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S09.E09: Not a Good Day LA

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"When you're happy, you have boys. When not happy, you have girls."


I can't recall, most likely due to wonky editing, but did David say that in front of the girls ?  Were they in earshot ?  I could be wrong but I don't think it was very clear.   If so, that's horrible to say in front of them.   But if not............ I don't fault him for saying that in front of the guys.  The dude is clearly unhappy.


No, ifs, buts about it.  I am clearly on TEAM DAVID


The jury is still out for me, but I am tending to lean to this team as well.  

"When you're happy, you have boys. When not happy, you have girls."



Does it matter whether he said it in front of the girls because it is certainly there for posterity when the girls inevitably watch the episodes.


And of course, it also reveals what appears to be his true feelings regarding daughters being second best to sons.


And FWIW, it's not even a cliche as it is the first time I had ever heard that thought expressed.

  • Love 6


And speaking of things that make you go hmmmm, I'm a bit confused.


1.  Heather claims she has absolutely NO pull with Good Day LA about who their guests are and thus claims innocence about her gym of choice being featured on the show.


2.  Heather almost in the very next breath claims to have done Tamra and Eddie a favor by getting CUnT Fitness a gig on the show.


Well, that's quite the contradiction when you think about it.  She either does or doesn't have a say-so in who the guests are. 

Heather said in her blog that the producer who asked her to do an extended gig on the show is a friend of hers who also lives in Newport.  She apparently frequents this gym as well and has had them on as guests in the past. It sounds like they were already booked on the show and that she gave Tamra a heads up about this fact, because she knew that Tamra would throw a shit fit.  Her choice was to not do the show in order to not piss Tamra off, or take the gig, which she made clear was important to her.  This time when she was asked to be on the show it was for more of an extended stay and she was able to take part in discussions about upcoming guests.  


I guess I just don't understand what the problem is. If Tamra was really so pissed off for all those long months, why didn't she tell Heather of this fact? Why decide to get all pissy when Heather does throw her name in the ring? Because she is an ungrateful bitch, who refuses to allow herself to take happiness and behave with any graciousness.  For the record, in her blog Tamra now says that she believes that what Heather said is what actually happened.  

But seriously, I do see how Heather is on this high horse with everyone even the people she thinks are "friends". The thing with the TV show and not talking to each other before was crazy.  Heather should have at least popped in to say hello.  Heather really thinks she is superior.  "Well I COULD have given them a few pearls of my wisdon, but they did not call me, so oh well". Here I am, Heahter, up on my Mountaintop, with my professional wisdom which I may or may not impart on you, if only you can guess the secret combination to unlocking it, and by kissing up to me enough.  Whatever!


Vicki - ugh.  I don't like the new face Vicki.  She thinks she is funny and sassy barking at people like "come on open up the box", but it's really so annoying.  I am happy for Brianna.  She does seem like a natural "Mom of Boys". 

Well in this case, in Tamra's world at the time, Heather was superior. She had the ability to make something happen for Tamra that she apparently couldn't make happen on her own.  Sure, Heather could have popped in to say hello, but honestly, if I was Heather I wouldn't have done it either, because Tamra wouldn't have been in the building in the first place. After finding out that she had been gossiping about me at a party, specifically with someone that I was not getting along with - not a mere few minutes after we had addressed the issue in private - I would have told her she could take the offer and stick it up her ass. Since she didn't believe me, and basically called me a liar who was for some reason out to hurt and anger her, I would have told her she probably shouldn't participate in a segment with me on TV. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5

For some reason Heather doesn't bother me. I think it's mostly because she's not Vicki or Tamra. Or God forbid, Gretchen.

Terry on the other hand, I just can't with his media-whorish ways. I don't buy for a minute he's nice to anyone he deems beneath him. Which would be around 99% of Orange County residents. I'm sure he's never been to the Inland Empire. I also think Terry is the one that needs to live in a Ramada Inn (thanks to a fellow poster for that gem).

  • Love 1

I think Shannon is fascinating to watch. It almost feels like she's been on this show since the beginning. She's someone who has everything that you are "supposed" to have on paper. Money, beautiful home, successful husband, healthy children but is incredibly unhappy. She knows that she has to change but doesn't know how or where to begin. She turns to her gurus for crystals, healing and serenity to fill the emptiness in her life. There are so many underlying issues in their marriage that I'm not sure it can ever be fixed. I can see why she would want to be on a show like this. To get the attention she's craving. I wish I watched WWHL to see what work she had done. I was appreciative of the fact that she didn't appear to be overly worked on.


I doubt Heather actually likes Tamra and wants to be her friend. I imagine her and Terry sitting in their rental mocking the other housewives as they plan to add another wing to their mansion.

Edited by charming
  • Love 1

I think Shannon is fascinating to watch. It almost feels like she's been on this show since the beginning. She's someone who has everything that you are "supposed" to have on paper. Money, beautiful home, successful husband, healthy children but is incredibly unhappy. She knows that she has to change but doesn't know how or where to begin. She turns to her gurus for crystals, healing and serenity to fill the emptiness in her life. There are so many underlying issues in their marriage that I'm not sure it can ever be fixed. I can see why she would want to be on a show like this. To get the attention she's craving. I wish I watched WWHL to see what work she had done. I was appreciative of the fact that she didn't appear to be overly worked on.


I doubt Heather actually likes Tamra and wants to be her friend. I imagine her and Terry sitting in their rental mocking the other housewives as they plan to add another wing to their mansion.

It looked to me that she got fillers in her cheeks. It was very unbecoming. I appreciated her normal face too. She looked much better before.


I think that Shannon married a man who isn't comfortable expressing feelings so he uses sarcasm to deal. She feels insecure in his love so she is trying to cut him down so he thinks that no one else would want him. Of course she is driving him further and further away. It is very sad to watch and I really like her when she isn't harping on him. There is something genuine about her. It is refreshing after Dud Gretchen and her faux fiancé, Slade.

  • Love 1

Heather seems to have a creative definition of "screaming": the reaction of anyone who speaks with a modicum of assertiveness and doesn't lay down to take her shit. This is the second instance in which she has described Shannon's speaking as such, and in neither situation do I think the volume of Shannon's voice qualified as such. If Shannon was "yelling all the way from the bathroom to the table," I wonder how Heather would characterize Tamra screeching at her "you want to get the fuck out (of the CUT dinner), too?" *That* got nary a reaction from Mrs. Dubrow, and, of course, her own lecturing of Shannon at the house groundbreaking was totally permissible while Shannon confronting her at the Christmas party was the nadir of bad behavior . . . Considering Terry was gleeful to wax catty about Alexis while she was literally five feet away and he had only just met her, I have no trouble believing that he and/or Heather were talking shit about Shannon and David. Both of the Dubrows were also happy to sling shit at Sarah Winchester and Alexis in the press post-season 7. Their contentions about those two seemed to range from true (Winchester not being of the rifle family; Alexis getting fired) to fantastical (the Nordstrom employees seeking them out to lament the faux pas of the Bellinos), so it's not as if they have a stellar record when it comes to truthfulness or consistently rising above/refusing to engage in petty mud-throwing , and they're pretty despicable in their double standards. That being said, Shannon vs. Heather is the only storyline in which I'm interested at this point. I would be happy if they kept both ladies, jettisoned Vicki and/or Tamra, and invited Lydia or Alexis back. Tams really has nothing left to contribute- I don't even have enough interest to loathe her anymore, and it would be hilarious if her ass got the pink slip with the sprinting-down-the-hotel-allee season as her adieu.

  • Love 8

Tamrat's taking time off from promoting CUT to make personal appearances at a couple of Houston liquor stores this week.  Book signings are so 2013.  Nothing says "classy" quite like a "bottle signing" at a liquor store.  Too bad there won't be any Wines by Wives bottles for her to sign.



First, I need to point out that if the producers & editors want the audience to care st all about this boring ass gender reveal, how about not including a snippet of the BLUE BALLOONS in the opening credits during Vicki's tagline? Nevermind the blogs, twitter, etc... They've been showing it all season already.

That was the most lackluster reveal. Wow, Briana, you're a ball of fun & excitement. Yawn. They couldn't get a small party together? A fake one with Vicki's RHOC group? Something? I couldn't care less about Briana, Ragey or not cute Troy (sorry, but that kid is not cute) but at least try and get the audience into it. Mike was just a physical presence. He didn't even bother getting up (this amused me and was so telling).

As far as the ultrasound- as a poster pointed out upthread, if you are high risk, you tend to have high definition, 3D/4D ultrasounds done very early and it's possible to do sex determination in the first tri. I myself knew my babies' sexes around 12 weeks. DNA blood tests are done that early to confirm (more importantly, they are used to determine genetic abnormalities). In any case, Bri looked well into her second trimester. You can even hear Mike tell her she's getting big.

Finally caught up with this last night.


As much as Heather grates on my last nerve, I thought her apology to Tamara for the conversation with Eddie was sincere.


Tamara has some serious issues - between her obsession with not aging (good luck stopping THAT clock) and her inability to maintain a friendship without turning on the friend - there is something wrong there.  I never put too much stock in her "poor me, i had a terrible childhood" story, but maybe there is some truth to that.  She definitely has some insecurities.

  • Love 3

Do I recall correctly? Shannon said (I think in the TH when she talked about how he went to bed at 8:30 and she stayed up later. Shannon was discussing the lack of connection between her and David) that she and David 'only' spent 3 hours together a day??? If that is what she said... What the?! That's a lot of time to spend with your [working] spouse per day.

If I recall correctly....she's one hell of a needy bitch! Get a hobby girl!

  • Love 2


dangwoodchucks, on 18 Jun 2014 - 12:03 PM, said:

    My next-door neighbor is like this. My husband is the one who usually ends up talking to her, but she's really good with the back-handed comment that you can't respond to in the manner she deserves (she's in her 70s). We'll ignore it but it really sticks in the craw. How can you respond to someone who does this without looking like the ass yourself? She's a deaconess in her church and has made the comment "we need to get you going to church" as if we're heathens. She then asked my husband to let her mow over the property line several feet so it will make her yard look bigger (she already has more property than we do). Maybe her church doesn't believe coveting is bad, I don't know. My husband offered to let her mow our entire yard.

Is your neighbor Hyacinth Bucket?


No, but thank you for this. Maybe if I think of her as Hyacinth I'll at least get a chuckle when talking to her.


If Shannon and David's "banter" is about something he did in the past that she's punishing him for, they're better off getting a divorce. It will be tough for everyone, but eventually maybe they both can find others they'd actually be happy with.

Help me out here - what exactly does Shannon's husband do for a living?

My fiance' is a chef in a corporate cafeteria and starts the breakfast shift at 6a, so he's in bed by 9p every day.  I start my day at 7:30a because I work a 10 hour day.  We already know this going in and will adapt.


So what is Shannon's husband doing that he needs to hit the hay at 8:30p?

Heather seems to have a creative definition of "screaming": the reaction of anyone who speaks with a modicum of assertiveness and doesn't lay down to take her shit. This is the second instance in which she has described Shannon's speaking as such, and in neither situation do I think the volume of Shannon's voice qualified as such. If Shannon was "yelling all the way from the bathroom to the table," I wonder how Heather would characterize Tamra screeching at her "you want to get the fuck out (of the CUT dinner), too?" *That* got nary a reaction from Mrs. Dubrow, and, of course, her own lecturing of Shannon at the house groundbreaking was totally permissible while Shannon confronting her at the Christmas party was the nadir of bad behavior . . . Considering Terry was gleeful to wax catty about Alexis while she was literally five feet away and he had only just met her, I have no trouble believing that he and/or Heather were talking shit about Shannon and David. Both of the Dubrows were also happy to sling shit at Sarah Winchester and Alexis in the press post-season 7. Their contentions about those two seemed to range from true (Winchester not being of the rifle family; Alexis getting fired) to fantastical (the Nordstrom employees seeking them out to lament the faux pas of the Bellinos), so it's not as if they have a stellar record when it comes to truthfulness or consistently rising above/refusing to engage in petty mud-throwing , and they're pretty despicable in their double standards. That being said, Shannon vs. Heather is the only storyline in which I'm interested at this point. I would be happy if they kept both ladies, jettisoned Vicki and/or Tamra, and invited Lydia or Alexis back. Tams really has nothing left to contribute- I don't even have enough interest to loathe her anymore, and it would be hilarious if her ass got the pink slip with the sprinting-down-the-hotel-allee season as her adieu.


From your keyboard to Bravo's eyes...This would be better than a hug from Baby Jesus in a field of lollipops, rainbows, and unicorns.


*fingers crossed*

  • Love 4

From your keyboard to Bravo's eyes...This would be better than a hug from Baby Jesus in a field of lollipops, rainbows, and unicorns.


*fingers crossed*

I think it would also be funny seeing Tams and Eddie trying to make ends me with their Cut Fitness income. Tams missed her calling there, she should've marketed vibrators or the like.

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b2H, he owns a construction company in Corona that builds freeways.  In addition to starting work early at an office a long way from home, he probably has a long drive to most of the sites.

Also, it is very standard for people in construction to be onsite at ungodly early hours. My grandfather retired from construction and my father still works in construction. My father is up by 4am each morning and can't stay up past 9 even if he wants to because he has done it for so long. 


I'm actually surprised that Shannon said they spend about 3 hours with each other a day. In a relationship where both partners work, and have their own outside social interests, not to mention raising children, that would be considered a huge amount of time. 


I think that Shannon's general unhappiness is the real issue here. It's seeped into the her marriage and has pretty much colored her every interaction with her husband. Not saying that David is a saint (I actually get a sleazy vibe from him), but I don't think that there is really anything he could do that would please Shannon at this point. 

  • Love 4

I wonder if she put her daughters to bed in a couple of their emptier guest bedrooms for whatever reason.  Maybe she didn't want the children's bedrooms on camera.  I'm sure The Ancestral Manse has plenty of enormous, kinda vacant rooms. 

I didn't notice that until it was mentioned here, but they might be using those rooms instead of the one with the secret passage because it's easier to film in.


I think my sticking point is the convenient timing of Good Day LA deciding to highlight Heather's preferred gym during one of her guest host segments.  


I'd almost wager a bet that they solicit all of their guest hosts for ideas on segments.  But I'm a suspicious bitch, especially when it comes to Heather's machinations.  

Didn't someone from the viewing area state that Heather did several other segments featuring her friends or fav businesses?

  • Love 2

Does it matter whether he said it in front of the girls because it is certainly there for posterity when the girls inevitably watch the episodes.


And of course, it also reveals what appears to be his true feelings regarding daughters being second best to sons.


That's a really good point, amarante!  (doh! *smacks head*) that he said it ON CAMERA.  What a dumbass thing to say while cameras are rolling !

Although, again I am probably giving him way too much slack,  but I really have to believe that he meant it directed at Shannon and not his daughters.   


I think Shannon is fascinating to watch. It almost feels like she's been on this show since the beginning. She's someone who has everything that you are "supposed" to have on paper. Money, beautiful home, successful husband, healthy children but is incredibly unhappy. She knows that she has to change but doesn't know how or where to begin. She turns to her gurus for crystals, healing and serenity to fill the emptiness in her life.

charming:  You nailed it.   And that's so sad.  :(

  • Love 2

There's an old saying:  "Confidence is Silent.  Insecurity is Loud."   Haven't heard too much from the new women on the show, but Vicki, Tamra, and Heather are constantly turning up the volume whether it is a normal conversation or one of their many arguments.  They have got to be three of the most insecure people on the planet.  If you're a successful business owner or actress, you don't need to continually remind people that you are.  If it is true, they'll figure it out by themselves. 

  • Love 1

There's an old saying:  "Confidence is Silent.  Insecurity is Loud."   Haven't heard too much from the new women on the show, but Vicki, Tamra, and Heather are constantly turning up the volume whether it is a normal conversation or one of their many arguments.  They have got to be three of the most insecure people on the planet.  If you're a successful business owner or actress, you don't need to continually remind people that you are.  If it is true, they'll figure it out by themselves.

I think this is true in life, but that just the opposite applies in Reality TV. If you are silent you are gone. If you appear loud you will more than likely be asked back. These bitches have to bring it.

Although, again I am probably giving him way too much slack,  but I really have to believe that he meant it directed at Shannon and not his daughters.


The daughter was standing right there, the camera panned over to her.  I'm not on his side with that comment.  But these people are all suspect.


I bet he wanted to move out just during filming.  A lot of the hubbies don't like being on the show and honestly, I think being on this ruins marriages.

  • Love 1
Do I recall correctly? Shannon said (I think in the TH when she talked about how he went to bed at 8:30 and she stayed up later. Shannon was discussing the lack of connection between her and David) that she and David 'only' spent 3 hours together a day??? If that is what she said... What the?! That's a lot of time to spend with your [working] spouse per day.

If I recall correctly....she's one hell of a needy bitch! Get a hobby girl!


Yea, I thought that sounded fairly normal. My husband usually gets home right at dinner time - 5:30. And he's off to bed by 8 - 8:30, same as David. He works in construction AND has an hour commute every day. At any rate, we have small kids, so even those 3 hours are usually filled with distractions. But I don't complain, it's life. I also stay up later than my husband most of the time, but she could always go in and lay down with him for a bit, cuddle, talk, whatever - then get back up when he falls asleep. It's almost like she just WANTS to bitch. 


That's a really good point, amarante!  (doh! *smacks head*) that he said it ON CAMERA.  What a dumbass thing to say while cameras are rolling !

Although, again I am probably giving him way too much slack,  but I really have to believe that he meant it directed at Shannon and not his daughters.


Oh, I definitely think he meant it as a swipe at Shannon. Too bad he's an idiot for not realizing it will also likely hurt his girls, no matter his intentions. So now Terry thinks his toddler is a bitch and David is unhappy all the time because he produced girls. And Lizzie wants to act all put out because the boys are running a bit wild with her seemingly good-natured husband. Girl, be thankful! He seems to be about the only dad currently on the show who is worth a thing. 

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He didn't say he was unhappy because he has girls but that he had girls because he was unhappy. Those are very different things. I suggest that people not drink alcohol and then film for TV....very stupid.

The comment made no sense to me.  Shannon claims the oldest was conceived on their honeymoon and the twins after a Def Leopard concert.  Sounds like it takes a lot to make David happy.  I agree about the drinking-he seems to have a clogged filter when he has been drinking.

I guess that I'm in the minority, but I like Heather.  I think she tried to diffuse Tamra's crazy and maintain a friendship with her during their lunch.  I thought she was thoughtful in her expectations of Tamra and in her responses to Tamra's tears.  But maybe she's just a really good actress... 


I like her as well.  She's smart, she's personable.  

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How much of a pussy do you have to be to email a suggestion about moving out to your wife?  Or is Shannon that crazy he thought he'd be offed if he suggested that in person?


I also get the impression that Shannon pushes and pushes but never thought he would leave her.  She was shocked.  She was taking blame  


There's something about Shannon that I love but at the same time, I can't imagine living with her quirks.  The money she's spent on all of this bullshit new age stuff would be enough to make me want to divorce her.

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  How much of a pussy do you have to be to email a suggestion about moving out to your wife?  Or is Shannon that crazy he thought he'd be offed if he suggested that in person?


I thought Shannon said that they had both found that it was easier to email each other because sometimes it was easier to communicate that way? Which should have been a huge red flag for her that they shouldn't be on a TV show.


Did she say that during her heart exam, or am I confusing it with her blog?

I'm so sick of hearing about Tamra's bowels. 


The whole Brianna's baby reveal was a big waste of time because Vicki had already mentioned in one of her blogs that Brianna is having another boy.  Michael's lack of interest was kind of amusing though.

I had forgotten already so I was just slightly more interested than Michael in the gender reveal.

You can even hear Mike tell her she's getting big.



GETTING big?!  Since when has Brianna NOT been big?  I'm not criticizing her too much because I know she had the thyroid problem, but I don't know how Mike could see any difference in how she's looked all of the other days after giving birth to Troy.  She didn't exactly snap back into pre-baby weight before getting knocked up with the second one.  Unfortunately for her, I don't think she'll ever be thin again.  In fact, I can see her pushing out a brood just out of boredom.

He didn't say he was unhappy because he has girls but that he had girls because he was unhappy. Those are very different things. I suggest that people not drink alcohol and then film for TV....very stupid.


Oh, I know. But the way he said it, just made it sound (to me) like he was generally unhappy in life - hence having three girls and nary a boy. And kids often tend to take everything personally anyway, so yea - it was a really stupid comment to make. 


How much of a pussy do you have to be to email a suggestion about moving out to your wife?  Or is Shannon that crazy he thought he'd be offed if he suggested that in person?


She said they actually write to each other a lot, because they have issues communicating. I know I communicate A LOT better via written word than orally. I tend to get flustered easily when speaking out loud to people, depending on what the topic is. I have written to my husband before about topics that were important, because I felt I could convey my thoughts better on paper. Maybe his email wasn't simply - "I want to move out for a bit". Maybe there was a lot of the WHY in there, a lot of his issues - and he felt he could express himself more easily if he wrote it out? Or maybe you're right and he is just a coward. I hope he didn't just send the email and never come home. 

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Maybe his email wasn't simply - "I want to move out for a bit". Maybe there was a lot of the WHY in there, a lot of his issues - and he felt he could express himself more easily if he wrote it out? Or maybe you're right and he is just a coward. I hope he didn't just send the email and never come home.


I thought Shannon said that David sent her an email and at the end he suggested that he move out for awhile.  I got the impression that there was a whole lot more to the email than "I'm outta here."  Who knows though.

  • Love 2

Shannon reminds me an awful lot of Betty Broderick for those of you who knows who she is.....

Oh yes! That is the exact vibe I get. That David probably isn't a great guy who may be cheating and would likely do something like move his young girlfriend into the house as soon as the separate, BUT Shannon strikes me as a Betty Bridruck type of endlessly needy narcissist. David may be a jerk, but I don't think a nice guy would be making her feel loved either. I don't know if it's possible for someone to love her enough. The amount of attention she seems to think she should be recieving is crazy. I don't think that anything short of David quitting his job so that he can dote on her 24/7 would be enough.

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