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David T. Cole

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45 minutes ago, Corgi-ears said:

Presumably Tara didn't mean Catherine MacKinnon, the legal scholar and anti-porn feminist, but Catherine Tate.

I assumed she was thinking of Kathryn "Kate" McKinnon, the actor and SNL person. Even as a Doctor Who fan who very much knew who Catherine Tate was, I was put off by her appearances on the US Office, so Tara was 100% right in spirit, if not in name.

Regarding Patriot, Tara and Dave should most definitely give it a second chance. I just watched the first season over the past week, and it's amazing. Tonally it may be better approached as an hour-long dark comedy than as a drama, though it does a great job of being everything all at once.

7 hours ago, Corgi-ears said:

Presumably Tara didn't mean Catherine MacKinnon, the legal scholar and anti-porn feminist, but Catherine Tate.

Woke up in the night realizing my mistake. You are correct.

7 hours ago, deangirl said:

ok, I try to be positive and open-minded but judging from the 2 clips provided from Tara, for Sally4ever. I'm just...Is that supposed to be funny? A girl so listless that she agrees to marry a man she's disgusted by and goes "ape" whenever he jerks off? Am I missing something here?

The visual adds a lot, but this is definitely not going to be a universal crowd-pleaser.

I'm an Australian who has never watched 'Rake' but have family and friends who enjoy it. I don't think it's my jam but I thought that about 'Outlander' and now I'm considering giving it a crack. Sadly the TalkBack radio host inspires race riots storyline was ripped from the headlines here https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-02/tribunal-rules-alan-jones-incited-hatred/4292052

On 'Bodyguard', as a viewer of the UK 'The Office', it was impossible not to yell "there's been a rape up there" or other lines every time Mike was on the screen.

I'm super jazzed about the upcoming book about 90210 and am looking forward to pre-ordering it. Very excited to see what kinds of listicles and additional content will be included. It was also really nice to see Kim on the podcast again and I'm glad that Little House on the Podcast will be picked up again. 


I also really enjoyed the conversation about what characters everyone would take on a lifeboat with them and lol'd when Dave asked Kim what exactly Sookie would be cooking on the lifeboat. I do concur with Kim's choices though-- Sookie, Ma Ingalls, Ron, Leslie, and Watson seems like a pretty well rounded group. 

I know this is a super old post and I doubt you even check it anymore, but thank you so much for making the original podcast available, Dougal. I've been having such a great time listening to it over the past week, and it's really nice to finally be able to listen to The Canon submissions that I could see listed on The Canon page but couldn't actually access. After listening to the current EHG podcast for so long, it's still a little weird to listen to Mark I and not hear Sarah on it regularly (sometimes I'll be like "huh, Sarah is being really quiet-- oh wait") but I absolutely love being able to listen Joe on almost every ep, so it balances out. The ep where he and Mark talked about college jeopardy and discussed the contestants they hated (and had crushes on) was hysterical. It's also very funny in hindsight to hear the several early episodes where Tara talked about how much she didn't want to get a dog 

Edited by salmondean

Two things:

One, I knew from the screencaps not only who selected the episode, but who it would be for. So I'm that weirdo.

Two, Back when Tara was doing the Pickle and Peanut theme song challenge, this was the clip youtube chose to show me when I asked it what the fuck Pickle and Peanut is. So I've now seen exactly 6:18 of the show, and it's the same 3:09 twice. I'm sure I have a very clear idea of what it is!

On 12/1/2018 at 6:15 PM, salmondean said:

but I absolutely love being able to listen Joe on almost every ep, so it balances out

Did you get to the one where Joe puts an SNL episode forward for the canon, and in the process talks himself out of it? To me that's the defining moment of Mark I. (The defining moment of Mark II, since no one asked, is the one where everyone has to watch Under the Dome, and Sarah takes personal umbridge at the fact that it even exists.)

7 hours ago, Stowaway said:

Did you get to the one where Joe puts an SNL episode forward for the canon, and in the process talks himself out of it? To me that's the defining moment of Mark I. (The defining moment of Mark II, since no one asked, is the one where everyone has to watch Under the Dome, and Sarah takes personal umbridge at the fact that it even exists.)

lol, I actually just listened to that one earlier this afternoon!! I had to pause it at a couple of points to regain my composure because I was at work.

The way that Joe eventually began to criticize the episode more than anyone else while Dave and Tara periodically yelled "what are you doing???" as he continued to sabotage himself and the way he defended himself by saying"this is an experimental canon submission!"was so funny. I almost lost it when he was finally like "I'm not voting for this." 

I also totally didn't realize that Joe was the one who originally came up with the "Will Dave Hate This?" segment! Such a fun recurring part of the show. 

That Under the Dome thing was also very funny, as was any time they discussed the show and Tara would have an emotional breakdown over how stupid it was and how much she hated recapping it

Edited by salmondean

On All in the Family, I agree that it's odd that it was this event that was Edith's crisis of faith, when just a few episodes before, she was nearly raped on her birthday in a really brutal, scary fashion that left Edith deeply traumatized.  In terms of Beverly being gay, I looked back and they actually did an episode about two months before this one where they tackled that subject head on.  In the episode, Edith's cousin passed away and it turned out her "roommate" was essentially her wife.   

I jump around a bit when listening to the podcast, so I heard a few references in future eps (in the successful Mr. Show and failed Kids in the Hall submissions I think) to the time that Joe submitted an SNL ep to the canon and promptly talked himself out of it, so I was so excited when I actually got to the ep and it didn't disappoint! I also remember hearing a reference or two to a GI Joe centric episode that people apparently complained about, but I got to it yesterday and thought it was super funny. Cold Slither, jesus christ. 

Tara doesn't like The Good Place! Burn her!

(I actually didn't like a good portion of the third season, but that's because it wasn't hyperkinetic and rewriting the rules of its reality enough for my taste.) And the writers like making Aussie in-jokes a lot more than I enjoyed hearing them.

I agree that overall season 3 wasn't as good as the previous ones. However Jeremy Beremy and the last two episodes were outstanding. I actually like that the rules change as we go along because I feel the creators know where they're going.

That Game Time was really fun! The prices just go to show that anything from a TV show is ludicrously overpriced (even allowing for the fact that they're dollar prices which I have to mentally translate into pounds). I kept going, "Well, I wouldn't pay the lowest price - so it's probably the highest one!" How much was the


Star Trek Captain's chair!?

21 hours ago, deangirl said:

I agree that overall season 3 wasn't as good as the previous ones. However Jeremy Beremy and the last two episodes were outstanding. I actually like that the rules change as we go along because I feel the creators know where they're going.

Same. The beginning of the 3rd season was disappointing, but from Jeremy Bearimy on, it got its groove back.

Regarding the canon pitch, I'm a big Community fan. I'm in the middle of my Nth rewatch, and I own seasons 1-3 on DVD. But even I wouldn't have voted this episode into the canon. Pierce is obviously not missed, but I'm not sure any episode without Troy is truly canon. If I were brave enough to record myself giving a pitch, I'd submit either Epidemiology, Remedial Chaos Theory, or Basic Lupine Urology. (I think the L&O spoof would work well for our hosts.) Contemporary American Poultry, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and Pillows & Blankets might stand a chance too.

  21 hours ago, deangirl said:

I agree that overall season 3 wasn't as good as the previous ones. However Jeremy Beremy and the last two episodes were outstanding. I actually like that the rules change as we go along because I feel the creators know where they're going.

Same. The beginning of the 3rd season was disappointing, but from Jeremy Bearimy on, it got its groove back.

Regarding the canon pitch, I'm a big Community fan. I'm in the middle of my Nth rewatch, and I own seasons 1-3 on DVD. But even I wouldn't have voted this episode into the canon. Pierce is obviously not missed, but I'm not sure any episode without Troy is truly canon. If I were brave enough to record myself giving a pitch, I'd submit either Epidemiology, Remedial Chaos Theory, or Basic Lupine Urology. (I think the L&O spoof would work well for our hosts.) Contemporary American Poultry, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and Pillows & Blankets might stand a chance too.

Do it!!! I did it many times and English is my second language. I'm expecting to hear your pitch in the near future. There! it was a long time agon for me, I have never seen it again but I seem to recall the pillows and blankets one was fun.

My feelings about The Good Place are similar to Tara's. It's a fine way to pass 20 minutes. I more or less like it. But it almost never makes me laugh, and I feel disconnected from the fuss over it. My best friend has feelings about Deadwood that are similar to Sarah's. Were she here, she would say that in addition to finding the Shakespearean speechifying annoying, life is too cheap on the show, and the hero (however hot) is too much of a sour puss to counterbalance it. Personally, it's one of my all-time favorites, but such is life's rich pageant, I guess.

Edited by Stowaway

I think you set a record for number of times Dave was told to shut up.

Loved that Mini, and Dave's story about lying to his friends when they recommend shows to him. I told my best friend repeatedly that she would love Kimmie Schmidt, and when she didn't like it I was stunned. Not because I care if she doesn't like the shows I like, but because I felt like I'd let her down by not knowing her tastes well enough!

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