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Naples, FL: If that anorexic drag queen-looking thing had said “bling” one more time, I think I would have gone Elvis on my TV! OMG, did she really think she looked sexy in those crop tops and miniskirts? She used to be pretty judging by the old photos. And she’s a psychologist? 🤦‍♀️

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Naples FL, with Denise and Jim (I think that's their names) from SD to Naples.     What the hell am I looking at?     If you spend a ton on 'designer' clothes (that look like the 70's), all kinds of fillers, surgery, huge caterpillar fake lashes, and ginormous boobs, maybe spend more than $20 on a blonde wig (you know it's a cheap wig when even I can tell it's a wig.  I'm not good at that sort of thing).    -I find it bizarre that they said the first house was 70's and needed a lot of updates, when they're standing there wearing clothes from the Partridge Family. 

Denise and Jim looked as if they were going to a “key party.” 😏

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Naples: Wow! That was a lot to take in. And, I’m not even talking about the house. I don’t think I’ve been that transfixed on a HH person/couple as this one. When they showed the picture of the wife with her kids it looked like they were totally embarrassed. They’ve been married a long time and I guess their kids friends grew up with it but I can’t imagine new college friends. She might be the greatest mother in the world but you’d have to get past her appearance to do so. The hair….if it’s really hair was at a point. Her voice was so deep and her tan was not doing her any favors. Meanwhile her husband is so casual and not fussy at all. Opposites do attract apparently. LOL!!!

Now, on to the house. When they first came on I thought the opening budget would be a million and then up from there. Then he said the $800,000 range. Then I realized she wanted the appearance of SUPER wealthy instead of them just being wealthy. LOL!!! The house was your typical Florida home with a pool. Granted, I couldn’t afford it but I wasn’t envious of it either. 

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5 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Naples, FL. How fake looking is this woman? 

There wasn't a film frame she wasn't posing in. The extra long lashes, hot pants, legs far apart, boob job, bling talk and what I'm pretty sure is a bad blond wig. She was really going for her "DeMille" moment.

The woman had to be around 50 yet she acted, talked and expressed herself like a teen. 

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I have been to Fargo and I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that Denise lived there. Yikes.   I did hear her husband say he was raised in Minneapolis.  That had to be one of the cheapest wigs I have seen.  And her clothing and make up was awful.  Talk about someone trying to hang on to her youth.

I thought they would pick #2.  

7 hours ago, buttersister said:

She walked around South Dakota like that?!

Naples is perfect for them.

Actually Fargo ND.  I have been there.  They do have a college there but she must stick out like a sore thumb.


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10 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:


But the cherry on top of it all was at the very beginning when she said something about how she and the husband met at work as cops when she "backed him up on a few traffic stops *nudge wink nudge*." That freaked me out - like, it MIGHT be totally innocuous, but my mind went to an awful place of cops needing so-called back-up on a potentially pretext-based stop... shudder. I haven't read the link above about the Baptist church/racism, but given what a naturally vile troll she showed herself to be (and under the aegis of a bible studies degree to boot), it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

I took that as them getting it on in a patrol car parked in a remote area. 🙄.

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Wow.  Denise.  She was a beautiful woman in the older pictures and all-that-stuff really, really aged her.  She looked way older than her husband.  I was trying to focus on the skin on her face, which look refreshed in a good way but I couldn't' get past the lashes and the hair and the boobs and the crop tops (Crop tops!) and the poses.  That wig! Shave a little off the bling budget and put it into the wig  line item, stat!  

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I read all of the comments about the Naples HH before I watched the episode.  Wow!  She looked like she was auditioning for Housewives of Naples.  When she was giving the one-on-one interview snippets, she looked less harsh, and I guess that was lighting.  If she would remove the false eyelashes, and get rid of the bad blond hair/wig/whatever it is, and dress more stylishly for a person of her age, she could be a very attractive woman.  In every scene she looked like she was posing, and wanted to be the center of attention.  I guess her husband is used to it, and it must not bother him.

Neither one of them was interested in whether the kitchen cabinets were white which was a refreshing change from the usual plot.  I think the producer knew white kitchen cabinets weren't going to generate fan discussion for this episode.


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13 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

Holy cow! Y'all weren't kidding about the Naples woman. She was a caricature of her former self. And she's a shrink? Physician, heal thyself.

She's a psychologist with a doctorate degree, not a medical doctor.  I've never been a fan of using Dr. for those people in non-work situations (I'm not a fan of using Dr. for medical doctors in non-work situations, either, but that's a battle I'll never win), so it really grated when the narrator said something in the intro about "These two doctors are..."  I, of course, thought, "She's a doctor???"   No, she's not.  She's a psychologist who writes books.

Actually, if she were a practicing psychologist, I'd be tempted to stake out her office just to get a look at her clients.  Because, as @Grizzly pointed out, who could stand to listen to that voice?  You could close your eyes during the session, as if you're deep in thought the whole time, but that doesn't help with that voice.

And thanks for the clarification on the wig.  I'm real ignorant when it comes to wigs and extensions, and was picturing her teasing her natural hair to get that big bump up on the crown, and teasing hair always makes me shudder--scraping all those hair cuticles the wrong direction is gross.

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13 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Naples, FL. How fake looking is this woman? Chest wasn't this big in their wedding photo. She has to write books since what client wants to listen to her voice? You'd think she'd lived in Florida her whole life with that wrinkly skin. And his hair could use a trim. Wow, I'll try to be more positive tomorrow. I don't even care which property they buy.

Denise was really difficult for me to watch, she was so awfully over botoxed and surgerized.  Her nose was quite a bit bigger in the old photos they showed, I'm kind of surprised she gave those to the producers to use. As mentioned above, her nose got smaller, but her boobs got massive; she won't need a life jacket in the pool, that's for sure.   Between the bad dye job, really cheap looking fake hair, ridiculous fake eyelashes and the obvious, really bad, cosmetic work she'd had done; she was painful to look at.  And I really don't think anyone needs to house hunt in a tight tee with their midriff exposed and a mini skirt that barely covers the good china either, yet, she managed to trot out multiple variations on that same silly outfit.  I feel sorry for her, for someone with a PhD in psychology, she seems like she's got a lot of issues with her looks.  Now that they've moved to Florida from North Dakota, perhaps she'll be able to find a more skilled plastic surgeon though it might be too late to help her.  They seem to have money, I guess she can afford it but she really hasn't helped herself.  I also noted how many times the camera caught her posing with the head tilt batting her eyes and, calling attention to her legs in the full body shots; hand on hip, thrusting her foot forward..  Kinda pathetic.  Her voice sounded like she smoked a pack or two a day, very rough.

They looked at some very nice places, but, in Naples, all the high end houses look alike to me.  Nothing about any of them struck me as interesting or particularly unique.  Interesting, too, how they claimed that they wanted to downsize since all of their kids were out of the house, the youngest in college and, yet, after all that, bought a huge 5 bedroom house 'for the kids'.  No sense at all.  The end of the episode, where she was supervising the installation of a horrific 'blingy' chandelier that threw strobe-like light flashing on and off just showed me that Denise' taste in decor is no better than her personal sense of style.  That thing looked to be seizure inducing.

Edited by Rootbeer
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9 minutes ago, buttersister said:

Their hair! What was the psychology behind taping this show and 1) wearing the bad wig and 2) not bothering to get a needed haircut?

It was kinda obvious from the way she acted that Denise thinks she's the shizzle; she apparently doesn't have any close family or friends who can tell her she looks ridiculous and, when people stare at her, it is not because she is beautiful but because she looks like a cartoon character.

I think the husband thinks he has a hot wife and everyone envies him and that his messy hair makes him look younger and sexier.  Which it doesn't.  At least they've moved on to a bigger audience in Naples.  Not fair that Fargo had all the laughs at their expense.

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When I first saw Naples Denise I thought (actually said aloud) WTH with that awful wig!?!? Then I thought, maybe she's being treated for cancer and I'm a horrible person. Nope, she just chose that wig along with the clothes obviously meant for a much younger woman and the awful cosmetic surgery and spackled on makeup. Husband apparently thinks she's hot, so good for them I guess?

Makes no sense to claim to want to downsize yet choose an almost 4000 square foot house with 5 bedrooms. Oof at that strobe light fixture. I'd have constant headaches.

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4 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

But the cherry on top of it all was at the very beginning when she said something about how she and the husband met at work as cops when she "backed him up on a few traffic stops *nudge wink nudge*."

I took that as them getting it on in a patrol car parked in a remote area. 🙄.

Looking at her, I thought it had something to do with cops and doughnuts.

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Looking at her, I thought it had something to do with cops and doughnuts.

On that note, I hope, if the implication was correct that they "got it on" in a remote area, that the remote area was dark or had poor visibility.

She's very hard on the eyes!

Edited by pdlinda
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15 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Denise and Jim looked as if they were going to a “key party.” 😏

Best comment on this page! LOL!

They both looked strung out on something. He dressed like a slob and didn't even comb his hair...she looked like a model for Fredericks of Hollywood. The gigantic boob job, the terrible cosmetic work on her face, the crop tops and short skirts from Forever 21...combined with her slurred words and high AF eye rolls and spacey facial expressions.

Good lord...could he be more passive agressive about her? The fact that he's a physician and she's psychologist was frightening. I would never go to either of them...Yikes!

And what's with the all "bling" bullshit? What is she 15 years old?

Edited by BrownBear2012
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I think Naples has received the most comments EVER and it wasn’t even about the house. I commented above but even I’m amazed at the reaction. It was such a crazy spectacle. I’m sure HH knew what they were getting along with the usual House Hunting but even this exceeded all expectations. LOL!!! Obviously, she wants the attention and the reaction. Also, her husband is probably think most of the guys are envious of him but I really don’t they are. They actually see her in person so they know the real deal. I just can’t imagine the kids reaction. Of course, I’m sure they love (I suppose) but along the way they’ve must have gotten so embarrassed by her changing appearance. Amazing!

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44 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I tuned in midway and just couldn't believe what I was seeing.  

I tuned in and thought I misread the name of the show. 

I thought it was a skit (spoof) mocking "House Hunters" on SNL😅

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I think Denise is her own psychological experiment. Her PhD thesis must have been about women whose only path to fulfillment is to transform themselves into real-life Barbie dolls, and in order to *really* understand them she decided to go through the process herself and write about it in her books.

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

I think Denise is her own psychological experiment. Her PhD thesis must have been about women whose only path to fulfillment is to transform themselves into real-life Barbie dolls, and in order to *really* understand them she decided to go through the process herself and write about it in her books.

You are giving her waaay too much credit! 😄

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7 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Mountains or desert, NM.  So surprised they chose #3 when the agent said furniture was included. Really don't think it had the space that they need. Especially the outside. At least the couple was pleasant.

Their children won't have anyone around them to play together.

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Fargo Denise- the Fargo-Moorhead-West Fargo area is lovely. I lived there for 4 years. Not real culturally diverse, but clean with low poverty and a low crime rate. Don't think the HH were native NoDakers, no real accent that I could tell. Winters are long and cold, but they removed snow a lot better than places I've lived further south.

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4 hours ago, cameron said:

Their children won't have anyone around them to play together.

My first thought when they selected that house was "those poor kids!" because they wouldn't have any playmates.  Maybe the parents will drive them to other neighborhoods where they can play.  

Those views were spectacular though (I prefer mountain views to beach views). 

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On 9/15/2021 at 12:57 AM, buttersister said:

She walked around South Dakota like that?!

Naples is perfect for them.

...and was a college professor, or so I thought I heard.  I may have been too distracted.  I thought that the condo fit them better.

Edited by Babalooie
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22 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

When I first saw Naples Denise I thought (actually said aloud) WTH with that awful wig!?!? Then I thought, maybe she's being treated for cancer and I'm a horrible person. Nope, she just chose that wig along with the clothes obviously meant for a much younger woman and the awful cosmetic surgery and spackled on makeup. Husband apparently thinks she's hot, so good for them I guess?

I finally got around to watching the Naples house hunt. Denise needs an intervention. She would be a very attractive woman for her age without the cheap looking wig, the obviously false eyelashes, and inappropriate clothing. And Jim? Not only did he dress like a slob, he looked dirty with that greasy hair. 

They really wanted to give the Country Club Rich People Vibe, but were driving a Chevy! I just laughed when I saw the vehicle they were getting out of. With her love of bling, I'd have expected at least a BMW or Mercedes.

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21 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Mountains or desert, NM.  So surprised they chose #3 when the agent said furniture was included. Really don't think it had the space that they need. Especially the outside. At least the couple was pleasant.

I lived in that part of the country.   The trip up and down the hill from Cloud Croft will get old very quickly, and is hell on car brakes.   

The house in Alamogordo would have had good resale, and be very popular on the rental market, so they made a big mistake.     Up in Cloud Croft, no friends to play with, you have to worry about wild animals, and all other kinds of issues. 

Every time they need to go shopping, or anything else, they'll have to go up and down the mountain.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

She has a PhD and is a published author, so there has to be more to her than what we're seeing, right? Right?!?!? 

She could have self published and only sold a few books. Or not even been published. She said she'd "written" some books. Nothing about publication or sales. Lots of people have written books and never went any further.

I can't imagine the advice she'd be dispensing. "Have way too much cosmetic surgery, shovel on makeup with a gardening trowel, buy and wear a cheap unflattering wig and dress in clothing meant for women who are decades younger than you and you will be happy and admired"??? Dummies don't get PhDs so she must be intelligent. Common sense or awareness of how you're perceived must have been overlooked though.

They seemed nice enough. They aren't harming anyone, but holy cow...

Their kids did look normal, so there is that. 

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2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I laughed at the Naples husband saying he wanted to join "a boat club". Dude, they're called yacht clubs.

To be fair, Florida has a number of boat clubs. The members don't actually own boats.  Rather, they pay a membership fee to have access to various sized pleasure boats.  

New Mexico. Agree that the commute will get old.  Also didn't really think the house they chose was that nice while the Alamogordo house seemed much higher end. 

Why do the people who want acreage with no other houses in sight always marry people who want to live in town with close neighbors??

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1 hour ago, rhofmovalley said:

Dummies don't get PhDs so she must be intelligent.

We have no identifying info about Denise and Jim to independently verify their professional status so are left to "accept" how the HH production team describes the couple professionally.  I recall Jim saying he was a "gastroenterologist" but nothing further was revealed about Denise.

Do we have any idea how much "investigation" the production team does into the bio info provided by the couple to the show?  NO.  It's not like they're testifying in court so whatever bio info they provide is "on the record" and subject to review.

I will let my mind wander into possible scenarios whereby Denise ID's herself as a "Phd" and published author who "writes books."  HMMMMMMM....

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The discussion of how authentic the Naples backstory was enough for me to go poking around. I had to go back to the show to get the info I needed. I was so distracted by those fake eyelashes on Denise that looked like caterpillars that I almost forgot what I was looking for. 😄 After a short look, the best I could come up with is the house did indeed sell for $715,000 as stated on the show. The Sunshine State likes to brag about its Sunshine Laws that make every thing transparent, but unless I missed something, they sure don't make finding real property easy.

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33 minutes ago, chessiegal said:


The discussion of how authentic the Naples backstory was enough for me to go poking around.


I had to go poking around as well. Found this on Amazon - free on Kindle for y'all!   (One used print copy.)  I looked up the name of the publisher - couldn't find it on the interwebs.  Vanity press?


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10 minutes ago, kirklandia said:

I had to go poking around as well. Found this on Amazon - free on Kindle for y'all!   (One used print copy.)  I looked up the name of the publisher - couldn't find it on the interwebs.  Vanity press?


That's what I found on LinkdIn, but her picture there doesn't look like her, not even her "before" pictures.

Edited by chessiegal
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20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I lived in that part of the country.   The trip up and down the hill from Cloud Croft will get old very quickly, and is hell on car brakes. 


I grew up in Texas and always knew Cloudcroft only as a place where the Baptist kids went every summer.


20 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

[Naples couple] seemed nice enough. They aren't harming anyone, but holy cow...

Well said.

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