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Dear Diary: Question Of The Day(s)

Message added by JTMacc99

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No eyebrows, because I think it would be less distracting than having just one. Also, I like symmetry. Definitely restaurants, because I have to eat every day, and I have a wicked Starbucks habit. I would also say what’s on my mind because it’s more or less served me well in life so far.

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Man, these are hard. 

1. I guess one eyebrow. I think I'd look ridiculous with none. 

2. While it's tempting to be able to fly for free, I find flying stressful and exhausting. Well, traveling in general. And I really like food so I would go with eating for free. 

3. I sometimes say what's on my mind without thinking and it tends to get me in trouble. So, I think I would choose to never get to speak my mind. 

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1.  One eyebrow, because I was pretty close to it back in the day anyway and always had to pluck.  I don't think I'd be very good at drawing in eyebrows if I had none, so I was lucky I didn't lose those back when I had chemo.

2.  Eating for free, because I haven't flown very many places anyway, and the major turbulence last time on just an hour flight turned me off that for a while!

3.  Always speaking my mind, because I hate keeping things bottled in even though it's necessary at times.

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1) No eyebrows.  

As @Bastet said:   "You said we couldn't groom the unibrow if we picked one, but didn't say we couldn't draw on fake eyebrows if we picked none, so - no eyebrows.  Then if it bothers me not to have them, I can fake it."  [...snip]

As someone with the skimpiest of brows for some reason or other, I already have to draw them on if I want to appear to have any at all so I'm a pro at that.  

2. Free meals I guess, unless hotels are included with those flights.  I'd love to be able to fly willy-nilly whenever I wanted but would need a place to stay once I got there.  

3. I often have the most inappropriate thoughts at the most inappropriate times so I'd have to lean towards not speaking my mind, which as a highly opinionated person would stick in my craw.

Edited by Callietwo
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For me:

  1. One eyebrow would be preferable over no eyebrows for me. Although I'm not 100% that I'd be pleased with that choice in the long run. At this point in my life, I'm starting to grow some rogue eyebrows to the point that when I get a haircut, she spends a minute knocking them back in check.  My no grooming rule could get really ugly once I hit my 60's and 70's.
  2. Free meals and it's not even close. Hell, I could make my way through the menus of the restaurants in a 30 mile radius and not have a repeat meal or glass of wine for years. Free pizzas alone would sell me on this option.
  3. Never getting to speak my mind would be awful, so I'm going with ALWAYS. However, I am fully aware that the first thing that pops into my head is sometimes sarcastic, critical, and typically exists just to amuse myself.  I'm going to need to train myself to think diplomatically. 
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I love this because Lucille Ball was always Mom on TV to me. 

Dad would be mostly Father Knows Best's Jim Anderson and/or Ozzie Nelson, with a bit of Archie Bunker, and also some more creative Dad that has yet to be depicted who did woodworking, jewelry making, and, later in life, grew papaya trees, which he harvested and dried or made into bread.
IDK. Maybe Dad was Ricky Ricardo after all. Dad also had a great singing voice (Sinatra tunes) and could whistle better than Otis Redding.

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Maggie Smith would be my choice to play mom. (With an American accent.)  She's does a nice job playing characters with quiet dignity but also with a killer dry sense of humor.

Downton Abbey Deal With It GIF by MASTERPIECE | PBS


And I'm still thinking about who would play my dad.  


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By sheer physical resemblance and if it took place during my own person wonder years (80s)

I would go with Diahann Caroll circa Claudine for my moms, and Ron O'neal circa SuperFly for my dad (my dad totally modelled some of his early 70s looks after Ron O'neal -- we have the hilarious evidence of it)


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If we go on appearance, I'll say Don Rickles for my father.  By attitude, and it's Archie Bunker all the way (until he got brown grandbabies, that is).  

My mother is a little more challenging.

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Mom is Sally Field, no doubt. Blanking on dad - can anyone think of an emotionally distant character who pays little attention to his children and favors passive aggressive and/or the silent treatment?

Edited by MargeGunderson
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For my dad, hands down it's John Goodman as Dan from "Roseanne". He reminds me so much of my own dad, both in looks and in personality, so he'd be a perfect fit. I also would accept Joe Mantegna as Rossi from "Criminal Minds", because he reminds me a bit of my dad, too-dark hair, sarcastic sense of humor, no-BS demeanor. 

My mom would be a little tougher, too, yeah. One person that comes to mind right away as a possibility would be Edith from "All in the Family", because everyone who knew her liked her, and she was a generally quiet person who wasn't afraid to stand up/speak up for herself and others when need be, and that's definitely true of my mom :). I'm sure there's others I could think of, though, so I may mull over that one a little more. 

Edited by Annber03
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Mom, Betty Draper (because I am sure she smoked when she was pregnant with me) or Marie Barone because she had a favorite and it was very obvious (It wasn’t me...)

Dad, the Professor from Gilligan’s Island (just so analytical and hard to talk to)

Edited by Stats Queen
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29 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

IMO, television characters tend to be one dimensional.  I couldn't pigeon hole either of my parents into one particular television character.  I am not sure I could do it with a combination of television characters either.

Oh I thought it was asking for actors, not characters. So assuming I understood correctly, I’ll take Tom Hanks for my dad and Meryl Streep for my mom. Because my parents were great, but if I get to upgrade...

And do I get to choose who plays me?  Can I get Jane Curtain?  I’m assuming that ages are fluid here. 

Edited by SoMuchTV
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24 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Oh I thought it was asking for actors, not characters. So assuming I understood correctly, I’ll take Tom Hanks for my dad and Meryl Streep for my mom. Because my parents were great, but if I get to upgrade...

And do I get to choose who plays me?  Can I get Jane Curtain?  I’m assuming that ages are fluid here. 

Yes, I was thinking more along the lines of the actors who would be cast to play our parents, but if people had a specific fictional parent character in mind, that’s also a fun way to answer!

I probably confused the issue by using a GIF of Mike Brady. D’oh!

And who we would choose to play US in a movie is a completely different (and future) question that I should ask!

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This was a tough one.  The only person I could think of for my father is Fred Rogers, because there was some physical resemblance and my father likes to have a very calm demeanor for the most part.  For my mom, maybe Kate Jackson wearing glasses?  (But normal glasses, not like the ones she wore to look nerdy when she played an heiress seeking dance lessons on one episode of Charlie's Angels.)  My mom probably would have liked this answer because she was a big fan of Scarecrow and Mrs. King.

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On 3/29/2021 at 10:31 AM, JTMacc99 said:

Who would play your mom or your dad (or both if you'd like) in a movie? 

Cbs Good Job GIF by HULU 


eyebrows flirting GIF

My dad bore a strong resemblance to John Belushi.  While Lorraine Bracco circa Goodfellas is a dead ringer for my mom,  Jane Kaczmarek embodies her more.  Especially the character of Lois from Malcolm in the Middle.

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For physical resemblance my Mom looks a lot like Mary Tyler  Moore (or as my Mom would tell you MTM looked a lot like her!) my Dad when he was young looked a lot like Robert Goulet - definitely didn't have his singing voice though!

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The Would You Rather Series - Part 6

Would you rather...

  1. Have really small hands or really big feet? (Not comically small baby hands or giant clown feet, but definitely something people would notice if they took a closer look.)
  2. Be a Dentist or a Proctologist?
  3. Sweat honey or always smell vaguely of skunk?

feet jim GIF 

Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  • Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  • PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  • Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.
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1_ big feet

2_ dentist

3_ sweat honey.

No contest on any of these!  

I'm super sensitive to the smell of skunk and smell it long before other people usually do and it grosses me out entirely.  

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Well, I don't know if my feet are big, per se, but they're a bit on the longer side, so I guess I'd stick with the big feet option, 'cause it's something I'm already used to to some degree :p. And I have long hands as well, and I'm fine with those, so I'll keep them as is, too. I'm just a collection of long, gangly limbs in general, LOL. 

Dentist, definitely. Partly because I'm not really all that chatty a person when I'm working, and since a dentist's patients, obviously, don't get to talk much, if at all, well...:D. Seems a perfect fit in that regard. 

Sweat honey. Skunk smell is strong and ick and can be hell to get out. 

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As a woman who wears size 11 shoes and who can almost palm a basketball--small hands.  I assume they would be proportional to my body so I would then get smaller feet. 

I'm going to be an outlier here I presume and go with proctologist.  I don't think it would be as bad as dealing with the nasty mouths so many people have.  

I sweat too much for it to be honey.  I could learn to live with a vague whiff of skunk. 

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1. Big feet, so long as still a size where cute shoes are available.  (I wear a size 10 or 11 shoe, depending on the style [sometimes I need extra width, and more shoes come in 11 than 10W], so I already have big feet and it doesn't bother me.)  If I'd be stuck with three pairs of orthopedic shoes, I'll take small hands, as long as they're not so small I can't even get a grip on tools to fix/build things.

2. I have no idea why being a dentist is supposed to be something I'd only choose if there was a worse option.  So, yeah, dentist.  Good money, good hours, and you're your own boss.  (I don't consider being a proctologist a terrible fate, either, but dentist would be my pick of the two if for no other reason than my patients would spend a lot of their time unable to talk.)

3. By sweating honey, do that mean actual sticky honey emerging from my pores, not just that my sweat would smell like honey?  And do I sweat it all the time, so I'm always covered in a fine layer of sticky, brown substance, as opposed to just when I work up a sweat, I sweat honey?  If we're talking always walking around with actual honey on my skin, making everything stick to me and staining my clothes and sheets, I'll smell vaguely of skunk and counteract it with a stronger fragrance. 

Basically, two requires absolutely no deliberation, but I'd need more details on one and three to make a definitive choice.

Edited by Bastet
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I'm going with big feet. Tiny hands just seems like it would be more inconvenient for all the things I do with my hands.

I'd rather be the proctologist. While the doctor job would come with occasionally dealing with very serious illnesses, the dentist job would come with small talk, people constantly lying to me, and having to listen to that drill sound every day. 

I'm going to go with vaguely smelling of skunk. I'll take my chances that I can find some combination of body sprays / cologne / scented soaps to mask the problem.  That's got to be a better situation than being sticky and always in grave danger of being eaten by a bear.

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 I already have dainty little hands, that certainly aren't what one would consider small and chubby. Nope, dainty. We'll just stick with that. Don't want no clown feet. I got dainty little fat feet too.

I'd rather stick my finger up someone's bum than smell their stinky breath all up in my face. Turn that way. Yep, all the way around. Now cough.

I'm really sensitive to smells but you know what? I'll smell skunky if it will keep people 10 feet away from me. I'll get used to my own stink.

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1.  I think I'll take the big feet.  But in return, I want to live somewhere where it's warm enough year-round that I don't have to wear shoes -- or at least can get away with flip-flops.

2.  This was tough -- probably proctologist.  I'm not a fan of that dental drill sound, or the odor of tooth when it's being drilled.  I have a dental appointment tomorrow, and that might be affecting my decision.

3.  Smell a little skunky.  I'll get used to it, and it would certainly help with social distancing!  Honey would ruin all my clothes, towels and bedding, especially if I'm living in that warm climate for my feet.

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1.  I’ve got small hands so I guess I’ll stick with it. 

2.  Proctologist.  Loathe all dentistry and assume majority of my patients will be under anesthesia while I fix their bum ailments 

3.  Skunk all day long. Sweating honey would be a nightmare!  And skunk would appeal to a demographic so I’d chill with them we would listen to Widespread all day and feel glorious. Bonus- I can fund it- I’m an ass doctor!

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5 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

1.  I’ve got small hands so I guess I’ll stick with it. 

2.  Proctologist.  Loathe all dentistry and assume majority of my patients will be under anesthesia while I fix their bum ailments 

3.  Skunk all day long. Sweating honey would be a nightmare!  And skunk would appeal to a demographic so I’d chill with them we would listen to Widespread all day and feel glorious. Bonus- I can fund it- I’m an ass doctor!

For No. 2 any ass surgeries will have the patient cleaning it out the night before with a big ol' jug of that nasty koolaid crap. Plus plenty of time the rest of the day for 3. Win.

As to 3, I failed to think of that benefit, lol.

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1. Small hand.  I am all about the dainty.

2. Dentist.  As I work I'll hum

You'll be a dentist
You have a talent for causing things pain
Son, be a dentist
People will pay you to be inhumane

(also, my dainty little hands will be an asset)

3. Sweat Honey. I have a sweet tooth.  If I want something sweet, I'll do a few push-ups and lick my arm.

Edited by DearEvette
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1. Small hands. They're already pretty small anyway. 

2. Dentist. I don't want to be looking at asses all day long. Or doing other things to them. 

3. I was going to go with honey but I don't like being sticky. And I'm terrified of bugs and the thought of attracting wasps and bees to me makes me want to die. So, I will choose skunk. Hopefully I can cover up the smell with deodorant or soaps or something. 

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1.  Small hands, as it wouldn't be all that different anyway.  I have normal size feet but my hands don't match.

2.  Dentist.  It seems like a fairly lucrative job, and I would not be comfortable dealing with butts, especially when someone has a problem.

3.  Sweat honey, as I don't sweat that much except during part of my workout, so I figure I could just wash it off afterwards.  We can sometimes tell that a skunk has passed through the yard, and it is not something I want to smell on a regular basis.

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1. Big feet. I am short 5’1” and have smaller hands even for my size and they are not dainty in the least. They are stubby.

2. My first thought was Dentist but now I’m going with Proctologist because it seems actually less complicated. I’ve had so much dental work that I don’t need to hear that drill again anytime soon. 

3. Honey - but that might be a sticky mess. I’m kind of a mess anyway.


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I may edit this later, but for now: 

1 hour ago, JTMacc99 said:

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?

Making the right decisions.

This answer popped into my mind before I read "picking the right lottery numbers,"  which I think would be included in "making the right decisions, as would the related "making the right investments," marrying the right person or deciding not to marry, etc. etc.

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The Would You Rather Series - Part 7

Would you rather...

  1. Would you rather be able to sing like diva or be able to play the guitar like a rock star?
  2. Would you rather suffer from spontaneous shouting or unpredictable fainting spells? (Please assume that you always miraculously escape unharmed from fainting, and that it never happens when you're driving or any other scenario that you can think up that would injure yourself or others.)
  3. Would you rather have to use a public toilet that is extremely dirty or a clean one that has a non-poisonous snake in it?

van halen GIF

Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  • Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  • PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  • Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.
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1. Sing.  Any time I've learned a music instrument, I've been successful, so I'm sure if I wanted to play guitar I could learn to do that (not like a rock star, but well enough to make me happy).  But I cannot carry a tune with a forklift.  That does not stop me from belting out songs when I'm by myself, but I'd enjoy listening to myself a lot more if I sounded like a diva rather than a dying goose.

2. Shouting.  You said I wouldn't hurt myself if I fainted, but what if I fell on my cat?  So, shouting.  Also, with shouting, I can immediately explain why I just did that if I want to.  With fainting, before I came to and explained I'm fine, someone could have called for unnecessary help or started fussing with me.  Shouting is just easier all around.

3. Dirty toilet.  Snakes are one of my few phobias, so as irrational - by definition - as my fear around even a non-venomous snake is, it's intense.  And even if it's non-venomous, I don't want to get bit in the ass by it.  A dirty toilet I can just squat over.

Edited by Bastet
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1. Sing.  I am a passable singer (like I won't scare cats) but man, oh man, I want to be able to SANG!

2. Shout.  I am a control freak so the idea of being unconscious not in a place or time of my choosing freaks me out.

3. No contest!  Clean.  I am not afraid of any person or creature that is not trying to hurt me.  So you little non-poisonous snake in that sparkling clean bathroom -- you do you!

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1.  Sing.  I currently can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I would like to at least not embarrass myself.

2.  Shout, assuming I'm not shouting obscenities.  Not that I don't occasionally shout obscenities, but that's in a controlled environment where I know my audience.

3.  I'll take the snake.  If it's non-venomous, I'm just as likely to reach in the clean toilet and take it out before I pee on it. 

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23 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

3.  I'll take the snake.  If it's non-venomous, I'm just as likely to reach in the clean toilet and take it out before I pee on it. 

Yeah. I just realized it didn't say we couldn't take lil' buddy out of the bowl first. So ha!

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I think I'd go with playing guitar, myself. I've always wanted to learn how to play one, and I think I might have a better time with that than I would singing.

Shouting. Apparently sometimes my voice tends to unintentionally get a bit loud as it is when I'm excitedly talking about something and whatnot, so there really wouldn't be much difference. 

Clean toilet with the snake, for the reasons others mentioned. 

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1. Guitar - I've always wanted to play guitar, so it would be awesome to play like a rock star.

2. Fainting - it's quieter

3. Clean one. - I hate dirty public toilets.  So I could suffer a non poisonous snake hanging out.

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1. Singing, as I've always enjoyed it, but even in choir I was always in the background and it would be fun to have a voice that impressed someone other than my cat (who's probably just buttering me up for treats).

2.  Shouting, because the idea of fainting just scares me (and probably anyone around me) even if I didn't end up hurt.

3.  I guess the snake toilet if I could be sure snake was non-poisonous (I don't know much about snakes), as I tend to gag and come close to getting sick around a toilet as disgusting as my mental picture of the one described.

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  • Would you rather be able to sing like diva or be able to play the guitar like a rock star? Play guitar like a rock star. I've always wanted to play guitar.
  • Would you rather suffer from spontaneous shouting or unpredictable fainting spells?  I'll go with spontaneous shouting. Passing out at odd times would be too disorienting.
  • Would you rather have to use a public toilet that is extremely dirty or a clean one that has a non-poisonous snake in it? Dirty toilet. I DON'T do snakes. At. All. and, I can hover.
Edited by SweetieDarling
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