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S09.E10: This Can Go One of Two Ways


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13 hours ago, Stusan said:

I think my favorite part of the whole show was when Kail had to race Lincoln and win (and gloat) ON HIS BIRTHDAY. You are pretty fucking petty if you can't lose to your five year old son on his birthday.

In other news, I leave for Puerto Rico on Friday. Glad to know the Coven is back home. 

Where are you going in PR? @STUSAN

21 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

@BitterApple I haven’t seen the episode yet but I do understand why Chelsea would be concerned about custody upon her death. Yes I’m sure Randy would fight tooth and nail for Aubree but a legal biological parent has first “dibs” on a child if they want them- even if they are a fuck up like Adam.

IF Chelsea were to die unexpectedly, it is likely Adam would have Aubree and a judge would allow it, Adam’s parents would finance any fight. Granted I think Adam would do that JUST to please his parents and Grandma Donna would end up raising Aubree (with no concern over her bond with her siblings or Cole), and Randy would have to fight for her. But at the end of the day Adam is still her legal parent and that trumps what Randy would want. If Barb were to die unexpectedly tomorrow, and wanted her sister/brother to raise Jace, that wouldn’t fly, Jenelle would have him back in a heartbeat even though she hasn’t had custody since he was an infant. She’s still his legal parent. 

This is why it is important for Chelsea to figure it out with Adam.

Cole is not the answer. 

Women think they can breed with whomever and their kids won’t be affected. 

Maybe I am being a softie....but, why did Cole jump up to get Aubree like he did?

It was the grandparents weekends so why was Adam over? Grandma is goofy.

And, if Adam was over....why couldn’t they just allow Adam be around her at the house? At least for a little bit.....instead of Cole jumping up like a maniac. 

I would have giving it a little bit.....but, not have her spend the night....then again, I am not sure how late it was.

Just to see what Aubrey said how her dad acted, etc.

I didn’t catch who contacted Chelsey to let her know Adam was over?

Do y’all know who did?

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Ugh, why did Briana have to bring up the name change? All it did was make Nova uncomfortable and ruin her vibe.

Poor Nova. Whenever anyone speaks to her about anything, the whole coven gathers around and they all start talking at once and don't give the poor child any space at ALL. What a bunch of ghouls. Couldn't Bri and Devoin speak with her alone? The poor kid is always overwhelmed and can't get a word in (since everyone's flapping their gums like its their job) or feel the way she feels (since the whole coven is surrounding her, telling her she's wrong to feel the way she feels).

14 hours ago, nasir jones said:

"I think he genuinely likes you."  HA!  I think my garbageman feels the same way about me after I left him that Christmas tip.

That poor woman, sucked into Kail's orbit. Her eyes said it all "Please dear little baby Jesus, let me escape from this conversation with my sanity intact and with no Kail spores lodged anywhere in my body and I will never be bad again."

12 hours ago, MadLove said:

Why did Kail's third baby daddy need to be at Kail's second baby daddy's kid's birthday party? And his relatives too? She's totally delusional if she thinks she's going to ever have a real "relationship" with this loser. He sounds like a real asshole and so is Kail so maybe they're perfect for one another.

Kail only wants him because he doesn't want her. She's baffled that the Golden Vagina's powers have not secured him. She must be a freak in the sheets, for real. Its not her looks or charm that's luring all these men to her lair.

And I agree, why do Chris and members of his extended family need to be a Lincoln's birthday party? Its weird.

4 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

I'm not calling Andrew a liar, but how could you not send a text to Barb sometime between learning about your dad's condition, purchasing the plane ticket, going to the airport, landing in Florida, etc.?

I'll call Andrew a liar for you, I'm not proud. I think he made up the "dying daddy" story out of whole cloth, the woman on the phone wasn't his mother, and he wasn't in Florida.

Why Barb waited for him for almost 2 hours I'll never know. Call after 30 minutes, leave a message, say "Sorry, I'm leaving now. You can call me later, maybe I'll be available". Then go buy a ticket and see a show. You're in New York!

  • Love 14
31 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Why would they get a pass for violating a court order? If it was, indeed, a "large family gathering", surely they knew about it ahead of time and could have asked permission? Otherwise, you follow the court order. Period. It's there for a reason - for Aubree's safety. If they were given a pass, surely they'd do it again and again. This isn't the first time, actually, that Adumb has been over there when he's not supposed to be. He's also driven with her when he's not supposed to. The entire family seems to not give a crap about what the court decided. It's unfortunate, because Aubree is so attached, but I'd be taking a break too. 

The Linds have habitually violated the court order. I agree with you @ghoulina- they have no respect for the courts decision or Chelsea as Aubree’s parent. PARENT. I absolutely believe in the value of extended family structures, but being a loving and involved grandparent doesn’t mean you get to call the shots. Chelsea has been more than patient with them and I don’t blame her for being aggravated. 

  • Love 22
52 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

This is why it is important for Chelsea to figure it out with Adam.

Cole is not the answer. 

Women think they can breed with whomever and their kids won’t be affected. 

Maybe I am being a softie....but, why did Cole jump up to get Aubree like he did?

It was the grandparents weekends so why was Adam over? Grandma is goofy.

And, if Adam was over....why couldn’t they just allow Adam be around her at the house? At least for a little bit.....instead of Cole jumping up like a maniac. 

I would have giving it a little bit.....but, not have her spend the night....then again, I am not sure how late it was.

Just to see what Aubrey said how her dad acted, etc.

I didn’t catch who contacted Chelsey to let her know Adam was over?

Do y’all know who did?

Cole is feeling butt hurt that despite how much she loves and appreciates him and what a spectacularly crap dad she realizes Adam is, Aubree is unwilling to divorce herself completely from him and the Linds. She likes going to their house and having Grandma Donna come to school for lunch. I can't believe that's even a thing, but c'est la vie. He has a Captain-Save-The-Kid complex, and she's like, no worries. I'm good.

I think Aubree said she and Adam played some pool while waiting for Cole to collect her from the house.

  • LOL 1
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13 minutes ago, politichick said:

Cole is feeling butt hurt that despite how much she loves and appreciates him and what a spectacularly crap dad she realizes Adam is, Aubree is unwilling to divorce herself completely from him and the Linds. She likes going to their house and having Grandma Donna come to school for lunch. I can't believe that's even a thing, but c'est la vie. He has a Captain-Save-The-Kid complex, and she's like, no worries. I'm good.

I think Aubree said she and Adam played some pool while waiting for Cole to collect her from the house.

Yea, I am not sure how late it was....but, I think it was best Aubrey  stays at the party and then gets picked up.  Not allowed to spent the night as punishment to stop weekend visit....but, for grandparents acting goofy.

Maybe  Chelsey can give Aubrey a phone and tell her to call if she wants to come home.

The dad is worthless but breaking them up.....can be handled better bc she wants to be at her dads family.

 Captain Save a Kid! Hahahahahahahah!

I thought the same?  Isn’t that disruptive to have lunch with grandma.  Especially the drama grandma brings...???

But, I guess they do that .....for these broken families that cannot get along! Ahahahahah!

It is a supervised visit! 

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Thing is, this isn't the grandparents acting "goofy". It's the grandparents intentionally and actively ignoring a court order made for Aubree's safety because her drug addict dipshit of a father can't be trusted around her. According to their legally binding custody agreement, Adam can only see Aubree at a visitation centre. He cannot see her when she is with her grandparents because a court decided that they cannot be trusted to supervise appropriately. No ifs. No buts. 

Adam's parents have a long history of ignoring court orders and putting Aubree at risk. Exhibit A: they let Adam drive Aubree around without a seatbelt when the court had forbidden it because he nearly killed himself when he blew up his car. Exhibit B: they allowed Adam to be around Aubree unsupervised while we was using, again, in violation of the court order. 

And so yep, Adam isn't actually allowed to be around Aubree unless it's at the visitation centre and this was a serious breach of the order. Adam and his parents know the rules but they seem to think that just bending them every once in a while isn't a big deal. Which is exactly why the court decided that they are not suitable to supervise Adam. If I was Cole I would also have gone over there immediately because regardless of what his parents think, court orders aren't optional. And if I was Chelsea, I would note this with my lawyer in case his parents made an application to supervise him or if this happens again and the order needs to be changed. Being in Aubree's life comes with conditions like obeying legally binding orders about her safety. 

For all the snark that we throw at Chelsea, a judge agreed with her that Adam is not safe to be around Aubree and that his parents are not capable of supervising him. To then have that thrown in your face by the grandparents is, frankly, scary. Chelsea needs to know that when she sends Aubree over there, her grandparents will keep her safe including making sure that Adam stays away. It's not an overreaction to remove your child when they are around someone who is a risk to them, even if that someone is a parent. 

Ditto. Despite Chelsea’s many faults (and we are all human we all have faults); Aubree’s safety and well being have been her #1 concern. She’s not a “vindictive baby momma”(cough Kailyn) trying to punish the Linds or Adam because they are not her friends, or they have personality differences. The Linds violated the court order- AGAIN. 

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

The same could be said for about 75% of the cast.


1 hour ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Thing is, this isn't the grandparents acting "goofy". It's the grandparents intentionally and actively ignoring a court order made for Aubree's safety because her drug addict dipshit of a father can't be trusted around her. According to their legally binding custody agreement, Adam can only see Aubree at a visitation centre. He cannot see her when she is with her grandparents because a court decided that they cannot be trusted to supervise appropriately. No ifs. No buts. 

Adam's parents have a long history of ignoring court orders and putting Aubree at risk. Exhibit A: they let Adam drive Aubree around without a seatbelt when the court had forbidden it because he nearly killed himself when he blew up his car. Exhibit B: they allowed Adam to be around Aubree unsupervised while we was using, again, in violation of the court order. 

And so yep, Adam isn't actually allowed to be around Aubree unless it's at the visitation centre and this was a serious breach of the order. Adam and his parents know the rules but they seem to think that just bending them every once in a while isn't a big deal. Which is exactly why the court decided that they are not suitable to supervise Adam. If I was Cole I would also have gone over there immediately because regardless of what his parents think, court orders aren't optional. And if I was Chelsea, I would note this with my lawyer in case his parents made an application to supervise him or if this happens again and the order needs to be changed. Being in Aubree's life comes with conditions like obeying legally binding orders about her safety. 

For all the snark that we throw at Chelsea, a judge agreed with her that Adam is not safe to be around Aubree and that his parents are not capable of supervising him. To then have that thrown in your face by the grandparents is, frankly, scary. Chelsea needs to know that when she sends Aubree over there, her grandparents will keep her safe including making sure that Adam stays away. It's not an overreaction to remove your child when they are around someone who is a risk to them, even if that someone is a parent. 

I just used the word goofy.....because we all know what is up! 

So, sad to hear all that!  

Chelsea really fucked up having a baby with such a loser! 

At least Aubrey has Papa Randlicious unconditional love! 💝

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Ditto. Despite Chelsea’s many faults (and we are all human we all have faults); Aubree’s safety and well being have been her #1 concern. She’s not a “vindictive baby momma”(cough Kailyn) trying to punish the Linds or Adam because they are not her friends, or they have personality differences. The Linds violated the court order- AGAIN. 

 But, of course, Adam is the bigger fuck up here! 

 Can we be real????

I wish there was a middle where everyone just accepted each other and carry on.

Like Roxanne.......she really got me this season! 🙌🏻

(Roxy is like.....yea!  I fucked up with my daughters.  But, let me try again with my granddaughters)

Tyler and Caitlyn’s family.  They are all druggies with all their babies....and, medical spas retreats.....blah, blah.

  Why can’t Adam just be the Butch?  The druggie Dad everyone loves!

This is NORMAL on Teen Mom!

They should stop pretending they are Leave it to Beaver and The Brady Bunch!

You cannot erase your first family.....Chelsea! 

The cat is out of the bag! Aubrey’s entire life is a tv show. You cannot hide anything from her anymore.

  • LOL 1
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57 minutes ago, Treehugger9 said:

Yeah he just called Aubree a little bastard. Both in her absence and in her presence. Way better. 

He called Aubree that in her presence? What a prince.

I have to agree with others here about Aubree's safety. If there is a court order, then the grandparents should obey it. End of story. 

A drug addict (or any substance abuser) is not always "lovable." They can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Not everyone is a "happy drunk" or a "happy druggie." They can be verbally abusive and sometimes physically abusive under the influence. Driving under the influence is no joke either--who knows if Adam would decide just to take Aubree for a little ride when everyone else is distracted?

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Thing is, this isn't the grandparents acting "goofy". It's the grandparents intentionally and actively ignoring a court order made for Aubree's safety because her drug addict dipshit of a father can't be trusted around her. According to their legally binding custody agreement, Adam can only see Aubree at a visitation centre. He cannot see her when she is with her grandparents because a court decided that they cannot be trusted to supervise appropriately. No ifs. No buts. 

Adam's parents have a long history of ignoring court orders and putting Aubree at risk. Exhibit A: they let Adam drive Aubree around without a seatbelt when the court had forbidden it because he nearly killed himself when he blew up his car. Exhibit B: they allowed Adam to be around Aubree unsupervised while we was using, again, in violation of the court order. 

And so yep, Adam isn't actually allowed to be around Aubree unless it's at the visitation centre and this was a serious breach of the order. Adam and his parents know the rules but they seem to think that just bending them every once in a while isn't a big deal. Which is exactly why the court decided that they are not suitable to supervise Adam. If I was Cole I would also have gone over there immediately because regardless of what his parents think, court orders aren't optional. And if I was Chelsea, I would note this with my lawyer in case his parents made an application to supervise him or if this happens again and the order needs to be changed. Being in Aubree's life comes with conditions like obeying legally binding orders about her safety. 

For all the snark that we throw at Chelsea, a judge agreed with her that Adam is not safe to be around Aubree and that his parents are not capable of supervising him. To then have that thrown in your face by the grandparents is, frankly, scary. Chelsea needs to know that when she sends Aubree over there, her grandparents will keep her safe including making sure that Adam stays away. It's not an overreaction to remove your child when they are around someone who is a risk to them, even if that someone is a parent. 


  • Love 5
49 minutes ago, Adiba said:

He called Aubree that in her presence? What a prince.

I have to agree with others here about Aubree's safety. If there is a court order, then the grandparents should obey it. End of story. 

A drug addict (or any substance abuser) is not always "lovable." They can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Not everyone is a "happy drunk" or a "happy druggie." They can be verbally abusive and sometimes physically abusive under the influence. Driving under the influence is no joke either--who knows if Adam would decide just to take Aubree for a little ride when everyone else is distracted?

No, he did not call Aubree that in her presence. He texted it to Chelsea when Aubree was a newborn. No one, including Aubree would know about it if Chelsea hadn’t made the decision to put it on the show and make it public.

  • Useful 1
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3 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Thing is, this isn't the grandparents acting "goofy". It's the grandparents intentionally and actively ignoring a court order made for Aubree's safety because her drug addict dipshit of a father can't be trusted around her. According to their legally binding custody agreement, Adam can only see Aubree at a visitation centre. He cannot see her when she is with her grandparents because a court decided that they cannot be trusted to supervise appropriately. No ifs. No buts. 

Adam's parents have a long history of ignoring court orders and putting Aubree at risk. Exhibit A: they let Adam drive Aubree around without a seatbelt when the court had forbidden it because he nearly killed himself when he blew up his car. Exhibit B: they allowed Adam to be around Aubree unsupervised while we was using, again, in violation of the court order. 

And so yep, Adam isn't actually allowed to be around Aubree unless it's at the visitation centre and this was a serious breach of the order. Adam and his parents know the rules but they seem to think that just bending them every once in a while isn't a big deal. Which is exactly why the court decided that they are not suitable to supervise Adam. If I was Cole I would also have gone over there immediately because regardless of what his parents think, court orders aren't optional. And if I was Chelsea, I would note this with my lawyer in case his parents made an application to supervise him or if this happens again and the order needs to be changed. Being in Aubree's life comes with conditions like obeying legally binding orders about her safety. 

For all the snark that we throw at Chelsea, a judge agreed with her that Adam is not safe to be around Aubree and that his parents are not capable of supervising him. To then have that thrown in your face by the grandparents is, frankly, scary. Chelsea needs to know that when she sends Aubree over there, her grandparents will keep her safe including making sure that Adam stays away. It's not an overreaction to remove your child when they are around someone who is a risk to them, even if that someone is a parent. 

Yes! I really don't get why people think it is a good idea for Adam to be in Aubree's life at all. He has *never* been a real father to her. He has constantly let her down and been a deadbeat. Adam in her life is not a good thing. The only reason Aubree cares about him is she because she thinks she is supposed to because he is her dad. I am honestly surprised she hasn't just gotten tired of his crap. I can also see why Adam acts the way he does because his parents don't care enough to try to set boundaries.Kind of sad that a court ruled they could not be trusted to supervise Aubree and Adam. 

  • Love 11
11 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

No, he did not call Aubree that in her presence. He texted it to Chelsea when Aubree was a newborn. No one, including Aubree would know about it if Chelsea hadn’t made the decision to put it on the show and make it public.

It is is still a crappy thing to say about your kid. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, BARISTA said:

I too seriously doubt that Cole told off the Linds as he says he did. He is a timid feminine softie who wouldn’t say boo to a cat, despite the tough image he attempts to portray on tv now by inappropriately cursing in front of his young children. Cringe. He probably stood meekly at the Linds’ door and waited for Aubree to come out. 

I don’t even believe that a court would suspend the Linds visits based on this once off breach of the court order. By the sounds of it, it was a large family gathering and Adam was never left alone with Aubree. I think they would get a pass this once. 

In the same way Chelsea creates pressurized anxiety-inducing conversations with Aubree about adoption, Briana in this episode did the same with Nova and the name change “issue” which of course, like the adoption, is not actually an issue at all, has no urgency and is purely created by the mothers, who in turn put these life changing decisions on their young children who are simply too young to understand or make those decisions!!!! So hard to watch. 

Every word of your first paragraph is ridiculously amazing...

  • Love 4

Donna isn't goofy. She's a straight up shady bitch.

Even if I'm being generous to Donna and say that only 50% of what Chelsea and Cole say about her is true (because she doesn't film and we can't judge the scenes for themselves), she's still acting wildly inappropriately. She keeps "misunderstanding" and getting "confused" about court orders. Donna has a lawyer; she's not confused, she's continuing to enable her son's violent, addictive ways. 

If I were Chelsea, I never would've let it get to the point that the Linds had any kind of legal visitation (is it legally required visitation? I can't remember). I realize that's only one of Chelsea's many missteps, but it's one that I personally think is pretty bad. Aubree could've had a relationship with her grandparents without legally mandated visitation. The majority of the kids around the world do so. 

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, politichick said:

Cole is feeling butt hurt that despite how much she loves and appreciates him and what a spectacularly crap dad she realizes Adam is, Aubree is unwilling to divorce herself completely from him and the Linds. She likes going to their house and having Grandma Donna come to school for lunch. I can't believe that's even a thing, but c'est la vie. He has a Captain-Save-The-Kid complex, and she's like, no worries. I'm good.

I think Aubree said she and Adam played some pool while waiting for Cole to collect her from the house.

That kind of makes me sad. Obviously Aubree doesn't need to be around adam, but that must have been so disappointing to finally get to see him, but have to leave so soon. It breaks my heart that adam won't come to the visitation center!

  • Love 7
28 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I’m very confused . Barbara went all the way to NYC to meet up with Andrew , had plans to meet him at a specific time at a restaurant , and he calls her back an hour later and says he’s in Florida ? 

How does that even happen ? Lol 

Right!  They went to the back of some restaurant to film that call. They already knew he wasn’t in NYC because he needs film and gets his own crew.

They told Andrew he had to call into the show and that is what they were waiting for...... so Barbara could film her scene.

This is why the Producer got so excited and made sure Barbara didn’t forget to put it on speaker.

F’n liars!  😾

Edited by Dance4Life
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7 minutes ago, Treehugger9 said:

He absolutely called her a little bastard in her presence. It was when Chelsea had knee surgery and he was “helping” Chelsea with Aubree in the hospital by grabbing her and calling her a little bastard. She was a toddler at the time. 

He called her a mistake in the text message when Aubree was a newborn. 

I get that Aubree wouldn’t know about it if it wasn’t on tv, but wouldn’t it be nice if he never called her names in the first place?

Exactly what I was remembering.  When she had knee surgery and he was t helping her post op.  

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

That kind of makes me sad. Obviously Aubree doesn't need to be around adam, but that must have been so disappointing to finally get to see him, but have to leave so soon. It breaks my heart that adam won't come to the visitation center!

This is where I was coming from.

(I know this is a situation Adam created alone for himself that is affecting everyone and especially his daughter) 

But, they cannot just yank that girl like that.

(yea, I know this is grandmas fault)

Chelsea just needs to stop it all. No monthly visits and no school visits. Because, grandma just goes there to poison her mind.

Grandma (and, Adam) can see Aubrey on outings together with Chelsey and come over for holidays...on her birthday, etc.  

She is not completely cut off....but, now the grandma is supervised! 

Hard headed old lady! 🔨

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

 But, of course, Adam is the bigger fuck up here! 


Yes Adam is the fuck up. He is the one constantly in trouble with the law and not being a dad to his kids. Chelsea has every right to try to to protect her kid. She shouldn't have to accept and just let Adam do whatever he wants. In some other cases on both the TM franchises, people had no problem with the Dads trying to protect the kids and keeping them away alot. Why should Adam get a pass because he is a guy. If Adam was the stable one and Chelsea was the screw up, she would be raked over the coals. Sure Adam gets crapped on here,but nothing like Chelsea would. I just don't like it when people say Chelsea should just shrug her shoulders and just ignore how it affects her daughter. 

Edited by ScorpioSoul
  • Love 16
14 minutes ago, ScorpioSoul said:

Yes Adam is the fuck up. He is the one constantly in trouble with the law and not being a dad to his kids. Chelsea has every right to try to to protect her kid. She shouldn't have to accept and just let Adam do whatever he wants. In some other cases on both the TM franchises, people had no problem with the Dads trying to protect the kids and keeping them away alot. Why should Adam get a pass because he is a guy. If Adam was the stable one and Chelsea was the screw up, she would be raked over the coals. Sure Adam gets crapped on here,but nothing like Chelsea would. I just don't like it when people say Chelsea should just shrug her shoulders and just ignore how it affects her daughter. 

My point is this stuff is not happening in front of adults only.

They do it in front of Aubrey.  Aubrey will one day realize her entire life has been televised. So, it is happening in front of millions.

Last night they yanked this child from grandmas house.

(Yes, we know it is the right thing)

But, Aubrey has no idea why she is back home on grandmas weekend.

They talk in front of Aubrey.  They ask her questions all the time on camera.

Then Chelsea has this nasty habit of telling her to go away to the other room when she wants to have Adam chats in her living room.


Cut it off completely.  Or, accept that Adam will sometimes be around her at grandmas.  

Half these kids will turn out bad.  Wait until they find out what the cameras caught the last 12-14 years of their life! 

Nobody thought this show would go on.....but, it looks like it is not ending any time soon.  

  • Love 3

Fair enough, but it is is Adam and his parents own fault that Chelsea and Cole have to worry about her being around Adam at their house. She tried to be reasonable and let Adam be around with his parents watching, but they kept lying and breaking the rules. If they had tried to follow the guidelines,there would be no issue and no reason to have a court order.

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Thing is, this isn't the grandparents acting "goofy". It's the grandparents intentionally and actively ignoring a court order made for Aubree's safety because her drug addict dipshit of a father can't be trusted around her. According to their legally binding custody agreement, Adam can only see Aubree at a visitation centre. He cannot see her when she is with her grandparents because a court decided that they cannot be trusted to supervise appropriately. No ifs. No buts. 

Adam's parents have a long history of ignoring court orders and putting Aubree at risk. Exhibit A: they let Adam drive Aubree around without a seatbelt when the court had forbidden it because he nearly killed himself when he blew up his car. Exhibit B: they allowed Adam to be around Aubree unsupervised while we was using, again, in violation of the court order. 

And so yep, Adam isn't actually allowed to be around Aubree unless it's at the visitation centre and this was a serious breach of the order. Adam and his parents know the rules but they seem to think that just bending them every once in a while isn't a big deal. Which is exactly why the court decided that they are not suitable to supervise Adam. If I was Cole I would also have gone over there immediately because regardless of what his parents think, court orders aren't optional. And if I was Chelsea, I would note this with my lawyer in case his parents made an application to supervise him or if this happens again and the order needs to be changed. Being in Aubree's life comes with conditions like obeying legally binding orders about her safety. 

For all the snark that we throw at Chelsea, a judge agreed with her that Adam is not safe to be around Aubree and that his parents are not capable of supervising him. To then have that thrown in your face by the grandparents is, frankly, scary. Chelsea needs to know that when she sends Aubree over there, her grandparents will keep her safe including making sure that Adam stays away. It's not an overreaction to remove your child when they are around someone who is a risk to them, even if that someone is a parent. 

I wish I could love this a hundred times. People seem to think having daddy around as long as grandma is there is a-okay, but there's a long history of the courts agreeing these grandparents can't be trusted any more than the dad can. Chelsea and Cole might be boring, but no one can ever say they're not 100% doing everything they can to ensure Aubree's safety. For my part, you can take Janelle off the show, and I'll watch the Deboer family bake cookies, giggle, and play with the pets all day long, storyline or no.

  • Love 22

Poor long suffering Kailyn is being ignored! Oh her heart must be so forlorn. WHY won't Chris just realize what a loving, virtuous woman he has right in front of him?? She just wants someone to cheat on grow old with, and don't we all?? 

Both Brianna and Chelsea seemed stressed out that their respective daughters are not down with the "master plan". They both need to drop it and leave the kids alone. 

  • Love 9

Kail is such an awful human. Lincoln cant have his father at his party because they don't get along, but the guy she is so desperate for who doesn't even speak to her can go? How pathetic can she really be? I feel no sympathy for her crying about how he cant commit and how she runs over there when the boys are gone.  Thats what happens when you try to trap a dude that doesn't like you. 

I really just feel bad for Aubree and that she has to go through such a messy situation on television.  Adam and his family are horrible, but Chelsea and Cole are just so eager for them to screw up.  Its not cute.  

I did laugh at Jeremy taking the doll away. Every parent has been there.  

Andrew is strange. I don't believe for a second that he was in florida or that was his mom.  

  • Love 13

What I don't get about all the Cole adopting Aubree drama is, shouldn't Chelsea be discussing this with Adam first? If he doesn't agree to it, it doesn't matter what Aubree (or Cole, or Randy, or Lois, or the clerk at the frozen yogurt shop) think. I don't see the point of even presenting it as a possibility to Aubree in the absence of Adam at least participating in the conversation.

Kail is seriously MAKING A FOOL OF HERSELF over Chris. I don't like her, at all, but I even feel a little bad for her. (Well, not really.) She's so "Pride over Pity" and Boss Bitch! She didn't talk to him for five whole days! And if he keeps this shit up, after like one more year she'll be out! For reals! I mean, it's been 3 years (off and on), so one more year and that's it!

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27 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Don’t remember that...but trust your memory. Adam is a piece of shit...but I would like to see Coley baby tone down the F bombs in front of the kiddies.

Who would have ever expected coley to turn out like this? A season or two ago, I thought his version of cursing was, "golly gee whiz, I'm upset!" Nobody truly changes that much that fast, so he was either not being his authentic self then, or now. When people say they're being fake, or putting on a front, that's what we're talking about. For whatever reason, he feels comfortable being his foul-language self now, and it's not a good look, either. It kind of makes you wonder what else they're hiding, too, behind the perfect facade. I suppose it's possible that the cursing is also part of a facade, but a new one...a "hard core coley"...because of their storyline, where he gets to be the angry hero who is pissed at the situation and jumps in to save everyone. 

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9 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And I agree, why do Chris and members of his extended family need to be a Lincoln's birthday party? Its weird.

It's part of Kail's charade that Chris is Lincoln's "stepfather," a good guy who cares about Linc and the rest of the family and who expects Linc and the rest to be part of his family permanently. (Which, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!)

Does everyone who appears on camera get paid? As ridiculous as the face blurring was, I would assume that Chris got paid something for his appearance and his aunt definitely should have gotten paid. I think that would explain why they came. I imagine the conversation went something like:

Chris: Aunty, will you come to Kail's son's birthday party with me?

Heather: Why the fuck would I want to do that? Are you still messing with her? I thought you told me it was over and you were just going to visit with your son?

Chris: Yeah, well, it's complicated. Look, MTV is going to be filming, so you can be on TV and they'll pay you $X.

Heather: Complicated? Where have I heard that before? Are you fucking serious? What about that other chick you were banging last week? Wait, MTV? How much will they pay me? What do I have to do?

Chris: Yes, MTV. They'll pay you $X. All you have to do is come to the party and talk to Kail. I'm not going to talk to her because I refuse to film, but I'm going to film with my face blurred.

Heather: What? Are you filming or not?

Chris: It's complicated. Look, the point is, all you have to do is come to the party and talk to Kail about our relationship. Easy money.

Heather: Your relationship? What relationship? WTF do you want me to say?

Chris: Just act like you think I'm into her or whatever. Keep it vague. Try to play with Lux in the scene; that will help.

Heather: Well, I do need some money... I'm not going to lie, though.

Chris: You don't have to lie; just keep it vague. I do... like Kail. She's cool. We're cool. It's cool.

Heather: Yeah, ok, whatever.

Chris: Exactly.

6 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Kail is so transparent.  She said she was doing the mature thing and not uninviting Chris to the party for Lincoln's sake, but she couldn't offer the same courtesy to Javi, Lincoln's actual father.

Or Jo, Lincoln's (kind of) step-dad and his family, or Javi's family, or most of her child-caring entourage, who have undoubtedly spent more time with Linc than Chris (much less his extended family).

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20 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

It's part of Kail's charade that Chris is Lincoln's "stepfather," a good guy who cares about Linc and the rest of the family and who expects Linc and the rest to be part of his family permanently. (Which, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!)

Does everyone who appears on camera get paid? As ridiculous as the face blurring was, I would assume that Chris got paid something for his appearance and his aunt definitely should have gotten paid. I think that would explain why they came. I imagine the conversation went something like:

Chris: Aunty, will you come to Kail's son's birthday party with me?

Heather: Why the fuck would I want to do that? Are you still messing with her? I thought you told me it was over and you were just going to visit with your son?

Chris: Yeah, well, it's complicated. Look, MTV is going to be filming, so you can be on TV and they'll pay you $X.

Heather: Complicated? Where have I heard that before? Are you fucking serious? What about that other chick you were banging last week? Wait, MTV? How much will they pay me? What do I have to do?

Chris: Yes, MTV. They'll pay you $X. All you have to do is come to the party and talk to Kail. I'm not going to talk to her because I refuse to film, but I'm going to film with my face blurred.

Heather: What? Are you filming or not?

Chris: It's complicated. Look, the point is, all you have to do is come to the party and talk to Kail about our relationship. Easy money.

Heather: Your relationship? What relationship? WTF do you want me to say?

Chris: Just act like you think I'm into her or whatever. Keep it vague. Try to play with Lux in the scene; that will help.

Heather: Well, I do need some money... I'm not going to lie, though.

Chris: You don't have to lie; just keep it vague. I do... like Kail. She's cool. We're cool. It's cool.

Heather: Yeah, ok, whatever.

Chris: Exactly.

Or Jo, Lincoln's (kind of) step-dad and his family, or Javi's family, or most of her child-caring entourage, who have undoubtedly spent more time with Linc than Chris (much less his extended family).

OMG. I would bet $100 that was their conversation, word for word. You win the Internet today!!!

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So I heard on a podcast that Briana and Brittany’s last name isn’t even DeJesus, it’s Soto, which is the last name of Briana’s biological father and who Brittany thought was her father until revealed otherwise on Family Therapy. It definitely appears to be true. If you google Briana Dejesus Soto the first result is for “Novalicious Cooperation” (lol...did she mean Corporation?) and at the link you can see their tax filing or whatever. A screenshot is below with their address blurred out. 

So anyway, they have a different name than Roxanne. Therefore, the 5 of them living in that apartment will have 4 different last names between them. Are they trying to confuse the shit out of Nova with all of this? What name does she actually have herself, DeJesus or Soto? What does she write at school? And now they’re trying to change it for no real reason?! 


Edited by Rebecca
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4 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

My point is this stuff is not happening in front of adults only.

They do it in front of Aubrey.  Aubrey will one day realize her entire life has been televised. So, it is happening in front of millions.

Last night they yanked this child from grandmas house.

(Yes, we know it is the right thing)

But, Aubrey has no idea why she is back home on grandmas weekend.

They talk in front of Aubrey.  They ask her questions all the time on camera.

Then Chelsea has this nasty habit of telling her to go away to the other room when she wants to have Adam chats in her living room.


Cut it off completely.  Or, accept that Adam will sometimes be around her at grandmas.  

Half these kids will turn out bad.  Wait until they find out what the cameras caught the last 12-14 years of their life! 

Nobody thought this show would go on.....but, it looks like it is not ending any time soon.  

Yes, Chelsea has been exploiting Aubree her entire life so that she never had to work much. I have a feeling Aubree may grow to resent that.

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13 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Great post! Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I was applauding Jeremy. Sure, the way she was acting with the doll was age appropriate, but that doesn't mean it's appropriate in a social setting. Teens texting all day with their feet on the furniture is age appropriate, but I would expect them to behave differently when their grandmother was visiting, for example. Leah has taught those girls very few social skills except for beginning lessons on how to catch a ding dang man, and no skills where being considerate it concerned. My friend, who is also a teacher, has been consistent with her child since he was probably six months old at telling him he has to be quiet at the dinner table. That realistically is too young for him to totally get it, but I'm all for her setting that standard as long as her expectations are developmentally appropriate. It's never too early to train kids to consider others' feelings, and kids have to learn that what's fun for them can be grating for others, a lesson I'm positive Leah has not taught them at all!

I completely agree! When they were in the car and Addie was trying to tell Leah something, Gracie continually kept interrupting her and instead of Leah correcting Gracie and telling her “stop talking over her and let her speak” she told Addie to just continue talking! She has zero control over any of those girls. The only one that behaves is Ali and I feel that any respect she’s learned comes from Cory and Miranda. 

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15 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Yes, Chelsea has been exploiting Aubree her entire life so that she never had to work much. I have a feeling Aubree may grow to resent that.

Yeah, there's also the issue of how Chelsea/Cole have primed Aubree to be against Adam/the rest of her paternal family. Adam is definitely a piece of shit and his parents are at least questionably shady, but I think Chelsea and Cole have set themselves up to be potential "bad guys" with their ultra dramatic and somewhat shady behavior toward Adam/the Linds. They know that Aubree loves the Linds for sure and Adam somewhat, but they consistently portray Adam as a bad guy and often paint Grandma Donna/the Linds with the same brush.

I'm certainly not here to defend Adam at all and I think Grandma Donna/the Linds are fucked up too, but... it's more complicated than that. It think it's very "black and white" for Chelsea and Cole- Adam/his family have fucked up repeatedly and are clearly inferior to Chelsea/Cole/their families. For Aubree, she feels some affinity for Adam/his family and "makes excuses" for them far more than C&C do. At the same time, C&C essentially pressure her to think that Adam/the Linds are pieces of shit who clearly suck in comparison to C&C and their families.

The Linds probably apply less pressure (as perceived by Aubree) because they're more likely to frame their differences with Chelsea as, "Your mom is a good person and she loves you, but she's wrong/confused about/too hard on your dad...," while C&C probably frame their issue as, "Adam is fucked up and can't be trusted. (But he cares about you (sort of). But don't trust him!)"

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The whole “rescue from the Linds” thing was a bit much. I understand that it’s not following the agreement so they were justified in leaving to get her immediately. I don’t think it should have been Cole alone who went to pick her up and (supposedly) said all of those things to Donna. There was no need for the swearing and dramatics. Just leave, pick her up and then contact your attorney or whoever, explain and show them the message. I agree the Linds don’t seem to understand that their son sucks compete ass in all ways, especially as a father so just contact the proper people and do what you need to do officially without all the theatrics, especially from Cole who seems to be enjoying his “perfect guy” role a bit too much. Yeah, Chelsea, your MOM is the only one pushing the adoption things. Sure, Jan. You ALL need to stfu about it. Aubree may NEVER want to be adopted. Imagine that.

EDIT: @TheRealT Amazing post. There’s also the fact that Aubree herself is a Lind, both in blood and name and it might be damaging for her to hear bad things about people she is a part of. She might resent the fact that her siblings have the superior DeBoer dna at some point if they always act like the Linds are all horrible. 

Edited by Rebecca
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