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S11.E02: Things Are Going Southampton

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1 hour ago, backhometome said:

I've always liked Ramonas hamptons house. Glad she got in the divorce.

Although some of the décor isn't my taste, overall I think that she has a very lovely home in the Hamptons.  As wacky as Ramona is,  kadooz to her for everything she's accomplished and for being able to have a place there and in the city.  She did something right!

  • Love 14

Dorinda has been acting horrendous so far this season but little tip for Babs - do not invite someone to your party and then put conditions on it.  Not only that, but be woman enough to tell said guest this information yourself.  She sent effin Sonja to pass along the info!  Not a good look.  Also echo the sentiments of other posters in saying Barbra looks very rough.

Dueling dinners was stupid and petty.  The brunettes were very mean girls on the phone with Sonja, who is like a deer in headlights.

Luanne is acting way too superior for someone out of rehab less than two months.  Plus isn't a part of AA to take responsibility for your own actions??  She must have missed that meeting.

What's a dry drunk??  God, if Dorinda is going to be as much of an asshole sober as she is drunk she might as well drink!

  • Love 15
On March 14, 2019 at 1:00 PM, Reality police said:

As far back as the house is set and the great landscaping, and the fact that its a two lane highway, I think there would be no problem. Ramona made it sound like it was beside an interstate! That home is so much more than Ramona's. I don't like her mausoleum. 

Exactly!    People think Montauk Highway is an actual highway.  It's a two lane road; one lane going eastbound and one heading west.

Barbara is right.   The house is magnificent.  

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm not saying that Barbara should have accommodated Lu or even considered her in the process of a planning an event at her home, I'm saying that Barbara is making it seem like she's really concerned about the fragility of Lu's sobriety. She's spent all this time with Lu and she knows of the fracture in her friendship with Dorinda. It doesn't make sense to me why this would have never been a thought to her if it was, in fact, such a big issue. I'm leaning toward the disinvite was more to do with something for the cameras - she's closer to Lu and is willing to take the heat from Dorinda.

I don't know if you're responding to something I said specifically, but I want to clarify (because I never intended to suggest in the slightest) that I don't think Lu has any real credibility in making demands about being around Dorinda.  She has no argument to say that someone is bad for her sobriety but then she willingly works around that person when clearly she has other means of income so it's not like she's risking her sobriety because she would be completely destitute without the RH income. I completely sided with Lu last season with how Dorinda went off on her and I still give Dorinda side-eye for refusing to acknowledge doing anything wrong or even acknowledging that she's a piss poor drunk or doesn't handle herself well, BUT Lu must be high off of her cabaret success and possibly having more support from viewers last year compared to Dorinda and so it's getting to her head and she thinks she can hold Dorinda's feet to the fire. Things started with Dorinda owing Lu an apology but without a doubt, Lu has dug herself a hole as well and owes an apology to Dorinda as well. 

Between the show and interviews she's done, she has admitted that the home belonged to her children, she admitted they had a right to the say in that home so even if all she said was her kids were unhappy that she was trying to sell THEIR home...I don't perceive that as placing blame on her children when she's also admitted that her children were not acting unreasonably. And now we know how far gone she was by the time that stuff transpired and for her to admit that she was already down a rabbit hole before the lawsuit thing happened, that to me is someone admitting that their problem once again became too much to manage on their own, that isn't her children to blame and if she truly felt that and intended to put that onus on her children, why would she have reconnected with them so quickly even while the lawsuit was still in action?

Did she say those exact words? No. Did she phrase and place her sentences in such a way when talking to Barbara that it was clear that is what she meant? Yes. She heavily implied, that she started drinking because her kids sued her. 

Lu can be insufferable, and she isn't taking full responsibility for her drinking, which as a sober person (two years Monday!) worries me, but Lu doesn't owe Dorinda an apology, at all.

Lu tried to get Dorinda to slow down when she started turning. She didn't make a huge production of it, Dorinda did that. And as much as what Dorinda said to Lu was true, it was said out of cruelty and to crush a woman who had been clear she was struggling.

Then the Jovani thing. On WWHL a caller asked Dorinda about that, which clearly enraged her, and she doubled down, saying that a People magazine reporter was sitting next to her and agreed that Dorinda wasn't heckling Lu. I've seen Dorinda question people, and it's confrontational. Of course the People magazine reporter said she hadn't. She  didn't want a b**** to cut her

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 10
50 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Although some of the décor isn't my taste, overall I think that she has a very lovely home in the Hamptons.  As wacky as Ramona is,  kadooz to her for everything she's accomplished and for being able to have a place there and in the city.  She did something right!

I figure if you are going to have a house in the Hamptons might as well go for big. :)

I didnt know she bought it before Mario. Good for her. She does do some things right. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Amen.  Nude lipstick is the worst.  It does nothing or your face and it makes your teeth look more yellow.

I think there are a few categories of nude.  You can have a nude that is your lip tone, with some sort of color in it, like a mauve and that's fine.  Or you can have a nude that looks like you just spackled foundation over your lips and then you look dead.  Barbara also is a weirdly overtanned color to start with, so nude isn't a great look, she ends up with a weird effect all around.  

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That's a good question. Lu for example - she has always been a bit of a "partier", but I never saw anything concerning, not like the way she was behaving when she was arrested. Granted, we don't see anything. But I tend to believe it was a big shift for her. I do think it's more than just the show. Her personal life was going off the rails. Then again, would she have stuck so resolutely to marrying Tom if she wasn't on reality TV. I stand by my opinion  that she only went through with it to save face. And she began drinking a lot more often to self-medicate.  I think it's a very interesting topic, for sure. 

Going back to the very first seasons there were stories of Lu being so drunk she was doing bad karaoke and falling down in parking lots.  She just got so bad that they couldn't keep it off camera anymore, apparently.  

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I have been thinking about this point ever since I was corrected on it.  Now that I am putting the pieces together, I am realizing that in the span of one season Dorinda got drunk in Miami and talked to Bethenny's business partners about kids in Haiti not going to college or some bizarre shit that would have sufficed to embarrass Bethenny (although it appeared at the time that B had a hand  in "assisting" Dorinda toward the state she was in) and then went to Mexico on B's trip and freaked out on B, crying that B isn't perfect, apropos of nothing, and I realized the timing is...weird.  

Why was Bethenny being excessively cool and supportive that one season, but now she seems to want to go in for the kill on Dorinda when Dorinda was worse to Bethenny two season ago...?  It leads me to believe this is much more about power dynamics than what we normal folks would experience around heavy drinkers--concern and irritation.  

I think Bethenny is a filer.  Jill Zarin may have created this monster, but she is certainly no match for her.  Bethenny will file away and remember each and every one of your transgressions and pull it out at the most opportune time.  This is a woman who will bide her time for years.  I guess I can't fault those who are afraid of her as much as I normally would.  

Is there someone that she has not gone after?  (I am not being hyperbolic; I am just curious).  The only one that would have matched her would have been Aviva, but, sadly, never the twain's paths have crossed...yet...

I think overall, Bethenny is someone who lets a lot of stuff go.  It's actually something the NY cast is generally pretty good about, really.  For the other cities, they seem to have the feuds and shifting teams from year to year and things carry over.  NY, for the most part, has their season, fights it out at the reunion, and then they all go out to dinner and leave it in the past.  They recognize that it's a new season, it was a job and they move on.  Some are closer than others, but, they typically all have somewhat decent relationships and can have fun with each other.  

In my opinion, Bethenny is someone who generally takes things incident by incident, as well.  Like Dorinda in Miami, she was not happy with her behavior at the dinner, but then it was addressed, and they moved past it.  She let it go.  Yes, of course it was discussed at the reunion, because everything is, but, it wasn't like they talked about it ad nauseum the entire season, and she kept demanding apologies.  Now, will she put herself in that position with Dorinda again? No.  But, it's not like she'll keep arguing with her about it.  She just seems to go from situation to situation and once it's resolved, it's done.  

  • Love 12
46 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Did she say those exact words? No. Did she phrase and place her sentences in such a way when talking to Barbara that it was clear that is what she meant? Yes. She heavily implied, that she started drinking because her kids sued her. 

Lu can be insufferable, and she isn't taking full responsibility for her drinking, which as a sober person (two years Monday!) worries me, but Lu doesn't owe Dorinda an apology, at all.

Lu tried to get Dorinda to slow down when she started turning. She didn't make a huge production of it, Dorinda did that. And as much as what Dorinda said to Lu was true, it was said out of cruelty and to crush a woman who had been clear she was struggling.

Then the Jovani thing. On WWHL a caller asked Dorinda about that, which clearly enraged her, and she doubled down, saying that a People magazine reporter was sitting next to her and agreed that Dorinda wasn't heckling Lu. I've seen Dorinda question people, and it's confrontational. Of course the People magazine reporter said she hadn't. She  didn't want a b**** to cut her

I don't know how you want me to answer this to be honest. You rebuttal my interpretation by saying Lu didn't say the exact words 'my kids didn't react unreasonably and I don't blame them' but then turn around and make an argument based on YOUR interpretation of the situation and not based on explicit words that came out of Lu's mouth. Did she say 'my kids are the reason I relapsed and STARTED drinking again?' I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt based on particular language she has used to describe the situation while you aren't giving her the benefit of the doubt based on particular language she hasn't used. We heard the same thing and took away something different from it. That's okay.

I think Lu owes Dorinda an apology because instead of simply keeping things to observable comments like 'Dorinda gets mean when she drinks', 'Dorinda gets out of control when she drinks', she's making comments about Dorinda being an alcoholic and I don't believe that she would ever say that about Dorinda if they were in a good place. Her comments this episode seem more malicious than it does saddened by the state of their friendship and if you say something about your friend with bad intent, then yeah, I'd probably recommend apologizing to them. I still think Dorinda's behaviour has overall been worse but when two sides say shit and hurt each other, both sides should apologize, not one side that is perceived to have had greater fault.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I don't know how you want me to answer this to be honest. You rebuttal my interpretation by saying Lu didn't say the exact words 'my kids didn't react unreasonably and I don't blame them' but then turn around and make an argument based on YOUR interpretation of the situation and not based on explicit words that came out of Lu's mouth. Did she say 'my kids are the reason I relapsed and STARTED drinking again?' I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt based on particular language she has used to describe the situation while you aren't giving her the benefit of the doubt based on particular language she hasn't used. We heard the same thing and took away something different from it. That's okay.

I think Lu owes Dorinda an apology because instead of simply keeping things to observable comments like 'Dorinda gets mean when she drinks', 'Dorinda gets out of control when she drinks', she's making comments about Dorinda being an alcoholic and I don't believe that she would ever say that about Dorinda if they were in a good place. Her comments this episode seem more malicious than it does saddened by the state of their friendship and if you say something about your friend with bad intent, then yeah, I'd probably recommend apologizing to them. I still think Dorinda's behaviour has overall been worse but when two sides say shit and hurt each other, both sides should apologize, not one side that is perceived to have had greater fault.

I think they both need to apologize to one another.  Lu owes Dorinda an apology for not inviting John which instigated the heckling .  Dorinda was loud and aggressive and she did not sound friendly even if she thought she did,  intention is not enough.   She has to take into consideration how she sounded and just admit she was really upset about the invite and with a few drinks her anger was seething out all over the place.  They were friends for so long, excluding John was not an accident-- it was passive aggressive behavior and hurtful.  The one thing I don't get about this friendship is that Lu has always been overly self involved and inconsiderate of others so this behavior is standard stuff;  how Dorinda never noticed this about her over many years is beyond belief.   Lu thinks she is the center of the universe all the time and she was always like that so why should this be different?

Edited by tranquilidade
  • Useful 1
  • Love 9
23 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I have been thinking about this point ever since I was corrected on it.  Now that I am putting the pieces together, I am realizing that in the span of one season Dorinda got drunk in Miami and talked to Bethenny's business partners about kids in Haiti not going to college or some bizarre shit that would have sufficed to embarrass Bethenny (although it appeared at the time that B had a hand  in "assisting" Dorinda toward the state she was in) and then went to Mexico on B's trip and freaked out on B, crying that B isn't perfect, apropos of nothing, and I realized the timing is...weird.  

Why was Bethenny being excessively cool and supportive that one season, but now she seems to want to go in for the kill on Dorinda when Dorinda was worse to Bethenny two season ago...?  It leads me to believe this is much more about power dynamics than what we normal folks would experience around heavy drinkers--concern and irritation.  

I think Bethenny is a filer.  Jill Zarin may have created this monster, but she is certainly no match for her.  Bethenny will file away and remember each and every one of your transgressions and pull it out at the most opportune time.  This is a woman who will bide her time for years.  I guess I can't fault those who are afraid of her as much as I normally would.   

Is there someone that she has not gone after?  (I am not being hyperbolic; I am just curious).  The only one that would have matched her would have been Aviva, but, sadly, never the twain's paths have crossed...yet...

^This^, all day and twice on the weekends. Bitch is like one of those nasty eels that hides in little rock caves on the ocean floor, waiting for just the right time to come out and kill her prey. Or maybe she's a black widow spider, yeah, that seems more fitting to her MO.

On 3/15/2019 at 11:43 AM, ghoulina said:

My memory is the worst, but didn't Dorinda try to apologize and make up while they were still in Columbia? But Lu wasn't being receptive? Or am I remember completely wrong?

To me, it's irrelevant if Duhrinda tried to apologize because what she said to Luann (whom I detest) at that dinner last season with the drunk mug shot comment, I'd never forgive that fucking bitch if I was in Luann's shoes. Never. Ever. Duhrinda is a lowdown nasty drunk whose photo should be on Wikipedia when you look at "Mean Drunk". She most definitely has a drinking problem and it is beyond my understanding that her daughter hasn't tried to get her to quit this show and work on her issues. I don't think John could say anything because she'd tell him to fuck off, but if he really loved her, the best thing he could do is break up with her because of her drinking issues. IMO, of course!

Edited by gingerella
  • Love 7
23 hours ago, smores said:

The POA thing has me asking quite a few questions.  It's difficult enough to have your own relative declared incompetent, I can't fathom that you could easily do it to a friend, let alone have it not become public, or do it quickly.  Did Luann sign it over willingly?  They made it sound like this was all a pretty quick thing, that they were going behind her and cleaning up after her in a fairly short period of time, so I just don't know how this happened unless Luann did it willingly, in which case, why? Was it another way to skirt her responsibilities?

The whole intervention/lawsuit/reunion timeline keeps getting weirder and weirder.  Luann is saying that the lawsuit caused the relapse, but then she's saying that she was going off the rails and relapsing and wanting to buy the house, and they had to have the intervention.  She listed her house in Sag Harbor on 6/19 (or at least that's when it hit the news), and there were articles that she wanted to move to the Catskills. On 6/22 she dropped the price by $500k.  On 7/12 news broke that she was being sued, because they wanted an injunction against selling the house to protect the trust that she never created.  It wasn't because the kids just "wanted their home" It was to force her to stick to the terms of the divorce decree that she had agreed to and not let her use the house as her personal piggy bank, since the Count had waived his portion of the original house and granted it to the kids in the divorce.  7/16 the news breaks of her going to rehab, which is convenient because the reunion filmed on 7/17.  But, she was out by 8/6 in order to make her Cabaret schedule! 

13 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Oh I looove the forensics. !  6/19 -7/12 time frame speaks to the high holy days of The Hamptons leading to up 4th of July and surrounding it of PARTYING, and the influx of summer social season. You went off the deep end then Luann because you are an addict.  

I hope this 6 million dollar house is the RHOBH Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy of RHONY this season. 

Forensics forever! Imagine you're the Count and your children's asset is going into the shady hands of barely legal loan sharking at the hands of Dennis. Not good. 

It just doesn't seem super likely that the kids filing the lawsuit caused her relapse, it seems like she didn't like that they were pinning her down to not living up to the agreement and so when the lawsuit hit, she got out of the reunion and the tough questions.  Plus, her behavior had apparently been escalating already, from news reports.  I don't think she ever really quit drinking after her arrest, I think she just tried to go the careful route to get probation.

Luann had actually been talking about selling the house, moving, and a new place for quite some time. The Count surprised Luann and decided to come and spend the Fourth of July with Luann and the kids. I imagine that was when Alex and the kids tried their last ditch effort to talk her out of selling. It didn't work; so they filed.

I also suspect she had the POA with Barbara because she was afraid that Alex and kids might try to have her declared as incompetent, stop the sale, and get access to her finances. Remember she got $8 million for the first house; there was no mortgage when Alex signed his interest over to her. She paid $2.43 million for the current house. She owed the trust $4 million plus 4 years of interest. She theoretically pocketed $5.57 million and it should be found in her investments and accounts. During the July 4th discussion, it should have been easy for her to tell them that she'd turn over XYZ investments and accounts to the kids. But what if she can't account for that $5 million? What if she's been using what she netted from the sale to supplement her income and improve her standard of living this entire time? I'm sure she has some of it invested and in a number of accounts, but it's possibly far less than it should be. This could explain why she was frantic about needing $6 million because she can't explain where any of that money is or should be.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Then the Jovani thing. On WWHL a caller asked Dorinda about that, which clearly enraged her, and she doubled down, saying that a People magazine reporter was sitting next to her and agreed that Dorinda wasn't heckling Lu.

Dorinda seemed defensive the whole time.  She even snapped a little bit at the celebrity when she was just giving her opinion.  Dorinda's definitely got a chip on her shoulder!

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, tranquilidade said:

Lu owes Dorinda an apology for not inviting John which instigated the heckling .  Dorinda was loud and aggressive and she did not sound friendly even if she thought she did,  intention is not enough.   She has to take into consideration how she sounded and just admit she was really upset about the invite and with a few drinks her anger was seething out all over the place.  They were friends for so long, excluding John was not an accident-- it was passive aggressive behavior and hurtful.  The one thing I don't get about this friendship is that Lu has always been overly self involved and inconsiderate of others so this behavior is standard stuff;  how Dorinda never noticed this about her over many years is beyond belief. 

I just needed to quote this.  Spot on.

1 hour ago, gingerella said:

To me, it's irrelevant if Dorito tried to apologize because what she said to Luann (whom I detest) at that dinner last season with the drunk mug shot comment, I'd never forgive that fucking bitch if I was in Luann's shoes. Never. Ever. Dorito is a lowdown nasty drunk whose photo should be on Wikipedia when you look at "Mean Drunk".

And I had to quote this as well.  Dorito really is angry and Lu is completely over the top.  I'm intrigued with the bipolar discussion re Lu.  It really could explain a lot.

  • Useful 1
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3 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Although some of the décor isn't my taste, overall I think that she has a very lovely home in the Hamptons.  As wacky as Ramona is,  kadooz to her for everything she's accomplished and for being able to have a place there and in the city.  She did something right!

I’ll bet she would take Mario back after he has his “ change of life” shenannigans over with.  I don’t think he goes with that girl he left Ramona for.  Wonder why he was in the preview for next week.  That would be so interesting to watch if they got together again.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Luann last season was not wrong about Dorinda's handling of alcohol, she's sloppy and mean, but this episode seemed like a lot of preaching from Lu that seemed more like projection. Lu used her close friendship with Barbara to subtly issue an ultimatum about who Barbara can have at her property and what I found disappointing is that she caved so quickly. If she cared so much about Lu's state of well being and how she would be affected by certain people at your party, why wouldn't she have had a discussion with Lu BEFORE inviting Dorinda to your home rather than having to rescind the invite?

Dorinda and Ramona were being catty about Lu's rehab and sobriety but I think Lu is becoming a bit brazen in her responses and demands from Dorinda. I do think Dorinda is the one that owed Lu an apology for that night (and she still won't admit that), but Lu is digging her own hole and at this point, she most definitely owes an apology to Dorinda as well.

I'm glad Lu had people around her to take such aggressive action, including her kids and ex-husband who took legal recourse in order to save her from herself. It makes more sense now why she and her kids reconnected so quickly after the lawsuit was filed. I think that would suggest that Lu is very much aware that it's her behaviour that led others around her to behave the way they did but I do wish that when she explains the timeline of her relapse and she mentions the lawsuit, she would more explicitly say in that the moment it felt like a betrayal by her family but she understands now that they were protecting her. I know she's basically admitted that much with the other women when they were talking about her behaviour and the intervention but I wish she would be more explicit anytime she mentions her kids. All things considering, I don't perceive her references to the lawsuit as her blaming her kids for her relapse, especially when she saws straw that breaks the camel's back...to me that clearly indicates that she was going downhill fast. The fact that her family took part in her invention also suggests to me that they likely realized that the legal recourse wouldn't be well received but they put their mother first in getting her help and still took part in her intervention and continued to support no matter how others perceived her comments about the lawsuit.

80,000 thousand likes and so right on

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Dorinda seemed defensive the whole time.  She even snapped a little bit at the celebrity when she was just giving her opinion.  Dorinda's definitely got a chip on her shoulder!

That’s really funny.  Only about sixty million viewers saw and heard her yelling “ Jovanni” on t.v.  Haha.  She has nothing nice to say about anyone anymore and it’s so laughable that she’s talking about Luann’s drinking every five minutes.  JEALOUSY.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Lu has always been overly self involved and inconsiderate of others so this behavior is standard stuff;  how Dorinda never noticed this about her over many years is beyond belief. 

I think they may have had a purely superficial friendship/acquaintanceship before Dorinda joined the show. I get the feeling their friendship developed from them attending several social events, thrown by other people, over the years, never on a truly personal level. Probably mostly small-talk for, at most, a few hrs.

Edited by SweetieDarling
  • Love 6
On 3/14/2019 at 11:20 AM, missyb said:

This is exactly right and it was all I could think about. Luann should be avoiding those situations where alcohol is the key food group. It is much to early in her sobriety to be at an alcohol fueled party.

Bring me to another thing that annoys me, why have Luann  on WWHL on a wednesday night where Andy loves his shot ski? It is a total lack of respect on Andy's part. They should all have water. If you care about someone, for a little while or one ridiculous show, don't bring out the alcohol. Is that so hard ?

I know Luann is a self absorbed , its all about me kid of gal, but in this case, Andy should have made it easier on her.

I don’t get it.  If it was Theresa from Jersey or Nene from Atlanta doing a cabaret act, would they also draw a crowd, or is it because Luann was a Countess that they fill the house?  She can’t sing for shit, so what is it?

  • LOL 3
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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

But how they phrased it wasn’t like that. They assumed the quote was by someone important like Gandhi and laughed not that the quote was inspirational or on point but who said it. 

Agreed. They weren’t by any means disrespecting Tyler Perry at all. Actually, the fact that they didn’t know who the author was - be it Ghandi or Tyler Perry says  lot about the wisdom and experiences of Perry Himself.

The fact is Dorinda sent a quote to a friend/former friend without any personal message or personal thoughts attached to try to communicate How she felt put everything out of context.

If someone you are at odds with tries to communicate with you via text with a quote without any personal message or preface, it would be weird for the receiver.

I’m not on either Luann’s or Dorinda’s side. For me, both are in serious states of denial about their life and neither one is willing to accept personal accountability.

However, sending a quote that was passive/aggressive at best will not help any situation.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Stats Queen said:

They weren’t by any means disrespecting Tyler Perry at all. Actually, the fact that they didn’t know who the author was - be it Ghandi or Tyler Perry says  lot about the wisdom and experiences of Perry Himself.

Oh I was making the opposite point that they were disrespecting Perry thinking it was ridiculous to send a quote of his not someone more important even though they had no problem with the quote. 

  • Love 9
38 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Luann had actually been talking about selling the house, moving, and a new place for quite some time. The Count surprised Luann and decided to come and spend the Fourth of July with Luann and the kids. I imagine that was when Alex and the kids tried their last ditch effort to talk her out of selling. It didn't work; so they filed.

I also suspect she had the POA with Barbara because she was afraid that Alex and kids might try to have her declared as incompetent, stop the sale, and get access to her finances. Remember she got $8 million for the first house; there was no mortgage when Alex signed his interest over to her. She paid $2.43 million for the current house. She owed the trust $4 million plus 4 years of interest. She theoretically pocketed $5.57 million and it should be found in her investments and accounts. During the July 4th discussion, it should have been easy for her to tell them that she'd turn over XYZ investments and accounts to the kids. But what if she can't account for that $5 million? What if she's been using what she netted from the sale to supplement her income and improve her standard of living this entire time? I'm sure she has some of it invested and in a number of accounts, but it's possibly far less than it should be. This could explain why she was frantic about needing $6 million because she can't explain where any of that money is or should be.

I think it's probably likely that she's been supplementing her income.  There have been rumors over the years, and I want to say there were a bunch of blind items over the last couple of years that one of the housewives who seemed to have a lot of money was living on borrowed time and her house of cards was about to fall apart.  Luann downsized her house, but otherwise didn't really change much about her life once she and the count split, and while I'm sure he was doing the heavy lifting when it came to the kids and their school, I don't know that she made enough from the show to actually live the way she was.  Especially when she got downgraded to friend of for a year.  

On another note, I went googling to see if I could find the blind items and got completely distracted when I came across this:


So, it appears that Miss Life Changes hasn't exactly been totally onboard and cooperative, despite her storyline.

3 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I don’t get it.  If it was Theresa from Jersey or Nene from Atlanta doing a cabaret act, would they also draw a crowd, or is it because Luann was a Countess that they fill the house?  She can’t sing for shit, so what is it?

I think there's a decent chance that either Theresa or Nene would draw a crowd if they did something similar.  I can't stand either one, to be honest.  I quit watching NJ when they held it for Tre to get out of the pokey, and I'm really close to dropping Atl, but each housewife gets her own cult followers.  I like some people, but not blindly, I like Bethenny, for example, and find her amusing.  She does do things that I think are wrong and I say it when it happens.  I'm a big fan of Erika's on BH, but this season, I am not liking her behavior at all.  Still, there are people who are ride or die for each ho, and they'll show up if they do a thing, no matter what. 

  • Love 8

I am three pages in and NOBODY has mentioned Raymona’s guy “friend” asking her to have a BABY with him? How about her dating the the tennis instructor...gosh NO I would never! And one last thing I can’t quite can’t remember what was said about not wanting to date someone like that “at 50” she looks good but isn’t she 56 or older? She is ridiculous, I hope I do th act like her at 52 (I fear I might) but at least I am not on TV doing it. 

I mentioned it before, I think that swim instructor was an escort....who has a pool that literally can’t swim at all? 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Ramona is 62. I snorted (in a very feminine way of course) when she was talking about being 50 AND the possibility of getting pregnant.

AS IF, Dear!

I don’t think that she was trying to say that she was 50, she said she wouldn’t even want to 50 with a 10 year old which is about the age she was when Avery was 10 so she was saying she didn’t even want to go back to even her own life to raise a kid again.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I have been thinking about this point ever since I was corrected on it.  Now that I am putting the pieces together, I am realizing that in the span of one season Dorinda got drunk in Miami and talked to Bethenny's business partners about kids in Haiti not going to college or some bizarre shit that would have sufficed to embarrass Bethenny (although it appeared at the time that B had a hand  in "assisting" Dorinda toward the state she was in) and then went to Mexico on B's trip and freaked out on B, crying that B isn't perfect, apropos of nothing, and I realized the timing is...weird.  

Why was Bethenny being excessively cool and supportive that one season, but now she seems to want to go in for the kill on Dorinda when Dorinda was worse to Bethenny two season ago...?  It leads me to believe this is much more about power dynamics than what we normal folks would experience around heavy drinkers--concern and irritation.  

I think Bethenny is a filer.  Jill Zarin may have created this monster, but she is certainly no match for her.  Bethenny will file away and remember each and every one of your transgressions and pull it out at the most opportune time.  This is a woman who will bide her time for years.  I guess I can't fault those who are afraid of her as much as I normally would.  

Is there someone that she has not gone after?  (I am not being hyperbolic; I am just curious).  The only one that would have matched her would have been Aviva, but, sadly, never the twain's paths have crossed...yet...

Dorinda was instrumental in the Carole vs Bethenny fiasco last year.  She stirred that pot quite a few times and continued at the reunion.    Carole even referred to her as part of her failed "dream team."   

I'm so glad that's over and Carole is gone!

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

I don’t get it.  If it was Theresa from Jersey or Nene from Atlanta doing a cabaret act, would they also draw a crowd, or is it because Luann was a Countess that they fill the house?  She can’t sing for shit, so what is it?

48 minutes ago, smores said:

I think there's a decent chance that either Theresa or Nene would draw a crowd if they did something similar.  I can't stand either one, to be honest.  I quit watching NJ when they held it for Tre to get out of the pokey, and I'm really close to dropping Atl, but each housewife gets her own cult followers.  I like some people, but not blindly, I like Bethenny, for example, and find her amusing.  She does do things that I think are wrong and I say it when it happens.  I'm a big fan of Erika's on BH, but this season, I am not liking her behavior at all.  Still, there are people who are ride or die for each ho, and they'll show up if they do a thing, no matter what. 

Not only is there a decent chance that another housewife would draw a crowd, we have proof. Nene's comedy tour was actually doing really well even though she couldn't tell a joke, the show was ridiculously short, and all she really did was talk shit about all of the wives. It was doing well until she told a heckler that she hoped the heckler got raped by their Uber driver. And even still, she's back with another tour with a bunch of other funny-ish Black ladies like Loni Love and Sherri Shepherd; it's the Ladies Night Out Tour. Those Housewives Vagina Monologues (my favorite was Brandi, Kenya, and Teresa) and Bravo presents The Real Housewives Live events seem to sell out and do very well. The reality is that almost any housewife event would do pretty well, but Luann was smart to have Ben Rimalower and Billy Stritch create the show because they actually made something good.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Useful 2
  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

The reality is that almost any housewife event would do pretty well, but Luann was smart to have Ben Rimalower and Billy Stritch create the show because they actually made something good.

I am curious about the financials of the caberet amd how she compensated them and her guest performers. I would love to know what she is actually bringing home especially with some of the shows reducing prices, having groupons and comps.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I don't know how you want me to answer this to be honest. You rebuttal my interpretation by saying Lu didn't say the exact words 'my kids didn't react unreasonably and I don't blame them' but then turn around and make an argument based on YOUR interpretation of the situation and not based on explicit words that came out of Lu's mouth. Did she say 'my kids are the reason I relapsed and STARTED drinking again?' I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt based on particular language she has used to describe the situation while you aren't giving her the benefit of the doubt based on particular language she hasn't used. We heard the same thing and took away something different from it. That's okay.

I think Lu owes Dorinda an apology because instead of simply keeping things to observable comments like 'Dorinda gets mean when she drinks', 'Dorinda gets out of control when she drinks', she's making comments about Dorinda being an alcoholic and I don't believe that she would ever say that about Dorinda if they were in a good place. Her comments this episode seem more malicious than it does saddened by the state of their friendship and if you say something about your friend with bad intent, then yeah, I'd probably recommend apologizing to them. I still think Dorinda's behaviour has overall been worse but when two sides say shit and hurt each other, both sides should apologize, not one side that is perceived to have had greater fault.

The New York housewife’s ex Alexandreand their two children, Victoria and Noel de Lesseps, sued the reality star over violating the couple’s divorce agreement after she listed the family’s Hamptons house on the market.

"After learning the news, de Lesseps, 53, said she started with “two or three” watermelon martinis, followed by bottles of rosé and “probably a six pack of beer.”

Not sure how else to to view that. She said she heard the news with a girlfriend and then went on a bender.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, JD5166 said:

I am three pages in and NOBODY has mentioned Raymona’s guy “friend” asking her to have a BABY with him? How about her dating the the tennis instructor...gosh NO I would never! And one last thing I can’t quite can’t remember what was said about not wanting to date someone like that “at 50” she looks good but isn’t she 56 or older? She is ridiculous, I hope I do th act like her at 52 (I fear I might) but at least I am not on TV doing it. 

I mentioned it before, I think that swim instructor was an escort....who has a pool that literally can’t swim at all? 

Haha, Ramona is 62.  Listen, if you and I wore designer clothes, Prada shoes and bags, had our hair styled, and makeup professionally done the way they do, we could go to the Regency and get hot guys in their 30’s and 40’s in a snap.  Take all that away from her and she could get a guy maybe in his 70’s or 80’s.  Who is she kidding? Lol.  Oh, and fake boobs.  Dorinda walking in the park with the one inch pony tail looked below average, but gussy her up with all the fancy stuff, she’s decent looking.  All that’s needed is a load of money.  Maybe that’s where all Lu’s money went, pampering herself up.  Without all that Jazz, they all are average, except Tinsley.  With all Barbara’s money, you would think she would get a makeover.  Nobody has that look anymore .. so outdated.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

Haha, Ramona is 62.  Listen, if you and I wore designer clothes, Prada shoes and bags, had our hair styled, and makeup professionally done the way they do, we could go to the Regency and get hot guys in their 30’s and 40’s in a snap.  Take all that away from her and she could get a guy maybe in his 70’s or 80’s.  Who is she kidding? Lol.  Oh, and fake boobs.  Dorinda walking in the park with the one inch pony tail looked below average, but gussy her up with all the fancy stuff, she’s decent looking.  All that’s needed is a load of money.  Maybe that’s where all Lu’s money went, pampering herself up.  Without all that Jazz, they all are average, except Tinsley.  With all Barbara’s money, you would think she would get a makeover.  Nobody has that look anymore .. so outdated.

Oh, and I forgot the Botox and fillers and fake cheeks, etc.

  • Love 7
49 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

The New York housewife’s ex Alexandreand their two children, Victoria and Noel de Lesseps, sued the reality star over violating the couple’s divorce agreement after she listed the family’s Hamptons house on the market.

"After learning the news, de Lesseps, 53, said she started with “two or three” watermelon martinis, followed by bottles of rosé and “probably a six pack of beer.”

Not sure how else to interrprut that. She said she heard the news andsaid she was with a girlfriend when she into a drunken stupor. She immediatly started drinking.

Holy Smokes .. all that booze and then a six pack.  Guess the woman doesn’t eat food at all.  That is nasty.  Doesn’t she get a headache?  

  • Love 4
On 3/13/2019 at 10:16 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Put Barbara on RHONJ. Sheesh is she rough. She doesn’t have good clothes and  walks like Spanx wrapped around a bulldozer. Her home interior is TJ Maxx Christmas clearance. And boy is she laying it on Bethenny and Luann pretty deep, Barbara knows the way to their hearts.

did Bethenny actually laugh and make a druggie joke 3 weeks after Dennis ODd? Getting high off your own supply ? Yeah girl that’s how Dennis died. 

LOVED the tea on Luann’s manic house non purchase ! 

Tins is a great tennis player. Also best tennis outfit. Perfect.

I can’t believe those bitches left Dorinda alone. Not cool. Dorinda is saying one thing in that she wants to be home alone  but that is going to leave a mark. 

BWAHHHHH !!! And an LOL !!! Worth repeating, well said, Alonzo !

Just what the heck on Barbara's outfit ? Even if she is "construction casual": the green crew neck mens polo shirt with horizontal stripes paired with high waisted jeans with the yellow thin belt. She is making RH of NJ look chique, designer, and subtle.  Cheese Louise she looked awful. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

The New York housewife’s ex Alexandreand their two children, Victoria and Noel de Lesseps, sued the reality star over violating the couple’s divorce agreement after she listed the family’s Hamptons house on the market.

"After learning the news, de Lesseps, 53, said she started with “two or three” watermelon martinis, followed by bottles of rosé and “probably a six pack of beer.”

Not sure how else to to view that. She said she heard the news with a girlfriend and then went on a bender.

None of this is new.  Luann's said that the lawsuit pushed her over the edge.  That's the not the same thing as blaming her children for the relapse. Luann (and others) have talked about how she'd been drinking for months. Appears that was escalating and, in the early part of July, getting out of control.  Thankfully, Luann had people around her (both friends & family) who cared and stopped her from making reckless financial decisions. Giving Barbara POA was very smart, as was acknowledging that she again needed help and returning to rehab.  She immediately reconciled with her children and does not at all seem angry that they took the action they did. I like that Luann appears to appreciate that her friends & family were trying to help her and can laugh with them about it.  

The big difference I see between Luann & Dorinda  and their behavior is that Dorinda is viciously hurtful going after people personally when she's angry (drunk or sober).  Luann may be haughty/narcissistic/etc.  but she's not deliberately mean.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

BWAHHHHH !!! And an LOL !!! Worth repeating, well said, Alonzo !

Just what the heck on Barbara's outfit ? Even if she is "construction casual": the green crew neck mens polo shirt with horizontal stripes paired with high waisted jeans with the yellow thin belt. She is making RH of NJ look chique, designer, and subtle.  Cheese Louise she looked awful. 

A morning giggle

  • LOL 7
  • Love 4

I came back to this show (after years away) because of Brian Moylan’s Vulture recaps; I stayed because of all of you. Great to be back and read everyone’s thoughtful, intelligent and funny analyses.

These women are all so incredibly awful, and I’m here for every minute of it, and then an hour more hearing what you guys thought!

For me, Lu just has to stop.  We had a year of I’m the special snowflake because I’m getting married (can you believe it?), then because: I’m getting divorced and now because: I’m in recovery.  I sometimes find myself liking her but those times may only be when she’s eviscerating Ramona!

Tinsley bringing it on the tennis court, and the tennis pro’s (certainly deliberately) fawning over her and ignoring Ramona causing her to storm off made my night!  

I hate Dorinda and her inferiority complex, her rage and her inherient meanness.  John is awful but the way she treats him is disgraceful and unkind.  She is a scorekeeper, a judgey judge and an underminer.  Her winning fashion style and forthright manner don’t balance out the rotten core for me.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 14

While I agree re:  Barbara's clothing/hair/rough exterior choices, she does seem like a genuine, nice person.  She's had Botox and fillers, but unfortunately, it just doesn't look good.  Once the stylist gods get a hold of her, maybe she'll bring it.  

She needs a Queer Eye makeover!  (lol)

Denise Richards is new on RHBH, and she packed all the wrong stuff for their Bahamas vacation.  She's new, so she didn't realize that, dahling, you are supposed to glam up for drinks in someone's room.  She (gasp) wore lace-trimmed shorts and a white top, whereas some of the others, who traveled with glam squads, came dolled up, ready for a movie premier.  She mentioned this in her TH; I suspect we'll see more glam on DR in the coming season.

Tinsley looked terrific on the court.  Have she & Scott formally, officially, finally ended their relationship?  I do enjoy her, and I love the straight, shorter hair (hi to the stylist gods), but boy, is she stuck at 17.

  • Love 15
17 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Did she say those exact words? No. Did she phrase and place her sentences in such a way when talking to Barbara that it was clear that is what she meant? Yes. She heavily implied, that she started drinking because her kids sued her. 

Lu can be insufferable, and she isn't taking full responsibility for her drinking, which as a sober person (two years Monday!) worries me, but Lu doesn't owe Dorinda an apology, at all.

Lu tried to get Dorinda to slow down when she started turning. She didn't make a huge production of it, Dorinda did that. And as much as what Dorinda said to Lu was true, it was said out of cruelty and to crush a woman who had been clear she was struggling.

Then the Jovani thing. On WWHL a caller asked Dorinda about that, which clearly enraged her, and she doubled down, saying that a People magazine reporter was sitting next to her and agreed that Dorinda wasn't heckling Lu. I've seen Dorinda question people, and it's confrontational. Of course the People magazine reporter said she hadn't. She  didn't want a b**** to cut her

Yep.  By this time, it’s enough of Luann and her problem.  She shouldn’t have put Barbara in between her and Dorinda. She’s expecting all her friends to rally around her.  It’s too much to expect by now.  She has a job, homes and money.  What the heck?  With an alcohol problem like hers, she should concentrate on getting clean instead of going up on the stage and being fabulous.  I don’t believe she’s not drinking.

Edited by Gem 10
Forgot to add one final thing.
  • Love 8
17 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I’ll bet she would take Mario back after he has his “ change of life” shenannigans over with.  I don’t think he goes with that girl he left Ramona for.  Wonder why he was in the preview for next week.  That would be so interesting to watch if they got together again.

No question.  I don't think she's ever gotten over him.  I also think he was cheating throughout their marriage.  Remember the episode in Morocco when the fortunate teller told Ramona there was another woman in Mario's life?  I think fortunate tellers are full of shit but the scene were Ramona mentions it, Mario's reaction said it all.    For Avery, it's awesome they can be on good terms. 

I wish Ramona would find an age-appropriate man who will love her and all her strangeness.  

  • Love 11

I thought the Mexico trip, where Dorinda stabbed herself and Luann fell in the bushes, was S9.  That was also the year Ramona and Bethenny got into it at Dorinda's Berkshires mansion.  Dorinda blowing up at Bethenny in Mexico seemed to genuinely take B by surprise (possibly because she was expecting an attack from Ramona, instead), but it did seem that she got over it fairly quickly.  It's also one of the first times we've seen Dorinda lose it, turn ugly-scary drunk, and then not remember the details the next morning.  (And B may have been willing to let Dorinda's outburst slide, since B herself had 2 major meltdowns in Dorinda's home - the "you fuck everybody" outburst against Luann the year before, and then the above Ramona "mention it all" fight.)

Miami/Haiti/Puerto Rico was last year, and it was after that fight (when again, Dorinda didn't really seem to remember what she said, but which also dragged in B's business partners) that Bethenny decided to say something.  And after Miami/Puerto Rico came Cartagena, which seemed to be the point where B writes Drunk Dorinda off entirely and which puts Dorinda firmly on Team Carole.

  • Love 3
On 3/14/2019 at 7:17 PM, snarts said:

We really don't know exactly why the Count & kids filed the lawsuit. We certainly haven't heard any of them talk about it.  Reading it, the assumption is that the motive was financial, based on the divorce decree, etc.  But now learning that Luann was so off the rails that she was on the verge of making terrible financial decisions, it could be that they used what legal means they had at their disposal to try to stop her and force her to get help.  Especially considering that they were so quick to reconcile.  If Barbara convinced Luann to give her power of attorney, the situation had to be extremely dire.  Luann acknowledged drinking in the months leading up the lawsuit, IMHO, she's not blaming the kids for it.  She's saying that the lawsuit is what finally pushed her over the edge to seek/agree to treatment (again).

Tinsley displayed some excellent tennis skills for not having played recently and I always love seeing Ramona storm off the court.

The thing about Dorinda is that, unfortunately, she's a nasty cow even when sober. 

I think it might have been MEDICAL power of attorney, allowing her to make medical decisions not financial.

  • Love 2

I don’t get why lu’s not allowed to mention that the stuff with her kids and her being so fresh out of the first rehab go round took a toll on her. I mean she says that she still didn’t have all the tools to maneuver through something she would normally soothe with alcohol. Which she ended up doing. What’s  wrong with explaining that she was still very weak and the stress over the mess she was in sent her over the edge and back to rehab. She’s explaining her mindset at the time and some of the reasons that led to her turning to alcohol again. Makes sense to me that the issue with her children combined with how fresh she was out of rehab resulted in failing terribly with staying sober. To me it just sounds like she’s listing the course of events.  🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 9
17 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

The New York housewife’s ex Alexandreand their two children, Victoria and Noel de Lesseps, sued the reality star over violating the couple’s divorce agreement after she listed the family’s Hamptons house on the market.

"After learning the news, de Lesseps, 53, said she started with “two or three” watermelon martinis, followed by bottles of rosé and “probably a six pack of beer.”

Not sure how else to to view that. She said she heard the news with a girlfriend and then went on a bender.

Well I never said there was anything wrong with how you viewed things.

Neither of us can prove intent. You can believe what you want as can I. But no matter how passionately you believe it, it doesn't make you right. As I said, we heard the same things and took something different from it. It's not a big deal. I'm not going around defending Lu against every person that thinks she's blaming her kids. I don't care if people think that, she's said enough for me to see why people may think that, I just don't take it that way, that's all.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don’t get why lu’s not allowed to mention that the stuff with her kids and her being so fresh out of the first rehab go round took a toll on her. I mean she says that she still didn’t have all the tools to maneuver through something she would normally soothe with alcohol. Which she ended up doing. What’s  wrong with explaining that she was still very weak and the stress over the mess she was in sent her over the edge and back to rehab. She’s explaining her mindset at the time and some of the reasons that led to her turning to alcohol again. Makes sense to me that the issue with her children combined with how fresh she was out of rehab resulted in failing terribly with staying sober. Cause and effect right?? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Well for me it’s becaise by her own words she started drinking before that and there were gossip stories that she was drunk all of which happened before the lawsuit.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don’t get why lu’s not allowed to mention that the stuff with her kids and her being so fresh out of the first rehab go round took a toll on her. I mean she says that she still didn’t have all the tools to maneuver through something she would normally soothe with alcohol. Which she ended up doing. What’s  wrong with explaining that she was still very weak and the stress over the mess she was in sent her over the edge and back to rehab. She’s explaining her mindset at the time and some of the reasons that led to her turning to alcohol again. Makes sense to me that the issue with her children combined with how fresh she was out of rehab resulted in failing terribly with staying sober. To me it just sounds like she’s listing the course of events.  🤷🏻‍♀️

I have absolutely no problem with Luann saying that all of this stuff has taken a toll on her.  If she were to come at things with an attitude of "it was a really rough patch, things got bad, I was drinking, I was behaving irrationally, I ended up hitting bottom so badly that I ended up in a lawsuit with my children and I looked around and said what the fuck is going on in my life? It was then that I realized I needed to really get a handle on things, so I went to rehab and it's not easy, but, I'm working on it every day, to try to make things better.  Then, I'd have no issue at all.

Where I DO have a problem with it is that she's making it sound like the kids just randomly sued her out of nowhere or that they sued her because they just wanted to keep the house and that's NOT the case.  She was sued because she didn't follow a divorce decree she agreed to a looong time ago.  She's making it sound like her kids are just spoiled brats who didn't want mommy to move and leave them without the party house they love, so they threw together a lawsuit to cramp her style.  

I also think she's making it sound (and I realize other people are hearing it differently, which is cool, I see how they hear it that way, I just lean this way on it), that the excessive drinking and craziness happened because of the lawsuit.  That she was all well and good and yoga-blissed out and sober then BOOM! kids dropped the suit and Lulu was in the bushes with a pitcher and a 6 pack.  But, there were lots of reports of her doing strange things, from smoking pot on the street, to being hammered on a Pride float, prior to that.  More and more stories were coming out, including some strange videos, and THEN the lawsuit followed by her running off to rehab.  Oh, yeah, also blind items of someone stealing money from their kids.  LOL!

I also think it's kind of telling that the news is out there now that she really hasn't even bothered to comply with her probation deal.  She did some major shit when she got arrested, if she wasn't a rich, white woman, she may have been injured or killed for doing what she did.  And yet she walked with a sweetheart deal.  And she hasn't even bothered to actually comply with it.  

  • Love 20
15 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don’t get why lu’s not allowed to mention that the stuff with her kids and her being so fresh out of the first rehab go round took a toll on her. I mean she says that she still didn’t have all the tools to maneuver through something she would normally soothe with alcohol. Which she ended up doing. What’s  wrong with explaining that she was still very weak and the stress over the mess she was in sent her over the edge and back to rehab. She’s explaining her mindset at the time and some of the reasons that led to her turning to alcohol again. Makes sense to me that the issue with her children combined with how fresh she was out of rehab resulted in failing terribly with staying sober. To me it just sounds like she’s listing the course of events.  🤷🏻‍♀️

Instead of turning to alcohol, why doesn’t she just get a script from the doctor for some meds to calm her down when she’s under stress, which is all the time BTW.  Someone up thread said it’s always about her, drinking, the wedding, the divorce, drinking again and wanting to buy another house.  Then she wants all of them to stick by her.  When all this blows over, she’ll be best buddies with Dorinda again, and the rest of them will be mad at each other.  She expects too much loyalty from her friends.  Actually, she’s getting on my nerves with this latest tabacle.  It’s always about her for the last three seasons.  Then, she gets there on stage and it looks like she doesn’t have a care in the world.  Phoney.

  • Love 5

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