holly.

So there's no way for a Jackson/Nicole final. 

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5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, Jackson isn't owed any votes at the end. But it's like I said the other day with Scottie. I just want people to be consistent with their own shit. Like if you are Christie, and you blow up your alliance all the time, you can't be, "but Jackson betrayed me!" And in general, if it is Jackson against Holly, Holly was obviously right there with him on all of these moves but just letting Jackson be the target.

Yes! people bash Holly, but  that is a viable strategy.   She really has played a pretty good game considering how it played out. She survived losing Kat, lost her alliance  and fought back to stay in with Jackson, and has some good wins.  

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28 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I think the real conspiracy theory is why did production not use the days comp at F4 veto like they usually do. This was the most physical F4 veto I can recall in years. Definitely suspicious. 

Yeah, I can buy that a lot more from a conspiracy theory angle. But even there, they've been moving stuff around all season.

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1 hour ago, kz5 said:

Yes! people bash Holly, but  that is a viable strategy.   She really has played a pretty good game considering how it played out. She survived losing Kat, lost her alliance  and fought back to stay in with Jackson, and has some good wins.  

I think that the only "concern" there is whether she was being a Nicole or a Jun. I think she was much more of a Nicole, in that it wasn't some plan she came up with, she just got into a showmance and why WOULDN'T you let the guy take care of shit if he wants to?

It's funny. I have said before that I'm fine with a Holly win and that a Holly or a Nicole win would be the more typical end of a BB season than Jackson winning (I said this back when Nick was still in the house), but Holly winning over Jackson? Or Nicole winning by beating Jackson twice for the Final HOH? Those are both memorable, atypical BB endings, so it's fun that two winners who were possibly going to be just your typical generic BB winners will now have an interesting win if either one of them gets it. Plus, of course, if Jackson gets it, that will ALSO be interesting, as he had an extremely difficult path to get here.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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13 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

So there's no way for a Jackson/Nicole final. 

I need to pay more attention! Still, in a Holly/Nicole F2, I still expect Holly to win for the same reason I expected Jackson to win, although justifying it will be a lot tougher. 

If I'm wrong I'll be thrilled. 

Edited by Melina22
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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Newbie question - how often is production involved in the comps and outcomes? 

Many conspiracy theories.  There is the "Helen was pushed" one from BB15 where some claim a hand reached out and pushed Helen off he wall during an endurance comp. 

There was the one where Caleb talked how he was going to throw his comp with Frankie, and then suddenly the start time was postponed. Rumor is they they altered the playing board so a single person could win it, and didn't need to rely on a partner.  

I recall some controversies in BBOTT   Alex, was allowed to use her hoodie to hold her pole. that was odd and then the mirrored comp that Shelby won. There was some issues with the mirrors and she was allowed to redo it. That never seemed fair. 

The main thing is I do believe they change the comps around to favor certain players or tailor comps to play into player advantages. There was a comp in BBOTT where the comp involved balancing on a beam that favored one of the girls who had cheerleader experience?  Lots of conspiracy theories going around. 

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2 hours ago, Ellee said:

From Jokers:

Oh, when Holly told Jax she loved him, did he actually respond, "I know"??? NT

LOL ... Did this really happen?

That's what I heard.   She jumped on him and said, "I love you so much" and he said what sounded like, "I know".   What he did NOT say for sure was, "I love you" back.   LOL. I remember it because I was so embarrassed for Holly, something I experience regularly since she clearly lacks any sense of dignity.    This was never more apparent when she was BEGGING for her BB life like it was her literal life.   I don't know what happened to this girl/woman to make her so willing to doormat herself but whomever it was here that said Holly thinks she's on The Bachelor* was spot on.  

*edited to add that I don't actually watch The Bachelor but that's how I imagine those girls to be.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Was I the only one who was confused by the veto?  Maybe I was just tired but I swear they read the clue and then took out the pictures that were the opposite of the clue.

That had me so confused, too. But I didn't listen to the rules. I guess they said to leave up the ones that pertained to the phrases which is kind of the opposite of what I would assume.

1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

My own extremely unscientific theory is that we like houseguests who remind us of us, or our values, or of people in our lives we care about, and we dislike houseguests who remind us of people in our lives who made us miserable or who we found super annoying. 

Unless you're me and the HGs that remind you of yourself are the ones you kinda hate lol.

They don't show F3 HOH on the feeds anymore do they? That sucks but also I don't think I would wanna stay up to watch it anyway. But ugh I probably won't sleep tonight because I'll be trying to manifest Nicole winning Part 1.

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3 minutes ago, JD5166 said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd....back to hating Tommy. Thank god he is back with HIS PEOPLE, the cool kids...the non-bottom feeders. FU Tommy. 

LOL I know right. And his Jack worship reared it's head again. It'll be interesting to see how Tommy reacts to how absolutely hated Jack and Gr8ful was. 

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33 minutes ago, Ellee said:

(I really want to see Jackson/Holly go head to head to see how Holly handles it.)

I know!  Would she remember how to be her own person and actually compete, or will she just roll over and hand it to Jackson, as I'm sure he'll demand.  And if she doesn't just throw the competition to him, but fights for the win instead, how will Jackson handle his little doormat suddenly growing a spine?  I'm not sure there are enough editing tricks in the world to whitewash the inevitable Jackson blow-up over that.

Oh!  What if Holly is playing a truly deep game, and all that poring over of the rule book was not to see if they could get Nicole to abdicate HOH but actually a theatrical ruse to highlight that it was against the rules to throw competitions to stave off Jackson demanding she throw any final HOH comps his way.

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1 hour ago, kz5 said:

Many conspiracy theories.  There is the "Helen was pushed" one from BB15 where some claim a hand reached out and pushed Helen off he wall during an endurance comp. 



But the real story was the amazeballs save that Elissa pulled off in the same comp. 


Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So do you think this cast will stay friendly after the show? I mean Britney and Rachel now have a good relationship and Jen was invited to Daniele's wedding so anything is possible.

Oh, definitely. Think about it, the assholes are all sort of in it together, ya know? So I bet Gr8ful stays close and Nicole lives for attention from people, so she'll be down for whatever (and then when she agrees to do an appearance with Jackson and Holly, she'll whisper to herself, "Damn it, Damn it, Damn it," but go anyways). 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

The non-jurors all get a stipend for returning for the finale. At least I know this is true for Survivor. A former Survivor told me that they get 10k just for going to the reunion show. So Kemi will definitely show up to the finale.

Yeah, no, I expect her to show up for that. Hopefully Julie gives her a moment of Fuck You, Jack. But I mean after the show, the unofficial things and cast meet-ups and stuff? Kemi won't be included whether because she doesn't want to be or because they're assholes and don't want her there. 

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That final 4 comp is not as difficult as it use to be. Remember when they had to build a chain where there were tow answers to ever question. Or the building blocks and if you started wrong, they all had to come down?

And, it was done at the same time and winner rang in. If you were wrong, you got the gong and everyone kept hustling.

2 hours ago, kz5 said:

There was the one where Caleb talked how he was going to throw his comp with Frankie, and then suddenly the start time was postponed. Rumor is they they altered the playing board so a single person could win it, and didn't need to rely on a partner.  

Oh man, I remember when it happened, because the crew spent all of Saturday right into the late afternoon continuing to work on it, despite the fact that it would have already been done. I remember because someone (possibly Frankie himself) made a comment about how they were still building and it was late in the day and having people still working on a set on a Saturday was unheard of. 

2 hours ago, kz5 said:

I recall some controversies in BBOTT   Alex, was allowed to use her hoodie to hold her pole. that was odd and then the mirrored comp that Shelby won. There was some issues with the mirrors and she was allowed to redo it. That never seemed fair. 

I remember this as well, and it technically WAS fair, especially when it was only redone with Jason (who was technically going to be the winner) and Shelby. Jason was already in first, but Shelby's mirror broke before Jason's total time so there was hours of debate behind the scenes on whether her mirror broke after she would have lost anyway or before (it WAS before, at least by thirty seconds or something). I remember quite vividly going to sleep because it was almost midnight Big Brother Time (so almost 3am for me), only to wake up hours later and they STILL didn't have an answer. 

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

They don't show F3 HOH on the feeds anymore do they? That sucks but also I don't think I would wanna stay up to watch it anyway. But ugh I probably won't sleep tonight because I'll be trying to manifest Nicole winning Part 1.

I think they show at least part 1 on the feeds? Unless I'm misremembering, but I thought we got to see part 1 last year. Definitely not part 2, but part 1 is endurance (or should be). But maybe I'm mistaken.

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Nicole is so different in the DR. It's like she's another person.

DR Nicole is definitely the personality that locked her parents in the basement. 

1 minute ago, zorak said:

New romance in the jury house?  Is it Kat and Jack or Tommy and Nick?

Christie and the Universe. They recommitted to each other after a rocky relationship in the BB house.

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