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S09.E09: Not a Good Day LA

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When it comes to self-interest and massive doses of self-pity, Tamra has no rivals on this show.  She's like a heat-seeking missile of neediness and opportunism.  Eddie seems over her. 


Shannon can lose me with her marriage laments.  Either get divorced or make the best of it.  I can't stand her, and her husband, with his high-pitched unattractive whining, hardly seems worth losing it for.  Enjoy your massive house and your daughters and get on with it, woman!  Both of them have perfected the art of McMansion passive-aggression.  The whole skit about the water bottle, not cold!, and needing or not needing to take it up to bed with him spoke volumes.  She's bossy and hostile, underneath all the fake concern for him, and he simply doesn't want to be told what to do, period, and is eager to find fault--and get the hell out. 


Add me to the list of those tired of hearing about babies and grown children departing the nest.  Why can't any of these gals take us out to the beach?

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I admit I'm having difficulty following the logic of, "How dare you gossip about my super secret email that was told in confidence to Tamra and the viewing public!"


I get being mad over someone you dislike gossiping about your shitty marriage but I get a little lost over the privacy part.  Then again Shannon seems so drunk maybe she just thinks the cameras and production staff are one long drawn out DT hallucination. 


This. You just told Tamra on TV about the email. It's not a secret any more.

Tamra is not only an entitled bitch, she is a stupid entitled bitch. Idiot is getting free publicity and bitches about it. It seems like Eddie is getting a bit bored with all the drama his crazy wife brings. Since I have never been convinced he is even attracted to women, maybe Tamra should spend a little time worrying about her own marriage instead of Shannons.


Watching the marriage die is a little too real, but have to admit it's interesting. As someone who could not make it through even 10 minuties of "True Tori" which, IMO, was total BS., I was actually pretty riveted to the story last night and I don't even like Shannon.


Agree with the Lizzie assesment. Boring. If she can't bring anything more interesting than she has so far, she will go the way of the last beauty queen BRAVO brought on. At least Joyce was genuinely pretty and seemed genuinely nice. So far I woudln't say either of those is true of Lizzie. And YES to the end of the "baby" story lines.


I don't  give a flying frick it LIzzie has another kid and Tamra's carrying on about another kid is just stupid. She's too old and she's a lousy mother and a horrible person. Find another hobby Tamra.



Edited by chlban
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 I am getting a strong gossip vibe from Heather. 

I have never gotten this vibe before, but maybe next week will show that she is.  One of the reasons I liked her originally last year was when she didn't want to engage in the gossip about Vicki when Gretchen was trying to tell her the things that Laurie had alleged about the threesome (when they were sitting alone in the Limo). Later when Gretchen told Tamra the same story Tamra immediately ran to Heather to fill her in. She was surprised to find out that Heather already knew because Heather had never gossiped with her about it.  Then later she was frustrated when Laurie was gossiping about Brooks. She has just always seemed like she was above that, but then again maybe she is only protective when the person being gossiped about is someone she cares about. Maybe if she doesn't like them she will get right down in the mud. 

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And yet Shannon is interesting to watch.  Lizzie isn't.  I don't hate Lizzie.  Just not interested in anything about her.  Her husband seems nice.  Her mother seems nice.  But Lizzie's segments put me to sleep.  I don't give a flying fuck bout beauty pageants, so I hope they don't show that shit again.  Unless she fights with the others, so far she really ain't a good addition.  They could easily get rid of her cuz she's boring the fuck outta me.


Did anyone notice Heather's eyes looked particularly crazy in this ep?  Man, her eyes are scarier than Ramona's.  Eeeek!


I agree overall; however, isn't it Lizzie that rips into Tamra and sends her barefoot and screeching into the night in an upcoming episode?


I'm bored with Lizzie now but I might want to host a parade in her honor when THAT episode finally airs.  Until then, I'm patiently drumming my fingers during all of her scenes and anticipating future events.


Anybody who can reduce Tasmanian Tamra to the shrieking she-beast running barefoot through the night is probably going to become my new Housewives Heroine.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 11

Ok, this is going to sound strange, but I like Lizzie precisely because there is no drama with her. I think there should always be at least one drama free housewife just so that there is a reprieve during the episode. 


Between Shannon's failing marriage, Tamra's need to destroy her friendships for a paycheck, and Vicki's family crap, having one seemingly normal person on the show who is talking about whether or not to have another baby (even thought I too am over the baby talk), refreshing. 


Everything on the show doesn't have to be dramatic. Seeing a person have normal interactions with her family and friends is just so rare for this show, that I have to say I like it. 


Besides, Lizzie brings it when it counts, like when she didn't put up with Vicki's nonsense, and when she called out Tamra's shit talking Heather at the party, and if she really is the one to send Tamra screeching, then I would say she is a great addition without being too over the top.

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I also liked the way that she took ownership of some of the things she had said about Heather behind her back and apologized for it.


But it was so classic Vicki! "I don't want you thinking I would every be chriping about you behind your back - because I was!" On what planet does this make sense? I would never, ever gossip about you - except for the fact that I did - so, don't ever think I would - but I am sorry for doing so - but now I am apologizing, so I didn't really!

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 10

Heather tends to brag in a way that makes it seem like she's not bragging, more like complaining. For example - last night with her, "how ridiculous is it that we have two drivers right now"?

For sure! That made me cringe. Veiled brag alert.


She's gotten ridiculous. She's one of those awful people who is juuuust cagey enough to insult the shit out of you, but being so slippery that it's hard to parrot back to her how she is being a bitch, without looking like a child yourself. You KNOW she's insulting, but it's hard to put your finger on how. Ugh. A soul sucker.

  • Love 9

And yet Shannon is interesting to watch.  Lizzie isn't.  I don't hate Lizzie.  Just not interested in anything about her.  Her husband seems nice.  Her mother seems nice.  But Lizzie's segments put me to sleep.  I don't give a flying fuck bout beauty pageants, so I hope they don't show that shit again.  Unless she fights with the others, so far she really ain't a good addition.  They could easily get rid of her cuz she's boring the fuck outta me.


Did anyone notice Heather's eyes looked particularly crazy in this ep?  Man, her eyes are scarier than Ramona's.  Eeeek!

DVR is my best friend. I had to fast forward through all of Lizzie's scenes last night. I could give a rat's ass about her life. Heather's eyes were crazy all right, she opens them real wide and then doesn't blink..weird!  I get the feeling Eddie is not into Tamra's drama at all. In fact, he doesn't seem into HER at all. She is one stealth bitch!

I snickered when I realized that all Vickie had to offer tonight was 7 blue balloons in a box. Step up your game woman.

Tamra can't stop being Tamra because she'd have nothing, hence the gossiping and the whining and the stupid baby idea. Wait, didn't she have her tubes tied? 

Does anyone remember?

Well, Vicks did have lunch with Heather and nailed it when she said that Tamra sabotages all her relationships. Wonder it that's going to piss off Tams when she see's the tape. These women just can't help themselves. They cry and apologize themselves out of one shit storm just to jump right back into another!

  • Love 1

This. You just told Tamra on TV about the email. It's not a secret any more.

Tamra is not only an entitled bitch, she is a stupid entitled bitch. Idiot is getting free publicity and bitches about it. It seems like Eddie is getting a bit bored with all the drama his crazy wife brings. Since I have never been convinced he is even attracted to women, maybe Tamra should spend a little time worrying about her own marriage instead of Shannons.


Watching the marriage die is a little too real, but have to admit it's interesting. As someone who could not make it through even 10 minuties of "True Tori" which, IMO, was total BS., I was actually pretty riveted to the story last night and I don't even like Shannon.


Agree with the Lizzie assesment. Boring. If she can't bring anything more interesting than she has so far, she will go the way of the last beauty queen BRAVO brought on. At least Joyce was genuinely pretty and seemed genuinely nice. So far I woudln't say either of those is true of Lizzie. And YES to the end of the "baby" story lines.


I don't  give a flying frick it LIzzie has another kid and Tamra's carrying on about another kid is just stupid. She's too old and she's a lousy mother and a horrible person. Find another hobby Tamra.

ITA, the baby story line is so played out. Plus, tamrat is no mother of the year. Count me with those who think their marriage is a farce anyway. What is up with these women in their late 40's wanting to have more kids?

I am also bored by Lizzie.

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Then of course there is the silly baby talk with Tamra. Am I to understand that next week we will have to watch them cope with a doll? 

After watching Kenya do this a earlier ths year, I have zero interest as well.


I really am liking Teefs this season. I appreciated him telling Tamra not to read too much into Heather's every move. He's so the opposite of Terry. Terry is a catty little bitch who delights in rushing right into smack talk. If Heather had come back to her dressing room and said, "Tamra was icy, wasn't she?", Terry would have been all, "Oh yea, she was one cold bitch. What the hell is her problem?" Eddie just shuts that shit down. Good on him. 

I am begining to see a pattern with Tamra and her husbands...


So according to Shannon's blog the email that David sent did not say he wanted a divorce. So Tamra is a liar and an exaggerator. 

Shannon said on the show last night that David's email said he wanted to move out (get seperated from her).

DVR is my best friend. I had to fast forward through all of Lizzie's scenes last night. I could give a rat's ass about her life. Heather's eyes were crazy all right, she opens them real wide and then doesn't blink..weird!  I get the feeling Eddie is not into Tamra's drama at all. In fact, he doesn't seem into HER at all. She is one stealth bitch!

Well, Vicks did have lunch with Heather and nailed it when she said that Tamra sabotages all her relationships. Wonder it that's going to piss off Tams when she see's the tape. These women just can't help themselves. They cry and apologize themselves out of one shit storm just to jump right back into another!

My 20 yr old daughter asked what was up with the lady with the big creepy doll eyes. She has a funny way of walking that I find annoying too.

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I totally agree with Persnickety! I can't point my finger on why Lizzie bores me but I am so longing for that moment she calls Tamra out for EXACTLY who she is and she goes running. She says it calmly and so on point, I can't wait.

If any of you with little ones watch Disney Jr, Lizzie bears a striking resemblance to Genevieve from Choo Choo soul. Google it ;-)

I find Shannon a refreshing add to the group. I don't see or feel the love in that marriage and it's unfortunate that it's getting played out but, oh well.

I'm over Tamra starting unnecessary bullshit. She's going down the same road Gretchen was, creating drama, fake storylines (baby, really? Didn't she get her tubes tied?) then the audience catches on and Andy gives them the ax. BUT I will say her most genuine moment was when she was speaking about leaving her husband and how hard it was. It really makes me wonder if deep down, she thinks she made a mistake leaving Simon.

I still love Heather, condescending tones and all.

I'm still mad at the non acknowledgment Ryan hatred from last season and we're seeing him this season like nothing happened. Briana seems exhausted, I hope she takes care of herself.

DVR is my best friend. I had to fast forward through all of Lizzie's scenes last night. I could give a rat's ass about her life.



Oh I wish I had watched on DVR --- I simply changed the channel during her segments. I have zero effs to give about her boring-ass life.  I feel somewhat the same about the whole "oooh is Brianna having a girl or a boy".... like WHO flippin' cares???

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If any of you with little ones watch Disney Jr, Lizzie bears a striking resemblance to Genevieve from Choo Choo soul. Google it ;-)



That's who she reminds me of!  Thank you!  It's been bugging me for weeks!  lol


OT: Count me among those who find it absurd for Shannon to be upset about ANYONE talking about the state of her marriage when she and David are making it front and center this season.  From the moment we met Shannon, she's been very upfront about her unhappiness with her marriage.  And seriously Shannon?  You're going to trust Tamra, someone you've known for all of 5 minutes, with the problems in your marriage?  Even if you weren't bringing it up yourself in all your interviews and interactions with the other ladies and your husband, trusting Tamra with ANYTHING is pretty much guaranteeing that all the other ladies will hear about it as soon as you've left the room.  But hey, at least you'll now know how much you can trust Tamra.  Can't wait to see how Tamra tries to weasel her way out of this during the reunion.


That said, as much as I love Heather (sorry, but I'll take her ANYDAY when my other choices are Vicky or Tamra), I am really going to be disappointed if we find out next week that she did in fact spread around what Tamra told her.  She hasn't seemed to be one for ideal gossip, as someone else pointed out already she shut Gretchen and Tamra down pretty fast last year when they tried to gossip with her about the rumors Laurie was spreading around regarding Vicky.  I am kinda hoping that it was Terry that she talked to about David's email and Terry, bonehead that he has proven himself to be, sent a text to David saying, "Hey man, heard you told Shannon in an email you wanted a divorce.  Sucks dude!"  We'll see.

Edited by slitz
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I will side step from the Tamra/Heather/Shannon drama for now (great comments, by the way!!) I am going to sound old school, because I am, especially about moms staying home to raise their kids when the kids are under 5....Lizzie needs to make up her mind, she has 2 sweet and healthy little boys who will not be little forever...she needs to stop it with the 'I'm not fulfilled' crap talk, if she's not fulfilled being home with them now, why on earth does she think she might want another one?  She will have plenty of time to 'get fulfilled' when her kids are in school, she needs to be there for them NOW,when they need her the most!!!  She is coming across like the typical cliche air-headed beauty pageant queen when she talks as if bringing another life into this world is like deciding what to have for dinner.....

Edited by sandyskyblue
  • Love 7

Maybe Heather is wrong to repeat the gossip about Shannon and her marriage but I blame Tamra moreso.  Shannon told Tamra something in confidence and I don't believe for one Botoxed moment that Tamra was sharing the info with Heather out of the goodness of her oh-so-black heart in hopes that Heather and Shannon would make up.  I think Tamra is a nasty shit stirrer and she couldn't wait to share someone else's misfortune. 


And she is a dumb bitch extraordinnaire to tell Heather on film and then deny it to Shannon.  Heather never denied saying what she did to Teefs and apologized.


Sure, Heather is condescending but I still like her.  Her wit and brain can run circles around most of the other ladies.


Briana - - I don't care.  Take your jackhole husband and get yourself to OK.  Please.  (Sorry to any OK residents out there)

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When Vicki told Heather that Tamra sabotages all her relationships I thought she was just parroting what Tamara herself said last season. At least I think it was last season that Tamara was trying to make the drama with Eddie that she has a hard time trusting people and whenever anything good comes into her life she sabotages it. I also think Tamra said something similar to Gretchen to when they were becoming BFFs, that she sabotages things and can't be happy. Does anyone else remember this storyline?

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I still love Heather, condescending tones and all.

Me too! If I hung around Tamra and Vicki, I would be condescending as hell to them. I really could care less about Heather gossiping about Shannon's marriage. I gossip about people I am not a fan of too. Of course, the people I gossip to usually do not know the person we are talking about or do, but are not friends with them either. Then again, I am not a Shannon fan, so that could be the reason I do not care.

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Kudos to whoever called it last week about Tamra's wheels spinning when Shannon called Heather an actress. It was like Tamara was setting the stage at her one-on-one with Heather so she could throw out "I can't trust you you're an actress". I wondered if Tamara said it hoping Heather would say "where did that come from?" and Tamara could respond Shannon, thus adding fuel to the fire.

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As they say, actions speak louder than words, and the preview scene at the Dubrow's seals my opinion of both Heather and Terry as complete privileged assholes.  There stands a stern-faced Heather, with Terry and his perpetual nasty smirk standing in the background (as usual), angrily ordering an obviously upset Shannon from their rented mansion. Shannon has obviously gone there to talk to ("confront") Heather about spreading news of her impending divorce from David, and is no doubt highly distraught and emotional, but, given her precarious situation, that's understandable. The fact that the Dubrow's can't see the big picture, can't empathize with this overwrought woman who is in need of sympathy and support and cut her some slack, offer a few words of support, confirms their despicable characters. I'm assuming, of course, that Shannon hasn't ransacked and spray painted their lovely rental property.

  • Love 8

When Vicki told Heather that Tamra sabotages all her relationships I thought she was just parroting what Tamara herself said last season. At least I think it was last season that Tamara was trying to make the drama with Eddie that she has a hard time trusting people and whenever anything good comes into her life she sabotages it. I also think Tamra said something similar to Gretchen to when they were becoming BFFs, that she sabotages things and can't be happy. Does anyone else remember this storyline?

You are remembering it quite well Booger. Tamra has said this in the past. I fully expect her to once again blame her shitty childhood for the fact that she struggles with issues of trust, and therefore cannot ever really get close to anyone or maintain friendships. I found Heathers phraseology last night interesting when talking about their friendship. She said "Tamra and I have been very good friends to each other". Generally you hear someone throw out that they have been a good friend, but Heather seemed careful to set straight that this friendship had worked both ways. From looking at social media and such, it certainly appears that these gals have a real friendship; yet Tamra is still not trusting. Poor Eddie.

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I don't think Shannon ever said that David wanted a divorce. She said that David wanted to move out for a while. Tamra embellished the story a bit.

As for telling a nationwide audience about this email, Shannon mentioned it in her TH, which was filmed at a later date than when filming took place. At the time she mentioned the email to Tamra, I'm sure she had said it in confidence, not expecting Tamra to blab it to on camera to Heather. Once it was out there, I'm sure Shannon felt obliged to explain the emaigl in her TH. I don't think it was her intention to make it public.

  • Love 3



As they say, actions speak louder than words, and the preview scene at the Dubrow's seals my opinion of both Heather and Terry as complete privileged assholes.  There stands a stern-faced Heather, with Terry and his perpetual nasty smirk standing in the background (as usual), angrily ordering an obviously upset Shannon from their rented mansion. Shannon has obviously gone there to talk to ("confront") Heather about spreading news of her impending divorce from David, and is no doubt highly distraught and emotional, but, given her precarious situation, that's understandable. The fact that the Dubrow's can't see the big picture, can't empathize with this overwrought woman who is in need of sympathy and support and cut her some slack, offer a few words of support, confirms their despicable characters. I'm assuming, of course, that Shannon hasn't ransacked and spray painted their lovely rental property.


We don't know anything about that scene really. Not how it starts. What Shannon says. What Heather says. I'm going to wait to see it before making any sweeping judgments.

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Shannon used the D word after reading the email.


Correct.  According to her TH, David said in his email that he should move out for awhile.  Didn't she then say in one of her THs that "divorce is not an option"?  So Shannon's the one who brought up the big D word.  Granted, we have no idea of what was being said in private conversations between her and David.  He very well could have said he wanted a divorce.  We don't see everything.  We certainly didn't see the argument that lead to David's email.


I mean, you're on the man's ass about a GLASS OF WATER. I'd want to move out too!


This.  I'm not a David fan (Well a little bit, because I could tell from his accent he was a fellow native Michigander and he acknowledged that last night) he has his faults yada yada... but daaaayum Shannon just doesn't let up on him for one second.  She's always whining she doesn't feel loved by him, but yet refuses to give any (love) out.   I don't relish watching a marriage crumble but she could pitch in and stop whining.   It seems to me like she worries more about her image than her marriage. (see over the top xmas décor, worries over whether or not her guests are having pre-dinner conversation, etc.)  


Agree with all the posters on too much baby nonsense.  


Tamra is not only a vile bitch, it's just getting real old and boring.   


Vicki is a joke.


Heathers eyes are seriously creeping me out.   

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 2
  But what I want to know is - who in the world was Heather telling this to that it got back to David? It should have died right there at that lunch. If Heather tries to put it all on Tamra, she's going to piss me off.


That’s what I’d like to know, too! I wonder if one of the producers must have fed David the info. Although if we pretend for a moment that there isn’t producer-induced manipulation going on, I still think Tamra deserves more of the blame than Heather for that information getting out. Clearly Shannon and Heather aren’t friends, so it’s not like Heather has much loyalty to protect Shannon’s secrets at this point, especially not when Tamra is telling her this information in front of a camera crew.


Assuming there’s a S10, Shannon’s definitely got her HW spot secured (assuming she wants it). Andy was pretty effusive in his praise of her during the WWHL after show. It was pretty clear he thinks she’s a great addition to the cast and would want her to come back. Which I agree. She manages to bring the HW hysterics with just enough self-awareness to be likable but not boring.


I’m also in the minority who is liking Lizzie. I appreciate her directness, and I agree with MatildaMoody that it’s a nice reprieve to have at least one drama-free wife. Plus as we’ve already seen, she’s not afraid to defend herself without going shrill, so I think it bodes well for her interactions in future episodes. I already enjoy her more than Lydia, whose feistiness could be amusing but her arguments usually consisted of “lalalala, I’m gonna talk louder and one-up you with one last dig to win.”

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Okay, this is probably a side issue, but I'm really confused about Brianna's sex reveal (I hate it when people say "gender."  You're not revealing baby's gender, you're revealing their sex.)  According to Vicki, Brianna is due July 11.  This was filmed around the holidays right, or immediately thereafter?  I'm assuming January since Tamra kept referring to Cut fitness' stupid week free ad for the month of January (do any gyms NOT do this in January?)  So she'd only be like, 3 months along.  You don't have the anatomy scan until 20 weeks or later normally.  


I know it's a non-issue, but it's bugging me.

I don't think Shannon ever said that David wanted a divorce. She said that David wanted to move out for a while. Tamra embellished the story a bit.

As for telling a nationwide audience about this email, Shannon mentioned it in her TH, which was filmed at a later date than when filming took place. At the time she mentioned the email to Tamra, I'm sure she had said it in confidence, not expecting Tamra to blab it to on camera to Heather. Once it was out there, I'm sure Shannon felt obliged to explain the emaigl in her TH. I don't think it was her intention to make it public.

It is hard to say what she wanted made public. Her TH about David's email was in association with her doctor visit, not her conversation with Tamra. She has been extremely vocal - more so than any HW I have ever seen - about the sorry state of her marriage. She brings it up in pretty much every single episode. What does she believe that the viewing audience is left to deduce from someone constantly talking about how unhappy their marriage is? Surely the end result is often divorce? It would hardly be a shocking or unexpected ending. As someone else pointed out, she mentioned divorce herself. Also, we have no idea exactly what she told Tamra, as that conversation happened off camera.
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Should be Working:  you really don't know any of this to be true.  My perception was the Shannon came unannounced, started bitching at Heather in her "rented mansion while we build one that's bigger than your mansion" and Heather had enough and told her to leave. 


I'm in the minority here, but I love Heather, I love Terry, I love their over the top homes, cars, EVERYTHING about them.  I'd watch the news if I wanted reality in my reality TV.

  • Love 12

Okay, this is probably a side issue, but I'm really confused about Brianna's sex reveal (I hate it when people say "gender." You're not revealing baby's gender, you're revealing their sex.) According to Vicki, Brianna is due July 11. This was filmed around the holidays right, or immediately thereafter? I'm assuming January since Tamra kept referring to Cut fitness' stupid week free ad for the month of January (do any gyms NOT do this in January?) So she'd only be like, 3 months along. You don't have the anatomy scan until 20 weeks or later normally.

I know it's a non-issue, but it's bugging me.

Brianna may require earlier/more frequent ultrasounds if she's high-risk. Or she may have paid for an independent 3-D or 4-D ultrasound specifically for sex determination purposes. In some cases, fetal sex can be determined via ultrasound as early as 11-12 weeks (with a margin of error, of course). Or she may have had a cell-free DNA analysis performed, which can determine fetal sex as early as 5-7 weeks. Edited by canter
  • Love 1
As for telling a nationwide audience about this email, Shannon mentioned it in her TH, which was filmed at a later date than when filming took place. At the time she mentioned the email to Tamra, I'm sure she had said it in confidence, not expecting Tamra to blab it to on camera to Heather. Once it was out there, I'm sure Shannon felt obliged to explain the emaigl in her TH. I don't think it was her intention to make it public.


That's a good point, I didn't think about that. Do they see the footage before they do their THs? 


She's always whining she doesn't feel loved by him, but yet refuses to give any (love) out.   I don't relish watching a marriage crumble but she could pitch in and stop whining.


Absolutely. It seems we have another stalemate here - where they're both unhappy, but neither one refuses to budge. You just can't do that in a marriage. You can't sit there and be angry and bitter and wait for the other person to make their move. In my experience, it's best to BE the kind of mate you want...and generally the other person responds well to that. 


That’s what I’d like to know, too! I wonder if one of the producers must have fed David the info.


You know, I just had that thought myself. It wouldn't surprise me with this network. I also wonder if Heather told some of the new neighbors?


Okay, this is probably a side issue, but I'm really confused about Brianna's sex reveal (I hate it when people say "gender."  You're not revealing baby's gender, you're revealing their sex.)  According to Vicki, Brianna is due July 11.  This was filmed around the holidays right, or immediately thereafter?  I'm assuming January since Tamra kept referring to Cut fitness' stupid week free ad for the month of January (do any gyms NOT do this in January?)  So she'd only be like, 3 months along.  You don't have the anatomy scan until 20 weeks or later normally.


Thanks for doing the math - you are right. That's super early to find out what they're having. I wonder if production went back and filmed that later to add something to Vicky's boring storyline. 

  • Love 2

Perhaps I jumped the gun in my premature and severe condemnation of the Dubrows based a very brief preview clip. But even if Shannon has just dropped by (even unannounced) and blown a gasket, that's not how a doctor or his highly-intelligent and so socially-sensitive wife should respond to a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown, even on a RH reality show.


Nor am I excusing Shannon one bit for the mess she now appears to find herself in WRT her marriage. We've all seen the countless scenes of her belittling her husband, rejecting his advances, undermining him in front of the girls, generally making his life miserable. Now she's doing her on-air confessionals to explain how she really just wants more of David's time, attention, and affection. Lady has a strange way of communicating that. One would think she holds him in utter contempt. Get thee to a psychiatrist and a marriage counselor, pronto. And nix on the computer till midnight routine.


Still can't abide Heather or Terry, though.

  • Love 4

A blood test can reveal the sex pretty early, but Brianna looked waaaaay more pregnant than three months along.  I'm guessing it was shot later in the filming window and inserted earlier into the timeline.  Does anyone know when they wrapped? 


I have never been a Tamra fan but she just gets worse and worse every season.  And Eddie is so totally over her drama.   

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Marriages dying seems to be the plot for most of the seasons on this franchise.



ITA. This is why I stopped watching RHOBH, largely due to the Taylor Armstrong storyline. We will never know the truth about the extent to which she was (or was not) a victim of domestic abuse. What we do know is that Bravo encouraged her to be portrayed in this way. Likewise we will never know the part this played in Russell Armstrong's suicide, but we never heard his side of the story, only the scenario Bravo wanted us to see, from her perspective alone. It made me sick.


I'm liking Eddie this season too. I loved how he rolled his eyes at the TV studio when Tamra refused to shut up about the fake drama with Heather. And if there'd been any actual tears from Tamra that napkin would have been smeared with eyeliner and mascara. But it was pristine.

  • Love 2

In my head, Heather shared with Terry the gossip about Shannon's marriage and that old hen (Terry) was the one who went out and spread the gossip.  I have absolutely no basis for saying this other than it seems like something he would do, and because it makes me laugh to think about it.  And, wasn't there a preview of Terry calling David some stupid name?  To continue my fictional assessment, it's because David confronts Terry.  


I want this to be true.  C'mon show.  Make it happen,

  • Love 8

When Vicki told Heather that Tamra sabotages all her relationships I thought she was just parroting what Tamara herself said last season. At least I think it was last season that Tamara was trying to make the drama with Eddie that she has a hard time trusting people and whenever anything good comes into her life she sabotages it. I also think Tamra said something similar to Gretchen to when they were becoming BFFs, that she sabotages things and can't be happy. Does anyone else remember this storyline?


This was something that Tamra told Gretchen on the beach, somewhere, when the two had to sit down, with cameras, and Tamra had to explain why she was such a vile bitch and cry about how her parents' divorce affected her so much.  When she was 25. 

  • Love 1


There stands a stern-faced Heather, with Terry and his perpetual nasty smirk standing in the background...


OMG seeing Terry standing there in the background like the stealth drama queen that he is made my skin crawl. I don't ever buy any of his "niceness" - all I have to do is remember the way he snickered with Slade over how good Lauri was in bed at that siesta last year and I am reminded that he is such a covert sleazeball.

  • Love 6

I think the reason Shannon fits in better then Lizzie and Danielle was because the show took their time casting her.  I have a feeling that the show envisioned season 9 to be Tamra, Vicki, Heather, Lydia, and Shannon.  I think a poster in another post mentioned that it seemed like Lydia and Heather would be squaring off with Shannon/Vicki/Tamra left to pick sides.  When Lydia dropped out right before filming, I think those plans had to be scrapped.  It looks like the show was trying Tamra vs. Heather and we can see how badly that is coming off.


To me, it looks like Lizzie and Danielle were selected to audition for the final spot.  I think Lizzie has provided more of a spark with her holding her own against Vicki plus her outing Tamra/Shannon's smack talking behind Heather's back.  I do agree her personal life seems kind of dull, but it seems like a nice contrast to the 'Scenes from a Marriage' show involving Shannon and David.  I'd rather see Lizzie more at work then at home since it looks like her husband is very old fashion.  To me, if hubby is unwilling to help with actually raising baby #3 then no baby.


I am wondering if Shannon's meltdown will be shown especially with her breaking the fourth wall, and I'm excited to see Tamra's meltdown.


I think if Tamra wants to stay employed, she might want to do something completely new and not be a back stabber.  Perhaps be nice?!?!  It seems like she and Heather are good so now she's going to turn on Shannon.  Reminds me of how Tamra/Gretchen made up and then Tamra turned on Alexis.  Rinse and repeat.  Gretchen and Alexis fell into those ruts and look what happened to them, so Tamra might want to change the game for season 10.

Tamra certainly has a way of sabotaging herself, does she not? She gets a spot on Heather's stupid show and still finds something to bitch and moan about. Boo hoo, Heather wasn't warm enough for you! Also, can you learn to produce tears when you pretend to cry?

I am so over Tamra and Gymgate.  Heather is never going to admit to anything concerning the decision no matter how many "sources" Tamra has telling her things.  I don't think she can produce tears.  If she can, we haven't seen them.

  • Love 1

I'm kind of on the fence regarding the whole Heather/Shannon debacle but I will say this: I can TOTALLY understand why David wants to get away from the whining shrew of the OC for a "while".  My God, that woman just NEVER lets up on the guy!

And kadooz to whoever said it upthread, that these shows always bring out the worst in relationships but we're just getting to know Shannon and David.  This was NOT the right move for them to make unless they are both complete and total famewhores.  Just get yourselves to some marriage counseling and stay the hell OFF the television!

And it might actually help if Shannon had SOMETHING to do during the day besides sit around and whine about her marriage.  Get a job, go volunteer, DO SOMETHING, STUPID!!! GET YOUR DUMBASS OUT OF THE HOUSE!!

And now, I'm jumping off my soapbox.

Edited by goofygirl
  • Love 3

I'm so sick of hearing about Tamra's bowels. 


The whole Brianna's baby reveal was a big waste of time because Vicki had already mentioned in one of her blogs that Brianna is having another boy.  Michael's lack of interest was kind of amusing though.


Ha ha yea I do believe Michael's non-reaction to the gender reveal reflected what the majority of us were feeling during that scene. 

  • Love 3

Aloha all!


Put me down with the "Lizzie = boring" (so far) gang......nothing she has done so far has been of any interest whatsoever.  If I wanted to watch crazy beauty pageants, there are other programs about that.


And oy vey with the babies!  Could care less about Briana's progeny and what sex it was.....that was a snooze fest big time.  Vicki needs to get a better storyline this season!


Heather has those doll eyes like some Japanese girls create for themselves via the contacts with the huge pupils and makeup......it is a "thing" and they suggest "Circle contacts make your eyes look very big and doll-like. You can try any color you'd like, but very dark brown or even black can make your eyes look mysterious. You can get them on online or from Korean/Japanese stores."   Don't know what Heather has had done, but she is halfway there at least!


Tamra is all about drama and creating it.  I give Eddie props for shutting (or trying to) her down when she was all whiney about the TV appearance.....good for him!


Shannon I'm not sure about.  I tend to think her marriage woes are ramped up for the TV show, for instance she moans about her husband going to bed at 8:30 and her staying up until midnight or 1 by herself.  My husband gets up at 4:30am and goes to bed at 8:30pm also....I also stay up until around midnight.....not a problem, just part of dealing with married life and the things you each need to do.  Maybe there is more we are not seeing, and the tumblers full of vodka are certainly a sign of some issue or another!


I agree also that the children's bedrooms at Shannon's home?  Looked like very sterile hotel rooms, one flat white pillow, one white sheet....no color anywhere....looked very uncomfortable!  I don't think they actually live there, or else they have rooms elsewhere we don't see?


This season has been kind of a snore to me so far I'm afraid.

Edited by koloagirl

Yep, I'm also part of the crew with the husband asleep by 9 pm at the latest and up at 4 am.  One makes adjustments and gets on with it.  Shannon is a drama queen but I do love that she lets us into her house.  I wish I could see more of it, for more than a second or two at a time -- it seems an odd mish-mash of styles and looks.  The outdoor area looks very nice. 


I was truly surprised by how much I enjoyed Vicki in this one.  Everything from her calm manner in dealing with the ridiculous Tamra-Heather imbroglio to her attempt, even if inarticulate, to explain to Ms. Dubrow what she sees as the real problem.  I don't think that Heather is necessarily snobby about money -- although her house designs and show-bragging would seem to contradict that -- but I do get the sense that because she appears better educated, more sophisticated, and less prone to endless grammatical errors she considers herself superior to the rest of the gang. I can understand that it would be difficult for her not to feel that way given this crew and how unworldly, and proud of it, most of them appear to be.  I thought it was brave of Vicki to go there -- even if she wasn't able to express it well. In a way, her inability to articulate the point kind of proved it.  There does appear to be a socio-economic divide there -- with Heather and Shannon on one side and the rest of the ladies on the other.  It has less to do with cash than with education and breeding.  


I think that if Heather were actively working on some reasonably successful sitcom, we'd see a lot less of some of her affectations.  She clearly wants to work full-time again as an actress.  Then again, if she were doing just that, we'd not have her as part of this goat rodeo.  I also think that, when working, she's probably fun and pleasant to be around.  I suspect her inner boho-artist comes out and that she probably does tend, in that environment, to take people as they come. As she should. I like her for the most part and would be happy to see her land a real gig, the kind of work she wants, and move on from the franchise.  


Her impression of Shannon was spot-on and hilarious.  It may end up doing the trick for her out there.  


I miss Alexis.  I am done with Brianna and family -- have had enough of all that.  I would love to see more of the insane Vicki and Brooks interactions.  Those two are really really amusing and their bizarre dinner dates never fail to amuse. 

  • Love 4

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