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S15.E05: Week 5: Scotland

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I kept reading about Luke and spaghetti and was confused. Apparently Hannah had a conversation with him about this from what I gather reading here. I must have dozed off. LOL...their date was so tiresome it really did put me to sleep.

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4 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

I kept reading about Luke and spaghetti and was confused. Apparently Hannah had a conversation with him about this from what I gather reading here. I must have dozed off. LOL...their date was so tiresome it really did put me to sleep.

While she was berating him over not being rilly ril, she said, I want to have ril conversations and know the ril you, like do you like mac and cheese or spaghetti? She was so emphatic that this was a soul-bearing question, and yet, he didn’t even answer it and just went back to saying i don’t know what you want me to say. She wants you to tell her what’s your favorite carb. But look at those abs! This man’s probably on a keto diet and didn’t want to tell her the truth.

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so a lot of folks are saying Chris H took the rose away becaise he knew she was picking Luke S--so what happens if a contestant goes off track and selects someone else.?? I didnt think it was fair that the rose was taken away but even some of they guys who are left I have no clue who they are:)

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12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

But where are the conversations where she asks them about their lives, their jobs - how they got into the field they work in, what their day-to-day lives are like?  does HANNAH have dreams and ambitions past pageants and being the B'ette?  

Multiple leads throughout the years have expressed that they have many conversations with contestants about family, job, faith, even politics but the producers don't show it because they don't see these things as entertaining.

Rachel apparently had a two page list of questions she asked each of her Final 3 guys when they were in the Fantasy Suite that included things like Credit Score, who they voted for in the last election, etc.

Again, producers are just not going to show that stuff. They only care about the superficial with the cheesy music going, unless the contestant has some big secret or family tragedy that's used as a way to make them sympathetic. 


I really think Luke has always been the alpha and never been around other confident males.  He has no idea how to deal with it. Also, I think he's just an idiot and not an evil manipulator.  I believe he has no clue that he isn't giving her what she wants, he honestly thinks he's answering her questions.  

I think he's a narcissist who lacks any real depth. And so she keeps trying to draw something out of him that he simply doesn't have. He's can't be this honest, funny, relateable, deep and interesting person because that's simply not who he is. He's a narcissist who thinks it's all about him and what he wants and right now in his mind that's Hannah and so he's deserving of her because again, it's all about him. And anything beyond that is out of his emotional range. 


 Luke has pretty much kept his cool while being ganged up on

Has he though? Since a lot of this saga started with his going Hulk on Luke S and body slamming him to the ground. Hardly keeping his cool. There was also his not so subtle threatening of dorky Pilot Pete when he decided his conversation with Hannah was more important than anyone else's and so Peter needed to just accept that and leave. This after Hannah had just told him he was coming on too strong and he needed to calm down. 

With Luke and the guys, I look at it this way. If we're seeing all of this behavior from him with the benefit of editing, think about what we may NOT be seeing. As I've said, trust me I've never been a fan of the cliquish, pile on that happens in many seasons of this show. Particularly when even with all the editing tricks, you can tell that the disliked person isn't really doing anything other than maybe being bold and direct in their pursuing of the lead. I find that stuff annoying. 

The thing with Luke though is we have seen that he is aggressive towards other guys, we have seen him be manipulative and a liar right to Hannah's face and so it's hard for me to say the guys are being big meanies when I factor that these people spend hours together, cut off from everything, going stir crazy so who knows how much of Luke's bullshit they had to deal with. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I think part of the issue is that Hannah is confused about what she wants. She told the guys at one point she wanted them to be "bold."  In the preview of the season theres a video of her saying she wants a guy to grab her and say "that's my girl." In the rugby episode, she screamed for guys to hurt each other, "I want blood!"

Then she tells Luke p hes being too aggressive, when he's trying to win her over by doing what she said she wanted. Talking about feelings?  Wait, I thought you wanted bold and aggressive! Now you want me to talk about spaghetti!

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3 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

so a lot of folks are saying Chris H took the rose away becaise he knew she was picking Luke S--so what happens if a contestant goes off track and selects someone else.??

My guess is the producers asked if she was interested in keeping Matteo or JPJ around and she said No. So the rose was taken away.

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I felt a bit for the clueless dude who walked in on Hannah and one of the guys making out and marveled because he hadn't even kissed her yet.

Last night was episode 5.  If you haven't kissed her yet, you're a seat filler, not a front runner.

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12 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Becca and Garrett seem very happy together ... why do you think she is screwed up?

I'm not saying she is screwed up, or that she screwed up by picking him. What I'm saying is that when Jojo told her that little nugget of trivia, it stuck in her head. I still remember the exact look on her face when she heard that and I said to my husband, "Uh oh. She's going to end up with whoever she gives that first rose to, I guarantee it." Lo and behold. . . 🤷‍♀️ Nothing wrong with it (I mean, except for the fact that she ended up with a dude who seems to enjoy racist/sexist/homophobic posts on Insta but whatevs), but I do wonder if she would've chosen him had she not heard that.

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3 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Luke has pretty much kept his cool while being ganged up on

Has he though? Since a lot of this saga started with his going Hulk on Luke S and body slamming him to the ground. Hardly keeping his cool. There was also his not so subtle threatening of dorky Pilot Pete when he decided his conversation with Hannah was more important than anyone else's and so Peter needed to just accept that and leave. This after Hannah had just told him he was coming on too strong and he needed to calm down. 

No, he hasn't kept his cool all-around because he obviously lost it several times. But I was referring to when they are all sitting together and the guys focus on him Luke has stayed pretty calm throughout those conversations. That's all.

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2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I think part of the issue is that Hannah is confused about what she wants. She told the guys at one point she wanted them to be "bold."  In the preview of the season theres a video of her saying she wants a guy to grab her and say "that's my girl." In the rugby episode, she screamed for guys to hurt each other, "I want blood!"

She has no clue what she wants and/or she’s not honest with herself. We’re supposed to be believe this 24 year old is truly looking for a husband, and that she’s been ready for a couple years. She keeps saying she wants a southern guy, who’s manly and bold, and since her faith is important to her, probably religious.  She keeps describing most of the dudes in her home state!  You don’t come to the bachelor for that.  She was freaking Miss Alabama for crying out loud. There are plenty of Lukes and Jeds in her home state she could’ve been married to by now.  She’s a ball of confusion.

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This first impression rose stuff got me curious. I found a list of all the Bachelors and B'Ettes and who ended up with their first impressions. Not a single bachelor ended up with the girl he gave the FIR to. Several women did end up picking their FIR man however, not all of them lasted. Not sure what it means, but I found it interesting. I think guys' first impressions are visual. Men are more visual than women, but once they get to know the women they can move past that. But the women seem to stick with their first impression, for better (some are still married) or for worse (some never made it that far). I have always found the social experiment aspect of the show more interesting than the "romance" or the "drama" so stats like this are interesting to me. I do hope that Hannah breaks the trend of B'ettes choosing their FIR guy though.

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4 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

So a lot of folks are saying Chris H took the rose away because he knew she was picking Luke S--so what happens if a contestant goes off track and selects someone else.??

Easy. They just stop filming, back up, and reshoot the scene with all contestants performing exactly to the script they were given. And which ever person broke from script gets some joke editing later, like the permanent black butt bar from seasons ago, or cuts from Hannah's crazy eyebrows to film of a giant flying bird.

3 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

He's a narcissist who thinks it's all about him and what he wants and right now in his mind that's Hannah and so he's deserving of her because again, it's all about him. And anything beyond that is out of his emotional range. 

If I remember his intro package from episode 1, wasn't he an admitted big player who went through women like candy in a bowl? He had been a hard-core Use Em and Lose Em guy his whole life. Then he told producers he reformed after he found God and Jesus while the show filmed him taking a shower. And now he's all about being religious and a One Woman Man, like a Reformed Sean Lowe. Although I guess the "I'm a changed man and now I'm a nice guy" wears off when he's not in a shower.

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I think they were keeping the Lukes for the dreaded 2-on-1 date where she leaves S on a frozen tundra somewhere.  I'm 100% positive she was told to keep both, and with him slipping out last minute like that? They had to take a rose away since the "battle of the Lukes" was over.

Personally? I want BIG MIKE for Bachelor. Tall, dark, handsome with a smile that lights up a room. When he smiles? I smile. PERFECT for a first black bachelor. 

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3 hours ago, hnygrl said:

Personally? I want BIG MIKE for Bachelor. Tall, dark, handsome with a smile that lights up a room. When he smiles? I smile. PERFECT for a first black bachelor. 

I would watch! 

I agree about the smile. When Hannah said she wanted one of them to join her sightseeing and then said his name....dude seriously lit up the room. 

Watching the two of them walk down the street all smiley I couldn't help but think, if they end up together and have children those kids are going to be all teeth! lol

I think Mike would be a good Bach. He seems pretty grounded, good looking, he can relax and have fun, and that smile! I wasn't a huge fan of his outing that other guy (I forgot who it was now) but the more I see of him the more I think that might have been heavily producer influenced. "Mike, Hannah needs someone to let her know what this guy is really like. It would show her how much you care about her." In this environment, I can see even the best of men succumbing to the pressure. 

Unlike Luke, who is just constantly a dick, Mike has been mostly a good guy with one dickish moment that I can remember. And it wasn't all that bad to me, considering we don't actually know what was or wasn't said. 

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I have to wonder if Mike's huge smile was because he was hoisting pints with the rest of the guys when Hannah arrives.  Then they went whiskey tasting!

>>>dude seriously lit up the room. <<<

Maybe he was just lit!

But in all honesty, I do think he's a good guy and would make a good lead for Bachelor.

Edited by deSchenke
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On 6/11/2019 at 8:45 PM, SallyAlbright said:

I don't see too much romantic chemistry between Hannah and Mike, but they have great BFF chemistry. Seems like a fun date. 

Yes, but it is a travesty that being two educated people, neither one made a Willy Wonka reference because that candy store was straight up Charlie Bucket. 

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You guys! I hope I didn't break the laugh and like buttons! 😂

Overall I think this episode was better than the last, which made me cranky. Gah sorry. And yet here I am ... haven't missed an episode!!

I have to confess, I warmed to Tyler when he and Hannah had enunciation and hearing problems... Hannah said something like " you can really whack that axe" (referring to the Highland Games).. and Tyler heard "wax that ass" and said "I didn't know we were that close!" (They had been talking about the bare bums wrestling earlier). Kill me now! Most hilarious moment in the show! 😁

I'm in the "Hannah is over Luke" camp. Why? I think because she expected the producers to help her out of that scripted mess (on the beautiful seaside cliffs). The vibe I'm getting watching them doesn't convince me she is still into him. She is showing some pretty good interest (not just physical) in a couple of the others...which I am glad about. The previews look like we're in for an interesting season. I'm actually not snarking in that last sentence! lol I like a little bit of good sh*t to snark about, but I also watch to see if they just might find happiness. 😍

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On 6/11/2019 at 11:43 PM, SallyAlbright said:

Tyler's Instagram stories are more entertaining than tonight's episode. I wish we could see more of his snark on the show. 

He is a riot and way to good for this show. Wax that ass indeed.

On 6/12/2019 at 1:33 AM, Wandering Snark said:

I personally think Luke S. left the "castle" and headed directly to BiP... don't want to stay around the mothership too long and miss out. It's a tough situation. We'll certainly see him again.

I hope not. He’s a whiny, low rent Justin Timberlake-looking baby. 

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I’m just starting to watch Tuesday's show. I may just be too much of a softie. But I feel a tad sorry for Luke P. It has to be hard feeling like everyone is against you. 
I felt bad for the other Luke also. 
I’ll be happy to see JPJ on BIP. 

Dylan. Dustin. Devon. I seriously didn’t even know there were guys with those names.

Damn. Tyler is HOT!

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It was really interesting watching Trista’s season that they’re running in the Tubi app prior to this one. The format has changed so much over the years. It’s unreal how they drag it out now, going from 30 to 24 to 20 to 16 to 12, etc. It’s so annoying how they feel like they have to end with these stupid manufactured cliffhangers and then start the next ep with the rose ceremony. 

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52 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

I have to confess, I warmed to Tyler when he and Hannah had enunciation and hearing problems... Hannah said something like " you can really whack that axe" (referring to the Highland Games).. and Tyler heard "wax that ass" and said "I didn't know we were that close!" (They had been talking about the bare bums wrestling earlier). Kill me now! Most hilarious moment in the show! 😁

Tyler is very quick witted and has a dry humor I appreciate. He is definitely my type more than just physically. I think it is his wit that makes him even better looking to me. 

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13 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I think it is his wit that makes him even better looking to me.  

 A sense of humour is very attractive in my opinion. I also found that whole interaction between them to be quite endearing. 🙂

Tyler would be really interesting as the next bachelor! 😁

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11 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I honestly do not know what Hannah wanted from Luke on their date. Is it just me??  (Yes, I’m days behind)  

I don't know if she exactly knew either. She knows that she was immediately attracted to him and gave him the first impression rose. She knows that since then there have been red flags left and right. She knows that the other guys don't like him. She knows that he keeps saying the same thing over and over but he's not giving her anything. He won't give her anything and she doesn't know how to get him to give her anything. I think she's on to him, but feels like her first impression couldn't have been that off so she keeps giving him chances, but he won't give her anything of any substance so they're going around in frustrating circles. She can't articulate exactly what she wants and he has no clue how to be "rill." He is playing a game and he plays all dumb and innocent with her about how manipulative he's been and how he's said one thing to the guys and another with her. That's my take. 

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48 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

I don't know if she exactly knew either. She knows that she was immediately attracted to him and gave him the first impression rose. She knows that since then there have been red flags left and right. She knows that the other guys don't like him. She knows that he keeps saying the same thing over and over but he's not giving her anything. He won't give her anything and she doesn't know how to get him to give her anything. I think she's on to him, but feels like her first impression couldn't have been that off so she keeps giving him chances, but he won't give her anything of any substance so they're going around in frustrating circles. She can't articulate exactly what she wants and he has no clue how to be "rill." He is playing a game and he plays all dumb and innocent with her about how manipulative he's been and how he's said one thing to the guys and another with her. That's my take. 

I think your take is spot on. It unfortunately reminds me very much of a past relationship I had. We hit it off instantly, I thought there was some amazing "connection," but we spent most of our relationship arguing and it turns out he really just wasn't all that nice or smart. All my friends could see it, but you think that you see something they do not, and that you'll be the one to bring it out of them. Eventually, you snap out of it and wonder what the hell you were thinking. Right after, I met my husband and realized that relationships really can be FUN and easy. Hopefully Hannah follows a similar trajectory and realizes that Jed, Tyler and Peter actually make her smile and laugh and that's worth a lot. I still have hope for her!

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2 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

 He is playing a game and he plays all dumb and innocent with her about how manipulative he's been and how he's said one thing to the guys and another with her. That's my take. 

I disagree here.  I just don't think Luke is too bright.  He comes off as a very simple man to me.  I think he 100% came on this show thinking Hannah was his ideal woman and is having trouble handling the format of this show and the fact that Hannah isn't his dream girl.

1 hour ago, SallyAlbright said:

 Right after, I met my husband and realized that relationships really can be FUN and easy. Hopefully Hannah follows a similar trajectory and realizes that Jed, Tyler and Peter actually make her smile and laugh and that's worth a lot. I still have hope for her!

Unfortunately, some people like drama in their relationships.  I have girlfriends that just crave drama and dysfunction; even when in a relationship with a good guy, they will screw it up by creating drama that runs them away.  Hannah might be one of them.  Too early to call.  IMO  But Hannah is clearly attracted to Luke's aggressive nature.  She straight up said she had NO issues with his behavior on the rugby date and liked he was being his true self.  I fear those three guys you named--Jed, Tyler, Peter--are just too calm and laid back for her.  I can't see her working with any of them.  JMO

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1 hour ago, dirtypop90 said:

But Hannah is clearly attracted to Luke's aggressive nature.  She straight up said she had NO issues with his behavior on the rugby date and liked he was being his true self.  I fear those three guys you named--Jed, Tyler, Peter--are just too calm and laid back for her.  I can't see her working with any of them.  JMO

I am really concerned that Hannah is too inexperienced to understand that men aren't just a "one from column a" concoction where you can independently put together characteristics that you want.  She wants an aggressive man, but I don't think she has any idea that there are often a constellation of traits that go along with someone like that.

It puts me in mind of Monet, from the first season of Married at First Sight.  She said she wanted a man who adheres to traditional marriage/sex roles, and then when she got that, she found that she was way too independent for that.  I think that Hannah has been socialized down in Alabama for a particular way of life and type of man, but as she is discovering who she actually is, she is finding a contradiction, and she has not yet reconciled that to develop truly her own understanding of what she wants in a man.

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I don't think Hannah is "inexperienced" at all.  She knows Luke isn't "husband" material (at least not for her); I think she just wants to nail him without feeling guilty about it.  

Edited by Ohwell
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^Oh I think Hannah absolutely sees Luke as husband material.  He's the only one on this show she's said she could see as her husband.  I think they are more compatible than people want to admit because they like Hannah.  Of all the guys, Luke is probably closest to her type.

Now I believe she was conditioned to want a certain type a man.  And Luke P is that type of man.  IMO

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1 hour ago, dirtypop90 said:

^Oh I think Hannah absolutely sees Luke as husband material.  He's the only one on this show she's said she could see as her husband.  I think they are more compatible than people want to admit because they like Hannah.  Of all the guys, Luke is probably closest to her type.

Now I believe she was conditioned to want a certain type a man.  And Luke P is that type of man.  IMO

Well you might be right that she thinks he's husband material, but I still don't think she "inexperienced" when it comes to men. 

But I still think that what it all comes down to is she's physically attracted to him and wants to nail him, no matter the outcome. 

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8 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Well you might be right that she thinks he's husband material, but I still don't think she "inexperienced" when it comes to men. 

I have a feeling that her experience with men is with a very, very specific type of man, Luke. I think this show has exposed her to a variety of men and now she's all confused. Luke was the type of guy she dreamed about her whole life, the type of guy she has dated her whole like, the type of guy she thought she was going to marry. But now she sees that there is more than just a hot body, Christian values (at least the appearance thereof), and aggression. She's now being exposed to what it would be like to date nice guys, sweet guys, smart guys, clever guys, romantic guys, and I think she is rethinking everything she was raised to believe a "man" should be. 

She just seems genuinely confused and I think it stems from what she thought she wanted in a guy (good looking Christian meathead) and what she is learning she does want in a guy (fun, funny, intelligent). Hopefully she figures it out which she wants by the end of the show... sorry, the journey.

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1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

I have a feeling that her experience with men is with a very, very specific type of man, Luke. I think this show has exposed her to a variety of men and now she's all confused. Luke was the type of guy she dreamed about her whole life, the type of guy she has dated her whole like, the type of guy she thought she was going to marry. But now she sees that there is more than just a hot body, Christian values (at least the appearance thereof), and aggression. She's now being exposed to what it would be like to date nice guys, sweet guys, smart guys, clever guys, romantic guys, and I think she is rethinking everything she was raised to believe a "man" should be. 

She just seems genuinely confused and I think it stems from what she thought she wanted in a guy (good looking Christian meathead) and what she is learning she does want in a guy (fun, funny, intelligent). Hopefully she figures it out which she wants by the end of the show... sorry, the journey.


Re the bolded, unfortunately, the show (journey) isn't long enough for someone to figure out what they want.  IMO I think in order to find your successful match you kind of have to come into the show at least knowing who you are and what you want.  In Hannah's case, she'll likely make a choice-- The show isn't going two years in a row with no proposal, and she doesn't seem capable of walking away alone, even if that's what's best.   But, the way things are looking, it's questionable whether any choice she makes will be what she actually wants.

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I'll be interested in meeting Hannah's family.  We keep hearing about her "Christian values," but I haven't seen any particular evidence of them.  So far we know she was allowed to enter the pageant world from a very young age, where girls are required to parade around in bikinis for the purpose of having their bodies critiqued and beauty is the highest value. She admires men who obviously spend a lot of time at the gym making their own bodies look a certain way. She likes violent sports and doesn't mind seeing men hurt each other. Her chosen profession is something to  do with decorating.  She had no problem spreading gossip about Caelynn and seems to encourage gossip from the men.  She's more sexual in public places, in front of the cameras, than any Bachelorette we've had yet. 

Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, but  I'm not just not seeing anything particularly Christian about it either, or why people keeps saying she's so young, inexperienced and innocent. I see a grown woman who's been walking on the wild side for a while now.

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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I see a grown woman who's been walking on the wild side for a while now.

And I see every sheltered teenager in her freshman year of college. A lot of young women who weren't really allowed to do much in high school get that first taste of freedom in college and go crazy.Drink too much, screw any guy who wants to and go for the "jock type" or the "bad boy" because every show and movie they watched in high school told them that's the prize to win. 

She does not seem stupid to me, so her bad decision making seems more like inexperience than stupidity. Of course we all see the world, and this show, through the veil of our own experience, which is what makes talking about it interesting. So I could be totally wrong, but I really don't think she's had a great variety of experiences in her life. I think all her experiences are basically guys like Luke. She may have experienced a 100 guys like Luke, but to me that still makes her inexperienced because it is a very limited type. 

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'll be interested in meeting Hannah's family.  We keep hearing about her "Christian values," but I haven't seen any particular evidence of them.  So far we know she was allowed to enter the pageant world from a very young age, where girls are required to parade around in bikinis for the purpose of having their bodies critiqued and beauty is the highest value. She admires men who obviously spend a lot of time at the gym making their own bodies look a certain way. She likes violent sports and doesn't mind seeing men hurt each other. Her chosen profession is something to  do with decorating.  She had no problem spreading gossip about Caelynn and seems to encourage gossip from the men.  She's more sexual in public places, in front of the cameras, than any Bachelorette we've had yet. 

Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, but  I'm not just not seeing anything particularly Christian about it either, or why people keeps saying she's so young, inexperienced and innocent. I see a grown woman who's been walking on the wild side for a while now.

That’s the South for you.  Super religious people love football: God, Family, Football.  Especially in her home state.  They worship football, a very violent sport.  And pageants are really big down south as well, where women are more applauded for their beauty than brains or anything else. Hannah is a very southern girl.  I’m not shading the South, btw, I’m from there and it has its pros.  

I agree with the poster above in that I think she’s inexperienced in that she’s lived in a bubble with very similar people, with similar morals, values, upbringing, leases on life etc.  I believe she went from college at Alabama to the Alabama beauty pageant circuit to go fight for Colton.

I do find it interesting that she went from essentially apologizing to Colton for having had sex and explaining how she felt guilty over it to where she is now.  Makes for a good s/l from TPTB’s perspective I’m sure.  She’s into some traditionally Southern men like Luke, Garett, and Jed.  Yes, she’s not acting like a traditional, southern women; they’re editing her as sexually aggressive at least.  And they’re teasing her bumping heads with someone over the issue sex.

Edited by dirtypop90
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34 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

Yes, she’s not acting like a traditional, southern women; they’re editing her as sexually aggressive at least.  And they’re teasing her bumping heads with someone over the issue sex.

This is what is making her so interesting to watch for me. I can see a conflict between her very traditional southern upbringing and who she is once that influence is removed. 

I lived in the same area my whole life and thought I wanted the kind of life I saw all the people around me living but on a whim when I was about 24 I moved across the country, to a big city and realized that there is a whole different way life can be lived.

I am seeing Hannah through the lens of my own experience, and I do recognize a lot of myself then in her now. The behaviour, the confusion, the initial terrible taste in men lol.

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On 6/13/2019 at 11:16 AM, Mabinogia said:

This first impression rose stuff got me curious. I found a list of all the Bachelors and B'Ettes and who ended up with their first impressions. Not a single bachelor ended up with the girl he gave the FIR to.

Sean Lowe gave his First Impression Rose to his now-wife Catherine.

Edited by Sterling
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6 hours ago, Mabinogia said:
10 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I see a grown woman who's been walking on the wild side for a while now.

And I see every sheltered teenager in her freshman year of college. A lot of young women who weren't really allowed to do much in high school get that first taste of freedom in college and go crazy.Drink too much, screw any guy who wants to and go for the "jock type" or the "bad boy" because every show and movie they watched in high school told them that's the prize to win. 

Hannah actually was that teenager six years ago.  Since then she hasn't been frozen in time, but went on to experience three more years of college, spend a year travelling as Miss Alabama, competed in Miss USA and  spent months on The Bachelor show, traveling and meeting women from all over. Who knows what else she's experienced? 

Edited by JudyObscure
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6 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

That’s the South for you.  Super religious people love football: God, Family, Football.  Especially in her home state.  They worship football, a very violent sport.  And pageants are really big down south as well, where women are more applauded for their beauty than brains or anything else. Hannah is a very southern girl.  I’m not shading the South, btw, I’m from there and it has its pros.  

I find this very insulting and you are shading the South as an entire region of the country. I have lived in the South for 25 years and lived in Texas for 11. 

This is what it is - a stereotype. Labeling a whole region of the country is wrong. Yes, there are people here in the South that are like that.

Contrary to popular belief, women in the South are encouraged to use their brains. I’m not a fan of beauty pageants, but there have been very smart people who have gone to Ivy League schools who got scholarship money from winning pageants, brains and pageants are not mutually exclusive.

Many people like me love football and know it is a violent sport. I don’t like it for the violence, I like it for the strategy, athleticism and teamwork involved.

I have met a lot of people from all parts of the South and a very diverse set of people (region, ethnicity, socioeconomic, gender) during my consulting work through the South. Maybe 10% of people I have encountered fit your stereotype.

It appears our experiences in the South are quite different from each other.

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48 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

I find this very insulting and you are shading the South as an entire region of the country. I have lived in the South for 25 years and lived in Texas for 11. 

This is what it is - a stereotype. Labeling a whole region of the country is wrong. Yes, there are people here in the South that are like that.

Contrary to popular belief, women in the South are encouraged to use their brains. I’m not a fan of beauty pageants, but there have been very smart people who have gone to Ivy League schools who got scholarship money from winning pageants, brains and pageants are not mutually exclusive.

Many people like me love football and know it is a violent sport. I don’t like it for the violence, I like it for the strategy, athleticism and teamwork involved.

I have met a lot of people from all parts of the South and a very diverse set of people (region, ethnicity, socioeconomic, gender) during my consulting work through the South. Maybe 10% of people I have encountered fit your stereotype.

It appears our experiences in the South are quite different from each other.

Umm I love football too. Never said we love it FOR the violence. I said religious people from the south love football EVEN THOUGH it’s violent.  I’m one of them. So I’m not judging. 

I didn’t call southern people dumb.  I’m one of those southern people you described who left the south for one of the top schools in the country. But the south doesn’t value brains in their women like other parts of the country. IMO That was my experience as a woman who was a top student. Glad you had a different experience. 

Born there and lived there over 20 years. Family still there, in pretty much every southern state actually.  Moved west and realized this part of the world is very different.

Edited by dirtypop90
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2 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

Umm I love football too. Never said we love it FOR the violence. I said religious people from the south love football EVEN THOUGH it’s violent.  I’m one of them. So I’m not judging. 

Agree to disagree. Born there and lived there over 20 years. Family still there, in pretty much every southern state actually.  Moved west for better job opportunities and realized this part of the world is very different.

I misread what you said then I apologize. I do agree it is different in the South. I’ve lived in the West, Southwest, Midwest and the South and I do get where you’re coming from. It was a big adjustment 5r first for years and I would often say, I know I’m in the South because of this or that.

Many native Southerners are really slow to adapt to cultural changes. Some eventual evolve, some do not.

I felt like you were generalizing to the whole South, of my apologies for that.

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Just now, Stats Queen said:

I misread what you said then I apologize. I do agree it is different in the South. I’ve lived in the West, Southwest, Midwest and the South and I do get where you’re coming from. It was a big adjustment 5r first for years and I would often say, I know I’m in the South because of this or that.

Many native Southerners are really slow to adapt to cultural changes. Some eventual evolve, some do not.

I felt like you were generalizing to the whole South, of my apologies for that.

No worries. I was generalizing. And to be fair, I’m from small town south, not a big city.  But I wanted to make it clear I wasn’t talking down on southerners. My family is country and I still consider myself a Southern and still haven’t quite adjusted to the west :).

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7 hours ago, Sterling said:

Sean Lowe gave his First Impression Rose to his now-wife Catherine.

Yes, but he gave out many first impression roses so I don't really count him. When nearly half your group get one it kind of doesn't mean as much. According to what I read he had like a dozen to give out. 

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33 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Sean Lowe gave his First Impression Rose to his now-wife Catherine.

I feel like I gave my first impression rose to my ex-husband, because he made a good first impression, but he left a lasting impression on me, well, with his hobby of abusing me. I got alive and have been happily married for almost 25 years. I have learned not to rely on first impressions.

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14 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

I feel like I gave my first impression rose to my ex-husband, because he made a good first impression, but he left a lasting impression on me, well, with his hobby of abusing me. I got alive and have been happily married for almost 25 years. I have learned not to rely on first impressions.

Sadly, a lot of pretty terrible people can make great first impressions.

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On 6/12/2019 at 9:57 AM, JenLily said:

NO!! It was driving Mr. Lily insane last night. And then once he pointed it out, I couldn't stop hearing it, too.

To me, it sounds like she's pronouncing the "g." Lacey Chaubert also did that when she played Claudia on Party of Five and it always annoyed me.

On 6/13/2019 at 7:23 PM, Pass the Tequila said:

 A sense of humour is very attractive in my opinion. I also found that whole interaction between them to be quite endearing. 🙂

Tyler would be really interesting as the next bachelor! 😁

I'd be dragging my 55-year-old, 190 lb. self out of that limo if I thought I had the remotest chance with him. 😍

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She wanted to dump Luke but first she had to torture him. She is a sadist. Making him explain himself etc etc for hours when she knew right off the bat he was going. I don''t like the guy but she treated him like dirt on their date.

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I read the thread as I watched the episode and was thinking, "The Rose Ceremony had drama, her time with Mike is going really well, even if there's not a massive spark, so how bad could the whole show be?" Ugh, the Hannah/Luke date was even more tortuous than I could have possibly imagined! The episode felt three hours long, thanks to them. As for why she keeps Luke around, I think it's a mix of producer influence but also not being able to let go of her positive first impression, at least not entirely.

Edited by Dejana
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