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Outlander In The Media

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New credits, you say?  I do like the distinctly Americana sound of it.


No, the cabin doesn't look like a one-room log box they're all piled on top of each other in.  Maybe they figured modern audiences would get all caught up in the logistics of that for sexy times and skipped ahead to the second house?

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As much as I roll my eyes at the show at times, the song is absolutely indelible. Which isn't a surprise since I loved the music on Galactica too. 

Are they implying that there's Stones in America too in that clip?

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19 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

New credits, you say?  I do like the distinctly Americana sound of it.


No, the cabin doesn't look like a one-room log box they're all piled on top of each other in.  Maybe they figured modern audiences would get all caught up in the logistics of that for sexy times and skipped ahead to the second house?


Possibly, because the cabin in the preview is two stories, like the big house.  It makes sense to condense the house-building, I guess.  

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Ooh, I like the new credits a lot.

That's definitely bigger than I imagined the first cabin, but not as big as I pictured the big house. It doesn't look like the second floor is big enough for as many rooms as I remember described upstairs. Just maybe some loft space or something under the sloped roof.

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Regarding the promotional pics, the bottom one is stunning, but Jamie's wig in the first is killing me. It looks like a mop sitting on his head. 

I love the new version of the opening credits. Who is that pressing her hands to the stones? It can't be Claire, because she wouldn't risk separation from Jaime, and it definitely isn't Brianna.

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Regarding the promotional pics, the bottom one is stunning, but Jamie's wig in the first is killing me. It looks like a mop sitting on his head. 

I love the new version of the opening credits. Who is that pressing her hands to the stones? It can't be Claire, because she wouldn't risk separation from Jaime, and it definitely isn't Brianna.

I'm pretty sure it's Claire and that it's a tree, not a stone.  And if I'm right, I just love it. 

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17 hours ago, toolazy said:

I'm pretty sure it's Claire and that it's a tree, not a stone.  And if I'm right, I just love it. 

Interesting.  I wonder if you're right about it being a tree.  I agree that that definitely looks like Claire.

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On 10/8/2018 at 9:48 PM, Petunia846 said:

Ooh, I like the new credits a lot.

That's definitely bigger than I imagined the first cabin, but not as big as I pictured the big house. It doesn't look like the second floor is big enough for as many rooms as I remember described upstairs. Just maybe some loft space or something under the sloped roof.

Sort of like the Ingalls home in LHOP . I always thought it was funny that every  farm character of the week managed to build a multi room house with nice things inside and wallpaper except for Pa who stashed all the  kids in the loft . 

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A guy named Saeed Jones (@theferocity) is binge-watching Season 1 today and live-tweeting.  It is a RIOT.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the vicarious thrill of watching him discover this series.  

EDITED TO ADD:  He was home sick and he made it all the way through the first 12 episodes in one day.  He's going to watch the last four tomorrow.  Which means he's about to run right in to the traumatic experience that is Wentworth Prison / To Ransom a Man's Soul.  I can't wait.

Edited by WatchrTina
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On 10/16/2018 at 9:26 PM, WatchrTina said:

A guy named Saeed Jones (@the ferocity) is binge-watching Season 1 today and live-tweeting.  It is a RIOT.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the vicarious thrill of watching him discover this series.  

EDITED TO ADD:  He was home sick and he made it all the way through the first 12 episodes in one day.  He's going to watch the last four tomorrow.  Which means he's about to run right in to the traumatic experience that is Wentworth Prison / To Ransom a Man's Soul.  I can't wait.


I ran across that as well. I've run into him a few times on the literary/poetry circuit. He's the Cultural Editor of Buzzfeed, and a well-known poet. And his Twitter game is FIERCE! I see that the Outlander official Twitter feed has weighed in with approval and people want him to live-tweet the S4 premiere!

He's using the hashtag #KiltDaddy ;-)

Edited by kwnyc
Clarity. Further info.
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On 10/7/2018 at 5:23 PM, nodorothyparker said:


New credits, you say?  I do like the distinctly Americana sound of it.




Well, bless my North Carolina heart. I love acoustic music although I'm more "new grass" or folk than "blue grass". The new opening credits music for season 4 brought tears to my eyes (not even the visuals, y'all - it was all the singin' and playin'). Just - wow!. Outstanding work by all involved.

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Entertainment Online had a couple of video interviews with John Bell and Sophie Skelton, further down the page, which I think isn't too  spoilery. Here's the link:



The new costume designer that Terry picked:

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I am NOT a fan of playing modern music over the trailers for the new season. This show is a period piece. I also didn’t care for the modern music when promoting Jamie and Claire’s reunion from last season. I’m sure the composer could have come up with music that would be good and be accurate to the period.

That said: TWO MORE WEEKS!!! 14 DAYS 3 HOURS AND 57 MINUTES!!!!*?????????????‍♀️??‍♀️???????????????

*Starz on demand 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I am NOT a fan of playing modern music over the trailers for the new season. This show is a period piece.

It's a period piece about a time-traveler so playing modern music fits with the subject matter.

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I find I struggle with it sometimes in Outlander, too.  I loved the choice early on to have swing music in Claire scenes because it made sense, it would be the music in her head, etc.  But the modern song as Jamie left Willie and headed for home jarred me out of the story completely.

I find my reaction interesting because I am a HUGE Peaky Blinders fan.  The modern music works completely for me there.

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3 hours ago, toolazy said:

It's a period piece about a time-traveler so playing modern music fits with the subject matter.

Except Claire isn’t a time traveler from the 21st century, but early 20th century. If they had used music from her Era, it wouldn’t bother me so much.

20 minutes ago, morgan said:

I find I struggle with it sometimes in Outlander, too.  I loved the choice early on to have swing music in Claire scenes because it made sense, it would be the music in her head, etc.  But the modern song as Jamie left Willie and headed for home jarred me out of the story completely.

I find my reaction interesting because I am a HUGE Peaky Blinders fan.  The modern music works completely for me there.

Same here, except none of the modern music works for me.

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So prepare to be gobsmacked.

I was talking to my 72 year-old mother, who's a huge fan of the show. I mentioned how they released the opening credits for S4 and that I loved the Americana version of the Skye Boat Song. She asked "what do you mean "new version"? and I said, "you know, how they redo the song to fit the theme for the season" and she said "they do?". I was like wtf?!!! You didn't realize the S2 opener was half in French? Or notice the Caribbean flair with the island drums in S3?! Talk about unobservant, lol!

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13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

So prepare to be gobsmacked.

I was talking to my 72 year-old mother, who's a huge fan of the show. I mentioned how they released the opening credits for S4 and that I loved the Americana version of the Skye Boat Song. She asked "what do you mean "new version"? and I said, "you know, how they redo the song to fit the theme for the season" and she said "they do?". I was like wtf?!!! You didn't realize the S2 opener was half in French? Or notice the Caribbean flair with the island drums in S3?! Talk about unobservant, lol!

I skip opening credits on most shows that I watch.  I'll watch them the first time and then I skip right by them for all subsequent episodes. Outlander and Game of Thrones are the only exceptions.  So it doesn't surprise me that even someone who loves the show might not have paid any attention to the opening credits.

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Diana was on last week, too, and Outlander was discussed. For those of you who have not watched, each week the books are grouped in categories.  The Outlander series was included with the fantasy/science fiction books if I remember correctly. Diana talked a little and then a few readers told why they loved Outlander and urged folks to vote for it as the favorite American read. (That’s the format used for all featured books.)

Tomorrow night is the big reveal. The 100 book list is quite diverse, ranging from Gulliver’s Travels to Twilight. I have no guess which book got the most votes. 

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Yeah, I missed the episode where they discussed the fantasy/science fiction books, which they've called "Other Worlds." Luckily, I live in an area that has multiple PBS stations that are on different schedules. So tonight, one is airing the finale, and an hour later, another one is one week behind and showing the penultimate episode. Now if only I can get myself home to watch them!

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It's never asked me for anything other than confirming my local affiliate.  But it doesn't really matter as they've helpfully isolated the clip anyway.  It's just a couple of minutes and I don't think says anything particularly new to anyone who's already familiar with Gabaldon and what Outlander is.  The beginning is segueinig from talking about historical fiction and Lonesome Dove


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Spoiler re the Great American Read.


Outlander came in second behind To Kill a Mockingbird which is an enormous compliment to Diana. To Kill a Mockingbird is an American classic. To have Outlander come in second is simply amazing.

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I love the Outlander books, I really do, but I think coming in second is ridiculous.  Just because Outlander fans are fanatics doesn't mean that it deserves to rank that high.  But then, I don't actually think the DaVinci Code belonged within miles of the top 100.  So I guess if it's a popularity contest, fine.  But as literature? I'm not so sure. 

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Well, the ranking isn't about what are the greatest American novels -- leaving aside the fact that there were a number of novels in the competition that weren't American at all -- but what were the most popular novels at this particular time of those people who watch PBS or heard about the competition. Additionally, there was a pre-selection process to come up with the one hundred and then a particular time when this whole thing occurred which probably influenced the outcomes. For instance, I'm betting Outlander wouldn't have done so well if the TV show hadn't been airing over the past few years, raising its profile. (In the height of the Harry Potter hysteria, maybe that series would've made it to second place or even first.) Furthermore, it was a PBS effort which means that a lot of people, who don't bother watching public television wouldn't know about it or care. 

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5 hours ago, toolazy said:

I love the Outlander books, I really do, but I think coming in second is ridiculous.  Just because Outlander fans are fanatics doesn't mean that it deserves to rank that high.  But then, I don't actually think the DaVinci Code belonged within miles of the top 100.  So I guess if it's a popularity contest, fine.  But as literature? I'm not so sure. 

Oh, it was absolutely a popularity contest, as people could vote and vote every day.  As much as I love Outlander, I probably would have picked Harry Potter over Outlander just because those can be enjoyed by a much broader audience.  I can share Harry Potter with my kids.  Outlander, not so much.  It's kind of for adults, only.

Still, it was very exciting to see some of my favorite books discussed.

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Here's a link to a puff piece on Sam in US Magazine ("Sam Heughan:  25 Things You Don't Know About Me.")


There's nothing terribly interesting or new there but click on it anyway so US Magazine sees a story on Sam attracting eyeballs.  

The thing I find most interesting is that it quotes Sam as saying he is 6'3" tall.  That's what IMBb said back when the show first launched.  Then, with no explanation, a couple of years ago someone changed Sam's height to 6' 2 1/2" in IMDb.  I pointed it out when it happened and thought it was odd.  Now, here's Sam again confirming that IMDb is wrong.  I smell a conspiracy.  Or maybe I'm just over-excited by the prospect of the start of season 4 in ONE WEEK!!!!!!

Edited by WatchrTina
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I didn't know many of the details in the US magazine article. Probably because I don't read very much about the actors themselves, but I'm surprised I haven't heard some of these details in all the interviews I've watched.

On a completely different note, does anyone else think, in the new opening credits, that the music that's played while water is being poured on Claire's(?) back sounds like the balalaika? I get a distinct Dr Zhivago feel for a moment!

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21 hours ago, Nidratime said:

On a completely different note, does anyone else think, in the new opening credits, that the music that's played while water is being poured on Claire's(?) back sounds like the balalaika? I get a distinct Dr Zhivago feel for a moment!

Possibly but I'd vote mandolin. 

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Well, I am definitely no musician. I could tell the difference between a drum set, a tuba, and a piano, but I'm just saying that that's the way it's sounds to me, not knowing the specific instruments that could make that sound. So, yeah, I don't think there were many Russians in them hills. 

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Now, for those who haven't seen all of seasons 1 through 3, this will be a spoiler, but for the rest of us, here's the last three to four years of our lives condensed down to 8 minutes! ;-)

Recap of Seasons 1 - 3. 

Edited by Nidratime
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