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S09.E12: Do the Dangle


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Leah and her family make me so mad! Kail is insufferable, and chelsea's not my cup of tea, but can you imagine either of them planning a birthday party for a child with a disability at a place where you have to be active?! Common sense, Leah!!! It's so crazy how some people are just plain incompetent that this is the best they can do when they are being televised all over the world! Just imagine what Ali's life would be like without the cameras! She'd probably be walking a tightrope right now, or surfing. Wake up, Leah!

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Christina87 said:

Leah and her family make me so mad! Kail is insufferable, and chelsea's not my cup of tea, but can you imagine either of them planning a birthday party for a child with a disability at a place where you have to be active?!

Especially considering they've already done SkyZone several times, so it's not like Gracie is being shortchanged if Leah picks a more disability-friendly venue.

  • Love 13
17 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

God Kail at her party with Chris was so incredibly cringeworthy embarrassing 

She should spend 20 minutes reading about attachment styles and perhaps this dysfunctional dance she and Chris are doing wouldn't mean so much to her. But, trying to learn or grow or take responsibility for her actions doesn't really seem to be her thing.

I liked the twins with their dad and grandpa, so sweet. You can tell they all feel comfortable and really like each other. Contrasted with Luis and his obviously irritated demeanor. He doesn't have a bond at all with his kid and it's totally his fault. You think he'd feel badly about it but he just seemed pissed off.

I didn't mind Cole and his dad of the year routine. Aubry needs it and with so many guys on this show being jerks, I kind of do too.

Janelle who?

  • Love 18
23 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Especially considering they've already done SkyZone several times, so it's not like Gracie is being shortchanged if Leah picks a more disability-friendly venue.

What gets me is how many party venues are around now days for kids' birthdays that don't involve physical activity and yet they still don't choose one of those! When I was a kid the twins' age, our area basically had the following party venues if you were lucky enough to not have an at-home party with pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey: Chuck E. Cheese (which had ball pits & more physical/climbing stuff than it does now), the roller skating rink, and a Discovery Zone/Fun Zone type place way on the other end of town (that was way more expensive)....or McDonald's back when they had an indoor (and before that, an outdoor, because I'm old) play area.  

Today so many places now days (even in WV) that didn't exist/do kids' parties 20-30 years ago where they center parties around stuff besides climbing/jumping/physical activity. There are painting party places for kids; crafting/pottery party places; baking/cooking party places; karaoke/music party places with recording equipment; and even museums and farms that host kids' parties. (And yes, there's at least one of EACH of these in Leah's area- https://charleston.citymomsblog.com/motherhood/guide-birthday-parties-around-charleston/ )  There are SO many options now days for party venues for kids that don't involve physical activity! And heck, they may even get to express their creative sides and learn something new at those types of parties, too! But no, Leah and the family choose a party place centered on physical activity. I guess it's not bad enough that Ali has to watch her sister do gymnastics and cheering stuff she can't do, but she also has to celebrate her birthday in an atmosphere where she's reminded she can't do everything everyone else is having fun doing as well (or she gets hurt trying to do it/too tired from it). (I'm not suggesting Gracie not to gymnastics/cheering/etc, but maybe they can pick something Gracie can do as well at least for their birthdays)....Ugh. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I could not agree more, @MyPeopleAreNordic. There are so many options available and they're all fun! I took my son and his friends to a Japanese hibachi restaurant one year (granted, he was a little older, maybe 12) and they had a blast. Go to the pool, go make art. (Doesn't Ali enjoy art?). It just kills me. They're just going to keep praying, I guess. I'm an atheist but seems to me to be a bit arrogant to not even consider that God sent them an outstanding doctor to guide them through this, and help them gain the tools to help their daughter. SMH.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Luis' creepy, leering grins were grossing me out and I'm an adult. I can only imagine what Stella was feeling when some weird stranger was all up in her personal space. For all his talk, Loooo-issss has no interest in that child. He came off like a guy stuck sitting next to a baby on an airplane and trying to make the best of it. He was probably relieved to get out of there once they were done filming.

Regarding Kail, I wonder what her long-range plan is with the hair line. I can see there being an initial flurry of interest from fans wanting to support her, but are they going to be repurchasing a year down the road? I doubt it. Hopefully she's set up to make her initial investment back quickly, but I doubt that as well. None of these girls have a head for business.

I seriously doubt the majority of Kail's fangirls can even afford to try her hair care products. $90 is a lot of money to spend on your hair when you're young and probably living with roommates in order to not live with your parents. I'd be willing to bet that most of Kail's fans buy their shampoo and conditioner at Target, Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store.

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I could not agree more, @MyPeopleAreNordic. There are so many options available and they're all fun! I took my son and his friends to a Japanese hibachi restaurant one year (granted, he was a little older, maybe 12) and they had a blast. Go to the pool, go make art. (Doesn't Ali enjoy art?). It just kills me. They're just going to keep praying, I guess. I'm an atheist but seems to me to be a bit arrogant to not even consider that God sent them an outstanding doctor to guide them through this, and help them gain the tools to help their daughter. SMH.

You are so right! I remember going to a Japanese place for a friend's birthday when I was about the girlses' age, and being amazed while watching them cook! I think that would definitely be age appropriate! And the art place would be perfect, too. There are so many good options! Also, if Grace just really, really wants the place they picked, it's okay to have separate parties. Leah saying, "Ali can have her own party doing something that she can participate in more," isn't mean, and shouldn't make Ali real bad IMO. They're way past the point where Ali's disease only puts her a little behind, and to the point where it hurts her to try to be active. Just saying, in a nonjudgmental way, that she can't do those things is appropriate. I've had a migraine all day, and I'm contemplating drilling my skull open, so if someone suggested I refrain from drinking with them tonight (because alcohol is a trigger), and said we could go for ice cream next week instead, I'd be thanking them. Most people do have some kind of limitation eventually due to their health, even kids, as asthma, allergies, injuries, bad vision, eczema, etc. are all pretty common in kids, and they may have to adjust their activities accordingly. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

I seriously doubt the majority of Kail's fangirls can even afford to try her hair care products. $90 is a lot of money to spend on your hair when you're young and probably living with roommates in order to not live with your parents. I'd be willing to bet that most of Kail's fans buy their shampoo and conditioner at Target, Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store.

I tend to agree but what about the idiots paying $$$ for the Kartrashians’ crap ?

  • LOL 1
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3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

You are so right! I remember going to a Japanese place for a friend's birthday when I was about the girlses' age, and being amazed while watching them cook! I think that would definitely be age appropriate! And the art place would be perfect, too. There are so many good options! Also, if Grace just really, really wants the place they picked, it's okay to have separate parties. Leah saying, "Ali can have her own party doing something that she can participate in more," isn't mean, and shouldn't make Ali real bad IMO. They're way past the point where Ali's disease only puts her a little behind, and to the point where it hurts her to try to be active. Just saying, in a nonjudgmental way, that she can't do those things is appropriate. I've had a migraine all day, and I'm contemplating drilling my skull open, so if someone suggested I refrain from drinking with them tonight (because alcohol is a trigger), and said we could go for ice cream next week instead, I'd be thanking them. Most people do have some kind of limitation eventually due to their health, even kids, as asthma, allergies, injuries, bad vision, eczema, etc. are all pretty common in kids, and they may have to adjust their activities accordingly. 

Why can't Leah say one year Ali gets to pick and the next Gracie? Or instead of picking, one year it is easy going for Ali. Why does it have to be shit she can't do? Like come on.

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, Ladystardust said:

I’ve worked a bit in tv and sometimes for larger events they will just post notices at the entrances that filming is going on and that by entering you are consenting to being filmed. I wonder if that’s what happened with Chris finally showing his face. I didn’t pay enough attention to notice if anyone else at the party was blurred. 

No Jenelle this week! Can’t say I missed her. Her story surpassed trashy entertainment fun along time ago.

Good point! We were in Vegas while the tattoo shows were popular and there was one in the lobby of the hotel with a perma-sign stating that same thing. 

I avoided it entirely since I'd just finished a rather disheartening stint in cable tv as well. 

  • LOL 1
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I thought Kailyn said her hair-care line was called "Hot Head," and my respect for her self-awareness soared.

"Pot Head"??  WTF?  Jenelle, maybe, but I think of Kailyn as aspirational when it comes to being cool about smoking pot.  A clunker, as usual.

Her sister is so much prettier than Kailyn--and I was interested to see how Kailyn disguises her bad skin.  With that much concealer under whatever else she slathers on her phiz, I'm surprised she can hold her head up.    No wonder Kailyn points out that her sister looks like her.  In Kailyn's dreams she looks like her sister.

As usual, the money-making idea the TM has come up with involves labeling rather than hard work.  Donald Trump made a lot of money slapping his name on stuff, but at least somewhere back a generation someone did the hard work of making the name mean something.  Pot Head isn't even Kailyn's name, I don't think.

Loathsome as Farrah is, at least she put some work into her endeavors.  That's nobody else's back door.  Kailyn and these other moms think that as long as they are associated with a product people will buy it--another danger of paying attention to fans on SM and banning us haters.  No idea of reality.

  • Love 10

Kail got her wish this week with her storyline focused on all the amazing, positive things going on in her life- her product launch and her budding relationship with her sister. Then she made a complete fool of herself fawning over Baby Daddy #3, which was, of course, the most interesting part of her segment. She really doesn't get how ridiculous her "relationship" with Chris is or how badly she is embarrassing herself over him. At this point, she has admitted publicly that she wants to marry him, but he won't even admit that they're seeing each other. When she has a big event that's very important to her, he can't even be assed to tell her whether he's going to attend or not, so she's going around all day, "I don't know whether Chris is coming or not. I invited his family, but I don't know if he's coming. I don't even know if Chris is coming." Then she lights up like a Christmas tree when he deigns to grace her with his presence. Yeah, Kail, I think he knew he was welcome to stay in your room. Pathetic.

  • LOL 2
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On 4/2/2019 at 8:43 AM, ghoulina said:

That was the most unnatural smile ever. That's your own kid, dude! I know he's never around her, but shouldn't there be SOME form of attachment there???

I want this scene of Louis in the park with Stella to serve as a cautionary tale to young women before they drop it low and split it wide for some man they barely know. This is what you are setting up for your children.  Some creepy guy who shows up once every few months pretending to be interested in making a connection with the kid. 

What really pisses me off is this is not the last once in a blue moon daddy for Briana.  She is remarkably stupid and is a very hard learner.  There will be another Louis.

  • Love 12
46 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I want this scene of Louis in the park with Stella to serve as a cautionary tale to young women before they drop it low and split it wide for some man they barely know. This is what you are setting up for your children.  Some creepy guy who shows up once every few months pretending to be interested in making a connection with the kid. 

Particularly since Luis was so adamant about his being around to be a father to this baby.  Briana really didn't want a second child, and if Luis had not been hard-nosed about her keeping the baby, I think she would have place little Stella for adoption or even had an abortion.  He swore up and down that he would be there to support her and to be a presence in his baby's life.

Briana certainly is a "hard learner" regarding men and their trustworthiness.  Devoin has turned out surprisingly responsible, but it took a long time for him to start acting like a dad, too.  I hope Luis gets to see those scenes of his daughter reaching up for Devoin to pick her up.

  • Love 7
On 4/2/2019 at 2:11 AM, JuliesMommy said:

Why take the kid to a park with just benches? Yes, Luis is a fucking deadbeat/creeper and I also don’t blame Stella one bit for not wanting to be around him, but what I don’t get is if Brianna wanted her to see him ( for stellas sake) than why not have him come to her apartment where she would be more comfortable? Why not try to engage her more with Luis instead of standing there showing off her tits and saying “you want mommy huh”? 

I swear Brianna was faking it with Stella when she kept saying "mommy's here" or "you want mommy".  She had a smirk on her face whole time. She was loving that shit. We get it, the baby doesn't know her dad. Maybe she should have gone to an actual kiddie park and he could have played with Stella on the swings or something. I guess that didn't fit into the whole story line they started building up last week and needed for Stella to cower away from him.

I too was embarrassed for Kail when Chris arrived. But a part of me was amused because she's getting a taste of her own medicine. She used to/still treats Jo and Javi like that. The push and pull, teasing them with possibly getting back together. With them she had control because of the kids. Yes she still has Lux but that doesn't work the same way with Chris. He still gets his time with his son and doesn't have to kiss her ass.

Addie is my favorite person on this show.

The fact that we didn't have to talk about Adumb and visitation bs this week was a breath of fresh air. It made me wonder if the producers push that narrative all the time to keep Chelsea interesting. Newsflash producers! We were more entertained this week than any other week before BECAUSE we didn't talk about that loser. But yeah, Cole is trying way too hard. No one is that damn perfect. 

  • Love 13
On 4/1/2019 at 9:40 PM, woodscommaelle said:

So sometimes Chris wants to be on camera and sometimes he doesn’t? What’s the point either way? And why does he get to decide?

On 4/1/2019 at 11:51 PM, Ladystardust said:

I’ve worked a bit in tv and sometimes for larger events they will just post notices at the entrances that filming is going on and that by entering you are consenting to being filmed. I wonder if that’s what happened with Chris finally showing his face. I didn’t pay enough attention to notice if anyone else at the party was blurred. 

Was I the only one that said "omg he finally signed the release!" - but this makes much more sense. The guy should just sign the release and make some money though - his face is plastered all over the internet. 

So I'm not a mom... those that are mom's... is what Chelsea kept doing in the car normal?? Do you just pull over constantly to try and appease the baby? Can you not just keep driving and get to your destination and then try to handle it?  Just honestly curious. Because that seems very overwhelming and distracting. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Was I the only one that said "omg he finally signed the release!" - but this makes much more sense. The guy should just sign the release and make some money though - his face is plastered all over the internet. 

So I'm not a mom... those that are mom's... is what Chelsea kept doing in the car normal?? Do you just pull over constantly to try and appease the baby? Can you not just keep driving and get to your destination and then try to handle it?  Just honestly curious. Because that seems very overwhelming and distracting. 

I don't know if it's normal, but I've done it. Like Chelsea, I lived more rural. Sometimes I needed to just nurse my babies to sleep and get back to driving. It really just depended on the kid and the situation. My middle child would never get like that. But my oldest and youngest would. It's hard to time errands around hungry newborns. 

  • Useful 1
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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

Particularly since Luis was so adamant about his being around to be a father to this baby.  Briana really didn't want a second child, and if Luis had not been hard-nosed about her keeping the baby, I think she would have place little Stella for adoption or even had an abortion.  He swore up and down that he would be there to support her and to be a presence in his baby's life.

Right?!!! And if Briana had spent more than a night at the club getting to know him, she'd have known he had another daughter in NY already who he doesn't see/barely sees.  But no...she just hooked right up with him sans protection without even inquiring if he has any other kids already that he doesn't parent.

9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't know if it's normal, but I've done it. Like Chelsea, I lived more rural. Sometimes I needed to just nurse my babies to sleep and get back to driving. It really just depended on the kid and the situation. My middle child would never get like that. But my oldest and youngest would. It's hard to time errands around hungry newborns. 

I have done it a few times, too.  I live in the exurbs and it was generally on a rural-ish road or in a neighborhood.  It was either be distracted by the screaming infant whose wails were giving me a terrible headache & potential road rage or pull over as soon as I safely could to try to address the baby's needs.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I want this scene of Louis in the park with Stella to serve as a cautionary tale to young women before they drop it low and split it wide for some man they barely know. This is what you are setting up for your children.  Some creepy guy who shows up once every few months pretending to be interested in making a connection with the kid. 

What really pisses me off is this is not the last once in a blue moon daddy for Briana.  She is remarkably stupid and is a very hard learner.  There will be another Louis.

 She is thick as a plank. When she ever said "I thought your second baby daddy was supposed to be an upgrade from your first baby daddy" I'm sure I was gawping like some sort of tropical fish. A houseplant would be a better baby daddy than Luis.

1 hour ago, MitaJo said:

I swear Brianna was faking it with Stella when she kept saying "mommy's here" or "you want mommy".  She had a smirk on her face whole time. She was loving that shit. We get it, the baby doesn't know her dad. Maybe she should have gone to an actual kiddie park and he could have played with Stella on the swings or something. I guess that didn't fit into the whole story line they started building up last week and needed for Stella to cower away from him.

I agree, I was coming over to say that very thing. "Mommy's here", gah. Has she ever said "Mommy's here" to that child? "See Luis? I am a devoted mother". She's full of shit.

35 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Was I the only one that said "omg he finally signed the release!" - but this makes much more sense. The guy should just sign the release and make some money though - his face is plastered all over the internet. 

So I'm not a mom... those that are mom's... is what Chelsea kept doing in the car normal?? Do you just pull over constantly to try and appease the baby? Can you not just keep driving and get to your destination and then try to handle it?  Just honestly curious. Because that seems very overwhelming and distracting. 

Layne is being breastfed, and breastfed babies can need to eat often as every two hours. Its not appeasing the baby, its feeding her. Chelsea's an experienced mother at this point and probably knows when she can wait and when she can't. She lives out in the boonies. She spends a lot of time in the car traveling longish distance--taking kids to school, doctors' appointments, going grocery shopping and doing other errands. And everything is three times longer because she has to wrangle two babies. I'm pretty sure that she would have waited to feed her baby if she felt she could have.

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  • Love 15
55 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

It seemed to me that Kail's sister was trying to get her to stop obsessing over Chris and telling her it's ok to be single. She seemed to know what's up. Of course Kail won't listen and will be all over Chris the second he gives her even the tiniest shred of attention.

We will never see that girl again if she continues to try to talk sense into Kail. Kail will not abide people who do not co-sign her fuckery.  And baby sis poo pooing Kail acting like a fool over Chris? Big no no. 

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, MitaJo said:

Is Bone the girl she met in the hotel last episode and the one that teased her about no one coming to her launch? Also, didn't they have a falling out?

That was Becky. She usually has her hair in a bun on top of her head. She was on the last episode and also this one at the party

Bone was around during the reunion when Briana and Kail went at each other. From what I have learned from reading here, Bone was a supportive friend and hanger on and sometime babysitter for Kail and listened to her complaints about Chris. Then when Kail was all over Chris again, letting him come over and use her pool, Bone was not down with it, probably tried to remind Kail about what type of person Chris is and Kail didn't want to listen and that was the end of their friendship. 

  • Love 10

Bone was a friend for a long time and what I would call Lux’s nanny when Chris would have nothing to do with Lux.  Bone lives that little boy.  Just shy of Lux’s first birthday when Kail got back with Chris she and Bone fell out.  Bone was there for Kail though it all.  Chris was not.  But typical Kail drops longtime friends for loser baby daddy. 

  • Love 13
15 hours ago, MaggieG said:

It seemed to me that Kail's sister was trying to get her to stop obsessing over Chris and telling her it's ok to be single. She seemed to know what's up. Of course Kail won't listen and will be all over Chris the second he gives her even the tiniest shred of attention.


The way she was with him was so cringeworthy. Again, I was also a complete fucking idiot about certain men WELL into my 20s, but I didn't have 3 kids. Or even 1. How does she even have time to bang dudes with three kids around? 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


The way she was with him was so cringeworthy. Again, I was also a complete fucking idiot about certain men WELL into my 20s, but I didn't have 3 kids. Or even 1. How does she even have time to bang dudes with three kids around? 

It's funny how things change! I remember watching this show in the early seasons, when I was with a guy who treated me like crap, and then when I had moved on...but at that point, to say dating was an epic fail is an understatement! I was so insecure, and got easily attached to guys, wondering why they didn't want to swoop in like Cole and rescue me from my own insecurities. Meanwhile, I see Kail, an extremely unpleasant hosebeast, attracting nothing but mature relationships with people who wanted to settle down with her and her child. I couldn't understand how she had such a nice, "adult" life, while I was out there flailing around! 

Well, now it's interesting that the tables have turned. Kail, who skipped all this craziness in her teens and early twenties, is now acting immature over a guy who doesn't want her. I (and I'm sure plenty of others!) would never in a million years act like that anymore! At the first sign of that non-commital BS, I'm gone. Also, I have developed my personality and dating skills, and left my insecurity behind, while Kail has gotten more and more entitled and insufferable   

  • Love 7
On 4/2/2019 at 4:14 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

What gets me is how many party venues are around now days for kids' birthdays that don't involve physical activity and yet they still don't choose one of those! When I was a kid the twins' age, our area basically had the following party venues if you were lucky enough to not have an at-home party with pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey: Chuck E. Cheese (which had ball pits & more physical/climbing stuff than it does now), the roller skating rink, and a Discovery Zone/Fun Zone type place way on the other end of town (that was way more expensive)....or McDonald's back when they had an indoor (and before that, an outdoor, because I'm old) play area.  

Today so many places now days (even in WV) that didn't exist/do kids' parties 20-30 years ago where they center parties around stuff besides climbing/jumping/physical activity. There are painting party places for kids; crafting/pottery party places; baking/cooking party places; karaoke/music party places with recording equipment; and even museums and farms that host kids' parties. (And yes, there's at least one of EACH of these in Leah's area- https://charleston.citymomsblog.com/motherhood/guide-birthday-parties-around-charleston/ )  There are SO many options now days for party venues for kids that don't involve physical activity! And heck, they may even get to express their creative sides and learn something new at those types of parties, too! But no, Leah and the family choose a party place centered on physical activity. I guess it's not bad enough that Ali has to watch her sister do gymnastics and cheering stuff she can't do, but she also has to celebrate her birthday in an atmosphere where she's reminded she can't do everything everyone else is having fun doing as well (or she gets hurt trying to do it/too tired from it). (I'm not suggesting Gracie not to gymnastics/cheering/etc, but maybe they can pick something Gracie can do as well at least for their birthdays)....Ugh. 

Exactly! I hate sports and never had a single birthday party centered around physical activity. We had little girl cutesy-makeover parties at the house, sleepovers, theme parks, costumed characters, dinners out, board game competitions, going to see a play, going to the movies, paint your own pottery parties...and I went to other kids' parties where we went to a science center or kids' museum, or had someone come to the house to analyze our handwriting or tell fortunes or something. It is seriously NOT hard to find tons of party options that have nothing to do with running around. 

21 hours ago, gunderda said:

Was I the only one that said "omg he finally signed the release!" - but this makes much more sense. The guy should just sign the release and make some money though - his face is plastered all over the internet. 

So I'm not a mom... those that are mom's... is what Chelsea kept doing in the car normal?? Do you just pull over constantly to try and appease the baby? Can you not just keep driving and get to your destination and then try to handle it?  Just honestly curious. Because that seems very overwhelming and distracting. 

My husband basically did all the errands when I was breastfeeding for this reason.

  • Love 4

It was heart warming to see the twins at lunch with their dad and their grandpa. They're actually very mature and articulate. It's so weird that they're old enough now to banter and tease and be able to hold a conversation. Without going too much into it because others have already touched on it, I echo the misunderstanding of the family's apparent fixation on physical activity at all child related events. I understand kids always want to push boundaries and Ali is going to defiantly try to keep up with her sisters for as long as she can, but her participation shouldn't even be an option or a debate at this point, so why always put her in situations where she's constantly forced to watch kids do things that she struggles with and naturally feel peer pressure to push herself to be "normal"? Let the poor girl swim or paint or bake. And not to bring up the elephant in the room, but isn't she supposed to be in her wheelchair full-time and walking as little as possible to preserve her muscles? At this rate, their 10th birthday is going to be cage fighting.

I was going to say Leah's new man seemed good and stable for her, but they're already broken up in the previews. Woops!

My hard feelings toward Chelsea & Cole thawed a bit this week. It's amazing what zero mention of Adam can do for their likability! I would rather just watch them run errands every episode (even with a fussy newborn) than listen to the 350th discussion of how Adam fucked up visitation. I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually swooned a little bit when Cole said "I'll do both if you want," probably because I'm Chelsea's age and corny shit like that still works on me. Although I will say as much as I hate vomiting and being around anyone who's vomiting, it's a little weird to refuse to help your own kid when she's sick and just hope your husband will deal with it. I totally get being grossed out, but physically hiding from the situation seems juvenile and excessive. Whatever, the whole eyelash batting, damsel in distress, "love my big strong alpha Coleyyy" wife routine just gets on my nerves.

Luis looked at Stella like Pennywise sizing up his next victim. Briana's new boyfriend looks like Luis with hair. In my opinion, it's only a matter of time before she gets back with Devoin and I could see him becoming a father figure to Stella like Cole/Aubree.

Kail...good lord. After years of watching her flaunt her magical vagina and relish her power over men (and women), it's hilarious to watch her falling all over herself thirsting for the attention of someone it has zero effect on.

46 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually swooned a little bit when Cole said "I'll do both if you want," probably because I'm Chelsea's age and corny shit like that still works on me. Although I will say as much as I hate vomiting and being around anyone who's vomiting, it's a little weird to refuse to help your own kid when she's sick and just hope your husband will deal with it. I totally get being grossed out, but physically hiding from the situation seems juvenile and excessive. Whatever, the whole eyelash batting, damsel in distress, "love my big strong alpha Coleyyy" wife routine just gets on my nerves.

I thought that whole conversation was staged for the cameras to get another "Isn't Coleeeee the Bestest?!" moment. How can Chelsea avoid vomit as the SAHM of 3 kids? If one of the kids throws up, will she just leave them vomit-covered until Cole gets home? Also, poop occurs far more frequently than vomit (hopefully), so it's hardly a fair deal to divide up gross parental duties that way. I actually think it would make Cole a shitty dad (no pun intended) to make his wife change all the diapers. As it would make Chelsea a shitty mom to refuse to tend to her vomiting child because it grosses her out.

  • Love 7
55 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

I thought that whole conversation was staged for the cameras to get another "Isn't Coleeeee the Bestest?!" moment. How can Chelsea avoid vomit as the SAHM of 3 kids? If one of the kids throws up, will she just leave them vomit-covered until Cole gets home? Also, poop occurs far more frequently than vomit (hopefully), so it's hardly a fair deal to divide up gross parental duties that way. I actually think it would make Cole a shitty dad (no pun intended) to make his wife change all the diapers. As it would make Chelsea a shitty mom to refuse to tend to her vomiting child because it grosses her out.

I've never seen someone toot their own horn as much as Cole. I get that it's a low bar on this show, but he's not the only castmember I'd consider a good father. Jo, Cory and Javi are all loving hands-on dads, yet you don't see them virtue signaling the way Cole does in every freaking episode. I know a lot of it is prompted by Chelsea, but he's happy to take the bait and contribute to the narrative. They'd be much more likeable if they'd just exist and stop working overtime to prove their Speshul Snowflake status to the world. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

It was heart warming to see the twins at lunch with their dad and their grandpa. They're actually very mature and articulate. It's so weird that they're old enough now to banter and tease and be able to hold a conversation. Without going too much into it because others have already touched on it, I echo the misunderstanding of the family's apparent fixation on physical activity at all child related events. I understand kids always want to push boundaries and Ali is going to defiantly try to keep up with her sisters for as long as she can, but her participation shouldn't even be an option or a debate at this point, so why always put her in situations where she's constantly forced to watch kids do things that she struggles with and naturally feel peer pressure to push herself to be "normal"? Let the poor girl swim or paint or bake. And not to bring up the elephant in the room, but isn't she supposed to be in her wheelchair full-time and walking as little as possible to preserve her muscles? At this rate, their 10th birthday is going to be cage fighting.

I was going to say Leah's new man seemed good and stable for her, but they're already broken up in the previews. Woops!

My hard feelings toward Chelsea & Cole thawed a bit this week. It's amazing what zero mention of Adam can do for their likability! I would rather just watch them run errands every episode (even with a fussy newborn) than listen to the 350th discussion of how Adam fucked up visitation. I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually swooned a little bit when Cole said "I'll do both if you want," probably because I'm Chelsea's age and corny shit like that still works on me. Although I will say as much as I hate vomiting and being around anyone who's vomiting, it's a little weird to refuse to help your own kid when she's sick and just hope your husband will deal with it. I totally get being grossed out, but physically hiding from the situation seems juvenile and excessive. Whatever, the whole eyelash batting, damsel in distress, "love my big strong alpha Coleyyy" wife routine just gets on my nerves.

Luis looked at Stella like Pennywise sizing up his next victim. Briana's new boyfriend looks like Luis with hair. In my opinion, it's only a matter of time before she gets back with Devoin and I could see him becoming a father figure to Stella like Cole/Aubree.

Kail...good lord. After years of watching her flaunt her magical vagina and relish her power over men (and women), it's hilarious to watch her falling all over herself thirsting for the attention of someone it has zero effect on.

Someone on twitter pointed out the nasty hickey on Kail’s neck the next morning when she was doing makeup while talking to her sister.  Gag 

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5 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It's funny how things change! I remember watching this show in the early seasons, when I was with a guy who treated me like crap, and then when I had moved on...but at that point, to say dating was an epic fail is an understatement! I was so insecure, and got easily attached to guys, wondering why they didn't want to swoop in like Cole and rescue me from my own insecurities. Meanwhile, I see Kail, an extremely unpleasant hosebeast, attracting nothing but mature relationships with people who wanted to settle down with her and her child. I couldn't understand how she had such a nice, "adult" life, while I was out there flailing around! 

Well, now it's interesting that the tables have turned. Kail, who skipped all this craziness in her teens and early twenties, is now acting immature over a guy who doesn't want her. I (and I'm sure plenty of others!) would never in a million years act like that anymore! At the first sign of that non-commital BS, I'm gone. Also, I have developed my personality and dating skills, and left my insecurity behind, while Kail has gotten more and more entitled and insufferable   

well, that's interesting. she is TOTALLY that girl we knew who somehow managed to find a "nice" guy and settle down and they seemed so happy (and she was SO HAPPY to tell you how to live your life and what you were doing wrong)...until you find out that she's been cheating on him the entire time and she's the WORST person to go out with because even though she's married she cock blocks you so she can get attention to feed her ego.

I guess I knew a couple girls like that in college. And I would always think "I'm not a crazy bitch, where is my nice husband?"  Clearly there is something else going on with all these B-cluster personalities.

It's "b-cluster," right? we've talked about that here before?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I've never seen someone toot their own horn as much as Cole. I get that it's a low bar on this show, but he's not the only castmember I'd consider a good father. Jo, Cory and Javi are all loving hands-on dads, yet you don't see them virtue signaling the way Cole does in every freaking episode. I know a lot of it is prompted by Chelsea, but he's happy to take the bait and contribute to the narrative. They'd be much more likeable if they'd just exist and stop working overtime to prove their Speshul Snowflake status to the world. 

Omg yes!!!! I wonder if Cole was always such a suck up. I could see him treating his mom how he treats Chelsea. 

Cole's brother: No, Mom! I don't want to clean my room! I wanna go play on the Nintendo!!!

(stomps off)

Cole (in a saccharine baby voice): I'll clean both of our rooms, Mommy, if you want me to. 

Mom (hugging him): ohhhh, coleyyyy, how did I get such a perfect angel for a child?

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1 hour ago, gotta watch said:

I took Cole's comment differently. I think he said he would do both puke and poop if Chelsea *needed him to. I thought he meant if she were sick, or out of town, he would do both. YMMV. But I agree that their sickly-sweet routine gets on my nerves.

That's kind of what I meant. It was a silly, meaningless conversation. How could any parent of two babies, with plans to have more, strike a deal that he or she won't deal with vomit or poop? It's like, "Honey, will you promise to always make everything better?" "Of course, my angel, because I love you sooooo much!" "You're the best! How did I get so lucky?"

Obviously, both of them will deal with shit and vomit because they're parents who don't have full-time staff to care for their children. I get that Coleeeee is "perfect," but even "perfect" husbands and fathers can't shield their wives from ever having to face their children's vomit. It just seems silly and childish to me. It's not even a big deal, but it came off as very fake to me and Chelsea's beaming, "Will you always be there for the puke since I don't like it?" was nauseating. Again, we. get. it. Coleee is the most amazingly perfect guy ever. Give it a rest. I believe that they're happy and in love, but I also believe that their fake behavior on the show and a lot of their SM content is driven by a conscious desire to be aspirational as a couple/family. Which is weird to me.

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6 hours ago, TheRealT said:

That's kind of what I meant. It was a silly, meaningless conversation. How could any parent of two babies, with plans to have more, strike a deal that he or she won't deal with vomit or poop? It's like, "Honey, will you promise to always make everything better?" "Of course, my angel, because I love you sooooo much!" "You're the best! How did I get so lucky?"

Obviously, both of them will deal with shit and vomit because they're parents who don't have full-time staff to care for their children. I get that Coleeeee is "perfect," but even "perfect" husbands and fathers can't shield their wives from ever having to face their children's vomit. It just seems silly and childish to me. It's not even a big deal, but it came off as very fake to me and Chelsea's beaming, "Will you always be there for the puke since I don't like it?" was nauseating. Again, we. get. it. Coleee is the most amazingly perfect guy ever. Give it a rest. I believe that they're happy and in love, but I also believe that their fake behavior on the show and a lot of their SM content is driven by a conscious desire to be aspirational as a couple/family. Which is weird to me.

This! ^^^ It's always come off as especially strange to me, given that Chelsea was in an emotionally abusive relationship, like I was. I remember years of crying and feeling left out, because while everyone else posted lovey dovey pictures on Facebook of their Valentine's presents, my ex had stood me up yet again, or refused to see me for some stupid reason. I remember how much I felt like dirt when I hung out with one of those cutesy couples who acted like they were sooooo fakely in love, or read the gushing over a text (or on social media) about alllllll their boyfriend was doing for them. It even got to the point near the end...I kid you not!...that I refused to watch any movie or read any book with romance in it! AT ALL. Really limits your options, haha. Ironically, when I dumped him me actually was single, I liked romances again. But at that time, it hurt me too much to see other people being loved and cherished when my heart was being constantly broken in a million pieces, over and over! I even remember making a point never to listen to katy Perry's "alien" because a friend offhandedly said it was a sexy song. I didn't need to hear about happy couples having sexytime! I felt so inadequate, wondering why my boyfriend couldn't show me he loved me, in even the most basic ways! He couldn't even spend time with me without degrading me, and would blow me off half the time anyway and then call me crazy for trying to get in touch with him. Was he going to gush on social media about me being the love of his life, when he wouldn't even give me a ride when my car was broken down (true story)? HA! Reading other people's boyfriends saying those things felt like a knife twisting into my heart, every single time. 

Now, obviously people all process things differently, but I just can't imagine going through that, feeling so low about yourself, and then wanting to throw your "perfect" relationship in everyone's face the second you can...and if that's not enough, make it look even MORE perfect than it is!!! About two years passed between breaking up with this guy and meeting my next serious boyfriend, and though he was a Cole through and through, I always tried hard to never do anything that would count as "rubbing it in," because I know what it feels like to be on the other side. To me, it always felt obvious why I was posting...to share a fun event, to let him know I appreciated something (while I let him know in private, a shout out is occasionally tasteful and appropriate), to commemorate something meaningful, or to brag / get attention. When it felt boastful, I didn't post it. I was happy to post pictures of us doing fun things together, or affirm something remarkable he did tastefully, or even do a sappy post on his birthday or an anniversary...but I drew the line at certain things, including bragging about things he had done / given to me, exaggerating small things he did, routinely writing ten paragraphs about his perfection, posting PDA pics, or in general trying too hard to look like the perfect couple. Of course, you don't have a responsibility to shield someone in an abusive relationship from your happy posts, but I just couldn't help but avoid posting the kinds of things that really twisted the knife back when I wasn't so fortunate. I never wanted to make people who weren't loved and cherished feel alienated, because I knew all too well what that felt like. It felt cruel to gloat about having an amazing boyfriend, the way it would feel to talk constantly about your perfect dad to someone whose dad passed away!

It just kind of surprises me that Chelsea rubs it in that she's in a perrrrfect relationship, going out of her way to make it look even better than it is. I bet she would have HATED her current self's posts ten years ago!!!

Edited by Christina87
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On 4/2/2019 at 11:41 AM, Mkay said:

The sister Kail was so excited to be around was quickly dumped when Chris showed up. 

Oh god, I hate women like that. You’re barely even on his priority last and yet you’re willing to drop everything for him??  I said that to a “friend” of mine once, it upset her and she got very defensive, but  I could tell that, in her head, she knew it was true. 

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On 4/2/2019 at 2:44 PM, Christina87 said:

Leah and her family make me so mad! Kail is insufferable, and chelsea's not my cup of tea, but can you imagine either of them planning a birthday party for a child with a disability at a place where you have to be active?! Common sense, Leah!!! It's so crazy how some people are just plain incompetent that this is the best they can do when they are being televised all over the world! Just imagine what Ali's life would be like without the cameras! She'd probably be walking a tightrope right now, or surfing. Wake up, Leah!

K, let’s turn this around a bit. What WOULD be an appropriate bday for Ally? Like what theme/activities would you suggest? Like if Ally were your daughter, what would you do for her 10th bday party?  

Edited by SheTalksShit

I believe it was mentioned that there are TONS of fun birthday activities that don’t require her to be physical. Painting, pottery, movie theater, nice lunch with her friends, tea party, fashion/clothing/modeling party, petting zoo, spa party, mani-pedi party...etc those are just a few things off the top of my head that I would do for my kid and she’s not physically disabled. There is absolutely NO reason Leah has to do their birthday together, she definitely has the means to do two separate parties and each twin feel special. She can also communicate better with Gracie and explain to her that one year Ali gets to choose what they do for their birthday. JMO

  • Love 12
38 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

I believe it was mentioned that there are TONS of fun birthday activities that don’t require her to be physical. Painting, pottery, movie theater, nice lunch with her friends, tea party, fashion/clothing/modeling party, petting zoo, spa party, mani-pedi party...etc those are just a few things off the top of my head that I would do for my kid and she’s not physically disabled. There is absolutely NO reason Leah has to do their birthday together, she definitely has the means to do two separate parties and each twin feel special. She can also communicate better with Gracie and explain to her that one year Ali gets to choose what they do for their birthday. JMO

Ok, those are good choices. I was just asking, bc I feel like it’s easy to criticize, but not always easy to come up with a reasonable alternative to things, but you came up with plenty. I agree that they should have separate bday parties to accommodate their different needs. I don’t think Grace should be continuously denied the opportunity for an active birthday party (since that’s what she enjoys) bc of her sister’s disability, bc I can tell she already has a lot of resentment towards Ali bc she feels it’s all about Ali’s needs, all the time. But I also don’t think Ali should have to be miserable on her own birthday party as she watches other kids have a good time, effortlessly doing all the things she’d love to do but is physically unable to do. It must suck, it must kill her inside. I can’t even imagine. 

That brings me to another point. I wonder if Leah’s considered sending Ali to a school for kids with physical disabilities. I know Ali wants to be “normal” like other kids, but it seems like being around them just serves as a continuous reminder to her that she’s not and I think that must be so crushing and depressing for her. I think being around other kids who are also afflicted with physical limitations would make her feel so much better, bc they wouldn’t feel bound or burdened by having to limit anything to accommodate Ali since they are bound by the same/similar limits. That way, she’d get to be included in so much more that they do and I think she’d be so much less lonely. Because it’s only gonna get worse as they get older and it’s going to become even more depressing and isolating for her once she’s old enough to fully understand her condition. She needs to be around other kids she can relate to, I think. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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6 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

Ok, those are good choices. I was just asking, bc I feel like it’s easy to criticize, but not always easy to come up with a reasonable alternative to things, but you came up with plenty. I agree that they should have separate bday parties to accommodate their different needs. I don’t think Grace should be continuously denied the opportunity for an active birthday party (since that’s what she enjoys) bc of her sister’s disability, bc I can tell she already has a lot of resentment towards Ali bc she feels it’s all about Ali’s needs, all the time. But I also don’t think Ali should have to be miserable on her own birthday party as she watches other kids have a good time, effortlessly doing all the things she’d love to do but is physically unable to do. It must suck, it must kill her inside. I can’t even imagine. 

That brings me to another point. I wonder if Leah’s considered sending Ali to a school for kids with physical disabilities. I know Ali wants to be “normal” like other kids, but it seems like being around them just serves as a continuous reminder to her that she’s not and I think that must be so crushing and depressing for her. I think being around other kids who are also afflicted with physical limitations would make her feel so much better, bc they wouldn’t feel bound or burdened by having to limit anything to accommodate Ali since they are bound by the same/similar limits. That way, she’d get to be included in so much more that they do and I think she’d be so much less lonely. Because it’s only gonna get worse as they get older. 

I totally agree with you! And what irritates me about Leah (and Cory is to blame on this too) is that they don’t explain shit to those girls. Ali should be told “no you’re not like Gracie, or Addie, or anyone else, but that’s A OK because you are YOU” she’s very smart and special in her own ways! I seem to think that she’s even smarter and more put together then Gracie and Addie. She most likely excels in a lot of other things that she doesn’t even know because they don’t expose her to it, nor do they talk to her about her condition. They continue to turn a blind eye to it and pretend that if they make her act the same way as her sisters or other kids in school and continue to “pray” she will miraculously get better. THATS what bothers me the most! Ali is a beautiful, sweet, smart girl and she’s at a perfect age to understand her condition and limitations. I wish these inbreds would consider the damage that they’re doing to her physically and mentally. Sorry to rant! Lol 

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Briana's kids are on their tablets and phones way too fucking much.  My kids are never allowed to use the tablet in the car unless the trip is 4+ hours long.  They get electronics and sometimes it is more time than it should be if I am having a super busy day but her kids are constantly plopped in front of it just walking around with a tablet, while eating, etc. It really bothers me. 

I liked how Chelsea's segments were just about her breastfeeding in the car.

  • Love 8
On 4/4/2019 at 12:06 PM, TheRealT said:

 How can Chelsea avoid vomit as the SAHM of 3 kids? If one of the kids throws up, will she just leave them vomit-covered until Cole gets home? 

What did she do for the years with Aubree before she had Cole? Call Randy? Sadly, it’s entirely plausible to me that she did. I know she was only like 18 at the time but remember Chelsea calling Mary because Aubree pooped and it blew out of her diaper and Chelsea had no backup clothing and no clue what the hell to do. 

Most likely (I hope) she’s actually had to suck it up (ew, gross word choice here but 🤷🏻‍♀️) and deal with vomit before, despite her aversion (does anyone, aside from Cole, not have an aversion to puke?) to it. I wish she wouldn’t make herself sound so pathetic. She’s capable of functioning without Cole, I’m sure if it, I wish she was confident in herself.

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